Tutorial Module 2 questions (1)

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Department of Physics, Bennett University

Topic: Electric fields, Gauss’s law

Tutorials Set 1





Department of Physics, Bennett University
Topic: Electrostatic potentials, Conductors
Tutorials Set 2







Department of Physics, Bennett University

Tutorial Set- 3
1. Consider a set of two point charges q1 and q2 and a dielectric sphere of radius R
and a uniform dielectric constant K (shown shaded in the figure).

¸ down the ¸ values of the following:

(i) E.d⃗a and D.d⃗ ⃗ a over surface S.
(ii) E.d⃗ ⃗l over curve C.
⃗ D
(iii) ∇. ⃗ at point A.
⃗ E
(iv) ∇. ⃗ at point B.

2. An infinite dielectric slab of thickness d and dielectric constant K is placed in

a uniform electric field E⃗ 0 pointing perpendicular to the surface. Calculate the
electric field inside the dielectric, the bound surface and bound volume charge
densities. What is the total bound charge?

3. The space between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is filled with two slabs of
linear dielectric material. Each slab is of thickness a and the separation between
the plates is 2a. The dielectric constants of the slabs are K1 and K2 . The free
charge density on the upper plate is +σf and that on the lower plate is −σf .
(a) Find the electric displacement D ⃗ in each slab.
(b) Find the electric polarization P⃗ in each slab.
(c) Find the location and amount of all bound charges.

4. Two parallel conducting plates 2 cm apart are given an equal and opposite surface
charge densities of 30 µC/m2 . The space between the plates is occupied by two
sheets of dielectric, one 8 mm thick (with dielectric constant 2) and the other 1.2
cm thick (with dielectric constant 3). Calculate the electric field and the electric
displacement in each dielectric as well as the charge density on the surface of each

5. Consider a uniformly polarized dielectric sphere of radius R with the polarization

given by P⃗ = P0 ẑ.
(a) Obtain the bound surface and volume charge densities.
(b) Obtain the total bound charge in the dielectric.
(c) Calculate the electric field at the center of the sphere due to this charge distri-

6. A point charge Q is placed at the center of a dielectric sphere of radius R and

dielectric constant K. Obtain the bound surface charge density on the surface of
the sphere.

7. A point charge Q is placed at the center of a sphere which has free space in the
region 0 < r < R1 and a linear, homogeneous dielectric with susceptibility χe for
R1 < r < R2 and free space for r > R2 .
(a) Find the electric field in all regions.
(b) Obtain all the bound surface and volume charge densities in the dielectric.
(c) What is the value of ∇.⃗ D⃗ at a point r0 with R1 < r0 < R2 ?

Department of Physics, Bennett University

Tutorial Set- 4

1. Which of the following functions cannot represent a magnetic field?

(a) F⃗1 = x2 î + 3xz 2 ĵ − 2xz k̂
(b) F⃗2 = xy î + yz ĵ + 2xz k̂
(c) F⃗3 = (x2 +y
2 ) (−y î + xĵ)

2. Three wires are carrying currents I1 , I2 = 2I1 and I3 = 3I1 as shown in the figure.

(a) Write down the value of B.d ⃗ ⃗l over the curved path shown.
(b) Draw two different paths over which we will get B.d ⃗ ⃗l = 2µ0 I1 .
(c) What will be the values of ∇. ⃗ B⃗ and ∇⃗ ×B ⃗ at the point P?
(d) State whether the following statement is true or false” “The magnetic field along
the curved path shown in the figure is independent of the current I3 .”
3. A long cylindrical wire of radius R carries a current I with a volume current density
of J⃗ = αr2 ẑ where, r is the distance from the axis of the cylinder and ẑ is the unit
vector along the axis of the cylinder.
(a) Obtain the magnetic field in all regions.
(b) Obtain ∇. ⃗ B
⃗ and ∇⃗ ×B ⃗ in all regions.

4. Consider a straight cylindrical region of thickness (b−a) and having a circular cross-
section between inner radius a and outer radius b. A current I flows uniformly
through the cross-section of the cylinder.
(a) Calculate the magnetic field in all regions.
⃗ B
(b) Obtain ∇. ⃗ and ∇⃗ ×B ⃗ in all regions.

5. Consider a coaxial configuration as shown in the figure.

The inner solid cylinder carries a current in the upward direction while the outer
annular cylinder (tube) carries the same current in the downward direction. Cal-
culate the magnetic field in all regions. The radius of the inner cylinder is a and
the inner and outer radii of the outer annular cylinder are b and c respectively.
⃗ B
Calculate ∇. ⃗ and ∇⃗ ×B⃗ in all regions.

Department of Physics, Bennett University

Tutorial Set-5
1. Consider an infinitely long cylinder of circular cross-section of radius a which is
uniformly magnetised parallel to its axis.
(a) Obtain the bound surface and volume currents.
(b) Obtain the magnetic field produced by the magnetised cylinder.
2. An infinitely long straight wire made of copper and of radius R carries a current I
which is uniformly distributed across its cross-section. Using Ampere’s law obtain
⃗ and B
the values of the fields H ⃗ within and outside the wire. What are the bound
surface and volume currents?
3. A coaxial cable consists of two very long cylindrical tubes separated by a linear
insulating material with magnetic susceptibility χm . If a current I flows along the
inner tube and returns along the outer tube, find the magnetic field in the region
between the two tubes.

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