he designation of geographical entities in this book,
Published by:
IUCN, Sarhad Programme.
© 2004 International Union for Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources, Pakistan and the Government of North
West Frontier Province (NWFP).
NWFP and IUCN Pakistan (2004). Chitral – An Integrated
Development Vision (Chitral Conservation Strategy).
IUCN Pakistan and NWFP, Karachi, Pakistan. xiv+103 pp.
Firuza Pastakia
Printed by:
Available from:
IUCN-The World Conservation Union
IUCN Pakistan
Sarhad Programme Office
House No. 109, Sarhad Office Road
Defence Officers Colony
Khyber Road, Peshawar
Tel: 091-271728/276032
Fax: 091-275093
VII Acknowledgements
IX Executive Summary
103 Appendix B
lands and biodiversity areas; and conserv- the launching of a Chitral Fund for
ing cultural heritage—are also likely to Sustainable Development. At the same
make the area a more attractive tourist time, however, major investment will be
destination. required from the federal and provincial
governments in sectors that are the state’s
Removing Constraints responsibility: providing infrastructure
facilities for governance, communications,
For the inhabitants of Chitral, to eke out a education, health, potable water, sanitation
living is a challenge fraught with difficulty and electricity.
at every turn. Generating meaningful
development in the area will require the The time frame for implementation of the
sustained involvement of both the govern- CCS is 10 years. A review is to be
ment and the people. The Chitral conducted after the first five years, at which
Conservation Strategy (CCS) endorses stage the strategy may be amended by the
a bottom-up approach to development Zilla Council. The CCS will come into effect
planning and expects local communities to upon approval by the Zilla Council. The
make their contribution at every step of the Zilla Nazim will lead implementation and
process, from planning and design to monitor progress, with the assistance of the
operation and maintenance. To help District Coordination Officer and the district
finance such initiatives, the CCS envisions Finance and Planning Office.
Chapter 1 sets the stage for the development of the CCS, providing brief overviews of the
international context in which area-specific conservation strategies have been prepared in
Pakistan and the consultation process that led to the formulation of a strategy for Chitral.
Chapter 2 contains a sector-by-sector survey of the district, covering physical geography,
demographics, climate, employment, natural resources, infrastructure and public-sector
services, as well as social organisation, cultural heritage and tourism. The structure of the
new local government system, introduced following the promulgation of the North-West
Frontier Province Local Government Ordinance 2001, is also described. Chapter 3 outlines
major development projects undertaken in the past, along with programmes currently
in operation. Together, these chapters provide the context in which the CCS has been
The strategy itself is developed in chapters 4 to 7. Here, individual sectors discussed in the
overview are grouped thematically into four chapters: governance, human resource
development, municipal services and infrastructure, and natural resource management.
Each chapter is devoted to a single theme and, where necessary, individual sectors are
discussed separately. Issues affecting each sector are analysed and a strategy proposed for
improvements in that sector.
The last two chapters focus on translating the CCS proposals into action. Chapter 8
discusses implementation mechanisms and suggests ways in which scarce resources can be
utilised more efficiently. Chapter 9 synthesises the strategy into an easy-to-reference table,
listing 38 initiatives grouped according to time frame, along with the actors expected to be
involved in execution.
A CCS Roundtable in progress
planning and decision making from the such as the depletion of natural resources
provincial to district level emerged as an and the destruction of biodiversity.
important prerequisite for improved gover-
nance. In the SPCS, the provincial govern- The people of Chitral viewed these consul-
ment makes a commitment to test the con- tations as the first serious attempt ever
cept of district-level strategic planning. SPCS made by the provincial government to
support projects include two such initiatives, solicit their views on development. While
one each in Chitral and Abbottabad districts. appreciating the role of the Aga Khan Rural
Support Programme (AKRSP) and Chitral
The CCS is funded by the Swiss Agency for Area Development Project in fostering self-
Development and Cooperation. In January reliance and social organisation, they
1997, a CCS Unit was established within the insisted that Chitral’s development concerns
IUCN to assist in the strategy formulation could only be tackled effectively if the
process. Preparation of the CCS was spear- government were to become fully involved in
headed by the then Deputy Commissioner the process as well. Local residents were of
Chitral and the District Roundtable, a multi- the view that community participation could
stakeholder advisory body. The process, help stem the misuse of development funds,
facilitated by the CCS Unit, involved public and ensure maximum transparency in the
meetings at district, tehsil and village level. execution of social sector programmes and
development projects. The participatory
1.3 approach adopted in formulating the CCS
Public Perception was also endorsed.
Based on these priorities, sector-specific In January 2002, the draft strategy was
papers were commissioned on the follow- updated to reflect changes in the structure
ing topics: of local government following the promul-
■ irrigation; gation of the NWFP Local Government
■ access to clean drinking water; Ordinance 2001. At this stage, the
■ infrastructure; comments of two special referees
■ agriculture; (Professor Israr and Miraj Ud Din) who
■ energy; reviewed the first draft were incorporated,
■ forests, grazing lands and watersheds; the District Coordination Officer and
■ biodiversity, parks and protected areas; Executive District Officers of various gov-
■ human resource development; ernment departments were consulted, and
■ sanitation and solid waste disposal; additional material was gleaned from a
■ microenterprise development; and special study (Cyan, 2001).
■ cultural heritage and ecotourism.
The final draft, prepared in July 2002,
Drawing on the detailed studies undertaken responds to five critical reviews of the
in the CCS sector papers, guidelines pro- January draft by heads of partner organisa-
vided by the District Roundtable and views tions.
106 113
A Nomad with his child 1951 1961 1972 1981 1998 1999 (E) 2000 (E) 2001(E) 2002(E)
A panoramic view of suburbs of Chitral Town
140 134
20 16
<200 200-499 500-999 1,000-1,999 2,000-4,999
0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 +
perfect inequality). Thus poverty is distributed respectively, occurring mainly in the spring and
more evenly in Chitral, compared to the rest of winter (Table 1). Summer and autumn are dry,
Pakistan with a Gini coefficient of 0.40. with the area receiving barely 10–25 mm of
rain per month. In Upper Chitral, annual
Contributing to poverty in the area is the age precipitation is as low as 200 mm, received
distribution of the population (Figure 4). mostly as snow in the higher elevations.
Chitral’s inhabitants are predominantly
young, with the majority below the age of 19 2.4.2 Temperature
years. As a result, the size of the workforce
is limited, which in turn restricts the capacity Mean maximum and minimum monthly
of local communities to generate resources. temperatures in Chitral and Drosh are
Between the ages of 20 and 50, meanwhile,
women make up more than half of the FIGURE 5 Mean maximum and
population. However, women in Chitral do minimum temperature
not participate equally in economic in Chitral
activity, further constraining socio-economic Month
development in the area. 37
25 25
Climate 20
15 14 12
11 12
2.4.1 Rainfall 5
9 8
5 3
0 0
Since Chitral is surrounded by mountains, it -5
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
does not receive the monsoon rains. Mean
Maximum temperature ■ Minimum temperature
rainfall in Drosh and Chitral towns (Lower
Source: Pakistan Meteorological Department, 1998.
Chitral) is approximately 650 mm and 500 mm,
Jan-Feb 162 25 81 94 18 47
Mar-Apr 245 37 123 278 54 139
May 61 9 61 41 8 41
June-Nov 150 23 25 62 12 10
December 40 6 40 44 8 44
Total 658 519
Source: Pakistan Meteorological Department, 1998.
15 12 11
5 10
7 6
0 1 2
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
April 21 10 22 8
May 28 15 27 12
June 34 20 35 19
July 36 23 37 21 Chitral is one of the country’s most
deprived areas and massive resources will
August 35 23 36 20
be required to improve the livelihood of its
September 32 19 32 14 people. It is essential that these inputs are
October 26 12 25 8 applied precisely and sensitively to meet
November 19 6 18 3
the requirements of men as well as women.
December 11 2 12 0
Traditionally, women have enjoyed a high
* Temperatures rounded to the nearest degree.
Source: Pakistan Meteorological Department, 1998. status in Chitrali society. Old proverbs like
“Khowistan aurat abad” (“the land of Kho is
shown in Table 2 and Figures 5 and 6. prosperous owing to the ability and skills of
As is the case with rainfall, no its women”) and “har chamoto tan hunar”
temperature records are maintained for (“each finger has a skill”) are a clear reflec-
Upper Chitral. tion of this fact. Financial and resource
utilisation discipline, known as madiri, is
2.5 considered to be the exclusive domain of
Land Cover women. Historically, women have inherited
property and managed large estates.
According to the 2001 land cover map of During the reign of Chitral’s former rulers,
Chitral District developed by the CCS the Mehtars, the women of the ruling
Support Unit of IUCN–The Wo r l d family played a significant role in statecraft.
Conservation Union using satellite
images, the percentage of total land area Chitrali society is comprised of two distinct
under various cover classes is shown in social and cultural groups, the Kalash and
Figure 7. the Khow, each with its own norms and tra-
Traditional farming being practiced
As education opens up new avenues of supplemented with fruits and nuts, grown
employment for both men and women, as single trees in marginal land on field
some traditional practices are being aban- boundaries.
doned. For instance, in households where
men are employed off-farm, grazing is now 2.7.1 Farming
either entrusted to Gujars or the number of
livestock kept is reduced, depending on the Chitral’s rugged terrain limits the amount of
circumstances of each household. land that may be brought under cultivation,
Increasing female education, meanwhile, while freezing temperatures over about half
has raised the workload of women who its area prevent the production of more
stay at home, since school-going girls are than one crop a year. Some 22,552 ha was
exempt from household and farming cultivated in 1999–2000 (Agricultural
chores. Statistics Wing, 2001). Approximately half
of this land is located in the single-cropping
With the assistance of rural support pro- zone comprising Lotkuh, Mastuj, Mulkhow
grammes, women in Chitral have also and Torkhow tehsils. The remainder lies in
begun to participate in microenterprise the double-cropping zone of Chitral and
activities, setting up shops in towns and Drosh tehsils. The net area under cultiva-
villages. These shops are managed tion is 20,999 ha with 6,187 ha sown more
individually as well as collectively through than once, bringing the total cultivated area
women’s organisations. to 27,186 ha.
rain-fed agriculture (340 ha wheat, 94 ha used for grazing; less than 125 mm of
moong and maash pulses) during the same rain annually.
period. Irrigation is carried out by means of
water channels, one fourth of which have Each of the above zones may in turn be
been constructed by the government and divided according to patterns of agricultural
the remainder by local communities. production and climatological characteris-
Agricultural production is dominated by (a) areas dependent mainly on crops; may
cereals which are sown over 82% of the be further divided into single- and
cropped area and yield 47,796 t of food double-crop areas;
grain. An additional 30,000 t of wheat is (b) areas with a mixed economy; single-
brought in from outside the region each crop areas depending partly on crops
year in order to meet local needs. and partly on livestock; and
(c) areas dependent mainly on livestock. Land Holdings
and Tenure Cereal Crops
Traditional harvesting
number of animals each household is able and here Chitral’s yields are far higher than
to rear, since livestock survival through the average yields in the rest of the province.
harsh winter depends on the amount of Potatoes are grown over 480 ha, onions
crop residues and fodder crops the house- and chillies over 52 ha, other vegetables
hold has been able to store. Compared to over 1,702 ha and pulses over 430 ha.
crop residues, fodder crops are more palat- Except for potatoes, however, yields for
able, easier to digest and richer in protein. other vegetables and pulses are consider-
ably below the average for the NWFP.
For the year 1999–2000, fodder was planted
over 5.5% of the cropped area, producing Each of the 220 households sampled by
17,300 t of rabbi (spring) and kharif the AKRSP grew an average of 78 fruit
(autumn) crops—about half the average trees in 1991. By 1997, this figure fell to 63.
per-hectare yield for the NWFP as a whole Mulberry declined from 15 to 3 trees and
(Agricultural Statistics Wing, 2001). The apricot from 38 to 31, while the number of
AKRSP socio-economic study, however, apple trees increased from 11 to 17. The
indicates a dramatic shift in cropping pat- number of other trees—almond, peach,
terns, from 7% of cropped area under fodder pear, pomegranate and walnut—remained
in 1991 to 23% in 1997 (AKRSP, 1997). This constant at 12. The increase in apple culti-
has taken place largely at the cost of wheat vation seen here may well be a reflection of
cultivation, which declined from 55% of the efforts made by the AKRSP, Chitral
cropped area in 1991 to 41% in 1997. Area Development Project (CADP) and
Project for Horticultural Promotion (PHP). Fruits and Vegetables Gender Roles in Fruit and
The commercial fruit, nut and vegetable cul- Vegetable Production
tivation sector is in its infancy. Fruit is grown
over 519 ha, yielding 4,541 t annually. Vegetable cultivation and marketing is pri-
Apples and apricots are the main fruit crops marily the responsibility of women, who
and yields compare favourably with rarely interact with traders directly and are
average yields for the whole of the NWFP. assisted by their male relatives. In fruit and
Almond, grape, peach, persimmon and grain production, work is divided. Men carry
pomegranate is also grown in small areas, manure from livestock sheds to the fields
robust, weighing only 150–200 kg, and include vaccination and treatment pro-
generally frail owing to poor nutrition. grammes; artificial insemination facilities;
Cows are kept for milk, calves for milk and training for village veterinary workers,
let-down and oxen for draught purposes. doctors and technicians in prevention,
The peak milk yield is 5 litres a day, all of diagnosis and treatment of common live-
which is consumed by the household. stock diseases. In addition, the AKRSP is
This is partly because production is attempting to introduce commercial poultry
comparatively low but also because of the farming to the area.
absence of village-level marketing facili-
ties for the surplus. Goats are kept for Gender Roles in
meat, milk and hides. In Chitral, sheep’s Livestock Husbandry
milk is thought to be injurious to the
health. Sheep are kept primarily for wool, Except for the Kalash, who entrust the care
which is woven into a fabric known as shu of their goats to men, livestock and poultry
(called patti in Urdu). Wool worth approx- management is the domain of women. This
imately Rs 47 is converted into fabric includes feeding and health care as well as
valued at Rs 325, with most of this value processing animal products.
added by skilled women. Cash derived
from the sale of shu during the late winter 2.7.3 Income From Agriculture
is a crucial part of household income.
Ownership of the industry provides According to the AKRSP, an average
women with self-esteem as well as real household derives 58% of its income from
economic benefits. on-farm sources and the remainder from
off-farm activities (AKRSP, 1997). The Major Constraints to proportion of a household’s off - f a r m
Livestock Husbandry income is directly related to its income
bracket, with poorer households earning a
Livestock productivity is constrained by a greater share of their total income from
number of factors, including feed short- on-farm sources (Figure 8). On average,
ages, inadequate veterinary cover, poor 45% of household farm income is derived
genetic potential and poorly developed from cereal, fruit and vegetable produc-
marketing facilities. Malnourished animals tion, and 32% from livestock rearing.
produce low yields and are more suscepti- While households from all income brack-
ble to parasites and disease. Besides the ets earn about the same proportion of
obvious financial losses resulting from fatal their farm income from cereals, fruit and
diseases, chronic disease induces debility vegetables, richer households earn a
and lowers productivity. Nutritional defi- greater share of their farm income from
ciency also prevents livestock from attain- livestock (Figure 9).
ing its full genetic potential, while inade-
quate veterinary cover hampers disease FIGURE 8 On-farm and off-farm
control. The overall health and genetic income as a percentage
potential of livestock may be enhanced by of total household income
means of adequate nutrition, suitable 90
Income Bracket
shelter and the control of disease and 80
parasites. Improved marketing facilities, 70
63 60
meanwhile, will enhance profits which in 60
turn could serve as an incentive to increase 40 46
production. 30
18 Current Activities in 10
Livestock Husbandry Bottom
Upper middle
45 45
39 40 39
20 20
2.8.1 Area and Tree Stocks
15 14
According to the land cover map of the dis-
Bottom Lowermiddle Middle Upper middle Top
trict, Chitral’s wooded area extends over
20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
70,045 ha. Of this, oak (Quercus baloot)
Agro forestry ■ Livestock Crops, vegetable and fruits woodlands cover 24,300 ha (Mukhtar and
Source: AKRSP, 1997. Rehman, 1999). Meanwhile, the standing
volume of round wood is estimated at 13
2.7.4 Off-farm Employment million m3 (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau
[KfW], 2000).
Few households can subsist entirely on
their small land holdings. As a result, boys Coniferous forests extend from Lowari to
and men from many families work off-farm Golain Gol, some 23 km north of Chitral
in Chitral town or down-country during the town. The distribution of coniferous forests
winter. They leave in October, after the in the district and the standing volume of
grain harvest has been threshed, and fire- various species are shown in Tables 6 and
wood and fodder collected, returning in 7. Oak forests grow in the same areas at
April or May in time for the sowing season. lower elevations. Degraded broadleaved
During their absence, traditional male forests stand in parts of Upper Chitral,
responsibilities, such as clearing snow from which is extremely denuded. Remnants of
roof tops and livestock sheds, managing
land and attending to social obligations, are TABLE 6 Distribution of coniferous
assumed by the women. forests (ha)
Range Commercial Non-commercial Total
In several families, some members are per-
Chitral (Ayun) 3,688 8,592 12,280
manently employed off-farm, working in
Drosh (North) 4,964 5,723 10,687
Pakistan’s urban centres or overseas. The
Drosh (South) 16,809 22,298 39,107
trend towards increasing off-farm employ-
Total 25,461 36,613 62,074
ment has caused the gender distribution of
Source: Forest Department, 1997.
agricultural labour to shift dramatically.
juniper forests are scattered across Upper rather increase in density, eventually attain-
Chitral all the way to the Laspur valley. ing an optimal level. Another assumption is
Protection from illegal felling is the respon- that the space vacated by felled mature
sibility of the Forest Department, which trees will be quickly filled by seedlings and
also regulates the removal of trees for local saplings from natural seed fall. However, the
needs and commercial purposes. cycle of natural regeneration is disrupted in
areas where the forest floor is under heavy
2.8.2 Timber Harvesting pressure from continuous grazing.
Some 25,000 ha of forest is sufficiently 2.8.3 Distribution of Timber to
dense to sustain timber harvesting, contain- Meet the Needs of Local
ing 2.5 million trees with a standing timber Rightsholders
volume of 3.1 million m3. Of this quantity,
only 0.75% is harvested each year. The No formal timber markets operate in
number of trees that may be cut annually is Chitral. Rightsholders meet their timber
determined according to the following requirements by obtaining permits from the
formula: estimate annual growth and deduct Forest Department and cutting trees free of
the volume of trees that will die or be stolen; charge, in accordance with the provisions
after these deductions, keep back more of the NWFP Management of Protected
trees from cutting so that the remaining crop Forests Rules 1975. It is up to the Range
may become denser, reaching the desired Forest Officer to verify the applicants’
density in 100 years (Ayaz, 1964). entitlement and need, and to recommend
deserving cases to the Divisional Forest
Commercial forest area is divided into Officer (DFO). On receipt of the DFO’s
equiproductive harvesting units. From approval, permits are issued to individuals
each, within the prescribed timeframe and to cut a specific number of trees from the
in accordance with an approved manage- nearest forest, provided it contains a suffi-
ment plan, mature trees at breast height cient number of mature trees. Timber grant-
(1.37 m above ground level) and with a ed in this manner cannot be sold or gifted
diameter of 71 cm or more are harvested to a third party, or taken out of the village
up to the limit of prescribed yield, as per limits, and may only be used for construc-
silvicultural requirements. If necessary, tion. The recipient is also required to plant
sub-mature trees are also removed along five new trees and tend to the saplings. The
with dead, dying and diseased trees. location where saplings are to be planted
and the duration for which they must be
The forest management plan currently in tended are both determined by the Forest
force permits the removal of 15,576 m3 of Officer. No data is available on the survival
timber annually. Of this, 4,248 m 3 is issued rate of saplings planted in this manner. Any
each year on permits to area residents for breach of these rules is punishable with
the purpose of construction. Rightsholders imprisonment for up to two years and/or a
are granted access to forests to collect fire- maximum fine of Rs 50,000.
wood, lop oak branches for fodder, graze
animals, and gather mushrooms and medic- 2.8.4 Rightsholders’ Share in the
inal plants. Data are not available on the Sale Proceeds of Timber
volume of timber removed by rightsholders.
Until the ban on commercial harvesting, Rightsholders in Chitral’s commercial
imposed in 1997 by the NWFP government forests are entitled to 60% of the income
and in force to this day, an estimated 11,328 derived from the sale of timber, with the
m3 of timber was sold annually. remaining revenue going to the govern-
ment. Between 1988 and 1997, the amount
In theory, this forest management plan is paid each year by the Forest Department to
thought to be sustainable. By limiting the the Deputy Commissioner for onward dis-
annual cut, it is assumed that forest bursement is shown in Table 8. (Following
resources will not be exhausted but will the promulgation of the NWFP Local
absence of community participation,
survival on rain-fed land is likely to be poor.
2.8.9 Responsibility
Responsibility for the protection and man- Livestock grazing in upper Chitral
agement of forests in Chitral rests with the
DFO Chitral, assisted by Range Forest
Officers and ancillary forest protection per- Chitral, ailanthus is preferred by 44%,
sonnel in each of the Chitral (Ayun), Drosh robinia by 25%, chinar and sea buckthorn
(North), and Drosh (South) forest ranges. by 20% and mulberry by 11% of house-
The forestry sector has not been devolved holds. According to the same survey, an
under the new local government system, average household earns roughly 16% of
and remains under the jurisdiction of the its farm income from farm forestry, with
provincial government. Although stationed households in the lowest income bracket
in Chitral, the DFO reports to the provincial earning a greater proportion from farm
administrative hierarchy. forestry (20%) compared to those in the
highest income bracket (12%).
Responsibility for the agriculture sector,
meanwhile, has been devolved to the dis- 2.10
trict level. Under the new system, farm Grazing land
forestry personnel working under the
Executive District Officer (EDO) Agriculture According to the 2001 land cover map of
are to assist in tree planting on agricultural the district developed by the IUCN-CCS
land. Their responsibilities also include the Support Unit Chitral, rangelands with
promotion of forest tree nurseries, soil con- sparse vegetation cover 919,636 ha.
servation and watershed management. However, the KfW categorises grazing
land into three main classes. According to
2.9 this inventory, grazing land covers some
Agroforestry 373,600 ha, comprising 269,400 ha of
alpine and subalpine scrub, 46,600 ha of
Households sampled by the AKRSP in alpine pastures, and 57,600 ha of low-yield
1997 owned an average of 772 farm forest subtropical and temperate grazing land.
trees each, down from 828 in 1991. In The entire area under forests (70,045 ha)
Upper Chitral, poplar and willow are pre- is also grazed. Grazing lands in Chitral are
ferred by about 56% of households, and the degradation stages of forest types
Russian olive and robinia by 44%. In lower shown in Table 9.
alone, take to high-elevation grazing lands often even from household to household.
with their own livestock as well as animals In village lands and low-elevation grazing
belonging to others. Besides grazing the lands, men are responsible for goats and
animals and providing protection from sheep, and women for cattle. As a rule,
predators, they milk the goats and prepare young women do not travel alone to high-
butter, ghee (clarified butter), cheese and elevation grazing lands and are accompa-
buttermilk. A portion of this produce is nied by either a close male relative or
returned to the owners while the remainder is elderly women. Grazing is generally the
either consumed or sold. The herdsmen are responsibility of the men, although in
paid for their services mostly in kind, with some cases women carry out this task.
commodities such as flour, tea and sugar. When women are present, milking and
Their main source of cash income is from the dairy products are almost always their
sale of the ghee they are allowed to retain. responsibility. The Kalash are the excep-
tion since, for religious reasons, their Pazhals women are not permitted to milk goats.
Women are also responsible for feeding
Pazhals are local men or boys who work as livestock during the winter and treating
shepherds in high-elevation grazing lands. sick animals.
They provide protection from predators, milk
goats and prepare dairy products. If they are 2.10.3 Responsibility for
accompanied by a female member of their Sustainable Management of
household, she takes over some of these Grazing Lands
tasks. They are paid in cash per head of live-
stock or in the form of commodities such as The sustainable management of grazing
flour, wheat, salt, sugar, soap and shoes. In lands is a challenge even under the most
most cases, they are expected to surrender favourable of circumstances. Under
all the ghee they make to the owners. Chitral’s harsh climatic, ecological and
socio-economic conditions, however, this Sothsiri System task is all the more difficult. As such, it is
perhaps not surprising that little by way of
This is an arrangement whereby several sustainable management has been accom-
households pool their livestock. The animals plished so far.
are then grazed in rotation for specific
periods of time by one or two men from each Watershed and range management is the
of the households. responsibility of the Forest Department, and
is one of its functions at the provincial level. Mestoo Meanwhile the EDO Agriculture’s functions
include soil conservation and watershed
Mestoos, or traditional housekeepers, are management. The EDO is also responsible
elderly women who spend the summer in for the livestock sector, which is of course a
high-elevation grazing lands with their own critical component of any meaningful attempt
livestock as well as animals belonging to four at grazing land management. As such, graz-
or five other households. These women are ing land management may be treated as a
accompanied by a male relative who grazes function devolved by the Forest Department
the livestock and protects the animals from to the EDO Agriculture.
predators. Mestoos generally receive flour,
tea, sugar and soap in payment, and are Large-scale, cost-effective grazing land
allowed to retain part of the ghee they make. management can only be carried out with
the participation of local communities. For
2.10.2 Gender Division of this reason, devolution of grazing land
Labour in Grazing Lands management to the district level is essen-
tial. Promoting community participation in
The gender division of labour in grazing management projects is the responsibility
lands varies from village to village, and of the district government.
saker falcon, inhabit the northern reaches Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea
of the valley and are vulnerable to trapping Saker Falcon Falco cherrug
for trade, while the oriental turtle dove and Snow Pigeon Columba leuconota
Chinese dove are favoured game birds. Bar-headed Goose Anser indicus
Greylag Goose Anser anser
Several species of waterfowl, some of which Marbled Teal Marmaronetta angustirostris
are endangered, migrate along the Chitral Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula
river in the autumn and spring, providing Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus
hunting opportunities to local residents. A Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus
number of raptors and aquatic birds pass Red-capped Falcon Falco pelegrinoides
through the valley in the course of their Barbary Falcon Falco peregrinus
migration between breeding grounds in babylonicus
Siberia and Central Asia, and wintering Source: Malik, Mumtaz. 1998. Biodiversity,
Parks and Protected Areas. CCS sector paper.
areas in southern Pakistan and India. The
2.11.3 Reptiles
includes two turtle species, 12 types of lizard
and 14 snake varieties. The Himalayan pit
viper, Indian krait, Indian monitor, Indian
softshell turtle, Oxus cobra and saw scaled
viper and are also found in Chitral.
2.11.4 Fish
in southern Chitral, which would otherwise for use in some 1,500 vehicles. In addition,
support a fair cover of wooded vegetation. 3 million l of kerosene was provided for
To counter this drain, the AKRSP, CADP, domestic use and 4,550 cylinders of lique-
Environmental Rehabilitation Project, fied petroleum gas were circulated among
Forest Department and Forest hotels and affluent households. Natural gas
Development Corporation have all has not been supplied to the district, partly
launched ambitious forest tree plantation because the area’s rugged terrain makes
programmes. Since 1991, the AKRSP it difficult and expensive to build pipelines
alone has overseen the plantation of some to reach the area’s widely scattered popu-
6.5 million trees through village organisa- lation. Solar energy is utilised in the tradi-
tions. During the currency of the CADP, tional way to dehydrate fruits and vegeta-
community based organisations (CBOs) bles, and for heating. Hot water springs at
received 2 million saplings from the Forest Garum Chashma and Shah Salim are used
Department. for bathing and laundry.
An irrigation channel under construction
valley is therefore isolated for several 2001, this department has been devolved to
months each year. Travel within Chitral the district level and renamed the Works and
itself is made difficult by the poor quality Services Department. Meanwhile, building
and limited reach of the roads network. and maintaining link roads and suspension
bridges connecting small settlements with
The 366 km Peshawar–Dir–Chitral road is the main road to Chitral town was the
the shortest land route between Chitral and responsibility of the former Chitral District
the rest of Pakistan. It is blacktopped Council, which constructed 390 km of link
throughout, except for a 24 km shingle roads and blacktopped 2 km of shingle roads
stretch in the Lowari Pass. The main road in annually with funds from the Community
Ziarat is connected to Arandu by a 32 km Uplift Programme. Under the new local gov-
shingle road, linking Chitral to the border of ernment system, the District Council has also
Afghanistan’s Kunar province. A146 km road been abolished and its responsibilities now
via the Shandur pass, connecting Chitral with fall on the Chitral and Mastuj Tehsil Municipal
Gilgit, is blacktopped for 75 km and shingled Administrations (TMAs).
the rest of the way. These roads were con-
structed by the former Communication and In the non-government sector, the CADP
Works Department, which also built the 40 constructed 222 km of farm-to-market roads,
km Chitral–Garum Chashma road (19 km of besides providing funds to widen and black-
which is blacktopped) and, with CADP top the 76 km Chitral–Booni road. For its
funding, widened and blacktopped the 76 km part, the AKRSP has built 165 km of farm-to-
Chitral–Booni road. market roads through village organisations.
Chitral’s water supply. Typically, setting up local government system, the Municipal
a drinking water supply scheme involves Committee has been dissolved and
locating a source on high ground and replaced by two TMAs: Chitral and Mastuj.
conveying the water to habitations at Operation and maintenance of the system
lower elevations. The distribution network is now the responsibility of an autonomous
operates on the principle of gravity, and unit within the TMAs.
consists of underground or overground
pipelines and storage tanks constructed at Since 1993, 11 drinking water schemes
various elevations to ensure smooth flow. have been completed under the first phase
of the Social Action Programme (SAP).
Before devolution, the Public Health Under the five-year SAP Phase 2,
Engineering Department (PHED) was the launched in July 1998, supply will be fur-
principal government agency responsible ther extended, with CBOs participating in
for supplying potable water to the area. By project identification, planning, design and
2001, the PHED had completed 160 implementation.
schemes costing Rs 194 million. Under the
CADP, the PHED completed 70 more
drinking water schemes with the participa- Harsh climactic conditions and
tion of village organisations. Of these, 20 rugged terrain make fetching water
were handed over to village communities
for operation and maintenance. In the case for domestic use a punishing task. In
of schemes that are currently in a state of many villages, women and
disrepair, funding needs to be secured for
their rehabilitation before local communi- children cover long distances daily,
ties will be willing to take over operation. travelling on foot over mountain
Until 1988, all of Chitral district was treated tracks in rain and snow.
as a rural area, with the now-defunct District
Council responsible for supplying drinking
water. The Council completed 500 small 2.16
village-level schemes with financial and Sanitation and Solid Waste
technical assistance from the United Disposal
Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the
participation of village organisations created Sanitation and solid waste disposal facilities
by the AKRSP and CADP. On completion, in Chitral are deplorable. Rural area resi-
these schemes were handed over to village dents defecate in the countryside, or in a
organisations for operation and maintenance. corner of their homes from where the exc-
Since the dissolution of elected councils, reta is removed by women and dumped on
UNICEF assistance has come to a halt. rubbish heaps. The situation in the towns is
as bad if not worse, because vacant spaces
In 1988, when Chitral town was declared an that may be used as latrines are not avail-
urban area, a Municipal Committee was able around the houses. The Chitral TMA
established. With financial assistance from offers a semblance of solid waste removal
the KfW and technical help from the PHED, services, collecting 2 of the 9 t of waste
in 1994 the Municipal Committee completed generated daily. In the absence of incinera-
the Chitral Town Drinking Water Supply tors, landfill sites or other means of
Project at a cost of Rs 10.6 million, convey- disposal, the TMA simply burns the refuse
ing water from the Angarghoon spring in the open air along river banks. Individual
through a 32 km pipeline. This scheme households burn or bury their waste, or
supplies 1.5 million gal of water daily to 60% throw garbage into rivers or side streets.
of the population of Chitral town along with While 75–85% of the homes in Chitral town
nine surrounding villages. Supply metres are equipped with soakage pits, some
have been installed in households receiving households discharge their sewage into
water through this network. Under the new drains which carry the untreated effluent
The problem of sanitation and solid waste 54
training to local residents. In other sectors, (9,300 lines), Booni (300 lines), Drosh (900
two privately-owned computer centres lines), Garum Chashma (102 lines), Mastuj
impart basic computer literacy skills; some (500 lines) and Reshun (200 lines). Two
37 vehicle maintenance and repair shops, Mega Tag exchanges with a capacity of
employing 46 skilled and 49 semi-skilled 100 lines each at Gahiret and Oveer are
workers, provide apprenticeships to local also linked to this network. Similar facilities
youth; and over 1,500 vehicle drivers will be extended to Mulkhow and Torkhow
employ trainees as cleaners. in the near future.
2.18 2.20
Health Environment
2.18.1 Public Sector Environmental protection is the responsi-
bility of the TMAs. Their functions in this
Three hospitals, three rural health centres, regard, as detailed in the NWFP Local
22 basic health units, 22 dispensaries and Government Ordinance 2001, include: (i)
three maternity care health centres operate controlling land use, land subdivision, land
in the public sector. These facilities are development and zoning in both the public
staffed by 33 male doctors, four female and private sector; and (ii) providing, man-
doctors, 23 female health visitors, three aging, operating, maintaining and improv-
female and 180 male technicians, three ing water supply, sewerage, sanitation and
nurses and 290 trained birth attendants. solid waste disposal; traffic planning;
Health services are also provided by six parks, playgrounds, open spaces and
family planning centres with a combined arboriculture (GoNWFP, 2001).
staff of seven women (one doctor and six
health visitors). In 1988, two hospitals, 30 In addition, the provincial government has
dispensaries, four rural health centres and set up a District Environmental Protection
13 basic health units were operating in the Committee in Chitral with the following
area. members: EDOs of the concerned devolved
departments; the DFO Chitral; the
2.18.2 Private Sector Executive Engineer Irrigation Chitral; and
representatives of the AKRSP, CCS Unit
The Aga Khan Health Services (AKHS) and CBOs working at the grassroots level.
provides medical treatment at 29 health
centres, staffed by 17 male and four female 2.21
doctors, as well as 383 community health Social Organisation
workers. In addition, the AKHS has trained
366 women as birth attendants. Historically, Chitral’s tradition of voluntary
social organisation was provided legal
2.19 cover and administrative support by the
Telecommunications area’s princely rulers. With the end of their
rule, the system they fostered fell into disar-
The British colonial administration first ray. Today, the non-government sector has
installed telephone and telegraph facilities taken up the task of creating grassroots
in Chitral in 1904. In 1978, Chitral was con- organisations. From December 1982 to
December 2000, the AKRSP set up 758 vil- Seasonal migration is a unique feature of
lage organisations with a total membership Chitral’s employment landscape. During
of 29,116 as well as 382 women’s organisa- the winter, young men without a local
tions with a combined membership of source of off-farm income migrate to the
10,590. During its involvement in Chitral cities in search of work. Most are hired as
from 1989 to 1997, the CADP worked to unskilled labour in the construction indus-
establish grassroots organisations as well. try. Similarly, students forced to terminate
As a result, community organisation their education owing to financial hardship
appears once again to be thriving across accompany their relatives to the cities in
Chitral, with the exception of a few uncoop- search of employment in factories and
erative areas or households. households. Most such migrants return to
their villages in the summer to participate in
2.22 agricultural activities. Relatively fewer men
Employment work in the Middle East, mostly as unskilled
According to the 1998 census, 33,778
males and 2,550 females aged 10 years 2.22.1 Formal Sector
and above are employed (GoP, 1999). Of
this group, 160 boys and 33 girls are aged The government is the major formal-sector
between 10 and 14 years. The majority of employer in Chitral, with 14,000 individuals
men are engaged in public or private working in various organisations and
service (41%) and agriculture (28%), with departments. Among non-governmental
fewer individuals employed in trade (9%), organisations (NGOs), Aga Khan
transport (6%) and construction (5%). Development Network institutions are the
Women are for the most part employed in largest employers in the area, with a com-
public and private service (50%), cottage bined staff of close to 700. Until recently,
industries (44%) and agriculture (3%) women in Chitral, as in other rural areas of
(Table 13). The census also shows that the country, worked primarily in the educa-
24,846 males aged 10 to 64 (23,986 aged tion or health sectors. NGOs have expand-
15 to 64) are facing unemployment (look- ed employment opportunities in recent
ing for work and/or laid off). Only 42 years, creating jobs for women in a variety
females (aged 15 to 24 years) are looking of fields, including social organisation,
for work and two girls between 10 and 14 forestry, agriculture and animal husbandry.
years of age have been laid off. Although In the health care sector, the AKHS staff of
a substantial 97,982 women are engaged 179 already includes 51 women.
in domestic labour in their own homes, Employment prospects for women have
they are not taken into account in the further improved with the establishment of
census. private schools.
Self-employment 45.85 45.95 44.60 48.58 48.55 48.85 29.47 30.67 8.13
(government) 38.98 38.73 42.17 35.81 35.68 37.41 58.08 56.68 83.04
Employee (auto) 2.17 2.17 2.21 2.17 2.18 2.10 2.15 2.09 3.18
(private) 9.94 10.44 3.54 10.18 10.74 3.33 8.53 8.71 5.30
Employer 0.38 0.38 0.37 0.24 0.23 0.41 1.19 1.25 –
Unpaid family
helper 2.68 2.33 7.11 3.02 2.62 7.90 0.58 0.60 0.35
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
has been the recent establishment of North-
2.23 South Seeds, which operates mainly in
Microenterprise Gilgit and runs a production office in Hunza
as well as a production unit in Chitral.
Before its merger with Pakistan in 1969,
Chitral state was by and large a self-sufficient, Although its own mandate was confined to
isolated mountain valley. Its artisans manu- horticulture, the PHP recognised the impor-
factured a variety of handicrafts that were tance of an integrated approach to
sold locally or presented as souvenirs to microenterprise development. During its
visitors who ventured into the region. currency, it provided assistance to farmers
Traditional craftwork is still practised in certain at each step of the production cycle from
areas: woollen shu (or patti) in Mogh; carpets pre-production to post-marketing.
in Booni; pelask (goat-hair rugs) in Bumburet;
wood carving in Jughore; traditional women’s 2.24
dresses and capes in the Kalash valley; Cultural Heritage
woollen gowns in Khorkashandeh and
Torkhow; and embroidered belts, caps, Chitral’s unique culture has developed over
cushion covers, tea cosies, tea mats and many millennia, with more than a dozen
waistcoats in Yurjogh. Besides traditional ethnic groups speaking as many languages
cottage industry, the AKRSP, CADP and PHP scattered across isolated mountain valleys.
have initiated a number of ventures in new Many of the ancestors of Chitral’s present-
sectors involving the production, packaging day inhabitants fled to these valleys to
and marketing of dried apricots, apricot escape the turmoil of surrounding coun-
kernels and kernel oil; fruits, vegetables and tries. As a result, the culture of the people
potatoes; and commercial poultry farming. of Chitral is more closely linked to the cul-
tures of Central Asia and China, rather than
Entrepreneurial training, investment and the rest of South Asia.
aggressive marketing at both the national
and international level will be required to 2.24.1 Architecture
make such ventures viable and profitable in
the long term. Improving communications The royal palace in Chitral and the forts in
with the outside world, particularly during the Birmoghlasht, Chitral, Drasun, Drosh, Mastuj,
winter months when the snowbound Lowari Naghar, Shagram and Shoghore are now pri-
and Shandur passes cut off road transport, vately owned and in varying stages of decay.
is also crucial to ensure the sustainable In addition to the ruins of forts dating back to
growth of the microenterprise sector. the fourth and fifth centuries BC, Chitral is
home to several preserved forts, fortresses
Of all the agencies working in Chitral, the and towers from a more recent era. Also of
AKRSP and PHP alone have taken a seri- interest are single- and double- storied
ous interest in developing microenterprise, houses built in typical Khow and Kalash style.
albeit on a small scale. Building on its initial The Khow house, or baipash, is an integral
success in promoting apricot production part of a fort complex, providing several
and marketing, the AKRSP in 1998 created facilities under one roof (bedroom, drawing
an Enterprise Development Division which room and kitchen). Traditional Chitrali build-
aims to provide vocational and entrepre- ings are embellished with wood carvings.
2.24.2 Arts and Crafts and souz, are part of the folk heritage of
Central Asia.
Chitral’s artisans manufacture a wide
range of elegant and delicately crafted 2.24.7 Folk Songs
products, including pottery, weaponry and
jewellery; woodwork; and embroidered, Folk songs serve as a repository of regional
woven and knitted textiles. Clay, wood, history. The folk poets of Chitral sing war
stone, bone, animal skin and copper are songs as well as love ballads. Epics are
the materials most commonly used. popular among the Kalash, while Khowar
Chitral’s woollen fabric, shu (or patti), poets prefer romantic verse. Elements of
embroidered cloth and walnut-wood furni- nature and the environment are also
ture are popular in handicraft markets depicted in song.
throughout the country.
2.24.8 Folklore
2.24.3 Traditional Costumes and
Dresses The folklore of Dameli, Kalash, Khowar,
Wakhi and other languages of Chitral is
Traditional Khow and Kalash clothing is vast and varied. A vibrant tradition of folk
made from wool and silk, decorated with stories, some as long as novels, has been
beads and shells. The traditional cap passed down from generation to genera-
(pakol) and gown (chugha) are popular tion. These narratives are richly populated
items in major cities throughout the country, with superhuman characters participating
as are typical Chitrali shoes (khone) which in metaphysical events. Chitral’s story-
resemble long riding boots. tellers employ a unique style where every
tale begins and ends in the same way. The
2.24.4 Local Food and storyteller starts with the incantation: “Day
Beverages and night lie to each other; you and I lie to
each other; a curse be on the one who first
The area’s vast culinary repertoire of foods told a lie. I know not if it was thus, I know
and beverages is unique in terms of both not if it was so, but it is said there was a
flavour and presentation. Chitrali cuisine is still king. . .” Every story closes with the words:
prepared and served in a traditional fashion. “It was an interesting event; I was awarded
a lame horse which could not reach my
2.24.5 Local Games and Sports destination.”
Polo and falconry are the most popular 2.24.9 Legendary Sites
recreational pursuits in Chitral, while proto-
types of cricket, football and hockey are Among the many locations immortalised in
also played. The people hunt for sport as legend and folklore are Braro-khongor
well as to supplement their diet. (near Shandur), Khongor-diru-bokht
(Barenis), Khow-bokht (Mulkhow),
2.24.6 Music and Dance Khudayo-rash (Rizhun), Qalandar-botiru-
bokht (Rayeen) and Rakhun, a mountain
Music and dance are at the heart of Chitrali visible from Garum Chashma.
culture. The performance of music is not
considered to be a profession confined to a 2.24.10 Historic Military Sites
few families, as is the case in the rest of the
sub-continent. Rather, Chitral’s rich and Chitral is home to a number of heritage
varied musical tradition is part of the fabric sites where important battles were fought in
of everyday life. Every occasion calls for a the past. Chokul Waht, Darband, Gasht,
different rhythm, while certain beats are Jutilasht, Khandan, Khorkashandeh, Nisur
served for particular individuals. The Gole and Rabat are among the dozens of
Chitrali sitar is famous throughout the world such areas of historical interest. The ruins
and traditional dances, such as the dani of ancient forts dating as far back as the
A view of Chitral Town
third century BC are located in Ashret, times, when trade caravans traversed the
Brep, Muzhgol and Uchusht (Ghufran, region from Kashgar and Bukhara to Kabul
1962; Stein, 1921). and Peshawar. Kalash and Khow culture
was first introduced to anthropologists,
2.24.11 Indigenous Tribes— ethnologists, linguists and mountaineers
the Kalash through the writings of British colonial
officers and explorers. Tourism was devel-
With its origins lost in the mists of antiquity, oped as an industry after Chitral state
this ancient tribe is a unique cultural merged with Pakistan in 1969. Until only
resource. Four festivals mark the highlights recently, close to 16,000 tourists visited
of the Kalash calendar. Joshi, the spring Chitral annually, 2,000 of whom were
festival, when girls pick the first flowers of foreign nationals (AKRSP, 2000b).
the year, is held on May 14–15. It is cele-
brated with dancing, social visits and the Chitral’s main tourist attractions are moun-
exchange of milk and dairy products. taineering, a pleasant summer climate and
Utchal is observed for two days in mid-July the unique culture of the Kalash people.
to mark the wheat and barley harvest, and With its rugged landscape and rich biodi-
involves song, dance and feasting. Pul, on versity, the area is also an ideal destination
December 20–21, marks the grape and for ecotourism. However, picnic spots,
walnut harvest, while Chowmass, from trekking routes and other areas of cultural
December 18 to 21, welcomes the new significance are yet to be identified and
year with feasting, drinking, dancing and opened to visitors. At present, the absence
the sacrifice of goats (GoP, 1999). of an all-weather road link with the rest of
the country is the single most important
2.25 constraint to the development of tourism.
Tourism Meanwhile, local communities lack interest
in developing this sector perhaps because
The area that is now Chitral has been its potential importance is not widely
exposed to foreign influences since ancient recognised.
vision for development initiatives, and is work of Tehsil Officers responsible for
responsible for ensuring effective and effi- municipal regulations, infrastructure,
cient administration. The Nazim’s specific services, finance and planning.
functions are detailed in the NWFP Local
Government Ordinance 2001. The TMA performs the following functions:
■ preparing plans for land use and zoning
The District Administration consists of in collaboration with Union Councils;
district offices, including the sub-offices of obtaining Tehsil Council approval for
those departments now devolved to the plans; and implementation;
district level, as well as other offices set ■ controlling land use, subdivision,
up and grouped under the EDOs. The development and zoning in the public
work of these departments is coordinated and private sector;
by the District Coordination Off i c e r ■ enforcing municipal laws, rules and by-
(DCO), appointed by the provincial laws; and
government. ■ operating, maintaining and improving the
municipal infrastructure, providing
The DCO Chitral is the Coordinating Head services in a number of sectors,
of the District Administration, which including water supply, waste disposal
includes the magistracy, finance and plan- and communications.
ning, education and literacy, health, com-
munity development, agriculture, revenue, 2.27.4 Tehsil Council
and works and services. Since responsibil-
ity for forests, wildlife, electricity and irriga- Members of the Tehsil Council include the
tion has not been devolved to the district Naib Nazims of all Union Councils, as well
level, these sectors continue to operate as representatives of women, peasants,
under provincial hierarchies. workers and minority communities elected
on reserved seats. The Tehsil Council
The district government performs its func- considers for approval the Municipal
tions in accordance with the provisions of the Administration’s proposals on taxes, by-
NWFP Local Government Ordinance 2001 laws, annual budgets, land use zoning, and
and the rules made pursuant to this law. development master plans. The Council
also elects tehsil-level monitoring, justice
2.27.2 Zilla Council and accounts committees.
Leader of the House and the Leader of the ■ agriculture (agriculture extension,
Opposition in the provincial assembly), livestock, fisheries, farm forestry,
two qualified and experienced technocrats sericulture, agriculture engineering, soil
selected by the government, and the conservation, watershed management
Secretary Local Government and Rural and cooperatives);
Development. The Commission performs ■ works and services (district roads and
the following functions: bridges, water supply and sanitation);
■ conducting annual and special inspec- ■ community development (social welfare,
tions of local governments, and submit- rural community development, centre for
ting reports on their performance to the handicapped children); and
provincial chief executive; ■ revenue and estates.
■ undertaking special audits;
■ resolving disputes between district The following sectors remain under the
governments; and control of the provincial government:
■ inquiring into matters brought up by the ■ higher education,
DCO where the DCO considers the ■ district headquarters hospital,
orders of the Zilla Nazim unlawful, or ■ irrigation,
the Zilla Nazim complains against the ■ forests and wildlife,
DCO. ■ district accounts office,
The Commission is appointed for a four- ■ police, and
year term and reports to the chief executive ■ judiciary.
of the province.
2.27.10 Zilla Mohtasib Nexus Between Devolution
and the Chitral
The government is to appoint a Zilla Conservation Strategy
Mohtasib (ombudsman) for the district to
redress citizen’s complaints against district Good governance, decentralised planning,
government officials. and the empowerment of marginalised
groups and local communities with a
2.27.11 Progress Made in bottom-up approach to service delivery are
Implementation priority issues for natural resource
management and sustainable development
The local government system has begun under the CCS. For its part, the new local
functioning in Chitral. The following government system emphasises the need
departments have been devolved from the for decentralised planning and participatory
provincial level and merged with the district development. The CCS and the new local
government: government share common concerns
■ finance, planning and development; regarding poverty alleviation and environ-
■ education (primary, secondary and mental conservation.
■ health (civil hospitals, dispensaries, rural The nexus between the CCS and the new
health clinics, basic health units, local government system is embodied in
maternity and child health care, malaria Section 140(4)(a) of the Local Government
and tuberculosis control, vaccination and Ordinance, which provides for a crystallised
drug control); vision for integrated development of the dis-
■ industries (commerce colleges, trict, to be formulated and presented by the
vocational institutes, skill development Zilla Mushavirat (consultation) Committee
centres); on behalf of the district government.
Tapping the water for community needs
largest single contribution to Chitral’s power Today, 575 village organisations are
supply after WAPDA. To facilitate operation engaged in cooperative marketing, assisted
and maintenance, the AKRSP has trained by loans and training. So far 1,087 male and
254 plant operators. This initiative is doubly 841 female entrepreneurs have been
important because microhydels are likely to trained in enterprise development, improved
be the main source of electricity for a large woollen cloth making (women), post-harvest
number of small scattered habitations that management, fresh fruit marketing, fruit pro-
cannot cost-effectively be connected to the cessing and drying,potato and vegetable
national grid or other local projects. In the marketing, poultry farming, operation and
communications sector, the AKRSP has management of retail business, and
constructed farm-to-market roads. business plan preparation.
The AKRSP’s entry into the field of enter- Guilds of spinners and weavers brought
prise development is driven by a recognition together under the AKRSP’s Shubinak
of the fact that increasing agricultural pro- House Project have played a significant role
duction alone will not serve to materially in promoting shu (also known as patti), the
enhance the quality of life of the population. traditional woollen fabric of the area. These
Since only a small area is under agriculture guilds produce woollen products and supply
and most land holdings are small, simply value-added clothing to the market. Funded
increasing crop yields will not make the by the Swiss Agency for Development and
desired impact on agricultural income. Cooperation (SDC), Shubinak House has
Rather, it is essential to teach farmers to been able to introduce high-grade woollen
improve the processing and marketing of patti to various outlets in the urban centres
their produce in order to increase earnings. of Pakistan as well as abroad. Over the past
Methods employed in this connection five years (1997–2002), Shubinak House
include cooperative marketing ventures and has proved itself to be a self-reliant and
skills training to enable value addition. profitable entity.
facilities already provided by the AKRSP,
has been established to promote enter-
prise and alleviate poverty by facilitating
small loans to individuals. The FMB’s total
capital investment amounts to Rs 600
million, of which 60% comes from the
AKRSP, and the remainder from the Aga
Khan Fund for Economic Development
(20%) and International Finance
Corporation (20%).
Aga Khan Health Services
Established in Chitral in 1964, the Aga
Khan Health Services (AKHS) plays a
crucial role in providing medical treatment
to women and children in remote areas.
The AKHS operates one main office with
A rural medical facility
three field units and runs 29 health
centres, including a full-fledged hospital
(Aga Khan Medical Centre) and a tertiary
service (Aga Khan Extended Family
Health Centre). The AKHS has also 3.5
established family health centres, three Aga Khan Education
dispensaries, and 19 mother and child Services
health centres. Extension health workers
of the AKHS provide immunisation cover- Established in Chitral in 1980, the Aga Khan
age and family planning services to the Education Services (AKES) focuses on two
rural population. areas: (i) formal education through fully-fund-
ed Aga Khan schools and self-financed com-
3.4 munity-based schools; and (ii) support for
Aga Khan Planning and higher and professional education through
Building Services counselling, career development, grants and
stipends. The AKES supports female educa-
The Aga Khan Planning and Building tion, emphasising quality rather than
Services (AKPBS) was established in 1987, quantity, and operates 51 funded and 27
then known as the Aga Khan Housing community-based schools in the district.
Board. This institution provides training as
well as architectural and engineering 3.6
services for the construction of schools, Chitral Area Development
hospitals, houses and hostels. The AKPBS Project
has designed model houses and building
materials for use in the highly seismic zone Funded by the Asian Development Bank
of the Hindukush range. and the International Fund for Agricultural
A cantilever bridge
formance has been satisfactory, with com- Nations Development Programme and
bined savings of Rs 19 million. The CADP Global Environment Facility-assisted pilot
also set up 229 women’s organisations with project, Maintaining Biodiversity in
savings of Rs 2 million. Pakistan with Rural Community
Development, which was implemented
3.7 during the period 1995–1998 in the Arkari,
Project for Horticultural Begusht, Golain, Madaklasht and Manur
Promotion valleys of Chitral. Following the success of
this pilot project, the full-scale Mountain
This initiative, assisted by the SDC, was Areas Conservancy Project has been
launched in 1988. Its first phase initiated. In addition, the Protected Areas
(1988–1990) was devoted to the preparation Management Project, which includes
of a master plan for horticulture in the NWFP. improving management of the Chitral Gol
The PHP was implemented with the active National Park, commenced in October
collaboration of the Agriculture Department’s 2002 with the signing of an agreement
research and extension unit as well as farm- between the World Bank and the
ers’ interest groups. In Chitral, the project Government of Pakistan.
was facilitated by the AKRSP. Following its
final phase (2000–2003), the PHP has Meanwhile, the Gahiret Conservation
wound up operations but its work is to be Area and Tooshi–Shasha Conservancy,
taken forward by partner organisations. together covering 46,500 ha, are
community initiatives facilitated by the
3.8 Wildlife Department and managed as
Maintaining Biodiversity in community game reserves. Local residents
Pakistan With Rural develop and implement plans for the
Community Development sustainable management of biological
resources in their areas. They are empow-
The most important recent initiative in bio- ered to enforce wildlife laws and permitted
diversity conservation has been the United to retain 75% of the income derived from
Large predators such as the snow leopard Leopard Conservation Project to create
are an important indicator of the health of an awareness among model communities.
ecosystem. In Chitral, the survival of the Along with capacity development and envi-
snow leopard is threatened by human pop- ronmental education, the project provides
ulation growth and the resulting expansion incentives to agro-pastoral communities
of settlements to the uplands. In 2001, and herders to protect this endangered
WWF–Pakistan launched the Snow species.
Chapter 4
5.1 5.2
Education Health
Widening the availability of education and Access to health care is an important
improving standards are key to upgrading measure of development. Only four
human capital. Currently, the standard of female and 33 male doctors work in
basic education on offer is unsatisfactory, Chitral’s public health system, rendering
while flaws exist in the focus of higher edu- the state of medical facilities abysmal.
cation. Growth that has taken place in the With a single district headquarters
education sector to date does not ade- hospital, two tehsil hospitals, three rural
quately reflect the needs of the people. In health centres and 22 basic health units
addition to factors specific to each locality, serving 463 rural habitations, access to
the quality of education suffers because medical treatment is restricted even at the
schools are ill-equipped, teachers are not best of times. When roads and bridges are
motivated and supervision is ineffective. washed away by floods or blocked with
heavy snow, however, some communities
Low enrolment figures, meanwhile, may be are left with no access whatsoever to
attributed in part to a lack of awareness health care.
about the importance of education but this
is not the only reason why few individuals Chitral’s widely scattered population and dif-
pursue academics. In the case of young ficulties of access hinder the timely delivery
men, poverty forces even those already of health services. Inadequate waste man-
enrolled in school or college to drop out and agement, improper hygiene practices and
instead seek employment. Without the contaminated water contribute to poor
benefit of vocational skills or technical train- health, putting additional pressure on
ing, men are forced to take up low-paying medical facilities which are already short-
unskilled work which only serves to trap staffed and ill-equipped. Public health is also
them deeper in a cycle of poverty. Among undermined by the fact that local communi-
women, the most serious constraint to ties lack basic health education.
expanding education is the insufficient
number of middle and high schools for girls. Strategy
The strategy to improve public health will
Strategy focus on the following areas:
The Chitral Conservation Strategy (CCS) ■ emphasising primary and preventive
proposes the following measures to improve health care;
both the quality and reach of education: ■ expanding the supply of potable water;
■ adopting a two-track approach to focus ■ providing for the safe disposal of
on mass education as well as profes- sewage and solid waste;
sional training; ■ adopting innovative methods to improve
■ seeking policy, administrative, moral and health care; learning from the efforts of
material support from stakeholders to organisations such as the Aga Khan
improve educational institutions; Health Services, which employs trained
stakeholder participation will also help community health workers in conjunction
overcome site-specific obstacles; with qualified medical practitioners;
■ establishing a quality facility for technical ■ creating a mobile extension unit within
education with a curriculum geared the Health Department to motivate and
towards employment opportunities educate both ordinary citizens as well as
available in Pakistan and abroad; local government functionaries in pri-
■ obtaining policy support at the national mary and preventive health care prac-
level to enable students from Chitral to tices; and
gain admission to professional institu- ■ extending district government support to
tions elsewhere in the country; and health care initiatives taken up by non-
■ instituting a student scholarship governmental organisations (NGOs) and
programme. the private sector.
A government school
Several other CCS initiatives will synergis- their households. Besides being ineffective,
tically impact the health sector. These this indirect approach is also inequitable.
include: Knowledge is power and transferring it
■ improving governance, selectively through men is likely to further
■ upgrading roads and bridges, increase their dominance over women.
■ alleviating poverty,
■ encouraging social organisation, Development projects also assume that
■ focusing on gender concerns, and income earned by male members of the
■ increasing agricultural productivity. household will automatically be spent on
the needs of all members of the family.
5.3 This seldom happens. Rather, men
Gender Mainstreaming consider it their prerogative to spend their
earnings as they wish, generally favouring
Until recently, development planning has social activities and luxury expenses. The
focused on households rather than individ- priorities of women within the household,
uals. The underlying assumption has been and basic needs such as education and
that all members of a family share similar child nutrition, are often considered
needs, perform the same functions and secondary. The major gender concern in
enjoy equal access to opportunities and development is to provide men and women
resources. In reality, however, significant with equal access to nutrition, health and
disparities exist within a household education, and to create earning opportu-
between its male and female members, nities for women in socially acceptable
with the latter in a disadvantaged position. occupations.
Moreover, men and women perform differ-
ent functions in various spheres of activity. Strategy
The CCS gender strategy will focus on the
Most government research and extension following initiatives:
programmes target men in the hope that ■ persuading line departments, Citizen
knowledge will trickle down to the women of Community Boards and community-
based organisations to work towards ing popular rather than traditional cuisine.
levelling the field for development; Similarly, young people are losing interest
■ providing men and women with equal in traditional local games and sports. As a
access to nutrition, health care and result, the cultural heritage of Chitral is in
education; danger of being lost forever.
■ enhancing women’s skills in income
generating activities by establishing Strategy
training programmes; and The strategy to preserve and promote
■ providing incentives and creating the cultural heritage of Chitral calls for
employment opportunities for women. the district government to focus on the
following areas:
5.4 ■ liaising with national agencies to
Cultural Heritage promote Chitral’s traditional arts and
crafts in order to establish a market for
Chitral’s architectural and archaeological these products and provide incentives to
heritage has suffered from the neglect of craftsmen and women;
public-sector agencies as well as local ■ facilitating the efforts of local NGOs to
communities. Preserving ancient architec- promote traditional arts, crafts and
ture and protecting sites of archaeological sports; and
importance is a capital-intensive undertak- ■ seeking assistance from the provincial
ing which neither the government nor ordi- and federal governments to prepare
nary citizens have been able to fund. projects for the preservation of architec-
Market forces, meanwhile, have compelled ture and archaeological remains.
traditional artisans to abandon handicraft
manufacture, which brings in only limited 5.5
earnings, and switch to more lucrative Enterprise
forms of income generation. In the case of
traditional foods and beverages, commer- Chitral is a semi-arid region with a small
cial outlets aim to increase profits by serv- area of land under cultivation and some
by an increasing population and rising
aspirations. What is needed today is to
diversify the economy by accelerating the
installation of hydel plants and promoting
local resource-based microenterprise
initiatives in sectors such as horticulture,
husbandry and tourism.
The strategy for poverty alleviation will
require the district government to focus on
the following:
■ ensuring that funds from the Khushhal
Pakistan Programme are spent
judiciously, and monitoring the impact of
A local blacksmith in Chitral bazaar the programme on poverty as well as
the environment;
■ reviewing allocations to various sectors
5.6 in the light of past experience in order to
Poverty Reduction maximise the impact on poverty
Along with a sense of powerlessness, ■ working closely with the federal
poverty generates apathy among the peo- government to provide up-to-date
ple, leaving individuals fatalistic about their information about overseas employment
own lives and indifferent to environmental opportunities; and
concerns. It goes without saying that ■ facilitating private sector investment in
poverty also hinders access to nutrition, mining, tourism, enterprise development
education, health care, potable water and and cottage industry.
other basic human needs. Poverty in
Chitral is the result of a number of factors 5.7
specific to the area, including the shortage Tourism
of irrigated cultivable land, difficulties of
external and internal communications, the The aim of promoting tourism in Chitral is to
scarcity of institutions offering high quality increase the income of local communities
education and marketable skills training, and provide funds for environmental
and undeveloped potential in sectors such rehabilitation. Developing the area’s
as tourism and mining. considerable potential as a destination for
tourism will also provide incentives to the
Difficulties of access make Chitral less local government to undertake initiatives in
attractive to private-sector investment, other sectors, such as reducing air
particularly in enterprise, cottage industry pollution, providing sewage and solid waste
and small-scale trade development. As a disposal facilities, improving communica-
result, employment opportunities are tions, conserving biodiversity and diversify-
limited. A small percentage of the ing agriculture.
population is employed in the formal sector,
while the majority of the workforce seeks The current law and order situation in the
seasonal employment either within the country has not only brought international
ices, and improving and extending the inter- both cultural heritage and the
nal roads network will encourage tourism. environment;
■ developing infrastructure facilities,
To protect the cultural heritage and envi- including an all-weather road to Chitral
ronment of Chitral, it is essential that the across the Lowari Pass;
expansion of tourism be guided by ecolog- ■ constructing metalled roads to sites of
ical and environmental concerns, and that cultural interest, side valleys and picnic
the process be carefully monitored. The spots;
undesirable impact of uncontrolled tourism ■ opening up areas hitherto closed to
is evident in the Kalash valleys. Tourism in tourists, such as Baroghil, Begusht,
Chitral must be culturally sensitive as well Madaklasht and Urtsun;
as ecologically sustainable. Individual com- ■ imposing an environmental levy on
munities must be allowed to decide which tourists to generate resources for
type of tourist activities they wish to conservation;
encourage—if at all—and in which areas.
Tourism in Chitral must be
Tourism should be organised in a manner
that ensures its primary beneficiaries are
culturally sensitive as well as
the local people. Towards this end, it is ecologically sustainable. Individual
essential to train tourist guides for trekking, communities must be allowed to
mountaineering and wildlife observation.
Other necessary measures include devel-
decide which type of tourist
oping and maintaining fully equipped camp- activities they wish to encourage—
sites; providing potable water and sanitation if at all—and in which areas.
facilities; and ensuring that visitors have
access to hygienically prepared food. Tehsil ■ motivating local communities to develop
Municipal Administrations in the new local sustainable tourism in areas of cultural
government have a major role to play in this or ecological interest;
regard, since it is their responsibility to ■ initiating a training programme for tourist
ensure a clean environment, arrange for the guides;
disposal of sewage and solid waste, and ■ developing a code of conduct for
devise ways to reduce air pollution. tourists; and
■ evolving financial procedures for sharing
Implementation of other sector strategies the income from tourism among
will have a synergistic impact on the individuals and local communities.
promotion of tourism. Improvements in
communications, education, health, 5.8
sanitation, potable water supply, electricity Mineral Resources
and agriculture will complement each other
to create an environment conducive to If properly exploited, Chitral’s mineral
tourist activity. Measures to preserve the deposits could open up an additional
area’s cultural heritage will also serve to sector of economic activity in the area.
attract visitors. In addition, trophy hunting However, development in this sector is at
can be encouraged, as long as measures present constrained by a number of
are taken to protect biodiversity. factors. The most important of these is the
Polo at Shandur
Development of Municipal
Chapter 6
Services and Infrastructure
With a widely scattered population residing night soil and animal excreta pollute food
in so rugged a terrain that barely 30% of and drinking water, creating ideal conditions
habitations are linked even by unmetalled for the proliferation of disease vectors.
roads, the centralised system of monitoring
water supply has proved to be ineffective. Critical problems in the sanitation sector
Infrequent inspections, difficulties in report- include congested construction and the
ing faults and delays in taking remedial rocky ground on which most habitations are
action render the system far from efficient. built, coupled with a lack of awareness
Centralised control is likely to hinder any about proper hygiene among local commu-
large-scale effort to expand water supply in nities. In the villages, most residents defe-
the area. cate in the fields or a corner of the home,
from where the excrement is removed and
Two important lessons have been learned dumped in the open. Drying in the sun is
from water supply schemes completed in thought to be sufficient to render this waste
the past. First, the participation of local harmless. Although the urban population is
communities in planning and implementa- increasingly becoming aware of the impor-
tion must be ensured. Second, the opera- tance of sanitation, current efforts are
tion of completed projects should be confined to the construction of latrines from
handed over to them for operation and where sewage is allowed to collect in open
maintenance under the technical guidance spaces. Part of this waste is then removed
of the Water Supply and Sanitation Wing of and burned in the open. Clearly, this
the district Works and Services Department. method of waste disposal cannot by any
means be considered sanitary.
The strategy to expand the supply of Nowhere in Chitral have adequate
potable water will involve:
■ securing the participation of organised arrangements been made to
communities in the planning, implemen- dispose of sewage and solid waste.
tation, monitoring and operation of water
supply schemes; Consequently, night soil and animal
■ seeking technical guidance from the
excreta pollute food and drinking
Water Supply and Sanitation Wing of the
district Works and Services Department; water, creating ideal conditions for
■ motivating area residents to maintain and
the proliferation of disease vectors.
improve the traditional system of collect-
ing water for use in the winter, making this
system both reliable and hygienic; training Under the devolved local government
village activists to serve as facilitators; system, the newly-established Tehsil
■ requiring the Works and Services Municipal Administrations (TMAs) are now
Department to take stock of technical responsible for the disposal of solid, liquid,
difficulties and evolve solutions; and industrial and hospital waste.
■ ensuring that the water supplied is safe
for human consumption by preventing Strategy
contamination at source as well as The strategy to improve the disposal of
during transit. sewage and solid waste will involve:
■ sensitising local communities to the Reliable, year-round access to the rest of the
importance of proper sanitation; country is high on the list of priorities of the
■ seeking cost-effective alternative meth- intelligentsia and business community, as
ods of waste disposal that are appropri- well as those who seek employment outside
ate to the specific circumstances of Chitral. The problem of access is exacerbat-
Chitral; and ed at the moment because the road to
■ generating resources to execute new Arandu via Mohmand Agency and the Kunar
waste disposal schemes with the help of province of Afghanistan, the only route that
the local government, Citizen remains passable during the winter, is closed
Community Boards and community- owing to the current geopolitical situation.
based organisations.
The matter engages the attention of the
6.3 government about once every decade,
Roads and Bridges when the question of excavating a tunnel
below the Lowari Pass comes up for
Year-round access within the district, as discussion and is invariably dropped
well between Chitral and the rest of the because of the high costs involved.
country, is essential if employment, trade Frustrated by the repeated abandonment of
and tourism are to be promoted. Attempts to the Lowari tunnel proposal, in 1998 local
introduce high-value fruit and off-season communities themselves began building an
vegetable cultivation, and to promote local all-weather road from Damel to Panakot
handicrafts, will only yield satisfactory (Dir) over Zakhani Kandao. Eventually, they
dividends if goods can be transported to were forced to abandon construction
markets with ease. It is not just in economic because the highest stretch turned out to be
terms, however, that properly maintained at an elevation of 4,260 m compared to
roads and bridges are crucial. By providing 3,200 m for the Lowari Pass.
access to information and outside
expertise, they are also essential for the For its part, the government has studied
optimal functioning of other sectors, such as several other options, including clearing
education, health and family planning. snow from the Lowari Pass, constructing
snow galleries at various stretches to protect advocating them forcefully through politi-
roads from snow slides, exploring alternative cal and administrative channels, in order
routes less susceptible to snow build-up and to acquire additional funding from the
acquiring aircraft to overfly the Lowari Pass provincial and federal governments; and
in the winter. However, the Lowari tunnel ■ seeking the active participation and eco-
has now been identified as the best solution nomic contribution of local communities.
to Chitral’s land access problems and the
National Highway Authority is examining the 6.4
proposal. Another means of access to the Physical Planning and
outside world which merits consideration is Housing
a road to Tajikistan.
The scarcity of flat land in this mountainous
The Aga Khan Rural Support Programme region has forced settlements to develop
(AKRSP) and Chitral Area Development haphazardly. Unregulated land develop-
Project (CADP), as well as the former District ment in Chitral, Booni and Drosh, as well
Council, have done commendable work to as rural areas of the district, has created a
expand the network of roads and bridges in narrow winding circulation pattern and dis-
the area. It is essential to evaluate these persed housing. Unplanned construction
efforts in order to draw lessons for the future. has also led to incompatible land uses and
unhygienic living conditions.
The steep mountain terrain of Chitral poses
an environmental hazard, with torrential Uncontrolled land development in the towns
floods in the summer and avalanches in the is partly a result of the apathy of public-sec-
winter, which must be countered in the tor organisations and local municipal bodies
design, implementation and monitoring of which have failed to prepare a land use mas-
projects. Requirements for the proper main- ter plan. To make matters worse, many gov-
tenance of roads must be strictly enforced ernment departments and organisations
and it must be ensured that all new projects have themselves occupied pockets of flat
meet modern environmental standards. land for their offices, facilities and employee
housing. Developed in a horizontal pattern,
Funds to improve internal communications such construction has further limited the
will always fall short of actual needs. The availability of flat land for the local population.
challenge for the local government is to Building has also been carried out without
streamline governance in order to utilise recourse to technical expertise, such as town
available resources effectively. All new and urban planning services. As a result,
communications projects must be sustain- area residents are forced to build wherever
able, and local communities must be land is available, using whatever materials
invited to participate in planning, construc- they are able to afford. The situation in the
tion and maintenance. towns is further aggravated by private-sector
investment in commercial buildings.
The strategy to improve physical communi- Today, whatever unoccupied flat land
cations between Chitral and the rest of the remains in Chitral town, Booni and Drosh is
country involves: under immense pressure for development
■ pursuing the Lowari tunnel proposal with from both the public and private sector.
the federal government (the newly Land development needs to be regulated
elected Zilla Nazim has already and all future construction must be brought
taken up the issue); under a planning framework.
■ preparing a proposal for the construction
of a road to Tajikistan; Strategy
■ developing a network of environmentally In order to rationalise land use, the
sustainable roads with available following steps will be necessary:
resources; ■ ensuring that all new construction in the
■ preparing convincing projects and district follows a strict scrutiny and
A potential resource for generating electricity
Natural Resource
Chapter 7
Cropland in Chitral
Recent initiatives to vitalise the agricultural Given the scarcity of high quality agricultural
sector include projects to improve shu mak- land and the exorbitant cost of extending
ing, introduce more efficient apricot dehy- irrigation to new areas, it is of crucial impor-
dration, increase production of fruits and tance to conserve land already under
off-season vegetables, and promote mar- cultivation and maintain existing irrigation
keting. The government’s agriculture channels. Yet such measures have been
research and extension unit, in conjunction neglected by the concerned government
with the Aga Khan Rural Support departments. Agricultural land is often pre-
Programme (AKRSP), is attempting to empted for other uses, such as construction
increase the productivity of agricultural and even graveyards, while farmers have no
crops grown in the region. It is also working access to technical assistance for soil con-
to reduce disease-induced mortality in servation. The renovation of water channels
livestock and poultry. and precision land levelling initiatives carried
out by the provincial government with World
At tehsil and village consultations held Bank funding from 1992–93 to 1996–97
during the preparation of this strategy, under the On-Farm Water Management
participants assigned the highest priority to Programme have since been abandoned.
extending the area under irrigation. This
was followed closely by the need to protect Considering the many difficulties that farm-
agricultural land from flood and river ers face, the quality of Chitral’s agricultural
erosion, and to improve land levelling. produce is surprisingly good. Where irriga-
Issues such as agricultural inputs, market- tion is possible, Chitral’s semi-arid climate
ing facilities and veterinary care for is ideal for growing fruits and off-season
livestock were mentioned occasionally, vegetables. Cereal yields are on the whole
while women in particular appreciated the satisfactory, except for wheat.
training provided by the AKRSP in poultry Considerable improvements in wheat,
vegetable and fodder yields will become prevent upgrading to higher-yielding but
possible with the cultivation of suitable more nutritionally demanding genotypes.
seed varieties, the application of balanced Livestock extension and research must
nutrients and improved management. address this problem, and find cost-effective
ways to improve livestock and poultry hous-
In the mean time, income from existing irri- ing. In terms of veterinary care, disease pre-
gated land can be optimised by transform- vention programmes sponsored by govern-
ing input supply, research and extension. ment agencies, donors, the AKRSP and the
The focus of current agronomic research in CADP, have been well-received by local
Chitral revolves around improved crop vari- communities. A daunting challenge in this
eties and the use of fertilisers. Compared to regard is to prevent disease transmission
indigenous varieties, the so-called from Afghan-owned livestock. With the ongo-
improved varieties of wheat currently avail- ing repatriation of Afghan refugees and the
able in the North-West Frontier Province introduction of a quarantine system for live-
(NWFP) are more susceptible to disease. At stock entering the area from adjacent coun-
the same time, they yield less fodder and tries, the incidence of disease can be
are less palatable to local livestock—impor- reduced considerably.
tant drawbacks in the context of Chitral’s
mixed farming/livestock subsistence
economy, where animal fodder crops are as
It is of crucial importance to
important as grain for human consumption. conserve land already under
Although farmers place a high value on
cultivation and maintain existing
fertiliser, it is expensive and not easily avail-
able. Agronomists also tend to favour the irrigation channels. Yet such
demonstration plot type of research, where
measures have been neglected by the
the concern is generally to show a statisti-
cally significant increase in yields. What is concerned government departments.
perhaps more relevant to the farmer,
however, is the value of the additional yield,
both in monetary terms as well as in terms Strategy
of the effort involved and risks entailed. The sustainable development of the agricul-
ture sector will require that a number of
In addition to increasing farm household measures are taken:
income, improving horticulture and expand- ■ extending the area under irrigation;
ing marketing will generate considerable ■ designing a comprehensive, cost-effective
employment in the sales and transportation and responsive agricultural system for
sectors. Several initiatives have already Chitral, incorporating soil conservation
been undertaken in this regard by the techniques, improved irrigation, and
AKRSP, Chitral Area Development Project adaptive research and extension;
(CADP) and Project for Horticultural ■ providing agricultural inputs, credit
Promotion (PHP). These include widening facilities and marketing support; the
and blacktopping the Chitral–Booni road, system will operate through organised
advocating the withdrawal of the ban on local communities with guidance from
fruit and vegetable exports, and establish- experts and the support of local councils;
ing North-South Seeds to promote potato ■ ensuring sustainability by framing and
and vegetable seed production. An all- enforcing laws for land use planning and
weather road link to the rest of the country zoning;
is now needed to help increase the ■ encouraging the use of soil conservation
profitability of Chitral’s horticulture sector. techniques to prevent the loss of agricul-
tural land through soil erosion;
In the livestock sector, scarcity of livestock ■ curtailing the diversion of prime
feed is the single most important constraint agricultural land to non-agricultural uses
to expansion. Fodder shortages not only limit by enforcing existing legislation and
the productivity of existing stock, but also framing new laws where necessary;
■ advocating the extension for another five Chitral’s traditional system of irrigation is
years of the work undertaken by the PHP, gravity based. Before engineers came on
to be taken up by the AKRSP and other the scene, water channels were aligned by
organisations; trial and error. Today, levelling instruments
■ balancing food security concerns with the are widely used for this purpose, and
need to increase agricultural income by drilling and blasting have considerably
promoting cereal and fodder production facilitated the work.
as well as fruit and vegetable cultivation;
■ strengthening quarantine measures to Historically, local communities built thou-
control the influx of livestock diseases sands of water channels along steep unsta-
from neighbouring countries; and ble hill slopes and maintained them collec-
■ stepping up the pace of livestock disease tively. More recently, the AKRSP and CADP
prevention programmes. have relied on voluntary social organisation
to extend and maintain irrigation works. In
7.2 many such cases, irrigation projects are
Irrigation and Flood Control identified by the communities themselves.
The AKRSP provides grants to cover materi-
Agriculture is currently the single most impor- al costs and a portion of labour costs, while
tant economic activity in Chitral. As the maintenance is the responsibility of the
sector expands, it is likely to become a major communities. In the future, too, community
source of cash income for a significant per- organisation will be the cornerstone of
centage of the population. Since farming in sustainable irrigation initiatives. This endeav-
Chitral is not viable without irrigation, the our will benefit considerably from the bottom-
overwhelming desire of local communities to up planning envisaged under the NWFP
increase the area under irrigation is under- Local Government Ordinance 2001.
standable. Although considerable attention
has been given to the subject, an optimum At present, local communities manage
and sustainable system of irrigation has yet irrigation over some 19,000 ha. Since 1973,
to be developed. the provincial Irrigation Department has
A pasture in upper Chitral
Lasht Scheme) to Rs 5,357 (Batrik uses simple structures to divert water from
Scheme)—much higher than in other moun- channels on to hill slopes, will increase the
tainous areas of the NWFP. availability of firewood and fodder, improve
watershed protection and conserve
Expanding the irrigation network is made all biodiversity in planted areas.
the more difficult by the fact that no land
settlement has been carried out in the In determining the course of future expan-
Chitral area, rendering current data on sion in the sector, it is imperative to evaluate
irrigated land unreliable. The absence of the work done so far. In particular, it is impor-
clear titles to land causes difficulties in the tant to determine how much of the current
assessment of revenue as well as the irrigated area is under grain cultivation and
implementation of technically feasible horticultural crops, and what percentage
projects. To create an optimum and sustain- supports forest trees and pasture. The
able irrigation system, land settlement is vulnerability of newly-irrigated areas and
therefore a prerequisite. No new irrigation water channels to flood damage will also
scheme should be executed until titles to need to be evaluated. At the same time, soil
land proposed for irrigation, water sources surveys must be carried out to establish
and land traversed by water channels, have areas fit for grain, horticultural crops, forests
been clearly established and all potential for and pasture, and to assess the technical
future disputes eliminated. feasibility of bringing them under irrigation.
A forest nursery
fodder, protect watersheds and conserve Mogh and Thengshen (Chitral Tehsil),
the biodiversity of the area. forestry issues were raised on two
occasions. The women of Booni
7.3 complained of flood damage caused by
Forestry excessive run-off from mountains, which
they correctly attributed to denudation.
Besides serving as a source of timber and They also complained of the high price of
firewood to meet local subsistence needs, firewood which was selling for Rs 100 per
Chitral’s forests carry the potential to fulfil maund (40 kg). The women of Drosh,
important economic and ecological functions. meanwhile, asked why technical assistance
Sanitary commercial felling, for instance, can and resources had not been provided for
generate resources to prime development, the wide-scale application of biogas
while the area’s rich variety of flora and fauna technology in Chitral.
can provide a basis for ecotourism.
Forestry was the most frequently discussed
Particularly for the more remote habitations topic at the Lotkuh tehsil consultation,
of Chitral, oak woodlands serve an extreme- second in the Chitral and Mastuj meetings,
ly important function as a source of fuel and third in Drosh and Mulkhow, and fourth in
fodder reserves. Under heavy pressure from Torkhow. In the Kalash valley, forestry
grazing, winter fodder requirements and the overshadowed all other concerns. Although
need for firewood, oak woodlands and scat- the topic was discussed in two thirds of all
tered wooded growth are on the verge of village consultations, participants awarded
extinction. Meanwhile, the protection, man- higher priority to other concerns such as
agement and use of coniferous forests, irrigation, potable water, electricity, flood
which is the responsibility of the Forest protection, roads, health, education, sanita-
Department, needs urgent improvement. tion, female embroidery centres, veterinary
hospitals, children’s playgrounds,
At meetings held with women’s organisa- telephones, agricultural markets and pur-
tions in Booni, Bumburet, Drosh, Mastuj, chase points for inputs.
Whenever the issue came up for discus- in order to meet local needs for timber and
sion, participants pointed out the need for firewood. At the same time, forests are not
more forest trees to increase the supply of regenerating under heavy pressure from
firewood and fodder, and to serve as a uncontrolled grazing. As a result, forest cover
means of flood protection. In areas with continues to decline despite the ban on com-
abundant forest cover, the emphasis was mercial timber harvesting.
on improved protection, although partici-
pants agreed that protection from felling Local communities do not gain from the
and grazing would depend on the availabil- exploitation of Chitral’s forest resources.
ity of alternative sources of fuel and fodder. Forest contractors, most of whom do not
Several speakers also emphasised the futil- belong to the area, have purchased from
ity of trying to grow forest trees without the local rightsholders their share in the sale pro-
aid of irrigation. ceeds of timber. These purchases, made in
advance and at heavy discount, allow con-
Regeneration is an essential prerequisite tractors to secure a windfall by illegally cutting
for sustainable forestry. Harvested trees more trees than permissible. Consequently, a
must be replaced by new growth. few contractors receive the majority of the
Restricting the removal of trees alone will benefits from timber harvesting, both by legal
not serve to perpetuate forests. In fact, the means and through illegal practices.
entire annual growth of a forest can safely
be removed in the form of defective, dis- Strategy
eased, mature and overmature trees, pro- The strategy to conserve coniferous forests
vided regeneration is ensured. Far from will entail the following measures:
being depleted, the forest would improve in ■ focusing management on meeting local
quality and value with each cut. needs for forest produce, as well as pro-
tecting landscapes and biodiversity in
Although a ban on commercial timber har- order to promote tourism;
vesting in Chitral has been in place since ■ carrying out sanitary timber harvesting
1992, trees continue to be removed illegally where appropriate;
as demonstrated in Kaghan in the 1980s
by the Kaghan Intensive Forest
Management Project;
■ evaluating the success rate of artificial
regeneration without the aid of irrigation,
and discontinuing all such programmes
until the success of past efforts has been
■ initiating research under the guidance of
the Divisional Forest Officer to determine
appropriate, cost-effective methods for
natural regeneration and replantation;
■ creating opportunities for local communi-
ties to benefit from forest resources by Planting saplings
exploring new sectors in agroforestry and
making distribution of the benefits more
equitable; and this pressure. Trees can be also be grown
■ paying particular attention to non-consump- in combination with fodder crops, using
tive forest uses, including promoting water spreading, or planted along with
ecotourism and harvesting non-wood forest farm crops by selecting the appropriate
products such as chilghozas (pine nuts). species and employing suitable farming
The conservation of oak woodlands will
require adaptive research with the participa- Strategy
tion of organised rural communities to The strategy to promote agroforestry will
develop methods for sustainable manage- involve favouring those poverty reduction,
ment and regeneration. agriculture and integrated rural develop-
ment projects which include agroforestry
7.4 initiatives.
Promoting agroforestry is essential to ease Grazing land management
the pressure of firewood removal from
forests and the countryside. Since the In the cereals/livestock economy of Chitral,
poorest farm households derive 20% of animals are essential for human survival.
their income from agroforestry, improve- Cattle, goats and sheep derive 80% of their
ments in this sector will also serve to sustenance from grazing, yet little work has
reduce poverty. been done to improve the condition of graz-
ing land. Chitral’s subtropical and temperate
The major concern with regard to the grazing lands appear to be in a highly
expansion of agroforestry is the competi- depleted state. While herds return well fed
tion between agricultural crops and forest from high-elevation grazing lands, no
trees planted on farmland. Confining forest detailed studies have been carried out to
trees to uncultivable land or areas being classify the vegetation and assess ecologi-
developed for agriculture will ease some of cal trends in these areas.
Creating awareness about the uniqueness
of Chitral’s biodiversity and the need for
conservation is the first step in any sustain-
able management programme. Once rural
communities come to understand the
importance of biodiversity conservation,
they are still left to face the stark reality of
survival in an inhospitable environment. For
conservation efforts to be successful and
sustainable in the long term, they must
squarely address this problem. The basic The majestic snow leopard
needs of local communities must be met,
and they must be provided with alternative
avenues of income generation. in the participatory approach is a prerequisite
for the success of such endeavours.
Awareness alone cannot ensure that rural
communities take sustained action to con- As successor to the former Chitral state, the
serve biodiversity. Organisation and funding NWFP government in 1975 declared all
are also required. Even where communities grazing lands, hunting grounds and forests to
have been organised by the AKRSP and be government property. No land settlement
CADP, conservation efforts have suffered has been conducted to determine the rights
owing to a lack of adequate funding. of individuals and communities in such
Mobilisation of community-based conserva- areas. Settlement is essential, but the
tion efforts will require donor assistance as process is likely to be rife with conflict. As
well as government support. Unfortunately, such, the government will be required to take
government departments charged with the people’s representatives into confidence.
conservation have only implemented half-
hearted measures. Forest officials are con- Strategy
cerned mainly with trees of commercial value The strategy for the sustainable develop-
and wildlife authorities are largely interested ment of biodiversity will focus on:
in protecting game species. Flora and fauna ■ motivating, enabling and empowering
of little or no commercial value are over- organised rural communities to manage
looked in government-sponsored initiatives. biological resources sustainably through
effective implementation of the Mountain
Until recently, attempts at biodiversity con- Areas Conservancy Project and the
servation have relied on the coercive power Protected Areas Management Project;
of the government, with cases being regis- ■ demonstrating the viability of sustainable
tered against offenders, but this approach is use as an incentive for communities to
not cost-effective. If conservation efforts are scale up biodiversity conservation;
to succeed, local communities must become ■ establishing and capitalising trust funds to
involved in the process. The Mountain Area sustainably support village conservation
Conservancy Project is a step in the right initiatives; and
direction, with its work in the field of capacity ■ preparing new projects for funding, gradu-
building for conservation. Creating a dedicat- ally extending conservation initiatives to
ed corps of biodiversity professionals adept other areas of Chitral.
Chapter 8
Implementing the Strategy
The most important lesson learned from The establishment of a devolved system of
development planning undertaken since government in Chitral augers well for the
the mid-1950s is that sustainable future. Under the new system, schemes are
development does not result from the to be planned, implemented, monitored and
execution of individual schemes unless evaluated by the people’s elected represen-
they have been conceived as part of an tatives at the local level. The Zilla Nazim and
integrated long-term plan, and are District Coordination Officer (DCO) are to
monitored and evaluated rigorously. play a key role in formulating development
Another lesson is that such efforts are policy for the district, assisted by the Finance
often most successful when they are and Planning Office. The results achieved
undertaken in collaboration with local will depend on the level of skills that the
communities. Rather than imposing a personnel of these offices bring to their
plan from above, the Chitral Conservation assignments. Since staff will be transferred
Strategy (CCS) aims to reflect the from existing government departments, their
people’s own aspirations for the develop- capacity will be limited until they are provided
ment of their area. The challenge now is with the appropriate training. The local
to translate this vision into action. government will also need provincial govern-
ment assistance in formulating by-laws and
8.1 compiling procedural manuals.
Current Scenario
A potent criticism voiced by local communi- Resource Constraints
ties during the CCS consultation process
was that development initiatives undertaken In addition to the resources of the local
so far have lacked focus and continuity, and government and Tehsil Municipal
have failed to reflect their needs. Not only Administrations (TMAs), funds available for
must meaningful development occur, it must the district include transfers from the
be widely perceived to have occurred. province for development, establishment
Otherwise, a sense of deprivation will charges (as replacement for zilla tax and
continue to prevail. octroi), and operation and maintenance.
However, the last two will not be available immediate needs of the people at the cost
for development. TMAs will instead utilise of long-term programmes for the conserva-
zilla tax and octroi, but these funds are not tion and development of renewable natural
likely to be significant. resources.
Of the 2001–02 Annual Development The first and most important step in the
Programme (ADP) allocation of Rs 55 implementation of the CCS is to take stock
million, 11.8 million was released for four of all ongoing development and capacity
sectors: communications (5 million), educa- building projects, and to make sure that
tion (4.8 million, under the Social Action allocated resources are being used
Programme), health (1.7 million), and build- efficiently. Additional sources of funding are
ing and housing (0.3 million). In addition, a likely to become available as implementa-
sum of Rs 67 million was disbursed for tion of the CCS gets underway.
implementation of the Khushhal Pakistan
Programme (13 million revived, and 54 To assist the district government in imple-
million for 2001–02). The Chitral TMAshows mentation of the CCS, it is essential to
a gap of Rs 3.8 million between resources establish a technical assistance team
and expenditure for 2001–02. comprising professionals in various critical
disciplines. Implementation of the
The challenge for the district government is strategy’s proposals will begin in collabora-
to utilise available funds effectively and effi- tion with the CCS Unit of IUCN–The World
ciently. In addition, the local administration Conservation Union, but eventually the
must ensure that infrastructure develop- district government will take over sole
ment does not cause further damage to the responsibility. The CCS Unit’s foremost
fragile ecology of the area. A portfolio of task will be to analyse policy choices
well-conceived projects must be prepared presented to the local government, with a
and advocated, so that additional view to ensuring environmental integrity and
resources from the provincial and federal sustainability. The CCS Unit will facilitate
governments may be secured, particularly reviews of policy decisions, programming
for large-scale schemes such as the and projects; work on the creation of a fund
proposed Lowari tunnel. for sustainable development and assist the
local government in making it operational;
8.2.1 Overcoming Constraints and train selected local government func-
tionaries in sustainable development.
Developing the capacity of district and
provincial government functionaries is the 8.2.2 Resources
key to overcoming the constraints to
development. A proactive Finance and Compared to the needs of Chitral, available
Planning Office, and vigilant Executive resources are likely to be meagre. During
District Officers (EDOs) should be able to 2001–02, a sum of Rs 11.7 million was
determine what federal and provincial released through the ADP for education,
sources of funding are available and how to health and transport/communications. An
access them. Training will also allow additional Rs 120.5 million was provided in
government functionaries to prepare Phases I, II, and III of the Khushhal
convincing briefs and advocate develop- Pakistan Programme up to 2001–02 for
ment proposals effectively. farm-to-market roads, water supply,
women’s development, electricity and mis-
The new local government system is still in cellaneous schemes. Of this amount, bare-
the implementation stage and its current ly Rs 47 million could be utilised up to 28
limitations must be assessed in order to March 2002.
ensure long-term success. The district gov-
ernment and TMAs are under continuous Among donor-funded projects, two of the
pressure to respond to local choices for four conservancy areas of the ongoing
infrastructure projects that fulfil the Mountain Areas Conservancy Project are
located in Chitral, while upgrading manage- Divisional Forest Officer Chitral, Executive
ment of Chitral Gol National Park is part of Engineer Irrigation Chitral, and representa-
the Protected Areas Management Project. tives of the Aga Khan Rural Support
Another opportunity is the launching of Programme, the CCS Unit and community-
Sarhad Rural Support Programme in Chitral. based organisations. However, this
Committee has not been active.
In terms of human resources, Chitral’s
most important potential assets are good As a first step towards regulation, the local
governance and high-calibre capacity in informal system of natural resource manage-
the Finance and Planning Office to advo- ment must be documented and improved. At
cate policy, select projects, and streamline the same time, modern regulatory measures
approval, implementation and monitoring. should be developed and institutionalised.
The Finance and Planning Office must aim Where possible, formal regulation should
to ensure that along with poverty allevia- evolve on the basis of traditional practices. A
tion, expenditures incurred serve to regulatory code can be drawn up under
improve the environment as well as physi- Sections 191(2) and 192(2) of the North-
cal and social infrastructure. To multiply the West Frontier Province Local Government
impact of resources made available by the Ordinance 2001, read with the second part of
government, local communities must be the Fifth Schedule to the Ordinance.
persuaded to contribute physically and
financially. Participation will also increase 8.2.4 Coalitions for Advocacy
their stake in implementation and serve as
an incentive to maintain the assets created. A massive campaign must be launched to
Funding for large-scale projects such as educate the people about the importance
the proposed Lowari tunnel and road to of maintaining the integrity of the environ-
Tajikistan, as well as medium-scale initia- ment. For its part, the district government
tives to increase hydroelectricity genera- will need to maintain a balance between
tion, will require the advocacy of the district meeting the immediate needs of the people
government. Securing donor assistance and ensuring long-term sustainable devel-
entails constant vigilance regarding avail- opment. By creating ownership for
able opportunities, meticulous project schemes, the district government can
preparation and vigorous advocacy. foster coalitions for environmental and
Financial support will be required from the |sustainable development advocacy within
international community for technical assis- civil society. This will require building
tance projects identified in the CCS. capacity for analysis of issues, policy
choices and development initiatives, in
8.2.3 Environmental Regulation addition to effective communication skills.
The new system, however, has not reduced (CFSD) is a concept aimed at creating a
the need for the Roundtable. As a multi- financial mechanism to fund sustainable
stakeholder advisory body comprising indi- development activities. It is envisaged that
viduals of repute, integrity and expertise, the CFSD, set up at the district level, will
the Roundtable can assist the government be capitalised by diverting provincial
in making informed decisions based on budget allocations for the district and man-
collective wisdom. It can also help to fend aged by a Board comprising members
off undue political pressure in development from both within and outside the govern-
planning. Allowed the necessary space and ment. To ensure credibility as well as
freedom, the Roundtable will be able to support from donor agencies, the majority
provide the district government with invalu- of Board members will be drawn from the
able input. Its role in policy making at the non-government sector. The Board will be
district level is shown in Figure 11. mandated to take decisions regarding
grants from the CFSD.
To enable it to perform its new role effec-
tively, the Roundtable should include mem- In establishing the CFSD, certain factors
bers from the government and TMAs (not cannot be ignored except at the peril of utter
more than one third of the total members), failure. These include social and economic
all parties or groups in the district and tehsil realities, the institutional regime as it exists
councils, major non-governmental organi- today and as it seems to be evolving, the
sations, professional associations (traders, political development of the district and the
academia), and communities with environ- capacity of various partners. Chitrali society
mental credentials. is patriarchal in nature, and organised in
increasingly loose but important social
8.2.6 Launching the Chitral structures based on tribal affiliations and
Fund For Sustainable socio-economic status, the latter determined
Development primarily by land ownership. Decision
making is carried out through the informal
Inspired by similar funds created and oper- institution of jirga, a council of elders which
ating in other parts of the world, the Chitral nearly always excludes women and which,
Fund for Sustainable Development in some cases, enjoys legal sanction.
growing at an annual rate of 2.75%, result- The CCS aims to do just that, requiring that
ing in fierce competition over development all planning and development in the district
resources, and leaving infrastructure and focuses on sustainable development. At
facilities struggling to cope. Agricultural and the same time, the CCS aims to influence
industrial activity, as well as employment local policy and tap internal sources for
opportunities in other sectors, are distrib- revenue generation, both of which are
uted unevenly among various parts of the essential to create self-reliance and a
district. Resource generation capacity also climate conducive to sustainable develop-
varies dramatically from area to area, and ment. Achieving fiscal autonomy will
competition for resources between localities require that the CCS be made a public
is played out through local elites. policy statement, while impetus for sustain-
Meanwhile literacy among the population— able development will come from local
instance, the district may decide to build
Natural Maintenance
roads and improve agriculture, but neglects DISTRICT
Resource & Repairment
to allocate resources for the regeneration of Royalties Expenditure
Chapter 9
Action Plan
The table below maps out an action plan for implementation of the CCS. For practical
reasons, only 38 separate initiatives have been proposed. These interventions are divided
into the short-, medium- and long-term categories and listed sector by sector, along with the
organisations and agencies that are expected to play a role in implementation.
14. Seek financial assistance to introduce rural support Zilla Nazim Office /
mechanisms, such as the Sarhad Rural Support District Coordination
Programme and National Rural Support Programme, Office / NGOs
to ensure the perpetuation of social organisations
created by the CADP; initiate the process of
establishing rural support mechanisms in areas
not covered so far.
NGOs / CBOs /
private sector
18. Evolve financial procedures to share revenues from Zilla Nazim Office /
tourism with local communities. District Coordination
Office / provincial
Tourism Department
/ NGOs
Water Supply 19. Develop innovative water supply schemes to be Works and Services
and Sanitation maintained by community organisations. Office / NGOs /
20. Prepare plans for solid waste management, sanitation TMA / Union
and sewerage for all major towns in the district. Councils / NGOs /
Irrigation 21. Explore opportunities and funding sources to irrigate Irrigation Division /
more land though siphon and lift irrigation systems. District Coordination
Office / NGOs /
Energy 22. Advocate the construction of the 43 MW Golain Zilla Nazim Office /
Hydel Project, currently in the pipelines. District Coordination
Office / Water and
Power Development
Authority (WAPDA)
23. Explore alternate energy sources, such as wind Zilla Nazim Office /
and solar power; liaise with the relevant quarters District Coordination
in the federal Ministry of Petroleum and Energy Office / NGOs /
to garner financial support for this purpose. private sector
Agriculture 24. Provide capacity building support to farm service Zilla Nazim Office /
centres, enabling them to make maximum use of District Coordination
marketing possibilities after the enforcement of Office / Executive
the World Trade Organisation regime. District Office,
Agriculture / NGOs /
Health 28. Establish specialised health facilitates at the Zilla Nazim Office /
district level. District Coordination
Office / provincial
Health Department
Education 32. Seek the assistance of the provincial and federal District Coordination
governments as well as donors to expand Office / Executive
technical education. District Office,
Education / NGOs
Water Supply 34. Develop project proposals for water supply to meet Works and Services
and Sanitation the growing requirements of the main towns of Office / TMA
the district; secure donor funding.
Agriculture 36. Explore sites for the construction of large-scale Zilla Nazim Office /
hydel power generation projects; secure funding. District Coordination
Office / WAPDA /