Philo Farnsworth invented the first fully Hewlett Packard 9100A is an early
electronic television. It became an important computer or programmable calculator.
mass medium for advertising, propaganda
and entertainment. Floppy disk is removal magnetic storage
Electronic Age
Began when electronic equipment and Walkman is originally used for portable
large technologies, including computers audio cassette players.
came into use. The invention of the
transistors that led to the transistor radio, Information Age
electronic circuits, and the early computers. People advanced the use of
In this age, long distance communication microelectronics with the invention of
became more efficient. personal computers, mobile devices, and
wearable technology. Moreover, voice,
Transistor led to the creation of other media image, sound and data are digitized. We are
tool. now living in the information age.
Ex situ Conservation
It is the process of protecting species
outside of its natural habitat by removing a
species from its threatened habitat and
placing it in a new location, like zoological
gardens, aquaria, captive breeding centers,
botanical gardens, seed banks and gene
banks, within the care of humans.
CHAPTER 3: NANO TECHNOLOGY created by Korean Researchers from the
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
History of Nanotechnology Technology and the National Nano Fab
1959 – Richard Feyman, an American Center.
Physicist discussed “There’s Plenty of
Room at the Bottom”. Early uses of Nanomaterials
In Mesopotamia, nanoparticles were used
1960 – Mohamed Atalla and Dawon Kahng for creating a glittering effect on the surface
fabricated the first MOSFET ( metal –oxide- of pots.
semiconductor field-effect transistor) with a
gate oxide thickness of 100nm, along with a In modern times, pottery from the middle
gate length of 20μm. Ages and Renaissance often retains a
distinct gold- or copper-colored metallic
1974 – Norio Taniguchi, a Japanese glitter.
scientist of Tokyo University of Science
coined the term "nanotechnology” to In Rome, Lycurgus cup is made of a glass
describe semiconductor processes such as that changes colour when light gleamed
film deposition and ion beam milling through it.
exhibiting characteristic control on the order
of a nanometer. In pre-columbian Mayan City of Chichen
Itza, a corrosion resistant azure pigment
1981s – The invention of Scanning known as “ Maya Blue” contains nanopores
Tunneling Microscope, an instrument used to create an environmentally stable pigment.
for imaging surfaces at the atomic level. It
was invented by Gerd Binnig and Heinrich In Middle East, Damascus steel swords
Rohrer at IBM Zurich (Nobel Prize in contain oriented nanoscale wire-and-tube-
Physics). like structures
Nano refers to a unit meaning one billionth
or ten raised to negative nine.
Nanotechnology refers to the manipulation
of matter on an atomic or subatomic scale.