• geometric distortions,
• motion blur,
• noise, and
• camera miss-focus.
Image restoration and registration methods
of the image.
• sensor irregularities
• atmospheric noise,
• Radiometric correction is a process that improves the quality and
– sensor ageing
acquisition and
– topographic effects.
Some of the commonly observed systematic radiometric errors are:
– random bad pixels: Sometimes, an individual detector does not record received
signal for a pixel. It is called shot noise. These pixels removed by identifying
– line start problems: scanner fails to start recording as soon as a new row starts
and the sensors place pixel data at inappropriate locations) along scan line
– n-Line striping: Sometimes, a detector does not fail completely but its calibration
• Any image in which individual detectors appear lighter or darker than their
• Changes in illumination
• Angle of view
– de-striping
from space).
that point.
• The signal is weakened due to absorption and scattering.
a pixel.
Causes of Atmospheric error:
detection processes.
• Haze (fog, and other atmospheric phenomena) is a main
and contrasts.
3. Geometric correction methods
geometric corrections.
• compare two images taken at different times and carry out change
• relate, compare and integrate the image with any other spatial data.
• The geometric registration process involves identifying the
• Image-to-Map Rectification ,
• Image-to-Image Registration ,
• Relief displacement,
to ground coordinates.
• It used when establishing the relation between raster or vector data and
geographical features.
2. Image-to-map registration refers to transformation of one image
• his technique includes the process by which two images of a common area are
of the same ground appear in the same place on the registered images.
4. Spatial Interpolation Using Coordinate Transformations
6. Geometric correction with ground control points (GCP)
location .
• GCPs help to ensure that the latitude and longitude of any point on
– road intersections,
– airport runways,
coordinate system.
1. Nearest Neighborhood,
3. Cubic Convolution.
• Nearest Neighbourhood
• Nearest neighbour resampling uses the digital value from the pixel
• This is the simplest method and does not alter the original values,
but may result in some pixel values being duplicated while others
are lost.
Bi-linear interpolation
• Bilinear interpolation resampling takes a weighted average of four
• The averaging process alters the original pixel values and creates
• Cubic Convolution
: Sample Geometric Distortions
3.2. Image processing
Digital Image Processing
is that the data must be recorded and made available in a digital form,
• Manual interpretation is often limited to analyzing only a
• Meteorology
R e m o t e l y sensed raw data generally contains errors
information extraction.
This stage can include image enhancement or the image may be analyzed to
The result might be the image altered in some way or it might be a report based
This process can continue until the results are satisfactory. Such
flexibility makes it possible to produce results not only from satellite data
that are recorded at one time only, but also from data that are obtained at
after the user has been working for a long time, as the interpretation
computer can produce the same results with the same input
• Digital image analysis has four major disadvantages, the critical ones
being the initial high costs in setting up the system and limited
classification accuracy.
• Limited Accuracy
• Complexity
2. Image Enhancement
o These are corrections needed for distortion of raw data. Radiometric and
o This used to improve the appearance of imagery and to assist visual interpretation
and analysis. This involves techniques for increasing the visual distinction between
3. Image Classification
combine image data for a given geographic area with other geographically
• Radiometric correction
• Geometric correction
• Image classification
• Pixel based
• Object-oriented based
• Change detection
Why Image Processing?
Image acquisition
Image enhancement
Image Restoration
Image Compression
Image Segmentation
Image Enhancement
4.1. Image Enhancement
• Image enhancement is the procedure of improving the quality
detected easily.
• For example,
• eliminating noise,
•sharpen and
1. Contrast enhancement
2. Density slicing
specific features
1. Contrast Enhancement
• In raw imagery, the useful data often populates only a small portion of the
removal of noise.
comprise an image.
• The brightness values (i.e. 0-255) are displayed along the x-axis of
the graph.
in a dataset.
on computers.
•Histogram-equalized stretch
a. Linear contrast stretch
• It is the simplest type of enhancement technique.
full range.
before After
------------Linear contrast stretch-------------
b. Histogram-equalized stretch
to enhance contrast.
• Histogram Equalization
• Histogram Equalization is an image processing technique that
• This allows for areas of lower local contrast to gain a higher contrast.
• The original image and its histogram, and the equalized
• Density slicing converts the continuous gray tone range into a series
each slice.
----Density slicing---
within image.
• The processed value for the current pixel depends on both itself and
surrounding pixels.
• Image sharpening
• The basic filters that can be used in frequency domain are low pass
• A low-pass filter is designed to emphasize larger, homogeneous areas of
• A low-pass filter (LPF) is a circuit that only passes signals below its
• Low pass filters are very useful for reducing random noise.
B. High pass filter
• These filters are basically used to make the image appear sharper.
• High pass filtering works in exactly the same way as low pass filters but uses the
different convolution kernel and it emphasizes on the fine details of the image.
• High pass filters let the high frequency content of the image pass through the filter
• High-pass filter is a filter designed to pass all frequencies above its cut-off
• While high pass filter can improve the image by sharpening and, overdoing of this
area changes.
• Unlike the low pass filter which only pass signals of a low frequency range or the high
filter which pass signals of a higher frequency range, a Band Pass Filters passes
• Filter circuits can be designed to accomplish this task by combining the properties of
low-pass and high-pass into a single filter. The result is called a band-pass filter.
4. Band Rationing (Spectral)
• Often involve taking ratios or other mathematical combinations
• Other surface types, such as soil and water, show near equal
• Water bodies look dark if they are clear or deep because IR is an absorption
2. Fourier Transform
Texture transformation
original variables.
• fine, coarse,
• grained,
structure of a texture.
• Image stacking and compositing
Image mosaicking and sub-setting
large areas.
• In ArcGIS, you can create a single raster dataset from multiple raster
• Since satellite data downloads usually cover more area than you are
landscapes, including:
Urban vegetation
The basic assumption behind the use of vegetation indices is that remotely
vegetation structure,
photosynthetic capacity,
Subtracted, or
• NDVI is one of the earliest and the most widely used in various
• It is calculated as:
• NDVI conveys the same kind of information as the SR/RVI but is
properties (-1<NDVI<1).
• the higher the index, the greater the chlorophyll content of the
Some Application Areas of NDVI
of detected change.
It is calculated as:
• Where L is the coefficient that should vary with vegetation density, ranging from
0 for very high vegetation cover to 1 for very low vegetation cover.
It is defined as :
dimensions is obvious.
and division of each one of the pixels of one image with the