Practical Report Submission Group 4_218019076_attempt_2021-07!01!10!58!04_218019076 Report
Practical Report Submission Group 4_218019076_attempt_2021-07!01!10!58!04_218019076 Report
Practical Report Submission Group 4_218019076_attempt_2021-07!01!10!58!04_218019076 Report
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EXPERIMENT 1: Pascal’s Apparatus
The aim of the experiment is to prove Pascal’s law which states that: when pressure
is applied to a fluid's surface, the same amount of pressure is transmitted in all
directions within the fluid.
Pascal's law (also Pascal's principle or the principle of transmission of fluid-pressure)
is a principle in fluid mechanics that states that a pressure change occurring
anywhere in a confined incompressible fluid is transmitted throughout the fluid such
that the same change occurs everywhere.
Experiment Method
The first stage in the experiment is to double-check the balance's zeroing; then,
place the first glass vessel into the apparatus's glass socket; then, hook the mass
hanger over the slot at the end of the lever arm and add a 20-gram mass (0.02kg).
Fill a beaker halfway with water, then measure and record the temperature because
it will be utilized in this experiment. Pour the water into the glass with care until
bubbles of water emerge around the pressure plate. Slide the marker along the
stand rod until it is level with the water surface in the glass vessel, leave the marker
in place, drain the water, and record the volume; and measure and record the
distance between the pressure disc and the marker, which will be your starting point
(h). Wipe the pressure plate with a towel until it is completely dry. Take away the
masses and re-zero the balance, then fit a second glass vessel into the glass socket.
Pour the water into the vessel as before. With the use of the same mass prior, repeat
the experiment for the second and third glass vessels.
Experiment Results:
Vessel 1:
Temperature (T): 17˚C
Weight (M): 0.02 Kg
Volume (V): 32×10-6 m3
Height (h): 78×10-3 m
Pressure (P): P = W × h
= ((0.02×9.81) ÷ 32×10-6) × 78×10-3
= 478.238 N/m2
Vessel 2:
Temperature (T): 17˚C
Weight (M): 0.02 Kg
Volume (V): 33×10-6 m3
Height (h): 78×10-3 m
Pressure (P): P = W × h
= ((0.02×9.81) ÷ 33×10-6) × 78×10-3
= 463.745 N/m2
Vessel 3:
Temperature (T): 17˚C
Weight (M): 0.02 Kg
Volume (V): 70×10-6 m3
Height (h): 78×10-3 m
Pressure (P): P = W × h
= ((0.02×9.81) ÷ 70×10-6) × 78×10-3
= 218.623 N/m2
The experiment has been performed with 3 various vessels under the same
conditions (mass, temperature etc.) and for all the three experiments or vessels it
was found that: when water is poured into the vessels, bubbles of water started to
emerge around the pressure plate at the same height – which was recorded to be
approximately 78×10-3 m. However, when performing various calculations to obtain
the Pressure (P) of the fluid in each vessel, varying pressures were obtained in each
of the three vessels utilized.
Therefore with the results obtained it can be concluded that Pascal’s law – which
states that: when pressure is applied to a fluid's surface, the same amount of
pressure is transmitted in all directions within the fluid – was not proven in this
particular experiment.
Factors which may have affected the experiment may have been external, such as:
Room Temperature
Faults in the apparatus
Human errors
As well as internal, such as:
Fluid Temperature
Chemical make-up of the fluid used
To determine the exact practical expression for the relationship between the weigh
on the balance pan and height of water exerting pressure on a partially submerged
vertical planar surface of the quadrant and to compare this expression with one
developed from theory.
Experiment Method
To level the tank, use the equipment' adjustable feet and spirit level, then move the
counterbalance weight until the balancing arm is horizontal and the balance pan is in
place. Close the apparatus' tap and fill it with water until the level reaches the
quadrant's bottom edge. Placing a weight on the balance pan and steadily pouring
water into the tank until the balance arm is horizontal is the next step. Take
down/write down the water level on the quadrant as well as the mass on the
balancing arm; precise water level adjustment can be accomplished by overfilling
and slowly emptying the water using the apparatus' tap. Repeat the process above
for each increase in mass until the water level reaches the brim of the face of the
quadrant. Then, one by one, remove each increment of weight, making note of the
weights and water levels until all of the weights are eliminated.
Experiment Results:
Temperature water: 16˚C a = 100 × 10-3 m
Density water: 1000kg/m3 b = 75 × 10-3 m
Trial No Mass m(kg) Height of water y(m) Mass m(kg) Height of water y(m) m y y2
Graph of Mean m vs Mean y:
m vs y
Heightof water y(m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mass m(kg)
m vs y2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mass m(kg)
The objective of this experiment is to investigate the varied flow of water and
discharge through a rectangular open channel.
Flow channel
The Sump tank
The weighing mechanism
The inclinable channel and inlet tank
An open channel is a duct with a free surface exposed to air pressure in which liquid
flows. As a result, the pressure at the surface is constant over the length of the duct,
and the flow can only be generated by changes in potential energy due to the slope
of the surface.
Experiment Method:
Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the controls and apparatus provided before
beginning serious experimental work. Allow the channel to fill to capacity before
beginning experimental work to guarantee appropriate “wetting” of the walls. While
running, wipe the inside faces of the channel with a moist cloth to “wet” the walls.
Place the outflow sluice gate in the closed position and fill the channel halfway with
water. Before turning off the pump, close the delivery valve to keep the water in the
channel. Using the depth gauges, check that the instrument guide rails are parallel to
the channel base while allowing the water to settle. Then place the depth gauges
1.27m on either side of the center of the hole. and tilt the channel using the hand
wheel and screw arrangement, until the depth of the water is 6.35mm greater at the
downstream depth gauge than at the upstream one. The channel bed now has a
gradient of 1/400 = i. Open the sluice gate and switch on the pump. Adjust the
position of the sluice gate and the flow rate, to obtain a uniform depth of flow of
about 12.7mm over the mid length of the channel. By careful adjustment it should
be possible to set up constant depth to within 2% of depth measured. When satisfied
that the flow is uniform and steady take a measurement of the flow rate using the
weighing mechanism and stop the clock. Repeat this procedure for a series of flow
rates up to the maximum delivery of the pump. NB: There will be some disturbance
of the inlet flow, particular at high flow rates, due to the inevitable contraction of the
flow in the inlet, the effects of this should not be apparent beyond the first 915mm of
the channel. Depth measurements will start downstream of this point. Check the
width of the channel with round nosed calipers, being careful not to scratch the
surfaces. Also take the temperature of the water.