MWM TCG2020K 970-1400kwe

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TCG 2020 K
970 – 1400 kW at 1500 min-1 (50 Hz)
Technical data 50 Hz – Natural gas applications
NOX <= 500 mg /mn3 Minimum methane number MN 70
dry exhaust manifolds

Engine type TCG 2020 V12 K TCG 2020 V16 K

Engine power 2)
kW 1050 1400
Speed min-1 1500 1500
Mean effective pressure bar 15.8 15.8
Exhaust temperature approx. °C 517 525
Exhaust mass flow wet approx. kg/h 5499 7332
Combustion air mass flow 2) approx. kg/h 5311 7082
Combustion air temperature minimum/design °C 20/25 20/25
Ventilation air flow 3) approx. kg/h 32131 40145

Engine parameters
Bore/stroke mm 170/195 170/195
Displacement dm 3
53.1 70.8
Compression ratio 12.0 : 1 12.0 : 1
Mean piston speed m/s 9.8 9.8
Lube oil content 4) dm3 205 265
Typical mean lube oil consumption 5) g/kWh 0.2 0.2

Efficiency 6) % 97.2 97.4

Energy balance
Electrical power 6) kW 1021 1364
Jacket water heat ± 8% kW 473 622
Intercooler LT heat 7)
± 8% kW 86 111
Exhaust cooled to 120 °C ± 8% kW 681 928
Engine radiation heat kW 60 72
Generator radiation heat kW 29 36
Fuel consumption 8) + 5% kW 2545 3393
Electrical efficiency % 40.1 40.2
Thermal efficiency % 45.3 45.7
Total efficiency % 85.4 85.9

System parameters
Engine jacket water flow rate min./max. m3/h 36/56 50/65
Engine KVS-value 9)
m /h3
42 46
Intercooler coolant flow rate m /h3
30 30
Intercooler KVS-value 9) m3/h 30 30
Engine jacket water volume dm 3
111 151
Intercooler coolant volume dm3 28 28
Engine jacket water temperature max. 10)
°C 82/92 82/92
– with glycol 10) °C (79/89) (79/89)
Intercooler coolant temperature 10)
°C 40/42.5 40/43.3
Exhaust backpressure min./max. mbar 30/50 30/50
Maximum pressure loss in front of air cleaner mbar 5 5
Gas flow pressure, fixed between
mbar 20…100 20…100
(pressure variation +/– 10 %)
Starter battery 24 V, capacity required Ah 430 430
Technical data 50 Hz – Sewage, bio and landfill gas applications
NOX <= 500 mg/mn3 Minimum heating value (LHV) = 5.0 kWh/mn3
Sewage gas (65 % CH4 / 35 % CO2) wet exhaust manifolds
Biogas (60 % CH4 / 32 % CO2, rest N2)
Landfill gas (50 % CH4 / 27 % CO2, rest N2)

Engine type TCG 2020 V12 K TCG 2020 V16 K

Engine power 2) kW 970 1294
Speed min -1
1500 1500
Mean effective pressure bar 14.6 14.6
Exhaust temperature approx. °C 455 456
Exhaust mass flow wet approx. kg/h 5116 6800
Combustion air mass flow 2)
approx. kg/h 4678 6215
Combustion air temperature minimum/design °C 20/25 20/25
Ventilation air flow 3)
approx. kg/h 26231 34475

Efficiency 6) % 97.2 97.4

Energy balance
Electrical power 6) kW 943 1260
Jacket water heat ± 8% kW 650 867
Intercooler LT heat 7) ± 8% kW 79 107
Exhaust cooled to 150 °C ± 8% kW 487 649
Engine radiation heat kW 42 56
Generator radiation heat kW 27 34
Fuel consumption 8)
+ 5% kW 2454 3273
Specific fuel consumption 8) + 5% kWh/kWh 2.53 2.53
Electrical efficiency % 38.4 38.5
Thermal efficiency % 46.3 46.3
Total efficiency % 84.7 84.8

System parameters
Engine jacket water flow rate min./max. m3/h 36/56 50/65
Engine KVS-value 9)
m /h3
41.0 45.0
Intercooler coolant flow rate m3/h 30 30
Intercooler KVS-value 9)
m /h3
30 30
Engine jacket water volume dm 3
138 187
Intercooler coolant volume dm3 28 28
Engine jacket water temperature max. 10)
°C 78/92 78/92
– with glycol 10) °C (78/92) (78/92)
Intercooler coolant temperature 10)
°C 50/52.3 50/53.2
Exhaust backpressure min./max. mbar 30/50 30/50
Maximum pressure loss in front of air cleaner mbar 5 5
Gas flow pressure, fixed between
mbar 20…100 20…100
(pressure variation +/– 10 %)
Starter battery 24 V, capacity required Ah 430 430

1) Exhaust emissions with oxidizing catalyst: 5) This values are the mean lube oil consumption between 9) The KVS-value is the parameter for the pressure loss in the
NOX < 0.50 g NO2/mn3 dry exhaust gas at 5 % O2 maintenance steps which include an E 60 service. Also the cooling system (= flowrate for 1 bar pressure loss)
CO < 0.3 g CO/mn3 dry exhaust gas at 5 % O2 procedures defined in the TPI 1111-E-06-02 and the Technical 10) Inlet /outlet
2) Engine power ratings and combustion air volume flows Circular TR 0199-99-2105 are to be carefully followed
acc. to ISO 3046/1 6) At 50 Hz, U = 0.4 kV, power factor = 1 Data for special gas and dual gas operation on request.
3) Intake air flow at delta T = 15 K including combustion air 7) At 40 °C water inlet (50 °C for biogas)
4) Including pipes and heat exchangers 8) With a tolerance of + 5 % The values given in this data sheet are for information purposes
only and not binding.
The information given in the offer is decisive.
Dimensions 50 Hz Genset TCG 2020 V12 K TCG 2020 V16 K
Length mm 4700 5500
Width mm 1800 1800
Height mm 2500 2650
Dry weight genset kg 9000 12500

Noise emissions* 50 Hz
Noise frequency band Hz 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Engine type TCG 2020 V12 K
Exhaust noise 119.6 dB (A) dB (lin) 116.0 121.0 120.0 118.0 112.0 111.0 108.0 107.0
Air-borne noise 102.0 dB (A) dB (lin) 101.7 93.5 94.2 95.0 95.9 94.4 94.7 95.2

Engine type TCG 2020 V16 K

Exhaust noise 122.0 dB (A) dB (lin) 119.0 128.0 120.0 117.0 116.0 115.0 112.0 107.0
Air-borne noise 104.4 dB (A) dB (lin) 92.0 96.0 98.0 97.0 99.0 97.0 96.0 98.0

Exhaust noise at 1 m, 45°, ± 2.5 dB (A)

Air-borne noise at 1 m from the side, ± 1 dB (A)

*Values apply to natural gas applications, measured as noise pressure level.

State-of-the-art 12 and 16 cylinder V-engines ignition system • One ignition coil per cylinder

Version 11/08/E
• Turbocharging and dual-circuit intercooling • Electronic control and monitoring of genset
• Single cylinder heads with fourvalve operation through TEM • Exhaust emissions
technology • Centrally arranged industrial controlled according to combustion chamber
spark plug with intensive plug seat cooling temperature
• Microprocessor-controlled highvoltage

Your benefits
• Package of favorable investment and low • Intercooling permits maximum power
operating costs. even when using gases with low methane
• Low energy consumption thanks to maxi- numbers.
mum primary energy utilization. • Reliable control and monitoring with high
• Long service intervals and ease of service safety standards ensure optimum combus-
guarantee additional cost savings. tion and maximum engine protection.
• Efficient energy conversion with outstan- • All governing, service, control and monito-
ding performance. ring functions are easy and comfortable to

MWM Group
Mail: [email protected]

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