Vedanta at a glance 8
Empowering impact:
Unleashing our purpose with a robust sustainability strategy 9
Transforming Communities 12
Transforming Planet 16
Transforming Workplace 23
Women in workforce
1.20 TRIFR gender diversity at
Board level
At Vedanta, our unwavering commitment has growth. To provide real advantages to all advantageous position, particularly in creating a
always been to generate value and enhance the stakeholders, these efforts will be supported by resilient supply chain and indigenous
well-being of individuals through sustainable and environmental stewardship, social equality, and manufacturing.
responsible mining practices. Over the past year, impact, in addition to strong governance.
we have conducted an extensive analysis of our Vedanta has a portfolio of 9 metals & minerals
Vedanta is committed to role in the nation’s growth story and tackling global Vedanta's strategic investments and careful that play a significant role for us in the
working with all stakeholders challenges. We have identified the necessary financial management plan are designed to development of the country and in achieving
to enable a just transition to steps to fulfil our obligations to the planet, our provide steady shareholder returns and long-term India's energy and mineral independence. We
workforce, our communities, and our nation. sustainable growth. To achieve this strategic goal, envision playing an even greater role in the
a low-carbon economy and
we are investing in a number of initiatives for nation's growth narrative and in enabling India to
transforming to a more The FY2023 Report demonstrates our volume expansion, backward integration, become self-reliant in minerals and energy. This
sustainable tomorrow. longstanding commitment to creating all-round value-added goods, as well as quickly expanding is crucial considering the expanding population
value and covers the length and breadth of digitalization. Our growth is backed by strong and the rise in industrial activities. Vedanta is
benefits our business activities bring to our governance practises supported by meticulous already expanding its capacities in the aluminum
stakeholders. I am proud of the continued guidelines and regulations for their execution. In and zinc sectors. To strengthen our assets and
progress on our journey of sustainability reporting, recognition, Vedanta received the coveted boost production, we have invested USD 1.2
built on already strong foundations. "Golden Peacock Global Award for Excellence in billion in growth capital expenditures in FY 2023.
Corporate Governance 2022" in appreciation of Promoting further investment in the mining of
On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank every its governance practises. This is in addition to the these metals and minerals can support the
shareholder for supporting our journey in overall improvement we have seen in the Group’s transition to a just society and to combat
transforming together to support the national and ESG ratings in the last two years – a strong, climate change. These opportunities open
global growth story, which will put us a position to independent, recognition of our efforts. avenues for fruitful collaboration with the
keep creating sustainable value in the years ahead. government and stakeholders at large to create
Despite a hard period of persistent pandemic ▪ In your opinion, what is Vedanta's role in a sustainable future.
disruption, global supply chain issues, and cost helping India achieve its net-zero goal
constraints, we have collectively managed to 2070? Additionally, Vedanta has been taking several
produce good operational and financial success A major turning point in the global effort to initiatives to support the transformation to a
this year. We intend to build on and strengthen the combat climate change has been India's greener future. In FY23, we have made
trust by working together and transforming for commitment that it plans to achieve net zero significant progress towards our goal of net zero
good – for the planet, the economy, and society at emissions by 2070. India is setting the bar for a carbon. With a commitment to plant 7 million
large. novel approach to economic growth that might trees by 2030, we made history by joining the
sidestep the carbon-intensive strategies many World Economic Forum's 1 trillion trees
▪ Vedanta's vision is "Transforming for nations have previously adopted and serve as a programme and joined other leading companies
Good". What does it mean to you? model for other emerging markets. India’s around the world in a program that will help
Vedanta aspires to uphold the highest principles of improved outlook in many ways is attributable to conserve, restore the planet's natural spaces.
quality and integrity, while achieving sustainable the government’s quest for self-reliance in Further, by 2030, we hope to have 2.5 GW of
growth in collaboration with all stakeholders. This manufacturing minerals and resources. While continuously operating renewable energy (RE
dedication is embodied in our vision, "Transforming several countries have found themselves RTC) capacity. We have also implemented an
Anil Agarwal for Good," which encourages group efforts to precariously positioned, given their dependence innovative, market-leading EV policy to
Chairman achieve inclusive, responsible, and value-added on others for key resources, India finds itself in an encourage staff to transition to EVs, and we are
I am pleased to take this opportunity to share my governments and stakeholders can help solve are well-positioned to seize the evolving growth
thoughts and express gratitude for your continued some of the most pressing challenges facing many opportunities.
.trust in Vedanta. Our journey of growth and shared jurisdictions, most notably in emerging economies
value creation continued unabated during FY 2023 To tackle the topmost business risks arising from
Our ESG journey has helped despite market volatility. environmental crises, Vedanta has taken strategic
us uphold the utmost levels ▪ How would you describe the goals to act on climate change and nature loss. Our
of excellence and integrity, Driven by healthy macroeconomic fundamentals transformation of Vedanta's ESG journey? ambitious targets for environmental stewardship via
aiming to attain sustainable and domestic consumption, FY2023 has been an At Vedanta we have always taken great pleasure in decarbonization, the circular economy, and water
incredible year for India. The country repositioned positively are in line with the UN's Sustainable
and responsible growth in our steadfast dedication to sustainability and
itself amongst the world’s fastest-growing responsible mining practices. We acknowledge the Development Goals, and we continue to align our
collaboration with all
economies, even as most developed nations faced significant impact our operations can have on local performance with the sectoral and global best
stakeholders. practices.
slower growth amidst high inflation, India posted an communities, ecosystems, and the global climate.
impressive 6.8% GDP growth, after delivering 9.1% To address this, we have implemented a
growth in the previous fiscal year. Commodity Our ESG efforts have helped us achieve positive
comprehensive sustainability framework that
prices, however, moderated, were weighed down results for the company while ensuring strong
serves as a guiding force in our decision-making
by global macroeconomic challenges. environmental and social performance. As part of
processes, ensuring the harmonization of
our ongoing "net zero" effort, we have signed
economic prosperity with environmental, social,
Amid this backdrop, Vedanta took a leap to renewable energy power delivery agreements
and governance (ESG) considerations.
demonstrate resilience and commitment to (PDAs) that will bring 788 MW of Round-the-Clock
excellence, emerging stronger in the process. We equivalent renewable power to our businesses. Our
Our ESG program has helped us uphold the utmost
owe this success to our team whose agility in goal of lowering our ecological impact has also
levels of excellence and integrity, aiming to attain
pursuing opportunities through leadership and been advanced by the designation of three more of
sustainable and responsible growth in collaboration
decisive action brought us closer to achieving our our company locations as water positive.
with all stakeholders. Our guiding principle,
ambitious goals. Our team executed strategies to 'Transforming for Good,' encapsulates this
Vedanta is committed to expanding responsibly by
ensure steady operational performance and strong dedication by encouraging collective actions to
making sure that the communities in which we work
cost control, resulting in a commendable financial foster inclusive, responsible, and value-enhancing
prosper and expand with us. With best-in-class
performance. growth.
services, our flagship initiative, Nand Ghar, has been
actively striving to improve the Aanganwadi
The FY2023 Sustainability Report demonstrates ▪ How has the sustainability agenda
ecosystem in India and close the urban-rural divide.
our well-established commitment of fostering supported in the overall performance of
We currently have Nand Ghars in 14 states, and
collective actions to achieve inclusive, responsible Vedanta?
they have helped 0.32 million women and children
and value-accretive growth. Our approach means As India's largest diversified natural resources
by providing them with healthcare, food, and
we can readily set out the enduring and company and one of the global giants in metals,
broad-based nature of our contribution to mining, and energy, Vedanta holds a unique
stakeholders, with numeric data and examples of advantage in India's pursuit of self-reliance. With Our performance on important external rating
initiatives and best practices, which exemplify how our exceptional mining expertise, bolstered by systems including the Dow Jones Sustainability
Sunil Duggal Vedanta operates in accordance with our values. cutting-edge technology and a talented workforce, Indexes, Sustainalytics, MSCI, and CDP has
Group CEO & Chief Safety Officer By working together, the mining industry, the combined with a robust value-added portfolio, we significantly improved as a result of our ESG
▪ Going forward, what is the vision for Simultaneously, we are motivated to secure
▪ How has ESG been integrated in the Vedanta’s ESG journey? long-term growth by embedding ESG principles
governance and business administration We are optimistic about the journey ahead. We across all aspects of our business. We will need to
in Vedanta? anticipate the emergence of extensive act with agility to address climate change, foster
We place a strong emphasis on upholding good opportunities in the forthcoming years. Our primary inclusive development, and cultivate an equitable
governance practices, supported by rigorous objective is to strengthen our position as a leader workplace.
Who we are and what we do Our business highlights Our core values
Vedanta Limited, a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources Limited, Revenue
stands as a leading global conglomerate in the natural
resources sector. With a diversified portfolio, the company's INR1,454 Billions Trust
primary operations encompass zinc-lead-silver, iron ore,
steel, copper, aluminium, power, nickel, and oil and gas. EBITDA
Vedanta's Sustainability strategy enables the company to address the evolving expectations of its key stakeholders regarding critical areas such as climate change,
human rights, workplace safety, environmental stewardship, diversity and inclusion, and good governance. The strategy is built upon three pillars and encompasses
nine specific aims, representing Vedanta's commitment to driving sustainability outcomes by fostering positive transformations in communities, preserving the planet,
and empowering the workforce.
Aim 1: Keep community welfare at the core of Aim 4: Net-carbon neutrality by 2050 or sooner. Aim 7: Prioritizing safety and health of all
business decisions. employees.
Aim 5: Achieving net water positivity by 2030.
Aim 2: Empowering over 2.5 million families with Aim 8: Promote gender parity, diversity, and
enhanced skillsets. Aim 6: Innovations for greener business model. inclusivity.
Aim 3: Uplifting over 100 million women and Aim 9: Adhere to global business standards of
children through Education, Nutrition, corporate governance.
Healthcare, and welfare.
The ESG Board Committee is the top decision-making body for all ESG matters. We have established dedicated forums for regular management
oversight at all levels and ESG-themed communities at each BU and SBU to own projects and drive their timely implementation.
Human Rights
Group ExCo Monthly forum with Group ExCo to update on overall progress related to ESG strategy and aims
Fortnightly meeting to oversee:
ESG Management Committee • Programme update (9 aims - Corp & BU targets against actual)
Corporate Transformation Office (TO) Fortnightly TO meeting with GCEO to drive and accelerate high impact project implementation
9 BU TOs, Functional TOs and 1 reporting & disclosure TO running on a weekly/fortnightly level to
Transformation Office - BU & Functional
monitor progress and drive implementation across the organisation
Communities of Practice (CoP) 14 CoPs, overall CoP leaders, 250+ Community members identified across all BUs/SBUs to drive
Engagement agenda within communities
While our ESG goals help us focus on performance, the Vedanta Sustainability Framework (VSF), which consists of various sustainability-linked policies, standards, and
guidance notes, ensures that we are able to build the systems and processes that will allow for standardized implementation of ESG subjects across the organization.
First implemented in 2011, the VSF is undergoing a significant refresh that began in FY 2023. As part of this refresh, we are updating and adding policies and standards
that align with our refreshed ESG vision as well as updates that have been made to global industrial standards such as ICMM, IFC Performance Standards, GRI, and other
relevant frameworks.
Approach to materiality
In an ever-changing landscape of sustainability, our goal is to prioritize the issues that could affect Vedanta and its stakeholders, 9 sustainability policies
ensuring our sustainability strategy remains targeted and impactful.
HSE, Energy & Carbon, Water Management,
In FY 2023, Vedanta carried out a thorough evaluation of material topics based on the principles of double materiality.
Biodiversity, Social, Human Rights, Supplier &
• The actual or potential impact we can have on people or the environment over the short, medium or long-term.
Contractor sustainability management, Indigenous
• The risks or opportunities that could have a financial impact on Vedanta over the short, medium or long-term. people and vulnerable tribal group
Highly material topics
Environment 92 Standards & Guidance Notes
Importance to stakeholders
Community development
We work towards improving the earning potential and quality of life of families within the communities near
our plants and areas of operations through various skillbuilding and social interventions.
0.32 million
supplement to eradicated ~2000
women beneficiaries under
families skilled and
11.74 million
malnourishment in 6 months.
beneficiaries. Project Navidisha and Project women and children uplifted
Tara respectively. through various initiatives.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
3.26 42* 4.64 44* 3,900 2,193 5,133 8,354 1,302 1,800 3,262 4,533
*Out of 42 million, 39 million are from the ** Out of 44 million, 39 million are from the
e-shiksha program e-shiksha program
Through our community development projects, we have A total of 8,354 youth have benefitted from our Nand Ghar, a flagship initiative of Vedanta, continues to
positively impacted the lives of 44 million individuals this year. employment-based skills training programs. We are make significant strides in its mission. This year, we are
Our initiatives encompass various areas such as community committed to equipping young individuals with the proud to announce that we have successfully
health, nutrition, education, water and sanitation, sustainable necessary skills and knowledge to enhance their established 4,533 operational Nand Ghars.
livelihood, women empowerment, and bio-investment. employability and create opportunities for a better future.
FY 2025:
Annual human rights assessment across all the businesses 100% businesses assessed (desktop) for human rights risks
(Number of families to be FY 2025: FY 2030: 0.6 million families skilled & 2.3
impacted through skill 1.5 million 2.5 million Development
development and training) 4.4
Aim 3: Uplifting over 100 million women and children through education, nutrition, healthcare, and welfare
Nand Ghar FY 2025: FY 2030 Engagement
(Number of Nand Ghars to 29,000 Nand Ghars
19,000 Nand Ghars 4,533 Nand Ghars & 2.1
be completed) Development 2.2
Education, Nutrition, 4.1
Healthcare and Welfare FY 2025: FY 2030:
(No. of women and 48 million 100 million 11.74 million women and children uplifted 4.2
children to be uplifted by 8.3
Nand Ghar initiatives)
Aim 1:
Keep community Upholding human rights: Our commitment in action
welfare at the core In line with our fundamental principles, we are unwavering in our commitment to uphold human
of business rights across all stages of our value chains. During the fiscal year 2023, we conducted a
decisions comprehensive human rights self-assessment across all business units, ensuring a thorough
evaluation of our practices and identifying areas for improvement.
Water management
As part of our new ESG framework, we have taken our aim to be water positive by 2030. We will track our
performance using specific indicators such as freshwater withdrawal, water consumption, water recycling,
and water recharge to keep track of this target. Reducing water consumption, recycling wastewater, and
recharging water bodies are fundamental to the prudent management of water.
Waste management
We are committed to developing and implementing robust waste management strategies that prioritize waste
reduction, recycling, and responsible disposal. We follow the principle of first reducing the waste, quantitatively as
well as qualitatively (reducing the toxicity), and then performing recovery and recycling (either ourselves or by
authorized recyclers), thereby minimizing disposal through landfill or by incineration.
Biodiversity management
During the year, we established the biodiversity baseline for our sites. This will help us to understand the impact of our
operations on biodiversity and guide the actions to be initiated to achieve No Net Loss (NNL)/Net Positive Impact (NPI)
impact in the long term. In 2024, we intend to finalise actions and timelines to reach the No Net Loss state.
4X TCO2e
decrease in GHG
Intensity from baseline (78 KT Vs 18 KT).
FY 2021 Internal Carbon Pricing.
Miyawaki afforestation
Water positivity from
attained at 29.9 million tonne completed at DSC
~0.62 YOY
India, and BMM).
native seeds in the area of
1 hectare.
We acknowledge the critical responsibility we have in tackling climate change and contributing to a more sustainable and secure future. Through pioneering initiatives focused on decarbonization,
circular economy, water positivity, and process efficiency, we aim to set new benchmarks and lead the way in creating a more sustainable and responsible industry.
Lever 3: Improving the energy and process efficiency of our operations Lever 4: Purchasing carbon offsets for residual emissions
Vedanta has undertaken several projects to enhance efficiency in the Aluminium sector. Some Vedanta has yet to initiate specific work on Lever 4, which involves purchasing carbon
of these projects include: 100% Graphitisation with copper inserted collected bar (potential offsets for residual emissions. The Company will consider options for addressing
1.1 MnTCO2e/year), Vedanta pot controller implementation (potential 0.2 MnTCO2e), hard-to-abate GHG emissions at the end of their target period. Vedanta’s collective
Commissioning of TRT and BPRT at ESL (potential 82,000 TCO2e/year), Natural gas usage at efforts over the past two years have resulted in significant emissions reductions, with
Lanjigarh Alumina Refinery (potential 1,20,000 TCO2e/year). While these are projects under 4.17 million tonnes of CO2 e avoided based on the FY 2021 baseline and 14.62 million
progress, there are some major energy efficiency projects which are already completed at tonnes of CO2 e avoided based on the initial FY 2012 baseline.
Vedanta’s sites: R&M of 1 unit of 600 MW at VAL Jharsuguda (3,70,000 TCO2e/year)) VAL,
Lanjigarh Evaporation - 1 Calendria 1 & 2 tubes replacement (18,000 TCO2e/year) VAL,
Lanjigarh Boiler 2 junior APH replacement (16,000 TCO2e/year), ESL Fuel crushing index
improvement (31,000 TCO2e/year), ESL LD gas recovery project completion (18,000
Scope 1 (direct) 57.48 58.93 59.49 57.15 While there has been an increase of 4.6% in our Scope 1 and
Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to the
Scope 2 (indirect) 1.86 1.31 3.34 8.18 previous year, our combined emissions, including Scope 1, 2, and
3, have remained stable, showing no significant change from FY
Scope 1 + 2 59.34 60.24 62.83 65.33 2022.
Water Energy
management consumption
Net water consumption (million m3) 163 165 164 142 Direct (million GJ) 518.17 515.67 531.88 525.32
Water recycled (million m3) 73 83 86 78 Indirect (million GJ) 7.80 8.75 32.09 46.03
Water recyled (%) 29.43 30.7 30.6 29.26 Total 525.97 524.51 536.98 558.92
Vedanta has successfully recycled a substantial amount of water, totalling 78 million cubic meters. We have signed agreements for a total of 788 MW of round-the-clock renewable energy
4 of our Business Units are Water Positive. (RE), bringing us closer to our ambitious goal of 2.5 GW of renewable energy capacity.
Key Performance Indicators Sustainability Goals Performance in FY 2023 Material Issue UN SDGs
Key Performance Indicators Sustainability Goals Performance in FY 2023 Material Issue UN SDGs
Tailings dam audit and findings FY 2025: 1. Site assessment completed. Tailings
closure with real-time closure 100% facilities 2. 60% closure of findings of stage 1 study Management
FY 2030:
Implement roadmap to
achieve No-Net-Loss or
Women in decision
risk management Overhaul of
making bodies and
program initiated in safety standards Transgender
FY 2023. under VSF, under
in leadership roles
in FY 2023.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Employees covered
under mentoring
10.9 11.23 11.63 14 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.2
and support
Female employees constituted 14% of the overall workforce, Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) stood at
reflecting our ongoing commitment to fostering gender diversity 1.2. Safety continues to be a paramount focus across all
and creating an inclusive work environment. We continue to our businesses, reflecting our dedication to ensuring the
prioritize the empowerment and representation of women within well-being and protection of our employees.
our organization.
Key Performance Indicators Sustainability Goals Performance in FY 2023 Material Issue UN SDGs
FY 2025:
Occupational health management
Health performance standards implemented and In progress
systems part of VSAP
FY 2025:
Exposure monitoring Employee and community exposure monitoring to be To be undertaken
FY 2030: In progress
Exposure prevention
No employee exposure to red zone areas
FY 2025:
Employee well-being
Mental health programme in place for all employees 100%
FY 2025: 100%
100% of eligible employees to undergo periodic
medical examinations
Key Performance Indicators Sustainability Goals Performance in FY 2023 Material Issue UN SDGs
Gender diversity
FY 2030:
(% women in technical leader/shop 13%
floor roles in FTE workforce)
10% women
Safety programme for business FY 2025: Critical risk management programme rolled Sustainable
partners Rubaru is to be introduced at all at 100% BUs and Inclusive
Business Units across Vedanta Supply Chain 8.7
FY 2025: FY 2030:
Work with long-term, tier 1 Align GHG reduction Commercial CoP constituted to address
Supply chain GHG transition
suppliers to submit their GHG strategies with our supplier chain related ESG issues
reduction strategies long-term tier-1 suppliers
Training on code of conduct Continue to cover 100% of employees 100% employees trained
FY 2025:
% Independent directors on board 50%
50% Independent Directors on Board as per SEBI requirements
Aim 8: Empowering women leaders: V Lead program paving the way to success
Promote Vedanta's V Lead program aims to identify and develop future women executives within the organization.
gender parity, It targets 120 promising young women out of a pool of over 720 candidates for accelerated career
diversity and growth and structured mentoring by senior leaders. The program's primary objective is to ensure the
inclusivity progression of these talented women to key decision-making bodies, fostering their growth and enabling
them to assume CXO positions.