Rationale: This subject will give introduction to traditional and distributed computing system. Students
will be introduced to various issues in design of distributed system. They will also learn how to mitigate
those risks and attacks.
Reference Books:
Course Outcome:
List of Experiments:
1. Write a Program to implement Concurrent Echo Client Server Application.
2. Write a Program to implement Concurrent Day Time Server Application.
3. Write a program to solve Producer-Consumer Problem using thread.
4. Write a program to implement Calculator using Socket in java.
5. Implement RPC Programming.
6. Implementation of Server that adds given two values by the clients using Java RMI.
7. Write a program to create CORBA based client server application
8. Implementing Bully Election algorithm for synchronization
9. Implementing Ring Election algorithm for synchronization
10. Write a Program to Increment a Counter in Shared Memory.
ssSeat No./Enrolment No.___________
(b) What is the role of “binding agent” in client server binding? Explain 07
types of binding in detail.
Q.4 (a) Which are the different techniques to avoid deadlock in 07
Distributed Operating System?
(b) Explain name space and name server. 07
Q.5 (a) Which are the different types of process scheduling techniques? Explain 07
desirable features for good scheduling algorithm.
(b) Explain the technique to avoid the faults in distributed systems 07
Q.5 (a) Explain the causal consistency model for a distributed shared memory 07
(b) What is load balancing? List the load balancing techniques and discuss 07
any two of them.
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 (a) List out the advantages & disadvantages of Distributed System (DS). 07
(b) Define Thread. Explain User Level Thread & Kernel Level Thread. 07
Q.2 (a) Briefly explain the concept of stateful and stateless servers with suitable diagram. 07
(b) Explain the various issues in designing Load Sharing Algorithms. 07
(b) Explain Berkley clock Synchronization algorithm with an example. 07
Q.3 (a) What is process migration? List out the advantages of process migration. 07
(b) Explain how mutual exclusion is handled in distributed system. 07
Q.3 (a) List out various types of Consistency Models in Distributed Shared Memory 07
(DSM) and explain any two of them with suitable diagram.
(b) Write a short note on Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). 07
Q.4 (a) What is the need of Load Balancing in Distributed System? List out various load 07
balancing techniques.
(b) Describe the Distributed Deadlock Detection Algorithms. 07
Q.4 (a) Define Thrashing. Explain various approaches to solve Thrashing in DSM. 07
(b) What is Stub? How a Stub can be generated? Also explain how stub helps user 07
in making RPC mechanism transparent.
Q.5 (a) What is the goal of Election Algorithms? Explain Bully Election Algorithm in 07
(b) Explain JAVA RMI Architecture. 07
Q.5 (a) Explain File Caching. Compare it with File Replication. List out the advantages 07
of file replication in Distributed File System (DFS).
(b) Write a short note on CORBA – ORB Architecture. 07
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 (a) Define distributed system. What is main motivation of distributed system? 07
Explain advantages and disadvantages of distributed systems.
(b) Explain IPC Synchronization in detail. 07
Q.2 (a) What is RMI? What are the main features of Java RMI? Discuss the various 07
components and the process of RMI execution.
(b) What is threading? Explain Thread model in distributed System. 07
(b) Explain CORBA – ORB Architecture. 07
Q.3 (a) What is ordered message delivery? Discus different types of message ordering 07
(b) Explain Berkley clock Synchronization algorithm with an example 07
Q.3 (a) Differentiate between monolithic kernel and microkernel approaches for 07
designing distributed operating system.
(b) Why mutual exclusion is more complex in distributed systems? Categorize and 07
compare mutual exclusion algorithms.
Q.4 (a) List file Accessing models. Discuss any two of them. 07
(b) Explain the general architecture of DSM. 07
Q.4 (a) What is process migration? Explain address transport mechanism with freezing 07
(b) Which are the different techniques to avoid deadlock in Distributed Operating 07
Q.5 (a) What is the main cause of threshing in a DSM system? Discuss the methods to 07
resolve threshing problem in DSM system
(b) Explain various file sharing semantics. 07
Q.5 (a) Write the advantages of distributed shared memory. Define HDSM and explain 07
Ring based multi-processor.
(b) Explain the technique to avoid the faults in distributed systems. 07
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 (a) List out the Design issues in Distributed System. Explain Scalability in 07
(b) Compare Centralized and Distributed System and Discuss real time 07
applications of distributed system.
Q.2 (a) Differentiate between monolithic kernel and microkernel approaches for 07
designing distributed operating system.
(b) Explain IPC Synchronization in detail. 07
(b) Explain Election Algorithm for Synchronization in Distributed System. 07
Q.5 (a) Define Thrashing in DSM. Explain methods for solving thrashing in 07
(b) Explain various file sharing semantics. 07
Q.5 (a) Explain SOAP with its architecture. 07
(b) Explain the causal consistency model for a distributed shared memory 07