Introduction: The largest elderly population in Indonesia in 2017 was in Yogyakarta (13.81%).
Increased life expectancy leads to changes in population, namely the higher percentage of older
people. The increased number of elderly makes efforts to improve the quality of life of the
elderly quite important.
Purpose: To assess the correlation between social support and the quality of life of the elderly
in the Prawirodirjan Sub-district, Gondomanan District, Yogyakarta Municipality.
Method: This is a cross-sectional study with a sample of 50 people. Measurement of social
support was done using the MOS Social Support Survey questionnaire. Measurements for
quality of life were done using the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. Data were analyzed using
Pearson correlation analysis.
Results: Respondents were 50 people consisting of 10 men (20.0%) and 40 women (80.0%).
Age of respondents ranged from 60-81 years. The statistical analysis results showed significant
correlations between social support (MOS Social Support Survey) and quality of life
(WHOQOL-BREF) in the Physical Health (r=0,771, p= 0,001), Psychological (r=0,550,
p=0,001), Social Relationship (r= 0,664, p=0,001), Environment (r= 0,455, p = 0,001).
Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between social support (MOS Social Support
Survey) and quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF) in the elderly living in Prawirodirjan Sub-
district, Gondomanan District, Yogyakarta Municipality.
Student of Faculty of Medicine, Kristen Duta Wacana Yogyakarta Christian University.
Email : [email protected],
Faculty of Medicine, Kristen Duta Wacana Yogyakarta Christian University
Online-ISSN 2565-1409 Journal of Widya Medika Junior Vol 3. No. 4 July 2021
This study used a quantitative
analytic design with a cross-sectional
approach. The population was elderly who
live in Kelurahan Prawirodirjan,
Correlation between social support… Deodatus A J, Sigilipoe M A, Widagdo T M M
Online-ISSN 2565-1409 Journal of Widya Medika Junior Vol 3. No. 4 July 2021
WHOQOL-BREF. It used the Pearson elderly with a total sampling method. The
correlation test because the data were data were obtained using perception scales
normally distributed. of social support and psychological
welfare. Then, the obtained data were
Table 4 Correlation Test between MOS processed using the t-test and obtained a p-
Social Support Survey Instrument and value of 0.001 <0.05, meaning a positive
correlation between perceptions of social
support and psychological welfare of the
elderly at Paguyuban Lansia Sehat PMI
Kota Semarang. Thus, the better the given
support and social welfare received, the
better the psychological welfare of the
DISCUSSION elderly.7
This study found that social In the Social Relationship domain,
support (MOS Social Support Survey the correlation value obtained is positive,
Instrument) has a positive correlation with indicating that the better the social support
the quality of life of the elderly provided, the better the quality of life-
(WHOQOL-BREF) in the domains of related to the social relationship of the
physical health, psychological, social elderly. It is in line with the previous study
relationship, and environment. In the by Ariyanthi (2016), which used a non-
physical health domain, the presence of random sampling technique. It used the
social support impacts the quality of life of Social Provision Scale and PIL-R
the elderly. Social support is obtained in instruments involving 100 respondents. It
various forms which will directly or obtained a p-value of 0.000 (p <0.05). It
indirectly benefit the elderly. The Elderly can be seen that there is a positive
will get more benefits for their life if the correlation between social support and
social support provided is high to face quality of life in friendship and love.
life's challenges well. The results of this Therefore, if the elderly have better social
study are in line with a previous study relationships with friends or family, the
conducted by Aswan Herlina in 2015. The higher the social support, it positively
study used a descriptive correlational affects the elderly.8
method with a cross-sectional approach In the Environment domain, the
involving 52 respondents with a total correlation value obtained is positive. The
sampling method. This study used the environment can be described as a
Social Provision Scale (SPS) condition around an individual, including
questionnaire and the WHOQOL-BREF home environment, freedom, financial
Indonesian questionnaire for the quality- resources and social care, and being able
of-life variable. The results obtained a p- to carry out recreation or other activities.9
value of 0.017, which is lower than 0.05, Previous research by Winahyu,
indicating a relationship between social Wahyuniati, and Sekarsari in 2017 used
support and quality of life. The previous the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived
study has explained that the social support Social Support (MSPSS) instrument to
provided to the elderly has a significant measure social support and the World
effect on the quality of life for the elderly.6 Health Organization Quality Of Life
In the psychological domain, the (WHOQOL-BREF) to measure the quality
correlation value is positive. It means that of life. It involved 71 respondents. The
the better the social support provided, the result showed a positive correlation
better the psychological health between the perception of social support
(Psychological) of the elderly. and the quality of life of the elderly,
Desiningrum (2015) study involved 112 particularly in the social and
Correlation between social support… Deodatus A J, Sigilipoe M A, Widagdo T M M