General Pathology Assignment
General Pathology Assignment
General Pathology Assignment
The effect of variety of stress due to etiological agents a cell encounters resulting in its internal
and external environment. Cellular response to stress varies and depends upon
Cell injury results when cells are under stress and can no longer adapt. Injury may progress
through a reversible stage.
1. Necrosis ( lethal)
2. Apoptosis (non lethal)
1. Coagulative necrosis
2. Liquefactive necrosis
4. Fat necrosis
5. Gangrenous Necrosis
Coagulative Necrosis:
Typically occur in solidorgan; heart, kidney, adrenal glands
Due to hypoxia (maybe from severe ischemia or chemical)
Normally, this necrotic cells retains its cellular outline.
Denaturation of protein albumin causes coagulation.
Liquefactive Necrosis:
Normally occurs in CNS which affects neuronand neuroglia cells
Associated with focal bacterial and fungus infections
The affected cells completely digest by hydrolytic enzymes thus changes the tissue into
liquid viscous mass.
Caseous Necrosis:
Caseous – cheese like appearance
Associated with tuberculous pulmonary (TB) infection, esp by Mycobacterium
Fat Necrosis:
Occur in pancreas, breast and other abdominal structures.
Caused by lipases enzymes which break down triglycerides (lipid) into fatty acids
Fatty acids and glycerol then combine with Ca, Mg, Na to form Calcium Soaps
The necrotic tissue appears opaque and chalk white.
Causes of Cell Injury:
The can be
1. Genetics causes
2. Acquired causes
Genetics causes:
Genetic defects may cause cell injury because of deficiency of functional proteins, such as
enzyme defects in inborn errors of metabolism, or accumulation of damaged DNA or misfolded
proteins, both of which trigger cell death when they are beyond repair.
Acquired causes:
They include
1. Oxygen deprivation
2. Chemical agents
3. Infectious agents
4. Immunologic reactions
5. Genetic defects
6. Nutritional imbalances
7. Physical agents
8. Aging
Oxygen deprivation:
- Hypoxia – oxygen deficiency
- Due to ischemia – lost/lack of blood supply (due to arterial blockage or reduce venous
- Hypoxia also can occurs via:
- Lack of oxygen inside blood
- Reduction in oxygen carrying capacity in RBC(anemia)
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
Chemical agents:
- Most of the chemical substances can cause cell injury
- For example : poisons, air pollutants, insecticides, CO, asbestos, ethanol, therapeutics
- This agents can cause cell death by:
- Altering membrane permeability’
- Altering osmotic homeostasis
- Altering integrity of an enzyme
Infectious agent:
- Viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, helminthes.
Immunologic Reactions:
- Autoimmune disease – immunity against its own tissues . For examples SLE, Rheumatoid
Arthritis etc.
Genetic Defects:
- Abnormalities to the genomes – mutation.
- This chromosome anomaly is associated with missing, or Irregularities or extra in portion
of chromosomal DNA.
- Syndrome Down, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington’s Disease etc.
Nutritional Imbalance:
- Cause by directly or indirectly lack of essentialnutrients (malnutrition)
- Or it maybe related to excessive of food intake (Diabetic Mellitus)
- For example protein deficiency– Kwashiorkor, Marasmus
- Calcium deficiency – osteoporosis
- Vitamin C – Scurvy
Physical Agents:
- Trauma, extremes of temperature, radiation, electrical shock all have wide ranging
effects on cells.
- Aged cells become larger, less able to divide and multiply.
- Lose their ability to functions, or function abnormally.
Physiologic hypertrophy: increased muscle mass through sports, uterus enlargement during
the pregnancy.