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4 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Md. Alaul Haque on 05 October 2023.
1 Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Uttara University, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh;
[email protected]
2 Department of Business Administration, Metropolitan University Sylhet, Sylhet 3104, Bangladesh;
[email protected]
3 Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran 1411713114, Iran
4 BRAC Business School, BRAC University, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: The banking sectors are optimistic that electronic banking (E-banking) will help them
provide better customer service and strengthen customer relationships. Despite this, a relatively low
priority has been given to the level of satisfaction that E-banking users in Bangladesh have regarding
the quality of the services they receive and their overall experiences. Consequently, this study
aims to determine the effect of service quality and customer experiences on the level of satisfaction
perceived by E-banking customers in Bangladesh. Using a convenience sampling technique and a
self-administered questionnaire, we gathered data from 315 E-banking customers. The independent
variable (service quality and customer experience) and dependent variable (customer satisfaction)
on a five-point “Likert-Type Scale” explain the degree to which participants agree or disagree with
the questionnaire’s statements. Covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) was
utilised to analyse the gathered data. The findings of this study indicate that service quality and
customer experience significantly positively affect E-banking customer satisfaction in Bangladesh.
The outcomes of this study will urge the banking authorities to prioritize service quality to boost
Citation: Bashir, M.A.; Haque, M.A.;
customer satisfaction by suggesting several steps to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and security
Salamzadeh, A.; Rahman, M.M.
of the E-banking system.
Customers’ Satisfaction of E-Banking
in Bangladesh: Do Service Quality
and Customers’ Experiences
Keywords: Bangladesh; commercial banks; customer’ satisfaction; customer’ experience; E-banking;
Matter? FinTech 2023, 2, 657–667. service quality
Internet banking allows users to verify their current balance from a remote location through
the Internet. E-banking enables customers to manage their accounts from anywhere and
at any time, regardless of whether it is a holiday, evening, or night. In E-banking, the
customer’s opinion is critical in determining the service’s quality. Certain consumers value
the quality and responsiveness of service providers above all else, while others value
privacy and protection above all else. Some customers also value the website’s design
and ease of use, demonstrating that different customers have different needs and expec-
tations from E-banking service providers. Nevertheless, some common circumstances
can be found in the customer’s intentions, which are legitimate expectations that ensure
the study’s interest. Furthermore, previous studies showed that, compared to internal
factors, customers were susceptible to behavioral factors when it came to customer service
delivery through E-banking [1]. As a result, there is a clear link between behavioral and
E-banking technologies regarding consumer engagement and satisfaction with E-banking.
As a result, the extent of E-banking adoption would directly impact consumers’ satisfaction
with service delivery regarding behavioral factors [1].
In the context of E-banking services, previous research has revealed (dis)advantages
related to client attitudes and documented reasons why customers detest utilizing E-
banking services. The literature on what inspires customers to adopt digital banking
services [1,12] and how to keep them happy is primarily focused on E-banking services [13].
Many factors or constraints could be to blame for the limited adoption of electronic banking
services [14]. Not all customers attempt E-banking services, for example, because of
network issues with local phone services [15], a lack of trust in service safety [14,16], a lack
of reading abilities and consciousness [6], and the mentality associated with traditional
banking services [17]. Financial inclusion, trustworthiness, technology use and culture,
gender inequality, and religion were all explored in a previous study on the acceptability
of mobile banking [18]. Furthermore, the need for complete client safety, security, and
quick access to electronic banking is becoming a growing source of worry [9,19–23]. The
primary cause was the banks’ lack of service quality, including the proper IT infrastructure
and security mechanisms [24–28]. Service quality is an explanation of disparities between
expectations and capabilities in addition to quality factors. Reliability, responsiveness,
tangibility, communication, trustworthiness, security, and competence help customers
evaluate service quality [29]. Contrarily, the degree to which a consumer’s product or
service matches their expectations is referred to as customer satisfaction [30]. However,
most of Bangladesh’s E-banking issues stem from a lack of infrastructure and customers’
satisfaction (CS). However, to find the research gaps, the recent works concerning E-banking
in Bangladesh are shown in Table 1.
After a critical evaluation of Table 1, it was found that the majority of the research
conducted on the conventional banking system in Bangladesh is definitively based on the
reviewing literature, and some authors have focused on the direct effects of E-banking
services on customers’ satisfaction (CS). Still, less attention has been given to customer
experience (CE). Consequently, this study aims to determine the effect of service quality
(SQ) and customer experience (CE) on the level of satisfaction perceived by E-banking
customers in Bangladesh.
The rest of the paper is put together as follows. The following section discusses the
study’s theoretical framework and hypotheses. After that, the overall methodology is de‐
scribed. The study also explains how the data were processed and what was discovered.
2023, 2 the implications of the study are discussed. 659
1. Theoretical framework.
Figure 1. Theoretical Figure
Many researchers have given their extensive attention and focus on their research to
Many researchers have the given
close connections between attention
their extensive CS and SQ, and and their
focusstudies empirically
on their evalu-to
ated the validation that SQ is a very necessary or key tool that is widely used to measure
identify the close connections between CS and SQ, and their studies empirically evaluated
CS [29,40–44]. In the same way, Zeithaml et al. (2011) [45] identified that dissatisfaction
the validation that orSQ is a very
satisfaction is anecessary or key
service evaluation tooltothat
offered fulfilisa consumer’s
widely used to measure
expectations CS
or needs.
Moreover, service quality is a necessary antecedent of CS, and
[29,40–44]. In the same way, Zeithaml et al. (2011) [45] identified that dissatisfaction or auspicious quality of per-
ceived service consigns higher consumer satisfaction and vice versa [46] even in current
satisfaction is a service evaluation offered to fulfil a consumer’s expectations or needs.
modern banking and financial sectors [47–49]. Depending on the literature review, focusing
Moreover, service quality
on serviceisquality
a necessary antecedent
with the customer of CS,
or client and auspicious
satisfaction quality
in the banking of per‐
sector context,
ceived service consigns of serviceconsumer
is identified satisfaction
to be an obligatory
vice versa of CS.
[46] even in current
modern banking and sectors
Service quality [47–49].
positively Depending
affects customers’ on the literature review, focus‐
ing on service quality with
and Razakor client satisfaction
(2014 [50]) suggested in thatthe banking
to develop sectorcustomer
a positive context,
experience, the service provider must be very
quality of service is identified to be an obligatory proceeding of CS. intimate with the customers, and the interre-
lationship between them should be very efficient so that customers can recieve the same
services they require from the company. If all those criteria are met, customers will have
H1. Service quality positively affects customers’
a certain experience satisfaction.
with the service, which will drive customer loyalty and satisfaction.
FinTech 2023, 2 660
Most of the studies show that customer experiences and customer satisfaction are positively
correlated [50–53]. Numerous studies indicate that customers tend to be more satisfied
with an organisation, particularly when they have a more positive experience with the
company [51,54,55]. Based on the aforementioned statements, the researchers formulate
the subsequent hypothesis.
H2. Customers’ experiences positively affect customer satisfaction.
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Sampling Technique and Sample Size
The selection of sampling technique and sample size is one of the crucial tasks for re-
searchers [56]. The respondents of this research are E-banking users in Bangladesh. With the
convenience sampling technique, a questionnaire was distributed to about 400 E-banking users
to collect data. We distributed the questionnaire to the respondents of three divisions
(Dhaka, Sylhet, and Rajshahi) of Bangladesh. We started the data collection on 3 November
2022 and closed the data collection after three months and one day (4 February 2023). Cus-
tomer satisfaction is the dependent variable, while service quality and customer experience
are independent variables. “The assumption of theory testing” justifies convenience sam-
pling in this research. According to Zafar et al. (2022) [57], convenience sampling is a good
choice for research that tests theory assumptions by constructing a study framework. There
were 335 completed questionnaires returned. There were 20 completed questionnaires
deleted due to respondents’ missing data (9) and outliers (11). Finally, 315 E-banking users
met the sampling criterion for AMOS statistical studies [58].
Collinearity Statistics
Mean SD A_CS A_Sev_Qul A_CE
Tolerance VIF
A_CS 3.7093 0.90202 1
A_Sev_Qul 3.7664 0.73055 0.556 ** 1 0.718 1.392
A_CE 3.1556 1.05766 0.690 ** 0.531 ** 1 0.718 1.392
values between the latent exogenous concepts are less than 0.90, which shows that discri‐
minant validity is not an issue. But when the fitness indexes meet the criteria GFI > 0.9,
Table 5. Results of model fit.
CFI > 0.9, RMSEA ≤ 0.085, and the ratio of chi sq/df was less than 5.00, the concept validity
was attained (Figure 2 and Table 5). Absolute We usedFit Incremental Fit
the structural Parsimonious Fit
model to analyze the direct
influence in the Analysis
Measurementand Results
Model 0.056section.
0.844 0.819 0.940 2.00
2. Measurement model.
Figure model.
Figure 2. Measurement
4.3.2. Structural Model
Table 5. Results of model fit.
Table 6 and Figure 3 are shown below:
6. Contributions
6.1. Theoretical Contributions
This study investigated the relationship between SQ and CE with CS. The statistical
analyses indicated that SQ and CE have significant effects on CS. These findings were an
empirical confirmation of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Regarding theoretical
implications, this study is one of the leading studies in Bangladesh to show the significance
of a significant association between SQ, CE, and CS. Second, covariance-based Structural
Equation Modeling (CB-SEM) is utilized to statistically validate the model for generating
critical dimensions of CS implementation. Most of the researchers had not considered CE
as a determinant of the satisfaction level of E-banking users in their past studies. However,
this study evaluated the CE as a determinant variable to measure the CS of E-banking users,
which is supported by the assumptions of the TAM model.
Author Contributions: Conceptualize, M.A.B.; data collection, M.A.B.; analysis, M.M.R.; methodol-
ogy, M.A.H.; discussions, A.S.; limitations and future direction, M.A.H.; referencing, M.A.H.; overall
guidelines and proof reading, A.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: During the data collection, the primary purpose was clearly
written on the consent sheet.
Informed Consent Statement: During the data collection, the primary purpose was clearly written
on the consent sheet.
Data Availability Statement: Available on request.
Acknowledgments: We are grateful to the respondents who willingly provided the data.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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