This paper investigates several aspects of the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM,
ISO 2012) associated to 2D and 3D cadastral situations within Malaysian cadastral
registration system. Literature review shows that many countries propose their own profile
based on the LADM such as The Netherlands, Portugal, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Australia/
Queensland, Cyprus and others. Malaysia is one of the potential candidates towards LADM-
based country profile, as proposed in this paper. Several aspects of the LADM such as the
RRR’s (Rights, Restrictions and Responsibilities), the ’Spatial Unit’ and ’Party’ will be
described related to 2D and 3D cadastral situations within the UML modelling language as a
tool for the data modelling. Code lists are used to describe a more open and flexible
enumeration values and associated to Malaysian mapping standard. Code lists are useful for
expressing a long, and potentially extensible, list of potential values. The code lists included
in the LADM aim to allow the use of local, regional or national terminology. We plan to
utilise cadastral datasets from Malaysian NMA (National Mapping Authority, ’JUPEM’) and
Land Office agency to illustrate the various cases. Note that the spatial data comes from
JUPEM, and registration (non-spatial data) from the Land Office.
In this paper the modelling of Rights, Restrictions and Responsibilities (RRR) will be
discussed with a focus on the modelling of holding shares in a RRR (Lemmen et al. 2010) . A
share in a right has a constraint that the sum of all shares should be equal to one. In principle,
all rights, restrictions and responsibilities are based on an administrative source. A
‘SpatialUnit’ is a point (or, multi-point), a line (or, multi-line), representing a single area (or,
multiple areas) of land (or water) or, more specifically, a single volume of space (or, multiple
volumes of space). The individual points are associated to ‘SpatialSource’ class. 2D and 3D
representations of spatial units use boundary ’face strings’ and boundary ’faces’. Parties are
natural persons, or group of persons, or juridical persons, that compose an identifiable single
(legal) entity. A juridical person may be a company, a municipality, the state or a farmer
Database construction for spatial and non spatial data will be carried out using Oracle Spatial.
The database schema is based on the LADM conceptual model with a country profile for the
Malaysian cadastral registration system. Data from the Oracle database can be accessed by
Bentley MicroStation software for 2D and 3D visualisation and editing. The Structured Query
Language (SQL) will be used to query and extract the data from the database.
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM:
Illustrated with Malaysian cases
Nowdays, most countries have developed their own land administration system. Some
countries operate deeds registration, other title registration. Some systems are centralized, and
others decentralized. Some systems are based on general boundaries approach, others on fixed
boundaries. Some systems have a fiscal background, others a legal one (Bogaerts and
Zevenbergen, 2001). LADM was introduced as a model to create standardized information
services in an international context, where land administration domain semantics have to be
shared between regions, or countries, in order to enable necessary translations.
In Malaysia, there are two organizations responsible for managing and maintaining the
cadastral system. The Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (DSMM) deals with the
cadastral survey with high accuracy survey determine the location, dimension and size of the
properties. The Cadastral Survey System of DSMM is responsible for preparing, producing
and managing the spatial component including the surveying and mapping of the cadastre
parcels. The Land Registration System, which is non-spatial data is the responsibility of the
Land Office. The Land Office deals with ownership registration, i.e. who owns what (Right,
Responsible, Restriction), the RRRs. Both organizations have their own systems called CLRS
(Computerised Land Registration System) in PTG (Pejabat Tanah & Galian) also known as
Land Office and CDMS (Cadastre Data Management System) in DSMM. Unfortunately the
systems are not integrated and still 2D in nature. Unique Parcel Identifier (UPI) was
introduced to link the Land Office and DSMM where every parcel has a unique identity
number to differentiate from other parcels.
Malaysia has standard codes for features and attributes code called MS 1759:2004. Basically,
this standard codes only cover the spatial part and do not include non-spatial part like Right,
Restriction and Responsibility (RRR). This paper proposes some codes for non-spatial data
based on LADM.
Current cadastral system in Malaysia is still not able to answer several 3D situations as
proposed by Stoter (2004), Thompson and van Oosterom (2010), Hassan and Abdul Rahman
(2010). Although the 2D cadastre still plays a dominant role in land administration in
Malaysia, specific needs for the registration related to 3D cadastre based on LADM
specifications need to be investigated further.
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives an overview of Land Administration
Domain Model (LADM). Spatial and non-spatial modelling is discussed in Section 3. Section
4, presents some illustrated cases from Malaysia and the prototype implementation using
Oracle Spatial and Bentley Microstation. Finally, the conclusions are given in Section 5.
Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) is also identified as ISO 19152. LADM has
been introduced as a model for land administration purposes. This model is designed as a
basis for various land registration practice in different countries. The LADM provides an
abstract, conceptual schema with three basic packages related to parties, rights,
responsibilities and restrictions (RRRs) and spatial units with one subpackage: surveying and
spatial representation.
Two important goals of this model are to provide an extensible basis for the development and
refinement of efficient and effective land administration system, based on model driven
architecture (MDA), and to enable involved parties, both within one country and between
different countries, to communicate, based on the shared vocabulary implied by the model.
The three main packages of the LADM are summarized in the subsections below based on
text from the official standards document ISO 19152.
The main class of this package is class LA_Party and with its specialisation LA_GroupParty.
Parties are natural persons, or groups of persons, or juridical persons, that compose an
identifiable single (legal) entity. A juridical person may be a company, or a municipality. A
group party is any number of parties, forming together a distinct entity. A party membership
in a group party is documented with attributes such as share in group and start date of
membership in group.
This package concerns the abstract class LA_RRR (with its three concrete subclasses
LA_Right, LA_Restriction and LA_Responsibility), and class LA_BAUnit.
A restriction is a formal or informal entitlement to refrain from doing something, e.g. it is not
allowed to build within 300 m of a fuel station, or a servitude or mortgage as a restriction to
the ownership right.
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A responsibility is a formal or informal obligation to do something, e.g. the responsibility to
clean a ditch, to keep a snow-free pavement, or to remove icicles from the roof during winter,
or to maintain a monument.
A BAUnit (an abbreviation for basic administrative unit) is an administrative entity consisting
of zero or more spatial units (parcels) against which one or more rights, responsibilities or
restrictions are associated, as included in a land administration (LA) system. An example of a
BAUnit is a basic property unit with two spatial units (e.g. an apartment and a garage) with
same RRRs and parties attached (e.g. single owner).
A spatial unit can be described as an area of land or water where RRRs (including social
tenure relationships) apply. Spatial units can be represented as sketch-based units; text-based
units; point-based units; line-based units; polygon-based units which are used when each
spatial units recorded as a separate entity, and topology-based units which are used when
spatial units share boundary representations. A spatial unit group is a group of spatial units,
(e.g. section, a municipality, a department, a province or a country), or within a planning area.
Note the spatial unit group has no RRRs (Baunits) attached and is just for usefull grouping;
e.g. to support certain workflows.
The spatial unit package has one surveying and spatial representation subpackage, with
classes such as LA_SpatialSource, LA_Point, LA_BoundaryFaceString and
LA_BoundaryFace. Points can be acquired in the field by classical surveys, or with images. A
survey is documented with spatial sources. A set of measurements with observations
(distances, bearings, etc.) is an attribute of LA_SpatialSource. The individual points are
instances of class LA_Point, which is associated with LA_SpatialSource. The two-
dimensional boundary face strings (2D boundaries implying vertical faces forming part of the
outside of a spatial unit) and the three-dimensional boundary faces (faces used in 3D
representation of a boundary of a spatial unit) are used to provide the spatial representations
associated to spatial units.
The study area for this research is at World Youth Foundation (WYF) building in the state of
Melaka and some land parcels around that building. WYF is a commercial building with four
storeys. The building is meant for 3D cadastral registration system meanwhile the land parcel
around that building is for 2D cadastral system based on LADM.
In this paper, ’MY’ is a prefix for the Malaysian country profile, covering both the spatial and
non-spatial data modelling as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+ suID: Oid
+ dimension: MY_DimensionType
+ lpID: Oid 1 0..*
+ lotNo: CharacterString + buID: Oid
+ mukim: CharacterString + referencePoint: My_Point
+ district: CharacterString + volume: Number
+ state: CharacterString + type: MY_BuildingUnitType
+ referencePoint: My_Point + parcelNo: CharacterString
+ area: Number + floorNo: CharacterString
+ type: MY_LandParcelType
+ geomery : mdsys.sdo_geometry
0,2..* 0,3..*
+ ptID: Oid
+ type: MY_PointType
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Figure 2: Non-spatial data modelling based on LADM.
Attributes with type have codes and will be explain further in Section 3.2
Unique Parcel Identifier (UPI) was introduced to create a linkage between Land Office (non-
spatial data) and DSMM (spatial data). It also makes every parcel has an unique identity
number to differentiate them with other parcel. Figure 3 and Figure 4 shows the UPI for land
parcel (2D) and building unit (3D).
04 = State code
01= District code
08 = Mukim code
000 = Section code
15662 = Lot number
04 = State code
01= District code
08 = Mukim code
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
000 = Section code
15662 = Lot number
(S)846 = Scheme number
(B)M1 = Main building number
(M)1 = ’Menara’ @ Tower number
Figure 4: UPI for building unit (3D) – main block, buID in country profile
In one scheme for building (3D), it also possible to have a provisional block. Based on Strata
Titles Act 1985 (section 4), provisional means : a) in relation to a proposed strata plan, a
block in respect of a building proposed to be, or in the course of being, erected, for which a
separate provisional strata title is applied for; b) in relation to an approved strata plan, such a
block shown therein, for which a provisional strata title is to be registered; c) in relation to a
book of strata register, such a block shown therein, for which a provisional strata title has
been registered. The code for provisional block in that building starts with P. The Figure 5
shows an example of UPI for provisional block.
UPI for building unit (3D) will be divided into three subdivisions: these are parcel unit,
accessories unit and common area unit. The Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8 show examples of
UPI for parcel unit, accessories unit and common area unit. Parcel unit, in relation to a
subdivided building, means one of the individual units comprised therein, which (expect in
the case of an accessory parcel) is held under separate strata title. Accessories unit means any
parcel shown in a strata plan as an accessory parcel which is used or intended to be used in
conjunction with a parcel. Common area unit means so much of the lot as is not comprised in
any parcel (including any accessory parcel), or any provisional block as shown in an approved
strata plan.
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Figure 8: UPI for common area unit in building, cauID in country profile
Based on spatial and non-spatial data modelling above, several classes have code list. In
Malaysia, we have standard codes for features and attribute code (MS 1759: 2004). Malaysian
standard codes basically cover the spatial part and rarely cover non-spatial part likes Right,
Restriction, and Responsibility type. Figure 9 and Figure 10 shows the spatial and non spatial
Figure 9: Code list for spatial package (Malaysian specific code list values, with exception of
MY_DimensionType and MY_PointType, which are from generic LADM code list).
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Figure 10: Code list for non-spatial package (party and administrative package)
Newly proposed code lists for non-spatial package not captured in the current Malaysia
standard are presented in Figure 10 and are mainly based on example code list values in
LADM informative annex J.
In Malaysia, ownership for building subdivision is called strata title. Strata title is different
from the land title. Share units in strata title is determined by area of each parcel units.
Meanwhile, for land title, the share units are based on agreement that was made between the
owners of the land. For example, there are five owners on one land named with individual A,
B, C,D and E with their share units: A (6/20), B (2/20), C (2/20), D (7/20) and E (3/20). The
total number for share units in land title must equal to 1. If there are only one owner in land
title, the share units is just 1 and do not have fraction.
The total share units for building (strata title) also include the provisional block. For an
example, strata schema for World Youth Foundation (WYF) building has one provisional
block (as mentioned in the preceding section. Thus, the share units for that block also
calculated in that strata schema. Table 1 show the share units that for each parcels in WYF
building. The total share units in strata schema for WYF building is 1537.
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Table 1: Share units for each parcel in WYF building strata schema
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
4.1 The physical model
For this project, the conceptual model has been transformed into a physical model with seven
tables, which represent spatial and non-spatial data as shown in Table 2. MY_Party,
MY_BAUnit, MY_RRR represent non-spatial data. On the other hand, MY_SpatialUnit,
MY_LandParcel, My_BuildingUnit and MY_PACunit represent spatial data. MY_PACunit is
a combination of MY_ParcelUnit, MY_AccessoriesUnit and MY_CommonAreaUnit.
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Type Type of the building unit
parcelNo Total number of parcels in the building unit
floorNo Total number of floors in the building unit
MY_PACunit pacID (PK) ID of the parcel, accessories and common area
bauID (FK) ID of the basic administrative unit
suID ID of the spatial unit
buID ID of the building unit
Volume Volume of the PAC unit
Code Code for PAC unit
Type Type of the PAC unit
Floor Floor number of the PAC unit
Description Description of the PAC unit
Geometry Geometry of the PAC unit (3D)
Based on LADM, there are two type of parties: natural and non-natural person. Natural person
is a individual person such as the owner, employee and so on. Meanwhile, non-natural person
is like an organization or company. In this project, ID for natural person is based on their
identity card (IC) number and id for non-natural person is based on company registration
Basic administrative unit ID for this research is based on ownership number or title number of
the property (land parcel or building unit). Currently, there is no id attribute for the RRR
class. We propose in the Malaysian country profile to use the new attribute for RRR classes
known as rrrID in LADM. RRR id in this project is same as Unique Parcel Identifier (UPI) of
the objects.
Spatial unit ID is based on number of certified plan (CP). For this research, spatial unit are
divided into two parts which are land parcel (2D) and building unit (3D). Building unit also
divided into three parts which are parcel unit, accessories unit and common area unit. ID for
for land parcel and building unit (including parcel unit, accessories unit and common area
unit) are based on UPI. UPI is important for this research. It will be use to query spatial and
non spatial data from database. Table 3 show some examples of ID for each table.
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
PACunit (pacID);
Parcel unit 04010800015662(S)846(B)M1(M)1(T)1(P)1
Accessories unit 04010800015662(S)846(B)M1(M)1(T)1(A)1
Common area unit 04010800015662(S)846(B)M1(M)1(T)1(C)1
Figure 11: Insert 2D data using Oracle Spatial (note GTYPE 2003 stand for a 2D polygon)
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Figure 12: Insert 3D data using Oracle Spatial (note GTYPE 3007 stand for a 3D multipolygon)
In Bentley Microstation, the query is conducted via the visual SQL Query Builder. Figure 13
shows the list of spatial attributes based on the selected table MY_LandParcel. The query for
spatial table is conducted by selecting the attributes from this table. The output of the
experiment can be seen in Figure 14 and Figure 15. The same method is also applied for
querying ’Party’ and ’RRR’ tables. Figure 16 and Figure 17 shows the result of the query for
’Party’ and ’RRR’ tables.
Figure 13: Visual SQL Query Builder with list of spatial attributes
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Figure 14: 2D data query and visualisation using Bentley Microstation
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Figure 15: 3D data query and visualisation using Bentley Microstation
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Figure 16: Data from query on ’Party’ table
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This paper attempts to describe the utilization of the Land Administration Domain Model
(LADM), in particular the Parties, the Rights, Restrictions and Responsibilities (RRRs) and
the relationship with spatial data for 2D and 3D Cadastral environment. Recent works suggest
that the utilization of LADM international standard for cadastral domain is very much
relevant as mentioned by the following researchers; Lemmen (2012), Van Oosterom et al
(2011), Pouliot (2011), Hespanha (2012), and Ary Sucaya (2009).
Refering to conceptual model that is proposed in this paper, LADM provides standardized
class names for spatial and non-spatial data. For spatial data class, they have their own
standard name called SpatialUnit. In this project, SpatialUnit is divided into two parts, which
are Land Parcel (2D) and Building Unit (3D). Building Unit is also divided into three
divisions, which are Parcel Unit, Accessories Unit and Common Area Unit. PACunit is a
combination of Parcel Unit, Accessories Unit and Common Area Unit classes.
Query 2D spatial object in this project is based on MY_LandParcel table. Meanwhile, we use
MY_PACunit to query the 3D spatial object. MY_Party and MY_RRR is used to query non-
spatial data.
Besides, UPI also is important to link between spatial and non-spatial data. It is also used to
query data from spatial and non-spatial data. A new code lists for spatial and non-spatial data
to improve the Malaysian standard are also proposed.
We plan to continue this research and apply the proposed country profile (based on the
LADM conceptual model) to various types of 2D and 3D cadastral situations which are
relevant to registration and mapping agencies in Malaysia.
Ary Sucaya, I.K.G., (2009). Application and validation the Land Administration Domain
Model in a real life situation (A case study in Indonesia). MSc Thesis. Delft University of
Technology, Delft, the Netherlands.
Christiaan Lemmen, (2012). A Domain Model for Land Administration. PhD Thesis. Delft
University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands.
Christiaan Lemmen, Peter van Oosterom, Claude Eisenhut and Harry Uitermark, (2010). The
Modelling of Rights, Restrictions and Responsibilities (RRR) in the Land Administration
Domain Model (LADM). In: Proceedings of the XXIV FIG International Congress, April
2010, Sydney, 40 p.
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hassan, M.I. and A.Abdul-Rahman (2010). An integrated Malaysian cadastral system. FIG
Congress 2010. Sydney. Australia.
Stoter, J.E. (2004). 3D Cadastre. Ph.D. Thesis. Delft University of Technology, Delft, the
Van Oosterom, P.J.M, Lemmen, C.H.J, Uitermark H., Boekelo G., and Verkuijl G., (2011).
Land Administration Standardization with focus on Surveying and Spatial Representations.
In: Proceedings of the ACMS Annual Conference Survey Summit, San Diego, 28p.
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
SDO_GTYPE is a number that defines the overall shape. It describes the end result of the
ordered combination of elements. SDO_GTYPE is a four-digit integer. The first digit
represents the number of dimensions. The second digit represents the linear representation,
which is important for a three or four-dimensional shape. In a two-dimensional shape the
value is zero. The last two digits represent the shape.
SDO_SRID number describes the coordinate system to use. This field is used to guarantee
that all geometries within the table column use the same coordinate system. It also defaults to
Cartesian coordinate system if set to null.
Spatial also allows for the definition of a single point within a geometry. This point could be
used for label placement, measurement determinations, and so on. If a two-dimensional
geometry is used, z may be left null. The entire SDO_POINT value may be set to null.
SDO_ORDINATES_ARRAY is a list of all the vertices that define the geometry. The
SDO_ORDINATES_ARRAY values are read in pairs, with the first value being x and the
second value being y. If there are a three-dimensional geometry, the values would be read in
triplets, with the last value being z.
Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter Van Oosterom
Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: Illustrated with Malaysian
International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain
24-25 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Alias Abdul Rahman is a Professor at the Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of
Geoinformation and Real Estate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai, Johor in
Malaysia. He received a degree in Surveying and Mapping Sciences from North East London
Polytechnic, England, UK in 1987, Postgrad Diploma in GIS from ITC, Netherlands, and
MSc in GIS also from ITC, Netherlands. In 2000 he received his PhD degree from University
of Glasgow, Scotland, U.K. Currently he serves as Chair for ISPRS Commission II/5 from
2008 2012 on Multidimensional GIS and Mobile Data Model.
Peter van Oosterom obtained an MSc in Technical Computer Science in 1985 from Delft
University of Technology, The Netherlands. In 1990 he received a PhD from Leiden
University for this thesis ‘Reactive Data Structures for GIS’. From 1985 until 1995 he worked
at the TNO-FEL laboratory in The Hague, The Netherlands as a computer scientist. From
1995 until 2000 he was senior information manager at the Dutch Cadastre, where he was
involved in the renewal of the Cadastral (Geographic) database. Since 2000, he is professor at
the Delft University of Technology (OTB institute) and head of the section ‘GIS Technology’.
He is the current chair of the FIG joint commission 3 and 7 working group on ‘3D-Cadastres’