banking 5
banking 5
banking 5
1 mark questions
1.What is SLR?
Open market operations of a central bank consist of purchase and sales of government securities in
the open market.
1.Canara bank
3.Bank of Baroda
The banking ombudsman scheme has been formulated by the RBI to provide an expeditious
grievance redressal mechanism to customers of banks.
6.What is an overdraft?
Overdraft is a temporary financial accommodation granted to a current account holder for a shorter
period of time.
Bridge loan are short term loans which are granted to industrial establishments to meet their urgent
needs while the processing of sanctioning a term loan is in progression.
3mark questions
The co operative sector in Kerala is a wide spread one.It plays its role in the traditional,
money lending, marketing, consumer, housing, women’s welfare , educational, health and
construction sectors. The functioning of these institutions help to provide the people,
service of various kinds at low cost..Co operative banks in Kerala enjoy a rich legacy; they
provided credit for farmers since the 1950s and 1960s, years before commercial banks found
a foothold in the state.
At present, there are about 14000 co operative Societies under the registrar of co operative
Societies. Of these,10503 societies functions satisfactorily.They include the apex institutions
like, the State Co operative banks ,the State Agricultural and rural development banks,14
district co operative banks,60 urban banks,48 Primary Agricultural and rural development
banks and 1602 primary lending societies.The total deposit in the co operative sector is
40,000 crores.About 75 % of this is distributed as loans.In addition to the 14 district co
operative banks, Kerala has a network of 1692, Primary Agricultural Credit Societies and 16
licensed Urban Co operative Banks all of which have become members of Kerala State co
operative banks.
The relationship between the banker and customer begins immediately on the opening of an
accounts in the name of a customer. Therefore a banker should be very cautious in opening
and accounts. He has to come play with all necessary formalities in this regard. The banker
has to take the following steps for opening a savings or current accounts in the name of
Lien is one of the important rights enjoyed by a banker. Lien means the right of the
predictor to retain the property belonging to the debtor until the debt is repaid .
Particular lien
A particular lien arises from the particular transaction connected with the properties subject
to the lien. Particular line maybe enjoyed by a craft man or a person who has spent his time,
labour, and money on the goods retained.
General lien
A general lien is the right enjoyed by a creditor to retain any property belonging to the
debtor until all the debts are repaid.
14.What is your understanding of Basel II norms?
Basel -II
The Reserve Bank act as a banker, agent and advisor to the government as per
the obligations created under the section 20,21,and 21(a).of the Reserve Bank of
India Act.
As a banker
The Reserve Bank have statutory obligation of keeping money of the central and
state government and provider other services free of charge.
2.It makes payments on behalf of the Central Government through it’s branches
and the branches of the State Bank of India.
3.It provides exchange and remittance facility and other banking operations of
the central government.
4. Manages the public that of the union. It maintains currency chest at the places
prescribed by the central government.
5. It also act as the bank up to the state government and undertake the above
mentioned business. It is done on the basis of an agreement between State
governments and RBI .
7.It provides “ways and means loans” to the government for the period not
exceeding 3 months.
As a financial advisor
The bank act as a financial advisor to the central and state Government.It assist th generally
to formulate financial and economic policies.
2.It advises on certain aspects of formulation of the five year plans such as the financing
pattern, mobilization of the result and institutional arrangements with regard to banking
and credit matters.
As financial agent
The bank is the representative of Government of India in the World Bank and international
monetary Fund.
Rationing of credit is a system under which the central bank seeks to limit to the total
amount of loans advances of specific categories of loans and advances granted by
commercial banks. Both weapons are used by RBI several times. After the devaluation of
rupee in 1949 the banks are advised to restricted their advances to genuine trade
requirements and not a grand accommodation for speculative activities.
7.Direct action
RBI is not depending to this weapon very often. But it is adopted when all
other measures fail. It implies the refusal of the Reserve Bank to extend re
discounting facilities to banks which follows and sound the banking practices
or to grand further accommodation to banks whose capital and the Reserve
our inadequate in relation to the amount already sanctioned.
1. Control of foreign exchange operations
It is one of the important the central banking functions performed by RBI. The
central government authorised RBI to deal in foreign exchange ,gold coin and
bullion. It has the responsibility to maintain the official rate of exchange. An
exchange control department was constituted by RBI to make effective
administration of exchange control in 1939. The entire business of sale of foreign
exchange is being conducted by the department. Reserve Bank buys and cells
foreign currencies in order to achieve the objective of exchanges stability.
Non Monetary functions
Non monetary functions are related with supervisory functions, promotional and
development and functions performed by RBI. It mainly consist of
a) Supervisory functions
RBI act 1934 and banking regulation Act 1949 have a given RBI why the powers of
supervision and control over all scheduled banks relating to licensing and establishment
,branch expansion, liquidity of their assets, management and methods of working
amalgamation , reconstruction and liquidation. RBI is empowered to conduct periodical
inspections of the bank and call returns and necessary informations from them. RBI has
set up a new department named department of supervision which has taken over the
work relating to supervision of commercial banks from the department of banking
operations and development.
b) Promotional functions
a. Granting of rural credit
b. Provision of industrial finance
c. Collection and a publication of statistics related with the financial economic
19.Discuss the rights of a Banker?
The rights enjoyed by a Banker include,
1. Bankers right of general lien
This is one of the important rights enjoyed by a Banker. Lien means the right of the
creditor to retain the property belonging to the debtor until the debt is repaid. It gives
the right to the creditor to retain the security of the debtor and not the right to sell it.
2. Bankers right of set off
Set of is the right of a debtor to adjust and amount due to him from the creditor against
the amount of payable to the creditor. In other words the mutual claims of debtor and
creditor or adjusted together and only the balance amount is payable by the debtor. A
bank is right of set of means the right of a Banker to adjust the amount to due to him
from the customer on one account against the amount due from him to the customer on
another accounts.
The right of set off can be exercised subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions.
a. The debt must be mutual Ie; is must be due from the same parties.
b. The right of set off can be exercised only if the customers account or opened in the same
capacity or right.
c. A Banker cannot to set off the credit balance of a joint account against the debit balance
of the private account of a joint holder.
d. There is no express or implied agreement or understanding to the contrary
e. The banker can exercise the right of set of before the garnishee order issued by the cots
is become effective.
3. Bankers right of appropriation
When there are several deaths due between the Predator and debtor the question arises as
to which of the debt is to be discharged when payment is made by the debtor and the
money is not sufficient to discharge all the debts. The general role in such a case is that the
debtor has the first choice and he can choose the payment of any debt he likes. If the
creditor accepted such a payment it must be applied accordingly. If the debtor make a no
appropriation, the right of appropriation is vested with the creditor. Ki main apply it at his
discretion or to any lawful debt actually due and payable to him from the debtor. If neither
the customer not the banker has applied his right of appropriation the decision given in the
clayton’s case a applied.The payment to shall be applied in discharging debt in order of
4. Right to charge interest, incidental charges etc
A banker has the implied right to charge interest on that dances granted to their customers.
Yah customer need not pay the interest in cash to the banker. The usual practice followed
by banks is to debit to the amount of interest periodically in the customers account. Every
banker has an implied right to charge compound interest on the amount due from the
customer if there is an agreement to the effect. A Banker has also the right to charge
incidental charges on the customers for the cost involved in keeping their accounts.
Incidental charges are usually live with on un remunerative current accounts.
5. Bankers rights not to produce books of accounts under bankers books
evidence Act 1891
Before passing the bankers books evidence Act of 1891 bankers are required
to produce the original books of accounts before the court even in legal
proceedings in which the banker is not a party. This created a lot of
inconvenience to bankers. But as per the provisions of this act, institute of
producing the original books of accounts the bankers are allowed to produce
the certificate copies of the relevant pages of the book.
8. Right of a customer to charge a bank under consumer Protection Act 1986.
Yah customer of a bank is regarded as the consumer. The money deposited by customers is
length to needy persons at high rate of interest than allowed to customers. Does customers
deposits are the main source of revenue to the banks. Hence banks are supposed to deal
their customers with due respect and care and should avoid any inconvenience and loss to
their customers. If any loss or damage is included to customers there is an obligation to
make a good the loss by giving compensation. The recent trend is that the bank has been
authorised to recover such a common session or damages paid to customers from the salary
of employee responsible for such wrongful act. Therefore the banking service will also come
under the purview of the consumer Protection Act.