A Capstone Project
In Partial Fulfillment
July 2024
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study
General Objective
To Study the effect of Classical Music, Rock Music, And Natural Sounds
(No Music) on the development and growth of lettuce.
Specific Objective/s
1.) How does exposure to Rock Music and Classical music affect the
growth rate in lettuce measured by time compared No Music (natural
2.) What are the differences in the development and growth of lettuce
plants exposed to classical music and rock music?
3.) How does the growth conditions under different music genres impact
the overall yields of lettuce plants?
Null Hypothesis
By understanding the relationship between music and plant growth,
farmers and agricultural experts may develop innovative approaches to
enhance crop yield and quality. If specific genres of music prove beneficial for
plant growth, they could be incorporated into farming practices to boost
Scientific Advancement:
This study contributes to the developing field of plant acoustics
expanding our understanding in this area. The outcomes may stimulate
exploration into how sounds and musical genres impact diverse plant species.
Multidisciplinary research:
This study connects botany, music and psychology encouraging
collaboration across different fields and potentially leading to scientific
Multidisciplinary research:
This study connects botany, music, and psychology encouraging
collaboration across different fields and potentially leading to scientific
Definition of Terms
Rock Music: A genre of music recognized for its rhythms and energetic
qualities encompassing subgenres such as hard rock and heavy metal. It
denotes chosen songs utilized to explore their effects on lettuce growth.
Natural Sounds: The ambient sounds are present in the environment without
any accompaniment serving as a condition. These may include noises like
wind rustling, bird melodies, and other background sounds.
Seed Germination Rate: The proportion of seeds that successfully sprout
and commence growth serves as a metric to evaluate the impact of stimuli on
lettuce seeds.
Plant Height: The measurement from the base to the point of a plant
indicating growth response, under different experimental conditions.
Leaf Size: The surface area of lettuce plant leaves is quantified to assess how
different sound treatments affect leaf development.
Auditory Stimulus: Any sound or music that is utilized to impact plant growth,
such as music, rock tunes, and natural sounds.
Independent Variable: The type of auditory stimulus (classical music, rock
music, or natural sounds) applied to the lettuce plants in this study.
Dependent Variables: The measurable outcomes that are expected to
change due to the independent variable, including comparing the growth, leaf
size, overall health, and maturity rate.
Related Literature
Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose was among the early scientists to explore
plant responses to various external stimuli, including music. His pioneering
work laid the foundation for understanding how plants might interact with their
environment beyond traditional sensory perceptions. Music, characterized by
its complex interplay of frequencies and vibrations, comes in many forms,
each with distinct qualities and pitches. While loud and discordant sounds
have been shown to adversely affect plant health, research suggests that
softer, harmonious music can have a positive impact on plant growth.
The role of Indole Acetic Acid (IAA), a crucial plant hormone involved in
growth and development, was explored by Zhu et al. (2018). Their research
revealed that IAA levels were elevated in six vegetable species exposed to
musical frequencies compared to control plants. This finding suggests that
musical vibrations can influence hormonal regulation, thereby affecting plant
growth. Furthermore, Yi and colleagues (2020) found that sound stimulation
enhanced root metabolism and growth in chrysanthemums, supporting the
idea that sound can positively impact plant development.
Recent studies have challenged the traditional view that plants cannot
process sound waves. Research by Jung et al. (2018) confirms that plants can
detect vibrations from sound and respond to these stimuli. This is supported
by findings from Gagliano, Mancuso, and Robert (2012), who demonstrated
that plant roots exhibit frequency-selective sensitivity to acoustic vibrations,
leading to behavioral modifications. For example, young corn roots produced
structured acoustic signals in response to sound, indicating their sensitivity to
frequency and vibration.
Related Studies
Sound is known to affect the growth of plants. Studies have also shown
that sound vibration can be used to stimulate a seed or plant. Previous studies
indicate that musical sound has a significant effect on the number of seeds
sprouted compared to noise and untreated control and sound vibrations
directly affect living biologic systems. Foliage planted along freeways to
reduce noise
pollution often grows differently than foliage planters in a quiet environment. It
would be advantageous for plants to learn about the surrounding environment
using sound, as acoustic signals propagate rapidly, and detection of sound
may have adaptive value in plants. Plants are complex multicellular organisms
considered as sensitive as humans for initial assaying of effects and testing
new therapies. Several studies have been undertaken to study and
understand the influence of sound and music on plants and plant growth. It
has been reported that under optimal stimulation conditions (100dB and
800Hz) the sound field can enhance the growth of Chrysanthemum callus and
moderate stress stimulation can enhance the assimilation of tissues or cells,
improve their physiological activity and accelerate the growth of plants. Other
studies show that under suitable sound stimulation, the growth of
Chrysanthemum roots could be accelerated, and the sound stimulation could
enhance the metabolism of roots and the growth.
Optimum plant growth occurs when the plant is exposed to pure tones
in which the wavelength coincides with the average of major leaf dimensions.
Music or sound can also have detrimental effects on plant growth. Some
reports indicate that music containing hard-core vibrations could be
devastating to plants. Certain types of music can wreak havoc on plants. Even
played at a low
volume, heavy metal music can be very damaging to a sensitive plant. On the
other hand, classical or devotional music enhances plant growth. Classical
music has a gentle vibration, and it's easy on plants. Violin music is known to
significantly increase plant growth. Roses are one of the most popular flowers,
with the rose market of the US bordering around $ 400 million and production
of roses accounting for around 20% of all flowers across the world. The
possibility of improving the rose quantity and quality drives us to experiment
with the influence of music on the growth of Rosa chinensis (Bok Choy). The
objective of the present experiment is to study the effect of different types of
music (Indian classical, Vedic chants, Western classical, Rock music) on Rosa
chinensis (Bok Choy) plants.
Research Methodology
This chapter presents the techniques and procedures used to conduct
the study, including how data was collected, and analyzed, the experimental
design, tools and instruments used, and any specific methods applied to
achieve the research objectives.
Research Design
In this study, the researchers have employed an Experimental
Research Design on the study titled “Impact of Classical and Rock Music on
the Growth and Development of Lettuce Compared to No Music (Natural
Sounds).” This Setup was selected to specifically align with the nature of the
experiment, which seeks to discover how different music stimuli affect plant
growth. By using a controlled environment for each music type (Classical,
Rock, and Natural Sounds). This method ensures that the findings are
attributable to the type of sound exposure, thus allowing a clear assessment
of its effects on lettuce growth.
Research Settings
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Preparation of Materials
Planting of Lettuce
1. Collection of Samples
In this research experiment, we used three identical types
of lettuce seeds for each music stimulus; Classical, Rock, and
Natural Sounds using 1 Bluetooth Speaker in which plants will
be exposed one at a time to their specific music stimulus in 3
Hours, with all plants grown under the same soil quality,
temperature, humidity, sunlight exposure, and watering
conditions with all the data collected and listed down using the
notion app.
2. Preparation of Samples
The researchers randomly selected seeds from the
packet, planted each in identical DIY pots made from used 10
Liter Wilkens plastic jugs with the same type and amount of soil,
ensured all seeds were planted on the same day under identical
conditions (water, light exposure, and temperature), and labeled
each pot according to the type of music it would be exposed to.
3. Experimental Setup
The Research experiment will be conducted at the
research leader’s residence, located at B17 L10 Vista Grande
Subdivision. In conducting the experiment, the plants will be
divided into three groups: Group 1 will be exposed to Classical
music (Fur Elise & Canon in D Major), Group 2 to Rock music
(Chemical Romance & Linkin Park), and Group 3 to natural
sounds. This Research will use 1 RUG Bluetooth Speaker to
play Classical and Rock music, at 70 Decibels in the
experimental subjects and will be natured and watered daily, the
experiment will last for a Month and a half, approximately 45
B. Application of Treatment
In this research experiment the plant subject has been exposed
to 3 types of music stimuli (Classical Music, Rock Music, and Natural
Music) as well as to other environmental factors. Classical Music was
exposed to one of the plants with the use of a speaker at 70 Decibels
for 3 Hours. Rock Music was exposed to one of the plants using a
at 70 Decibels for 3 Hours, lastly the last plant was exposed to nothing
except for the environment conditions
C. Collection of Data
In this experiment, the researchers will measure the plants'
growth and development by recording individual height, leaf count, and
growth rate (will be measured over time) through observation, with data
collected once a week using a ruler and measuring tape, recorded
online via the Notion app, over a duration of 4 weeks and 2 days.
would be the formula of Mean. The researchers will use this formula to find