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Continuous Assessment2

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Student's Name:
Dhananjay Pondit
Stream: University Rol No:30012|l9

Paper Code: PecCSzO1B

Paper Name:
claud Conbuling
Signature of the student:
Dhananjay Paboit
Report On the Uce of Platforms in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has transformed the way businesses and
individuals store, manage, and process data It offers
scalable resources over the internet, elinminating the need for
extensive on-premise infrastructure. Central to cloud computing
are various platforms that provide the necessary tools,

services, and environments for deploying, managing, and

develaping applicationc. This report focuses the types of
platforms in cloud computing, their uses, and the inpact

they have on modern technology and industries.

Key Topies
Defnition of Cloud Computing Platforms Cloud computing
platforms are environments that provide cloud-based services,
including storage, networking, and computing power. These
platforms enable bucinesces to ruk applications, manage data,
and scale operations without investing in phycical hardware.
They support various models such as Infrastructure as
Service (laaS). Platform as Service (Paas). and Software
as Service (Saas).

Types of Cloud Platforms

Infrastructure Service TaaS): Offers virtualized
computing resources over the internet. Users rent virtual

machines, storage. and networking, alowing for Rexibilty and

sealability. Exanples include AWS EC2, Microsoft Azure, and

Google Compute Engine.

Platform as a Service (PaaS): Provides a platform for
developers to build, test, and deploy applications. It eliminates
the need to manage the underlying infrastructure. Examples
include Heroku, AWS Elastie Beanstalk and Google App
Software as Service (Saas): Delivers softuare applications
over the cloud, allowing users to access software via the

internet without installation. Exanples include Google

Workspaoe, Salesforce, and Dropbon.
Components of Cloud Computing Platforms

Conpute Services: Virtual machines (VMs). containers, and

serverless computing that handle data procecsing and
computation tackc.
Storage Solutions: Sealable storage options such as object
storage, block storage, and fle storage to store and
retrieve data the cloud.

Networking Services: Tools to manage netwark trafe, load

balancing, VPNS and cloud frewalls for secure commuhication.

Databace Services: Cloud platforms provide managed database

services, both relational and noh-relationa, such AWS
RDS. Google Cloud SQL. and MongoDB Atlas.

Benefte of Cloud Platforms

Sealability: Cloud platforms allow organizations to Scale their
resources or dowh based on demand, ensuring optimal
use of computing power and storage.
Coct-EfMicieney: By eliminating the need for physical
infrastructure, clod platforns signifcantly reduce the cost of
purchacing and maintaining hardware.
Acceseibility: Cloud platforms enable access from any location
with an internet connection, inproving collaboration and
Security: Most cloud platforms offer robust cecurity features
ike data encryption, identity management, and access cOntrol
to protect sensitive information.

Popular Coud Platforms:

Amazon Web Servicec (AWS): One of the leading cloud
serice providers, ofering a wide range of laas, Paas and
Saas solations. AWS is known for its sealabity, reliabilkty,
and vast ecosystem of services.
Microsoft Azure: Provides cloud services for computing,
analytics, storage, and networking. It integrates well with
Microcoft products like Windows
Use of Platforms in Different Industries
Education: Educational institutions leverage cloud platforms to
host online learning environments, manage large data sets,
and provide access to remote computing resources.
Healtheare: Cloud platforms are used for secure data storage,
telemedicine services, and real-time access to patient data,
enabling better colaboration between healthcare providers.
Finance: Financial organizations utilize cloud platforms for
data analycis, risk management, and secure trancaction
processing. The Rexibilty of cloud resources allows these
companies to quickly adapt to market changer.
E-commerce: Cloud coputing platforms allow e-commerce
businesses to manage traffie spikes during peak shopping
seasons, offering high availability and disaster recovery
Challenges in Ueing Cloud Platforns
Security Concerns: Despite the security measures offered by
cloud platforms, storing sensitive data ofpremises introduces
potential risks. nauthorized access, data breaches, and
compliance with privacy regulations are cOmmOh cOncerhs.

Downtine and Reliability: While cloud providers strive for

high uptine, outages still occur, impacting business
Vendor Cock-In: Migrating from one cloud platform to
another can be complex and costly, leading to vendor lock-in
where businesses become dependent 0n single provider'e
Future Trends in Cloud Platforms:
Hybrid Cloud Solutions: Combining on-premise infrastructure
with public and private cloud resources, hybrid cloud
platforms allow organizations to customize their cloud usage
based on their needs.
Edge Computing: As the demand for faster data processing
grous, edye computing platforms bring data storage and
computing closer to the user, reducing lateney.
Artifcial Intelligence and Machine Cearning: Cloud platforms
are increasingly integrating AI and machine learning services,

enabling businesses to leverage advanced analytics and


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