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Introducing Hijaiyah Letter and Training in Writing Arabic Letters for

Students of the Islamic Economics Study Program

Article in LEKSEMA Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra · May 2023

DOI: 10.22515/ljbs.v8i1.4814


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1 author:

Tira Nur Fitria

Institut Teknologi Bisnis AAS Indonesia


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ABDI UNISAP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2023

Introducing Hijaiyah Letter and Training in Writing Arabic Letters for

Students of the Islamic Economics Study Program
Tira Nur Fitria
Institut Teknologi Bisnis AAS Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article History: This activity introduces hijaiyah letters and teaches how to write
Arabic for non-Arabic study program students in ITB AAS Indonesia.
This activity is held on 22 February 2023 in offline meetings, Zoom
27 Mei 2023
Meetings, and Live Streaming on YouTube. There are 20 students in
the Islamic Economics Study Program in the 2nd semester involved in
29 Mei 2023
this activity. This activity is carried out through demonstrations and
discussions. In the implementation of this activity, the speaker
01 Juni 2023
introduces Hijaiyah Letter and Harakat (Arabic vowel) to grow
students' attention to the importance of learning Hijaiyah and writing
Kata Kunci: Arabic. After explaining, the speaker gives assignments. The speaker
gives two assignments for students to write hijaiyah letters and Arabic,
Arabic; especially Surah Yasin. The purpose of giving these assignments is to
Arabic letter; help the students master the rule of writing hijaiyah and can write
Islamic Economic Students; Surah Yasin correctly. Based on the students’ writing, shows that
Writing Arabic Letter. students consider the rule of writing hijaiyah letters correctly and can
write Arabic well. Writing hijaiyah letters has a higher level of
difficulty compared to Latin letters because almost all of the letters
can change shape based on the position of the letter when it is in the
front, middle, or end of the word.
This is an open-access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Penulis Korespondensi:
Tira Nur Fitria
Institut Teknologi Bisnis AAS Indonesia
Jl. Slamet Riyadi No.361, Windan, Makamhaji, Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah 57161
[email protected]

Learning Al-Qur'an is very important for human life because learning the Qur'an is a process
of developing the creative potential of students which aims to realize human beings who fear Allah
SWT, and are intelligent, virtuous, independent, and responsible for themselves, as well as religion.
Thus, an educator must improve the quality of learning so that the potential of students can develop
optimally. Arabic and the Qur'an are inseparable, like two faces of a coin; learning Arabic is a
prerequisite for comprehending the contents of the Qur'an, and learning the language of the Qur'an
requires learning Arabic (Rozani, 2021). Thus the role of the Al-Qur'an in Arabic besides being a means
of communication to fellow human beings both in the academic and non-academic world, is also a
means of communication for human beings who believe in His Creator.

ABDI UNISAP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat | Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2023 22
Hijaiyah letters are Arabic letters that are grouped so that they have a specific meaning and are
contained in the Koran which are useful for spelling practice in reading and writing the Koran (Sari
et.al., 2021). Recognizing and mastering hijaiyah letters which are the basis for reading and studying
the holy book of the Koran from an early age is very important. One of the main materials that cannot
be separated from Islamic Religious Education is learning to write hijaiyah letters (Khasanah, 2013).
Teaching students to recognize and memorize hijaiyah letters, is closely related to the process
of teaching how to read and write them. To introduce hijaiyah letters to students, methods are needed
that are useful for them to do, so that students can easily recognize and understand hijaiyah letters
(Nasution, 2020). Hijaiyah letters total 28 single letters or 30 if we include double letters lam-alif and
hamza as stand-alone letters. The person who first arranged hijaiyah letters was Nasr bin 'Ashim al-
Laitsi sequentially from Alif to ya (Nasution, 2020). The way to write Arabic letters is different from
Latin letters. Latin letters are written from left to right, but Arabic letters are written from right to left.
Writing is one part of the basic language skills that need to be mastered by students in the early
stages of elementary school. Writing is also part of the four skills essences speaks. It is important to
learn because of skills language is a source of knowledge for students, and also a prerequisite for
achieving information skills to transform knowledge to the community. Students must master various
information contained in other subjects. Therefore, writing is a basic ability provision for student
learning at the next level. Skills in writing can only be obtained after going through the process exercises
and mastering certain concepts. So it is not surprising even that a student can write but if it is not
balanced with practice and exercises, then it can be the cause of the lack of skilled students in writing
(Zubaidah, 2022).
Arabic lessons are not only found in Islamic Religious Schools but also found in several public
schools, especially at the school-level Senior High School (SMA) which uses Arabic as a specialization
foreign language for students who are interested in learning it. Several Colleges and State Universities
in Indonesia also provide Arabic as one of their Study programs, both Literature and Education.
Language set Arabic as the official language is one of the impacts that make the language Arabic
increasingly recognized and made the program of choice by the Institute of General Education
(Nurhanifah, 2021). In studying foreign languages, especially Arabic, there are 4 skills to be introduced.
These skills include proficient listening skills (istima'), speaking skills (kalam), reading skills (qiro'ah),
and also writing skills (kitabah).
This activity of studying the Quran and Arabic is essential to comprehending the meaning of
Islamic economics. The qawliyyah verses are written in Arabic, so we must first master Arabic to
become more proficient in Islamic economics, since we cannot be considered specialists in Islamic
economics if we do not master the original language used to study Islamic economics (Mehilda, 2017).
Arabic lesson refers to the values of Islamic teachings, in which the Qur'an and Hadith are references
and material sources of education. The scope of Islamic Economics (Sharia) is identical to the teaching
aspects of Islam because the material contained therein is a combination of complements each other.
Scope Islamic Economics (Sha'ia) in schools contains several materials which include the Al-Qur'ān
and Al-Hadīts.
Teaching Arabic writing is also actually loaded in religious subjects in schools or other Islamic
educational institutions, both formal ones or informal. Practice learning to write Arabic at school is
often found in several eye units Religious lessons in Islamic educational institutions such as Arabic,
which are learning activities. It certainly includes writing activities in Arabic sentences and texts.
Religious Education Islam or Al-Qur'an Hadith may also contain written Arabic letters. Within these
two subjects, the arguments for the verses of the Qur'an or the hadiths are frequently explained, and
teachers frequently assign writing or memorization of verses from Al-Qur'an and Hadith as part of the
activity learning.

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Education in the religious sciences, specifically the Hijaiyah letters, is essential as a readiness
to be comprehended by humans as the foundation of life to confront future life because the Quran is
written in Arabic, the difficulty encountered is reasonable (Sari et.al., 2021). Generally, schools that are
thick with Islamic culture such as Madrasah and School-based Other Islam, have a group of religious
subjects more than public schools. So that from some of these subjects, students are also often involved
with reading activities and writing Arabic. But that will be different for students who attend public
schools because there is only one type of religious subject. So that opportunities for students to get
teaching and practice Arabic writing at school were very much limited. Based on this can be predicted
it is clear that there will be significant differences in the level of ability to write Arabic between students
who attend public schools with students who attend Islamic-based schools such as madrasas, Islamic
boarding schools, and others. However also did not rule out for students who attended the public school,
were able to write Arabic letters well thanks to the results of learning with people parents or by
following the learning process in non-formal schools such as TPA/TPQ (Taman Al-Qur'an Education).
Writing Arabic is a skill that is considered "difficult" for Arabic learners especially not students
majoring in Arabic (Adawiyah et.al., 2021). This is because writing skills require a large vocabulary,
appropriate structure, and various expressions. Arabic writing is very different from Indonesian writing.
Matter This can be seen from the characteristics of the use of hijaiyah letters in Arabic which is very
different from the Latin writing in Indonesian (Nurhanifah, 2021). Several hijaiyah letters have no
equivalent in writing Latin which adds obstacles for non-Arabic writers or learners in producing writing.
These differences make the author or non-Arabic learners cannot easily write Arabic letters otherwise
accompanied by regular writing training
Learning to write Arabic is not a thing foreign among Muslims and in particular Indonesian
Muslims, because as is well known that the majority of Indonesia's population is Muslim. The Arabic
text itself has a close relationship with Islam and Islamic scholarship. The findings of the study from
Irfan (2019) indicate students continue to deal with writing the Arabic alphabet, according to Irfan
(2019). The category of difficulty for the student is writing the Arabic alphabet either standing or
wandering, with incorrect letter placement. Then the letter writing which is considered difficult is the
letters ‫هـــ ي‬, ‫و‬, ‫م‬, ‫ق‬, ‫ف‬, ‫ظ‬, ‫ط‬, ‫ض‬, ‫ص‬, ‫ش‬, ‫س‬, ‫ذ‬, ‫ د‬. Internal and external factors contribute to students'
difficulties with writing Arabic letters. Students' inability to memorize the Arabic alphabet, as well as
their lack of talent, interest, and motivation, are internal factors. External factors consist of fewer
resources, a less conducive learning environment, and the instructor's use of fewer instructional methods
and media.
According to Amar (2019), there are some difficulties experienced by students when learning
Arabic takes place, especially writing skills. Students' writing is difficult to read because it is not
stretched out between words; students make mistakes when writing continuous letters; students have
trouble writing the hijaiyah letters spoken by the teacher because the place where the hijaiyah letters
come out is the same, producing almost the same sound; and some students have not memorized the
hijaiyah letters. The lack of space between lines in student writing is a problem. Students' writing also
contains errors when writing continuous letters; students make errors when writing continuous letters;
students make errors when writing. Not fluent in reading and mastering vocabulary or mufrodat, so that
writing is disorganized; students still have difficulty constructing perfect sentences without consulting
the textbook because they cannot differentiate between isim, fi'il, mubtada, khabar, etc.; the majority of
students who complete elementary school lack interest and motivation to learn Arabic.
Writing hijaiyah letters consecutively or in a sequence is difficult because not everyone is
capable of doing so, even if they can read the hijaiyah letters or the Koran well. Because sequentially
penning hijaiyah letters is governed by norms or regulations. When single-form hijaiyah letters are
connected or assembled in series, they undergo alterations, and not all hijaiyah letters can be assembled
or connected (Indriati, 2022). Proficiency in writing in Arabic can include the ability to form the

ABDI UNISAP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat | Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2023 24
alphabet (letters hijaiyah, spelling skills, and expressing thoughts or feelings through writing Arabic
(Rini, 2020). In this paper, the author specifically discusses the applicative method which can be used
by teachers of Arabic to teach writing skills. Arabic consists of Arabic (Hijaiyah) letters that have
unique characteristics distinct from writing Latin; consequently, the writing of Arabic text presents
several challenges. Second, one letter has many different forms depending on its placement in a word
(some are in the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of a word), plus there are various writings that
must be connected and separated. Third, adjacent and resembling letters.
Several previous studies show writing hijaiyah letter and Arabic. Khasanah (2013) explains
that learning to write hijaiyah letters at Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Batur Kindergarten, is done in an
interesting and fun way for children. So that within two weeks, 15 out of 22 children can write hijaiyah
letters completely and correctly. This learning requires the readiness of the child to focus on receiving
the material. Due to the fact that some lessons are not taught in the first hour, children are not in the
best position to absorb the material being taught and therefore cannot write all of the hijaiyah letters.
Wiasih (2015) explains that a teacher can improve the learning of Arabic letter writing skills by
providing examples, reproductions, and imla. This can be seen in the activities of students during the
learning process. Azzah & Zuraidah (2021) explains the socialization on how to write hijaiyah letters
was created to share knowledge or insights as well as bonus data to students as well as the use of tools
such as books "books for learning to read and write hijaiyah letters". This activity proves that some
students experience anxiety and anxiety about writing hijaiyah letters. In addition, the media that we
distribute matches the modules that were informed in TPQ. The book application "Books for Learning
to Read and write hijaiyah letters" proves that the students in TPQ are very enthusiastic and actively
interact with the teaching staff during the upgrading process. Not only that, but the use of the book also
increases students' descriptions of how to write hijaiyah letters. Adawiyah et.al. (2021) explains that
training and mentoring can be concluded that the ability of the participants students show rapid
development after holding typing training in Arabic. The ability of students before the holding of this
training is relatively low, after the holding of this typing training, the ability of most students has
experienced a good change. Munasib et.al. (2021) explains that training on writing the Koran (hijaiyah
letters) the technical implementation is also divided into two, a small class and a big class. Students in
small classes are trained to write hijaiyah letters from alif to yes' according to the rules of writing Arabic
with good and right. Writing basic Arabic letters is focused on them, remembering most from students
in small classes who are still children (toddlers) and cannot write letters hijaiyah. In contrast to large-
class students, they are trained to write the Koran (letters hijaiyah) beautifully. Then the method used
in this training is the method of khot (calligraphy). The hope is that they will not only be able to write
down the Qur'an (letters hijaiyah) properly and correctly but by including elements of art and beauty
inside it. In addition, they were also given language training, imitating, imla' in writing the Koran or
hijaiyah letters. Arintistia & Kholik (2022) innovated learning media for writing hijaiyah letters in the
form of providing special companion books for children. They carry out innovations in learning to write
hijaiyah letters in the form of a companion book for writing hijaiyah letters with colorful illustrations
and an introduction to simple Arabic vocabulary for children. In addition, the team also assists in using
the available learning media for educators, to be able to maximize its application in carrying out the
process of learning to write hijaiyah letters. Ahmad & Idrus (2022) explains that game development
functions to train children in cursive writing with a playing atmosphere. This smart recitation
application can also be a media evaluation for children learning to write cursive letters by knowing the
mistakes in writing Arabic cursive letters. This application will present all the hijaiyah letters in the
Qur'an and divide the cursive letters into several levels of difficulty contained in the levels. The
children's ability to write Arabic cursive characters improved after instructors and students utilized the
application. Sumantri (2022) explains that the implementation of the follow the line method for teaching
young students to write Arabic letters is highly effective in attaining the desired learning outcomes. The

ABDI UNISAP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat | Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2023 25
purpose of learning Arabic letters using the follow the line method is to make it simpler for children to
write Arabic letters by following the lines or patterns already written in the book. In order for
prospective students to be proficient in writing Arabic letters without lines.
Arabic has a complex and unique type of writing in its writing system (Musahar et.al., 2019).
To spell and connect these Arabic letters requires learning specifically about these Arabic letters
through writing proficiency exercises. This is because Arabic letters have different forms of writing
characters for each letter and there are still many students who have difficulty writing, especially in
connecting Arabic letters from one letter to another. Learning to write the Al-Qur'an is defined as a
process of providing guidance, motivation, and facilities to children on how to form the Arabic alphabet,
namely the hijaiyah letters contained in the Al-Qur'an. In the next process, children are taught how to
write writing instruments in arranging Arabic letters following Al-Qur'an standards on paper,
blackboards, and so on. When writing hijaiyah letters or Arabic letters singly (separately) or
continuously, the form of each letter written will have a different way of writing it from one letter to
another. Therefore, serious practice is needed in learning to write this letter so that one can write it
(Nurman, 2017).
In the Institut Teknologi Bisnis AAS Indonesia, especially in the Islamic Economics/Sharia
study program, Arabic is an extracurricular subject (additional courses) taught to students of the Islamic
Economics study program, especially in the first semester. This additional lesson needs to be taught
because Arabic has a connection with Islamic Economics lectures which are synonymous with
knowledge of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith which use Arabic script. Based on the results of interviews with
several students of the ITB AAS Indonesia Islamic Economics study program, it shows that most of the
students are graduates of non-Islamic schools, in this case, they are graduates of senior high schools or
vocational high schools. Most of them came from junior high schools and elementary schools, and not
from Madrasah Tsanawiyah or Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. For them, Arabic is a foreign subject that they
have never encountered before at school. The results of interviews with students also showed that most
of them knew hijaiyah letters, and they could read Arabic, in this case, they could read the Qur'an but
they could not write Arabic.
Based on the explanation above, it is necessary to hold community service activities, especially
students of the ITB AAS Indonesia Islamic Economics study program to knowing basic Arabic
language material such as the re-introduction of hijaiyah letters, as well as how to write Arabic letters
at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence. Writing cursive hijaiyah letters has a higher level of
difficulty compared to Latin letters because almost all of the letters can change shape based on the
position of the letter when it is in the front, middle, or end.


The implementation of community service is carried out through demonstrations and
discussions. Fitria (2022) states that the demonstration method is a teaching technique that uses visual
resources to explain participants' understanding or demonstrate how to do a task. In this activity, the
lecturer gave an example of writing hijaiyah letter at the beginning, middle, and end of the word. In
addition, the implementation of activities is carried out through discussions. A discussion method is a
form of teaching in which two or more participants solve a problem by exchanging their perspectives
(Fitria, 2022b). In this activity, the lecturer and students discuss the hijaiyah letters, the rule of writing
hijaiyah, and Arabic in the Holy Qur’an.

ABDI UNISAP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat | Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2023 26
Activity Results
The activity of introducing hijaiyah letters and training in writing Arabic letters for students is
held on 22 February 2023. The activity is held offline (face-to-face) meetings. Besides, the activity also
is held on Zoom Meetings and Live Streaming YouTube. There are 20 students in the Islamic (Sharia
Economics Study Program in ITB AAS Indonesia in the 2nd semester. The implementation of this
activity can be seen in the description below:

Introducing Hijaiyah Letter and Harakat (Vowel in Arabic)

In this activity, the speaker does several activities including: 1) introducing hijaiyah
letters. The purpose of this stage is to grow students' attention to the importance of learning
writing and preparing them to receive the material about learning to write.

Figure 1. Introducing Hijaiyah Letter and Harokat

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUaIjAOIl5Q

The figure above shows that the speaker explains about hijaiyah letter. The hijaiyah letters are
in the Arabic alphabet which has 28 single letters in the Al-Qur'an or 30 letters if the double letters lam
alif (‫ )ال‬and hamzah (‫ )ء‬are included. Hijaiyah letters can be connected with the previous letters, but not
all hijaiyah letters can be connected with the following letters. In Islamic religious education, reading
hijaiyah letters, including how to write them, is very important for a Muslim to master. This is because,
like any other language, the difference in one letter or punctuation can affect the overall meaning. As

ABDI UNISAP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat | Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2023 27
for writing in Arabic letters or hijaiyah letters, they are: 1) Hijaiyah letters are written from right to left.
2) Hijaiyah letters total 28 or 30 letters when added with hamzah and lam alif. 3) There are hijaiyah
letters that can be connected and connected, there are also letters that can be connected but cannot be
connected with the letters after it. 4) All hijaiyah letters are consonants, including alif (‫)ا‬, wau (‫)و‬, and
ya (‫)ي‬. Therefore, these letters need vowel marks (sakkal). 5) Each has a letter shape according to its
position, whether it's at the beginning, in the middle, at the end, or separately.
The figure above shows that the speaker explains about writing hijaiyah letter. After students
know the letters, another thing that needs to be known as ‘vowel’. Because one letter can be read
differently according to the Arabic vowel (harakat), such as 1) Fathah. This punctuation mark is located
above the hijaiyah letters and is pronounced by opening our mouths by exhaling while reading each
hijaiyah letter. For example, when reading the letter 'Mim' with the harakat fathah, the way to read it
is "Ma". This applies to other letters. 2). Kasrah. This vowel is located under the hijaiyah letters. For
example, the letter 'Ta', then how to read it becomes 'Ti'. This applies to all hijaiyah letters. 3).
Dhammah. Although both are above the hijaiyah letters, what distinguishes fathah from dhammah is
the form of dhammah which is like the letter 'wawu'. In reading it is also like getting an additional letter
'u' in each letter. For example, the letter 'Ba' is read as 'Bu'. 4). Fathah Tanwin. Fathah tanwin is part
of the hijaiyah punctuation marks. When a letter has the vowel tanwin fathah, it will be suffixed with
"N". For example the letter 'Nun' with the vowel fathah tanwin, then when it is read it will cause a sound
to come out of the lips, namely 'Nan'. 5) Kasrah Tanwin. Kasrah Tanwin is also part of the hijaiyah
letter punctuation which has the suffix 'n' and is under the letter. For example, when reading the letter
'Ta', it reads 'Tin'. 6) Dhammah Tanwin. In reading it will add 'n'. For example, when we see the letter
'Nun' with dhammah tanwin, it will be read 'Nun'. 7) Sukun. This vowel will turn off or hold back the
hijaiyah letters to be read. For example, when reading the letter 'Nun', we just need to read 'n' and this
applies to all hijaiyah letters. 8) Tasydid. The reading of letters using the tasydid sign is pronounced
like a doubled or long-pressed letter. For example, when reading the letter 'Mim' with tasydid, it reads

Figure 2. Explaining of Writing Hijaiyah Letter

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUaIjAOIl5Q

ABDI UNISAP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat | Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2023 28
The table results also show that Hijaiyah letters splicing can be done at the beginning, middle,
or end of a word. Six hijaiyah letters cannot be connected with the following letters, namely: Alif, dal,
dzal, ro za, and wau (‫)ا د ذ ر ز و‬. These six hijaiyah letters cannot be connected if they are in the middle.
Thus, often the six letters must be cut off when they are in the middle and must form new letter
connections. However, some letters can only be connected at the beginning or end. In addition, some
letters cannot be connected from any side, namely the letter ‫( ء‬hamza). Hijaiyah letters that can be
connected at the beginning, middle or end and change shape consist of: ‫( ب‬ba), ‫( ت‬ta), ‫( ث‬Ṡa), ‫( ج‬jim),
‫( ح‬Ḥa), ‫( خ‬kha), ‫( س‬sin), ‫( ش‬syin), ‫( ص‬Ṣad), ‫( ض‬Ḍad), ‫( ط‬Ṭa), ‫( ظ‬Ẓa), ‫'( ع‬ain), ‫( غ‬gain), ‫( ف‬fa), ‫( ق‬qaf),
‫( ك‬kaf), ‫( ل‬lam), ‫( م‬mim), ‫( ن‬nun), ‫( هـ‬ha), and ‫( ي‬ya). Furthermore, hijaiyah letters cannot be connected
with the following letters and can only be connected with the previous letters, namely: ‫( ا‬alif), ‫( د‬dal), ‫ذ‬
(Ẑal), ‫( ر‬ra), ‫( ز‬zai), ‫( و‬wau). Even though it will be difficult at first, if learning the Hijaiyah letters
continues to get used to it, then reading the Koran will feel easier. The activity of introducing hijaiyah
letters and Arabic vowels (vowels), shows the enthusiasm of the participants (students) in learning basic

Giving Evaluation
In this activity, the speaker gives an evaluation for students to write hijaiyah letter. The purpose
of this stage is to help the students master the forms of writing correctly. Learning to write Arabic, as
has been mentioned above, is divided into three types of learning activities namely forming letters,
stringing letters and words, and pouring ideas or ideas in written form. At first, the speaker started by
explaining about the letters to be learned both in the initial written form, in the middle, or at the end of
a word. The speaker gives two assignments related to writing hijaiyah letters and Arabic. The speaker
shows an example of the students’ assignment of the word or sentences with various forms of writing.

First Assignment
In the first assignment, the speaker asks the students to write hijaiyah letter. Several examples
of students’ writing can be seen in the table below:

Figure 3. Students’ Assignment on Writing Hijaiyah

Second Assignment
In the first assignment, the speaker ask the students to write Arabic especially writing Al-
Qur'an Surah Yasin - Surah Yaasiin consists of 83 verses. The several example of students’ writing can
be seen in the figures below:

ABDI UNISAP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat | Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2023 29
Figure 4. Students’ Assignment on Writing Arabic

In writing, the series and not series letters of the Hijaiyah have a fundamental difference from
the writing of the letters of the Latin alphabet. If the writing of Latin letters is always separate from
each other, while Arabic letters have different provisions. To form a word, hijaiyah letters can be written
independently or written in series depending on the condition and nature of the letters. How to write
this letter is different from the usual Latin letters. Writing hijaiyah letters must be following applicable
rules or regulations. One of them must be written from right to left by connecting. Each hijaiyah letter
has a letter shape according to its location. There are those in front, in the middle, behind, or separately.
All hijaiyah letters can be connected with the previous letters. However, some hijaiyah letters cannot
be connected with the letters after them.
The difference between Arabic and Latin writing is of course one of the reasons students have
difficulty writing Arabic, especially when students have to compose Arabic letters starting from right
to left (Irfan, 2019). In contrast to their daily habits when writing Latin letters starting from left to right.
This certainly requires a long process so that students are accustomed to and proficient in composing
the Arabic alphabet. Arabic letters or hijaiyah letters are different from the Latin alphabet, including:
1) Arabic writing according to the writing system, is done from right to left so that the width of the book
goes from right to left. 2) In Arabic letters there are no capital letters with a certain form to start a

ABDI UNISAP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat | Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2023 30
sentence or writing the name of a person or place. 3) Differences in the form of Arabic letters in a word
when they stand alone, middle, and end. 4) Slight differences between handwriting and print or type.
The activity of giving assignments to write hijaiyah letters, and Arabic script, shows the
enthusiasm of the participants (students) in doing Arabic assignments. In the first assignment, students
can write hijaiyah letters properly and neatly by paying attention to the rules for writing hijaiyah letters.
In the second task, students can write Arabic script, especially Surat Yasin as many as 83 verses properly
and neatly and pay attention to writing hijaiyah letters at the beginning, middle, and end of words.

This activity is to introduce hijaiyah letters and write Arabic for non-Arabic study program
students in ITB AAS Indonesia to be held on 22 February 2023 in offline (face-to-face) meetings.
Besides, the activity also is held on Zoom Meetings and Live Streaming YouTube. There are 20 students
in the Islamic Economics Study Program in ITB AAS Indonesia in the 2nd semester involved in this
activity. This activity is carried out through demonstrations and discussions. In the implementation of
this activity, the speaker introduces Hijaiyah Letter and Harakat (Arabic vowel) to grow students'
attention to the importance of learning Hijaiyah and writing Arabic. After explaining, the speaker gives
assignments. The speaker gives two assignments for students to write hijaiyah letters and Arabic,
especially Surah Yasin. The purpose of giving these assignments is to help the students master the rule
of writing hijaiyah and can write Surah Yasin correctly. Based on the students’ writing, shows that
students consider the rule of writing hijaiyah letters correctly and can write Arabic well. Writing
hijaiyah letters has a higher level of difficulty compared to Latin letters because almost all of the letters
can change shape.

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