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2a Four-cylinder engines 5 Timing belt and sprockets - removal, inspection and installation

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VW Jetta & Golf Automotive Repair Manual

5 Timing belt and sprockets - removal, inspection and installation

Wait until the engine is completely cool before beginning this procedure.

Do not rotate the crankshaft or the camshaft separately during this procedure with the timing belt removed, as damage to valves will occur. Only
rotate the camshaft a few degrees as necessary to align the camshaft sprocket marks with the marks on the rear timing belt cover.

If the battery is disconnected, several systems must be re-learned before they will work properly (see Chapter 5, Section 3 ).

This procedure applies to the 2.0L (CBPA) engine and 1.4L (CZTA, DGXA) engines.


The timing system is complex. Severe engine damage will occur if you make any mistakes. Do not attempt this procedure unless you are highly
experienced with this type of repair. If you are at all unsure of your abilities, consult an expert. Double-check all your work and be sure everything
is correct before you attempt to start the engine.

The contact points for the timing belt on the camshaft sprockets, crankshaft sprocket, tensioner and idler pulley must be kept free from oil to
prevent damage to the belt and possible premature failure.

1 Disconnect the cable from the negative terminal of the battery (see Chapter 5 ).

2 Loosen the right-front wheel bolts, raise the front of the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands. Block the wheels at the opposite end and
remove the right-front wheel.

3 Working under the vehicle, remove the splash shield below the engine (see Chapter 1, Section 6 ).

4 Remove the driver’s side inner fender liner (see Chapter 11 ).

5 Mark the rotation direction of the drive belt, then remove the drive belt (see Chapter 1 ) and spark plugs.

After the belt is removed, remove the locking pin from the tensioner and slowly release the tensioner.

6 Set the engine to TDC (see Section 3 ).

7 Remove the coolant expansion tank (see Chapter 3 ).

1.4L (CZTA, DGXA) engines

8 Remove the air filter housing and the turbocharger charge air cooler pipes (see Chapter 4 ).

9 Disconnect the quick-connect fittings from the fuel hose and from the hose to the EVAP canister (see Chapter 6 ).

10 Disengage the retaining clip attaching the hoses to the front of the cover then remove the upper cover mounting bolt (see illustration) .

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5.10 Disengage the retaining clip at the front of the cover,

then remove the upper cover mounting bolt

1 Hose retaining clip

2 Upper cover mounting bolt

11 Remove the upper timing belt cover clips (see illustrations) .

5.11a Using a small screwdriver, release the clip from the

rear. . .

5.11b. . . and the front side of the cover

12 Remove the upper timing belt cover (see illustration) .

5.12 Remove the upper timing belt cover

13 Remove the crankshaft pulley (see Section 10 ).

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14 Remove the timing belt lower cover fasteners (see illustration) .

5.14 Lower timing cover fastener locations

15 If you plan to re-use the timing belt, apply an arrow indicating direction of travel on the belt (see illustration) .

5.15 If you intend to re-use the timing belt, apply

directional marks on the belt

16 Working in the engine mount bracket opening, hold the timing belt tensioner eccentric pulley with VW special tool #T10499A or equivalent, and
loosen the tensioner mounting bolt using VW special tool #T10500 or equivalent (see illustration) to release the timing belt tension.

5.16 Timing belt tensioner details

1 Engine mount bracket

2 Tensioner adjusting bolt

3 Timing belt tensioner eccentric pulley

4 Timing belt

17 Remove the timing belt from the camshafts, then slide the belt down through the engine mount bracket and out from below.

The timing belt is made from a fiberglass cord webbing material that can be damaged by bending it too sharply. Never bend the toothed belt with
a radius less than 1 inch (25 mm).

With the timing belt removed, do not rotate the engine out of TDC or severe engine damage may occur.

2.0L (CBPA) engine

18 Remove the timing belt upper cover fasteners and cover.

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19 Rotate the engine in the normal direction of rotation (clockwise) until the No. 1 cylinder is located at TDC (see Section 3 ). Verify that the camshaft
sprocket mark is aligned with the “OT” mark on the timing belt rear cover at approximately the 11 o’clock position.

20 Support the engine from below (see illustration 18.3) , then remove the passenger’s side engine mount (see Section 18 ).

The engine will have to be raised and lowered to remove the front engine mount fasteners.

21 Remove the passenger’s side engine mount bracket bolts and remove the bracket from the front of the engine.

22 Use an offset box-end wrench on the crankshaft center bolt to keep the crankshaft from rotating while removing the pulley retaining bolts. Loosen
the crankshaft drive sprocket retaining bolt (only if the sprocket is to be removed) and the crankshaft pulley bolts, then remove the pulley (see Section
10 ). After the bolts are loosened, verify that the crankshaft has not moved from TDC.

Loosening the drive sprocket bolt is only required if the crankshaft drive sprocket is expected to be removed. It is not typically necessary to
remove the drive sprocket when you’re simply replacing a timing belt, but it will have to be removed if you are replacing the crankshaft front oil
seal or housing. If you do remove the drive sprocket, obtain a new bolt (the manufacturer doesn’t recommend re-using it).

23 Remove the timing belt center cover fasteners and cover.

24 If you plan to re-use the timing belt, apply match marks on the sprocket and belt, and make an arrow indicating direction of travel on the belt (see
illustration 5.15)

25 Remove the timing belt lower cover retaining fasteners and remove the cover.

26 Loosen the tensioner pulley nut, then insert special tool #T10020 into the slot in the tensioner pulley and turn the tensioner counterclockwise until
the timing belt can be removed from the sprockets.

27 Remove the timing belt from the engine, taking care to avoid twisting or kinking it excessively.

28 If the crankshaft sprocket is worn or damaged, or if you have to replace the crankshaft front oil seal, remove the drive sprocket retaining bolt
which was loosened in Step 22 and detach the crankshaft sprocket from the crankshaft (see illustrations) .

5.28a With the crankshaft drive sprocket retaining bolt

removed. . .

5.28b. . . the crankshaft sprocket is easily detached from

the crankshaft. Note how the lug on the sprocket
engages with the notch in the crankshaft

29 If the camshaft sprocket is damaged or needs to be removed for other procedures such as oil seal replacement, use a pin spanner wrench or
similar tool to hold the sprocket in place as the sprocket retaining bolt is loosened (see illustration), then, use a two-jaw puller to remove the camshaft

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5.29 If necessary, the camshaft sprocket bolt can be

loosened while holding the sprocket in place with a pin
spanner wrench - typical camshaft sprocket and spanner
tool shown


Do not bend, twist or turn the timing belt inside out. Do not allow it to come in contact with oil, coolant or fuel. Do not turn the crankshaft or
camshaft more than a few degrees (if necessary for tooth alignment) while the timing belt is removed.

30 Spin the timing belt tensioner pulley (which is the large pulley bolted to the engine block) and the idler wheel (which is the small roller mounted on
the tensioner body) and check the bearings for smooth operation and excessive play. Also inspect the remaining timing belt sprockets for any obvious
damage. Replace all worn parts as necessary.

31 Examine the belt for evidence of contamination by coolant or oil. If this is the case, find the source of the contamination before progressing any
further. Check the belt for signs of wear or damage, particularly around the leading edges of the belt teeth (see illustration) .

5.31 Check the timing belt for cracked and missing teeth
- wear on one side of the belt indicates sprocket
misalignment problems

If the belt appears to be in good condition and can be re-used, it is essential that it is reinstalled the same way around, otherwise accelerated
wear will result, leading to premature failure.

32 Replace the belt if its condition is in doubt; the cost of belt replacement is negligible compared with potential cost of the engine repairs, should
the belt fail in service. Similarly, if the belt is known to have covered more than 60,000 miles, it is a good idea to replace it regardless of condition, as a
precautionary measure.


Before starting the engine, carefully rotate the crankshaft by hand through at least two full revolutions (use a socket and breaker bar on the
crankshaft pulley center bolt). If you feel anyresistance, STOP! There is something wrong -most likely, valves are contacting the pistons. You
must find the problem before proceeding. Check your work and see if any updated repair information is available.

1.4L (CZTA, DGXA) engines

33 Ensure that the crankshaft is still set to TDC on No. 1 cylinder, as described in this Chapter’s Specifications . If any of the camshaft sprockets were
removed for inspection or needed replacement, install them back onto the camshafts now (see Section 8 ). If the timing belt idler was removed,
reinstall the idler and tighten the idler bolt to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications . If the tensioner was removed, reinstall it now, making
sure the metal tab of the setting window is seated into the cast hole of the cylinder head (see illustration) , then tighten the adjustment bolt loosely.

34 Working at the rear of the camshaft housing, in place of the camshaft cap (see illustration 3.16) attach VW special tool #T10494 camshaft
positioning tool to the intake camshaft with the opposite end of the tool seating on the water pump mounting bolt on the exhaust camshaft.

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35 If the camshaft positioning tool is easy to install (lining up with the asymmetrical grooves on intake camshaft) the valve timing is okay - proceed to
he next Step. If the tool can’t be installed, the valve timing is incorrect. If the valve timing is incorrect, the camshaft sprockets must be removed and
reinstalled in the correct timed position (see Section 8 ).

36 Loop the timing belt loosely under the crankshaft sprocket and through the engine mount bracket - the outside of the timing belt must be around
the tensioner and the idler pulley - then place the belt up and on both camshaft sprockets.

Observe the direction of rotation markings on the belt.

37 Turn the timing belt tensioner eccentric pulley clockwise using VW special tool #T10499 or equivalent until the pointer on the back side of the
tensioner pulley is approximately 0.39 inch (10 mm) to the right of the metal tab of the setting window (see illustration) , then turn back the eccentric
until the pointer is exactly inside the setting window and tighten the adjuster bolt to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications .

5.37 Tensioner pulley details - 1.4L (CZTA, DGXA) models

shown 1 Tensioner adjuster bolt 2 Timing belt tensioner
eccentric pulley 3 Pointer 4 Setting window

5 Cylinder head cast hole

6 Metal tab

7 Timing belt

8 Tensioner pulley

38 Remove the locking pin (VW special tool #T10340) from the TDC hole on the lower corner of the engine, then remove the camshaft positioing tool
(VW special tool #T10494) from the ends of the camshaft.

39 Rotate the engine two complete revolutions, by hand in the direction of normal engine rotation, then insert locking pin (VW special tool #T10340)
all the way into the hole and tighten it to 22 ft-lbs (30 Nm).

40 Slowly rotate the crankshaft until it contacts the locking pin and install VW special tool #T10494 camshaft positioning tool onto the end of the
camshaft housing.

41 If the camshaft positioning tool can be easily inserted onto the intake camshaft, have an assistant use VW special tool #T10487, or equivalent, to
push the timing belt down slightly between the sprockets while you insert the camshaft positioning tool. If the tool still cannot be installed, the timing
is incorrect and the camshaft sprockets must be removed (see Section 8 ).

42 If the tool can be properly installed in Step 40, the timing is correct.

43 Reinstall the lower timing belt cover and tighten the fasteners to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications .

44 Install the crankshaft pulley (see Section 10 ).

45 Remainder of installation is the reverse of removal.

2.0L (CBPA) engines

46 Ensure that the crankshaft is still set to TDC on No. 1 cylinder, as described in this Chapter’s Specifications . If any of the timing sprockets or the
tensioner pulley were removed for inspection or needed replacement, install them back onto the engine now. If the timing belt tensioner was removed,
reinstall it now and tighten the bolts to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications , then install the tensioner pulley adjustment bolt loosely.

47 Make sure the camshaft sprocket mark is still in alignment with the mark on the rear timing belt cover.

48 Loop the timing belt loosely under the crankshaft sprocket.

Observe the direction of rotation markings on the belt.

49 Route the belt clockwise in this order: around the water pump sprocket, over the camshaft sprocket, then over the tensioner pulley. Ensure the
belt teeth seat completely on the sprockets.

Slight adjustments to the position of the camshaft sprocket may be necessary to achieve this.

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50 Verify the timing marks at the camshaft and the transaxle are all at TDC.

51 Insert VW special tool #T10020 or equivalent into the half-moon shaped slot on the tensioner, then rotate the tensioner counterclockwise until the
pointer and the notch are aligned (see illustration) . This applies tension to the belt. Loosen the tensioner again, rotate the tensioner until the pointer
and the notch are aligned again, then tighten the nut to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications .

5.51 Timing belt tensioner details - 2.0L (CBPA) models

1 Timing belt

2 Half moon adjusting tool slot

3 Tenioner lock nut

4 Tensioner pulley

5 Tenioner pointer

6 Alignment notch

7 Metal locating tab

52 Install the lower timing belt cover and the crankshaft pulley (see Section 10 ).

53 Rotate the crankshaft two complete revolutions, bringing it back to TDC on the compression stroke. Check the alignment marks again. Also re-
check that the tensioner pointer is positioned by the middle of the notch (see illustration 5.51) .

54 The remainder of installation is the reverse of removal.

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