Roy Andreas
Kontrak Pembelajaran
Kuliah 2 SKS, 2 jam pertemuan @100 menit per minggu
Deskripsi singkat:
Sejarah dan perkembangan unsur dan kecenderungannya
dalam sistem periodik
Setelah mengikuti MK ini mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan
kecenderungan sifat-sifat unsur, senyawaan, kelimpahan,
proses pemurnian. (+ perkembangan terbaru, jika ada)
Critical thinking, membantu tugas akhir, meningkatkan
komunikasi , kerjasama dalam diskusi
Catherine E. Housecroft and Alan G. Sharpe, "Inorganic
Chemistry", 3rd Edition, Pearson.
James E.Huheey, Ellen A.Keither, Richard L. Keiter. 1993. Inorganic
Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity 4th Edition. Harper
Collins College, New York.
Shriver, Atkins, “Inorganic Chemistry,” 3rd Edition, 1999.
Cotton, F.A., and Wilkinson, G. 1976. Basic Inorganic Chemistry,
3rd ed. NY: John Wiley&Sons, inc.
Quizzes : ?
Tugas Terstruktur : ?
UAS : ?
(nilai diakumulasi dari kuliah saya dan Bu Tien)
Classes of Hydrides:
1. Ionic Hydrides -contain an H+ ion, formed between H and
electropositive elements.
2. Covalent Hydrides – molecular formed between H and
3. Metallic Hydrides – formed between transition metals and H
Hidrida Extended Borderline Hidrida
polymeric covalent hydride Kovalen
Hidrida metalik
Hidrida metalik
Hidrida Ionik
characterized by hydrogen in the -1 state, occur only with
the least electronegative metals, those of Groups 1A and 2A.
„There is good evidence to show that these compounds
really are significantly ionic.
‰Molten ionic hydrides like salts, conduct electricity well,
implying the existence of charged species,
‰The melt releases hydrogen at the positive anode upon
electrolysis, consistent with a H- species.
„Ionic hydrides are usually gray solids formed by direct
combination of the metal and hydrogen at elevated
temperatures, they are used as drying and reducing agents,
as strong bases, and some safe sources of pure hydrogen.
Hidrida Ionik
„Calcium hydride CaH2 is particularly useful as a drying
agent for organic solvents, reacting smoothly with water:
CaH2(s) + 2H2O (l) → Ca2+(aq) + 2H2(g) + 2OH-(aq)
Sifat-sifatnya :
Tidak berbau
Tidak berasa
Tidak berwarna
Isotop Hidrogen :
- Normal hidrogen
- Deuterium
- Tritium
O- -H- -O 2.76 Å
F- - H- -F 2.55 Å
N- -H- -N 3.00 Å
Preparasi gas hidrogen :
1. Elektrolisis air dgn elektroda Pt/C dan
katalisator elektrolit garam Na2SO4
mghslkan gas H2 pada katoda dan O2
pada anoda
katoda : 2 H2O (l) +2e- 2OH- (aq) + H2 (g)
anoda : 2 OH- (aq) H2O (l) + ½ O2 (g) + 2e-