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Unit 3: Human Resource Management

Unit code J/618/5035

Unit type Core

Unit level 4

Credit value 15

People are the lifeblood of any organisation and the ability to attract, recruit and
retain talented staff is critical to the success of any organisation, whether in business,
in voluntary organisations or in government. Human Resource Management (HRM)
provides organisations with the principles, knowledge and behaviours to focus
people-management activities on supporting and enhancing organisational success
and performance.
This unit will give students the knowledge and skills associated with Human Resource
(HR) occupational roles at either a generalist level, for example HR Assistant/HR
Advisor/Business Partner, or more specialist roles in areas such as recruitment, talent
acquisition and performance and reward management. Students will explore the
nature and scope of HRM and the organisational context of people management,
including recruitment and retention, training and development, reward systems,
employment relations and associated legislative frameworks.
The aim of the unit is to enable students to understand and be able to apply
principles of effective HRM in order to enhance sustainable organisational
performance and contribute to organisational success, holding business outcomes
and people outcomes in equal balance. Students will apply HR practices in a work-
related context, utilising their knowledge and practising skills and behaviours in
relevant professional areas, including resourcing, talent planning and recruitment,
learning and development and employee engagement.
On completion of the unit, students will understand the purpose and scope of HRM
activities. They will be able to apply a range of people-management skills to enhance
the performance of an organisation by finding solutions to people-related problems.

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Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit the student will be able to:
LO1 Explain the impact of the role of HRM in creating sustainable organisational
performance and contributing to business success
LO2 Assess the contribution of HRM in recruiting and retaining talent and skills to
achieve business objectives
LO3 Examine how external and internal factors can affect HRM decision making in
relation to organisational development
LO4 Apply HRM practices in a work-related context for improving sustainable
organisational performance.

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Essential Content

LO1 Explain the impact of the role of HRM in creating sustainable organisational
performance and contributing to business success

Nature and scope of HRM:

Definitions of HRM.
The different specialist areas of HR, e.g. resourcing, employee relations,
organisational development and design, learning and development.
Generic HR competencies, e.g. design of people strategies, creating people
management policies, employee engagement, supporting organisational change.
Typical roles in HR and responsibilities, e.g. HR advisor, HR officer, people data
analyst, HR assistant, employee relations officer.
Specific skills, e.g. communication skills across all levels of the organisation,
adaptability to changing work priorities and patterns, displaying tenacity and
being proactive, keeping ahead of trends and changing legal and policy
Working within an ethical framework and within recognised best practice.

Strategic HRM:
The development of strategic HRM in terms of business vision, mission
statement, business objectives and strategic aims.
The nature and use of data analytics to support achievement of business
objectives and meeting strategic aims.
Hard and soft models of HRM.

Organisational performance:
The impact of HRM on organisational performance, e.g. effective recruitment and
selection to meet specific knowledge and skills requirements, growing internal
talent through training and development and focusing on longer-term resource
Performance management systems to support high-performance working.
Methods to measure organisational and individual performance.
Types of pay and reward systems.

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LO2 Assess the contribution of HRM in recruiting and retaining talent and skills
to achieve business objectives

Resourcing the organisation:

Workforce planning and application of data analytics.
Assessing skills and capabilities using audits and gap analysis for identifying
talent and skills gaps.
Workforce trends, including flexible working arrangements, remote working,
virtual meetings and social distancing measures.
Addressing diversity and inclusion.
Types of labour market and skills shortages affecting recruitment and hard-to-fill
vacancies, e.g. lack of digital skills, leadership skills, data analytical skills.
Impact of relevant legislation, including data protection.

Recruitment and selection:

Different models of recruitment and selection.
Sources of recruitment, e.g. internal vs. external.
Achieving cultural diversity in recruitment.
Stages in recruitment and selection.
Different types of selection methods, including competence-based selection.
Legal frameworks and regulatory standards.

Factors influencing retention, including the influence of the culture of the
organisation on retention, selecting the right talent and performance
Onboarding and induction, the value of effective employee socialisation.
Role of line managers in employee engagement and performance management.
Managing attrition, restructuring and redeployment, redundancy of employees.
Dealing with employee disciplinaries and misconduct cases that end in dismissal.

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LO3 Examine how external and internal factors can influence HRM decision
making in relation to organisational development

External and internal factors:

Identifying factors external to the organisation that influence HRM:
ł impact of external factors on organisational performance, including the skills
gaps and labour force trends
ł impact of globalisation on HR policies for equality, diversity and raising
cultural awareness and sensitivity within the workplace
ł impact of legal and regulatory frameworks.
Internal factors, including:
ł the impact and influence of leadership styles on organisational
transformation, culture and employee experience
ł learning and development, how people learn, impact of digital learning
ł the relationship between organisational culture and strategic planning and
ł impact of motivation upon performance.

Organisational development:
The changing work environment, e.g. need for flexible organisations and
employees with adaptable skills and competencies.
Characteristics of agile organisations.
Digital transformation of HR functions, e.g. reporting dashboards and predictive
models for advanced people analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) for talent
acquisition, cloud capabilities for measuring team performance and calibration
decision making.

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LO4 Apply HRM practices in a work-related context for improving sustainable
organisational performance.

Job descriptions and person specification:

Referencing workforce planning.
Assessing the need to create and fill a post.
Preparing different types of job description, including competence based and
task based, assessing the merits of each type.
Identifying the qualities and attributes relevant to the design of a person
Designing a person specification relevant to a chosen job role.

Recruitment and selection in practice:

Designing and placing job advertisements.
Shortlisting and processing applications.
Interviewing preparation and best practice.
Selection best practice.

Performance management:
Performance management aligned to workforce planning.
Methods of financial and non-financial rewards.
Staff development, e.g. continuous professional development and training.
Providing support and maintaining wellbeing.
Embedding learning and reflective practice in personal development planning.
Managing under performance, disciplinary, industrial disputes and grievance
Succession planning.

Employee relationship:
The employment relationship.
The psychological contract.
Employee voice and engagement.
Managing performance to attain competitive advantage and increase job

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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Explain the impact of the role of HRM in creating
sustainable organisational performance and
contributing to business success
P1 Explain the main areas M1 Compare areas of LO1 and LO2
of HRM in their HRM to create
D1 Critically evaluate the
contribution to creating sustainable strengths and weaknesses of
sustainable performance. organisational
HRM in relation to creating
P2 Review the effects of sustainable organisational
the changing nature of M2 Examine HRM in performance and achieving
organisations on human relation to the changing business objectives.
resources skills and nature of the modern
knowledge. business organisation.
LO2 Assess the contribution of HRM in recruiting and
retaining talent and skills to achieve business
P3 Review relevant HRM M3 Evaluate the use of
practices in relation to HRM practices in
recruitment and retention recruitment and retention
of employees for the in relation to the
achievement of business importance of the labour
objectives. market.
LO3 Examine how external and internal factors can
affect HRM decision making in relation to
organisational development
P4 Investigate the M4 Discuss the key D2 Evaluate key factors
external and internal external and internal affecting HRM decision
factors that affect HRM factors that affect HRM making to make valid
decision making to decision making, using recommendations.
support organisational relevant organisational
development. examples to illustrate
how they support

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Pass Merit Distinction
LO4 Apply HRM practices in a work-related context for
improving sustainable organisational performance.
P5 Apply HRM practices in M5 Illustrate how the D3 Determine strengths and
a work-related context, application of specific weaknesses of HRM practices
using specific examples to HRM practices in a work- to make recommendations
demonstrate related context can for improving sustainable
improvement to improve sustainable organisational performance.
sustainable organisational
organisational performance.

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Recommended Resources

ARMSTRONG, M. and TAYLOR, S. (2020) Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource
Management Practice. 15th Ed. London: Kogan Page.
BRATTON, J. and GOLD, J. (2017) Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice.
6th Ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
TORRINGTON, D. et al. (2018) Human Resource Management. 10th Ed. London: Pearson.
LEATHERBARROW, C. and FLETCHER, J. (2018) Introduction to Human Resource
Management. 4th Ed. Kogan Page.

www.cipd.co.uk Chartered Institute for Personnel and
(General reference)
www.hr-guide.com HR Guides
(General reference)
www.personneltoday.com Personnel Today
Topics and webinars
(General reference)
www.shrm.org Society for Human Resource Management
(General reference)

This unit links to the following related units:
Unit 7: Business Law
Unit 12: Executive Recruitment Solutions
Unit 13: Human Capital Management
Unit 20: Organisational Behaviour
Unit 30: Resource and Talent Planning
Unit 31: Employee Relations
Unit 32: Strategic Human Resource Management

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