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SCMU3-2425-0490-HO Catering Services PA and Settlers Hospitals 11 12 2024
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Specification for Catering Services PA and Settlers Hospitals
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SCMU3-2425-0490-HO Catering Services PA and Settlers Hospitals 11 12 2024
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Specification for Catering Services PA and Settlers Hospitals
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Specification for Catering Services PA and Settlers Hospitals
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SCMU3-2425-0490-HO Catering Services PA and Settlers Hospitals 11 12 2024
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Specification for Catering Services PA and Settlers Hospitals
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SenUI 20H | ‘Province of the EASTERN CAPE HEALTH MeaLTa ouSTRICT ‘SEBERHA. HD BREFNG | JANUARY 2025 SREANG TIME DECRPTION ‘ArroMt MENT OF SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR THE PROVISION OF CATERING SERVICES AT OF HEALTH FORA PERIOD OF 86 HONTHS ON ARATE BASIS AS AND WHEN REQUIRED. [BID RESPONSe DOCUNENTS HAY BE DEPOSITED INTHE BIO GOERERHA BOX SITUATESAT TIDDING PROCEDURE ENQUIRIES HAY BE DIRECTED Sto TwaneDechelh Stet. Towaneecheaehgovize POSTAL ADDRESS [EMA ADDRESS‘SUPPLE L naa Fontaeconos | Oe DN Srecoose | oO ‘evics ISERIES |p YES ANSWER THE QUESTONNARE Gruso | Yesenctose moon Genco | SESS [QUESTIONNAIRE TO BIODING FOREIGN SUPPLIERS: IS THEENTITY RESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA (SA? Os DN (DOES THEENTITY HAVE ASRANCH INTHE RSA? Ov ON [DOES THE ENTITY HAVE A PERMANENT ESTABLISHMENT INTHE RSA Cvs Oxo DOES THE ENTITY HAVE ANY SOURCE OF INCOME IN THE RSA vs Oxo Is THEENTITY UABLEIN THE RSA FOR ANY FORME OF TAXATION? Cis No Ie THE ANSWER IS "NO" TO ALL OF THE ABOVE THEN IT 1s NOT A REQUIREMENT To REGIETER FOR A TAX.COMPLIANCE STATUS STEN PIN CODE FROM Tre SOUTH APRICAW REVENUE SERVICE GARS) AN‘TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR B1DOINC 12. ALL mDs MUST BE SURMITTED ON THE OFFICIAL FORMS PROVIDED (NOT TO BE RETYPED) ORIN 1a, TH Wo SUBIECT TO THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK ACT, 200 AND THE PREFERENTIAL [PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS, THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (OCC) AND, APPICABLE ANY OTHER |THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER WILL BE REQUIRED TO FILL IN AND SIGN A WRITTEN CONTRACT FORM (aon. 2 FRAME we ONAN OF SATE TO ENEY THECTOOAVERS PROFLE AND TACSTATE nN nS TO 2 ARUCATIN FOR TAK COMFUANCE STATS TE) PN HAY BADE VA RING THOUGH THE SARS WERITE 25 NIBIDS WHERE CONSORTIA JOINT VENTURES SUS CONTRACTORS ARE INVOLVED: EACH PARTY MUST SUBPAT A 26 WHERE NO TCS PINS AVALABLE BUT THE BODER REGISTERED ON THE CENTRAL SUPPLIER DATABASE (CSD) A {SD NUMER UST BE PROVIDED OF tme Tare NB, FAILURE To PROVIDE / OR COHRLY WITH ANY OF THIE ADVE PARTICULARS HAY [RENDER THE BID INVALID. (Proof ofaubory mat be tide compress)PATA IRVFATION TO 80 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Invasion to Bi (880 1) Docament contest sheat ant Condtons of Bid FEZ Condtion of Contract and Operations Requirements Se et dn eee ere See Face at rane 88 2 ogrmmions ‘The ful of iepeaton ant dies lms conned ne Gana Canons of Contact {6c} sat py esinvatin ts ules he carol gute terse Inaaton he lawn terme ued thisinvtatn bid eal inlessindeatedthenee Nave ‘he meanings assgnede such tnsin ha adobe coon ‘means he Easton Cape Depart of Hest acing for andon bana he Easlam Cape Prownca Goverment Invtation to bid _ mean ve natn abe compan “te cover pope and he lab acon’ and ditions Pa 2" when dette the Condoone of Contact and Operational © Part nie dls Ie Tess of etree relating to te Tecnsogy Sevens Pont whh coianalthe equte biome acetates: Asreatth GCC canara’ Conatoneo Conta Services means te sevens deinas onthe coe page ofthis nviaton fo bi and Reterence[BACKGROUND ANO INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS. Retro Pa $f ths vaio bi fe backroud and oduct lomation eng the Sarvens St etn bd OFFER AND SPECIAL CONOTTIONS 2 Wihoutdasctng tom the gener of clause 22 tlow, ders must subrat 9 comple an ‘ane ivan oi orm (S80 1} and requ bi ons tached as Pat) wih tat De idee atthe cre nol ofthe spec evaons ‘ahsreresued, 25. Tels requirement thatthe bidder must atach proot of registration with (CSD) Centra ‘Supplier Database. ‘adequate ope for bade lo proves he requested etal, he ide sav sacha area {oiush frm coat on whieh he equsied dels shoul be povided ad the be hous ‘loro such snare nbs arm or atest rode 25, Training Programe ‘The tds must submit a comprehensive and dete ning proreme whi rscibed puis {cert ig atgorne 2 Ussoteaupmene 5. Persona mut Be ina on tow o pepe, seve ad cook 3 pate! oad in orp rvccoment sou ohne ancora ‘he success tldr ig oquted o render an un ntrontd sere: th plano dt th aton Stem and eects outages 1 baton eaupment NOLAMBE and MAKHANDA QAKANA) Mansy Bet Peat Ray sca ep perane a onpery a) wh eas of alone hen 29° Ponsty Claas lb montores ty consoles wre the applied dea cool as par the eepe ofa240 Nhe pc red bya endear cag th highest pos ol mace ele, he Deparment may no ona the conc othe tenderer Tne Depron » » Nagle a matt oldie wh be dre cringe ahs pie crcl th Nite onerr des ot eo oa raat pce, hedepanet wit negotiate amare ates [ce ih he encore Seong the satan igs pont cache ent No: The appointed service provider willbe expected to conduct assessment of slab of premises 1 maicpaity within the fst tr month aftr the contrat commences. The cericate ‘oF acceptability of premises must be submitted (bsued by Distit/ Metro Municipal). tesa requirement that 100% of management, supervisory. and oporatina tf wil be trom the Service provder and have employment correcta. The suceatsta fender wil be expected to provide pros! tlie affect and tne sates there rust be» standard monthly reporting Hom, Aer tener ane ened slush ve stuched Noho nwa apd ‘CLOSING TIME OF B1DS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO SUBMISSION OF 8108 1. Tho cost treo he roca of sin response eth nvaon ois dete an he cove Fae thinned 2 Albis must mo submite na sel envelope bean he bis numbed Section ant cing 3. Albis must eccinod befor the cosig time and date spud stove and must be peta ‘posted te td box ain adress Sts on In covr pope ots mvt 34. normale Yama fr cesng is 2 minimum of 21 day ater he dato pubscaon {oimer pny aproch. In ths oar, ber must ral the bai on whieh oy ha exauiees Sg a nt av ny ens ang wean 1 such ngs ma oa Be 5.1 A Comguison meeting wilde held reapet of his tan fo bi. The ets ofthe comoutone ‘aing meting ies cton he cover page of he man Princ 51 The bier mut subtle rogaring the il ric fr te Sarvs onthe Ping Schedule {ori atatned as Ba. = Schedule wich cored farms mos be subi ogee ih Inet docmonts ie roquiramen for thi i hat the ld price be frm forthe contact ‘ace adjustment wil ot be slowed se per Coneuner Pace Index (CP) forthe ona prod The adjustment ofthe minmam wage wilbedetrmaneaby te Deporinen ot Employnent and Labour for complance wih secon delerminsson 182 Pricing mst be stipulated INCLUSIVE OF VALUE ADDED TAX. ces nse {tar pong by engteng asses lhe Png Schecle fom Pan B= Schedule ©‘he bidder shad subi a diy signed decaraon of interest (SBD 4) togeer withthe bid. The iron ofioeatie sand 96 Par = Sted ‘QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS. daar mus sub dts information incuding cote copes of certiiatstgeta wih tae blo the exprence the eleven! ade ogee wen poset conacl (deserpon of contrat, ‘ontractparid, contact parson and taophare nmoereincuting cal armors. ees da Soule be sited opener wih stat on he Som stached seat @SeheduaE.Wno dtl are Included nthe bi, would be acceped thal the bidder doesnt have experience PARTNERSHIPS AND LEGAL ENTITIES 1 he case of hater ning 2 parnorp, cose corporain of 9 company al cartoae (CK ‘heures eng he names deity mutes ad asaess elie pats ners Fees (os fhe caver be) mt besbmanes the bss dette sale sated on ef eased Sante Schedue 81 srecogizos hat bids may wish form censor to rove he Sais. 92 Abd in rooponse 16th invaton to bd by 8 consedum shall comply wih the flowing 921. shade signed sao be eat ng ana contorium members 1822 Oneotthe members shall be nominatosy he others as uhorzad beth od mabe an 923. Thelead amber stall be he ny aubricdpety ote ag statements, communicate with {he ECDOM and rca inetucions Yor and on Behalf any at Bt the embers ot The 824 Aconyofte agreement ented ito he cansoium meters shalte smite wah be bid ‘The bidder shou sunt cee ination ofthe enfeagedauherzed ogansatenst pclae [Hocadan ctor on steve avery ofthe routed Sere the elerant aitone wth Ihe bi. The oats shoul be submited onto ctoched 8 Bat S= Seneue DETAILS OF THE PROSPECTIVE SIODERS NEAREST OFFICE TO THE LOCATION OF THE {he ler soul provi a eta egaring he iss rear! fe foe astns a whi the Seivens we lobe proses eae Pat ete maton bd eee Gata sou be pronded co Me formatioched oe Pans Saheale| wich capiete rm, mustoe subrogee he Sa. Bar mus provide ul tats ropasing stance parca an sang, which pra shout submits together wi he dante frm aad a Pan: Senesue') ne such deals ae ‘mite, woul be aso Ta tha badersatngood srg wih hier tandal saison. ot ‘et arn om feuds Prana neon hele carta he Pettence Pots Claim Fsms i ts of Petre Procurement ‘autora be conte and igedby hu beste oa spose snd med ee oa44 vauorry (24 documentation sumac ne Dicer wile vad an open for accplance fr peed! 120 ays The Eastin Cage Depart of Heath (ECDOH) dos olin seo acep her he owes ay ier anaes gh cep a ba wh doe ota nba let te Sata ‘leh the Ease Cape Department Heath (ECON) nase ob of mos partons Bnd nat ‘mpi win bye bd. 16 NORGHTS ORCLAMS 1.1 Recah af he tonto oo et ona any it on any pay need ofthe Sarno In vepect of agen he Eastam Cape Deparment of Heath (COOH) The Eanem Cape Depart o Heath (ECOOH) reves he rhs tole len, winareby race atepatn nthe bi proces oro accep ject ar reepane ths vation obi on nce {o'he bears wou abt ory pry. Accocing, pares have M0 hs. expressed or Ipc th espe o any ofthe Sercos os esto tar parton n te is process 182 Esse Cape Department of Heath (ECDOM), nov any of tha respecte ects, oer, feloyece agen. reprsarinives ov abuso wl arse ary stipes fr any csi ‘igen ccd by any party arsosaed wih ny spp’ adr rwerbgtonreaing {hs invaion i bie suteaguen sobmssion fs ban response ots nation Bi Foweoover care by bern comecon wih ose ot fh i process. 17.4 Th inant bands cores ate mado evalalo on codon tha they are uted ie intrmaten pea to the, von fo tid and ts contents hal be regard fests an ‘duagad ons: know ues wie aproval othe £CDOM 172 Inte ever hat thebieris appoints pursuant hs nvaten oid suc bide may be suo, 10 secu eran ilo eanancement fhe Ses [ACCURACY OF INFORWATION Deparment oftieth -CDOH) rer sy other especve areca, aavacrs, acs, empoyoes, ‘gers repredenaties make any rpesetaton a warnty ge By ondary express of raed, & asap any reporcbity or iabiy whotsowwer, ae Yo te oman Soceacy ot onpleones cf te ntrmaton coined im te mln foo ary ober wren oe ‘Srmaton made aetabiem snnechon wth habe and noting inane wee sa ‘ched yp ara pie er epovoton wter 20th pastor te ie 182 Thisinuaon be may nat conta al the inant maybe egured io vaunte# posse ‘rae oto ion lo the extent Yates enate to fepond Wo at 181 alan er nape oer, empyes andar epee tn eg ay Serea 2 182 Ingeneal ne tention a bdr iam Sston 41) ofthe Compeliion et 808 (AN {3901 806 he Compotton Ae ha poh elusive cg. ‘espenae eh ston ey ray man, tay se encouraged deca ter poston ath ‘hacompetsonauherbes befor Submiting esponee 194 Any conesansencs o proces of ny kind bowen iddrs and the competion autores must Bedecumotog nth respoeosto Ps manta, 201 Without imation any ete igh of ECOOH (ahah other reseed in i iattion {bdo under, ECDOM exes taser the go 1202 Roques cleat on any aspect fa esponse this invaton obi ecoved om tebe Such equets aa the tespnaes to bela wang 20.3 Amand the bing proses, incing te ets, toe dle and ay chr dae at oe 204 Reject atresponses submited by bers ancio embark cn anew be proces. {205 Checkin bidder nave in fle econaicdavlopen of th agian (employmest of {ho strom NOLAMBE and MAKHANDA (WAKANA) Local manpaies Wo ele! one 36) DECLARATION OF BIODER'S PAST SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 211 ‘Thebidler ast supply han management rates re incten SDA REQUIREMENTS 221 Pes partomance of he hidr wb consisted in he eatson of he i 222. Fnandal standing of he bio wil be coniored ok ena and irs ae aqutedm submdocurrity po! to coment rani stay ne fom 222s Austed ancl statment inte caee of Compan sndin the ate of Close ‘Coopelten CC wit a goodtgueliyrate (ood coadeoata be above 10) na diy of hands later of oo {3 rox 3 mens bank stemert ofthe enly wah poslve balonce fr the service be 225 FamPanS senedue mus be compas secrdngy, EVALUATION CRITERIA . THE 4050 PREFERENCE POINT SYSTEM AS PRESCRIBED IN THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK ACT AND ITS REGULATIONS. SHALL BE {Seb ron ins ConiRAct. Lion (0) POINTS WILL BE ALLOCATED FOR PRICE, AND TWENTY (ao) powmns Fon srecinic COALS T's Stage 1 Adina compan /ore-qalifation Sage 2: Manat eqarements 2 Sage 3: Fontonaly 1 Sige Pee ant Spec Gost Th ages fre etal belowEVALUATION CRITERIA The tid io ovate in terms of Regulation 4) of the Preferential Procurement Reguaton 8020 Pratrence Pots ie appa war tne wes de ibe Staal 60 Pate pce. A ‘anne 20 po wile aware fr spectc gos Tho folowing flomula wi be uso a ck poi xt Dope renee! nee spots soe for camara peo be ote under consideration t=Cemparatve peo bor fer unde cansieaten Pron = comparative on flowed secabie i oo, ‘The flog ale must be usd lo act the soe out 20 pins for Specie Goals Man Vt © Locally akan Netambe Lf Siete rota, 00% 0 2) A tndoror must submit prot fs Specte Goals 1) tender fang 0 surat root spec Goal may nol be cused bt may ely Score ‘ants ot of 80 price, anders 0 pois out of 2" Speoi Gel. © TheSpecte Gone tapping socuente eqaed ley claimed psy ne wih he ‘Seco equtennts nase + IPO Gacateeecing ownership pecentapecontling nest andO copies of Sharer must be cae wih signal ers wan 3 ce em sing da of brat) 1+ Medal Contcate Docs maccal rep (mpament shoud be sustaining long em ora ecurg stu) ‘+ Aayol ne felamig opts rove locally. amey Municip accounts, ase fearon wit'2 monte pref oes payments, eter foe our pron ot + eertom Oeparmont of itary Veterans confming sts232 The depstment may, before a bid sajuated o t any tne, require a bier to ‘sbaantate cm thor made with esas to pferene. 23.3 Theta pnts sored wi rounded of to the nenet 2 aia 234 Inthe ent that or more ie have sed eal fot pois the contract wil De ‘marde tothe wader cog he ies umber of preference pons fo pedi eas 235 ___ However, when funcional i a of eauaton process and voor more es have “cored equ’ prt ncn eal preference pars Yor spect gas, tha convo wl be {ware ote der cng he ges ncn 236 sould moor moe tds be eal nal respects, the award salle decided by drawing ‘tt ‘score the highest umber of points. 7 Stage 1 & 2: Administrative Compliance/ Pre-qalifcation evaluation & Mandatory reattrements 24.1 ECDOM tas fied minum re-quaiaton ctr that must be mat by the Bern nde fo: EcbOm te accepts dor evan. In ths regaed ape qatestion veto wll Became out by EcDOM ned to detrane whter 3 bel capes ths regard 242. where te Bede’ il ato comely uly wth any of he pre uation cera or [ECDOM fran easonunatio vty whether the pre-qualfieaton tela are fly comped at, ECBOM wnthave te igo ear 24.21. reject the i in question and net to evaate tal; 24.22 gue the Bidder an opotunty to submit andor supplement the information sadjor Srcunertaton prod by tuner its Bel 0 25 to ache fl compance wh the re ‘iaatonetra,prowded that such nfermaten eno decantation can be proud win 3 pers of 7 (arr das such alternate pared as ECDOM may determine, of ¥en fequestd by ECtOH ands edmsratve Pte 2 opposed forming 2 mate pat ‘he bdaars bes 2423. any event pert the tid tobe eve, subect to the eusandng Iformation adr ‘ecumertaon bang Subrted pi tote award fe Be “The following criteria shall apply: rata forms (SBD 4) must be sgnd. (i frms ar ot fly completed 2 ir "maybe ven 7 days to corgi the ems - When the becer nal age 25.2, tkders mast be algal ety ce prtesip(cnsrta/jone ventures are aceptable ‘subject to Paragaph 11 of Part of the Be Dire). 25.3. et ofrgetraton wth the Cerraine Soper Oatabse (CSO) and ich proof ‘egataton wth te‘Regia Cte naa nation t9 84 (S801) completes and grad [era Scheu S80 3.1), Dedraton fret (S80 4) [ rte Pts Cain (S80 6.) ‘Submision of Carpany Pofe and Techical rool wih CVs rd erates of ta erbers whe pp “| iv agreonert (apsieabie) stace2 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS [MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS ves ‘Sub vad eal of Ocsupanal iis ard Diaakes Ack {COIDA) wih he bd st over slago as prestbed by he Depart a abou i atest tegiored of err ete om Deparent ofabour CODA vat Ihe sence bier By Sewn Proaer of sauang tie torte Naambe ee Makanda Local Saunpaties. Hew empayecs ninet specaly = 10% Local Empleyman an se Savlepment Progreso femal ater suring compas) | Prot oid pry Hai cove eater of ato take es arty kit cove (nsurance fr employers wah Pe compar) ‘Rach ein cern te Rar oe Bucher whee | Ivete to ba src ad ere, 1 eat wl be sen tm alc the Food eceptabityae Repatotion Ces Ato ma be athe. (ed) "Note: Fllure to Comply with any ofthe Mandatory Requirements sted below wil validate the Bi, ‘coMMENT REFERENCE TOTHE | ‘ro SUBMISSION ed Reepabiy Cafe Fam wheter, venebles and Ahi prot ibe sores Vaid Gonene of Aecepinbity for appropriately eesti |Requirement TED aS company | 26 stage: Functionality Evaluation 261A pins scored by quaking bides wil at be taken into canseraton for price ‘ett. “The felonng evlatin Funny Seong Matix ts appleabl. Prospective bees re Feqired fo cbse 3 rnin tweshad of 40 pots to rose fo te nest sage of pce ‘Sesto. Any ters) who donot eet the Fequred ves wl be Qsquaiied ard nt ‘sie ay tres. Previous experiance in catering Services ‘provided In. South ines in Experience oF See Pe ‘ow 2 yea = 7 Syous oor year eases | hospitality or relevant ad ts =e epee ears a spares avd qulieaton of Food Serer Sopervser in the. fond sence unt| ‘snc ete head. Sample of one (1) or 2) (OV pis cent. reference Iter fon 9 ge. sale ‘aterng congany for the tea miner ood see Bet requredin the Selo ne (1) 1 9002) ev plus “Gualfaton in Fesptatey & expenence ospeatty snd alent reference eter‘ranciat capacity [as ian) Sn Gavy Fem REGO © WOH | To aioe tives mone 1S ooo i0 tar statement, pots wl From —R10000m ond | be aleated scr 0 jaa | Prd | tow: ‘youre bank bles) 2 on Pra of Leer of gurantee Leer of usane fom a | frome anstnsttaon, t frardalnstuon, A | mut be writen a td trun be writer 9b | rumbert beatae the | number = 18 “thie pont, | TOTAL so 090) Minimum qualifying point sore 40 (80%) 2. ‘Abidder that scores ess than 40 points cut of 50 points with respect to functionality ‘wil be regarded as submiting anon responsive bd and wll be daquelfies. ‘Only bers that obtain 0 points and above wll qually for further evaluation in, ‘terms of price and Specific goats evaluaton. ‘lpoins scored by qualifying bidders wil nt be taken Into consderation fr price ‘tuaton. stage 4: Price ar Preference Evaluation Responsive is whch comoly with the 18 tye functnalty vation wil be evaluated ‘nthe 20 preference port sytem tenets Preeti! raciromer ley Fremewart A, 200 (Ato 200) and Raut 6 te recrement Raqustons. The 80 pits wl be slocate fr pice end 20 postr staining the Spee goa ‘ha od wit be evaluated le trms ofthe 8020-part Stam as pute nthe Peerentat Prcremane Repuston, 222,50 pons wi te aloestd fr price Sd 20 pt or ang the Specie ge. counter-ofters ‘ha Baers stanton is dawn to the fet that cour offers regarding any of the ‘ovementaned Specal Condos wl vat Suh bdCont {TWE CONTRACT FOR THE SUPPLY OF THE REQUIRED SERVICE IN TERMS OF THIS INVITATION TO BIO SHALL COME INTO BEING ON THE OATE OF SGUE OF THE LETTER HEALTH (€COOH) AND SHALL CONTINUE M FORGE FOR A PERIOD OF 36. MONTHS. ‘TWe BIDDER IS FURTHER OBLIGED FOR THE FUTURE SUPPORT WHILE THE CONTRACT ivrorce. The pie sale trator parado 12 months, en ater yeah pre aise wit be Sesedazaang 6 CP 25 ‘Thott stptte the basis of agusment ornare. Request oe crease mut be suppor by he documentary pat substan the clam for oe adamant Payrt of ay consiterain in as ofthe conc sal ol cre aecontance of any ‘olcive or non cooing Seren orn relaveconas of sy ee Sgatane ‘othe oor that the ECOOH depss to carocnes, nate, xt ot clan of any fas {expenses payaso conrat in ems of he caret ECOOM hal be ene 0 wis amen of ch dlsputed amour ui uch te Such dpe reaohed The ECDOW's operational requirements, The crac shane provision of th requires ‘rvoe. have sue fog tothe operational fumes te ECDOM end ter pares ‘ceupying or parsing tom he sant ne nd Os an nat Not 6, pnt {Ste don, onythng whi may nega inpaten such pres eprtnal egoremere ‘Problem ientcston and reporting. The coneair shat be proacive in epring any ‘aterwich «nay become anare st which may tgaeon he sere conta 9 operant ‘the ECDOM serve tune, sine an oes Wax racing ome Jeers ‘ino aoa som he ECOOH and the aponig ECOOH Tectia Suppo Manage, fa elms of eset wich may occ tthe flevart Fase wich inva. consort ‘cosperate uy wit the ECOOH ants appted Tecnica Supe Manager in anaying a ‘entpning ston nls or acter ther Sonice Providers The caneacracnawleges tha i maybe vege o pride the Seracee mconuncon wi hid party twee powers and showers reuetad By fe ECDON co pert ly wih Suc persone Regulations and statutes ‘The contrac shal nthe provision te Saves obese ana rol wide lovanl eve of i appeal egabon an rapdaone Complence with procedores lis rcoreanet ring tb curenay fhe canal ibe ECOOH may inpenene preceawes an Falses at te vlovant hetiton The cnr sal campy hl wih any Sh eeea7 Fa a9 troeasues and polces, indung the pai lo werk pocedies and health and eaety ‘Tho conc ha ent tha ait geasnnl sha ata ines con fly th any sey, Ine emergency and seen rocedues sr poses appeabe a he erat neon ‘haute ECOOM at any ine blew tat any member of conc persone fing erly wih ony uc procedure pales, the CEDOM shal be ene a ery such pean tember access othe velevanprmses an egure conrad fe epace such person Wiad aay Contractor's procedures The center sal, pon ea! writen aquest tom he ECOOH fr spponted Teams! Support Manager Prove ne ECDOH wih copes of contractors operating ocd and proceses ing Provision of Services in clean and ty manner. 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