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SPE 168262

Successful Application of Fiber-Optic-Enabled Coiled Tubing and Inflatable

Packer Used for Testing the Formation’s Upper Zone
Carolina Gonzalez, and Johana Muñoz, Schlumberger; Natalia Orozco, SPE, and Josue Higuera, SPE, Equion;
Dubrasky Nava, SPE, Schlumberger

Copyright 2014, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference & Exhibition held in The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 25-26 March 2014.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been
reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to
reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.


Floreña field, located north of the Cusiana and Cupiagua fields, has been producing since 2001. Floreña field is
part of the series of thrust sheets developed as result of the Eastern Cordillera uplifting.

In order to determine pressure depletion, establish connectivity between wells, reduce the risks of geological
uncertainty along the field, and meet Ministry of Mines data acquisition commitments, we performed a pressure
buildup test using inflatable packers as the isolation method.

In the past, when a pressure buildup test was required in the well’s upper formation, operators had to set up a
bridge plug in the lowest part of the tested formation, set up a sand plug, and finally, pump a cement plug. These
extra steps increased HSE risks and project costs.

A synergistic approach using real-time down hole measurements from fiber optic coiled tubing were combined with
the cased hole inflatable packer to improve operation reliability while reducing risk of failure and time.

The availability of real-time logging casing collar locator (CCL), annular, coiled tubing (CT) bottom hole pressure,
and bottom hole temperature data allowed the inflatable packer to be set properly. The measurements helped
ensure adequate packer inflation, monitor the maximum draw down without exceeding the packer integrity, and
perform a well test to a specific formation in just one run. In addition, the BHA configuration allows a memory tool
down the packer to record the lowest formation static pressure.

After the pressure buildup test was performed, the results showed well connectivity with Florena Field. The test
also confirmed reservoir pressure and permeability, which helped in future job and field planning.


Eastern Colombia (foothills region) producing zone can be divided in; fields Cusiana, Floreña, Pauto Complex and
Recetor. General characteristics: wells have an average depth of approximately 19,000 ft, slightly deviated, above
200 degF, three producing zones, permeability contrast between formations, cross flow & high gas and water cut.

Field Floreña has been active and producing continuously since 2001. After thirteen years, it was necessary to
develop a strategy that complies with government requirements about well data, and also, could help with the
geologic uncertainties by the establishment of formations connectivity and reservoir pressure depletion.
2 SPE 168262

Wells included in the study had two formations open to production, Barco and Mirador. Performing a pressure build
up test (PBU) to study each individual formation was an operational challenge; an open zone had to be temporarily
isolated to enable the test.

Initially, the method used to perform the operation was:

1. Set a packer between the two zones; in some wells, mechanical packers have to withstand elevated
differential pressures as well, important cross flow rates and mechanical restrictions.
2. Place sand plug on top of packer; a Wireline unit often was the preferred method to place the plugs. The
objective behind the operation was to protect the fish neck of the packer.
3. Place cement plug on top of the sand; often this was done in the same run the sand plug was placed. The
cement provided full isolation.
4. N2 lift if neccesary, which imply a CT interevention.
5. Perform PBU test real time or in memory mode with wireline unit.
6. Mill and clean cement & sand plug
7. Fish mechanical packer
8. N2 lift if neccesary, which imply a CT interevention.

A complete intervention took around 17 days and included numerous runs. Several challenges and risks existed,
associated with milling and cleaning after the test was performed, as well as fishing the packer. Also, 20000-bbls of
deferred production due to 7 days of shut in had to be considered.

As an alternative method, it was proposed to perform the operation with a Coiled Tubing Unit, fiber optics
deployed on CT string (enables real time down hole measurement), and an inflatable packer to isolate zones. All
operations were planned to be performed in one run.

Statement of Theory and Definitions

Inflatable packer
Inflatable packer systems are specifically designed for reliable thru tubing zonal isolation. The system includes a
hydraulic set packer, tension and pressure operated running tools and it is compatible with real time and memory
pressure and temperature gauges. (Figure 1).

The system is designed to perform single-trip, single set zonal isolations. It can be run in deep, deviated and
horizontal wells. No rotation or ball drop is required, and all operations can be achieved through application of
pressure and/or load. A software for design analysis (maximum & minimum pressures and forces) is also included.
The key factor with inflatables is the expansion ratio, as it increases; the differential pressure the packer is able to
withstand decreases. A high expansion/pressure ratio was required to perfom the tests; PBU test stated that well
has to be full or partial opened generating an important differential pressure down hole on the packer.
The inflatable packer is capable of expansion ratios of over 3:1 at differential pressures up to 2000 psi. Differential
pressures across the element of up to 10,000 psi can be achieved at lower expansion ratios. Figure 2 shows the
maximum differential pressure vs. casing ID for 3 in and 2-1/8 in packer.

The packer is deployed with CT as part of the BHA. Depth control is crucial if there is small window to set packer.
Once at depth, the inflation process begins. Packer may be inflated with water, brines, or diesel among others.
The process may vary depending on method, but as a basic concept, fluid is pumped through CT increasing rate
and/or pressure until packer is set. To confirm packer is anchored to casing/tubing, slackoff CT weight, and it
should remain stable.
After packer is set and anchored, depending on the purpose of the operation, it can be disconnected from the CT
to leave as a temporary or permanent barrier, or it can be used as a treating packer in which treatment can be
pumped above and/or below the packer (fluid can also be pumped through the annular space).

Figure 3 shows a schematic of the packer, the seal is provided by the rubber (in black) at the middle of the packer
and the anchoring is provided by the body (in gray). Once treatment is done, over pull must be applied to deflate
packer and retrieve it to surface.

Fiber-Optic-Enabled Coiled Tubing

Fiber-Optic-Enabled Coiled Tubing is non obtrusive, real time surface readout system of downhole measurements
through fiber optics deployed on CT.
SPE 168262 3

The tool is 2 1/8 in OD with an inner flow path of 11/16 in. It is composed by an electronic section that processes
the readings of the two pressure gauges for inside and outside pressure of the CT, and the reading of the
temperature of the chassis of the tool. At the bottom end it can be found the casing collar locator, CCL, module
which serves as reference for depth correlation.
The fiber optics fiber serves as telemetry device for optical data transmission. The carrier containing the fibers is
compatible with acid, solvents and H2S. The size of the carrier is negligible in the CT inner diameter maintaining
the pumping capabilities of the CT string. A complete description of the downhole measurement system was
presented by Rangel et al in 2007.

Coiled Tubing Intervention

Well is a gas & oil well, with a deviation of 28-deg, 4300-psi of bottom hole pressure (BHP), 7-in liner up to 14546-
ft, 5-in liner up to 16337-ft and a 2-7/8 in pre drilled liner up to bottom of the well.
Job objective was to RIH CT with 3-in OD inflatable packer, and Fiber Optics deployed with Coiled Tubing. Set
packer at 14,100-ft to isolate Mirador and Barco formation. Once set, perform an above drawdown and finally shut
in the well to perform a Pressure Build Up Test (collecting live downhole data). After the PBU is completed, unset
packer and POOH. (Figure 4).

Main challenges for this job:

§ Reduce operating times and footprint.

§ Packer to withstand high differential pressures; above drawdown to perform well test.
§ Dynamic downhole conditions; high gas cut (which tends to impregnate packer rubber).
§ Cross Flow between formations

The whole system used in this intervention was composed by the following elements

Fiber-Optic-Enabled Coiled Tubing string: This system allows data transfer from downhole tool to surface data
acquisition system and vice versa.

Coiled Tubing Connector: Used to connect the bottom hole assembly to the CT.

Fiber-Optic-Enabled Coiled Tubing Tool: Downhole electronic package with pressure sensors for Bottomhole
Pressure outside the CT, i_AnnBHP, and Bottomhole pressure inside the CT i_CTBHP, and temperature of the
BHA, which is directly related with wellbore temperature i_BHT. A secondary module, 2 1/8” CCL, is attached for
accurate depth correlation.

Double Flapper Check Valves: It is one-way flow valve that is used to prevent flow back up through the tool string
or CT. This is included in BHA’s for well control should the CT be parted or used during low well head pressure

Hydraulic Disconnect: This BHA component allows the CT to be disconnected from the BHA should it become
stuck and contingency measures are required, or as part of the planned operation. It is activated by dropping a ball
and pressuring up to shear a set of shear screws. Following disconnection this component leaves a fishing neck
profile to simplify retrieval.

Circulation Sub: It directs fluid flow axially through the tool until activated. Once a ball lands on the seat and
activates the piston, this component then directs all fluid flow to the tool string annulus. If a dual circulation sub is
used then this tool has an additional feature of an overpressure device (e.g. burst disk) to also achieve fluid flow to
the tool string annulus if activated.

Centralizers: This component allows protection to the inflatable packer while running in hole avoiding direct contact
of the rubber and slats with the tubing.

3” Inflatable packer: Through tubing inflatable packer is used for temporary isolation of sections of well bore.

Inflation Valve: The Inflation valve was designed to control flow within coiled tubing strings. Primarily it is meant to
provide a means to control setting of inflatable packers.
4 SPE 168262

Surface data acquisition: This system combines the regular parameters recorded in a regular CT job with the
downhole readings, providing a broad picture of the intervention.

Execution Stage 1

For the first stage of the intervention the well was shut in with 3470-psi well head pressure. Then the tool was run
and set the inflatable packer in a 7-in tubing at 14,100-ft. RIH procedure was performed while the differential
pressure between CT and annular was monitored closely to avoid an increment pressure that could set the packer
prematurely, this was done thanks to the sensors downhole which allow pressure behavior monitoring.
Depth correlation was made through CCL tool installed in the BHA for 7” casing 13% Cr-. (Figure 6). With the
packer at setting depth a 30 minutes wait was done for temperature and pressure equalization inside and outside
the packer.

Execution Stage 2

Inflating packer procedure started pumping at 0.2-bpm and recording the circulating pressure, bottom hole annular
pressure and bottom hole coiled tubing pressure reading. Increments on the pumping rate where made in 0.1-
bpm stages during 5-min between each step until pressure readings showed packer was inflated at the pressure
designed (Table 1). As an indicator packer was set, circulating pressure at surface and coiled tubing bottom hole
pressure decrease abruptly when inflation pins shear. (Figure 7).

In this point the packer´s pressure was 6669-psi, the difference between the packer pressure and the above
pressure was 4252-psi, and the difference between the packer pressure and the below pressure was 1252-psi.
To confirm packer set, 2000-lbf slacks off weight was applied.

Execution Stage 3

Well was opened until the lowest stable rate possible was achieved with a choke of 10/64” to take PVT samples
from opened interval in Barco. The downhole pressure data gave an accurate indication of the appropriate
drawdown to avoid losing packer integrity. (Figure 8-)

With a WHFP: 3,070-psi, Qg: ~11 MMSCFD, BHFP: 5,120-psi, CT pipe was displaced out with N2 at 500-scfm
meanwhile internal sensor was monitored to have an estimated Mirador shut in pressure. Once all N2 and diesel
flowed to surface 4 hours stable flow period was performed with following conditions:

Choke: 10/64”, WHFP: 3,130-psi, WHFT: 122 deg F, Qo: 1,357 bopd, Qgas: 11.856 MMSCFD, Qw : 0 bwpd,
BS&W: 0 %, GOR: 8,737 scf/stb, API: 45.0 deg, SG: 0.7, and 2 PVT sets of samples were taken at 10/64” choke,
each PVT set contained: 2 cylinders of 20 lt of gas and 1 PDS of 750 cc with liquid from the separator.

After taking PVT samples, the well was shut in while pressure and temperature parameters where recorded and
monitored from surface. After 1 hour shut in time the following parameters were recorded WHSIP: 3,375 psi,
WHSIT: 103 F, BHSIP: 5,375 psi, BHSIT: 225 F.

After 12 hours shut in time, information was downloaded and sent to interpretation, after analyzing the data
Reservoir Group decided to end the PBU after 12 hours instead of 24 hours planned.

Final Data acquired: WHSIP: 3,389 psi, WHSIT: 82 F, BHSIP: 5,373.1 psi, BHSIT: 225 F.

After completion of job objective, 14000 lbf over pull in steps was applied to CT, when 42000 lbf was achieved, the
weight changed abruptly to 28000 lbf, showing evidence of packer unsetting.
After waiting 1 hour to let packer rubber relax, CT pipe and tool were pulled out of the hole successfully.
SPE 168262 5


Data was analyzed by reservoir group with the following results:

Kh: approximately 8500 md.ft.

Skin: 40
Reservoir pressure: Approximately 5000 psi, this value was expected and is according with the numeric model
from Florena field.
Possible faults: the red line slope was interpreted as two faults near to the well, which is in accordance with the
geological interpretation where florena fault is at east of this well. (Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11)


• Integration of Fiber-Optic-Enabled Coiled Tubing and Inflatable Packer enabled client to perform
drawdown to take PVT samples and PBU test in a single run without need of any other services but CT.
• CT depth correlation eliminates the need of an extra run to ensure inflatable packer is set at desired depth.
• Fiber-Optic-Enabled Coiled Tubing and sensor down hole enabled the monitoring of inflatable packer
performance and behavior. Pressure differential between CT and Annular monitored to avoid premature
inflation of the packer and correct inflation process.
• Effective PBU test performed to Mirador formation thanks to inflatable packer seal between formations and
real time data from Fiber-Optic-Enabled Coiled Tubing.
• As there was no need to kill the well during intervention, no fluids were lost to the formation.
• Impact in production was reduced 60 %

PBU test can be done to both formation simultaneously (above and below packer); by deploying a memory
gauge below packer as part of the BHA, or modifying the tool assembly and allowing i_CTBHP measurement
to be interpreted as bottom formation shut in pressure


1. P.D Rangel, SPE, and I. Sorman SPE, Schlumberger, C.G Lount, SPE, and N. Woods, SPE,
CoconoPhilips. Fiber-Optic-Enabled Coiled-Tubing Operations on Alaska´s North Slope. SPE 106567

2. D.A Fernandez Castano, SPE, Schlumberger, N. Ruiz, R Zabala, SPE, and E. Mora, SPE, Ecopetrol SA,
and D.J Nava, SPE, Schlumberger. Real-Time Evaluation of a Velocity String: Case History of a Suitable
Solution for Well Recovery. SPE 163920


HSE: Health, Safety, Enviromental

CCL: Casing Collar Locator
CT: Coiled Tubing
BHA: Bottom Hole Aseembly
PBU: Pressure Build Up Test
OD: Outside Diameter
RIH: Run In Hole
ID: Inside Diameter
WHFP: Wellhead flowing pressure
Qg: Gas Production rate
BHFP: Bottomhole flowing pressure,
WHFT: Wellhead flowing temperature
Qo: Oil production rate,
Qw: Water production rate
6 SPE 168262

BS&W: Base Sediment and Water

GOR: Gas Oil Rate
SG: Specific Gravity
PVT: pressure, volume, temperature
WHSIP:Wellhead shut in pressure
WHSIT: Wellhead shut in temperature
BHSIP: Bottomhole shut in pressure
BHSIT: Bottomhole shut in temperature


Figure 1- Common Bottom hole assembly schematic

Figure 2- Common Bottom hole assembly schematic

SPE 168262 7

Figure 3- Common Bottom hole assembly schematic

Figure 4- Well Configuration


31-Oct-2011 PER E-LINE 2 13967 13987 20 ACTIVE BARCO 2.875 2906 PJ NOVA 6.00 60
31-Oct-2011 PER E-LINE 3 13990 13999 9 ACTIVE BARCO 2.875 2906 PJ NOVA 6.00 60
30-Oct-2011 PER E-LINE 1 13999 14010 11 ACTIVE BARCO 2.875 2906 PJ OMEGA 6.00 60
30-Oct-2011 PER E-LINE 2 14019 14039 20 ACTIVE BARCO 2.875 2906 PJ OMEGA 6.00 60
31-Aug-2011 PER E-LINE 16340 16404 64 ACTIVE MIRADOR/JARAMA 2.875 PREDILLED 12.00 135

Figure 5- Perforating Record

8 SPE 168262

Figure 6- CCL Correlation

Figure 7- Packer Setting Graph

SPE 168262 9

Figure 8 – PBU test graph

Figure 9 – Results graphs

10 SPE 168262

Figure 10 – Reservoir Pressure graph

Figure 11 – Florena fault

SPE 168262 11


Pump Rate Pcirc Volume i_anbhp i_ctbhp i_bht i_diff-p CT Weight WHP
(bbl/min) psi (bbl) (psi) (psi) (degF) (psi) (lbf) (psi)
0 371 0 5411 5149 233 -264 21924 3481
0.22 779 2.2 5430 5457 233 26 22293 3481
0.22 782 3.3 5430 5457 233 29 22396 3481
0.32 991 4.0 5434 5572 229 141 22359 3482
0.32 1008 5.4 5439 5582 229 147 22436 3482
0.42 1209 6.0 5440 5636 229 200 22409 3484
0.42 1247 8.2 5393 5686 225 291 22509 3440
0.52 1602 9.5 5388 5868 224 485 22412 3435
0.52 1613 11.2 5392 5877 223 490 22438 3435
0.62 1850 12.3 5396 6012 223 638 22336 3437
0.62 2054 14.6 5405 6116 222 709 22282 3440
0.72 2294 15.6 5409 6276 221 872 22211 3442
0.72 2489 18.4 5422 6375 221 954 22143 3446
0.81 2706 19.5 5425 6495 220 1087 22019 3448
0.81 2917 22.5 5438 6610 220 1183 21950 3452
0.92 3250 24.2 5445 6750 219 1288 21870 3459
Table 1- Inflation process Data

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