Eel-like Robot
M. El Rafei, M. Alamir, N. Marchand, M. Porez and F. Boyer
Abstract— In this paper, a multi-variable feedback design feedback that tracks some reference trajectory. Another in-
for the 3D movement of an eel-like robot is presented. Such a teresting approach was proposed in [10], [11], [16] where
robot is under construction in the context of a national French averaging formulas have been derived to describe the mean
robotic project. The proposed feedback enables the tracking of
a desired 3D position of the eel’s head as well as the stabilization behavior over an undulatory cycle. A design procedure for a
of the rolling angle. The control design is based on a recently biomimetic robot-fish based on improved kinematic propul-
developed reduced model that have been validated using a 3D sive model has been described in [17] where the basic motion
complete continuous model described in [3]. Several scenarios control laws were presented. For a detailed review of existing
are proposed to assess the efficiency of the proposed feedback works on the mechanics and the control of swimming, the
reader can refer to [6]. However, few research have been
Fig. 3. Frames and parametrization. denotes the intermediate unknown vector that has to
be computed in order to achieve the tracking objective.
The control law is based on the following predefined Once these increments are computed, this gives reference
temporal structure of the undulation laws K1 and K2 : values for the lower level control vector u. The later is
then computed by a constrained optimization step. More
2π precisely, having the robot’s velocity VA (k) at a given
∀X ∈ χback , K1 (X, t) = uq (t) · cos( t) (12)
T instant k, the control strategy consists in the computation of
K2 (X, t) = up (t) · cos( t) (13) the desired velocity VAd (k + 1) to reach at the next sampling
T time (k + 1). Once this desired velocity is computed,
where uq ∈ [−umax
q , umax
q ] and up ∈ [−umaxp , umax
p ] are the increment δV that is directly linked to the increment
used as control variables. uq is the twist angle and up is the vector δ [through equations (16)-(17)] enables to derive an
pitch angle. optimization problem in which the roll angle stabilization is
As for the undulation law K3 , the following structure is also taken into account. The whole formalism is precisely
adopted in accordance with biological observations [4] : given in the next sections.
X t
K3 (t, X) := u3 (t) · A(X, u2 (t)) sin( − ) + u1 (t), (14) The δ’s lower and upper bounds (δmin , δmax ) are computed
λ T on line according to the current robot’s state. More precisely,
where u3 ∈ [0, umax
3 ], u2 ∈ {−1, 1}, and u1 ∈ [0, umax 1 ]. at each sampling period, given the robot’s state, the control
The control input u2 ∈ {−1, 1} defines whether the ampli- vector saturation levels (u ∈ [umin ,umax ]) and the static
tude of undulations is bigger at the eel’s tail or the eel’s head. maps of the different model’s parameters (that are dependent
This is used to enhance acceleration or deceleration accord- of the control input), the δ’s lower and upper bounds are
ing to the velocity related control requirements. When the computed using the equations (16)-(20).
undulation law (14) is used with u1 ≡ 0, a strait movement is
asymptotically obtained while constant non vanishing values A. Defining the desired velocity VAd (k + 1)
of u1 asymptotically lead to circular trajectories.
Note that (12)-(13)-(14) define a finite dimensioned Let PA , VA designate the robot’s position and velocity at
parametrization of the control input leading to the control a given instant k and PC the desired objective (see figure
+ +
vector 4). PA0 , VA0 are respectively the position and velocity that
would be obtained at the next sampling instant (k + 1) if
u := (up , uq , u1 , u2 , u3 ) (15) δ(k) = 0 is applied during the sampling period.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Evolution of VA3 (m/s)
-0.2 4
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Time (seconds) 3
Fig. 7. Evolutions of the robot velocity components in the earth frame 2
during the scenarios of figure 5.
5 4
-5 -6
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