FTU OB Session 3
FTU OB Session 3
FTU OB Session 3
Physical ability
Cognitive and physical are natured and nurtured.
Emotional Ability
The ability to understand and manage one’s own feelings and emotions
and the feelings and emotions of others.
Management of ability
Selection: select the one with needed ability
Work value
Extrinsic value: rewards and benefits come from job: high salary, job
Intrinsic value: satisfaction and fulfillment derived from the work itself:
personal growth,…
Ethical value
Utilitarian values: dictate that decisions should be made that generate
the greatest good for the greatest number of people, quan trọng là
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Moral right values: indicate that decisions should be made in ways that
protect the fundamental rights and privileges of people affected by
the decision.
Code of ethics
A code of ethics is a set of formal rules and standards, based on ethical
values and beliefs
about what is right and wrong, that employees can use to make appropriate
decisions when the interests of other individuals or groups are at stake.
Work attitudes
Work attitudes are collections of feelings, beliefs, and thoughts about how to
behave that people currently hold about their jobs and organizations.
Consist of three components: affective, cognitive and behavioral.
Job satisfaction
Determinants of job satisfaction:
2. Values
3. Work situations
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Organizational commitment
The psychological attachment that binds an employee to the organization.
Components of OC:
Work centrality: The degree of importance that work holds in one’s life.
(work in general)
Work moods
How people feel at the time they actually perform their jobs.
Determined by personality, work situation, circumstances outside work.
Intense, short-lived feelings that are linked to specific cause or antecedent.
Emotions can feed into moods.
Emotion labor includes feeling rules and expression rules.
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