Application for Certificate of Marital Status
Application for Certificate of Marital Status
Application for Certificate of Marital Status
You are now ready to submit your application. If you need to make some changes you
can chose "Edit" on the right side of the summary. When you are ready you must print
out and sign the summary with the Declaration of truth and upload the signed
Full name:
Gulbert Junior Yiepdjouo Tchotcheu
Another country
What nationality?
I have a dual nationality
CPR number (Only if you have access to your E-boks account)
Personal ID: ?
Date of birth:
Email: (Email adresses for Part 1, 2 and 3 must not be identical)
[email protected]
Country code: (mobile number)
Mobile number:
Kindly attach color photos or copies in color of all pages in your passport: ?
passeport New.pdf
The internet
Have you met in person?
How did you meet Part 2? Please elaborate this question with where and when you met
We start to talk in a facebook gay group, and after we changed our phones numbers
and we went in Whatsapp, and he flighed from Germany to meet me in Lithuania, and i
came also from lithuania to Germany to be with him.
When did you meet the first time?
in march 2024
How and how often have you had contact? Please inform us on how you are in contact
We live together since september 2024, but before that we have many times in
contact, he came to Lithuania and i go to German y
Where and for what periods have you lived together? (We need information on the
days you have lived together, not including holidays and visits)
we live together in Cologne, Germany, since on 06th september 2024. I can't attach a
certificate of residence because consider of the Law, we need to be marriage first
before i declare my residence in the municipality.
Full name:
Torsten Khelifi
Country within the EU/EØS incl. Switzerland
I have
CPR number
a dual
Personal ID: (Only
? if you have access to your E-boks account)
Date of birth:
Email: (Email adresses for Part 1, 2 and 3 must not be identical)
[email protected]
Country code: (mobile number)
Mobile number:
Kindly attach color photos or copies in color of both sides of your ID card: ?
ID Torsten .pdf
Additional documentation
Select files
Declaration of truth
If one of you does not have a Danish citizenship, a citizenship in one of the other
Nordic countries or a residence permit according to §§ 9i-9n of the Immigration Act
and if the other part has such a citizenship in Denmark or such a residence permit
you cannot marry unless you have declared that you are aware of the provisions of
section§9 (1), No 1 and (2-14) and (30) of the Immigration Act. However this does
not apply when the person who lives in Denmark is either an EU citizen with a
residence permit according to the Aliens Act §6 cf. §2 (4) of the Immigration Act or is
a Swiss citizen with a residence permit according to section 6 cf.2 (5) of the
Immigration Act.
If you are covered by the above – you must sign the 11B declaration.
Select files
Print and sign the summary with the Declaration of truth and upload it.
I declare that the information I have provided is correct and that I am aware that it is
a crime to provide incorrect information according to the section 163 of the Criminal
The Criminal Act §163: According to the section 163 of the Criminal Act, a person who
gives false information may be liable for a fine or punished by 4 months imprisonment.
In addition I declare that I have read the pamphlet: “Når I skal giftes – Husk
Select files
Answer only 3 questions via the following link: Link to survey (https://