The learner demonstrates understanding of; contemporary Philippine literature as a
means of responding to the demands of the global village; appropriate and polite
oral language, stance, and behavior; and use of WH- Questions.
The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity; using
lexical and contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words and expressions; using
appropriate and polite oral language, stance and behavior in various information-
sharing formats.
Formulate WH-Questions (EN7G-IV-f-6.2)
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
Preliminary Activities
A. Prayer
B. Greetings
C. Checking of Attendance
D. Review of the Past Lesson
1) Prayer
Good morning, class! May I call on Alejandro
to lead the prayer.
Alejandro led the prayer.
2) Greetings
Okay, how are you today?
We are doing well today, sir.
Nice to hear that all of you are doing well.
Nobody is absent, sir.
3) Checking of Attendance
Who are absent today?
B. Motivation
Today, I will be present a picture as an
introduction of our new lesson.
E. Activity
Before we formally start with our discussion,
let’s play an activity entitled, “I-PICK-
liwanag mo.”
1. I will post two pictures on the board.
2. Analyze and observe the given
3. I will play music while the students
pass a bowl that has questions
regarding the photos.
4. If the music stop, the one who is
holding the bowl will pick a strip of
paper and answer it.
F. Analysis
Picture # 1
Picture # 2
Who is the man wearing the white coat?
The man in the white coat is a
dentist, sir.
What is the man wearing white coat doing?
He is looking at the boy’s teeth,
Where do you usually see this man?
They are at the dentist’s clinic,
What did you observe in that activity, class?
Sir, I observed that all the
questions are WH questions.
That’s right! Very good everyone.
G. Abstraction
Today, we are going to discuss on how to
formulate WH-questions and how to answer
the questions. Are you ready?
Yes, sir.
There are WH-questions are composed of 6
and they are;
Now, when do we use these questions, class?
These questions are used
when gathering information or
That’s right. WH-questions are questions that asking someone, sir.
ask for information they cannot be answered
by yes or no.
Here are the examples.
1. What is your favorite fruit?
2. Why are you late last time?
3. Where have you been last night?
4. When is your birthday?
5. Who is your favorite Hollywood actor?
6. How can I learn English quickly?
H. Application
Directions: I will divide you into four groups and
select your leader to represent the group,
Provide the answers to the questions that will
give later. All you have to do is simply select
the WH-Questions by raising the WH stick.
Whoever will raise the WH stick first
becomes the winner.
Construct WH-Questions based on the given statements.
1. My name is Freisha.
2. I am 13 years old.
3. My birthday is on the third of October.
4. I am angry because I did not pass my exam.
5. I live in Maramag, Bukidnon.
Construct seven question using the WH question and provide your own answer.
Detailed Lesson Plan
English 7
Prepared by:
Ansarodin O. H. Acmad
Student Teacher
Noted by:
Leila C. Villavicencio
Cooperating Teacher