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Correlation between social support… Deodatus A J, Sigilipoe M A, Widagdo T M M



Aditya J Deodatus 1), Mitra A Sigilipoe 2), The M M Widagdo 3)


Introduction: The largest elderly population in Indonesia in 2017 was in Yogyakarta (13.81%).
Increased life expectancy leads to changes in population, namely the higher percentage of older
people. The increased number of elderly makes efforts to improve the quality of life of the
elderly quite important.
Purpose: To assess the correlation between social support and the quality of life of the elderly
in the Prawirodirjan Sub-district, Gondomanan District, Yogyakarta Municipality.
Method: This is a cross-sectional study with a sample of 50 people. Measurement of social
support was done using the MOS Social Support Survey questionnaire. Measurements for
quality of life were done using the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. Data were analyzed using
Pearson correlation analysis.
Results: Respondents were 50 people consisting of 10 men (20.0%) and 40 women (80.0%).
Age of respondents ranged from 60-81 years. The statistical analysis results showed significant
correlations between social support (MOS Social Support Survey) and quality of life
(WHOQOL-BREF) in the Physical Health (r=0,771, p= 0,001), Psychological (r=0,550,
p=0,001), Social Relationship (r= 0,664, p=0,001), Environment (r= 0,455, p = 0,001).
Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between social support (MOS Social Support
Survey) and quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF) in the elderly living in Prawirodirjan Sub-
district, Gondomanan District, Yogyakarta Municipality.

Keywords: Social Support, Quality Life, Elderly

Student of Faculty of Medicine, Kristen Duta Wacana Yogyakarta Christian University.
Email : [email protected],
Faculty of Medicine, Kristen Duta Wacana Yogyakarta Christian University

Online-ISSN 2565-1409 Journal of Widya Medika Junior Vol 3. No. 4 July 2021

INTRODUCTION Yogyakarta City. It used a consecutive

random sampling method. The sample was
Data show that the world's elderly elderly aged 60 years who are willing to
population in 2015 reached 881 million.1 be respondents and live in Kelurahan
The elderly population in Asia reached 527 Prawirodirjan, Yogyakarta City. It involved
million. A person can be categorized as a total of 50 samples. Sampling was carried
elderly if they are 60 years or older out by filling in the Mini-Mental State
(Government Regulation of the Republic of Examination (MMSE) questionnaire that
Indonesia, 2004). Besides, referring to data has been adjusted to the education level and
from the Statistics Indonesia, the elderly is age of the respondent, Activities of Daily
divided into 3, namely young elderly (60- Living (ADL), Instrumental Activities of
69 years), middle-aged elderly (70-79 Daily Living (IADL), Medical Outcomes
years), and old elderly (80 years or more) Study (MOS Social Support Survey
(Central Bureau of Statistics Yogyakarta Instrument) ), and (WHOQOL-BREF).
City, 2018). Based on the Ministry of Then, the obtained data were analyzed
Health of the Republic of Indonesia (2017), using univariate and bivariate analysis to
Indonesia had 23.66 million elderly identify the correlation between the MOS
(9.03%) in 2017.2 A total of 19 provinces in Social Support Survey Instrument and the
Indonesia (55.88%) has an elderly WHOQOL-BREF. The normality of the
population structure. Furthermore, the data had been tested previously to check the
largest percentage of the elderly population data distribution. The normality test used
in Indonesia in 2017 was in DI Yogyakarta an analytical method of Kolmogorov
province (13.81%), followed by Central Smirnov. Moreover, normally distributed
Java (12.59%) and East Java (12.25%).2 data were then analyzed using the Pearson
The aging process is a natural correlation analysis.
change in the body's anatomical and
biochemical systems that can affect RESULTS
psychology and its ability to perform its The characteristics of
functions. Thus, the elderly cannot carry respondents are presented based on gender,
out activities independently without others' age, education, past and current
support due to aging or illness. On the other occupations, marital status, and living.
hand, not all older people experience
limitations in carrying out activities Table 1 Characteristics of Respondents
The social support provided to the
elderly can create a sense of comfort for
them elderly. The elderly feel cared for and
accepted by the people closest to them.4
Social support can affect the quality of life
of the elderly. Quality of life is an
individual understanding to feel and
experience important events to achieve
welfare.5 The higher the quality, the better
the welfare.

This study used a quantitative
analytic design with a cross-sectional
approach. The population was elderly who
live in Kelurahan Prawirodirjan,

Correlation between social support… Deodatus A J, Sigilipoe M A, Widagdo T M M

Elderly social support was

measured using the MOS Social Support
Survey Instrument. The highest value is
72, and the lowest value is 29. The mean
value and standard deviation obtained are
47.42 ± 8.337, with the lowest value of
29 and the highest value of 72. It can be
seen that 23 (46.0%) respondents have
poor social support, and 27 (54.0%)
respondents have good social support.

Table 2 Description and Classification of

Social Support
The results of cognitive function
measurement using the MMSE Classification of Social n %
questionnaire reveal the highest value of 30 Support
and the lowest value of 9. The mean and Poor social support 23 46.0
standard deviation values are 26.64 ± 4.707
with the lowest and highest MMSE value of Good social support 27 54.0
9 and 30. A total of 6 elderly respondents
(12.0%) most likely experience cognitive
impairment and six elderly respondents The quality-of-life assessment in
(12.0%) possibly experience cognitive WHOQOL-BREF covers four domains,
impairment. Meanwhile, 38 elderly including the physical health domain,
respondents (76.0%) are within normal containing seven questions. The
limits. psychological domain contains six
Assessment of the daily activities of questions; the social relationship domain
elderly respondents used the ADL contains three questions, and the
questionnaire with the highest value of 20 environmental domain contains eight
and the lowest value of 11. The mean and questions.
standard deviation are 18.98 ± 2.075 with
the lowest and highest ADL value of 9 and Table 3 Description and Classification of
20 Based on those data, 2 (4.0%) Quality of Life
respondents have moderate dependence in
carrying out daily activities, 17 (34%)
respondents have mild dependence, and 31
(62.0%) respondents are independent in
carrying out daily activities. The
assessment of heavier daily activities used
the IADL questionnaire with the highest
value of 16 and the lowest value of 0. The
average value and standard deviation
obtained are 11.94 ± 3.951 with the lowest
and highest lowest IADL values of 0 and
16. Based on those data, 1 (2.0%)
respondents cannot carry out daily
activities; 5 (10.0%) respondents need
assistance; and 44 respondents (88%) are The Pearson correlation test tested
independent in carrying out daily activities. the correlation between the MOS Social
Support Survey Instrument and

Online-ISSN 2565-1409 Journal of Widya Medika Junior Vol 3. No. 4 July 2021

WHOQOL-BREF. It used the Pearson elderly with a total sampling method. The
correlation test because the data were data were obtained using perception scales
normally distributed. of social support and psychological
welfare. Then, the obtained data were
Table 4 Correlation Test between MOS processed using the t-test and obtained a p-
Social Support Survey Instrument and value of 0.001 <0.05, meaning a positive
correlation between perceptions of social
support and psychological welfare of the
elderly at Paguyuban Lansia Sehat PMI
Kota Semarang. Thus, the better the given
support and social welfare received, the
better the psychological welfare of the
DISCUSSION elderly.7
This study found that social In the Social Relationship domain,
support (MOS Social Support Survey the correlation value obtained is positive,
Instrument) has a positive correlation with indicating that the better the social support
the quality of life of the elderly provided, the better the quality of life-
(WHOQOL-BREF) in the domains of related to the social relationship of the
physical health, psychological, social elderly. It is in line with the previous study
relationship, and environment. In the by Ariyanthi (2016), which used a non-
physical health domain, the presence of random sampling technique. It used the
social support impacts the quality of life of Social Provision Scale and PIL-R
the elderly. Social support is obtained in instruments involving 100 respondents. It
various forms which will directly or obtained a p-value of 0.000 (p <0.05). It
indirectly benefit the elderly. The Elderly can be seen that there is a positive
will get more benefits for their life if the correlation between social support and
social support provided is high to face quality of life in friendship and love.
life's challenges well. The results of this Therefore, if the elderly have better social
study are in line with a previous study relationships with friends or family, the
conducted by Aswan Herlina in 2015. The higher the social support, it positively
study used a descriptive correlational affects the elderly.8
method with a cross-sectional approach In the Environment domain, the
involving 52 respondents with a total correlation value obtained is positive. The
sampling method. This study used the environment can be described as a
Social Provision Scale (SPS) condition around an individual, including
questionnaire and the WHOQOL-BREF home environment, freedom, financial
Indonesian questionnaire for the quality- resources and social care, and being able
of-life variable. The results obtained a p- to carry out recreation or other activities.9
value of 0.017, which is lower than 0.05, Previous research by Winahyu,
indicating a relationship between social Wahyuniati, and Sekarsari in 2017 used
support and quality of life. The previous the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived
study has explained that the social support Social Support (MSPSS) instrument to
provided to the elderly has a significant measure social support and the World
effect on the quality of life for the elderly.6 Health Organization Quality Of Life
In the psychological domain, the (WHOQOL-BREF) to measure the quality
correlation value is positive. It means that of life. It involved 71 respondents. The
the better the social support provided, the result showed a positive correlation
better the psychological health between the perception of social support
(Psychological) of the elderly. and the quality of life of the elderly,
Desiningrum (2015) study involved 112 particularly in the social and

Correlation between social support… Deodatus A J, Sigilipoe M A, Widagdo T M M

environmental domains. Therefore, if the Sebaya Dengan Kualitas Hidup Lansia

elderly can interact with their environment Di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha’,
well, the higher the social support.10 Cybrarians Journal, 2(37), pp. 1–31.
doi: 10.12816/0013114.
CONCLUSION and SUGGESTION 3. Christie (2013) ‘Perbedaan
In contrast, the level of quality of Kesejahteraan Psikologis pada Wanita
life varied for each domain. The level of Lajang Ditinjau dari Tipe Wanita
social support for the elderly in Kelurahan Lajang.’, Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa
Prawirodirjan, Yogyakarta City, mostly Universitas Surabaya, 2, 1-16., 84(1),
showed good social support with an pp. 487–492. Available at:
average of 47.42. Furthermore, social http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10
support has a strong relationship with the 322/3933.
quality of life of the elderly in Kelurahan 4. Desiningrum, D. R. (2015)
Prawirodirjan, Yogyakarta City. The ‘Kesejahteraan Psikologis Lansia
elderly are expected to participate in Janda/Duda Ditinjau dari Persepsi
community activities in their surroundings Terhadap Dukungan Sosial dan
to get social support to improve their Gender’, Jurnal Psikologi Undip, 13(2),
quality of life. Families are expected to be pp. 102–106. doi:
active in supporting elderly activities and 10.14710/jpu.13.2.102-201
decisions. Then, future research on social 5. Ika Nur Rohmah, A., Bariyah, K. and
support questions on the MOS Social Keperawatan, J. (2012) ‘KUALITAS
Support Survey Instrument regarding HIDUP LANJUT USIA Quality of Life
affection, attention, and prohibition on Elderly’, 120 Juli, pp. 120–132.
smoking from the family has to be 6. Kemenkes RI (2017) ‘Analisis Lansia di
clarified and deepened to obtain more Indonesia’, Pusat data dan informasi
accurate data and further examine the Kementerian Kesehatan RI, pp. 1–2.
factors in providing social support to the 7. Potter & Perry (2005) Fundamental
elderly. Keperawatan. Vol 1. Jakarta: EGC.
8. Setyoadi, Noerhamdani, E. F. (2010)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Perbedaan Tingkat Kualitas Hidup pada
This work would not have been Lansia di Komunita dan Panti.
possible without guidance from doctor dr. 9. United Nations (2015) ‘Poblacion De
Mitra Andini Sigilipoe, MPH, dr. The Estados Unidos’, World Population
Maria Meiwati Widagdo, Ph.D , dr. Prospect: The 2015 Revision,World
Silvester Haripurnomo, MPH. Ph.D. Population 2015 Wallchart.
Furthermore, the author would like to ST/ESA/SER.A/378, p. 2. doi:
thank the author's friends who motivated ST/ESA/SER.A/378.
the author and helped the author collect 10. Winahyu, K. M., Wahyuniati, S. and
data despite their busy schedules. The Sekarsari, R. (2017) ‘Hubungan antara
author is also grateful for the support Persepsi Dukungan Sosial dan Kualitas
provided by the author's family members Hidup Lansia dengan Hipertensi di Kota
Tangerang’, Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan
Indonesia, 1(1), pp. 25–34
1. Ariyanthi, N. (2016) Hubungan
Dukungan Sosial Dengan
Kebermaknaan Hidup Pada Lansia Di
Panti Wreda.
2. Azwan, Herlina, D. K. (2015)
‘Hubungan Dukungan Sosial Teman


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