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THEME World of Self, Family and Friends DATE 3/7/2023
TOPIC Module 3 - Right now DAY Monday
LESSON 34 (Speaking 7) TIME 10.10-11.10

By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to

1.Describe people and objects using suitable words and phrases
2.Recognise and reproduce with support a range of target language phonemes

Preview vocabulary and language from previous lesson by play a word game. (HOTS)
Lesson development:-
1. Teacher explains Grammar Box on Student’s Book page 25.
2. Pupils are explained about when they use the present continuous.
3. Draw attention to the sound of ‘ing’ and the short forms (I’m, he’s, we’re etc). Have pupils repeat
them together and individually.
4. Pupils draw and say (Activity 2). Monitor as pupils present their pictures to each other and decide
which pupils to ask to present to the class. Try to choose some pupils who have made progress in
their Speaking. (21st CA)
5. Pupil do worksheet page 18.
6. Pupils answer and mark will be given by teacher. (CBA)
Play the song again and have pupils sing along. Or they could hold up their pictures as they
hear them in the song, if appropriate.

__19__/22__ pupils can achieve the learning objectives.

____/_____ pupilss can complete the exercises given.
____/_____ pupils need further exercise and teacher guidance.

Note: Teaching and learning cannot be carried out today and will
continue in the next learning session because:

THEME World of Self, Family and Friends DATE 5/7/2023
TOPIC Module 3 - Right now DAY Wednesday
LESSON 35 (Reading 7) TIME 7.50-8.50

By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to

1. Understand the main idea of short simple texts
2. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by visuals and the topic

Play the song from Student’s Book, p.25. Have pupils sing along and/or do the actions. (21st
Lesson development:-
1. Introduce the new vocabulary on Student’s Book page 26.
2. Show pictures 1, 3, 5 & 6 and ask pupils who they can see. Put the pictures on the board.
3. Give each pupil a sentence card. They should come out to the board to decide which picture to put
it with. You could do this in groups if it is easier to manage.
4. Watch as pupils do this activity to get an idea of their reading ability. Support them as needed by
encouraging them to sound out new or difficult words. Ask pupils to read the picture story in
Student’s Book, p.26 to check the answers. (CBA)
5. Pupil listens to the CD and read again from the second point.
6. Use the questions from the language box (Student’s Book, p.27) to introduce the question and
answer forms.
Play the song again and have pupils sing along. Or they could hold up their pictures as they
hear them in the song, if appropriate.

__20 /22_ pupils can achieve the learning objectives.

____/_____ pupilss can complete the exercises given.
____/_____ pupils need further exercise and teacher guidance.

Note: Teaching and learning cannot be carried out today and will
continue in the next learning session because:

THEME World of Self, Family and Friends DATE 6/7/2023
TOPIC Module 3 - Right now DAY Thursday
LESSON 35 (Reading 7) TIME 7.20-8.20

By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to

1. Understand the main idea of short simple texts
2. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by visuals and the topic

Play the song from Student’s Book, p.25. Have pupils sing along and/or do the actions. (21st
Lesson development:-
7. Introduce the new vocabulary on Student’s Book page 26.
8. Show pictures 1, 3, 5 & 6 and ask pupils who they can see. Put the pictures on the board.
9. Give each pupil a sentence card. They should come out to the board to decide which picture to put
it with. You could do this in groups if it is easier to manage.
10. Watch as pupils do this activity to get an idea of their reading ability. Support them as needed by
encouraging them to sound out new or difficult words. Ask pupils to read the picture story in
Student’s Book, p.26 to check the answers. (CBA)
11. Pupil listens to the CD and read again from the second point.
12. Use the questions from the language box (Student’s Book, p.27) to introduce the question and
answer forms.
Play the song again and have pupils sing along. Or they could hold up their pictures as they
hear them in the song, if appropriate.

___20_/22_ pupils can achieve the learning objectives.

____/_____ pupilss can complete the exercises given.
____/_____ pupils need further exercise and teacher guidance.

Note: Teaching and learning cannot be carried out today and will
continue in the next learning session because:

14 Monday 08.20 - 0850
1C English
60 minutes Language

TOPIC SUB-TOPIC Numbers ( 1-10 )
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:-
1. Pre-lesson task 1: Work out the words.
2. Introduce and teach the fixed phrase How do you

Lesson development
LEARNING 3. In groups of 6-8, pupils do a survey of names, ages, and
ask how to spell their classmates’ names.
4. In pairs, they draw their neighbour and write about
him/her (E.g. Lukman/Mira. He’s/She’s 7 years old).
5. Pupils put their work on the wall to create a class profile.

Post lesson
6. Post-lesson task 4: Correct the error.

TEACHING AIDS papers / pen / student book etc

Attendance : 12 / 15
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment
exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial
Strenght of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson :

Lesson is postponed due to :

Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
14 11.10 - 12.10
1C English Language
60 minutes

TOPIC SUB-TOPIC Numbers ( 1-10 )
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:-
Introduce themselves independently and use the correct
punctuation ( capital letter ) in 3 sentences with guidance .
1. Pre-lesson task 7: Beat the teacher
Lesson delivery
2. Pupils stand in groups of about 5 or 6.
3. They throw a ball of paper to each other to practise target
language in a chain activity.
4. E.g. Pupil 1 starts: Hi, I’m X …, I’m years old and throws
LEARNING the ball of paper to pupil 2 in the circle who repeats this
OUTLINES information, and adds their own information to make a
chain. i.e. He’s/ she’s X, he’s /she’s … years old. I’m Y…
I’m years old.
5. Each pupil repeats previous information and adds their
own information to the chain.
6. Pupils write about themselves and a classmate.
Post lesson
7. Post lesson task 6: Whisper and write
TEACHING AIDS Student book / Workbook / radio
Attendance : 14 / 15
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment
exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial
Strenght of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson :
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
Thursday 11.10 - 1210
14 1C English Language
60 minutes
TOPIC SUB-TOPIC Numbers ( 1-10 )
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:-
Say and write the letters independently and write simple sentences at least
3 with guidance .
1. Play Find Something- pupils listen to you say Find something red,
and go to touch something red in the classroom. Write the colour
words on the board as you use them.
Lesson delivery
2. Pupils sit in small groups. Give each group some letters (cards or
plastic ones). Call out a letter; pupils have to try to grab the correct
letter. They keep it if they grab it first.
3. Next, tell pupils a colour word. They should work together to try to
LEARNING spell it using the letters they have. They can use the words on the
board to help.
4. Depending on the level of proficiency, you could repeat this activity
with the words on the board erased.
5. Hand out worksheet and ask pupils to write their name at the top.
Pupils then read and colour the words (Part A).
6. Next pupils colour the hat in Part B and write the colour in the gap.
Post lesson
7. Task 10 using picture on p.4. This may need adapting to your

TEACHING AIDS Student book / Workbook / radio

REFLECTION Attendance : 14 / 15
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strenght of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson :
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :


TIME 11.10-12.10 DATE 3/7//2023
TOPIC Cool Jobs (Lesson 50)
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
FOCUS Writing
OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to:
- Give detailed information about themselves and others
- Understand specific information and details of simple longer texts

1. Reviewjobs vocabulary by asking pupils to tell the class some ‘cool jobs’. Have pupils justify their
Lesson delivery
2. Follow the instructions for Learning to Learn in the Teacher’s Book, p.82, which focusses on skim
reading skills.
3. Followthe instructions for Activity 1 in the Teacher’s Book p.82. Pupils practise skim reading to find the
information to complete the table.
4. Using the worksheets, ask pupils to complete the gapped sentences. They can work in pairs or
individually. These may be, for example:
Adela is pilot.
Tyler a police officer for eight years.
Jill chose her job it is exciting and challenging.
Have pupils, individually, write one more gapped sentence for each of the
four people in the texts.
5. Pupils exchange their sentences with a partner, who completes them.

To review the content of the texts, have pupils do Activity 2 in the Pupil’s Book, p.50 without re-reading the

16 / 16 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives Lesson is postponed due to :

__ / __ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly

Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
__ / __ pupils need extra guidance
Course Other :
__ / __ pupils were able to master today’s lesson CRK

DAY Wednesday CLASS 6i

TIME 12.10-1.10 DATE 5/7/2023
TOPIC Cool Jobs (Lesson 52)
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
FOCUS Speaking
OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to:
- Give detailed information about themselves and others
- Understand more complex supported questions

1. Followthe instructions for Warm-up: Bingo in the Teacher’s Book, p.84. Lesson delivery
2. Followthe instructions for Activity 1 in the Teacher’s Book, p.84. Pupils are introduced to the target
language. Encourage pupils to think for themselves about the language form and meaning by asking the
questions suggested in the Teacher’s Book instructions, rather than giving explanations straight away.
3. Followthe instructions for Activity 2 in the Teacher’s Book, p.84. Have pupils work in pairs to write the
questions and answers so that they can support each other.
4. Follow the instructions for Activity 3 in the Teacher’s Book, p.84. Encourage pupils to do this without
writing questions.
5. Have pupils write the questions from Activity 3 in their notebooks. Then ask them to add more
questions, as many as they like (set a time limit).
6. Pupils ask and answer their questions in pairs.
7. Re-pair pupils or put pairs together into groups of four. Pupils tell each other information about
their partner from steps four to six.
Follow the instructions for Cooler: How long has Lili…? in the Teacher’s Book, p.85.

16 /16 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives Lesson is postponed due to :

__ / __ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly

Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
__ / __ pupils need extra guidance
Course Other :
__ / __ pupils were able to master today’s lesson CRK

DAY Thursday CLASS 6I

TIME 11.40-12.40 DATE 6/7//2023
TOPIC Cool Jobs (Lesson 52)
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
FOCUS Speaking
OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to:
- Give detailed information about themselves and others
- Understand more complex supported questions

8. Followthe instructions for Warm-up: Bingo in the Teacher’s Book, p.84. Lesson delivery
9. Followthe instructions for Activity 1 in the Teacher’s Book, p.84. Pupils are introduced to the target
language. Encourage pupils to think for themselves about the language form and meaning by asking the
questions suggested in the Teacher’s Book instructions, rather than giving explanations straight away.
10. Follow the instructions for Activity 2 in the Teacher’s Book, p.84. Have pupils work in pairs to write
the questions and answers so that they can support each other.
11. Follow the instructions for Activity 3 in the Teacher’s Book, p.84. Encourage pupils to do this without
writing questions.
12. Have pupils write the questions from Activity 3 in their notebooks. Then ask them to add more
questions, as many as they like (set a time limit).
13. Pupils ask and answer their questions in pairs.
14. Re-pair pupils or put pairs together into groups of four. Pupils tell each other information about
their partner from steps four to six.
Follow the instructions for Cooler: How long has Lili…? in the Teacher’s Book, p.85.

16/ 16 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives Lesson is postponed due to :

__ / __ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly

Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
__ / __ pupils need extra guidance
Course Other :
__ / __ pupils were able to master today’s lesson CRK


TIME 10.10-11.10 DATE 7/7/2023
TOPIC Cool Jobs (Lesson 55)
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
FOCUS Writing
OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to:
- Give detailed information about themselves and others
- Describe personality

1. Remind pupils of the post-lesson activity you did in the last lesson.Pupils do this activity in groups,
using information about themselves.
Lesson delivery
2. Introduce vocabulary to describe personality (e.g. brave, shy, outgoing) which could describe people
in different jobs. You could use examples for this.
3. Using the word/picture cards, pupils play a game in groups where they match adjectives and jobs (e.g.
Pelmanism, where the cards are all face-down; in turns, pupils turn over two cards to see if they make a
pair) (CCE: Values – Understanding that certain jobs require different personalities or qualities).
4. Pupilswork first individually on their writing, basing it on their notes from the homework interview task
(of course, they will have to change the title from ‘My English teacher’ to e.g. ‘My father’). They should
add in a sentence at the end which describes the personality of the person they interviewed. If some
pupils have not done the homework, they can write about you, as in the instructions in the Teacher’s
5. Follow the instructions for Activity 4 in the Teacher’s Book, p.90. Pupils self-evaluate their writing.
6. Have pupils make changes to their writing (second draft) in a different colour.
7. In groups, pupils volunteer to read their work to each other.
8. . Pupils focus on collocations with make and do.
Consolidate learning in this lesson with a post-lesson task from Section 3 for this, or you could refer to the
Games Bank in the Teacher’s Book, pp.14–17.

__ / __ pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives Lesson is postponed due to :

__ / __ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly

Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
__ / __ pupils need extra guidance
Course Other :
__ / __ pupils were able to master today’s lesson CRK

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