Comprehensive Water Analysis Updated Procedure
Comprehensive Water Analysis Updated Procedure
Comprehensive Water Analysis Updated Procedure
To analyze hardness, chloride content, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), pH, and sulfate
content of a locally available water sample and compare the water quality as per central
pollution control board (CPCB), India.
Hardness of a ground water sample is due to the presence of calcium and magnesium salts
present in it. There are two types of water hardness, namely temporary and permanent hardness.
Temporary hardness causing salts, Ca(HCO3)2 and Mg(HCO3)2 (bicarbonates of calcium and
magnesium) which can be removed by simple boiling. On boiling, these salts form precipitates
of CaCO3 and Mg(OH)2 which can be further removed by filtration. Permanent hardness is
caused by the presence of chlorides and sulphates of calcium and magnesium.
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) forms complexes with many cations including Ca2+
and Mg2+ at a basic pH (9-10). Basic pH of the water sample is maintained by using ammonia
buffer (NH4OH – NH4Cl). Hence, it is possible to determine the total hardness of water sample
using EDTA solution. As EDTA is insoluble in water, disodium salt of EDTA is generally used
for the complexation. EDTA has six binding sites (the four carboxylate groups and the two
amino groups, Fig. 1a.) providing six pairs of electrons.
(a) (b)
To indicate the end of complexation, Eriochrome Black–T (EBT) indicator (Fig. 1b.) is used.
Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions form a wine red colored complex with EBT indicator in the presence of
ammonia buffer solution. When EDTA solution is added to the indicator complex, EDTA
replaces the indicator and a stable complex of Metal–EDTA is formed. The color of the solution
will be steel blue due to the release of EBT indicator into the solution.
Reagents and solutions: Standard hard water (1mg/mL of CaCO3 equivalents), 0.01 N EDTA
solution, EBT indicator, hard water sample, NH3-NH4Cl buffer solution.
Apparatus: Burette, pipette, conical flask, standard flask, and burette stand.
20 mL of the standard hard water containing 1mg/mL of CaCO3 (1000 ppm) is pipetted out into
a clean conical flask followed by 3 to 5 ml of of ammonia buffer (NH4OH – NH4Cl) solution
to maintain the pH around 10. Three drops of Eriochrome Black – T (EBT) indicator was added
and titrated against the given EDTA solution taken in the burette. The end point is change of
colour from wine red to steel blue. Titrations are repeated to get concordant titre value. (V1).
Pipette out 20 mL of the given sample of hard water into a clean conical flask. Add one test
tube full of ammonia buffer (NH4OH – NH4Cl) solution and three drops of Eriochrome Black–
T (EBT) indicator. Titrate this mixture against standardized EDTA solution taken in the burette.
The end point is the change of color from wine red to steel blue. Repeat the titration for
concordant titre value. Let ‘V2’ be the volume of EDTA consumed.
From Titration 2,
= V2/V1×1000 ppm
The obtained precipitate has a low solubility in water. In addition, because only halide and
sulfide ions precipitate in presence of AgNO3, such methods have a good selectivity in
quantitative analysis of chloride ions. The representative titration graph is given below.
Apparatus: Burette, pipette, beaker, standard flask, burette stand, Pt electrode, a digital
conductometer and magnetic stir bar
The given unknown chloride solution is made up to the mark in the 100 mL standard measuring
flask using distilled water. 20 mL of this solution is pipetted out into a 100 mL beaker and 10
mL distilled water is added to it. A conductivity cell of known cell constant is dipped in it and
connected to the conductivity meter. The burette is then filled with ~0.01 N AgNO3 solution
(Bottle B). The conductivity of the unknown chloride sample without adding any AgNO3
solution from the burette (0th reading) is noted followed by 1 mL AgNO3 solution of known
concentration into the beaker with continuous stirring by magnetic stirrer. Addition of AgNO3
solution (1 mL each time) is continued and the conductance is measured after each addition.
The titration is continued beyond the equivalence point for about 5 mL A graph is now drawn
by plotting conductance vs volume of AgNO3 added. Intersection point from the plot gives the
volume of AgNO3 required for precipitating the chloride present in the water sample.
Model graph
= grams in 100 mL
Part III - Estimation of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) estimation
Aim: To determine the total dissolved solids of the given water sample
Principle: The use of electrical conductivity (EC) is based on the observed linear relationship
between specific conductance and ionic strength for fluids with conductance ranging from 10–
10,000 μS/cm. A common expression is:
The conductivity of the water sample is recorded. The recorded conductivity when multiplied
by 0.7 (ke) as per the equation, gives the total dissolved solids present in the given water sample.
The term “pH” refers to the measurement of hydrogen ion activity in the solution. Since the
direct measurement of the pH is very difficult, specific electrodes are needed for quick and
accurate pH determination. pH is measured on a scale of 0 to 14, with lower values indicating
high H+ (more acidic) and higher values indicating low H+ ion activity (less acidic). A pH of 7
is considered as neutral. Every whole unit in pH represents a ten-fold increase in or decrease in
hydrogen ion concentration. Most natural waters possess the pH values ranging from 5.0 to 8.5.
Rain water have a pH value of 5.4 to 6.0 which then reacts with the soils and minerals causing
the reduction in H+ ion concentration and thus the water may become alkaline with a pH 0f
8.0-8.5. More acid water (pH<5) and more alkaline (pH >9) and other immediate changes in
the hydrogen ion concentration (pH) suggest that the quality of the water is adversely affected
due to the introduction of some toxic contaminants in water bodies. pH is measured using pH
meter, which comprises a detecting unit consisting of a glass electrode, reference electrode,
usually a calomel electrode connected by KCl Bridge to the pH sensitive glass electrode and an
indicating unit which indicates the pH corresponding to the electromotive force is then detected.
Before measurement, pH meter should be calibrated by using at least two buffers.
The pH electrode is just dipped in a beaker of sample water and the displayed pH value is
recorded. To avoid any kind of contamination a clean and dry beaker was used before pouring
the sample water.
Reagents and solutions: Conc. HCl, conditioning reagent, Na2SO4 stock solution (1420 ppm)
and BaCl2.
Seven 100 ml standard measuring flasks are taken and labelled as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Flask
labeled as 1 is used for the blank solution preparation and 7 is used for the given unknown
sample. Standard Na2SO4 solutions of concentrations, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 ppm are
prepared by diluting 3.5, 7, 10.5, 14, 17.5 ml of the stock solution of Na2SO4 using distilled
water and made up to 100 ml in the standard measuring flasks and are labelled as 2,3,4, 5 and
6. Different concentrations of sulphate solutions each as prepared are transferred completely to
250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks (conical flasks), including the blank. To the blank solution in the
conical flask, 5 ml of conditioning reagent is added and stirred in the orbital shaker exactly for
1 min and 0.6 g of BaCl₂ crystals alone are added while stirring, but without sulphate solution
. The blank solution is then transferred to the sample tube and turbidity value is adjusted to zero
using the turbidity meter. After calibrating the turbidity values using the blank solution,
turbidity values are to be found for the standard solutions. The made-up standard solutions in
the standard measuring flasks are transferred to the conical flasks. To the contents in the conical
flasks, exactly 5.0 mL of conditioning reagent is added to the sulphate solutions and stirred for
one minute using the orbital shaker. While the solution is being stirred, 0.6g of BaCl₂ crystals
is added. After stirring, each sample was transferred to the sample tube. Readings on the
turbidity scale (Nephelometric turbidity unit, NTU) is noted for all standard solutions one by
one. After measuring the NTU values for all the standard solutions, given unknown solution is
also analyzed using the same way. A calibration plot (straight line) is plotted using the NTU
values for the standard solutions against their concentrations. Concentration of unknown
solution was found by extrapolating the NTU value in ‘y’ axis (turbidity, NTU) to meet the
straight line and extrapolated to the ‘x’ axis (shown as ‘X’ in the plot).
2 100
3. 150
4. 200
5. 250
6. Unknown