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Table of Contents

FY2023 Sustainability highlights 3

Sustainability disclosure milestones 3

In conversation with the Chairman 4

In conversation with the Group CEO 6

Vedanta at a glance 8

Empowering impact:
Unleashing our purpose with a robust sustainability strategy 9

Transforming Communities 12

Transforming Planet 16

Transforming Workplace 23

GRI Content Index 28

FY2023 Sustainability highlights Sustainability disclosure milestones

Transforming the Communities

Our efforts have yielded significant improvements in our ESG performance
Local Procurement Skill Training Nand Ghars across key external rating systems such as the Dow Jones Sustainability
Indexes, Sustainalytics, MSCI, and CDP. As per the Dow Jones Sustainability

40% Skill based training

imparted to 4,533 Index, Vedanta now ranks sixth among the top 10 diversified metal and mining
Nand Ghar
Spent on local
procurement 8,354 established catering
individuals to 0.32 million women
and children annually

• No significant votes against • Included in the DJSI World

Transforming the Planet directors Index
• Incentivisation of • Top 98th percentile of Metals
Renewable Energy GHG Intensity Biodiversity sustainability performance & Mining sector
in executive pay policies
1,636 MW 6.25 TCO2e 1 mn approx
(installed capacity) per tonne of metal trees Planted

Transforming the Workplace

Gender Diversity Health & Safety Board Diversity • Improvement from severe to • B-rating for CDP Climate &
high risk owing to improved CDP Water

14% 0.52 LTIFR 25% management of ESG risks

Women in workforce
1.20 TRIFR gender diversity at
Board level

3 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

In conversation with the Chairman - Vedanta Limited

At Vedanta, our unwavering commitment has growth. To provide real advantages to all advantageous position, particularly in creating a
always been to generate value and enhance the stakeholders, these efforts will be supported by resilient supply chain and indigenous
well-being of individuals through sustainable and environmental stewardship, social equality, and manufacturing.
responsible mining practices. Over the past year, impact, in addition to strong governance.
we have conducted an extensive analysis of our Vedanta has a portfolio of 9 metals & minerals
Vedanta is committed to role in the nation’s growth story and tackling global Vedanta's strategic investments and careful that play a significant role for us in the
working with all stakeholders challenges. We have identified the necessary financial management plan are designed to development of the country and in achieving
to enable a just transition to steps to fulfil our obligations to the planet, our provide steady shareholder returns and long-term India's energy and mineral independence. We
workforce, our communities, and our nation. sustainable growth. To achieve this strategic goal, envision playing an even greater role in the
a low-carbon economy and
we are investing in a number of initiatives for nation's growth narrative and in enabling India to
transforming to a more The FY2023 Report demonstrates our volume expansion, backward integration, become self-reliant in minerals and energy. This
sustainable tomorrow. longstanding commitment to creating all-round value-added goods, as well as quickly expanding is crucial considering the expanding population
value and covers the length and breadth of digitalization. Our growth is backed by strong and the rise in industrial activities. Vedanta is
benefits our business activities bring to our governance practises supported by meticulous already expanding its capacities in the aluminum
stakeholders. I am proud of the continued guidelines and regulations for their execution. In and zinc sectors. To strengthen our assets and
progress on our journey of sustainability reporting, recognition, Vedanta received the coveted boost production, we have invested USD 1.2
built on already strong foundations. "Golden Peacock Global Award for Excellence in billion in growth capital expenditures in FY 2023.
Corporate Governance 2022" in appreciation of Promoting further investment in the mining of
On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank every its governance practises. This is in addition to the these metals and minerals can support the
shareholder for supporting our journey in overall improvement we have seen in the Group’s transition to a just society and to combat
transforming together to support the national and ESG ratings in the last two years – a strong, climate change. These opportunities open
global growth story, which will put us a position to independent, recognition of our efforts. avenues for fruitful collaboration with the
keep creating sustainable value in the years ahead. government and stakeholders at large to create
Despite a hard period of persistent pandemic ▪ In your opinion, what is Vedanta's role in a sustainable future.
disruption, global supply chain issues, and cost helping India achieve its net-zero goal
constraints, we have collectively managed to 2070? Additionally, Vedanta has been taking several
produce good operational and financial success A major turning point in the global effort to initiatives to support the transformation to a
this year. We intend to build on and strengthen the combat climate change has been India's greener future. In FY23, we have made
trust by working together and transforming for commitment that it plans to achieve net zero significant progress towards our goal of net zero
good – for the planet, the economy, and society at emissions by 2070. India is setting the bar for a carbon. With a commitment to plant 7 million
large. novel approach to economic growth that might trees by 2030, we made history by joining the
sidestep the carbon-intensive strategies many World Economic Forum's 1 trillion trees
▪ Vedanta's vision is "Transforming for nations have previously adopted and serve as a programme and joined other leading companies
Good". What does it mean to you? model for other emerging markets. India’s around the world in a program that will help
Vedanta aspires to uphold the highest principles of improved outlook in many ways is attributable to conserve, restore the planet's natural spaces.
quality and integrity, while achieving sustainable the government’s quest for self-reliance in Further, by 2030, we hope to have 2.5 GW of
growth in collaboration with all stakeholders. This manufacturing minerals and resources. While continuously operating renewable energy (RE
dedication is embodied in our vision, "Transforming several countries have found themselves RTC) capacity. We have also implemented an
Anil Agarwal for Good," which encourages group efforts to precariously positioned, given their dependence innovative, market-leading EV policy to
Chairman achieve inclusive, responsible, and value-added on others for key resources, India finds itself in an encourage staff to transition to EVs, and we are

4 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

on schedule to completely decarbonize our fleet reach. Furthermore, our targeted social impact year 2023. These agreements will go a long way in just a moral imperative but also crucial for the
of light motor vehicles by 2030. interventions continue to positively transform the helping us meet our goal of using 2.5 GW of RE long-term success and sustainability of our
lives of our communities. I am delighted to share RTC (equivalent) power by 2030. business. Therefore, we are committed to
India's objectives for climate adaptation and that this year, we have touched the lives of 44 continuously improving our ESG practices and
mitigation are revolutionary not only for India but million community members in India and abroad, We also aim to achieve 100% water positivity performance. We embrace the evolving industry
for the entire world because it is a significant bringing about positive change. through the enhancement of our water recycling standards and actively engage with relevant
emerging economy with over 1.3 billion people. In facilities and water system design. Lastly, we aim stakeholders, including regulators, investors,
order to help India develop, industrialise, and Nand Ghar also introduced a multi-millet nutribar to address our waste legacy and continue to NGOs, and local communities, to gain insights,
improve the quality of life for its people, Vedanta to ensure comprehensive nourishment for every improve our waste recycling initiatives. Through share knowledge, and collaborate on meaningful
is committed to working with all stakeholders to child in alignment with the International Year of these interventions we aim to demonstrate our initiatives.
enable a just transition to a low-carbon economy Millets and the Poshan 2.0 initiative to enhance commitment to environmental sustainability and
and transforming to a more sustainable tomorrow. nutritional security. strengthen the global actions on climate change I encourage all our employees, partners, and
and nature. stakeholders to embrace our shared responsibility
▪ Going forward, what are some of the Transforming Planet toward environmental stewardship, social progress,
core areas of focus for Vedanta in the Aligned with the national and global action on Transforming Workplace and good governance. Together, we can ensure
next decade? climate change, Vedanta has committed to In addition to our environmental commitments, we that our mining operations contribute positively to
We will continue to place high emphasis on achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2050 or sooner. In understand the significance of our social society while minimizing any adverse impacts.
safety, sustainable business performance, and support of our planet’s goals, various responsibilities. We prioritize local employment, Thank you for your ongoing support and trust in
meeting the highest social and environmental performance indicators are set for our energy, capacity-building initiatives, and support for our company. We remain dedicated to making a
safeguards to honour the trust and relationship waste, and water. We understand that fossil fuels education and healthcare. In support of diversity, positive difference through responsible mining and
with our stakeholders. Through consistent efforts we have already begun deploying women in our metals practices.
across the three pillars – community, planet, and underground mining operations. I am proud of our
workforce, we aim to consolidate our leadership success in initiatives to improve women's
position in ESG performance to maximise our representation in leadership roles, including CXO
positive impacts. positions, while also fostering a diverse and
inclusive workplace by attracting talent from
Transforming Communities This year, Nand Ghar has expanded to various regions and promoting an LGBTQ+ friendly
We have a vision in enhancing the well-being of
communities across India by uplifting 100 million
4,533 environment. These endeavors to enhance
employee well-being have been recognized
locations across 14 states through prestigious accolades such as the Great
women and children through education,
healthcare and welfare programs. At Vedanta, we Place to Work® accreditation and the esteemed
promote equal access to education, healthcare, Kincentric Best Employer Award for India in 2022.
nutrition, sanitation, and so on to create Through transparent and open dialogue, we seek
opportunities for people to improve their lives. have been the largest source of our emissions to listen to and address the concerns and
and renewable energy is the solution in reducing aspirations of the workforce. By embracing
I am proud to say that in FY23, we have made our footprints. As we continue our progress diversity and inclusion, we aim to create a Vedanta has committed to achieve

Net Zero Carbon

remarkable strides in our efforts to combat towards achieving 'net zero,' we have recently harmonious and respectful working environment
malnutrition and attain zero hunger. This year, finalized renewable energy power delivery for all our employees.
Nand Ghar has expanded to 4,500+ locations agreements (PDAs) in accordance with the by 2050 or sooner.
across 14 states, significantly increasing its Group's captive requirements during the fiscal We are fully aware that ESG considerations are not

5 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

In conversation with the Group CEO - Vedanta Limited

I am pleased to take this opportunity to share my governments and stakeholders can help solve are well-positioned to seize the evolving growth
thoughts and express gratitude for your continued some of the most pressing challenges facing many opportunities.
.trust in Vedanta. Our journey of growth and shared jurisdictions, most notably in emerging economies
value creation continued unabated during FY 2023 To tackle the topmost business risks arising from
Our ESG journey has helped despite market volatility. environmental crises, Vedanta has taken strategic
us uphold the utmost levels ▪ How would you describe the goals to act on climate change and nature loss. Our
of excellence and integrity, Driven by healthy macroeconomic fundamentals transformation of Vedanta's ESG journey? ambitious targets for environmental stewardship via
aiming to attain sustainable and domestic consumption, FY2023 has been an At Vedanta we have always taken great pleasure in decarbonization, the circular economy, and water
incredible year for India. The country repositioned positively are in line with the UN's Sustainable
and responsible growth in our steadfast dedication to sustainability and
itself amongst the world’s fastest-growing responsible mining practices. We acknowledge the Development Goals, and we continue to align our
collaboration with all
economies, even as most developed nations faced significant impact our operations can have on local performance with the sectoral and global best
stakeholders. practices.
slower growth amidst high inflation, India posted an communities, ecosystems, and the global climate.
impressive 6.8% GDP growth, after delivering 9.1% To address this, we have implemented a
growth in the previous fiscal year. Commodity Our ESG efforts have helped us achieve positive
comprehensive sustainability framework that
prices, however, moderated, were weighed down results for the company while ensuring strong
serves as a guiding force in our decision-making
by global macroeconomic challenges. environmental and social performance. As part of
processes, ensuring the harmonization of
our ongoing "net zero" effort, we have signed
economic prosperity with environmental, social,
Amid this backdrop, Vedanta took a leap to renewable energy power delivery agreements
and governance (ESG) considerations.
demonstrate resilience and commitment to (PDAs) that will bring 788 MW of Round-the-Clock
excellence, emerging stronger in the process. We equivalent renewable power to our businesses. Our
Our ESG program has helped us uphold the utmost
owe this success to our team whose agility in goal of lowering our ecological impact has also
levels of excellence and integrity, aiming to attain
pursuing opportunities through leadership and been advanced by the designation of three more of
sustainable and responsible growth in collaboration
decisive action brought us closer to achieving our our company locations as water positive.
with all stakeholders. Our guiding principle,
ambitious goals. Our team executed strategies to 'Transforming for Good,' encapsulates this
Vedanta is committed to expanding responsibly by
ensure steady operational performance and strong dedication by encouraging collective actions to
making sure that the communities in which we work
cost control, resulting in a commendable financial foster inclusive, responsible, and value-enhancing
prosper and expand with us. With best-in-class
performance. growth.
services, our flagship initiative, Nand Ghar, has been
actively striving to improve the Aanganwadi
The FY2023 Sustainability Report demonstrates ▪ How has the sustainability agenda
ecosystem in India and close the urban-rural divide.
our well-established commitment of fostering supported in the overall performance of
We currently have Nand Ghars in 14 states, and
collective actions to achieve inclusive, responsible Vedanta?
they have helped 0.32 million women and children
and value-accretive growth. Our approach means As India's largest diversified natural resources
by providing them with healthcare, food, and
we can readily set out the enduring and company and one of the global giants in metals,
broad-based nature of our contribution to mining, and energy, Vedanta holds a unique
stakeholders, with numeric data and examples of advantage in India's pursuit of self-reliance. With Our performance on important external rating
initiatives and best practices, which exemplify how our exceptional mining expertise, bolstered by systems including the Dow Jones Sustainability
Sunil Duggal Vedanta operates in accordance with our values. cutting-edge technology and a talented workforce, Indexes, Sustainalytics, MSCI, and CDP has
Group CEO & Chief Safety Officer By working together, the mining industry, the combined with a robust value-added portfolio, we significantly improved as a result of our ESG

6 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

policies and frameworks for effective and unlock value through the execution of growth Our success hinges on striking the right balance
implementation. We have continued to build on our projects, while also prioritizing innovation, between these priorities and commitments,
vision of “Transforming for Good” to aim for digitalization, and making advancements towards enabling us to contribute to a better world in
integrated growth and become an ESG leader. our ESG targets. collaboration with others. In FY2022, we embarked
supported Every business unit within Vedanta is intricately on a significant milestone by having businesses

0.32 linked to this shared vision. The integration of the

entire organization into a common goal has
We remain committed to enhancing the skills of
emerging leaders, empowering women, and
develop comprehensive business plans for each
of Vedanta’s nine aims. This approach has
million women and children by replaced the previous practice of focusing on fostering strong relationships with our business continued into FY2023 and FY2024, with a notable
providing them with healthcare, yearly reporting and showcasing isolated positive partners through various flagship programs. difference. The business plans no longer solely
food, and education. developments within different units of Vedanta. Ensuring the safety of our people and focus on short-term targets but extend the horizon
Instead, our disclosures now highlight the stakeholders will remain of paramount importance. to include projects aligned with each aim,
collective progress and direction of Vedanta as a This will require incremental investments and stretching all the way to FY2030.
whole. transformative changes to achieve and sustain our
activities. According to the Dow Jones
commitment to zero harm. While we prioritize the We extend our sincere gratitude for joining us on
Sustainability Index, Vedanta is now placed sixth
This clear definition of our trajectory has fostered health and safety of our employees above all else this transformative journey of "Transforming for
among the top 10 diversified metal and mining
alignment and motivation among leaders and despite our efforts, we deeply regret the 13 Good." By working together, we have the power to
peers. Additionally, Vedanta and the many firms in throughout the organization, who are driven by the fatalities this year resulting in an immeasurable create a legacy that will bring benefits to future
its group won several prizes on reputable platforms opportunity to accomplish something significant. loss for their families, friends, and colleagues. We generations.
in the areas of finance, operational efficiency, CSR, We are no longer merely measuring ourselves remain more resolute than ever to ensuring
and human resources. This overall achievement against self-imposed standards; instead, we are workplace safety throughout our entire business.
reflects our impressive portfolio and capable driven by a larger purpose that permeates the The CEOs of the respective businesses have
leadership team. entire organization, signifying a profound and taken proactive measures to enhance risk
transformative shift. management efforts by implementing the lessons
Finally, we take great pride in meeting the learned from these fatalities. They are dedicating
expectations of our community members and The ESG Committee of the Board has been more time to fieldwork through Visible Felt
stakeholders while establishing a position of supportive of our ambition and vigilant of our Leadership (VFL) and personal safety programs.
leadership in addressing environmental and social performance. Along with the ESG ManCom, it has We are upgrading safety infrastructure and
challenges. To achieve this goal, our vision of provided direction to the large volume of work increasing the frequency of training sessions
"Transforming for Good," has been crucial. This being carried out by the 14 Communities of across our plants. Additionally, we have expedited
year’s theme of "Transforming Together" captures Practice (CoP), who are responsible for delivering the rollout of the Critical Risk Management (CRM)
our collective vigour and passion to generate value on our ESG agenda. As of this writing more than module to address three significant risk areas:
for everyone and have a greater positive impact on 1,000 projects – big and small – are underway to vehicle-pedestrian interaction, working at heights,
our stakeholders and society at large. deliver on our nine ESG aims. and uncontrolled energy release.

▪ Going forward, what is the vision for Simultaneously, we are motivated to secure
▪ How has ESG been integrated in the Vedanta’s ESG journey? long-term growth by embedding ESG principles
governance and business administration We are optimistic about the journey ahead. We across all aspects of our business. We will need to
in Vedanta? anticipate the emergence of extensive act with agility to address climate change, foster
We place a strong emphasis on upholding good opportunities in the forthcoming years. Our primary inclusive development, and cultivate an equitable
governance practices, supported by rigorous objective is to strengthen our position as a leader workplace.

7 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Vedanta at a glance

Who we are and what we do Our business highlights Our core values
Vedanta Limited, a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources Limited, Revenue
stands as a leading global conglomerate in the natural
resources sector. With a diversified portfolio, the company's INR1,454 Billions Trust
primary operations encompass zinc-lead-silver, iron ore,
steel, copper, aluminium, power, nickel, and oil and gas. EBITDA

Our Mission INR 352.41 Billions Entrepreneurship

To create a leading global natural

Business Segments
resource company Innovation

Zinc Aluminium Oil and Gas

Awards & recognition Excellence

• Recognized as “Committed” to climate action Iron Ore Steel Ferro Alloys

• Kincentric Best Employer Award – India 2022
• Silver Awards in Excellence in Financial Reporting
• S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment 2022 – Copper
Ranked 6th Globally
• S&P Global Platts Global Metal ‘Industry Leadership Award FTE Total Workforce Care
• Special Jury Award for Journey towards Excellence in Road
Safety 17,082 87,513
• FICCI Road Safety Awards]
• CII National Safety Practices – Platinum Award CSR Spend
• India CSR Leadership Award 2022
INR 4.54 Billions

8 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Empowering impact:
Unleashing our purpose with a robust sustainability strategy

Vedanta's Sustainability strategy enables the company to address the evolving expectations of its key stakeholders regarding critical areas such as climate change,
human rights, workplace safety, environmental stewardship, diversity and inclusion, and good governance. The strategy is built upon three pillars and encompasses
nine specific aims, representing Vedanta's commitment to driving sustainability outcomes by fostering positive transformations in communities, preserving the planet,
and empowering the workforce.

Transforming for Good

Transforming Transforming Transforming

Communities Planet Workplace
Our commitment to maintaining our 'Social Our commitment lies in spearheading efforts to Our commitment to adopt innovative
License to Operate' by conducting ourselves in decarbonize the world, secure water resources approaches to manage our workforce,
a consultative, transparent, and fair manner, for all, and incorporating technological design compelling employee experience and
delivering both economic growth and providing advancements to ensure our operations are ensuring safe workplace.
benefits to society as a whole. environmentally sustainable.

Aim 1: Keep community welfare at the core of Aim 4: Net-carbon neutrality by 2050 or sooner. Aim 7: Prioritizing safety and health of all
business decisions. employees.
Aim 5: Achieving net water positivity by 2030.
Aim 2: Empowering over 2.5 million families with Aim 8: Promote gender parity, diversity, and
enhanced skillsets. Aim 6: Innovations for greener business model. inclusivity.
Aim 3: Uplifting over 100 million women and Aim 9: Adhere to global business standards of
children through Education, Nutrition, corporate governance.
Healthcare, and welfare.

9 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Our foundational Sustainability governance at Vedanta
aspects The Board of Directors holds the responsibility of overseeing and ensuring Vedanta's sustainability performance while considering the interests
of various stakeholders with ESG Board Committee being the apex decision-making body for all ESG matters. ESG Committee is assigned with
the responsibility of overseeing Vedanta's most significant sustainability issues.

Compliance Sustainability Oversight Executive Implementation Review & Monitoring

Board of Directors Group CEO Group Transformation Office

Board ESG Committee

Business Conduct
Group Head- HSES
ESG Management Committee

Director - ESG, Carbon, Group Communities of

Group Executive Committee Social Performance Practices (CoPs)
Risk Management

The ESG Board Committee is the top decision-making body for all ESG matters. We have established dedicated forums for regular management
oversight at all levels and ESG-themed communities at each BU and SBU to own projects and drive their timely implementation.
Human Rights
Group ExCo Monthly forum with Group ExCo to update on overall progress related to ESG strategy and aims
Fortnightly meeting to oversee:
ESG Management Committee • Programme update (9 aims - Corp & BU targets against actual)

Governance • Key decisions (strategic direction, cross functional support)

Corporate Transformation Office (TO) Fortnightly TO meeting with GCEO to drive and accelerate high impact project implementation

9 BU TOs, Functional TOs and 1 reporting & disclosure TO running on a weekly/fortnightly level to
Transformation Office - BU & Functional
monitor progress and drive implementation across the organisation
Communities of Practice (CoP) 14 CoPs, overall CoP leaders, 250+ Community members identified across all BUs/SBUs to drive
Engagement agenda within communities

10 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Driving ESG actions through Vedanta Sustainability Framework

While our ESG goals help us focus on performance, the Vedanta Sustainability Framework (VSF), which consists of various sustainability-linked policies, standards, and
guidance notes, ensures that we are able to build the systems and processes that will allow for standardized implementation of ESG subjects across the organization.
First implemented in 2011, the VSF is undergoing a significant refresh that began in FY 2023. As part of this refresh, we are updating and adding policies and standards
that align with our refreshed ESG vision as well as updates that have been made to global industrial standards such as ICMM, IFC Performance Standards, GRI, and other
relevant frameworks.

Approach to materiality
In an ever-changing landscape of sustainability, our goal is to prioritize the issues that could affect Vedanta and its stakeholders, 9 sustainability policies
ensuring our sustainability strategy remains targeted and impactful.
HSE, Energy & Carbon, Water Management,
In FY 2023, Vedanta carried out a thorough evaluation of material topics based on the principles of double materiality.
Biodiversity, Social, Human Rights, Supplier &
• The actual or potential impact we can have on people or the environment over the short, medium or long-term.
Contractor sustainability management, Indigenous
• The risks or opportunities that could have a financial impact on Vedanta over the short, medium or long-term. people and vulnerable tribal group
Highly material topics
Environment 92 Standards & Guidance Notes
Importance to stakeholders

• Climate change & decarbonization

• Air emissions & quality • Covering all policy subject areas
• Water management • Aligned with ICMM, IFC Performance Standards,
Social Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
• Community engagement & development
• Health, safety & well-being
• Diversity, equal opportunity and inclusion
Robust Monitoring
Governance • Annual VSAP audit conducted at all Vedanta
• Business Ethics & Corporate Governance
locations to check compliance with VSF
Impact on business • Risk Management & Controls
• Monitored by ExCo
Highly material Material Important

Aim 1: Keep community welfare at the core of business decisions.

Aim 2: Empowering over 2.5 million families with enhanced skillsets. • Climate change & Decarbonization
Aim 3: Uplifting over 100 million women and children through Education, Nutrition, • Air emissions & quality Driving ESG performance through
Healthcare, and welfare. • Water Management incentives
Aim 4: Net-carbon neutrality by 2050 or sooner • Community engagement & development
Aim 5: Achieving net water positivity by 2030 As part of our short-term incentives,15% of executive and
• Health, safety & well-being
Aim 6: Innovating for a greener business model employees' performance pay accounts for Health, Safety, and
• Diversity, equal opportunity and inclusion
Environment (HSE)/ESG performance. Further, to drive long-term
Aim 7: Prioritizing safety and health of all employees • Business Ethics & Corporate Governance performance on ESG metrics, we have included climate change
Aim 8: Promote gender parity, diversity, and inclusivity.
• Risk Management & Controls considerations in our employees' stock option scheme (ESOS).
Aim 9: Adhere to global business standards of corporate governance.

11 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Transforming Communities

Rationale for action

At Vedanta, we firmly believe that the well-being and prosperity of the communities where we do business is integral
to our long-term success. Recognizing that communities grant us the social license to conduct our business, we
prioritize efforts to forge strong connections, earn their trust, and secure their support. Our operations go beyond
creating employment opportunities; they also stimulate local economies and contribute to the overall development
of the communities in various ways. We actively engage in site-specific community development initiatives, aimed at
fostering growth and enhancing the quality of life for the local populace.

Key focus areas

Maintaining social license to operate

We work to enhance our "Social Performance," by comprehensively understanding and addressing the impacts
our activities have on communities through cross-functional "Social Performance Steering Committee" (SPSC)
established at all our sites.

Community development
We work towards improving the earning potential and quality of life of families within the communities near
our plants and areas of operations through various skillbuilding and social interventions.

Ensuring transformation change with holistic development

We collaborate with several NGOs to run programmes for enabling healthcare, education, nutrition,
economic empowerment, and digital governance for the local communities.

12 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Our 'Transforming Communities' handprint

Key highlights of FY 2023

4,533 Launch of Nutribar –

farmer beneficiaries & 0.6 million
Nandghar’s operational with

0.32 million
supplement to eradicated ~2000
women beneficiaries under
families skilled and

11.74 million
malnourishment in 6 months.
beneficiaries. Project Navidisha and Project women and children uplifted
Tara respectively. through various initiatives.

CSR footprint Youth benefited from Operational

(million beneficiaries) Employment based skills Nand Ghars (number)
training (number)

FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023

3.26 42* 4.64 44* 3,900 2,193 5,133 8,354 1,302 1,800 3,262 4,533
*Out of 42 million, 39 million are from the ** Out of 44 million, 39 million are from the
e-shiksha program e-shiksha program

Through our community development projects, we have A total of 8,354 youth have benefitted from our Nand Ghar, a flagship initiative of Vedanta, continues to
positively impacted the lives of 44 million individuals this year. employment-based skills training programs. We are make significant strides in its mission. This year, we are
Our initiatives encompass various areas such as community committed to equipping young individuals with the proud to announce that we have successfully
health, nutrition, education, water and sanitation, sustainable necessary skills and knowledge to enhance their established 4,533 operational Nand Ghars.
livelihood, women empowerment, and bio-investment. employability and create opportunities for a better future.

13 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Performance against the goals

Aim 1: Keep community welfare at the core of business decisions

Key Performance
Sustainability Goals Performance in FY 2023 Material Issue UN SDGs

Impact FY 2025: Zero Category 4 social incidents Community

Management Zero social incidents category 4 and above Four Category 1 social incidents Engagement
& 8.3
FY 2025: Security Community of Practice (CoP) was formed and Development
Transparency & Become signatories and participants in VPSHR preliminary work has begun
FY 2025:
External ESG advisory body with two global experts set up
Set up an external SP advisory body

FY 2025:
Annual human rights assessment across all the businesses 100% businesses assessed (desktop) for human rights risks

Aim 2: Empowering over 2.5 million families with enhanced skillsets

(Number of families to be FY 2025: FY 2030: 0.6 million families skilled & 2.3
impacted through skill 1.5 million 2.5 million Development
development and training) 4.4

Aim 3: Uplifting over 100 million women and children through education, nutrition, healthcare, and welfare
Nand Ghar FY 2025: FY 2030 Engagement
(Number of Nand Ghars to 29,000 Nand Ghars
19,000 Nand Ghars 4,533 Nand Ghars & 2.1
be completed) Development 2.2
Education, Nutrition, 4.1
Healthcare and Welfare FY 2025: FY 2030:
(No. of women and 48 million 100 million 11.74 million women and children uplifted 4.2
children to be uplifted by 8.3
Nand Ghar initiatives)

14 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Transforming Communities

Aim 1:
Keep community Upholding human rights: Our commitment in action
welfare at the core In line with our fundamental principles, we are unwavering in our commitment to uphold human
of business rights across all stages of our value chains. During the fiscal year 2023, we conducted a
decisions comprehensive human rights self-assessment across all business units, ensuring a thorough
evaluation of our practices and identifying areas for improvement.

Skills for success: Vedanta Skill School empowering communities,

Aim 2: transforming lives
Empowering Through the esteemed Vedanta Skill School, a part of the BALCO vocational skill centre,
over 2.5 million
comprehensive training in six different trades is imparted, accompanied by residential facilities
families with
enhanced and opportunities for placement in reputable institutes. This impactful project strongly aligns
skillsets with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8, which emphasizes the promotion of
decent work and economic growth. In FY 2023, 765 people skilled and successfully employed.

Nourishing futures: Empowering children with multi-millet nutri-bars

Aim 3:
Lives of over 100 million Vedanta introduces nutri-bars to enhance children's nutrition aged 3-6 years, complementing
women and children government meals. Using the 6x6x6 model, these multi-millet bars contain 6 powerful
uplifted through ingredients, provided for 6 days a week over 6 months. This initiative has benefitted nearly
Education, Nutrition, 50,000 children in 1,400 locations.
Healthcare and

15 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Transforming Planet

Rationale for action

We acknowledge the critical responsibility we have in tackling climate change and contributing to a more sustainable and
secure future. Through pioneering initiatives focused on decarbonization, circular economy, water positivity, and process
efficiency, we aim to set new benchmarks and lead the way in creating a more sustainable and responsible industry.

Key focus areas

Climate change and decarbonisation
We have developed a comprehensive climate change strategy and roadmap, which includes a thorough climate risk
assessment and scenario analysis. We are committed to decarbonizing our operations and achieving net-carbon
neutrality (net-zero carbon for Scope 1 & Scope 2 GHG emissions) by FY 2050 or sooner. Our GHG reduction strategy
consists of 4 levers:
(i) Increasing the share of renewable energy, (ii) Switching to low-carbon or zero-carbon fuels,
(iii) Improve the energy efficiency of our operations, and (iv) Offset residual emission

Water management
As part of our new ESG framework, we have taken our aim to be water positive by 2030. We will track our
performance using specific indicators such as freshwater withdrawal, water consumption, water recycling,
and water recharge to keep track of this target. Reducing water consumption, recycling wastewater, and
recharging water bodies are fundamental to the prudent management of water.

Waste management
We are committed to developing and implementing robust waste management strategies that prioritize waste
reduction, recycling, and responsible disposal. We follow the principle of first reducing the waste, quantitatively as
well as qualitatively (reducing the toxicity), and then performing recovery and recycling (either ourselves or by
authorized recyclers), thereby minimizing disposal through landfill or by incineration.

Biodiversity management
During the year, we established the biodiversity baseline for our sites. This will help us to understand the impact of our
operations on biodiversity and guide the actions to be initiated to achieve No Net Loss (NNL)/Net Positive Impact (NPI)
impact in the long term. In 2024, we intend to finalise actions and timelines to reach the No Net Loss state.

16 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Key highlights of FY 2023

4.7% Biomass usage

increased 15 $/ Introduction of
EV policy for our

4X TCO2e
decrease in GHG
Intensity from baseline (78 KT Vs 18 KT).
FY 2021 Internal Carbon Pricing.

Miyawaki afforestation
Water positivity from

attained at 29.9 million tonne completed at DSC

4 HVLT waste utilisation

to sites (HZL, IOB, Cairn
(162% for FY 2023).
Indigenous Plants and

~0.62 YOY
India, and BMM).
native seeds in the area of
1 hectare.

17 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Aim 4: Net-carbon neutrality by 2050 or sooner

We acknowledge the critical responsibility we have in tackling climate change and contributing to a more sustainable and secure future. Through pioneering initiatives focused on decarbonization,
circular economy, water positivity, and process efficiency, we aim to set new benchmarks and lead the way in creating a more sustainable and responsible industry.

Lever 1: Increasing renewable energy Lever 2 : Switch to low-carbon/zero-carbon fuels

Vedanta is making significant progress in increasing their renewable energy capacity. By Vedanta aims to substitute 5% of coal used in thermal power plants with biomass, a net
the end of FY 2023, the Company has signed power delivery agreements (PDAs) for 788 zero-carbon fuel. In FY 2023, the Company achieved a four-fold increase in biomass usage
MW of renewable energy, which will result in an estimated avoidance of 6.6 million compared to FY 2022, reaching approximately 78,000 MT. Vedanta has also made positive
tonnes of CO2 e per year. This represents 32% of our target to use 2,500 MW of RE RTC progress on reducing emissions from LMV and mining fleet, through electrification and other
(eq.) power by 2030 by 2030. To coordinate these efforts, the Company has established measures. HZL and ESL have initiated the use of electric vehicles. HZL has launched the first
an RE Steering Committee. battery-powered electric underground vehicle and LNG-powered 55-tonne heavy-duty
trucks. A large electric forklift fleet of 27 is operating at our Jharsuguda location. Biofuel
trials have started at BALCO and VAL-Jharsuguda and planning is underway to start trials at
Sterlite Copper and Sesa Value-Added Business (VAB).

Lever 3: Improving the energy and process efficiency of our operations Lever 4: Purchasing carbon offsets for residual emissions
Vedanta has undertaken several projects to enhance efficiency in the Aluminium sector. Some Vedanta has yet to initiate specific work on Lever 4, which involves purchasing carbon
of these projects include: 100% Graphitisation with copper inserted collected bar (potential offsets for residual emissions. The Company will consider options for addressing
1.1 MnTCO2e/year), Vedanta pot controller implementation (potential 0.2 MnTCO2e), hard-to-abate GHG emissions at the end of their target period. Vedanta’s collective
Commissioning of TRT and BPRT at ESL (potential 82,000 TCO2e/year), Natural gas usage at efforts over the past two years have resulted in significant emissions reductions, with
Lanjigarh Alumina Refinery (potential 1,20,000 TCO2e/year). While these are projects under 4.17 million tonnes of CO2 e avoided based on the FY 2021 baseline and 14.62 million
progress, there are some major energy efficiency projects which are already completed at tonnes of CO2 e avoided based on the initial FY 2012 baseline.
Vedanta’s sites: R&M of 1 unit of 600 MW at VAL Jharsuguda (3,70,000 TCO2e/year)) VAL,
Lanjigarh Evaporation - 1 Calendria 1 & 2 tubes replacement (18,000 TCO2e/year) VAL,
Lanjigarh Boiler 2 junior APH replacement (16,000 TCO2e/year), ESL Fuel crushing index
improvement (31,000 TCO2e/year), ESL LD gas recovery project completion (18,000

18 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Consolidated scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 emissions
GHG emissions (MTCO2e) FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023

Scope 1 (direct) 57.48 58.93 59.49 57.15 While there has been an increase of 4.6% in our Scope 1 and
Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to the
Scope 2 (indirect) 1.86 1.31 3.34 8.18 previous year, our combined emissions, including Scope 1, 2, and
3, have remained stable, showing no significant change from FY
Scope 1 + 2 59.34 60.24 62.83 65.33 2022.

Scope 3 - 36.32 37.41 38.19

Scope 3 emissions in FY 2023 account for 36.8% of
Total GHG emissions 59.34 93.86 97.36 103.52 our total emissions.

Water Energy
management consumption

FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023

Net water consumption (million m3) 163 165 164 142 Direct (million GJ) 518.17 515.67 531.88 525.32

Water recycled (million m3) 73 83 86 78 Indirect (million GJ) 7.80 8.75 32.09 46.03
Water recyled (%) 29.43 30.7 30.6 29.26 Total 525.97 524.51 536.98 558.92

Vedanta has successfully recycled a substantial amount of water, totalling 78 million cubic meters. We have signed agreements for a total of 788 MW of round-the-clock renewable energy
4 of our Business Units are Water Positive. (RE), bringing us closer to our ambitious goal of 2.5 GW of renewable energy capacity.

19 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Performance against the goals

Aim 4: zero carbon by 2050 or sooner

Key Performance Indicators Sustainability Goals Performance in FY 2023 Material Issue UN SDGs

Absolute GHG emissions FY 2030:

25% reduction 9% increase from FY 2021 baseline Climate change
(% reduction from FY 2021 baseline)
decarbonisation 7.2
GHG emissions intensity FY 2030: 4.7% reduction from FY 2021 baseline
(% reduction from FY 2021 baseline 20% reduction 6.25 TCO2e / tonne of metal produced

Renewable energy FY 2025: FY 2030:

(Use RE RTC or equivalent) 500 MW of RE RTC 2.5 GW of RE RTC 230 MW RTC equivalent used
or equivalent or equivalent

LMV decarbonisation FY 2025: FY 2030: 35 LMVs deployed; 48 EVs purchased

(% LMVs) 50% LMVs 100% LMVs

Hydrogen as fuel FY 2030: Projects yet to be initiated

Commitment to accelerate the adoption of hydrogen
as a fuel and seek to diversify into H2 fuel or related

Aim 5: Achieving net water positivity by 2030

FY 2030: 0.62 Water positivity ratio Water

Net water positivity
Net water positivity Management
Freshwater consumption FY 2025: 6.4
(% reduction from FY 2021 baseline) 15% reduction 11.32% reduction from FY21 baseline
FY 2030: 6.b
Water related incidents zero
Zero category 4 and 5 incidents related to water

Water recycling (%) FY 2025: 29.3%


20 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

AIM 6: Innovating for a greener business model

Key Performance Indicators Sustainability Goals Performance in FY 2023 Material Issue UN SDGs

Fly ash FY 2025: Waste

(utilisation) Sustain 100% utilisation Management

Waste utilisation (High volume, FY 2025:

low toxicity) 162%

Tailings dam audit and findings FY 2025: 1. Site assessment completed. Tailings
closure with real-time closure 100% facilities 2. 60% closure of findings of stage 1 study Management

FY 2025: Baseline studies to determine biodiversity Biodiversity &

Biodiversity risk risk completed
100% locations reviewed for biodiversity risk Ecosystems
Biodiversity commitment FY 2025: Target related to NNL/NPI to be set by FY24
Determine the feasibility
of commitment to
No-Net-Loss or
(NNL/NPI) targets.

FY 2030:
Implement roadmap to
achieve No-Net-Loss or

21 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Our 'Transforming Planet' handprint

Aim 4: Shift towards green economy

Aiming net-zero
Last year we launched our low-carbon line of Aluminium products - Restora and Restora Ultra. We have
carbon by 2050 or
sooner followed-up with piloting a green copper line as well. In FY2023, our Restora products resulted in
revenues worth US$ 150 million.

Advancing steadily on the path to water positivity

Aim 5:
In pursuit of our water positive objective, we are actively engaging in a series of strategic initiatives
Achieving net
aimed at minimizing our water footprint and maximizing water conservation efforts. These
water positivity
multifaceted endeavours encompass various aspects of our operations, as we recognize the
by 2030
importance of responsible water stewardship. 4 sites are now water positive.

Growing a greener future

Aim 6: Planting ~1 million trees and Counting by actively engaging in reforestation efforts through the
Innovating for a 1T.org initiative, we play a vital role in restoring and preserving forest ecosystems. We have
greener business undertaken a commendable endeavour by planting a staggering ~1 million trees.

22 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Transforming Workplace

Rationale for action

At Vedanta, we prioritize cultivating a work culture that prioritizes the health, well-being, and safety of our workforce. We are
committed to fostering an environment that embraces diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunities for all individuals. This
approach positions Vedanta as an employer of choice, empowering our workforce to thrive and contribute to the success
and sustainability of our organization.

Key focus areas

Health and safety

We are persistently working towards the ambitious target of zero fatalities. We have identified three levers to improve
our safety performance and prevent fatal injuries:
(i) Implementation of Critical Risk Management (CRM), (ii) Improving safety infrastructure,
(iii) Employee and business partner training
We conduct regular health and safety training programmes for all our employees.

Diversity, equal opportunity, and inclusion

Owing to our commitment to achieving gender parity, we are dedicated to recruiting outstanding talent from
esteemed campuses with the goal of maintaining a 50% gender diversity ratio. We also provide support and accom-
modations for specially-abled employees.
We are fostering an LGBTQ+-friendly workplace. To ensure an inclusive workplace, gender sensitisation programs are
in place for creating awareness about gender-related issues, promoting understanding of gender stereotypes and
biases, and fostering a culture of respect and equality.

Human capital development

We have talent development initiatives such as V-tech 1.0, V-reach, and ACt up, designed to ensure that employees
acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitude to meet the present and future needs of the business. We also
have capacity building progarmmes for Senior Management on ESG such as Emerging Leaders Program.
Employee support programs are in place that create a positive work environment that fosters employee engagement,
reduces turnover rates, and boosts productivity.

23 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Key highlights of FY 2023

Women in decision
risk management Overhaul of
making bodies and
program initiated in safety standards Transgender
FY 2023. under VSF, under
in leadership roles

in FY 2023.

Gender diversity Total Recordable Injury

(%) Frequency Rate (TRIFR)

FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Employees covered
under mentoring
10.9 11.23 11.63 14 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.2
and support
Female employees constituted 14% of the overall workforce, Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) stood at
reflecting our ongoing commitment to fostering gender diversity 1.2. Safety continues to be a paramount focus across all
and creating an inclusive work environment. We continue to our businesses, reflecting our dedication to ensuring the
prioritize the empowerment and representation of women within well-being and protection of our employees.
our organization.

24 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Performance against the goals

Aim 7: Prioritising safety and health of all employees

Key Performance Indicators Sustainability Goals Performance in FY 2023 Material Issue UN SDGs

Fatalities FY 2025: FY 2030: 13% Health, safety

(number) Zero Zero and
Well-being 8.8
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate FY 2025: 0.52
(LTIFR) 10% reduction (year-on-year)
FY 2025: FY 2030:
Total Recordable Injury 0.98 TRIFR per million-man 0.8 TRIFR per 1.20
Frequency Rate (TRIFR) hours (30% reduction from million-man hours
FY 2021 baseline)

FY 2025:
Occupational health management
Health performance standards implemented and In progress
systems part of VSAP

FY 2025:
Exposure monitoring Employee and community exposure monitoring to be To be undertaken

FY 2030: In progress
Exposure prevention
No employee exposure to red zone areas

FY 2025:
Employee well-being
Mental health programme in place for all employees 100%

FY 2025: 100%
100% of eligible employees to undergo periodic
medical examinations

25 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Aim 8: Promote gender parity, diversity, and inclusivity

Key Performance Indicators Sustainability Goals Performance in FY 2023 Material Issue UN SDGs

Gender diversity FY 2030: 14% Diversity,

(% women in the FTE workforce) 20% women Equal
Opportunity, 5.1
Gender diversity FY 2030: and Inclusion
(% women in leadership roles in
9.1% 5.5
40% women
FTE workforce) 5.c

Gender diversity FY 2030:

(% women in decision-making 30% women 28.34%
bodies in FTE workforce)

Gender diversity
FY 2030:
(% women in technical leader/shop 13%
floor roles in FTE workforce)
10% women

Aim 9: Adhere to global business standards of corporate governance

Safety programme for business FY 2025: Critical risk management programme rolled Sustainable
partners Rubaru is to be introduced at all at 100% BUs and Inclusive
Business Units across Vedanta Supply Chain 8.7

FY 2025: FY 2030:
Work with long-term, tier 1 Align GHG reduction Commercial CoP constituted to address
Supply chain GHG transition
suppliers to submit their GHG strategies with our supplier chain related ESG issues
reduction strategies long-term tier-1 suppliers

Training on code of conduct Continue to cover 100% of employees 100% employees trained

FY 2025:
% Independent directors on board 50%
50% Independent Directors on Board as per SEBI requirements

% gender diversity on the board FY 2025:


26 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

Our 'Transforming Workplace' handprint

Aim 7: Driving safety digitally

Prioritising safety
Vedanta has made workplace safety a top priority by seamlessly integrating digital tools and
and health of all
technologies. Following a successful pilot study, we have implemented camera-based surveillance
technology for real-time monitoring and tracking of safety violations across the organization.

Aim 8: Empowering women leaders: V Lead program paving the way to success
Promote Vedanta's V Lead program aims to identify and develop future women executives within the organization.
gender parity, It targets 120 promising young women out of a pool of over 720 candidates for accelerated career
diversity and growth and structured mentoring by senior leaders. The program's primary objective is to ensure the
inclusivity progression of these talented women to key decision-making bodies, fostering their growth and enabling
them to assume CXO positions.

Incentivising ESG performance

Aim 9: To enhance our commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles, we have initiated
Adhere to global discussions to strengthen the integration of ESG metrics into executive compensation. At present, the
business standards performance pay of our employees includes a 15% weighting based on HSE (Health, Safety, and
of corporate Environment)/ESG performance. Moreover, we have also incorporated climate change considerations into our
employees' stock option scheme (ESOS), reflecting our dedication to addressing this pressing global issue.

27 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

GRI content index (Scope of disclosure in the complete sustainability report)
GRI 2: General Disclosures 2-1 Organizational details GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016 304-2 Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity
2021 2-2 Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting 304-3 Habitats protected or restored
2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact point 304-4 IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats
2-4 Restatements of information in areas affected by operations
2-5 External assurance 11.7 Closure and rehabilitation 11.7.4 Reporting on closure and rehabilitation
2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationships 11.7.5 Reporting on closure and rehabilitation
2-7 Employees 11.7.6 Reporting on closure and rehabilitation
2-8 Workers who are not employees GRI 305: Emissions 2016 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions
2-9 Governance structure and composition 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions
2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance body 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions
2-11 Chair of the highest governance body 305-4 GHG emissions intensity
2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions
2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts 305-6 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)
2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting 305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions
2-15 Conflicts of interest 11.2.4 Reporting on climate adaptation, resilience, and transition
2-16 Communication of critical concerns GRI 306: Waste 2020 306-1 Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts
2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body 306-2 Management of significant waste-related impacts
2-18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body 306-3 Waste generated
2-19 Remuneration policies 306-4 Waste diverted from disposal
2-20 Process to determine remuneration 306-5 Waste directed to disposal
2-21 Annual total compensation ratio 11.8 Asset integrity and 11.8.2 Reporting on asset integrity and critical incident management
2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategy critical incident management 11.8.3 Reporting on asset integrity and critical incident management
2-23 Policy commitments GRI 308: Supplier Environmental 308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria
2-24 Embedding policy commitments Assessment 2016 308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts GRI 401: Employment 2016 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover
2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns 401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees
2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations 401-3 Parental leave
2-28 Membership associations SOCIAL GRI 402: Labour/ 402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes
2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement Management Relations 2016
2-30 Collective bargaining agreements GRI 403: Occupational Health 403-1 Occupational health and safety management system
3-1 Process to determine material topics and Safety 2018 403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation
3-2 List of material topics 403-3 Occupational health services
ECONOMIC GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety
201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed 403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety
201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change 403-6 Promotion of worker health
GRI 201: Economic 201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans 403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked
Performance 2016 201-4 Financial assistance received from government by business relationships
202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage 403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system
GRI 202: Market Presence 2016 202-2 Proportion of senior management hired from the local community 403-9 Work-related injuries
GRI 203: Indirect Economic 203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported GRI 404: Training and 403-10 Work-related ill health
Impacts 2016 203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts Education 2016 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee
GRI 204: Procurement 204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers 404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs
Practices 2016 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews
GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption 404-3 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees
205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures 405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men
205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken GRI 406: Non-discrimination 2016 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken
11.20 Anti-corruption 11.20.5 Reporting on anti-corruption GRI 407: Freedom of Association 407-1 Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective
11.20.6 Reporting on anti-corruption and Collective Bargaining 2016 bargaining may be at risk
GRI 206: Anti-competitive 206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust, GRI 408: Child Labour 2016 408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labour
Behaviour 2016 and monopoly practices GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory 409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of
GRI 207: Tax 2019 207-1 Approach to tax Labour 2016 forced or compulsory labour
207-2 Tax governance, control, and risk management GRI 410: Security Practices 2016 410-1 Security personnel trained in human rights policies or procedures
207-3 Stakeholder engagement and management of concerns related to tax GRI 411: Rights of Indigenous 411-1 Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples
Peoples 2016
207-4 Country-by-country reporting
11.17 Rights of indigenous peoples 11.17.3 Reporting on rights of indigenous peoples
11.21 Payments to govts. 11.21.8 Reporting on payments to governments
11.17.4 Reporting on rights of indigenous peoples
ENVIRONMENT GRI 302: Energy 2016 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization
GRI 413: Local Communities 2016 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs
302-2 Energy consumption outside of the organization
413-2 Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities
302-3 Energy intensity
11.15.4 Reporting on local communities
302-4 Reduction of energy consumption
11.16.2 Reporting on land and resource rights
302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and services
GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria
GRI 303: Water and 303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resource
2016 414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
Effluents 2018 303-2 Management of water discharge-related impacts
GRI 415: Public Policy 2016 415-1 Political contributions
303-3 Water withdrawal
GRI 416: Customer Health and 416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories
303-4 Water discharge
Safety 2016 416-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services
303-5 Water consumption
GRI 418: Customer Privacy 2016 418-1 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data
304-1 Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas
and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas

28 | Executive Summary - Sustainability Report FY 2023

REGISTERED OFFICE: Vedanta Limited, 1st Floor, ‘C’ wing, Unit 103, Corporate Avenue,
Atul Projects, Chakala, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400093, Maharashtra, India
T +91 22 6643 4500 | F +91 22 6643 4530
CIN: L13209MH1965PLC291394

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