A Novel Zero-Discharge Desalination System with Two state-of-the-art Solar Collectors for
Fresh Water Production and Brine Management Powered by Solar Energy
Hassanzadeh Naeini, Ali
Publication Date
Peer reviewed|Thesis/dissertation
Committee in charge:
Spring 2020
Copyright Notice
• Hassanzadeh, A., Widyolar, B., Brinkley, J., Kiran, S., Jiang, L., Diaz, G.,
Winston, R. ”Combined Solar Power and Heat for Electricity, Hot Water, and
Space Heating”, UC Solar Symposium, San Francisco, USA. (Audience choice
poster winner)
Roland Winston
James Palko
Gerardo Diaz
Marc Beutel
Acknowledgment xiv
Curriculum Vitae xv
Abstract xvii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Zero Discharge Desalination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Solar Collectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Objective of this study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.6.3 Thermal Efficiency (Closed-loop test) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.7 Techno-economics of a proposed collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.4.1 System design and operational baseline . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.4.2 Baseline water-air tests (traditional HDH) . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4.4.3 ILM-HDH Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
4.4.4 Salt discharge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
4.4.5 Oil/water emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
4.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
4.6 Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
5 Conclusion 117
Bibliography 119
List of Figures
1.1 Specific energy consumption by RO, brine concentrator, and brine crys-
tallizer. Although RO is energy efficient, its limited salinity range
(typically with an upper concentration of 70000 mg/L) provides op-
portunities for other technologies to be applied in ZLD systems. The
specific energies shown in the figure are in kWhe per cubic meter of
feedwater.(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.18 Results comparing the measured specific heat of mineral oil under op-
erating conditions to the data provided by a mineral oil supplier . . . 36
2.19 The medium temperature solar thermal collector efficiency test . . . . 37
2.20 Schematic of Medium Temperature test loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.21 Collector thermal performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.22 Thermal Efficiency of proposed collector compared with major com-
mercial collectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.1 Caption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.2 Schematic shape of PVT collector in 2D cross section . . . . . . . . . 47
3.3 Rendered shape of the solar collector in COMSOL Multiphysics . . . 48
3.4 Heat flux on the absorber (W/m2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.5 Heat flux distribution(left) and Index Angle Modifier right) for three
difference(0 ◦ , 45 ◦ , 90 ◦ ) orientation of absorber with 92% reflectivity 52
3.6 Temperature and Velocity for 6 o’clock configuration with Air (Top)
and Argon(bottom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.7 Temperature and Velocity for 3 o’clock configuration with Air (Top)
and Argon(bottom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.8 Numerical Thermal , electrical , combined efficiency of the PVT col-
lector with 3 o’clock orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.9 Sealing end Cap, thread and assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.10 The full assembly of the CHP solar collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.11 soldering the cut solar cells together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.12 Final 13 solar cells attached to the absorber (top side) . . . . . . . . 57
3.13 End cap designed and machined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.14 Electric port for the aluminum cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.15 Alligator contact for positive (left alligator clamp) and negative elec-
trode(right alligator clamp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.16 printed absorber support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.17 Rear-attached reflector on the back of glass tube . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.18 Tube Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.19 Filling glass tube with Argon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.20 Thermocouples location in manifold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.21 heat pipe setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.22 Experimental Temperature variance with respect to time (10 ) . . . 63
3.23 Optical efficiency of heat pipe collector with respect to water mass flow
rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.24 Optical efficiency of minichannel collector with respect to water mass
flow rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.25 test setup for Uncut and 3 cut cell in series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.26 Test setup for 13 cells in series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.27 Solar cell efficiency drop in cutting process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.28 Setup for electrical testing with different absorber temperature . . . . 68
3.29 Power change with different water temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.30 Testing setup for the hybrid collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.31 Cooling mechanism solar cell in heat pipe collector . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.32 Heat extraction from heat pipe for Calorimetry measurement . . . . . 71
3.33 I-V curve for solar cell on heat pipe absorber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.34 IV curve for ”flow through” absorber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.35 Efficiency change with respect to water temperature . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.36 Test Setup for ”flow through” collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.37 IV curves for ”flow through” absorber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.38 Efficiency curve vs fluid temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.39 Numerical and experimental thermal efficiency for flow through absorber 77
3.40 Experimental combined, thermal and electrical efficiency of the flow
through absorber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.25 Relative Humidity in inlet and outlet of the channel during testing the
oil flowrate is 5.7 mL/s, water flow rate is 3 ml/min and air flowrate
start at 40 L/min, change to 60 L/min (time =1061) and finally in-
crease to 80 L/min(time =1300). The fan and water stop at the record-
ing time equal to 1500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
4.26 Water evaporation respect to feedwater flowrate the oil flowrate is 5.7
mL/s, water flow rate is 3 ml/min and air flowrate start at 40 L/min,
change to 60 L/min (time =1061) and finally increase to 80 L/min(time
=1300). The fan and water stop at the recording time equal to 1500 . 112
4.27 Water evaporation respect to feedwater flowrate the oil flowrate is 5.7
mL/s and channel height is 0.1 meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
4.28 Energy consumption respect to the feedwater flowrate the oil flowrate
is 5.7 mL/s and channel height is 0.1 meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.29 Salt deposition in porous coated channel for simulated seawater at
flowrate 100 micro liter per minute with external heat source . . . . . 115
List of Tables
2.1 Levelized Cost of Heat (LCOH) for Commercial solar thermal collectors 7
2.2 Physical parameters of collector elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3 The values of all thermal resistances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4 optical efficiency at normal incidence of three simulated geometries . 18
2.5 CPC reflector and pentagon absorber design parameter and dimensions 19
2.6 Geometry and material specification for proposed solar collector . . . 20
2.7 number of elements for domain, boundary and edges of collector . . . 22
2.8 Geometrical Optics parameter in COMSOL Multiphysics . . . . . . . 23
2.9 Maximum temperature difference across absorber . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.10 Characteristics of Prototyped Medium-temperature solar collector . . 30
2.11 Instruments and their measurement error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.12 Summarized cost of a single collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.13 Levelized cost of heat (LC0H) of proposed collector for 200 ◦ C . . . . 40
4.1 Thermal performance of major commercial thermal desalination system 85
4.2 Advantages and limitations of state-of-art HDH system . . . . . . . . 87
4.3 The effect of non-condensable gas on condensation heat transfer Coeff 91
4.4 Total thermal resistances for HDH and ILM-HDH . . . . . . . . . . . 94
First, I would like to thank my advisors Professor Roland Winston and Professor
James Palko for their support and guidance through my Ph.D. Journey in University
of California, Merced.
Also, I would like to sincerely thank, my committee members Professor Gerardo
Diaz and Professor Marc Buetel, Head of Environmental System, Professor Martha
Conklin, and the Graduate Dean, Professor Marjorie S. Zatz, who all guided and
supported me to finish my Ph.D.
At then end, I would like to thank my girlfriend Xiumin Shang who always was on
my side through hard days.
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. Publications
* Correspondent Author
13. Bhusal, Y, Hassanzadeh, A.*, Jiang, L., Winston, R. ”Technical and eco-
nomic analysis of a novel low-cost concentrated medium-temperature solar col-
lector”, Renewable Energy , vol. 146, pp. 968-985, July. 2019.
12. Hassanzadeh, A.*, Jiang, L., Winston, R. ”Coupled optical-thermal model-
ing, design and experimental testing of a novel medium-temperature solar ther-
mal collector with pentagon absorber”, Sol. Energy, vol. 173, pp. 1248–1261,
Oct. 2018.
11. Hassanzadeh, A., Widyolar, B., Brinkley, J., Kiran, S., Jiang, L., Diaz, G.,
Winston, R. ”Combined Solar Power and Heat for Electricity, Hot Water, and
Space Heating”, UC Solar Symposium, San Francisco, USA, Oct. 2018. (Audi-
ence choice poster winner)
10. Bhusal, Y., Hassanzadeh, A., Winston, R. ”Optical-thermal modeling and
experimental performance characterization of novel glass encased all glass evac-
uated tube solar collector”, UC Solar Symposium, San Francisco, USA, Oct.
2018. (Audience choice poster winner)
9. Bhusal, Y., Hassanzadeh, A., Winston, R. ”Ray tracing and heat transfer
simulation of novel glass-covered XCPC collector”, SPIE conference, San Diego,
USA, Sep.2018.
5. Hassanzadeh, A., Kiran, S., Jiang, L., Diaz, G., Winston, R. ”Novel Solar
hybrid system for Producing heat and electricity”, UC Solar symposium, San
Francisco, USA, Oct.2017.
Journal Reviewer
A Novel Zero-Discharge Desalination System with Two state-of-the-art
Solar Collectors for Fresh Water Production and Brine Management
Powered by Solar Energy
Ali Hassanzadeh
Drinking Water plays an important role in human society and its consumption is
increasing significantly due to growth in population and living standards. More than
97% of the water on earth is saline and undrinkable. Desalination is an engineering
solution to produce drinking water from saline water. Although desalination is a prac-
tical solution that could solve the water scarcity challenge around world, there are two
major challenges associated with desalination: energy-intensity and brine disposal.
Desalination is an energy-intensive process that requires large amounts of electricity
and/or heat. Therefore, desalination plants prefer to use cheap energy sources mostly
powered by fossil fuels. However, solving the water scarcity challenge should not ex-
acerbate global warming, which will have catastrophic effects on our planet. Also,
desalination produces a concentrated brine which must be discharged back to the en-
vironment. Brine disposal from inland desalination is very problematic. Brine is also
often discharged to the ocean, which can threaten the health of marine ecosystems.
In this thesis, I present research on two solar collector systems that can be used as
an energy source to drive desalination, and one desalination system that can reduce
brine discharge to the environment. The first system is a novel medium-temperature
solar collector with pentagon absorber called the External Compounds Parabolic
Concentrated (XCPC). The collector, with 6 evacuated tubes, CPC reflector and
manifold, is designed in SolidWorks. Then the collector is simulated using the finite
element method implemented in COMSOL Multiphysics with coupled optical-thermal
multiphysics to predict optical and thermal efficiency of the system. The proposed
medium-temperature collector is tested with a selective-coated pentagon absorber un-
der real-world conditions at the University of California, Merced. The experimental
and numerical results show close similarity; the optical efficiency of 64% and thermal
efficiency of 50% at working temperature of 200 ◦ C are achieved both numerically
and experimentally. Secondly, a low-cost concentrated hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal
(PV/T) collector is designed, simulated, and experimentally tested. The proposed
PV/T collector simultaneously generates both electricity and thermal energy for low
temperature application (60-90 ◦ C) such as residential and/or commercial hot wa-
ter and small-scale desalination. The collector itself consists of a glass tube with a
reflective coating applied on the bottom half which directs incoming rays to strings
of solar cells applied over a flat minichannel absorber. Performance is simulated us-
ing COMSOL Multiphysics to guide the collector design. Afterwards, multiple tubes
are manufactured and tested in both direct-flow minichannel and heat pipe absorber
configurations. The assembled PVT collector demonstrated a thermal, electrical and
combined efficiency of 60% and 10-15% , 70-75%. The third system presented uses
a novel zero liquid discharge desalination approach called Immiscible Liquid Medi-
ated Humidification Dehumidification (ILM-HDH). This system introduces a second
liquid, mineral oil, to provide heat for evaporation to separate the salt and contam-
ination from fresh water in a feedwater stream. ILM-HDH reuses the condensation
energy of water which makes it potentially 3-4 times more efficient than state-of-art
evaporators while still achieving maximum water recovery. In addition, ILM-HDH
address the issue of corrosion in thermal desalination systems since it uses mineral
oil instead of saline water as the Heat transfer Fluid(HTF). This feature also makes
ILM-HDH highly compatible with the two solar collectors proposed in this study,
since the HTF can be directly pumped into the solar collectors with no corrosion
issues or need for a heat exchanger.
Chapter 1
The Millennium development goals set by the world organization highlight the critical
need of impoverished and developing regions of the planet to attain self sustainabil-
ity in potable water system. Desalination systems are essential to answering this
problem.[4]. Seawater desalination has a recovery of roughly 50% ,producing nearly
equal flows of brine and product. Recovery varies greatly for the desalination of dif-
ferent feed waters, which makes it hard to estimate the volume of brine discharge
knowing only the treated water production rate. As a conservative estimate, over 50
Mm3 of brine is discharged everyday. This large and growing quantity of brine should
be managed with care in order to avoid harmful environmental effects.[2].
Chapter 1. Introduction 2
Figure 1.1: Specific energy consumption by RO, brine concentrator, and brine
crystallizer. Although RO is energy efficient, its limited salinity range (typically
with an upper concentration of 70000 mg/L) provides opportunities for other
technologies to be applied in ZLD systems. The specific energies shown in the figure
are in kWhe per cubic meter of feedwater.[1]
Chapter 1. Introduction 3
1- What is the optical, thermal efficiency and heat cost of the medium temperature
collector(XCPC) with pentagon absorber?
2- What is the electrical, thermal, combined efficiency and energy cost of the hybrid
solar collector?
3- What is the effect of channel height and air flow rate on the performance of the
desalination system?
4- What is the water evaporation and energy efficiency of the novel zero-discharge
desalination system ?
• The novel hybrid solar collector is simulated and prototyped to measure the op-
tical and thermal efficiency of the collector both numerically and experimentally.
Also the levelized cost of energy(LCOE) is calculated based on heat generation
and thermal efficiency of the solar collector at its working temperature.
A Non-tracking East-West
Medium-temperature Solar
Thermal Collector
2.1 Introduction
The environmental impact of Climate change and sustainable energy demand high-
lights the urgent transform to renewable energy. Solar thermal collector market is
8 times larger than two decades ago [23] we since solar collector are more efficient
(3-4X) than Photovoltaic system to generate heat. Also, cheaper storage compare
to batteries has been made solar thermal collectors more favorable choice for heat
generation than Photovoltaic. Solar thermal collectors generally divide into three
categories based on heat transfer fluid (HTF) temperature. Low temperature solar
collector(less than 100 ◦ C ) include flat plate and evacuated tube collectors(ETC)
which are able to provide hot water and air for residential purposes [24] [25], high
temperature collector (more than 300 ◦ C) such as linear Fresnel and parabolic trough
collectors are mainly designed in order to provide steam for steam generators[16].
Finally, less-researched category is medium temperature collector(100-300◦ C) with
wide range of application such as desalination [26], mining , steam generation [27].
The major obstacle for medium temperature solar thermal collector to be a worldwide
industrial heat source is the cheap cost of natural gas and fossil fuel around the world.
The Levelized cost of heat (LCOH) is an economical metric for estimating lifetime
cost of a heating system [28]. The general description for LCOH is total lifetime cost
of any source (natural gas, fossil fuel, electric, solar and etc.)divided by total lifetime
thermal generation [29]. Specifically, for solar thermal collector, LCOH is formulated
as Eq 2.2 which FCR is a factor include assumptions regarding financing, tax and in-
flation. Installed cost include collector cost and Heat transfer fluid plus indirect cost
(solar field, shipping and installation). The output power of collector (Qthermal ) is
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 6
Ccost ∗ F CR + O&M
LCOH = (2.2)
Levelized Cost of Heat(LCOH) For the commercial collector can reach to 200 ◦ C
include both medium and high temperature solar collectors, are listed in Table 2.1
with the following assumptions:
• Total cost includes collector cost plus fixed $80 indirect cost based on US de-
partment of energy standard for all collectors [29].
• Levelized cost of Heat calculated based Fixed Charge Rate(FCR) is a factor that
includes assumptions regarding financing, tax, and inflation, and it is equal to
0.083 for 25 years period [29] and annual solar irradiation = 1800 kWh/m2/year
(Fresno, CA) [33]
Table 2.1: Levelized Cost of Heat (LCOH) for Commercial solar thermal collectors
parabolic concentrator (ICPC) designed and tested in Sacramento [21] which gener-
ate lower thermal efficiency with lower collector cost. They are multiple successful
project has been done based on CPC such as air conditioning [40] [18], drum drying
[17], solar water heating [41] [27] and Hybrid Photovoltaic/thermal (CPV/CSP) [10].
A stationary XCPC has two orientations: East/West (EW) and North/South (NS).
In the EW orientation the absorber tube is situated horizontally and the optics are
designed to accept the seasonal swing (θA = 23.5) of light from the sun, while NS
collectors accept light from the daily motion of the sun (=15 ◦ /h). NS collectors
require larger acceptance angles (θA = 60) to achieve meaningful operational hours
and thus have relatively lower concentration ratios. The higher concentration in EW
collectors improves their performance at high temperature and reduces the amount
of tube area relative to aperture area (which has economic benefits as the tube is
typically the more expensive component per area)[10]
Cx = (2.3)
In the present paper, a novel medium-temperature solar collector with optical-
tracking and medium concentration (Cx = 1.4) is introduced. In order to bring down
the cost of the collector through ultrasonic welding, closest geometry to circle (pen-
tagon) chose as absorber and its selection justified by ray tracing. 3D optical-thermal
simulation performed using COMSOL Multiphysics to determine the optical and ther-
mal efficiency of the collector. After computer aided design (CAD) of the collector,
the prototype tested under the sun to measure the optical and thermal efficiency. The
experimental results showed good agreement with the simulation. Finally, to evaluate
thermal performance of proposed collector, its efficiency is compared to major com-
mercial collector in all temperature range . Also, for cost comparison to commercial
collector (Table 2.1), Levelized Cost of Heat (LCOH) is calculated at 200 Celsius.
• Ta = Ambient temperature
From the thermal resistance network, the thermal loss QL can be written as Eq. 2.4.
QL = S − QU (2.4)
where S is solar energy absorbed by the selective absorbing coating, and Qu is the net
heat gain absorbed by the heat transfer fluid. The overall loss coefficient (UL ) which
is the measure of extent of heat losses from the collector is given by sum of edge loss
coefficient Ue and collector tube loss coefficient, Ut as in Eq. 2.5.
UL = Ut + Ue (2.5)
Where, Ue is edge loss coefficient of the header tube, which depends on the insulation
conductivity, insulation thickness and the surface areas of the header tube. The edge
loss coefficient based on the area of the absorber tube is then Eq.2.6
U Aedge
Ue = (2.6)
where Ac is defined as the Area of the cross section Ac = πDL , D is the diameter
of the absorber glass tube and L is the length of the collector tube. (U A)edge is the
edge loss coefficient-Area product. Now, the loss coefficient from the absorber tube
to the ambient can be given by Eq. 2.7 which includes the heat transfer coefficient of
conduction, convection and radiation.
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 11
Ut = 1 1 (2.7)
hg−a hp−g,r + hp−g,c
• hg−a = Convection heat transfer coefficient from the outer glass to ambient.
• hp−g,r = Radiation heat transfer coefficient between the absorber tube and outer
glass tube.
• hp−g,c = Conduction heat transfer coefficient from closeup and bracket of the
These heat transfer coefficients should be referenced to the absorber glass tube
surface area Aabsorber . The convection heat transfer coefficient and conduction heat
transfer coefficient and the edge loss coefficient cannot be accurately estimated hence
we use the experimental results in our analysis. The convection heat transfer coef-
ficient, hg−a =12.7 W/(m2 .K) and the conduction heat transfer coefficient, hp−g,c =
0.2796 W/(m.K), and the edge loss coefficient is 0.1687 W/(m2 .K) [43]. The radi-
ation heat transfer coefficient being the major heat transfer coefficient contributing
to the heat loss, and which is also dependent on the absorber temperature and the
outer glass tube temperature is expressed as Eq.2.8.
Where d is the diameter of the U-tube, W=P/2 is the distance between the U tubes,
P is the perimeter of the aluminum fin, Cb is the synthetic conductance and CB is
the bond conductance.
Thermal Efficiency
Based on the analytical model derived, we predicted the thermal performance of the
all glass ETC for both configurations- with CPC and without CPC. In the efficiency
curve, we plot the efficiency of the ETC collector with CPC and the one without the
CPC. The later has higher optical efficiency because it does not have the reflectivity
losses associated with the reflecting CPC surfaces. However, the ETC with CPC
can sustain the efficiency for higher temperature, up to 350 ◦ C but the one without
CPC will reach the stagnation point at 250◦ C. Figure 2.2 shows that the efficiency
decreases with the increase of the inlet temperature of the heat transfer fluid indi-
cating the increasing thermal loss from the collector at higher temperatures. Thus,
the present one-dimensional analysis is reasonable and can be used to analyze the
thermal performance of the glass evacuated solar collector. The efficiency obtained
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 14
in analytical study is slightly higher than that of the experimental tests. The reason
is because the synthetical conductance between the heat transfer fluid tube and the
Aluminum fin, Cb considered as 29 W/(m.K) is larger than that in actual application.
On the research conducted by Badran et al. [44], on the synthetic conductance of
the solar collector absorber, the experimental results show that Cb is quite small due
to the air gap (less than 6.3 W/m.K). And the CB between the Aluminum fin and
the U-tube is also very large in our analysis (20 W/(m K)), assuming the U-tube is
welded well with the aluminum fin.
Figure 2.3: Overall Loss Coefficient (Ul ), Collector Efficiency Factor (F 0) &
absorber Temperature (Tp )
Cx = (2.17)
TR = = Cx sin(θA ) (2.18)
From Table 2.4, the optical efficiency results of pentagon and reversed pentagon
are closer to ideal circle, however, reversed pentagon shape is harder and more ex-
pensive to be formed by ultrasonic welding machine, therefore, pentagon shape is
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 16
Figure 2.4: CPC with tubular absorber with 56mm radius and acceptance angle of
40 ◦
selected as the absorber for the proposed solar collector. The picture of pentagon
absorber with CPC reflector and its dimensions are described in Figure 2.6 and Table
2.5, respectively.
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 17
Figure 2.5: Ideal Optical efficiency from Ray tracing of 3 different shapes at
+10-degree half acceptance angle.
A. Pentagon absorber B. Square absorber C. Reversed pentagon absorber
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 18
Table 2.5: CPC reflector and pentagon absorber design parameter and dimensions
Parameter Value
Aperture width (Laperture ) 406 mm
Absorber length 290 mm
Concentration (Cx ) 1.4X
Half-Acceptance Angle (θA ) 40◦
Truncation Efficiency (TE) 90%
Glass tube inner diameter 55mm
Glass tube outer diameter 58mm
Absorber thickness(W) 0.12mm
L1 54mm
L2 37mm
L3 80mm
h 87mm
H 220mm
Figure 2.6: Pentagon absorber with CPC collector and glass tube
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 20
Parameter Value
Total Aperture area 0.7925 m2
Aperture length 0.4 m
Absorber Length 2m
Total Absorber surface Area 1.257 m2
Total Reflector Area 1.395 m2
Pipe cross area 28.13 mm2
Absorber thickness 0.12 mm
Pipe inner diameter 6 mm
Pipe outer diameter 7.5 mm
Absorber material Copper
Reflector material Silica glass
Glass tube Vacuum
Heat Transfer Fluid Water
Table 2.6: Geometry and material specification for proposed solar collector
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 21
− K.∇T = 0 (2.21)
In fluid domain, the inlet boundary conditions of fluid velocity and temperature
are expressed by the equations Eq. 2.25 and Eq. 2.26:
Vx = U0 , Vy = Vz = 0 (2.25)
T0 = Tin (2.26)
As the absorber is in vacuum, there is negligible conduction and convection hap-
pening from absorber to the ambient. The radiation heat transfer is modeled using
the Diffuse surface radiation in COMSOL. Eq.2.27.
4 4
qloss = σ(Tabsorber − Tamb ) (2.27)
module is used as ray tracing solver which absolute tolerance is 0.001 and stop con-
dition is “no active ray remaining”. Also, the “Heat transfer” module is employed in
order to solve the governing equations with boundary conditions mentioned in afore-
mentioned section. To reduce simulation time, the real size solar collector (2 meter
long) is modeled with symmetric about the y-axis.
Table 2.7: number of elements for domain, boundary and edges of collector
Tests Domain (#) Boundary (#) Edge (#) Relative error (%)
First sample 550580 615453 25053 0.31
Second sample 6158456 750249 32550 0
Parameter Value
Number of emitting rays from the source (sun rays) 10000
Total Source Power 792.5 W
Refractive index of exterior domains 1
Gap loss distance (distance between reflector and absorber) 5mm
Reflection coefficient 0.89(Mylar)
Absorption coefficient 0.95(SunSelect)
Glass transmittance 0.92(Borosilicate)
Thermal modeling
To calculate theoretical thermal efficiency of the solar thermal collector, different inlet
temperatures are applied and thermal efficiency (ηthermal ) is calculated based on Eq
ṁCp@Tin ∆Tf
ηthermal = (2.28)
Aaperture G
Temperature distribution is 3D plotted for different inlet temperatures (Figure
2.9). It is concluded from the results that maximum temperature difference of ab-
sorber (∆Tmax = Tsmax −Tsmin ) decreases as that as inlet temperature increases (Table
Figure 2.8: A) Ray trajectory from aperture to absorber (number rays deceased for
better visualization) B) Incident angle Modifier (IAM)
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 25
Figure 2.9: Temperature distribution over absorber for HTF Inlet temperature of
a: 30 ◦ C b: 100 ◦ C c: 200 ◦ C d: 350 ◦ C
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 26
As ambient temperature(Tamb ) and global irradiation (G) are two significant pa-
rameters for thermal efficiency. Thermal efficiency is better be plotted with respect
to normalized temperature (Tf∗ ) . Normalized temperature is defined as Eq. 2.29.
The thermal efficiency simulation is plotted in Figure 2.10 (Tamb = 30◦ C and G=1000
W/m2 ).
Tin − Tamb
Tf∗ = (2.29)
Figure 2.11: Design and Prototyping process a: CAD Design b: Evacuated tubes
connection to Manifold c: Evacuated tubes connection to frame d: Final prototyped
collector with manifold box
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 29
2.6 Experiment
After prototyping is finished, the solar thermal collector carried to outdoor solar test-
ing facility for to measure optical and thermal efficiency of the system. All tests
are done in 2-acre solar research center at in Atwater, California which belong to
University of California, Merced. The equipment utilized for both optical and ther-
mal efficiency testing include 20 k-type thermocouples (5 for calorimeter inlet, 5 for
calorimeter outlet, 5 for solar collector inlet, 5 for solar collector outlet), a Coriolis
flow meter to measure flowrate (ṁ), a current clamp meter, a Precision Spectral Pyra-
nometer (PSP) to measure global irradiation(G) plus 1 datalogger (Agilent 34972A)
which is connected to personal computer to scan all instruments data respect to time
( 1 scan per 5 second). The Instruments and their measurement error are listed in
Table 2.11.
Parameter Value
Emissivity 0.05
Absorber length 2m
Aperture area (Aaperture ) 4.5 m2
Tube per collector 3
Pipe inner diameter 6mm
Pipe outer diameter 7.5mm
Cp (water) 4180 J/kgK
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 31
Figure 2.13: Theoretical and Experimental (circle shows measured points) Incident
Angle Modifier (IAM)
To calculate the specific heat of the mineral oil heat transfer fluid, a variation of
the first law of thermodynamics is used, assuming constant specific heat Eq. :
q = mCp ∆T (2.31)
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 33
oil oil
qincalorimeter = ṁoil Cp (Tout − Tin ) + qlosscalorimeter (2.32)
where q( inc alorimeter) is the heat input to the calorimeter, q( lossc alorimeter).
The heat loss from the calorimeter to the environment [W], ṁ is the mass flow rate of
the oil through the calorimeter [kg/s] The measured quantities for the calorimeter are:
qin , ṁ, Tout , and Tin . This leaves a single equation with two unknowns: qlosscalorimeter
and Cp . To determine both the heat loss from the system and the heat capacity of the
oil, an experimental procedure is developed as follows: The inlet temperature, Tin , to
the calorimeter is held fixed. A known amount of heating power, qin , is supplied to the
calorimeter. The system is allowed to reach steady state. Measurements are taken for
the mass flow rate, ṁ, and outlet temperature, Tout. This procedure is repeated, from
step 2, a total of six time, increasing the heating power each cycle. A plot is produced,
as seen in Figure 2.16 with the heat input to the system on the y-axis, and the mass
flow rate multiplied by the temperature rise of the oil through the calorimeter on the
x-axis. A linear trendline is fit to the data with the slope being equivalent to specific
heat of the oil, Cp , and the y-intercept being the heat loss from the calorimeter, qloss .
Following the experimental procedure above produces the specific heat capacity of the
oil and heat loss from the calorimeter at a single fixed temperature point. Like other
fluid properties such as density and viscosity, the specific heat capacity is also highly
dependent on temperature. Repeating the experiment for six different fixed inlet
temperatures to the calorimeter, a trend for the specific heat capacity as a function
of temperature is developed. The flow calorimeter takes advantage of a counter flow
design using 2kW electrically resisting heating elements to provide the heating power.
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 34
The oil flows through an outer annulus at the inlet and passes through an inner tube
where the resisting heating element is located. The two heating elements and the oil
flow path are constructed in parallel as seen in Figure 2.17. To limit heat loss to the
environment, the entire calorimeter is wrapped in an Aerogel insulation. The portions
containing the heating elements are encased in all glass vacuum tubes coated with a
selective coating to limit the environmental heat loss even further.
Two k-type thermocouple clusters containing five thermocouples each are placed
in the flow path of the oil at the inlet and outlet of the calorimeter. The inlet
and outlet temperatures are taken as averages of the five thermocouples in each
cluster. The mass flow rate of the oil is measured by a Coriolis flow meter. Heating
power into the calorimeter is calculated by multiplying the measured DC voltage and
current supplied to the resisting heating elements. The current is measured via a
UNI-T UT210 clamp meter. All measurements, except current, are recorded through
a Keysight 34972A data acquisition unit. error lists the individual instrument and
measurement errors associated with all the data acquired from the calorimeter. The
calorimetry experiment was conducted as outlined in the theory section above for six
different fixed inlet temperatures: 100◦ C, 120◦ C, 140◦ C, 160◦ C, 180◦ C, and 200◦ C.
For each fixed inlet temperature six different heating powers were used, ranging from
0W to 1600W. The measured data for inlet and outlet oil temperature, mass flow rate,
and heating power, were used to produce plots like Figure 2.16 for each fixed inlet
temperature. The error associated with the specific heat measurement was calculated
via standard Gaussian error propagation from the instrument and measurement errors
shown in Table 2.11, is also plotted in Figure 2.18. The result from mentioned graph,
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 35
Figure 2.18: Results comparing the measured specific heat of mineral oil under
operating conditions to the data provided by a mineral oil supplier
Chapter 2. A Non-tracking East-West Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Collector 37
Figure 2.19: The medium temperature solar thermal collector efficiency test
Part Cost($/m2)
CPC Reflector 35
Pentagon absorber 30
U-tube copper pipe 20
Metal glass seal 10
Glass tube 7.5
Heat transfer receiver (Duratherm 600) 60
Indirect cost (shipping, solar field and installation)[29], 2018) 80
Total installed cost 242.5
Parameters Amount
Total cost 242.5($/m2)
Fixed charge rate (FCR) 0.083
Operation and Maintenance cost(O&M) 5($/m2)
Annual average efficiency for design temperature (ηthermal@200◦ C ) 45 %
Annual Solar resource (Fresno, California) (NREL, 2018) 1800 kW h/m2
Annual thermal generation (Qoutput ) 810(kW h/yr/m2 )
Levelized cost of Heat (LCOH) 3.1 ¢/kW h
Table 2.13: Levelized cost of heat (LC0H) of proposed collector for 200 ◦ C
2.8 Conclusion
In this paper, optical and thermal performance of novel medium-temperature solar
thermal collector is investigated both numerically and experimentally. First, absorber
and reflector are optimized for real-world manufacturing and higher optical concentra-
tion, respectively. Secondly, robust optical-thermal simulation for the proposed solar
thermal collector is proposed and applied in order to evaluate numerical optical and
thermal efficiency. After the proposed collector designed, it is experimentally tested
under sun to measure experimental optical and thermal efficiency. The results show
good agreement between simulation and experiment. It is measured that the proposed
medium-temperature solar collector has outstanding optical and thermal performance
include optical efficiency of 64%, thermal efficiency of 50% at 200 ◦ c, and stagnation
temperature of 378 ◦ C without no mechanical tracking system (stationary optical
tracking). At the end, Levelized cost of Heat for a single collector calculated as 3.1
¢/kWh which is cheaper than commercial thermal collector and also can be a major
competitor to natural gas in California if it manufactures in large-scale.
Chapter 3
A Non-tracking North-South
Concentrated Hybrid Solar
This chapter’s results were presented in UC Solar symposium in San Francisco and
received the audience award.[55]
3.1 Introduction
Higher life standard is correlated with higher energy demand. Carbon free energy
sources are vital for human survival as latest report of Intergovernmental panel on
climate change(IPCC), stated ”Human activities(CO2 emission) are estimated to have
caused approximately 1.0 ◦ C of global warming compare to pre-industrial level” and
“climate-related risks to health, livelihood, food security, water supply, human secu-
rity and economic growth are projected to increase with global warming of 1.5 ◦ C
[9]. Renewable energy is widely accepted one of the major source of energy in the
future [56] especially the ones can supply on-site domestic need will be prioritized
[57]. According to International Energy Agency(IEA), the fastest-growing renewable
systems for domestic application operate with solar energy[58]. Traditionally, solar
collectors consist of two major sub-groups: solar thermal collector and Photovoltaic.
The former can provide a thermal energy output for direct water or space heating,
while the latter can provide electrical energy to cover partially a household electric-
ity need. The synthetic combination allows for the electrical and thermal output to
be obtained simultaneously. Also, the nature of photovoltaic system allows only a
portion of the solar spectrum to be converted into electricity which is determined by
Shockley-Quaisser limit [59]. The remaining flux is simply wasted and contributes to
waste heat generation in the module. As a result, a typical PV module will easily heat
up to 60 degree Celsius [60] on a summer day causing the semiconductor material to
operate less efficiently and produce less power. Therefore, cooling a PV cell provides
two energy benefits: (1) increase electricity output as long as the cell is maintained
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 43
below its typical stagnating temperature, and (2) the additional generation of low
temperature thermal energy [61]. Furthermore, combining PV and thermal technolo-
gies into a single hybrid PV/T device yields more energy per square meter (which is
valuable in space-limited installations) and reduces installation costs compared to a
conventional side-by-side installation [62]. These advantages of hybrid PV makes an
interesting Branch of solar collectors.
Clearly, PVT collector is an ideal choice to provide residential energy need such as
lighting, hot water, space heating, cooking and etc., however, high upfront cost slowed
down its global market growth [63]. In order to improve PVT market, first must eval-
uate current commercial PVT collectors around the world. In terms of economics and
environmental impact, three major indexes are : Levelized cost of Energy(LCOE),
Simple Payback Period and amount of CO2 reduction [64]. LCOE of PVT mod-
ule(without including installation, land etc.) is defined as Eq.3.1 which Cmodule is
total cost of PVT collector(module), PP V T is total annual electrical generation and
QP V T is total annual thermal generation. In this case, escalation rate and interest
rate assumed to be equal and the income from sold power to the grid is neglected.
LCOEmodule = (3.1)
Simple payback period is defined as Eq 3.2 which SHeat and Spower is saving value($)
for heat and power generation, respectively.
SP Pmodule = (3.2)
Sheat + Spower
Also, Amount of avoided CO2 is calculated as Equations 3.3, 3.4 where emission
factors for electricity and heat are (EFpower =109 (kgCo2 )/M W h) and (EFheat =264
(kgCo2 )/M W h), respectively [64].
Table 3.1: Calculation of Three major indexes for Commercial PVT collector
PVT ηelec @ ηther @ Cost Thermal Electrical Total Payback LCOE CO2 (Kg)
Collectors 60 ◦C 60 ◦C $/m2 (kWh) (kWh) Savings Period(yrs) ($/MWh) Reduction
Millenium 15% 40% $565 855.56 320.84 $73.54 7.6 24.01 177.96
Energies 15% 55% $339 1176.40 320.84 $86.68 3.91 11.32 212.93
Absilicon 10% 40% $678 855.56 213.89 $60.71 11.1 31.693 149.72
PVTwins 13% 60% $848 1283.34 278.06 $85.93 9.8 27.15 213.29
Volther 12% 42% $373 898.34 256.67 $67.59 5.51 16.14 165.68
Grammer 12% 40% $1,130 855.56 256.67 $65.84 17.16 50.79 161.02
Zenith 22% 50% $1,017 1069.45 470.56 $100.2 10.14 33.02 240.80
This study 10% 40% $221 855 214 $60.7 3.6 10.33 150
In 1976, Wolf first analyzed the performance of a hybrid collector with photo-
voltaic cell and flat plate thermal collector for residential application in New Mexico
[72]. After more than 40 years, the largest category is still flat plate PV/T collector
since it has low capital and maintenance cost [73]. Typically, in hybrid PVT col-
lector , a PV module is directly laminated over a thermal absorber for low thermal
resistance. Thermal insulation can be added to the backside of the thermal absorber
to reduce heat losses at high temperatures and these systems can also be covered by
an additional air gap and glass layer (glazed) for additional thermal resistance to the
environment[74]. These systems are used for pool or domestic hot water (DHW) heat-
ing, but alternative designs have also been developed for space heating using air as the
heat transfer fluid [75].The second category is concentrating PVT in which an optical
concentrator is used to increase the solar flux on the absorber. Concentrating sys-
tems utilizing active-tracking parabolic troughs (Absolicon, Cogenra, ANU-CHAPS),
linear Fresnel (Chromasun, Heliodynamics), and stationary compound parabolic con-
centrators (Solarus) have been developed. The thermal and electrical performance
as well as the characteristics of some available collectors are provided in Table 2.
The benefit of concentrating systems is (i) reduction in the required cell area and (ii)
better thermal performance at elevated temperatures. As shown in Table 2, thermal
efficiencies begin around 60% and decrease with increasing T* based on the concen-
tration ratio of each system. Electrical efficiencies are highest for the unglazed flat
panel at 15% but are around 11% for concentrating systems due to reduced available
irradiance (direct beam only) and losses from additional optical interfaces (glass cov-
ers, reflectors). All these systems use mono-crystalline silicon solar cells and as such
the effect of temperature on electrical performance is consistent between technologies.
In this paper we describe the development of a concentrated flat-plate Photovoltaic-
thermal system for electricity, hot water, and space heating. When commercialized,
it will be ideal for reducing natural gas consumption and increasing electricity reli-
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 45
ability for residential, commercial, institutional and industrial building sectors. The
PV/T collector utilizes a novel optics for solar concentration, aluminum minichannel
for thermal collection, and commercially available SunPower solar cells for electricity
production, all packaged in a glass tube filled with Argon for better performance and
lower cost. The solar cell to minichannel interface allows for the collection of ther-
mal energy while simultaneously cooling the solar cells and enhancing their efficiency.
The collector is first modeled using COMSOL Multiphysics to determine the optical
and thermal efficiency. Individual component testing is performed pre-assembly to
determine the thermal performance for both a (i) minichannel and (ii) heat pipe ab-
sorbers and also electrical efficiency of the solar cells in their full (uncut), cut, and
series-connected forms. The two full prototypes are fabricated and experimentally
characterized on-sun at UC Merced which thermal and combined efficiency of the
PVT collector is obtained. Finally, technoeconomic analysis of the proposed PVT
collector, Levelized cost of Energy, Simple Payback Period and amount of carbon
avoiding is listed and compared with the commercial PVT collectors.
− K.∇T = 0 (3.7)
Parameter Value
Total Aperture area 0.1188 m2
Aperture length 0.066 m
Absorber Length 0.032 m
Total Absorber surface Area 0.126 m2
Total Reflector Area 0.1863 m2
Inlet fluid cross area 60 mm2
Minichannel Vertical thickness 0.5 mm
Minichannel Horizontal thickness 1 mm
Absorber material Aluminum
Reflector material Silver coated
Gas inside glass tube Argon gas
Heat Transfer Fluid Water
Table 3.3: geometry and material specification for absorber, reflector and HTF
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 49
The mass and momentum conservation for the fluid flow are given as follows:
∇.(ρu) = 0, ρ(u.∇).u = ∇.[I + µ(∇u + (∇u)T ) − µ(∇.u)I] (3.9)
Vx = U0 , Vy = Vz = 0 (3.10)
T0 = Tin (3.11)
At inlet, the velocity and temperature are assumed to be uniform and constant,
and also outlet boundary defined as ambient pressure. Also, the proposed collector is
a wide-angle collector and the sun shape angle negligibly affect ray tracing simulation
since the sun angle (θsun = ) is much smaller compare to the half-acceptance angle
of the collector(θA =90◦ ). The solid domain for absorber is applied (Eq.3.12).
4 4
qradiation = σ(Tabsorber − Tamb ) (3.15)
The convection loss is calculated using 3.16 where heat transfer coefficient(h) is
determined with internal equation for vertical and horizontal plate in COMSOL.
Parameter Value
Source Global Irradiation(G) 1000 W/m2
Reflection coefficient (ρ) 0.92
Absorption coefficient (α) 0.95
Glass transmittance (τ ) 0.92
Water Velocity (U0 ) 0.5 m/s
Water Mass flowrate () 100 g/s
Thermal conductivity of absorber (Aluminum) 205 W/mK
Emissivity of solar cell () 0.8
Heat capacity of water (Cp ) 4180 J/kgK
Ambient temperature 20 ◦ C
Tests Elements (#) Average mesh quality (%) Relative error (%)
1st sample 752105 35 1.5
2nd sample 1919438 64 0.7
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 51
3.2.5 Results
Absorber Hotspots
The current simulation is built as a model in ray tracing study with COMSOL Multi-
physics, representing a 1.8-meter single collector with minichannel absorber. In order
to investigate hot spot on the absorber, the ray angle is 33 degrees ( 10 o’clock )in the
morning for the equinox day is considered and assumed the solar collector is tilted
according to the local latitude. The contour plot is shown in Figure 3.4.
The ray tracing result shows that the effect of any hot spots can be mitigated
since the concentration of the solar radiation is very limited and high concentration
of sunlight only happens during the sunrise and sunset hours for the vertical receiver
configuration(6 o’clock), however horizontal configuration(3 o’clock) of the receiver
does not suffer from the same effect. Therefore, it can be concluded that hot spot
is not a major concern for absorber of solar cells in this collector due to low optical
concentration(Cx =1) as the aperture and absorber area is equal [42].
(area under the curve) compare to others. In order to choose final selection of absorber
orientation, heat transfer results must be included in final evaluation.
ηN = (3.17)
Figure 3.5: Heat flux distribution(left) and Index Angle Modifier right) for three
difference(0 ◦ , 45 ◦ , 90 ◦ ) orientation of absorber with 92% reflectivity
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 53
Heat Loss
The heat transfer between absorber and surrounding gas causes free convection inside
glass which finally some of the absorber heat will be lost to the surrounding environ-
ment. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is performed to investigate free convection
heat loss using COMSOL. The free convection modelling is based on two different
fluids (Air and Argon), two different absorber orientations (3 o’clock and 6 o’clock)
and wind cooling is applied to the tube outer surface. The fluid mechanic and heat
transfer analysis shows that in 3 o’clock orientation, heat transfer happens in the
right side of the tube which is not symmetric, However in the 6 o’clock orientation
the gas distribution is symmetric which enhance the surface area between hot gas and
surroundings which en increase heat loss. The gas Kinematic and heat transfer are
displayed Figure 3.6 and Figure 3.7. The heat loss results is summarized in Table 6
which indicates that 3 o’clock orientation when glass tube filled with Argon has the
least heat loss. Therefore, 3 o’clock configuration and glass tube filled with argon gas
are selected as ideal collector configuration for prototyping.
Figure 3.6: Temperature and Velocity for 6 o’clock configuration with Air (Top) and
Absorber orientation Tube filling gas Total Heat loss at Tabs = 55◦ C(W/m2 )
6 o’clock Argon 97.46
Air 157.34
3 o’clock Argon 21.456
Air 93.763
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 54
Figure 3.7: Temperature and Velocity for 3 o’clock configuration with Air (Top) and
3.3 Prototyping
[The figures and experimental results in section 4 and 5 are the product of teamwork
done by the author and UC Solar team who are acknowledged at the end of this
Multiple collector prototypes were developed over the course of this project, with
thermal absorbers maintained in the horizontal position per the modelling results.
Prototypes were made using both direct-flow minichannel and minichannel heat pipe
absorbers, over which series-connected SunPower solar cell strings were applied. The
prototyping process is detailed as follows.
3.3.1 Assembly
Computer Aided Design
In order to prototype the PVT collector, first the geometry is built in Solidworks. The
full assembly is designed to have the solar cell/heat transfer element subassembly re-
placeable if necessary similar to “mason jar” design (Figure 3.9)which is implemented
to allow the system to be re-sealed. As it is shown in Figure 3.10, the major com-
ponents of one solar CHP tube are: Sealing end cap, borosilicate glass tube with
reflector coating, solar cells, minichannel heat transfer element and the attachment
of the solar cell to the heat transfer element.
Solar cell
High quality SunPower cells were characterized in both commercially available (un-
cut), cut, and series connected configurations. After the cutting process, a double
sided electronically isolating yet thermally conductive silicone tape is applied to both
sides of the absorbers (minichannel and heat pipe). The strip assembly of the solar
cells is performed in parallel. Individual cut cells are lined up (+) to (-). A small
amount of low melting point solder is applied to the contact region and a short length
of tabbing wire is laid over the contact region to connect two cells (Figure 3.11). An
additional amount of solder is applied to the top of the tabbing wire to allow good
thermal contact of the soldering iron. The cells are then soldered together to a 13-cell
series strip as shown in Figure 3.12.
Figure 3.12: Final 13 solar cells attached to the absorber (top side)
Electrical Connection
Rather than running a wire along the length of the tube, it was decided to use the
minichannel heat pipe itself as the negatively charged electrode. To do so, a section
of the minichannel heat pipe is filed down to remove the paint coating and expose the
aluminum material. Originally, a copper foil was wrapped around the minichannel
heat pipe and soldered to the negative contacts of both the top and bottom strips
of cells. This produced poor contact, however, as some IV curve traces generated
strange readings at higher voltages. To rectify this, an alligator-clamp connector was
employed which provides much greater mechanical contact as it shown in Figure 3.15.
In current tests, the poor electrical contact is no longer an issue.
Figure 3.15: Alligator contact for positive (left alligator clamp) and negative
electrode(right alligator clamp)
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 59
Tube Assembly
The gaskets are cut from silicone rubber material and seated into the outer indentation
ring. The finished absorbers (minichannel heat pipe with applied cells on both sides)
are then epoxied to the cap, the electrical connections are made, and the entire
assembly is inserted into a glass tube(Figure 3.18).
A manifold gauge is used in tandem with a vacuum pump and argon tank to first
remove the air from the glass tube, and then fill it with argon (Figure 3.19).
To test the performance of the heat pipes, an aluminum minichannel manifold was
fabricated to “sandwhich” the condensing section of the heat pipe. 5 heat pipes were
painted black using Pyromark paint and inserted into glass tubes with half-reflectors.
The condensing sections of all the tubes were applied with thermal grease and en-
closed by the manifold. Several thermocouples were installed at various locations in
the manifold to monitor performance, as shown in Figure 3.20. 1” thick insulation
was applied around the manifold and the collector was taken outside for on-sun mea-
surements. The manifold was connected to the city water line. In this way, the city
water was used to extract the heat generated by the heat pipes. The temperature
rise of the water was recorded, as was the flow rate using a 1-liter beaker and a stop
watch. The heat pipe setup is shown in Figure 3.21.
Results of the experimental tests are plotted in Figure 3.22 . The temperature
results indicate one heat pipe (Thpr ight2 ), is hotter than others although all the pa-
rameters are equal in 5 tubes at steady state. It can be concluded, non-condensable
gas (air) is present in that specific heat pipe which cause the acetone in gas phase
cannot be condensed therefore heat pipe surface temperature will drop due water
heat extraction (sensible heat loss). In order to avoid the effect of non-condensable
gas at top of the heat pipe, the manifold is placed 2 inch lower than the top of heat
pipe which caused the heat pipe to operate at lower temperature.
The final results for optical efficiency respect to different mass flowrate is plotted
in Figure 3.23 and listed in Table 3.7.
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 63
Figure 3.22: Experimental Temperature variance with respect to time (10 )
Figure 3.23: Optical efficiency of heat pipe collector with respect to water mass flow
Direct-flow minichannel
In a similar fashion to the previous test, 5 flow-through minichannel absorbers were
painted black and connected in parallel i.e. the inlet of all the minichannels connected
to a common inlet tube and outlet of all the minichannels connected to a common
outlet tube. The open loop testing method is adopted for consistent and steady state
readings. Thermocouples are placed on the minichannel surface near the manifold
to closely monitor the degree of temperature difference between the minichannel and
the bulk fluid temperature. Thermocouples are connected to the Agilent device for
continuous data acquisition. The optical efficiency data is plotted in Figure 3.24.
Overall, the minichannel and heat pipe absorbers are tested with the collector,
and their thermal performance is tested in ambient temperature in order to avoid heat
loss. The 73% and 75% optical efficiency is achieved for minichannel and heat pipe
absorber, respectively, which indicates the both absorbers have good thermal perfor-
mance. Also, the experimental optical efficiency has good agreement with theoretical
efficiency where working temperature is equal to ambient temperature (T ∗ = 0 in
Figure 3.8). In conclusion, for final testing of complete PVT collector with solar cells,
both heat pipe and minichannel collector will be used.
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 65
Figure 3.24: Optical efficiency of minichannel collector with respect to water mass
flow rate
Measurement Uncertainty
In order to determine the uncertainty error of the testing, equipment’s errors are listed
in Table 3.8. Also ,thermal efficiency ca be calculated using Eq.20. By Applying
equipment error in thermal efficiency equation, the measurement uncertainty can be
calculated around 8% which is applied in Figure 3.23 and Figure 3.24 as in the form
of error bar.
ṁwater Cpwater ∆T
η= (3.19)
G ∗ Aaperature
Equipment Error
Average flow meter measurement with 1liter beaker (ṁwater ) 10%
k-type thermocouples (∆T ) 0.2%
Solar cell measurement for solar irradiation(G) 2.5%
after they had been cut into strips, and (3) after they had been cut into strips and
soldered into a string. The purpose of the solar cell performance testing was to quan-
tify solar cell performance and uncover any loss mechanisms as we take the cells from
their original form to their final configuration on the collector. Characterization was
performed using a Keithley 2460 Source Meter to generate IV curves for the different
cells in different configurations, after which the maximum power point (MPP) and
MPP solar cell efficiencies were calculated.
Figure 3.25: test setup for Uncut and 3 cut cell in series
The SunPower solar cells were cut by American Precision Dicing, Inc. Each cell
was cut into 3 strips which were 30 mm wide x 125 mm long with one of the 3
original contacts centered on each end of the cut cell. For this test, 3 cut cells were
each individually tested. The cut solar cell results for on sun testing is summarized
in Figure 3.27(2nd left). The results of the individually cut cells indicated an MPP
efficiency around 18.8%. Next, the three cells were connected in series using standard
solar cell bus wire. Placing the 3 cells in series reduced the maximum power point
efficiency to about 18.1%. The 3 cut solar cell results for on sun testing is summarized
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 67
Figure 3.28: Setup for electrical testing with different absorber temperature
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 69
was typically 5◦ warmer than the water in the calorimeter, indicating excellent heat
After IV curve testing, the resistor was utilized as an active load and additional
testing was performed. All efficiencies in the table below are calculated as a function
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 71
Figure 3.32: Heat extraction from heat pipe for Calorimetry measurement
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 72
Figure 3.33: I-V curve for solar cell on heat pipe absorber
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 73
Table 3.9: Electric and thermal performance for PVT Collector with heat pipe
Table 3.10: Electric and thermal performance for PVT Collector with ”Flow
through” absorber
(set temperature of 85 ◦ C), which was connected to the inlet and outlet of the flow
through receiver with flex hoses as labeled in Figure . Six thermocouples were placed
inside the water bath. An IV curve was recorded every water temperature increase of
5 ◦ C. The final IV curve (Figure 37) was recorded at 80 ◦ C and the test was concluded.
show that the solar cells were working properly and fully connected to the final mark
of 80 ◦ C.
Electrical efficiency of the solar cell respect to temperature follow constant equa-
tion (equ.3.18). The results with the single cell flow through testing show the tem-
perature coefficient for solar cell is 0.345 from the efficiency-temperature plot(β) in
Figure 3.38.After the test, there was no signs of solar cell damage or disconnections
from series or absorber itself. Results of this test show that all future assemblies of
receivers should have dog bone connectors for solar cell strips, and silicon tape to
keep them fully attached to the flow through absorber.
The results indicate that electrical efficiency is almost equal as it calculated based
on temperature coefficient provided by manufacture. Also, comparison of the exper-
imental and theoretical thermal efficiency indicates that numerical and experimental
results have good agreement in the range of equipment’s uncertainty (Table 3.8) as
specifically plotted in Figure 3.39 . The experimental thermal efficiency, electrical
efficiency and combined efficiency are measured and compared with simulated results
and plotted in Figure 3.40.
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 76
Figure 3.39: Numerical and experimental thermal efficiency for flow through
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 78
Figure 3.40: Experimental combined, thermal and electrical efficiency of the flow
through absorber
Table 3.13: Output parameters of proposed one square meter of PVT collector
include Levelized Cost of Energy, Simple Payback Period, Amount of CO2
3.7 Conclusion
In this manuscript, we introduced a low-cost concentrated hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal
(PV/T) collector which provides both electricity and heat for hot water and space
heating with positive environmental impact. The PVT collector consists of a glass
tube, the bottom of which is coated to be a reflective semi-circle, that directs incom-
ing rays to a flat minichannel / heat pipe absorber strip which is coated with solar
cells. The solar cells generate electricity directly and the remaining energy which
is converted to heat is captured in the minichannel / heat pipe absorber. The PVT
collector is designed and modeled using COMSOL Multiphysics to predict optical and
thermal efficiencies. A 3 o’clock orientation of the absorber is selected as best position
for maximizing optical efficiency and minimizing heat loss via internal convection in
the tube. Two complete PVT collectors were assembled and tested on sun at UC
Merced Castle test Facility in Atwater, California. The experimental thermal and
electrical efficiency results are in good agreement with the numerically predicted re-
sults. Both collectors had optical efficiencies of about 60%, but the heat pipe collector
had an electrical efficiency of 10% whereas the direct-flow collector had an electrical
Chapter 3. A Non-tracking North-South Concentrated Hybrid Solar Collector 81
3.8 Acknowledgement
The author would like to thank the UC Solar team(Bennett Widyolar,Yogesh Bhusal,
Jordyn Brinkley, Sai Phani Kiran, Lun Jiang, Roland Winston) who helped for ex-
perimental testing mentioned in section 4 and 5 of this chapter.
Chapter 4
Results discussed in this chapter were in part presented orally at the American Insti-
tute of Chemical Engineers(AlChE) Annual Meeting 2018 in Pittsburgh. [87]
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Zero Discharge Desalination
Due to increasing global water shortages, desalination is a rising water purification
technique which can treat different source of water such as sea, waste, brackish and
river water (Figure 4.1 [2]). Unfortunately, desalination systems must discharge con-
centrated brine which can cause negative environmental and biological impacts [88].
One method of mitigating the harmful effect of desalination discharge, is to avoid
discharge all together through usage of zero-discharge desalination(ZDD), which elim-
inates the liquid waste stream and makes productive use of the extracted solids. A
ZDD system often consists of two sub-systems: a brine concentrator and a crystal-
lizer. The brine concentrator concentrates the dissolved solids in the feedwater to the
maximum concentration(5%-50%) treatable by the concentrator, and the crystallizer
solidifies the brine. For brine concentration, multiple technologies have improved
through the years, from solar evaporation ponds [89] and mechanical vapor compres-
sion systems(MVC)[6] to reverse osmosis [90] and electrodialysis(ED) [91] [5]. Crys-
tallization is typically achieved through multi-effect evaporation [89] , solar ponds [8]
or atmospheric evaporators [92]. In the recent decade, researchers took advantage
of membrane and thermal desalination technologies together to introduce membrane
distillation(MD) which can handle highly concentrated feed water [93].
Chapter 4. A Novel Solar Compatible Zero Discharge Desalination System 83
Despite the substantial advantages offered by HDH there are significant short-
comings impeding its application. Perhaps chief among these is the current thermal
efficiency (GOR ≤ 4). The efficiency of HDH is primarily limited by the exchange
of heat from the condensing vapor to the feedwater in the dehumidification stage.
There is generally a tradeoff between heat exchanger size/complexity/cost and the
heat transfer efficiency. The overall efficiency of HDH is constrained to the current
range for economically viable heat exchanger implementations.
A second primary limitation for HDH is recovery ratio (RR) for a single cycle
(Eq.4.2). Since heat for evaporation is generally provided by sensible heat of the
feedwater itself, the maximum potential freshwater recovery is limited by the ratio of
heat capacity times viable operating temperature difference and heat of vaporization.
For example, for a single HDH cycle operating between 20–90◦ C, the maximum recov-
ery ratio is 14%, with actual values in practice substantially lower. Therefore, HDH
systems must apply multiple stages to achieve high recovery ratios(50%), with atten-
dant increases in system cost and complexity.This concept will be further detailed in
the next section.
mf reshwater
RR = (4.2)
mf eedwater
A third limitation for all thermal and membrane desalination systems including
HDH is corrosion and fouling in piping and pumping [7] as they are exposed to
species that may either attack the system materials (e.g. chloride) or precipitate from
solution (e.g. carbonates).[107] In reverse osmosis systems, operators use different
chemical pre-treatments to avoid corrosion and particularly fouling in pipes, pumps
and membranes [108]. Thermal desalination systems operate at higher temperature
which makes corrosion the primary issue in MED and MSF desalination plants [109].
Though material advances offer potential for battling corrosion [110] and fouling
including for solar thermal desalination [111][112], corrosion and fouling is a major
challenge in desalination system that must be addressed including in HDH.
HDH has unique advantages, however there are shortcomings that required to be
addressed. The advantages and limitations of HDH systems are summarized in Table
Advantages Limitations
Ideal for small-scale Corrosion in pipes, pumps and absorber
and decentralized application absorber of solar thermal collectors
Clean highly contaminated (TDS 250,000ppm) Low energy efficiency (GOR ≤ 4) and
such discharge water from oil mining textiles low condensation heat transfer due to presence
and chemical companies(No pre-treatment required) non-condensable gas (' 500W/m2 K)
Low capital and maintenance cost include High
Compatibility with low-cost solar thermal collector Low water recovery (RRmax < 14%)
with water, for example a low vapor pressure oil. The immiscibility of the oil al-
lows direct contact heat exchange during condensation and evaporation of the water.
This system is called immiscible liquid mediated humidification dehumidification or
ILM-HDH in short.
The basic proposed operation of this system is illustrated in Figure 4.4 where the
oil starts the ILM-HDH cycle by entering the heater(e.g. electrical heater or solar
thermal collector), exiting at the maximum operating temperature, then entering the
humidifier. The oil is distributed to porous sheets (e.g. flash-spun polyethylene or ex-
panded polytetrafluoroethylene). These sheets act as direct contact heat exchangers.
The oil flows downward in the pore spaces under the force of gravity. Feedwater is
also heated (by the exiting fresh water) in a counter flow heat exchanger and supplied
to the humidifier. The feedwater is likewise distributed to the porous sheets, but be-
ing immiscible with the oil, flows along the outer surface. Dry air is introduced into
the bottom of the humidifier and flows upward past the porous sheets thus driving
evaporation of the feed water. Sensible heat, primarily from the oil, provides the
energy for evaporation. The flow rate of oil and feedwater are adjusted to provide
sufficient sensible heat for complete evaporation leaving only salt. The salt crystals
fall from the oil impregnated porous sheets and settle to the bottom of the humidifier
underneath a pool of oil collecting from the flow emanating from the porous sheets.
The salt is insoluble in the oil and is removed from the system by periodic dredging.
The oil, now cooled by the evaporating feedwater, as well as the air, which has been
heated and humidified, both leave the humidifier and travel to the dehumidifier. The
dehumidifier has a similar structure to the humidifier. The cool oil is again distributed
at the top of, and flows down, porous sheets, which now act as heat sinks to drive
condensation from the moist air flowing upward. Fresh water condenses on the outer
surface of the sheets and flows, under gravity, to the bottom of the dehumidifier. The
fresh water is immiscible with the oil and collects as a layer underneath the oil, again
in a pool at the bottom of the dehumidifier (as in many oil/water separators, e.g. in
petroleum production). Fresh water leaves the dehumidifier at a high temperature
(nearly equal that of the hot moist air entering it) then passes through a counterflow
Chapter 4. A Novel Solar Compatible Zero Discharge Desalination System 88
heat exchanger that recovers its sensible heat to the incoming feedwater. The cool
dry air leaves the top of the dehumidifier and is recycled to the humidifier, while the
hot oil is collected from the pool at the base of the dehumidifier and returns to the
solar heater to begin the cycle again. Although Figure 4.3 shows a single segment
each for humidification and dehumidification, these components can be broken into
multiple segments to allow variation of the relative oil and air flowrates to balance
the enthalpy variation associated with the changing humidity of the air and the sen-
sible heat of the oil. This is essential for achieving high efficiency as explained in the
following section.
Figure 4.5: Comparison of traditional HDH and Immiscible Liquid Mediated HDH
The major heat transfer resistance in HDH systems is due to presence of non-
condensable gas(air) [113]. Air creates a diffusive resistance layer between water
vapor and the condensation surface. The diffusive layer has significant negative effect
on the heat transfer coefficient. There has been much research on non-condensable gas
effects on heat transfer in different industries since the 1960s and before. Researchers
at the University of California, Berkeley performed early research to model and ex-
perimentally analyze the effect of non-condensable gas [114]. The Kazimi group [115]
at MIT conducted experiments to validate the UCB results under forced convection
conditions. In HDH, there is a large percentage of air (60-95% by mass) present in
the condensation stream[101]. Siddique [116] reported local heat transfer coefficients
Chapter 4. A Novel Solar Compatible Zero Discharge Desalination System 91
between 10 to 2500 W/m2 .◦ C in presence of 99% to 10% air bulk mass fraction,
respectively. Without the existence of non-condensable gas the condensation heat
transfer coefficient can be as high as 100,000W/(m2 .K) [117]. State-of-art experi-
ments on the effect of non-condensable gas on condensation heat transfer coefficient
are listed in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3: The effect of non-condensable gas on condensation heat transfer Coeff
In traditional HDH systems, water vapor condenses as a film over a cooling coil
causing a conductive resistance layer which decreases heat transfer to the feedwater.
Another form of condensation is dropwise condensation. In dropwise condensation,
liquid collects in the form of droplets of varying diameters on the condensing surface,
instead of forming a continuous film. Ma[126] compared heat transfer coefficients of
film-wise condensation(FWC) and dropwise condensation(DWC) in presence of non-
condensable gas. The experiment shows that over the whole range of non-condensable
gas concentrations, the heat transfer coefficient of dropwise condensation is almost
two time higher than film-wise condensation. Zheng[127] showed that the coalescence
of bubbles is one of the major reasons that dropwise condensation shows better heat
In order to separate saline feedwater from purified product water, the majority of
HDH dehumidifiers apply heat exchange via a cooling coil (generally made of cop-
per) to transfer heat from the moist air and drive condensation. Therefore, there is
conductive thermal resistance through the coil and convective resistance within it.
Chapter 4. A Novel Solar Compatible Zero Discharge Desalination System 92
A schematic picture that explains the thermal resistance for traditional HDH is
given in Figure 4.6 . The total thermal resistance of the system can be calculated as
in Eq 4.5. (Conducive thermal resistance in the coil is neglected.)
1 1 1
Rf eed = , Rf ilm = , RN onCond = (4.6)
hf eedwater Aincoil hf ilm Aoutcoil hN CHDH ∗ Af ilm
Din 1/2
K = Re( ) (4.8)
2 77
Z = (1 + 1 + P r−2 ) (4.9)
11 4
hf ilm , which is the heat transfer coefficient for filmwise condensation, can be cal-
culated from Eq 4.10 [126] where subscript l stand for condensate.
k m
hN onCondensableGas = 0.0342. .Re0.774 (4.11)
L Cp
L= (4.12)
A schematic picture that explains the thermal resistance for ILM-HDH is given in
Figure 4.7. The total thermal resistance of the system can be calculated as Eq. 4.13 .
(Conducive thermal resistance is neglected due to thin thickness of oil and freshwater
1 1 1
Roil = , Rdrop = , RN onCond =
hf eedwater Aincoil hdroplet Adroplet hN CILM ∗ AN onCondensableGas
hoil : if we assumed uniform heat transfer, as the oil’s flow is fully developed and
laminar , the Nusselt number is constant( Eq 4.15) where the width to height ratio
is equal to 3. Therefore heat transfer coefficient can be calculated as Eq 4.16 [129] :
hoil = N uoil (4.16)
hdroplet : Due to the complexity of droplet condensation [127], experimental testing
is relied on to measure dropwise condensation heat transfer coefficient, which indicates
that the dropwise heat transfer coefficient is two time bigger than that for filmwise
Applying equation(5-17) to calculate heat transfer coefficient for both HDH and
ILM-HDH the results are listed in 4.4 where surface area is assumed one (1m2 ) in all
cases to simplify the calculation, and the heat transfer coefficient has units W/(m2 .K).
The thermal resistance analysis indicates ILM-HDH can provide 2.5 times lower
resistance compare to a conventional HDH system.
In summary, Condensation heat transfer improved in ILM-HDH by:
• The porous sheet saturated with second fluid(mineral oil), creates dropwise
condensation instead of filmwise condensation.
Figure 4.8: Testing setup(left) and Propagation of NaCl down oil impregnated,
polyethylene evaporator sheet (green dye added for contrast)
Chapter 4. A Novel Solar Compatible Zero Discharge Desalination System 96
Ėi = ṁoil Cpoil Toili + ṁda Cpda Tdai + ṁwi Cpwv Twi (4.18)
Expanding ṁwi = ṁwo + ṁevap :
Ėinput = ṁoil Cpoil Toili + ṁda Cpda Tdai + ṁwo Cpw Twi + ṁevap Cpwv Twi (4.19)
Ėoutput = ṁoil Cpoil Toilo +ṁda Cpda Tao +ṁwo Cpw Two +ṁwevap (Cpwv Tao +hf g@Taout ) (4.20)
Therefore, energy exchanges through the heat and mass exchanger can be calcu-
lated as:
∆Ė = ṁoil Cpoil ∆Toil + ṁda Cpda ∆Ta + ṁwo Cpw ∆Tw + ṁwevap (Cpwv ∆Ta + hf g ) (4.21)
If we assume the evaporation and condensation rate are equal due to no heat/mass
resistance, Gain Output Ratio(GOR) which is the measurement of heat recovery in
the system, can be written as:
ṁcond hf g
GOR = (4.22)
ṁoil Cpoil (∆Toilheater )
Also the water recovery ratio is calculated as: (ωw = water recovery, φair = hu-
midity ratio)
mcond Vair ∗ φair
ωw = = (4.23)
mf eedwater mf eedwater
Chapter 4. A Novel Solar Compatible Zero Discharge Desalination System 97
Mass Transport
The mass flowrate of evaporation depends on evaporation rate(K), concentration
difference water and gas as follows [129]:
Mv Psat
δ ṁevap = wδxMv K(csat − cv ) => δ ṁevap = δxK (1 − φ) (4.28)
The change of absolute humidity can be written as :
δ ṁv δxK Mv Psat
δω = = (1 − φ) (4.29)
ṁda ṁda RT
Combing 4.27 and 4.29:
dφ (0.622Psat Patm ) δxKMv Psat
dφ = δω = (1 − φ) (4.30)
dω (0.622Psat + ωPsat )2 ṁda RT
Chapter 4. A Novel Solar Compatible Zero Discharge Desalination System 98
Heat Transport
δ ṁevap hf g = ṁoil Cp dT (4.32)
Substituting 4.28 in 4.32:
dT Mv Psat hf g
=K ( )(1 − φ) (4.33)
dx RT ṁoil Cp
Sh = (4.36)
Air flow regime assumed fully developed laminar flow, therefore Sherwood number
is in channel is equal 2 [131].Also diffusion coefficient at 60 ◦ C is equal to 3e−5 m2 /s
[132]. Also the equation for characteristic length(Lch ) as follows:
4A 4(W ∗ H)
Lchar = = (4.37)
P 2 ∗ (H + W )
If we consider the width of channel to be 1 m, evaporation rate(K) can be calcu-
lated as:
ShD12 6e−5 1m + H
K= = = 3e−5 ( )(1/s) (4.38)
Lchar 2H H
The above equation shows the evaporation rate is correlates to height of the chan-
nel(H). If H is small compared to the channel width, evaporation rate is roughly
inversely proportional to channel height.
Chapter 4. A Novel Solar Compatible Zero Discharge Desalination System 99
Figure 4.13: Variation of fan energy consumption as a function of air mass flowrate
Chapter 4. A Novel Solar Compatible Zero Discharge Desalination System 104
Figure 4.14: Hydrophilic and oleophilic bilayer for efficient water evaporation
To find the best candidates for hydrophilic and oleophilic sheets, different material
was tested. Among them, flash spun polyethylene(Tyvek) showed good performance,
not absorbing any water after hours of testing when it was saturated with oil(Figure
4.15(right)). Subsequently, similar testing was performed with oil saturated cellulose
tissue dipped into oil/water mixtures. As shown in Figure 4.15(left), after 40 second,
the paper is saturated with water and the oil has been expelled.
Humidifier design
In order to test the feasibility of an immiscible liquid mediated humidification de-
humidification system, a large-scale humidifier was constructed. A schematic of the
channel is shown in Figure 4.16. Cold water and hot oil are introduced from upstream
and run, by gravity, in the downstream direction. Cold dry air blows in the opposite
direction evaporating water as it travels. At the downstream (bottom) outlet, cold
Chapter 4. A Novel Solar Compatible Zero Discharge Desalination System 105
Figure 4.15: Materials are initially oil saturated and dipped into a water layer (dyed
green for contrast) underneath an oil layer
oil and any remaining water leave the channel, while humid, hot air exits from the
top. The humidification channel and support was designed in SolidWorks CAD (Fig-
ure 4.17). The setup is designed to allow adjustment of channel tilt angle, and the
channel top is removable so that porous sheets can be applied to the channel easily.
Numerical method
The prototyped channel described in the previous section, is modeled using COMSOL
Multiphysics 5.3a. The modules used for the simulation include: Laminar Flow, Heat
transfer in Moist Air, and Moisture Transport in Air.
Governing Equation
The three-dimensional stationary Naiver-stokes equations, in the velocity stream func-
tion formulation, along with continuity, energy, and concentration equations were
solved. The governing, dimensionless equations for the flow domain(air) are given by:
Continuity equation for incompressible flow:
Chapter 4. A Novel Solar Compatible Zero Discharge Desalination System 107
∇.u = 0 (4.39)
Momentum Equation:
− ∇p + ∇.[µ(∇u + (∇u)T ] = 0 (4.40)
Energy Equation:
Boundary Conditions
The channel was modeled with dry inlet air(T=20 ◦ C and relative humidity 10%)
and hot water(T=80 ◦ C). The outlet boundary condition for both water and air was
ambient pressure. The boundary conditions are detailed in Figure 4.18. The air inlet
flowrate is 10 m3 /h and water is stagnant (i.e. negligible velocity). For numerical
modeling, the commercial Finite Element Analysis software package COMSOL Mul-
tiphysics is utilized, which can combine fluid mechanics and heat and mass transfer
to calculate outlet humidity ratio and outlet temperature of air and water.
The temperature and humidity distribution obtained along the channel are presented
in the Figure 4.19. Outlet temperature and humidity ratio of 40 ◦ C and 0.1 kg/m3
are calculated, respectively.
Chapter 4. A Novel Solar Compatible Zero Discharge Desalination System 108
Figure 4.20: Thermocouples and humidity sensor position in the prototyped channel
Chapter 4. A Novel Solar Compatible Zero Discharge Desalination System 109
Thermal Insulation
In order to minimize the heat loss to the surroundings, thick insulation was wrapped
around the humidifier as shown in Figure 4.24.
Figure 4.25: Relative Humidity in inlet and outlet of the channel during testing
the oil flowrate is 5.7 mL/s, water flow rate is 3 ml/min and air flowrate start at 40
L/min, change to 60 L/min (time =1061) and finally increase to 80 L/min(time
=1300). The fan and water stop at the recording time equal to 1500
Water Evaporation
The water evaporation(ηevap ) simply can be calculated as the ratio of mass flowrate of
evaporated water over the feedwater as it is shown in 4.43. Figure 4.27 shows water
evaporation for various water and air flowrates where the oil flowrate is 5.7 mL/s,
and channel height is 0.1 meter. The experiments indicate that water evaporation up
to 80-90% is achieved at water flowrate of 125 g/hr after considering 20% uncertainty
error. This is an indication that ILM-HDH can achieve zero liquid discharge under
feasible operating conditions.
mevap ∗ 100
ηevap = (4.43)
mf eedwater
Energy consumption
The energy efficiency of the humidifier can be calculated as Eq 4.44. The input and
output energy flows of the humidifier were already considered in Eq 4.45 and Eq 4.46,
respectively. Importantly, these neglect loss of heat to the environment. This is likely
to be an important component of the current experimental system. The experimental
energy consumption of the humidifier is plotted in Figure 4.28. In this test, the oil
flowrate is 5.7 mL/s and channel height is 0.1 m. The uncertainty of temperature
difference in this experiment is 20%.
Eoutput ∗ 100
ηenergy = (4.44)
Einput = ṁoil Cpoil Toili + ṁda Cpda Tdai + ṁwo Cpw Twi + ṁevap Cpwv Twi (4.45)
Eoutput = ṁoil Cpoil Toilo +ṁda Cpda Tao +ṁwo Cpw Two +ṁwevap (Cpwv Tao +hf g@Taout ) (4.46)
Figure 4.29: Salt deposition in porous coated channel for simulated seawater at
flowrate 100 micro liter per minute with external heat source
4.5 Conclusion
In this chapter, different types of zero liquid discharge desalination systems including
membrane and thermal techniques were briefly introduced. The selection of a humidi-
fication dehumidification system for decentralized ZDD was justified based on the low
cost, handling of highly contaminated water with no pre-treatment requirement, and
integration capability with solar thermal collectors. A novel single-stage zero liquid
discharge system based on the HDH cycle was proposed. The key improvements to
the baseline HDH technology targeted by the proposed work are:
• Highly compatible with solar collector as the heat transfer fluid(mineral oil) is
not corrosive in contrast to state-of-art evaporator/crystallizer which use the
saline water. Therefore, the heat transfer fluid can be directly pumped through
the solar collector with no corrosion or a need for a heat exchanger.
4.6 Acknowledgement
I would like to thank Brandon Yang, Micheal Hall and Christopher Toy, the under-
graduate students in Professor Palko research group, who helped me through proto-
typing and experimental testing.
Chapter 5
Chapter 5. Conclusion 118
terms of three major indexes: Levelized cost of Energy, Simple Payback Period, and
amount of CO2 reduction. The results indicate the proposed PVT collector is the
cheapest PVT collector in terms of Levelized cost of Energy($10.3/MWh), Simple
Payback Period(3.6 years) while annually avoiding 150kg of CO2 per square meter of
aperture area.
In chapter 4, a novel single-stage zero discharge desalination system based on the
humidification dehumidification (HDH) cycle was proposed. The chapter is organized
as follows: First, HDH in general is introduced and its advantages and limitations are
highlighted. Then, a novel system that can potentially overcome some limitations of
HDH systems for zero liquid discharge is detailed. This new approach is named “im-
miscible liquid mediated humidification dehumidification” or “ILM-HDH” for short.
ILM-HDH involves a second liquid which decouples heat of vaporization and sensible
heat to enable the possibility of high-water recovery. Thermodynamic and kinetic
models of ILM-HDH are discussed, and experimental setups are introduced to test
the possibility of zero liquid discharge, high energy efficiency, and robust salt dis-
charge. The potential for ILM-HDH to improve some additional HDH limitations
such as fouling and poor heat transfer in the dehumidifier are also elaborated.
Finally, this dissertation demonstrated two state-of-the-art solar collectors and a
novel zero-discharge desalination system(ILM-HDH) which have great potential to be
coupled in order to eliminate the need for brine disposal from desalination systems
such as reverse osmosis while using low-cost, non-tracking and highly efficient solar
energy as their primary energy source.
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