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‘ No. A-12023/3/2024-Ad.IV-'MCA '
Government of India ■ ‘ '
Ministry of Corporate Affairs^,

'A' Wing, Sth floor, Shastri Bha^aii,

Dr, R.P. Road, New Delhi-ilOOOl
Date: 13th November, 2024^
1. Registrars General of Air High Courts.
2. Secretaries to Government of India, -All Ministries/Departments of the
Government of India.
3. All Chief Secretaries to the State Government/Union Territories.
4. Registrar, National Company Law Appellate Tribunal.
5. Secretary, National Company Law Tribunal. '
6. Secretary, CCI.
7. Secretary, IBBI.
8. Secretary, NFRA,
9. Secretary, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), LP. Estate New
Secretary, Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICoAI), Sudder Street, Kolkata.
11. Secretary, Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), Institutional Area,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

Sub; Filling up of 03 (Three) posts of Judicial Member and 03 (Three) posts of

Technical Members in the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) - inviting
online applications for.

I am directed to state that online applications (available on portal [ /.I are invited for the 03 (three) post of Judicial Members
. , I. ’

and 03 (three) posts of Teclmical Mernbers, National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
constituted under Section 408 of the Companies Act, 2013. The number of vacancies are
tentative and may decrease or increase without prior notice.

2. The selected candidates will be required, to serve a t any of the already constituted
NCLT benches or benches to be constituted in future in different parts of the country in a
phased manner willt .All India transfer liability as per availability of the
vacancies/exigencies of work.

3. Qualifications for Judicial Member: As per the provisions of Section 409(2) of the
Companies Act, 2013, a person shall not bei qualified for appointment as'Judicial Member
unless he/she:-
(a) is, or has been, a judge of a High Court, or
I (b) is, or has been, a District Judge for at least five years, or
I (c) has, for at least ten years been an advocate of a court.

Explanation - For the purposes of clause (c), in computing the period during which-,
a person has been an advocate of a court, there shall be included any period during
which the person has held judicial'office or the office of a member of a tr ibunal or
any post, under the Union or a State, requiring special knowledge of law after he
become an advocate. , '


Qualifications for Technical Member: As per the provision of Section 409 (3) of the
Companies Act 2013 as amended by Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017, a person shall
not be qualified for appointment as a TechnicaTMember unless he/she-

(a) has, for at least fifteen years been a member of the Indian Corporate Law Service
or Indian Legal Service and has been holding the rank of Secretary or Additional
Secretary to the Government of India; or
(b) is, or has been in practice as a chartered accountant for at least fifteen years; or
(c) is, or has been, in practice as a cost accountant for at least fifteen years; or
(d) is, or has been, in practice as a company secretary for at least fifteen years; or
(e) is a person of proven ability, integrity and standing having special knowledge and
professional, experience, of not less than fifteen years, in industrial finance,
mdustrial management, industrial reconstruction, investment, accountancy; or
(f) . is, or has been, for at least five years, a presiding officer of a Labour Court,.,
Tribunal or National Tribunal constituted under the Industrial Disputes Act 1^47
(14 of 1947).'

4. A person shall not be eligible for appointment as Member unless he/she has
completed thg_afie of 50 (fifty years) ISection 413(2) of Companies Act, 20131 as on the
last date of receipt of online application.

5. Terms of Appointment: The Member(s) will draw pay in the pay level of 15 as per
7*^ Central Pay Commission plus allowances as admissible. Pay protection is available for
applicants, serving or retired (Government officer or Chairman, Vice-chairman, President,
Vice-President, Presiding officer. Member of a Tribunal, Appellate Tribunal or an
authority, or a Judge of High Court), who are/were in higher pay scale, including apex
scale in Govt, of India. The pay scale and other service conditions would be governed by
National Company Law Tribunal (Salaries and Allowances and other terms and
conditions of service of the President and other Members) Rules, 2015. A copy of the rules
is also available on the website of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. A person selected, if
already in Government Service, may retain his/her lien with his/her parent cadre or
Ministry or Department, as the case may be, while holding office as such for a period not
exceeding one year.

6. After joining as a Member in the Tribunal, if any Member wishes to apply for other
assignments in any organization/post, his/her application will be ■ considered for
assignment only after completion of two years of service as Member

7. Every Member shall hold office for a period of five years from the date on which
he/she enters upon his/her office, but shall be eligible for re-appointment for another
term of 5 years. The term of appointment is, however, subject to the maximum age limit
of sixty-five years.

8. Selected candidates will be required to produce a medical fitness certificate before



9. , Applications of persons working in Court/Government Service/Public Sector
Jndertakmg/pther organizatidns should be forwarded through proper channel within 10
rom the closing date of online application. The forwarding authorities should also
certify (in the format given in Annexure of the online application) that the entries in the
application have been verified from the records and found correct, and that-no
-disciphnary/vigilance proceedings are either pending or contemplated against the
applicant and thatno major/minor penalties have been imposed on the officer during the
last ten years. The forwarding autliorities should enclose the up-to-date Confidential
Report Dossiers of the applicant for the last five years.

10. Interested persons are . advised to visit - the portal, in order to submit online application from 10.00 AM
of 18.11.2024, The detailed instructions for filling up"the application form online'are
available on tire portal (under "Instruction for applying online" heading). All requisite
and relevant documents need to be uploaded online while filling up of application. Last
date for submittmg dnlir^ aj^ijcation' is 29.12.2024 at 05:30 PM,

submission on online portal duly

applicable, should reach bfirl HemanrKumar;'WW"Secretar)?Mihi^ry of'Corporate
Affairs, Room No 526, A Wing, 5'^ floor, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 latest bv
05:30 PM of'08.01.2025.

12, Wide pul^Iication.may be given to this advertisement by addressee organizations

and their field offiGes,.so as to facilitate early and optimum number of applications.

EncL; As stated
Yours faithfully,

(Hemant Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Ph: (Oil) 23381349
Copy to:

1. Under Secretary, Ad.II Section, MCA for circulation among eligible ICLS
2. Technical Director, NIC, MCA with the request to upload the vacancy circular
on the portal, ; • -
3. Technical Director, NIC, DoPT with the request to upload the vacancy circular
on the DoPT's website.
4. E governance Cell, Ministry of Corporate Affairs with the request to upload the
vacancy circular on the website of the Ministry.



(Certificate to be furnished by the Employer/Head of office/Forwarding authority)

Certified that the particulars furnished by------------------ . _ and application

exp;;Seri« qualifications and

(i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Sh. /Smt.

(ii) His/her integrity is certified.

original is enclosed/photocopies
en of the
Secretit to fl t n" duly attested by of Under
Secretary to the Govt, of India or above, are enclosed.
(iv) "No major/minor penalty has been imposed on him/ her during the last ten years."
A list of major/minor penalties imposed on him/her last ten years is enclosed.


Name and Designation

Tei. No.

Place: -Office Seal

List of enclosures:
5. •

(Strike out which is not applicable )


I ! -■ >V-'
K.iM 2023/3/2024-W. lV-WT?1jv

V Rw. 5^ Hpt, st^;

Jrrr.^fr. ;fe, f?^^-iioooi
'13 ST^, 2024

4, -
1. d^fr jqq" o-qiqieiql
2. md d^qqr, md d^qq? d3lt d^ldq/f^dld dRtq
3. dSfr TTrq dqqqr/dq d;?q stq ?p^ df^
4; qq^fr 3dftd 3ri?Jqqnr
5. df?tq. d^q. qqd^V 3Tl^q.<U|
6. d1^, ^fHfft3TT|
7. d1^, 3n|<414)3TTt
8. di^, VdUMi3TTd?’
9.. d^. dT^cOq dd^ ^Tqjqqq dddid (3nt?toi|). 3nt^ qdfe, dt 1?jc^-liO002
10. d^q, dTTrilq dldd dd^Tld {3n^3TtV3TT|), dqi d^, q^ldcbldl
11. df^. dldUd qqd^^ df?rq dHTTd (3TT^^Md31T|), ?dete7nTdd TT^dT. d|

finnr: ftft- (ud41««<!l) # » 03 (^) gg atk ay.n.Pi 4?

03, (ffkr) #. tPf

pT B" 2013 trnr 4

3111)^ (W4nkM<ri) 3t ?:2TTf^ 03 jftl 03
f?FV 3nd«Hl$H (hjtfis://_a£ntrbmembe^^^^ 3q?mT) anrfe.Rqr
3ik 4 ftsn f^r#t xj^ ^i
* . -
3^dcu<l jjf
^Tfed-# q?r4 3T^1^ t 3frr t # m^d/cbi^ '
4?r tr 3TIWT q? sq^^iu q;?- ^ididi’-j;

L 3. 5^rri3mr ar^cmr: 4iq^^t,-3i1

Rnr qr^ dqr 3t^ g^._
{^} 3^ qq dr
ftP^) q^ q^ qrq q^ 4? fcnr tSrdr ?^Trznjt?r ?V dr qr
i (d) q??T q^3T qF q^ fely 3l1^qdl ^|

f (’f) Mtewi?}, Tff arafer ^r smar ww. 5kw ijg? cJri^-f^

* ailtwir T?r #r $7ff qitl aigW ^kw ot ciri^H saRr .
arRWq qg- ejR^ wfaqr
! Jir <R5r OTWT 3ikkT tw arm- araRf 3ft ?nfter ^r smpft, BftR4 ot ejt!^
! aiRiqq-di iMdd fti q^xiTH fftftq dH aifSd <b<di a^ftf^cT
J 1


cKf-n*^ ar^Hnf: {k^frva) aiftri^Pw, 2017 sarn amniW qnsfr armi^ 2013
ypT 409(3) 4? 3Wfr. aiddu, 0.14i?d Pi^f?d Ikv da qpT aft fkrr 3t^
aq^ 1^ a?" -
(^) q^a q^ 4^ fkv arn^tt^ 4>pql^d ^ir arpTlkr W?t q^^ ft atk
^Hd awT 4 akta ar arqr af^ 4r q^ q? qnk f^rar ft; ar
(??) ara 4 qra 4^6 tkxr artt (k^rqqi aq 4 cMrcKiia^d ft ar ft; ar
(a) qra 4 qra qc^^ gi4 4r fka araa ckgiaar 4? aq 4 caciaia<d ft ar ft; ar
(a) qar 4 qar q^ fka qrq4t akta 4r aq 4 caqarara ft ar ft; ar
(5) vqr asra. dc^i^^b atk qfkkdd s^fkd ft afk fka^ qra f^ta ara ft atk alkaTktqr f^,
atkatktqr qatia. atortktqr MddUd, f44?r, ^^diq^a 4 qra 4 qra q^F qrr caaarktqr
araaa ft; ar ’
(a) a? c-yk^d 4 qra qta a^ 4r fka atkatkrar kara arkilkaa. 1947 (1947 qa 14) 4r
artfta fkak ■wa ^^rraraa, arkiqi<ui, arki'^i’i^i 4 4ter4ta arf^q^itf ft ar fti

4. qftf d^fad aa^ aq 4 fkafkd' 4r fkq qra aa aqr aft fkrr aa aqr arrter qrfkr
artka at47a qft SLlg^l a4 arra rarq^t arkttkaa. 2013^^ ma 4l3f2n a qp- fti

5. fk^f^d 4r ktatia: acRa 74 4kta 4aa anakr 4r araarr 4aa hr-IS atk ?a4r arfkkad
aarr^t^a a4 affd 4da urm q44i qrr^ar ar kqifk^ri (aiqrrk arktaritt ar artaer, ayrta^r, aarqfk,
dMd^Np, 4)oi4)d arkrqrrk, kaft arkrqraa, ar4ra arkJqraa ar f4r4t qrktqraq qrr q4t acraa ar aaa
aaraaa qrr q^f aarattkr) aii4dq>1, kt 3^^ad< kaaara, fka4^araT 'tRqip qrr ar4qa 4daaia 34 ?rrt4a
f 4 qrnka f ar 4, 4r fky 4aa aasra jqastr fi qrqk) fkkr arkJqraa (a'^iNfk alk araa
--^- -. .,. . ad-t-al ,4r 4dd atk aik 4ar ^t araa fkatfa .r?a ?r4) fkaa, 2015 aara kaaara alk- araa 4ar ^rat
fkaaw fkrar arvarI qqarkr qrrk aaraa ^t kaar^ qr ?a fkaat qfk sqasy fl aafka 5af^,
af4 4 ft a^qrrk 4ar 4 ft at a^, 44 qrrakra 4 qrrk qak jq qqr a4 ^t arakr aqr arqk aa
aa4 ar aqraa ar f^aia, kar §4 diddi ft 4 arqarr crrar ra aqrar fi

6. aite^ 4 k ^irkra- aaaa/q^ # ar^ aiaT^a^k

fctT 5ll^<id ^PHT xn^ Ht TH^ anteT Md-t^lUd^l dc^-HJ # ejt aToT
3Tr aRn^43 aktf^ ’k f^Pir aTvaTi

1. ^‘=h -Hti-i-M 2^Rr 4 5l^T ^T ?TTte qj^T SraKt 3^

# qe^mnr snw. 05 g^sft araf^r W Pi^P^d a^t nu .^i
Pl^i^d 3{^ 3{1?^^7H7T 3n^

8. aafkcT aa^ a^a q^k 4 kikirdi aafaar ■q'ld'qdi qaiumq y^-dd qaar
arkfka f i

9. . 5=2TPnH^/?R^7lfr ^/^l^di^cf, 3M5b<H/3I7^ -Hdldd 4 ctHR=d<Lj1 #r antor

3irddl$^ aiT^cJ^T aif^ dl^l^ 10 felt 3f^ HTt-'^PT ^^<^I^^d 3nVI 31'd)i^u|
yiftjehil^’ijl- afr y«HipJid {anddi^d aidcPd* # ^tv'wr-^) ^t^n- air^cjn
4 ^icijif^d alk ^rrar t aik ail?J^n^
f^pfr a{H9rrddir<Hcb/dd4^di ;t at atk a akrf^ va f^o-c^
‘i'To’i nr f^pfr qanr ^nka cPn| a| akt^^ finsk
qiv aicv^dd JilM.rjl'ij fWt afr dd^d ^r


10. . cqi^ri-Ml grr 3li<ddi$d an^ ?rF^ 18.11,2024 git.^th: 10.00
^^V/ gfe ^RoH^ ^t 3n?tt ^| afen^ arr^cJST gq^
fc^r ai^r {'arwdi^d an^ gi^ ai^r ?ft^ 4^ a^) nr j^Rfstr ^1 B^tt ai^f^ g
ari^gM" git ai1ddi$<d an^g^r qg??r g^r^" argute giT^ angiggr l-i aff^idi^d anter vrFd?T
gi^ arf^ drte 29.12.2024 git arruFH 05.30 g;^ ^1
11. t^iW w 3fk 3i^ int-Tw (awcnsnr # 14^Wdi wiw
?rf^), WT wj; 3iI4«h w ^*Tid Tpr an^cj^r tnr fifeaiije cwr amdig ftnr ^nr
3^ 08.01.2025 git aiw 5.30 W 374^
..... ?rf^, ‘hKnUe ^rnS•’ jt 526. g f^. 10001 qF:fT
oITHT xn^l

■ ^-pdlMd git Vg 3<n4. 3nJU gggtpRt cxUmg, ^nr Uggf^ I^T^/UTT

•*.. •'■ ^<<:-

■• ' -. *?«•■./
*. 3iT^^ aik 3h^ s'^cHth git ^ptjt gHrar sn ?r^i

(t4?r ^3iR)
31^ ^rf^, §77?T

^fcIfLl '^f^d:-

’ ’^•" aijtnudii^t 3Ti^*ti[R'q|

sTRi^nfM # qftkiirad Rhri
2. cf«^«ft fi^rar, ud4flu !Ft qter qr qftrnf aiqrrts
ST’rate qr{^ 3115^ ^7 wr
3. Rt^qw, iraan^, ibim qit ^aWt awi?^ qr Wh qftqq anrate awtrv
4. |^-3iq4<i fi<hUo, 44ih^ nr

(I^q'l+df/*hlq1rtq SrTO/3iJj«iU|4,d‘i 3fi^J^Trtt 3TO^,^7TFn gTcTT qnimq^)

y<Hii^d 1^'41 snHT t .... ........ l^d<ui afrj;, an^c^H

^■•■;.... ......-............. 3ik mRh4 3^ 3f?<Hf^d 3{|?IT
^1 3jt ycHlfuld 3nHr f^:-

(i) : .............. 411^ -ddidl 3W9lldd(<Hr4i fTT^ddl

dl^d/t^xJKltnd ^1
(ii) ,3H^ M«Hliuld ^1
(iii) ddcR ^jTR/iT^IqafR 5ir?i^< # Fieidd ^/ 'TO xr^fraTR/xr^anT
aig? stot 3FRt 3to arfe^ro^ c^w aj^q^iiuld,
•Hd^d ^1
(iv) "f^!T5^ ^hod" 3ST q? q^ pRTT^ tT'
(v) f^T5^ OT ^Uft 3ST q^" cPTO TO q^/t5t€t ^liRd^l FTcfT d<Mdd

FIFT- aflr^ Mc;<dl<H .......................

^TOT-TO^ .................


'dcH ** cd‘h) ■^3^'


(;Ht ST

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