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Record Layout

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<Title of the Project >

1.1 Introduction
<Add one page contents about the Business of the project>

<Example: Library management system is a project which aims in developing a computerized system
to maintain all the daily work of library .This project has many features which are generally not
available in normal library management systems like facility of user login and a facility of teachers
login .It also has a facility of admin login through which the admin can monitor the whole system .It
also has facility of an online notice board where teachers can student can put up information about
workshops or seminars being held in our colleges or nearby colleges and librarian after proper
verification from the concerned institution organizing the seminar can add it to the notice board . It
has also a facility where student after logging in their accounts can see list of books issued and its
issue date and return date and also the students can request the librarian to add new books by filling
the book request form. The librarian after logging into his account ie admin account can generate
various reports such as student report , issue report, teacher report and book report.

1.2 Problem Statement

(Explain the problem statement)
For the system to work, the unit that administrates the system i.e. manager of library management
system this unit responsible of running and administering the system all over sections. The problem
occurred before having computerized system includes:

 File lost

When computerized system is not implemented file is always lost because of human Environment.
Sometimes due to some human error there may be a loss of records.

 Difficult to search record

When there is no computerized system there is always a difficulty in searching of records if the
records are large in number.

1.3 Scope and Relevance of the project.

<Explain the scope and relevance of the project>

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<Title of the Project >

1.4 Objectives
 Improvement in control and performance.
The system is developed to cope up with the current issues and problems of library. The system can
add user, validate user and is also bug free.

 Save cost
After computerized system is implemented less human force will be required to maintain the library
thus reducing the overall cost.

 Option of online Notice board

Librarian will be able to provide a detailed description of workshops going in the college as well as
in nearby colleges.

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2.1 Introduction
Software Engineering is the analysis, design, construction, verification and management of technical or
social entities. To engineer software accurately, a software engineering process must be defined.
System analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by the system and their
relationship within and module of the system. It is a structured method for solving the problems related
to the development of a new system. The detailed investigation of the present system is the focal point
of system analysis. This phase involves the study of the parent system and the identification of system
objectives. Information has to be collected from all people who are affected by or who use the system.
During analysis, data are collected on the variable files, decision points and transactions handled by the
present system. The main aim of the system is to provide efficient and user-friendly automation. So,
the system analysis process should be performed with extreme precision so that an accurate picture of
the existing system, its disadvantages, and the requirements of the new system can be obtained. System
analysis involves gathering the necessary information and using the structured tool for analysis. This
includes the studying existing system and its drawback, designing a new system, and conducting a
cost-benefit analysis. System analysis is a problem-solving activity that requires intensive
communication between the system users and system developers. The system is studied to the minute
detail and analyzed. The system is viewed as a whole and the inputs to the system are identified. The
outputs from the organization are traced through various phases of processing of inputs.

2.2 Existing system

<Add the contents about Existing system (1 Page)>
2.2.1 Limitations of Existing System
The problem occurred before having computerized system includes:
 When computerized system is not implemented file is always lost because of human

environment. Sometimes due to some human error there may be a loss of records.

 File damaged when a computerized system is not there file is always lost due to some accident

like spilling of water by some member on file accidentally. Besides some natural disaster like

floods or fires may also damage the files.

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 When there is no computerized system there is always a difficulty in searching of records if the

records are large in number.

 After the number of records become large the space for physical storage of file and

records also increases if no computerized system is implemented.

2.2 Proposed System

<Explain with two paragraph contents about the prosed system>

2.2.1 Advantages of Proposed System

To solve the inconveniences as mentioned in the existing system, an Online Library is proposed.
The proposed system contains the following features:
 The students will register them through Online
 Individually each member will have his account through which he can access the
information he needs.
 Book details like authors, number of copies totally maintained by library, present
available number of books, reference books, non-reference books etc. all this information can be made
 Regarding the members designation, number of books was issued.
 Issue dates and returns of each member is maintained separately and fine charged
if there is any delay in returning the book.
 Administrator can add, update the books.
 Time consuming is low, gives accurate results, reliability can be improved with
the help of security

2.3 Feasibility Study

A feasibility study assesses the operational, technical and economic merits of the proposed project. The
feasibility study is intended to be a preliminary review of the facts to see if it is worthy of proceeding
to the analysis phase. From the systems analyst perspective, the feasibility analysis is the primary tool
for recommending whether to proceed to the next phase or to discontinue the project.

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The feasibility study is a management-oriented activity. The objective of a feasibility study is to find
out if an information system project can be done and to suggest possible alternative solutions.

Projects are initiated for two broad reasons:

 Problems that lend themselves to systems solutions

 Opportunities for improving through:
a) Upgrading systems
b) Altering systems

(c) Installing new systems

A feasibility study should provide management with enough information to decide:

Whether the project can be done?

• Whether the final product will benefit its intended users and organization

• What are the alternatives among which a solution will be chosen

• Is there a preferred alternative

• How beneficial or practical the development of an information system would be to an


And for the System to be act as worth-while it should passed through some test that examine that it
should proceed further or not. This series of test is commonly known as feasibility study on the
system and it plays a very vital role for every system projects. Feasibility studies undergo four major
analyses to predict the system to be success and they are as follows:-

1. Operational Feasibility
2. Technical Feasibility
3. Economic Feasibility

2.3.1 Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the problems, and takes
advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definition and how it satisfies the requirements
identified in the requirements analysis phase of system development .Operational feasibility reviews

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the willingness of the organization to support the proposed system. This is probably the most difficult
of the feasibilities to gauge. In order to determine this feasibility, it is important to understand the
management commitment to the proposed project. If the request was initiated by management, it is
likely that there is management support and the system will be accepted and used. However, it is also
important that the employee base will be accepting of the change. The operational feasibility is the
one that will be used effectively after it has been developed. If users have difficulty with a new
system, it will not produce the expected benefits. It measures the viability of a system in terms of the
PIECES framework. The PIECES framework can help in identifying operational problems to be
solved, and their urgency:

Performance -- Does current mode of operation provide adequate throughput and response time?

In comparison of the earlier process of maintaining data in the written mode on that contrast this
system plays a very important role in maintain the book management system and makes the process of
data entering so easier and user friendly.

Information -- Does current mode provide end users and managers with timely, pertinent, accurate
and usefully formatted information?

System provides end users and managers with timely, pertinent, accurate and usefully formatted
information. Since all the user related information is being stored in the database against a unique user
ID, it will provide for meaningful and accurate data to the librarian. The information handling in the
current system is done manually. This results in scribbling of data and loss of validity of data.
The information handling in the proposed system will be computerized and will automatically update.
The human errors will be minimal. The data can be easily updated, modified when required and will
be validated before the data is processed into the system.

Economy -- Does current mode of operation provide cost-effective information services to the
business? Could there be a reduction in costs and/or an increase in benefits?

Determines whether the system offers adequate service level and capacity to reduce the cost of the
business or increase the profit of the business. The deployment of the proposed system, manual work
will be reduced and will be replaced by an IT savvy approach. Moreover, it has also been shown in
the economic feasibility report that the recommended solution is definitely going to benefit the

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organization economically in the long run.

In the existing system the data are stored in ledgers and filingcabinets which require a lot of space and
maintenance. Access to certain data can be restricted by creating different levels of user accessibility.

Control -- Does current mode of operation offer effective controls to protect against fraud and to
guarantee accuracy and security of data and information?
- As its database does not contain any confidential information which can be misused so on
that contrast there should no use of any security corner for this system.
Efficiency -- Does current mode of operation makes maximum use of available resources,
including people, time, and flow of forms?
]Efficiency work is to ensure a proper workflow structure to store patient data; we can ensure the
proper utilization of all the resources. It determines whether the system make maximum use of
available resources including time, people, flow of forms, minimum processing delay. In the
current system a lot of time is wasted on paper work like making new records, updating records.
The proposed system will be a lot efficient in maintaining the record and easily fetching out the
required data.
Services -- Does current mode of operation provide reliable service? Is it flexible and expandable?
The system is desirable and reliable services to those who need it and also whether the system is
flexible and expandable or not. The proposed system is very much flexible for better efficiency and
performance of the organization. The existing system can provide service only to a limited number
of users. There is very little room for change and hardly any scope for expansion. The scalability of
the proposed system will be inexhaustible as the storage capacity of the system can be increased as
per requirement. This will provide a strong base for expansion. The new system will provide a high
level of flexibility

2.3.2 Technical Feasibility

A large part of determining resources has to do with assessing technical feasibility. It considers the
technical requirements of the proposed project. The technical requirements are then compared to the
technical capability of the organization.
The systems project is considered technically feasible if the internal technical capability is sufficient
to support the project requirements.
The analyst must find out whether current technical resources can be upgraded or added to in a

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manner that fulfils the request under consideration. This is where the expertise of system analysts is
beneficial, since using their own experience and their contact with vendors they will be able to answer
the question of technical feasibility.
The essential questions that help in testing the operational feasibility of a system include the
• Is the project feasible within the limits of current technology?
• Does the technology exist at all?
• Is it available within given resource constraints?
• Is it a practical proposition?
• Manpower- programmers, testers & debuggers
• Software and hardware
• Are the current technical resources sufficient for the new system?
• Can they be upgraded to provide to provide the level of technology necessary for the new system?
• Do we possess the necessary technical expertise, and is the schedule reasonable?
• Can the technology be easily applied to current problems?
• Does the technology have the capacity to handle the solution?
• Do we currently possess the necessary technology?
Automated library system deals with the modern technology system that needs the well efficient
technical system to run this project. All the resource constrains must be in the favour of the better
influence of the system. Keeping all this facts in mind we had selected the favourable hardware and
software utilities to make it more feasible.
Recommending the Hardware Part:-

Sl no. Hardware used Specification

1. Monitor LCD !5” screen (HP)

2. Keyboard Intex Wired

3. Mouse Intex Wired

4. Hard drive 40GB(gigabyte) hard drive

5. Bar Code Reader Iball

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6. Ram 512 MB(mega byte)

7. Processor Pentium 3,665MHZ(mega hertz)

8. Graphics: On board graphics card,8MB(Megabyte of
9. System type 1GHZ(gigahertz)32-bit(x86)

Recommended Software:-
The Following software is used for the development of the System:-
1. Sublime Text Editor
2. MY Sql
3. Apache [WAAMP]
2.3.3 Economic Feasibility
Economic analysis could also be referred to as cost/benefit analysis. It is the most frequently used
method for evaluating the effectiveness of a new system. In economic analysis the procedure is to
determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a candidate system and compare them with
costs. If benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is made to design and implement the system. An
entrepreneur must accurately weigh the cost versus benefits before taking an action.
Possible questions raised in economic analysis are:
 Is the system cost effective?
 Do benefits outweigh costs?
 The cost of doing full system study
 The cost of business employee time
 Estimated cost of hardware
 Estimated cost of software/software development
 Is the project possible, given the resource constraints?
 What are the savings that will result from the system?
 Cost of employees' time for study
 Cost of packaged software/software development
 Selection among alternative financing arrangements (rent/lease/purchase)

The concerned business must be able to see the value of the investment it is pondering before

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committing to an entire system study. If short-term costs are not overshadowed by long-term gains or
produce no immediate reduction in operating costs, then the system is not economically feasible, and
the project should not proceed any further. If the expected benefits equal or exceed costs, the system
can be judged to be economically feasible. Economic analysis is used for evaluating the effectiveness
of the Proposed System. The economical feasibility will review the expected costs to see if they are
in-line with the projected budget or if the project has an acceptable return on investment. At this point,
the projected costs will only be a rough estimate. The exact costs are not required to determine
economic feasibility. It is only required to determine if it is feasible that the project costs will fall
within the target budget or return on investment. A rough estimate of the project schedule is required
to determine if it would be feasible to complete the systems project within a required timeframe. The
required timeframe would need to be set by the organization.

2.4 Software Engineering Paradigm

Software development paradigm is also known as software engineering, all the engineering concepts
pertaining to developments software applied. It consists of the following parts as Requirement
Gathering, Software design, Programming, etc. The software design paradigm is a part of software

<<<< Requirement Gathering>>>

Investigation Techniques

Only making the project is not only the task it requires removing the errors and making the project
more efficient and flexible. After throwing the project to the market the information about the updation
is only be retrieved by following some investigation technique.

Basically there are Four techniques by which information can be gathered they are as follows:-

• Observation

• Interview

• Document Analysis

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• Questionnaire

<Add some questions >

Out of these four techniques, we had chosen the technique of interview and questionnaire for the
development of our project. Since this all activity has its own features of finding the development facts
but we have selected the technique i.e. Interview and Questionnaire that favors the economical and
projects scheduled time. Following are reasons with advantage for selecting these techniques.

We had selected Interview and questionnaire as an investigation technique because it has more
advantage over other techniques. Some of them are follows:-

Disadvantages of Observation Method

1.The most limiting factor in the use of observation method is the inability to observe such things such
as attitudes, motivations, customers/consumers state of mind, their buying motives and their images.

2. It also takes time for the investigator to wait for a particular action to take place.

3. Personal and intimate activities, such as watching television late at night, are more easily discussed
with questionnaires than they are observed.

4. Cost is the final disadvantage of observation method. Under most circumstances, observational data
are more expensive to obtain than other survey data. The observer has to wait doing nothing, between
events to be observed. The unproductive time is an increased cost.

<<Can add the contents like object oriented programming in programming paradigm >>

<<Explain Methodology (Water fall model/ Agile Model)

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3.1 Introduction
A system architecture or systems architecture is the conceptual model that defines the structure,
behavior, and more views of a system. An architecture description is a formal description and
representation of a system, organized in a way that supports reasoning about the structures of the
system, System architecture can comprise system components, the externally visible properties of
those components, the relationships (e.g. the behavior) between them. It can provide a plan from
which products can be procured, and systems developed, that will work together to implement the
overall system. There have been efforts to formalize languages to describe system architecture;
collectively these are called architecture description languages (ADLs). The system architecture can
best be thought of as a set of representations of an existing (or to be created) system. It is used to
convey the informational content of the elements comprising a system, the relationships among
those elements, and the rules governing those relationships. The architectural components and set of
relationships between these components that architecture describes may consist of hardware,
software, documentation, facilities, manual procedures, or roles played by organizations or people.
The system architecture is primarily concerned with the internal interfaces among the system's
components or subsystems, and the interface between the system and its external environment,
especially the user. The structural design reduces complexity, facilitates change, and result in easier
implementation by encouraging parallel development of different parts of the system. The
procedural design transforms structural elements of program architecture into a procedural
description of software components. The architectural design considers architecture as the most
important functional requirement. The system is based on the three-tier architecture. The first level
is the user interface (presentation logic), which displays controls, receives, and validates user input.
The second level is the business layer (business logic) where the application-specific logic takes
place. The third level is the data layer where the application information is stored in files or
databases. It contains logic about retrieving and updating data. The important feature about the
three-tier design is that information only travels from one level to an adjacent level.

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3.2 Database Design

A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve many users quickly
and efficiently. The general objective is to make information access easy, quick, inexpensive and flexible
for the users. The general theme behind a database is to integrate all information. Database design is
recognized as a standard of management information system and is available virtually for every computer

In database design several specific objectives are considered:

 Ease of learning and use

 Controlled redundancy
 Data independence
 More information at low cost
 Accuracy and integrity

A database is an integrated collection of data and provides centralized access to the data. Usually, the
centralized data managing the software is called RDBMS. The main significant difference between RDBMS
and other DBMS is the separation of data as seen by the program and data has in direct access to stores
device. This is the difference between logical and physical data.

3.2.1 Entity Relational Model

ER model stands for an Entity-Relationship model. It is a high-level data model. This model is used
to define the data elements and relationship for a specified system. It develops a conceptual design
for the database. It also develops a very simple and easy to design view of data. In ER modelling,
the database structure is portrayed as a diagram called an entity relationship diagram. An entity–
relationship model (or ER model) describes interrelated things of interest in a specific domain of
knowledge. A basic ER model is composed of entity types and specifies relationships that can exist
between entities. In software engineering, an ER model is commonly formed to represent things a
business needs to remember in order to perform business processes. Consequently, the ER model
becomes an abstract data model, that defines a data or information structure which can be
implemented in a database, typically a relational database.

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<Sample ER Diagram>

Fig 3.1 Sample ER Diagram

3.2.2 Table Structure

Table is a collection of complete details about a particular subject. These data are saved in rows
and Columns. Hence, rows are called RECORDS and Columns of each row are called FIELDS.
Data is stored in tables, which is available in the backend.

The items and data, which are entered in the input, form id directly stored in this table using
linking of database. We can link more than one table to input forms. We can collect the
detailsfrom the different tables to display on the output.

There are 11 tables in our project. They are,

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 tblAdminLogin
 tblBook

Table No:1
Table Name: tbl_admin_login
Description: This table is used to store the login details of admin user
Primary Key: login_id
Foreign Key: Nil

<Table 3.1: tbl_admin_login>

SI. No Field Name Data Type Description

Used as key column and it is an auto
1 Admin_id Int increment column
This field for storing username like
2 Admin_username Varchar (20)
email or simple string.
It is the field for storing special
3 Admin_password Varchar (10) character or string or number as
password of admin

Table No:2
Table Name: tbl_Book
Description: It is the master table with book details
Primary Key: login_id
Foreign Key: Subjectid

<Table 3.2: tbl_Book >

SI. No Field Name Data Type Description

Used as key column and it is an auto
1 Bookid Int
increment column
This is the attribute representing the book
2 BookCode Varchar (10)
isbn code(6 to 10 characters occurred)
This field is generating relation between
3 Subjectid Int subject master table and book master table

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3.3 Object – Oriented Design

 Use Case Diagram

Fig 3:1 Use Case Daigram

 Activity Diagram of existing system


Fig 3.2 Activity Diagram

 Activity Diagram of proposed system


Fig 3.3 Activity Diagram

 Class Diagram
 Sequence Diagram

Fig 3:4 Sequence Diagram

 Component Diagram
 Deployment Diagram

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3.4 Modular Design

Any software comprises of many systems which contains several sub-systems and those sub-systems
further contains their sub-systems. So, designing a complete system in one go comprising of each and
every required functionality is a hectic work and the process can have many errors because of its vast

Thus in order to solve this problem the developing team breakdown the complete software into
various modules. A module is defined as the unique and addressable components of the software
which can be solved and modified independently without disturbing ( or affecting in very small
amount ) other modules of the software. Thus every software design should follow modularity.

The process of breaking down a software into multiple independent modules where each module is
developed separately is called Modularization. Effective modular design can be achieved if the
partitioned modules are separately solvable, modifiable as well as compilable. Here separate
compilable modules means that after making changes in a module there is no need of recompiling the
whole software system.

3.4.1 Structure Design

3.4.2 Modules Description

<Explain Detail each modules with sub modules>

3.5 Input Design

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Explain the methods used in input design. (HTML Tags or GUI Controls, CSS Implementation,
Method used for responsiveness)

3.6 Output Design

Add contents about the method’s used in output, can add screenshots of reports


4.1 Introduction

For a program running on a single computer, the system environment might include any other
programs running on the computer, the operating system, all the computer's configuration settings,
and the computer's physical characteristics.

<Add More Contents>

4.2 Software Requirements Specification

<Explain each software with one paragraph (200 Words))

Visual Studio Code

Net Beans

Glass Fish Server

WAMP Server

4.3 Hardware Requirements

Operating System Windows / Linux

Hard Disk 120MB

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4.4 Tools, Platforms

4.4.1 Frond End Tools

<Explain each Frond End Tool with one paragraph (150 Words))

Java Script

4.4.1 Back End Tools

<Explain each Back End with one paragraph (150 Words))

Node Js
4.4.2 Database

<Explain each Back End with one paragraph (150 Words))



MS SQL Server

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5.1 Introduction

Add the contents about the implementation of proposed system

5.2 Coding

5.2.1 Coding Standard

<Can add the coding standard like naming convention of variables, controls and functions. >

5.2.2 Sample Code

Add the screenshot of codes of Database connection, Connection string, Business Logic (Back End

Code should be clear and aligned.

5.2.3 Code validation and Optimization

Software/Code validation is often considered to be overwhelming for some organizations. With all the
requirements and guidance specified in the standards and regulations, it appears to be a monumental
task. However, it is not as complex as some may think. This tangled web can be simplified so that it is
more easily understood and not just meet regulatory requirements but serve as a useful business tool
as well. While very few software systems are developed in- house anymore, many of the systems used

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are configurable to meet your business needs. The regulations state, that these configured systems
must be validated for their intended use. Depending on the risk and complexity of the software,
different levels of validation rigor should be performed.

Optimization is a program transformation technique, which tries to improve the code by making it
consume fewer resources (i.e. CPU, Memory) and deliver high speed. In optimization, high-level
general programming constructs are replaced by very efficient low- level programming codes. A code
optimizing process must follow the three rules given below:

• The output code must not, in any way, change the meaning of the program.

• Optimization should increase the speed of the program and if possible, the program should
demand a smaller number of resources.

• Optimization should itself be fast and should not delay the overall compiling process.

5.3 Debugging

In software engineering, debugging is the process of fixing a bug in the software. In other words, it
refers to identifying, analyzing, and removing errors. This activity begins after the software fails to
execute properly and concludes by solving the problem and successfully testing the software. It is
considered to be an extremely complex and tedious task because errors need to be resolved at all
stages of debugging.

Debugging Process: Steps involved in debugging are:

 Problem identification and report preparation.

 Assigning the report to the software engineer to the defect to verify that it is genuine.
 Defect Analysis using modeling, documentation, finding and testing candidate flaws, etc.
 Defect Resolution by making required changes to the system.
 Validation of corrections.

5.4 Unit Testing

In computer programming, unit testing is a method by which individual units of source code, sets
of one or more computer program modules together with associated control data, usage
procedures, and operating procedures are tested to determine if they are fit for use. In this testing,

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we test each module individually and integrated the overall system. Unit testing focuses
verification efforts on the smaller unit of software design in the module. This is also known as
module testing. The modules of the system are tested separately. The testing is carried out during
the programming stage itself. In this testing step each module is found to work satisfactorily as
regards the expected output from the module. There are some validation checks for verifying the
data input given by the user which both the formal and validity of the entered. It is very easy to
find errors debug the system.

5.4.2 Test Cases

Pass/ Fail
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result
For entering username &
Login screen Contains two
Run the application and password together with a
fields for entering user name &
navigate to login screen. login button is available. Pass
password and login button
should be present.

Enter a valid username &

password and press the Shop owner must successfully Login successful and
login button. login to the Shop owner navigate to Shop
dashboard. Owner dashboard.

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6.2 Introduction

<Add contents>

6.2 Steps of Planning

 Define project objectives. ...

 Break the project into a list of deliverables and milestone. ...
 Define tasks for each deliverable and milestone. ...
 Estimate the time and resources needed for completion. ...
 Identify risks. ...
 Identify stakeholders and obtain their input. ...
 Identify requirements.

6.3 Grant Chart

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7.1 Introduction
Software cost estimation is the process of predicting the effort required to develop a software
<Add more contents>

7.2 Function Point Estimation

Function points measure the size of an application system based on the functional view of the system.
The size is determined by counting the number of inputs, outputs, queries, internal files and external
files in the system and adjusting that total for the functional complexity of the system.

<Add the contents based the project>

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8.1 Introduction
The objective of system testing is to ensure that all individual programs are working as expected,
that the programs link together to meet the requirements specified and to ensure that the computer
system and the associated clerical and other procedures work together. The initial phase of system
testing is the responsibility of the analyst who determines what conditions are to be tested,
generates test data, produced a schedule of expected results, runs the tests, and compares the
computer-produced results with the expected results. The analyst may also be involved in
procedures testing. When the analyst is satisfied that the system is working properly, he hands it
over to the users for testing. The importance of system testing by the user must be stressed.
Ultimately it is the user must verify the system and give the go-ahead. During testing, the system is
used experimentally to ensure that the software does not fail, i.e., that it will run according to its
specifications and in the way, users expect it to. Special test data is input for processing (test plan)
and the results are examined to locate unexpected results. A limited number of users may also be
allowed to use the system so analysts can see whether they try to use it in unexpected ways. It is
preferable to find these surprises before the organization implements the system and depends on it.
In many organizations, testing is performed by persons other than those who write the original

8.2 Integration Testing

Integration testing (sometimes called integration and testing, abbreviated I&T) is the phase in
software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group.
Software components may be integrated in an iterative way or together ("big bang"). Normally the
former is considered a better practice since it allows interface issues to be located more quickly and
fixed. Data can be lost across an interface; one module can have an adverse effort on the other sub-
functions when combined by, may not produce the desired major functions. Integrated testing is the
systematic testing for constructing the uncover errors within the interface. This testing was done
with sample data. The developed system has run success full for this sample data. The need for an
integrated test is to find the overall system performance. Integration testing is a logical extension of

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<Title of the Project >

unit testing. In its simplest form, two units that have already been tested are combined into a
component and the interface between them is tested. A component, in this sense, refers to an
integrated aggregate of more than one unit. Integration testing identifies problems that occur when
units are combined. By using a test plan that requires you to test each unit and ensure the viability
of each before combining units, you know that any errors discovered when combining units are
likely related to the interface between units.

8.3 System Testing

8.3. 1 Test Plan & Test Cases
A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether a system
under test satisfies requirements or works correctly. The process of developing test cases can also
help find problems in the requirements or design on an application.

A test plan is a detailed document that describes the test strategy, objectives, schedule, estimation,
deliverables, and resources required to perform testing for a software product. TestPlan helps us
determine the effort needed to validate the quality of the application under test.The test plan serves
as a blueprint to conduct software testing activities as a defined process, which is minutely
monitored and controlled by the test manager.
Table 8.1:test plan

Test Level Project External

Team Party
Unit Testing T
Integration Testing T
Validation Testing T T
System Testing T T

Santhisoft Technologies, R&D Sing of Santhigiri College Vazhithala 26


Function Description % Test % Test passed

Login Open the application 100% 97%
Login Open the application 100% 97%
Login Enter valid username and 100% 97%
Login Enter valid username and 100% 97%


Pass/ Fail
Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result
For entering
Login screen Contains two
Run the application username & password
fields for entering user name &
and navigate to login together with a login Pass
password and login button
screen. button is available.
should be present.

Enter a valid
username & Shop owner must successfully Login successful and
password and press login to the Shop owner navigate to Shop
the login button. dashboard. Owner dashboard.
Enter a valid
An asterisk(*) is
username & invalid A message should be displayed
displayed if no Pass
password and press that invalid password.
password is
the login button.
Enter a valid user
A message has been
name and leave An asterisk(*) should be
stating that invalid Pass
password field and displayed that please fill out
username & password.
press login button. this field.


9.1. Introduction

Software Maintenance is the process of modifying a software product after it has been delivered to the
customer. The main purpose of software maintenance is to modify and update software applications
after delivery to correct faults and to improve performance.

Need for Maintenance Software Maintenance must be performed in order to:

 Correct faults.

 Improve the design.

 Implement enhancements.

 Accommodate programs so that different hardware, software, system

features, and telecommunications facilities can be used.

 Migrate legacy software.

 Retire software.

9.2 Maintenance

The definition of software maintenance can be given by describing four activities that are
undertaken after the program is released for use. The first maintenance activity occurs since it
is unreasonable to assume that software testing will uncover all errors in a large software system.
The process of including the diagnosis and correction of one or more errors is called corrective
maintenance. The second activity that contributes to a definition of maintenance occurs since
rapid change is encountered in every aspect of computing. Therefore, adaptive maintenance
modifies to properly interface with a changing environment. The third activity involves
recommendations for new capabilities, modification to the exiting function, and general
enhancement when the software is used. To satisfy requests, prefecture maintenance is
performed. The fourth maintenance activity occurs when software is changed to improve future
maintainability or reliability. This is called preventive maintenance.
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10.1 Introduction

10.2 Operating System-Level Security

10.3 Database Level Security

10.4 System Level Security

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11.1 Introduction

11.2 Merits of the System

11.3 Limitations of the System

11.4 Future Enhancement of the System

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Sample Codes

Document Glossary

List of Figures

List of Tables

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement......................................................................................................1
1.3 Scope and Relevance of the project............................................................................1
1.4 Objectives.....................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 2. SYSTEM ANALYSIS.........................................................................................3
2.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................3
2.2 Proposed System..........................................................................................................4
2.2.1 Advantages of Proposed System.........................................................................4
2.3 Feasibility Study..........................................................................................................4
2.3.1 Operational Feasibility........................................................................................5
2.3.2 Technical Feasibility..................................................................................................7
2.3.3 Economic Feasibility..................................................................................................9
2.4 Software Engineering Paradigm..............................................................................10
CHAPTER 3. SYSTEM DESIGN............................................................................................12
3.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................12
3.2 Database Design........................................................................................................13
3.2.1 Entity Relational Model....................................................................................13
3.2.2 Table Structure..................................................................................................14
3.3 Object – Oriented Design................................................................................................16
3.4 Modular Design...............................................................................................................18

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3.4.1 Structure Design.......................................................................................................19

3.4.2 Modules Description.................................................................................................19
3.5 Input Design....................................................................................................................19
3.6 Output Design..................................................................................................................19
CHAPTER 4. SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT............................................................................20
4.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................20
4.2 Software Requirements Specification......................................................................20
4.3 Hardware Requirements...........................................................................................20
4.4 Tools, Platforms.........................................................................................................20
4.4.1 Frond End Tools.......................................................................................................20
4.4.1 Back End Tools..................................................................................................21
4.4.2 Database.............................................................................................................21
CHAPTER 5: SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION.....................................................................22
5.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................22
5.2 Coding..............................................................................................................................22
5.2.1 Coding Standard......................................................................................................22
5.2.2 Sample Code.............................................................................................................22
5.2.3 Code validation and Optimization..........................................................................22
5.3 Debugging........................................................................................................................23
5.4 Unit Testing.....................................................................................................................23
5.4.2 Test Cases.....................................................................................................................24
CHAPTER 6: SYSTEM PLANNING......................................................................................25
6.2 Introduction.....................................................................................................................25
6.2 Steps of Planning.............................................................................................................25
6.3 Grant Chart.....................................................................................................................25
CHAPTER 7. SYSTEM COST ESTIMATION......................................................................26
7.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................26
7.2 Function Point Estimation..............................................................................................26
CHAPTER 8: SYSTEM TESTING.........................................................................................27
8.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................27
8.2 Integration Testing..........................................................................................................27
8.3 System Testing.................................................................................................................28
8.3. 1 Test Plan & Test Cases...........................................................................................28
CHAPTER 9: SYSTEM MAINTENANCE..............................................................................2

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9.1. Introduction......................................................................................................................2
9.2 Maintenance......................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 10: SYSTEM SECURITY......................................................................................3
10.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................3
10.2 Operating System-Level Security...................................................................................3
10.3 Database Level Security..................................................................................................3
10.4 System Level Security.....................................................................................................3
11.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................4
11.2 Merits of the System........................................................................................................4
11.3 Limitations of the System...............................................................................................4
11.4 Future Enhancement of the System...............................................................................4

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