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Page 2

aortne Desitun

Tpnf bookj
( 't) M a tltr'rre desiq,n A. t- Norytol
(iil'D.rv1 .c ' -N.F g?oT'rs
_-__U- - v, 0 0Uarj! W
(-y_ nql.__D_esr'ftaa
*# M/r DQ.srarr.
N. C Pandua
j N,,\d c'9 Shav:"


Jo tNrg

_TgJylpoR4gIJq!ryg AMer.{eNT fgtNT

Keqeo cHATreR 5cR6t/oBD Bo LTeD

r JOrN I- ---roI'ITl-
The*eo4 ,tb**b no.d-r@-- -Riv&td trlr-tad
otrti*k in eaU. ptoA". Toink '
L4lTFfts TJUTr Jo t N T.ffl*qte s.sJ-
l-ro*n st''ah B'Ji
?:dk I'ihl:
R.L.J R.L.f o,*I r,,Ste
L ,J'R.,
SrNi€ Doullt
R.6 J R'6.J R.6J R.6.y
Page 3

n,a) {+om shaft fu Eull?,

lua.d al d

AhDlfcof,on ofu Rlvor .t'orrvr< :

Rtv 6rs sP€q Ftu*TtoN

t2) r*Fe otrL

-rfrwl: head [tesr
. Riosf h ole is

t t 'l
:- i--l
, il
* ?

SrNoLf RluETF, Ll.P JotntT


gn -lhe desiy ol *he tf vej rfuej or- shalk fu'a sho4d

Page 4
bt id<en irnlo consr'd etai'q
{n *roe decr)gn ,& p' al eL , h ol e dtla ' ( d D

ShquM ba dt4&s'whw

{p,t ol r ivet

Double Ri,^f Lab Jortb

@&ne rnI4ltrrd 4,1{r belwenn W VttU

st adiaurnf, rivq,k'

.h-6 FftS&(L, -Dis4-qm.n brpn 44jqcpA,f rq-wr 't Ayrt * edj au6t
tl Page 5
lrla* *ln (n) Drstqmrc
t W bneto U,\a- rcmut %*
@{f the cr4144 %1.t ri@g+,rivtt irbs
4ouvf- Wttr line a!,e plauA h ash-qttw,1+
is kn"otrcn-g4lqr-.lfu, tly!&-. ' ^o]y_qPp.-ir,

Ziq -Zo,a, Nv?ff


W rr,
^J--;1 lY
t' 12-

d- \'I-

5f {ar rfrcI( h e4jqc r.^r ttr" dr%y*_ ellriru
W Ptqredt,

-=LkI"!t4) '
-DW a,@yjqd_w*r"t qacat ri,&
i'lr +,'a
WTL funre

Y1 --{ x 6+z=S b, = ?olt

Page 6

\ BrE^1uu^t a* alo
l( Aivl A. L. C H OUD HARY55 1 Q)5,rvl A I L. C C rvi 09 7842 36 9 81

ddraryAe qurrlbeL ak r,r"tt)-

' dn crgg il-clu n t8 ut^g,l +o ,ffi

nurn WL oY roucE o* Yivtls
itch , n ts noU eqnl rc numUez ak vottt

I -Oqq,&$lq riv^el jora[*-ralqq -$ n +q4, -


n;--lJz J3-it: Lo

. ln we ofi @-rLurntut
u,lo;b,L+** ok 'rirefu ]a-Etqh luqtu,k
Q1L/r,.1 to oil. Y;' riq ,r*ll*,-^, -^ ,,
9*u-- qvv ,n{te riv@+ql'nI
llq - qv,AAtv+te
ltq riudjq'rt. \=-4,.
o do,{ble';,41e1 joi"r t, n i 2
Tensila rla'ltr,te ocuJ, /
+,hal wld+h' af
I blrfo -) P
- 3dr.,, C ft'1 r) f.A. riuvf
cxrrti,"s f,ar Lrus Oqu/A
( Page 7

Qthgq ot rL N vtfri l, inr_

Cr'r- p- rlq. g{L RiwI_Ld)

A mrn

uqr^luL&glula _

(\ib $vW oitt;,ren - -

f*a < lfzr
r) - P/N-- < -Ff sr

l)JhPAn /
N= To+al ho. sk ri"efr h' e-a}, plote ,
rr = No .% ,irlet pex P,tch l*ny.
l(: t ) Sivto/t sheo,t, (.'o. (aprlowrfs,sin2lle stral butiorht)
Page 8 .

=L ) Drculle shem(Ouqhte gha,lll- bur*iorot)

.&drG vdjd 0r1

l{ At!.I A L. C H O Lj D ! AR Y :r 5 1,1!i' ii r''',',r i,.1 t. C C i,t 09 7842 3598 1

UJhue, Nn + Nl (ftvefs n eactt rour .

= ( p-dn) +(q
tdhr,r,u urid&4 thc Plote ?r, trnkloq'ra.r
ol, tfu nv ,"d--ior'tt ba bftd'L leruqtlv 0.( sfue,n*at
I0rnr -

-dsld -
Ir4 nn I- e.,
p. B-P* f

It + s elP*
l ----il
Psou'd = oY(q)p* Q-rr, F*taCq)y Page 9

-4sirt*a jomF

Ns ak rlvete.d loirtt -
------v rs noh ]W:L M,W:
)YeA(ncA oL

Fe+-ialtr t's nnt Sssi



ra--x re'
Px+-x4q1 pen-

M"a. ; -Pr x19p-

, K$ dz ryex

d. qt Cq)
Page 10
nade-F* a},ovy- e$rutioru -
.Fsgvnlh'wu 3
. Md*enal Js sqme'
. Dio . is some'
, uoaa r: oqtutt d.d!iat&j,

_? _{r.St'LbuhJ When #e tfne ok at&q,__OLload--

-is Wtu c*rLpuq fu_ay*,
o cLuA.
(U Uut ol, atto-n ont, * W
Wfumrona *e c.q_ok#@
en -to
t00d fu afqrne/
gu"t r'eol,Fled t"oad rt q@
*ylvt [l
r-6---=',- ail tlrr"

QD ett<cf 0t svexs unWo*'an j!,_l4qltafu dae +" gtd noLur_

neo,l uled .

(u; bwfiw
_,ffi"F-' stunx det,e)rBd r-rri's li i@
++.,n vr'_:s rs r

q5ll Rit,<Is cornPetelff fis n,/tt hole afiu v'v-efi',*q

fl'U .

(v i; Double 9heog, q\(0 is , q4umed q{. l.Bts #ma lhe sk ile

sheqx aryeq.

(iir Itt'ctiud-&rer derc{ oP.d c*tls@



pi+c} rr y{_rrirrrl: Assume perrnis (ct)f ,G); ,Qq)r*

I2o qPa,loo tolpe , ls(2 ,npr Dutsrrmrhle +h.
]*p. fllouril
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