To cite this article: Ming-Kuan Tsai, Jyh-Bin Yang & Nie-Jia Yau (2013) Developing computer-based schedule delay
analysis methods based on information flow analysis: a case study, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 19:6,
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2013 Volume 19(6): 823–835
Abstract. Schedule analysts often resolve diverse schedule delay problems in construction projects based on their subjective
experiences. Although various process-based and mathematical-model schedule delay analysis methods are available for
effective schedule delay analysis, these methods require time-consuming manual operation. The use of computer-based
schedule delay analysis methods seems to be a solution. However, schedule analysts still have difficulty developing
computer-based schedule delay analysis methods. Therefore, this study applies information flow analysis to classify the
necessary work to develop computer-based schedule delay analysis methods. In contrast to numerous studies that focus
only on computerizing a process-based or a mathematical-model schedule delay analysis method, this study constructs a
computer-based method that integrates two process-based schedule delay analysis methods simultaneously. In a tested case
study, the delay liability for the project owner and contractor was classified successfully. Importantly, this study provides a
useful reference for similar applications in project management.
Keywords: analytical techniques; claims management; construction dispute; schedule delay; programming technique;
project management software.
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Tsai, M.-K.; Yang, J.-B.; Yau, N.-J. 2013. Developing computer-based
schedule delay analysis methods based on information flow analysis: a case study, Journal of Civil Engineering and
Management 19(6): 823–835. http://dx.doi.org/10.3846/13923730.2013.801901
Based on comparison of the three methods, computer- obtain analysis results efficiently and correctly
based schedule delay analysis methods are the most when preparing necessary delay information. For
effective. Such methods can assist schedule analysts instance, Hegazy and Zhang (2005) attempted to
in simplifying time-consuming manual operations. More- simplify redundant manual calculation by com-
over, various process-based and mathematical-model puterizing the daily windows analysis method
schedule delay analysis methods generally vary in upon the Microsoft Excel®. While analyzing
assumptions, schedule documents, and execution pro- concurrent delays, Mbabazi et al. (2005) imple-
cesses. It is nearly impossible for schedule analysts to mented the modified but-for method upon the
perform multiple process-based or mathematical-model Microsoft Project®. Yang and Tsai (2011) auto-
schedule delay analysis methods simultaneously. In con- mated the ICBF method upon the Microsoft
trast, through computer-based schedule delay analysis
Excel, enabling schedule analysts to evaluate
methods, schedule analysts can obtain comprehensive
project delays conveniently;
analysis results for further claim preparation or alternative
– Simple operation procedure. With easy-to-use
delay analysis.
programs and efficient collection of required
However, this study still recognizes two problems
when schedule analysts apply computer-based schedule data, schedule analysts can focus on the analytical
Downloaded by [Swinburne University of Technology] at 10:46 08 January 2015
delay analysis methods. Therefore, this study focuses on results. Among the evaluated methods, office
the procedure of implementing computer-based schedule programs were commonly used, such as Abudayyeh
delay analysis methods based on information flow ana- (1997), Hegazy and Zhang (2005), Mbabazi et al.
lysis. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. (2005), and Yang and Tsai (2011). Some methods
Section 1 reviews studies of computer-based schedule provide adequately designed user interfaces to
delay analysis methods. Section 2 identifies the study interact with schedule analysts. For instance, Iyer
problems. For these problems, Section 3 proposes an et al. (2008) developed an expert system based on
approach. Based on the approach, Section 4 develops a the Microsoft Visual Basic® to resolve time delay
computer-based schedule delay method. Section 5 tests disputes. Through this expert system, schedule
the method in a case study. Section 6 discusses several analysts can evaluate the worth of their claims;
issues regarding the testing results. Conclusions are drawn – Rich analytical results. Among the tools adopted
in the final section, along with recommendations for in previous studies, the Microsoft Office®
future research. program-based methods applied Bar Chart/Gantt
Chart to illustrate analysis results. Moreover,
1. Literature review analysis results could be represented using tex-
tual, numerical, and graphical information. For
While integrating computer-based project management instance, Bubbers and Christian (1992) developed
and schedule delay analysis, some commercial software a hypertext claim analysis system to enable
vendors have proposed various solutions, such as the schedule analysts to access relevant information.
Claim Digger® embedded in the Oracle Primavera P6®
Abdul-Malak et al. (2002) constructed a decision-
(Oracle Corp 2011). Some commercial programs focus
support system based on the Microsoft Visual
merely on schedule delay analysis, such as the Schedule
Analyzer Professional® (Lucas 2002). Moreover, accom-
panying the rapid growth of process-based and mathem-
atical-model schedule delay analysis methods, various 2. Study problems
researchers also proposed academic programs, since
available commercial programs may still offer insufficient Based on the literature review, this study recognizes two
assistance, such as the results provided without transpar- problems when schedule analysts perform computer-based
ent analytical procedures. schedule delay analysis methods:
By investigating the correlative studies, for – Developing computer-based schedule delay ana-
example, Bubbers and Christian (1992), Abudayyeh lysis methods is difficult. Depending on the
(1997), Abdul-Malak et al. (2002), Hegazy and Zhang characteristics of the schedule delay cases, sched-
(2005), Mbabazi et al. (2005), Iyer et al. (2008), and ule analysts may select various schedule delay
Yang and Tsai (2011), this study identifies three analysis methods to obtain beneficial analysis
major features for computer-based schedule delay results, since no one schedule delay analysis
analysis methods: method is perfect (Bubshait, Cunningham 1998).
– Automatic schedule delay analysis. During sched- For example, Alkass et al. (1996) used different
ule delay analysis, schedule analysts neither com- process-based schedule delay analysis methods to
pare enormous schedule information through analyze the same schedule delay case, and
process-based methods nor deal with complex received different analysis results. To resolve
mathematical-model methods. In contrast, even such a problem, schedule analysts would attempt
though schedule analysts do not understand to apply various computer-based schedule delay
the philosophy of the evaluated methods (e.g. analysis methods in the same program. However,
theoretical frameworks and algorithms), they can commercial computer-based schedule delay
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2013, 19(6): 823–835 825
analysis methods, for example, the Microsoft eleven elements. Arditi and Pattanakitchamroon
Project (Microsoft Corp 2011a), Oracle Claim (2006) thought that a suitable schedule delay
Digger (Oracle Corp 2011), and Schedule Analy- analysis method depended on four criteria. Yang
zer Professional (2002), provide black-box analyt- and Kao (2009) identified that general delay
ical results instead of schedule delay analysis analysis processes contained five phases.
algorithms. Numerous computer-based schedule Based on these suggestions, schedule analysts may
delay analysis methods, for example, Abdul- comprehend the philosophy of the adopted process-based
Malak et al. (2002), Hegazy and Zhang (2005), and mathematical-model schedule delay analysis methods.
Mbabazi et al. (2005), Iyer et al. (2008), and Yang However, schedule analysts still have difficulty imple-
and Tsai (2011), merely computerize either a menting these methods, since they may not know how to
process-based or a mathematical-model schedule program the philosophy via what kind of tools. In
delay analysis method. Therefore, integrating contrast, if schedule analysts do not have specific skills
various computer-based schedule delay analysis regarding information technology, they could develop
methods into a program for schedule analysts is computer-based schedule delay analysis methods when
they have available references.
difficult. Moreover, based on the intellectual
For the two recognized problems, this study proposes
Downloaded by [Swinburne University of Technology] at 10:46 08 January 2015
Researchers Suggestions
Bordoli and Baldwin (1998) (1) Preparing as-planned network and classifying delays; (2) Identifying first relevant event;
(3) Identifying progress at delay date; (4) Updating the network; (5) Simulating the first relevant
event; (6) Considering mitigating action; (7) Subsequent relevant events; (8) Considering the effect
of omissions; (9) Conclusion; and (10) The results.
Kartam (1999) (1) Maintaining effective documents; (2) Analyzing project documents; (3) Analyzing the original
schedule; (4) Analyzing project resources utilization; (5) Developing as-built schedule;
(6) Identifying delay disruption periods; (7) Analyzing impact of specific issues; (8) Identifying
concurrent delays; (9) Applying the contemporaneous period analysis technique; (10) Analyzing the
claim; (11) Summarizing various analyses; and (12) Conducting effective meetings.
Shi et al. (2001) (1) Computing activity variations between as-planned and as-built schedules; (2) Computing activity
variations based on causes; (3) Computing activity contributions to project delay; and (4) Cause
Arditi and (1) Availability of information; (2) Time of analysis; (3) Capabilities of the methodology;
Pattanakitchamroon (2006) and (4) Time and funds available for analysis.
Mohan and (1) Using CPM; (2) Distributing the total float; (3) Starting with the first delay; (4) Considering
Al-Gahtani (2006) concurrent delays; (5) Identifying the type of delay and the corresponding responsibility;
(6) Identifying various events; (7) Determining the cost slope; (8) Recording one-day delay events;
(9) Updating project schedule; (10) Proceeding one delay-day at a time until the end of the project;
and (11) Tabulating the analysis results.
Yang and Kao (2009) (1) Preparing all required documents; (2) Identifying impacted delay events; (3) Adopting the
available and reliable delay analysis methodology; (4) Clarifying the schedule impact; and
(5) Summarizing all analysis results.
826 M.-K. Tsai et al. Developing computer-based schedule delay analysis methods…
methods. This flow consists of information processes, developed tools, computer-based schedule delay analysis
information components, and information coding. methods could apply either the “Open” rule or the
When schedule analysts perform computer-based “Execute” rule to access and import schedule documents.
schedule delay analysis methods, two information pro- During the delay analysis, computer-based schedule delay
cesses occur. One information process is data preparation, analysis methods would combine the “For-Next” rule, the
since schedule analysts import delay data into the “If-Then” rule, and various mathematical functions to
methods. Depending on the requirement of the adopted achieve the algorithms of the adopted schedule delay
process-based and mathematical-model schedule delay analysis methods. Moreover, specifying some variants and
analysis methods, the data preparation involves collecting subroutines not only increase the performance of the data
and organizing various schedule documents, for example, calculation, but also simplify the maintenance of the
as-planned and as-built schedules. The other information constructed methods in future. The “Save-As” rule or the
process is delay analysis. Through this process, the “Save” rule could store the analysis results into a report.
methods export analysis results for the schedule analysts. In sum, based on the information flow analysis,
For the delay analysis, systematic process-based and during the development of computer-based schedule delay
mathematical-model schedule delay analysis methods analysis methods, schedule analysts should prepare sched-
facilitate the implementation of computer-based schedule ule documents, and construct information components
Downloaded by [Swinburne University of Technology] at 10:46 08 January 2015
delay analysis methods. The adopted methods should through information coding.
involve several advantages, such as dynamic schedule
delay analysis methods, identification of concurrent
delays, consistency for computation, and consideration 4. Developing computer-based schedule delay analysis
of the feasibility of computerization. methods
Figure 1 also shows that at least four major informa- 4.1. Development tools
tion components are necessary for the data analysis,
including analysis scenario (e.g. a baseline for schedule This study evaluated several development tools when
delay), activity-scenario relationship (e.g. analytical sta- developing computer-based schedule delay analysis meth-
tus), delay liability (e.g. excusable or non-excusable ods during information coding. Based on five indicators in
delay), and analysis results (e.g. the delay proportion for Table 2, that is, price, embedded schedule delay analysis
project participants). Since the four information compo- methods, exporting Bar Chart/Gantt Chart, exporting
nents are dependent, the results of any information reports, and redesigning operation interfaces, this study
component would influence other information compo- selected the Microsoft Project® version 2007 (Microsoft
nents. For example, based on various analysis scenarios, Corp 2011a). The programming language is the Microsoft
since the activity-scenario relationship changes, the delay “Visual Basic for Applications” (VBA®) (Microsoft Corp
liability is estimated. The final analysis results would 2011b). In comparison with other development tools, the
summarize the delay liability from every scenario. Microsoft Project and VBA offers useful assistance,
Information coding is the basis of implementing including embedded logistical rules and mathematical
the information components. This study describes the functions, direct Macro recording, on-line tutorial docu-
generic principles as shown in Figure 1. Based on using ments, and real-time debugging description.
Information flow Information processes Information components Information coding
As-planned schedule
Fig. 1. Information flow between schedule analysts and computer-based schedule delay analysis methods
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2013, 19(6): 823–835 827
Microsoft Oracle
Visual Studio Excel Project Primavera P6
Programming language VB, VC + +, or VC# VBA VBA —
Price $549 $139.99 $599.95 $2500
Embedded schedule No No CPM Claim digger
delay analysis methods
Exporting bar chart/gantt Manual Manual Automatic Automatic
Exporting reports Manual Manual Automatic Automatic
Redesigning operation Yes No No No
Downloaded by [Swinburne University of Technology] at 10:46 08 January 2015
Despite their lack of proficiency in the Microsoft schedules that represented the identified delay events were
VBA, schedule analysts still can complete the information additional documents. Moreover, the delay events should
coding by revising the recorded Macro codes. Schedule be clearly attributed to excusable-non-compensable (EN),
analysts saved much time on designing the user interfaces excusable-compensable (EC), and non-excusable (NE)
because the Microsoft Project is the most adopted project delays. The above schedule documents and identification
management program (Fox, Spence 1998). Finally, sched- required several manual processes, including the compu-
ule analysts receive textual, numerical, or graphical terization of paper-based schedule data and classification
analysis results when performing the information pro- of recognized delays. Successfully converting and import-
cesses. To reach the best effectiveness of project manage- ing schedule documents into computer-based schedule
ment, schedule analysts could also integrate the developed delay analysis methods are the basis of data analysis, since
computer-based schedule delay analysis methods with the the collected schedule documents may be stored in
existing projects in the Microsoft Project. different file formats (e.g. text, the Microsoft Word®,
Excel, or Project files). The first part of Table 3 lists the
example programming codes of Microsoft Project for
4.2. Importing information into computer-based automatic data import.
schedule delay analysis programs
During the data preparation, schedule analysts must 4.3. Exporting information from computer-based
understand what schedule documents are necessary for a schedule delay analysis methods
selected method. For instance, in the IDT (Alkass et al.
4.3.1. Identifying analysis scenarios
1996) and isolated collapsed but-for (termed as ICBF)
(Yang, Yin 2009) methods, the as-planned and as-built To correctly trace schedule delay and judge liability
schedules were the basic documents, while the revised distributions of owner and contractor, computer-based
Table 3. Example codes in this study
schedule delay analysis methods required clear analysis results into a report. Therefore, schedule analysts compre-
baselines. Each analysis baseline corresponded to an ana- hended the analysis scenarios, critical activity path(s),
lysis scenario that consisted of a start time-point and an end start, and end time-points, anticipated and analytical
time-point. The principle for selecting analysis scenarios project completion durations, and delay liability. The fifth
involved critical path(s) changed, major delay start and end part of Table 3 shows the example programming codes of
dates, and periodic times (e.g. monthly, bimonthly, and Microsoft Project for storing the analysis results.
seasonally) (Yang, Yin 2009). This study compared various
activities that existed in the critical paths, and acquired the 5. Testing a developed computer-based schedule delay
start and end time-points to identify the formed analysis analysis method
scenarios. According to the second part of Table 3, this
study applied the “For-Next” and “If-Then” rules of Based on the proposed information flow analysis, this
Microsoft VBA when performing the information coding. study developed a computer-based schedule delay analysis
method integrated with the process-based IDT and ICBF
methods. This method analyzed a revised delay case
4.3.2. Classifying activity-scenario relationship
(Alkass et al. 1996; Yang, Yin 2009), which consisted of
When analysis scenarios were identified, computer-based ten activities (Activities A–J). Table 4 summarizes the
Downloaded by [Swinburne University of Technology] at 10:46 08 January 2015
schedule analysis methods examined the activities in these project details. The anticipated completion time in the as-
scenarios and determined the delay extent. In other words, planned schedule was 23 days and the anticipated
when an activity was involved in an analysis scenario, completion time in the as-built schedule was 35 days.
computer-based schedule analysis methods should recalcu- There were 12 days of project delays (35 − 23 = 12). By
late the details of the activity. If the activity was not investigating the analytical procedure and analysis results,
involved in the analysis scenario, the details of the activity this study demonstrated that the developed method
would be inherited from the as-planned schedule, the as- classified the liability distribution accurately for the
built schedule, or the previous analysis scenario. The project owner and contractor.
“baseline schedule development” algorithm in the ICBF
method (Yang, Yin 2009) could be a helpful reference, since 5.1. Importing information into the developed method
some process-based and mathematical-model schedule
delay analysis methods did not offer any algorithm to The developed method enabled schedule analysts to select
classify such relationship (e.g. the CBF and IDT methods). the schedule delay analysis method, that is, “IDT”, “ICBF”,
The third part of Table 3 displays the example programming or “Both”. After the selection, two functions were offered,
codes. The “For-Next” rule was used here to investigate the that is, “Start Analysis” and “Clear Data”. Schedule
activity-scenario relationship, and synchronously embedded analysts imported the necessary schedule delay data, and
the “If-Then” rule to represent the analysis results. selected “Start Analysis” for schedule delay analysis. If
schedule analysts either entered incorrect data or needed to
analyze other delay cases, they could select “Clear Data”.
4.3.3. Estimating delay liability
Following identification of the analysis scenarios and 5.2. Exporting information from the developed method
activity-scenario relationship, computer-based schedule
delay analysis methods estimated the delay liabilities for When receiving delay information from schedule analysts,
project owners and contractors. Because the EN, EC, and the developed method executed the following four informa-
tion components automatically and continuously: identifying
NE delays either impacted the as-planned schedule or
analysis scenarios for the delay case, classifying the relation-
occurred in the as-built schedule, computer-based schedule
ship among activities and scenarios, estimating delay liability
delay analysis methods should deal with these delays based
for project participants, and reporting analysis results for
on the adopted process-based and mathematical-model
schedule analysts.
schedule delay analysis methods. For instance, the pro-
cess-based IDT method incorporated the EN, EC, and NE
delays that were encountered within the analysis scenarios 5.2.1. Identifying analysis scenarios for the delay case
into the as-planned schedule (Alkass et al. 1996). Moreover, Figure 2 shows that the developed method categorized
based on the as-built schedule, the process-based ICBF these activities into three critical paths (CP) through the
method applied the “liability calculation” algorithm, that is, computer-based IDT method. There were three analysis
consisting of seven equations, to complete the analysis scenarios: Scenario 1 (Days 1 to 9), Scenario 2 (Days 10
(Yang, Yin 2009). The fourth part of Table 3 indicates that to 20), and Scenario 3 (Days 21 to 35). For the computer-
this study applied several embedded mathematical functions based ICBF method as shown in Figure 3, there also were
(e.g. the “maximum” and “summary” functions) to resolve three analysis scenarios: Scenario 1 (Days 21 to 35),
complex mathematical calculation problems. Scenario 2 (Days 10 to 20), and Scenario 3 (Days 1 to 9).
4.3.4. Reporting analysis results 5.2.2. Classifying the relationship among activities and
Computer-based schedule delay methods could either
show the analysis results immediately when each informa- Figures 2 and 3 show the results regarding the activity-
tion component is executed or summarize the analysis scenario relationship in the IDT and ICBF methods. This
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2013, 19(6): 823–835
Downloaded by [Swinburne University of Technology] at 10:46 08 January 2015
Downloaded by [Swinburne University of Technology] at 10:46 08 January 2015
study explains how the developed method classified the – Offering an effective solution for schedule delay
relationship. For instance, when schedule analysts used analysis. In the tested delay case, despite the fact
the computer-based IDT method, in Scenario 1, Activities that the human-made calculation errors were not
A and B finished before the end time-point so that the considered, schedule analysts spent two to three
activity-scenario relationship for these two activities hours on manual operation through either the
represented “Revision” as shown in Figure 2. During process-based IDT or ICBF methods. Conversely,
Scenario 1 of the computer-based ICBF method in Figure depending on the device hardware, the developed
3, Activities A to E were Type I activities, since these method took merely five to ten minutes to
activities finished before the start time-point. Activity G complete the similar analysis, because the required
was a Type II activity, when this activity started before the calculations were executed automatically. More-
start time-point of Scenario 1 and finished within the period over, schedule analysts saved much time in
of Scenario 1. Activities F and H–J were Type III activities, obtaining both the computer-based IDT- and
when they both started and finished within the period of ICBF-based analysis results simultaneously.
Scenario 1.
Clearly, developing the computer-based schedule
delay analysis methods is an effective solution for
Downloaded by [Swinburne University of Technology] at 10:46 08 January 2015
1 A 8 1 8 8 1 8 8 1 8 9 1 9 8 1 8 9 1 9
2 B 7 1 7 6 1 6 7 1 7 7 1 7 7 1 7 7 1 7
3 C 7 9 15 7 9 15 9 9 17 9 10 18 9 9 17 9 10 18
4 D 9 8 16 9 7 15 9 8 16 9 8 16 9 8 16 9 8 16
5 E 6 8 13 6 7 12 10 8 17 8 8 15 10 8 17 10 8 17
6 F 4 16 19 4 16 19 4 18 21 4 19 22 6 18 23 4 19 22
7 G 3 17 19 3 16 18 4 17 20 3 17 19 4 17 20 4 17 20
8 H 9 14 22 9 13 21 9 18 26 9 16 24 11 18 28 9 18 26
9 I 5 20 24 5 20 24 5 22 26 5 23 27 8 24 31 6 23 28
10 J 3 23 25 3 22 24 3 27 29 3 25 27 4 29 32 3 27 29
Analytical project 25 24 29 27 32 29
completion days
Anticipated project 23 23 25 25 29 29
completion days
Delay days 2 1 4 2 3 0
Sum Contractor was delayed by 9 days and Owner was delayed by 3 days
834 M.-K. Tsai et al. Developing computer-based schedule delay analysis methods…
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Ming-Kuan TSAI. He is an Assistant Research Fellow of Research Center for Hazard Mitigation and Prevention at the
National Central University, Taiwan. His research focuses on the integration of information technology, civil engineering,
construction management, and disaster management.
Jyh-Bin YANG. He is a Professor of Graduate Institute of Construction Engineering and Management at the National
Central University, Taiwan. He holds project management certifications from the PMI and IPMA. He has about 200
research publications in both refereed journals, as well as conferences. He is the editor-in-chief of the Construction
Management Journal (in Chinese). His research interests include construction management and project management,
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project scheduling and delay analysis, procurement performance evaluation and performance-based contract, knowledge
management system development, and applications of AI and IT in construction management.
Nie-Jia YAU. He is a Professor of Graduate Institute of Construction Engineering and Management at the National Central
University, Taiwan. He is also the Director of Research Center for Hazard Mitigation and Prevention at NCU. He has
served as an arbitrator or a scheduling expert for many construction dispute cases since 1993. His research interests include
schedule delay analysis, construction disputes resolution, arbitration and mediation, international construction contracts,
build-operate-transfer contracts, bridge management system, and disaster prevention information system.