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-- set context & warehouse

use role sysadmin;

-- create a database
create database my_db
comment = 'this is my demo db';

show databases like 'MY%';

-- as soon as you create the db, the context is changed and current db is set
select current_role(), current_database();

-- create a schema
create schema my_schema
comment = 'this is my demo schema under my_db';

show schemas;

-- as soon as you create the db, the context is changed and current db is set
select current_role(), current_database(), current_schema();

-- you can alternatively create db & schema via Database table a

-- you can also create it using snowsight

-- lets change the context using use sql statement (or via ... function from
use database my_db;
use schema my_schema;
select current_role(), current_database(), current_schema();

drop table if exists my_table;

create table my_table (
num number,
num10_1 number(10,1),
decimal_20_2 decimal(20,2),
numeric numeric(30,3),
int int,
integer integer

desc table my_table;

--desc table my_db.my_schema.my_table; -- fully qualified name

select get_ddl('table','my_table');

insert into my_table(num,num10_1,decimal_20_2,numeric,int,integer)


-- multiple insert using single statement

insert into my_table(num,num10_1,decimal_20_2,numeric,int,integer)
values (20,22.2,33.33,123456789,987654321,12112),

select * from my_table;

select * from my_db.my_schema.my_table; -- fully qualified name
select * from "my_db.my_schema.my_table"; -- fully qualified name
select * from "my_db"."my_schema"."my_table"; -- fully qualified name

drop table if exists my_text_table;
create table my_text_table (
id int autoincrement,
v varchar,
v50 varchar(50),
c char,
c10 char(10),
s string,
s20 string(20),
t text,
t30 text(30)

desc table my_text_table;

insert into my_text_table(v,v50,c,c10,s,s20,t,t30)


-- lets load data using webui

select * from my_text_table;

-- boolean data set

create or replace table my_boolean_table(
b boolean,
n number,
s string);

desc table my_boolean_table;

insert into my_boolean_table values (true, 1, 'yes'), (false, 0, 'no'), (null,

null, null);
select * from my_boolean_table;

-- time stamp table

drop table if exists my_ts_tablel;
create or replace table my_ts_table(
today_date date default current_date(),
now_time time default current_time(),
now_ts timestamp default current_timestamp()

-- lets desc the table

desc table my_ts_table;

-- insert one record

insert into my_ts_table (today_date,now_time,now_ts) values (current_date,
insert into my_ts_table (now_time,now_ts) values

-- now select the data

select * from my_ts_table;

-- change the session level timezone and see the result

alter session set timezone = 'America/Los_Angeles';
alter session set timezone = 'Japan';
alter session set timestamp_output_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF';

// ====================================================================
-- Upper, Lower & Mixed case table
drop table my_case_table;
create table my_case_table (my_field string);
desc table my_case_table;
show tables like 'MY_C%';
create table MY_CASE_TABLE (my_field string);
create table my_CASE_TABLE (my_field string);

-- run show tables command

show tables;

// ====================================================================
-- Object Identifier
create table "my table" (my_field string);
create table "My Table" ("my field" string);
create table "MY TABLE" ("my field" string, "My Field" string);

show tables;
desc table "my table";
desc table "MY TABLE" ;

// ====================================================================
-- Create table as select
create table my_ctas as select * from my_db.my_schema.my_table;

select * from my_ctas;

-- Load data using select as statement

insert into my_ctas (num ,num10_1, decimal_20_2 ,numeric,int ,integer)
num ,num10_1, decimal_20_2 ,numeric,int ,integer

-- load data via web interface

-- load a csv file

// =====================================================================
-- lets quickly understand the const
drop table if exists my_constaints_table;
create table my_constaints_table (
emp_pk string primary key,
fname string not null,
lname string not null,
flag string default 'active',
unique_code string unique

insert into my_constaints_table (emp_pk,fname,lname,unique_code)

values ('100','John1','K','1000'),

select * from my_constaints_table;

-- below throws error as PK is missing
insert into my_constaints_table (fname,lname,unique_code)
values ('John3','K','1000');

-- below throws error as non-null column value is missing

insert into my_constaints_table (emp_pk,fname,unique_code)
values (100,'John4','1000');

-- so you have to take care of PK and Uniqueness, only Not-null is applifed

// =========================================================

-- put file:///tmp/ch07.csv @my_stg;

list @my_stg;

/* sample data

-- list the stage

list @ch7_stg;

-- lets view the data first

create or replace file format my_format type = 'csv' field_delimiter = ',';
select t.$1, t.$2, t.$3,t.$4, t.$5, t.$6 from @my_stg (file_format =>
'my_format') t;

-- now we can use copy command to load data

drop table if exists my_stg_table;

create table my_stg_table (
num number,
num10_1 number(10,1),
decimal_20_2 decimal(20,2),
numeric numeric(30,3),
int int,
integer integer

-- lets check data

select * from my_stg_table;

-- now load data via copy command

copy into my_stg_table
from @my_stg;

-- lets check data

select * from my_stg_table;

-- create using ctas

create table my_ctas_big_table as select * from

-- change the time travel to 30 days;

alter table my_ctas_big_table set data_retention_time_in_days=30;
-- lets check the table before update
select * from my_ctas_big_table limit 10;

-- lets change the status

select O_ORDERSTATUS,count(1) from my_ctas_big_table group by O_ORDERSTATUS;

-- update the data and see the storage cost now

update my_ctas_big_table set O_ORDERSTATUS ='o' where O_ORDERSTATUS = 'O';

select count(*) from my_ctas_big_table before (statement => '019f0d45-0b01-

where O_ORDERSTATUS = 'O';

select count(*) from my_ctas_big_table where O_ORDERSTATUS = 'P';

-- Variant Data
create table json_weather_data (v variant);
desc table json_weather_data;

create stage nyc_weather

url = 's3://snowflake-workshop-lab/weather-nyc';

-- list wheather
list @nyc_weather;

-- copy from external stage

copy into json_weather_data
from @nyc_weather
file_format = (type=json);

-- select data
select * from json_weather_data limit 10;

-- create a view
create view json_weather_data_view as
v:time::timestamp as observation_time, as city_id, as city_name, as country, as city_lat,
v:city.coord.lon::float as city_lon,
v:clouds.all::int as clouds,
(v:main.temp::float)-273.15 as temp_avg,
(v:main.temp_min::float)-273.15 as temp_min,
(v:main.temp_max::float)-273.15 as temp_max,
v:weather[0].main::string as weather,
v:weather[0].description::string as weather_desc,
v:weather[0].icon::string as weather_icon,
v:wind.deg::float as wind_dir,
v:wind.speed::float as wind_speed
from json_weather_data
where city_id = 5128638;

select * from json_weather_data_view;

-- create external table
create or replace external table json_weather_data_et (
time varchar AS (value:c1::varchar),

with location=@nyc_weather
auto_refresh = false
file_format = (format_name = file_format)

// =======================================
-- Temp & Transitent table

// create a transitent table

create transitent table json_weather_data (v variant);

// create a temporaty table

create temporary table json_weather_data (v variant);

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