by, next to, beside left or right of an object or person The school is next to the church.
on the ground or lower than
under something else The ants are under the rock.
The glasses go below the cups in the
below lower than something else pantry.
over covered by something else Put a blanket over your lap.
You can drive if you are over 16 years
meaning more than of age.
getting to the other side Drive over the bridge.
overcoming an obstacle Climb over the wall.
higher than something else, but not The plates go above the glasses in
above directly over it the pantry.
across go to the other side Walk across the bridge.
Swim across the pool.
Prepositions – Time
English Usage Example
on days of the week on Friday
in months / seasons in September / in autumn
time of day in the evening
year in 2020
till / until how long something is going to last He is on vacation until Sunday
indicating the latest something will
by happen by I will be done with work by 6 o’clock.
up to a certain time By 7 pm, I had finished my chores