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A Hybrid Approach for Android Mal Ware Detection

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International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.

6, Nº6

A Hybrid Approach for Android Malware Detection

and Family Classification
Meghna Dhalaria, Ekta Gandotra*
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jaypee University of Information Technology,
Waknaghat, Solan, HP (India)

Received 13 February 2020 | Accepted 29 May 2020 | Published 1 September 2020

Abstract Keywords
With the increase in the popularity of mobile devices, malicious applications targeting Android platform have Android Malware,
greatly increased. Malware is coded so prudently that it has become very complicated to identify. The increase Dynamic Malware
in the large amount of malware every day has made the manual approaches inadequate for detecting the Analysis, Machine
malware. Nowadays, a new malware is characterized by sophisticated and complex obfuscation techniques. Learning, Static Malware
Thus, the static malware analysis alone is not enough for detecting it. However, dynamic malware analysis Analysis.
is appropriate to tackle evasion techniques but incapable to investigate all the execution paths and also it is
very time consuming. So, for better detection and classification of Android malware, we propose a hybrid
approach which integrates the features obtained after performing static and dynamic malware analysis. This
approach tackles the problem of analyzing, detecting and classifying the Android malware in a more efficient
manner. In this paper, we have used a robust set of features from static and dynamic malware analysis for
creating two datasets i.e. binary and multiclass (family) classification datasets. These are made publically
available on GitHub and Kaggle with the aim to help researchers and anti-malware tool creators for enhancing
or developing new techniques and tools for detecting and classifying Android malware. Various machine
learning algorithms are employed to detect and classify malware using the features extracted after performing
static and dynamic malware analysis. The experimental outcomes indicate that hybrid approach enhances the
accuracy of detection and classification of Android malware as compared to the case when static and dynamic DOI: 10.9781/ijimai.2020.09.001
features are considered alone.

I. Introduction 31 million Android malware were found in 2018 and also shows that
approximate 1.9 million new samples are identified every year [5]. As

S MARTPHONES have become an open source platform for running

different types of applications (apps) such as banking, lifestyles,
gaming, education, etc. According to the site-worldwide mobile
a result, it has become complicated to manually process large amount
of Android malware samples. Thus, it becomes a most challenging
task for antivirus companies to detect and classify malware. To evade
application, download of apps reached 205.4 billion in year 2018 and the problem of handling large amount of malware samples manually
will increase continuously [1]. The fast growth in the smartphone and the malware obfuscation, the researchers start finding efficient
industry has made lot of users to use smartphones to consume techniques of Android malware detection and family classification.
multiple services and access the Internet. The Android apps bring The researchers are making use of several methods for detection of
lot of comfort for our life by supporting persistent communication Android malicious apps. The traditional method to identify Android
everywhere and also providing diverse functionalities. The expansion malware is relying on a signature based technique in which the
of Android apps plays a vital role for the progress of upcoming signature of an app is matched with the already existing signatures
economy and mobile Internet. present in the database. The major limitation of this technique is
The smartphones usually store user’s private data such as that it cannot identify unfamiliar malware. The ongoing research
messages, pictures and personal information etc. As a result, these for detection and classification of malware is based on two methods
smartphones become the target of attackers [2], [3]. Nowadays in i.e. static and dynamic malware analysis [2]. Static malware analysis
smartphone industry, Android operating system (OS) has gained method examines the code of the app to detect the malicious patterns
the highest position throughout the world. In 2018, the wide use without running the code [6]. It provides fast detection and high
of Android apps has resulted in an increase of Android malware efficiency. But this method fails to identify the Android apps which
(approximately 2.84 million) [4]. According to the report of McAfee, make use of code obfuscation techniques [7]. The dynamic malware
analysis method investigates the behavior of app while executing in
a virtual environment. It is more efficient but this method is resource
* Corresponding author.
and time intensive. Moreover, this type of analysis is incapable
E-mail address: [email protected] to investigate all the execution paths. In order to strengthen the

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Regular Issue

accuracy, the features acquired from both static and dynamic analysis Li et al. [14] suggested a malware identification system known
can be integrated [8]. Moreover, there exists only limited benchmark as significant Permission Identification (SigPID). They build 3 levels
datasets available publically to evaluate the proposed machine of pruning by extracting permission data to determine the relevant
learning techniques. permissions that can be to distinguish between malware and benign
In this paper, we have worked on both detection and family apps. The authors employed ML methods to classify the Android
classification of Android malware. Here detection relates to a binary apps. The experimental results show that SigPID performs better
classification problem which consists of two classes “malware” and with 93.62% of accuracy as compared to existing approaches. In
“benign” and family classification relates to the multiclass classification [15], the authors suggested a highly efficient method to extract API
problem which consists of 13 malicious families. Android malware calls, permission-rate, surveillance system events and permissions
family signifies a group of malicious programs that share common as features. They constructed a model based on ensemble Rotation
behavior and are generated from the same source code. We propose a Forest to identify whether an app is malicious or benign. The results
hybrid approach for detection and classification of Android malicious demonstrate that the proposed approach obtained highest precision
apps. It depends on the fusion of static and dynamic malware analysis. of 88.16% with 88.26% accuracy at the sensitivity of 88.40%. Yerima
Initially, we perform static malware analysis for extracting static and Sezer [16] introduced a novel fusion technique (DroidFusion)
features based on API calls, command strings, permissions and intents. which includes amalgamation of various ML techniques for improving
Then, we performed dynamic malware analysis to extract features accuracy. The DroidFusion creates a model by training classifiers and
using CuckooDroid [9]. CuckooDroid is an extension of cuckoo then they employed a feature ranking algorithm on the predictive
sandbox which is used for automatic analysis of Android suspicious accuracies in order to acquire a final classifier. The results indicate
files [10]. The features considered for dynamic malware analysis are that DroidFusion is more superior than stacking ensemble method.
based on cryptographic operations, dynamic permissions, information In [17], the authors presented a multimodal deep learning based
leaks and system calls. In order to strengthen the accuracy, we framework for the identification of Android malware. They extracted
integrate the features acquired from both static and dynamic malware diverse features and refined these using similarity based or existence-
analysis. Considering the presence of irrelevant, noisy and redundant based method. The results show that the accuracy obtained by the
features, an information gain ranking algorithm is applied to extract multimodal deep learning framework is 98%. Feizollah et al. [18]
the relevant features. presented an analysis of the usefulness of intents for classifying
the malicious apps. They reported that intents are more important
A. Research Contributions feature than permissions for classification of malware. The results
The major contributions of the paper are as follows: demonstrate that detection rate of intent and permission is 91% and
83% respectively. The authors also indicate that the detection accuracy
1. Two datasets i.e. binary and multiclass (family) classification
of combined features is 95.5% which is higher than the individual
datasets are created (using static and dynamic malware analysis)
features. In [19], the authors explored the risk based on permissions
and shared publically on GitHub and Kaggle.
in Android apps. They applied T-test, correlation coefficient and
2. Feature selection method is used to choose the appropriate set of mutual information to rank the specific permission according to their
features for both the datasets. risk. Principal component analysis and sequential forward selection
3. The relevant features selected for both static and dynamic malware are employed to determine the subsets of risky permission. They
analysis are integrated. evaluated the effectiveness of risky permission for detection of malapp
4. Machine learning (ML) algorithms belonging to different with Decision Tree (DT) Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random
categories are employed and evaluated on both the datasets for Forest (RF). The results indicate that the detection accuracy of malapp
static, dynamic and integrated features. detector is 94.62% with 0.6 False Positive Rate (FPR). Dhalaria et al. [20]
performed a comparative analysis between different base classifiers
B. Organization such as SVM, Logistic Regression (LR), Naive Bayes (NB) K-Nearest
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: section II summarizes Neighbor (K-NN), DT, RF and ensemble techniques (Bagging, Stacking
the related work on classification and identification of Android and Boosting). The experimental results demonstrate that the stacking
malware. Section III describes the proposed methodology. Section IV ensemble technique found to be more superior then the base classifiers.
demonstrates the experimental outcomes based on different evaluation Dhalaria et al. [21] employed a convolutional neural network (CNN) to
parameters. Section V concludes the paper and provides future scope. classify Android malicious apps. The grayscale images of classes.dex
and AndroidManifest.xml are created which are extracted from the
Android package. The experimental results indicate that the classes.
II. Related Work
dex file performs better in comparison to AndroidManifest.xml.
In the literature, researchers have developed various novel The static malware analysis is quicker in analyzing the code but
techniques for identification and classification of Android malware it fails against code obfuscation techniques and morphed malware.
using ML methods. Current malware identification methods fall under The dynamic malware analysis overwhelms the constraints of static
two categories i.e. static and dynamic malware analysis [11]. This malware analysis.
section discusses the work associated with malware detection and
classification based on static and dynamic malware analysis using ML
B. Dynamic Malware Analysis
methods. It executes the samples in runtime environment such as an emulator
and a virtual machine to track the behavior of the app. This section
A. Static Malware Analysis includes the literature on detection and classification of Android
The static malware analysis is the way to discover the malicious malware using dynamic malware analysis.
patterns in app by examining its code. In order to find out the Cai et al. [22] presented a novel classification approach (DroidCat)
malicious patterns [12], it uses disassemble techniques to decompile which is based on dynamic analysis. The authors used a set of dynamic
the app source code [13]. This subsection includes the research papers features such as method calls, app resources and Inter-Component
related to static malware analysis which focuses on detection and Communication. The experimental outcomes indicate that DroidCat
classification of Android malware.

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International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 6, Nº6

obtained 97% accuracy and F-measure for classifying the Android Moreover, there exist only two benchmark datasets i.e. Malgenome
malicious apps. In [23], the authors proposed a dynamic analysis [3] and Derbin [32] which have been made public over past few years.
framework i.e. EnDroid which used different types of dynamic features These datasets include old Android apps and were created in the years
for the identification of malware. They employed a chi-square algorithm 2012 and 2014 respectively. But nowadays, evolving malwares are so
to select the relevant features and applied an ensemble learning sophisticated and complex that they cannot be recognized easily. This
technique to differentiate between malware and benign apps. Das et paper presents the approach used for creating our own datasets. These
al. [24] proposed the model named as frequency centric for feature consist of recent Android apps and we have made these publically
construction using system calls to effectively identify the malware. available on GitHub and Kaggle. These would help the research
The authors build a ML method using Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) community to evaluate their proposed ML techniques for malware
in FPGA in order to train a classifier. They found that the proposed classification. Different machine learning algorithms are employed
approach obtained low power consumption, fast detection and high on these two datasets to perform binary and family classification of
accuracy. In [25], the authors addressed TaintDroid, a dynamic taint Android apps when both static and dynamic features are integrated.
tracking which is proficient of continuously tracking various source
of sensitive data. As a result, it provides security service firms seeking
III. Proposed Methodology
and essential input for Android users to identify malicious apps. Chen
et al. [26] presented a framework which uses a classification scheme This section discusses the proposed methodology for detection and
named as Model-Based Semi-Supervised (MBSS). The authors also family classification of Android apps. It consists of three phases i.e.
compared their proposed approach with the existing approach such data collection, data preparation and detection & family classification.
as K-NN, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and SVM. The results In the first phase, data is collected from various sources such as
indicate that the proposed approach achieves 98% accuracy at very virusshare [33], apkmirror [34] and apkpure [35]. In the second phase,
low FPR. In [27], the authors designed and implemented a dynamic MD5 hash is applied to remove the duplicate apps and then these
analysis method named as DroidTrace. It examined the system calls apps are examined using Avira Antivirus (AV) tool [36]. The static
which are executed in dynamic payloads. DroidTrace also carried out and dynamic malware analysis is performed to extract features from
physical alteration to trigger numerous dynamic loading behaviors the Android apps. Static features are extracted using self-developed
within an app. python script which uses multiple automated tools such as Baksmali
The dynamic malware analysis can detect the unfamiliar malware Diassembler [37], String [38] and AXMLPrinter2 [39]. The features
that a static analysis cannot but it takes more time and resources. extracted using static malware analysis includes API calls, command
Moreover, it explores only a single execution path. string, permissions and intents. Dynamic features are extracted using
CuckooDroid [9] which analyzes the behavior of app during runtime.
C. Hybrid Malware Analysis The features extracted using dynamic malware analysis include
Gandotra et al. [8] suggested that single approach either dynamic dynamic permissions, cryptographic operations, information leaks
or static is not sufficient for accurately classifying the malware due to and system calls. After feature extraction, an information gain feature
the obfuscation and execution stalling. To overcome this problem, the ranking algorithm is employed in order to remove the noisy, irrelevant
researchers have started to make use of a hybrid analysis approach. and redundant features. Various ML classifiers such as SVM, DT, RF,
This section includes the work done in the field of hybrid malware NB, K-NN PART and MLP are employed to identify and classify the
analysis which focuses on detection and classification of Android Android apps. Fig. 1 shows the workflow of the proposed methodology.
A. Data Collection (Phase-I)
Yuan et al. [28] introduced an engine named as DroidDetector
which automatically characterized the app as either malware or The initial phase of the proposed methodology is data collection.
benign. The authors extracted the features using static and dynamic The Android apps are collected from multiple sources such as apkpure,
analysis. The experimental results demonstrate that DroidDetector apkmirror and virusshare. These apps are stored in Android application
obtained highest accuracy 96.76% when compared with conventional packages (.apk) file format. A total of 4400 recent Android apps are
ML techniques. In [29], the authors proposed the hybrid approach downloaded from these sources. The malicious apps are downloaded
for identification of malware using static and dynamic analysis. from virusshare after getting registered with their website and also
They created the normal and malicious pattern sets by matching the getting permission from the administrator. The benign apps are
pattern of benign and malware apps with each other. To determine collected from apkpure and apkmirror.
the unknown app, the authors also compared these with both normal B. Data Preparation (Phase-II)
and malicious pattern sets offline. The results demonstrate that the
proposed approach obtained better detection rate. Martin et al. This subsection discusses various steps used for data preparation.
[30] presented an OmniDroid dataset consisting of 22,000 malware These include removing duplicate applications, labelling, feature
and benign samples. They developed a framework for static and extraction and feature selection.
dynamic analysis of apps and applied ensemble learning classifiers 1. Removing Duplicate Applications
for identification of malicious apps. In [31], the authors presented an
MD5 hash algorithm is employed on the collected Android apps to
Android Application Sandbox (AASandbox) which is capable to carry
eliminate the duplicate ones. After removing the duplicates, we are left
out both dynamic and static analysis to identify malicious apps. For
with 3547 Android apps.
providing distributed and fast detection, they deployed the detection
algorithm and sandbox in the cloud. The results show that AASandbox 2. Labelling
is more efficient than antivirus apps available for Android OS. The unique Android apps obtained from the previous step are
From the literature survey, it is found that the hybrid approach scanned using Avira Antivirus (AV) tool for labelling. After labelling,
is capable to classify the Android apps more accurately. Though, a out of 3547 apps, 1747 are malicious and 1800 are benign. Furthermore,
lot of work has been reported in the literature on detection (binary 1747 malicious apps are further labelled as 13 malware families as
classification) of Android apps using hybrid approach but the least shown in Fig. 2.
focus has been paid on family classification of Android malware.

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Regular Issue

Fig. 1. Workflow of the proposed methodology.

The features extracted for analysis using these tools are API calls,
permissions, intents and command strings. The process of extracting
features is shown in Fig. 3. The .apk file is saved in compressed zip
format. To view the content of .apk file, we first need to unzip or unpack
Android/SmsAgent.AAV.Gen it. The .apk file consists of classes. dex file, Android Manifest file, res,
Android/Plankton.C.Gen lib and assets folder. Through this, we extracted four different types
of static features using different static tools. Classes.dex file contains
information about API calls, Android Manifest file contains information
about permission and intents and the rest contains information about
Adware/ANDR.AdsWo.CG.Gen command strings. These features are selected on the basis of existing
Adware/ANDR.AdsMogo.FAN.Gen literature and the official site of Android which says that these specific
Android/AdLoad.A.Gen features are more prominent in malicious applications [16], [40].
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Number of Aplications
350 400 450 • API calls: It is used to interact with the device. These contain
the method, classes and packages to help developers to build
Fig. 2. Graphical representation of Android malware families. apps. The Android is based on java programming language and
Java compiler converts the source code into java bytecode. It uses
3. Feature Extraction Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) after disassembling java bytecode,
Various features are extracted using static and dynamic malware it gives information about packages, methods and classes. A total
analysis. In static malware analysis, we have extracted four different of 47 API calls are extracted using a self-developed python script
types of static features i.e. API calls, intents, permissions and command after decompiling classes.dex with Baksmali Disassembler.
strings using self-developed python script which uses several • Permissions: The main purpose of permissions is to secure the
automated tools such as Baksmali Disassembler, AXMLPrinter2 and privacy of the users. The apps must request permission to access
string. In dynamic malware analysis, we have extracted four different user sensitive information and system features. The system
types of dynamic features i.e. cryptographic operations, dynamic sometimes gives permission itself or could provoke users to accept
permissions, information leaks and system calls using CuckooDroid the request. Permission is mainly declared in the AndroidManifest.
(Android malware analysis tool). The detailed description related xml. A total of 277 permissions are extracted using a self-
to feature extraction using static and dynamic malware analysis is developed python script after decompiling AndroidManifest.xml
explained below. with AXMLPrinter2.
a) Using Static Malware Analysis • Command strings: It is one of the static features which is used for
identification of Android malware. It analyzes the command string
It is performed without executing the code. It uses various which is present in lib, res, assets folder. A total of 6 command
disassemble techniques to decompile the app source code. To extract strings are extracted using a self-developed python script after
the static features, we developed a python script which uses various decompiling lib, res and assets with string.
automated tools i.e. Baksmali Disassembler, AXMLPrinter2 and string.

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International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 6, Nº6

• Intents: Intents are found in Manifest.xml. It infers the intentions

of apps e.g. pick a contact, dial a number etc. Intents are extracted
from manifest.xml after decompiling with AXMLPrinter2. A total
of 22 intents are extracted using a self-developed python script
after decompiling AndroidManifest.xml with AXMLPrinter2.
Table I lists some of the examples of static features considered
under these four categories.

Fig. 4. Process of extracting dynamic features.

payload etc. To distinguish various cryptographic behaviors, these

features are formed as <action>_<algorithm >. Here <action>
includes various operations like key generation, decryption and
Fig. 3. Process of extracting static features. encryption and the <algorithm> includes various cryptographic
algorithms. A total of 79 cryptographic operations are extracted
b) Using Dynamic Malware Analysis using CuckooDroid.
It is performed while executing the code in the runtime environment. • Dynamic permissions: It is considered as one of the important
The runtime behavior information of the apps is obtained using the dynamic features to analyze the behavior of apps. Dynamic
open source dynamic analysis tool named as CuckooDroid. It is an permissions are those permissions which are executed at the
extension of cuckoo sandbox, the open source software for executing runtime environment. A total of 71 dynamic permissions are
and analyzing the apps. It automatically executes and analyzes files extracted at runtime using CuckooDroid.
and collects the information of the file at runtime. CuckooDroid is • Information leaks: Confidential and personal data has newly
liable for handling the Android emulator and produce report at the gained more attention. Malware usually vigorously harvests
termination of analysis. Cuckoo’s infrastructure consists of a guest numerous data on contagious devices, such as contact information,
machine (i.e. the virtual machine that carry out analysis) and the IMEI, SMS contents, credential information related to social
host machine (i.e. the management software). The host runs the network and banking etc. The collected data may be used to make
main components of the sandbox that controls the whole analysis profits, keep track on users and acquire authorized account etc.
process, whereas the guest machine is the isolated environment where These features are defined as <source>_<sink>. Here <source>
the Android malware samples are carried out. The guest machine includes operations gaining confidential data and the <sink>
consists of Linux virtual machines that run Android emulator, which includes operations leaking confidential data. A total of 123
is monitored by the machinery module. The main work of Android information leaks are extracted at runtime using CuckooDroid.
emulator is to carry out the execution of apps, collect information and • System Calls: It is one of the most important dynamic features
report it back to CuckooDroid. Every Android malicious file is run of Android app. It is an efficient feature for intrusion detection
until all processes are finished or a timeout of 180 seconds is reached in a mobile device. Through system calls, Android apps take
which means an Android sample is given a maximum of 180 seconds services of the kernel. The kernel offers useful functions to apps
for analysis. After the analysis of particular sample is over, the results such as device security, process related to operations and power
are compiled in JSON format. We need a guest machine which is to management etc. These malware usually invokes sigprocmask,
be rooted Android Virtual Device (AVD) with xposed framework [41] getuid, ptrance to affect the execution of other apps. A total of 50
and with its two module i.e. Emulator Anti-Detection and Droidmon. system calls are extracted at runtime using CuckooDroid. Table II
Python 2.7 is used to run the analyzer code and python agent on guest lists some of the examples of dynamic features considered under
machine. The role of the python agent is for analysing code, receiving these four categories.
APK file, and carrying out the analysis. The python analyzer executes
After performing static and dynamic malware analysis, a total of 352
apps, send screenshots back to host, send dropped files back to host.
static and 323 dynamic features are extracted from all the Android apps
It is liable for terminating the analysis and sending back some log file
considered in this work. Thus, we have come up with two datasets. First
to host. After the complete procedure, the log reports are collected
is a binary classification dataset consisting of 1747 malicious and 1800
which is in the Java Script Object Notation (JSON) format. The reports
benign apps. Second is a multiclass classification dataset consisting
produced by Cuckoo Droid for different apps are then parsed and saved
of 1747 malicious apps belonging to 13 malware families. Both these
to the database in CSV format using Python script. Afterwards, these
datasets are made public on GitHub and Kaggle (Link: https://github.
are used for detection and classification of malware. The process of
com/Meghna-Dhalaria/Android-malware-dataset) and (Link: https://
extracting dynamic features is shown in Fig. 4. The features extracted
for analysis are cryptographic operations, information leaks, dynamic
classification) respectively.
permissions and system calls.
These features are selected on the basis of existing literature and 4. Feature Selection
the official site of Android which says that these specific features are It is also known as attribute selection. It is used for dimensionality
more prominent in malicious applications [22], [40], [42]. The detailed reduction which helps in choosing relevant features. Irrelevant and
description of these four features is explained as follows: redundant features can decrease the quality of the classification model
• Cryptographic operations: Malware accepts these operations and the accuracy. Higher dimensional datasets required more space
to target premium sms number, encrypt root exploits, malicious and computation time [43]. Selecting the relevant features will help

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Regular Issue

TABLE I. Examples of Static Features Considered

Number of
Features Examples Feature value

onserviceConnected, Ljavax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec, getBinder, If an API call (out of 47) is existing in the

API Calls 47 android.os.Binder, Ljava.net.URLDecoder, ServiceConnection, KeySpec, classes.dex then the value of that feature is set
Ljava.lang.Class.getMethods to 1 otherwise 0.

GET_TASKS, READ_PHONE_STATE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, If a permission (out of 277) is existing in the

Permissions 277 RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETE, READ_SMS, SYSTEM_ALERT_ Manifest.xml file then the value of that feature

If a command string (out of 6) is existing in

6 Chown, /system/bin, mount, /system/app, remount the res, lib, assets folder then the value of that
feature is set to 1 otherwise 0.

CALL_BUTTON, SET_WALLPAPER, NEW_OUTGOING_CALL, If an intent (out of 22) is existing in the

Intents 22 SCREEN_OFF, PACKAGE_CHANGED, ACTION_SHUTDOWN, Manifest.xml file then the value of that feature
BATTERY_LOW is set to 1 otherwise 0.

TABLE II. Examples of Dynamic Features Considered

Number of
Features Examples Feature value

If a cryptographic operation (out of 79) is

79 Decryption_AES, encryption_AES, keyalgo_AES present in JSON file then the value of that
feature is set to 1 otherwise 0.

If a dynamic permission (out of 71) is present

71 in JSON file then the value of that feature is
set to 1 otherwise 0.

If an information leak (out of 123) is present in

Information IMEI_File, IMSI_Network, IMSI_File, PHONE_NUMBER_File, IMEI_
123 JSON file then the value of that feature is set
Leaks Network
to 1 otherwise 0.

If a system call (out of 50) is present in JSON

ptrace, recvfrom, sigprocmask, write, wait4, sendto, getpid, read,
System Calls 50 file then the value of that feature is set to 1
recvmsg, chmod, sendmsg
otherwise 0.

in reducing the space and time complexity and also help in increasing classification dataset (named as Dataset-1) and 47 static features for
the accuracy. In this work, we have employed an information gain family classification dataset (named as Dataset-2). Fig. 5 and Fig. 6
feature ranking algorithm [44] to select the relevant features for show the top 20 selected attributes for detection (Dataset-1) and family
better detection and classification of Android malware. Information classification (Dataset-2) datasets respectively.
gain calculates the quantity of information provided about the class. The datasets created using dynamic malware analysis consist of
It makes use of entropy to compute the homogeneity of samples. The 323 features. Out of 323 features, we are left with 99 dynamic features
entropy H(X) of the dataset (having c number of classes) is calculated in Dataset-1 and 35 features in Dataset-2. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show the
as given in equation (1). top 20 selected dynamic features for detection (Dataset-1) and family
(1) classification (Dataset-2) datasets respectively.
The summary of both the datasets i.e. Dataset-1 and Dataset-2
Where pi is the probability of class i in the dataset X. The dataset is
before and after feature selection is given in table III. Fig. 9 shows the
then split on the different attributes A. The entropy for a dataset with
various steps for preparing these two datasets.
respect to attribute A i.e. H(X, A) is calculated using equation (2).
TABLE III. Description of Dataset (Where, # Stands for Number of)
Here k represents the possible values of the attribute A. #Feature extracted #Feature selected
Dataset #Benign #Malicious
Information gain achieved by an attribute is expressed as shown in
Name apps apps
equation (3). Greater the Information Gain (IG) of a particular feature, Static Dynamic Static Dynamic
more important the feature is.
(3) Dataset-1 1800 1747 352 323 110 99

The information gain method assigns rank and weight to each 1747 (with 13
Dataset-2 ----- 352 323 47 35
feature. We have not considered the attributes with zero weight. Thus families)
out of 352 features, we are left with 110 static features for binary

- 179 -
Weights dr Weights
da oi
t al
an d.
e dr pe



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nd t s AS
le C XT
ER kdi p is os LL ro
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ak ES r id t
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Fig. 5. Top 20 selected static features for detection dataset (Dataset-1).

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Fig. 7. Top 20 selected dynamic features for detection dataset (Dataset-1).

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Fig. 6. Top 20 selected static features for family classification dataset (Dataset-2).
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International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 6, Nº6

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Regular Issue










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Fig. 8. Top 20 selected dynamic features for family classification dataset (Dataset-2).

C. Detection and Family Classification (Phase-III)

Various ML algorithms i.e. SVM, RF, DT, NB, K-NN, PART and MLP
are used to build models for detection and classification of Android
malware. These models are trained using 5-fold cross validation, in
which the whole dataset is divided into 5 equal parts. Four parts are
used to train the model and the remaining part is used for testing
at every run. This section provides the brief introduction of ML
algorithms and the evaluation parameters used for evaluating these
1. Machine Learning Algorithms
The various ML algorithms used in this work are as follows:
• K-NN is one of the easiest supervised learning methods. It is also
called as lazy learner [45]. This method does not depend upon the
structure of data, whenever the new instance arises; it finds the
closest training samples to the new instance by using distance
measures such as Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance. At the
end, by using the majority voting concepts it finds the class of the
new instance.
• SVM is a method [46] which divides the data using a hyperplane.
It acts like a decision boundary. It randomly draws the hyperplane
and then computes the distance between the hyperplane and the
closest data points (also called as support vector). It attempts to
identify the optimal hyperplane that maximizes the margin.
• RF is an ensemble learning technique which involves a large
number of individual decision trees that act as an ensemble [47].
Every decision tree produces a classification for input data and
then RF collects the classification and illustrates the result based
on majority voting.
• The structure of DT is like a tree, where non-leaf or internal node
demonstrates a test on an attribute, topmost node represents the
root node, terminal or leaf node holds a class label and the branch
of the tree demonstrates the results of the test. In this work, we
have used C4.5 algorithm to classify Android malware [48].
• The concept of NB is based on Bayes theorem. It forecasts the
Fig. 9. Process of Data Preparation. class membership probabilities i.e. the probability that a given
tuples relates to an individual class. It is used for both binary and
multiclass classification problems [49].

- 181 -
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 6, Nº6

• PART is a partial decision tree algorithm. It is a separate and • F-measure: It signifies the harmonic mean of recall and precision.
conquer rule learner. This technique produces sets of rules known It is calculated as shown in equation (7).
as decision list. A new sample is compared to each rule and then
the sample is assigned the class of the first matching rule [50]. (7)
• Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) is also called as Multilayer Neural
• Accuracy: It is the ratio of true positive and true negative
Networks [51]. It consists of an input layer, an output layer and
instances divided by the total number of instances. It is calculated
the hidden layer. It has various output units. The units of the
as shown in equation (8).
hidden layer become input for the next layer. Semwal et al. [52],
[53] worked in the field of different classification problems using
deep learning techniques such as DNN based classifier and ANN.
In [54], the authors [54] worked in the Extreme Machine Learning • MCC: It is used to measure the quality of binary classification
(ELM) for classification and prediction of gait data. In our work, we algorithms. Its value lies between -1 to +1. Here -1 means inverse
applied MLP for detection and classification of Android malware. prediction and +1 means a perfect prediction. It is calculated as
We run the MLP for hidden layer h=3 and h=5 for Dataset-1 and shown in equation (9).
Dataset-2 respectively. The activation function used for Dataset-1
and Dataset-2 are sigmoid and Softmax respectively. The learning (9)
rate is considered to be as 0.3. Fig. 10 shows the general framework
of backpropagation based on neural network [53]. • AUC curve: It is one of the most significant parameters to
measure the performance of classification models. It represents
Connections with weighted Wij the measure of the separability.

IV. Experimental Results

Input 1 Θ11 This section describes the experimental results based on static,
dynamic and the hybrid features. Seven different ML technique are
H12 O1 Output used which are run on python 3.7 under Intel Core i5 processor, 64
Input 2 I2 Θ12 Θo1 bit with 8GB RAM. We conducted the experiments using 5-fold cross
validation method and evaluated the ML techniques on the basis of
H13 various evaluation parameters like TPR, F-measure, Accuracy, FPR,
Input n Θ13
In Precision, AUC and MCC.
H1n Θ A. Classification Results Based on Static Features
Seven ML algorithms are used to detect and classify malware on
detection (Dataset-1) and family classification (Dataset-2). These
Input layer Hidden layer Output layer
algorithms are carried out in python script through sklearn [56] library.
Fig. 10. General framework of backpropagation based on neural network [53]. Table IV demonstrates the evaluation results of ML techniques
on static malware analysis for Dataset-1. It shows that RF gives the
The algorithm first initializes the weights to all nodes and then best accuracy of 96.50% followed by K-NN and MLP with accuracy as
calculates the net input and output. It calculates the error rate and 95.74% and 95.71% respectively.
propagates it back. At the end, it updates the bias and weights and run
the loop until the error becomes below the threshold. Fig. 11 shows the comparison of different classifiers based on
accuracy and MCC of static features for Dataset-1. It indicates that RF
2. Evaluation Parameters performs better in comparison to other classifiers. The accuracy and
The performances of the classifiers are assessed on the basis of MCC obtained by RF is 96.50% and 0.933 respectively.
various metrics such as precision, true positive rate (TPR), F-measure, Table V shows the evaluation results of ML techniques using
false positive rate (FPR), Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) and static features for family classification on Dataset-2. It is found that
Area under curve (AUC) [55]. These performance metrics are defined RF algorithm gives better accuracy i.e. 86.72% followed by SVM and
using true negative (TN), false positive (FP), false negative (FN) and DT which gives and accuracy of 85.86% and 84.77% respectively. The
true positive (TP). TPR, precision and F-measure obtained by RF is 0.867, 0.870 and 0.866
• TPR: It is also known as recall or sensitivity. It is defined as the respectively which are better results than those obtained by other
ratio of true positive cases divided by the total number of actual classifiers.
positive cases. It is computed as shown in equation (4). Fig. 12 shows the comparative analysis of different classifiers
based on accuracy for Dataset-2. The maximum accuracy of 86.72% is
(4) obtained by RF. This value is much smaller than the results obtained
in static malware analysis for detection of malware in case of binary
• FPR: It is the ratio of false positive cases divided by total number
of actual negative cases. It is computed as given in equation (5).

• Precision: It is defined as the ratio of actual true predictive
instances divided by the total number of true cases. It is computed
as shown in equation (6).


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Regular Issue

TABLE IV. Classification Results Using Static Features for Dataset-1

Classifiers TPR FPR Precision F-measure MCC AUC Accuracy (%)

SVM 0.943 0.057 0.943 0.943 0.887 0.943 94.33

DT 0.950 0.050 0.950 0.950 0.901 0.970 95.03

NB 0.874 0.124 0.878 0.874 0.752 0.948 87.42

RF 0.965 0.035 0.965 0.965 0.933 0.990 96.50

K-NN 0.957 0.042 0.958 0.957 0.915 0.989 95.74

PART 0.950 0.050 0.950 0.950 0.900 0.975 94.98

MLP 0.957 0.043 0.957 0.957 0.914 0.986 95.71

TABLE V. Classification Results Using Static Features for Dataset-2

Classifier TPR FPR Precision F-measure AUC Accuracy (%)

SVM 0.859 0.023 0.863 0.857 0.962 85.86

DT 0.848 0.023 0.852 0.847 0.949 84.77

NB 0.751 0.032 0.792 0.756 0.967 75.10

RF 0.867 0.024 0.870 0.866 0.982 86.72

K-NN 0.845 0.024 0.847 0.843 0.966 84.48

PART 0.840 0.024 0.842 0.839 0.947 84.02

MLP 0.830 0.026 0.832 0.830 0.964 82.99

100 1
94 0.9
88 0.8


82 0.7
76 0.6
70 0.5
Classifers Classifers
(a) (b)
Fig. 11. Comparison of different classifiers based on (a) Accuracy (b) MCC using static features for Dataset-1.

- 183 -
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 6, Nº6

100 detection and classification of malware. Seven ML algorithms are used

98 to detect and classify malware on detection (Dataset-1) and family
96 classification (Dataset-2) datasets.
94 Table VI shows the evaluation results of ML techniques
92 on dynamic malware analysis for malware detection (binary
90 classification) on Dataset-1. Among all these classifiers, RF is
88 found to be more superior and accurate than other classifiers. The

86 accuracy acquired by RF is 97.01% followed by SVM and MLP with

84 96.53% and 96.53% respectively.
82 Fig. 13 shows the comparative analysis of different classifiers
80 based on accuracy and MCC using dynamic features for Dataset-1. It
78 indicates that RF performs better in comparison to other classifiers.
The accuracy and MCC obtained by RF is 97.01% and 0.940 respectively.
74 Table VII shows the evaluation results of ML techniques on dynamic
72 malware analysis for family classification on Dataset-2. Among all
70 these classifiers, RF is found to be more superior and accurate than
SVM DT NB RF K-NN PART MLP other classifiers. The accuracy obtained by RF is 88.60% followed by
Classifers SVM and DT with 86.85% and 84.25% respectively. The TPR, precision
Fig. 12. Comparison of different classifiers based on accuracy using static
and F-measure obtained by RF is 0.886, 0.888 and 0.885 respectively
features for Dataset-2. which are better values than those obtained by other classifiers.
Fig. 14 shows the comparative analysis of different classifiers based
B. Classification Results Based on Dynamic Features on accuracy using dynamic features for Dataset-2. The maximum
accuracy of 88.60% is obtained by RF. This value is much smaller than
The static malware analysis is quicker in analyzing the code but it
the results obtained in dynamic malware analysis for detection of
fails against code obfuscation techniques and morphed malware. So to
malware (binary classification).
overcome this problem, we considered the dynamic features for better

TABLE VI. Classification Results Using Dynamic Features for Dataset-1

Classifier TPR FPR Precision F-measure MCC AUC Accuracy (%)

SVM 0.965 0.035 0.965 0.965 0.931 0.965 96.53

DT 0.953 0.048 0.953 0.953 0.905 0.973 95.26

NB 0.942 0.057 0.943 0.942 0.885 0.989 94.19

RF 0.970 0.030 0.970 0.970 0.940 0.996 97.01

K-NN 0.961 0.039 0.961 0.961 0.922 0.990 96.08

PART 0.959 0.041 0.959 0.959 0.918 0.970 95.88

MLP 0.965 0.035 0.965 0.965 0.931 0.988 96.53

TABLE VII. Classification Results Using Dynamic Features for Dataset-2

Classifier TPR FPR Precision F-measure AUC Accuracy (%)

SVM 0.864 0.021 0.871 0.866 0.985 86.85

DT 0.843 0.026 0.843 0.841 0.947 84.25

NB 0.800 0.029 0.805 0.795 0.951 79.96

RF 0.886 0.018 0.888 0.885 0.991 88.60

K-NN 0.839 0.025 0.842 0.837 0.967 83.91

PART 0.841 0.026 0.838 0.836 0.950 84.08

MLP 0.829 0.027 0.828 0.825 0.947 82.88

- 184 -
Regular Issue

100 1
94 0.9
88 0.8


82 0.7
76 0.6
70 0.5

(a) (b)
Fig. 13. Comparison of different classifiers based on (a) Accuracy (b) MCC using dynamic features for Dataset-1.

100 So to overcome this problem, we make use of a hybrid analysis

98 approach. We integrated the features obtained from both static and
96 dynamic malware analysis. Seven ML algorithms are used to detect
94 and classify malware on detection (Dataset-1) and family classification
92 (Dataset-2) datasets.
90 Table VIII shows the evaluation results of ML techniques on
88 integrated features for Dataset-1. Among all these classifiers, RF is

86 found to be more superior and accurate than other classifiers. The

accuracy acquired by RF is 98.53% followed by SVM and K-NN with
98.30% and 98.16% respectively.
80 Table IX shows the evaluation results of ML techniques on
78 integrated features for family classification for Dataset-2. Among all
these classifiers, RF is found to be more superior and accurate than
other classifiers. The accuracy acquired by RF is 90.10% followed
by SVM and K-NN with 87.06% and 85.40% respectively. The TPR,
precision and F-measure obtained by RF is 0.901, 0.902 and 0.901
respectively which are better results than those of other classifiers.
Classifers Fig. 15 shows the accuracy and MCC comparison of seven classifiers
Fig. 14. Comparison of different classifiers based on accuracy using dynamic with respect to various approaches considered in our experiment for
features for Dataset-2. Dataset-1. It is clear from table VIII that there is an improvement in the
accuracy and MCC for all the classifiers when the static and dynamic
C. Classification Results Based on Integrated Features features are integrated. It means that using both static and dynamic
features together helps for better detection and classification of the
Single approach either static or dynamic is inadequate for correctly Android malware.
classifying the malware due to the obfuscation and execution stalling.

TABLE VIII. Classification Results Using Integrated Features for Dataset-1

Classifier TPR FPR Precision F-measure MCC AUC Accuracy (%)

SVM 0.983 0.017 0.983 0.983 0.966 0.983 98.30

DT 0.970 0.030 0.970 0.970 0.941 0.980 97.03

NB 0.956 0.043 0.957 0.956 0.913 0.993 95.60

RF 0.985 0.015 0.985 0.985 0.971 0.999 98.53

K-NN 0.982 0.018 0.982 0.982 0.963 0.994 98.16

PART 0.971 0.029 0.971 0.971 0.942 0.983 97.09

MLP 0.981 0.019 0.981 0.981 0.963 0.993 98.13

- 185 -
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 6, Nº6

100 1
94 Static
92 Dynamic
90 Integrated 0.9


82 Static
80 0.8 Dynamic
70 0.7
Classifers Classifers

(a) (b)
Fig. 15. Comparison of different classifiers based on (a) Accuracy (b) MCC using static, dynamic and integrated features for Dataset-1.

TABLE IX. Classification Results Using Integrated Features for Dataset-2

Classifier TPR FPR Precision F-measure AUC Accuracy (%)

SVM 0.870 0.020 0.875 0.871 0.987 87.06
DT 0.846 0.024 0.851 0.845 0.949 84.60
NB 0.783 0.027 0.814 0.784 0.970 78.30
RF 0.901 0.016 0.902 0.901 0.995 90.10
K-NN 0.854 0.022 0.857 0.854 0.966 85.40
PART 0.833 0.024 0.837 0.833 0.946 83.34
MLP 0.845 0.024 0.847 0.845 0.963 84.48

TABLE X. Classification Results of Best Classifier Using Static, Dynamic and Integrated Features for Dataset-1 and Dataset-2

Dataset Classifier Approach TPR FPR Precision F-measure MCC Accuracy (%)
Static 0.965 0.035 0.965 0.965 0.933 96.50
Dataset-1 RF Dynamic 0.970 0.030 0.970 0.970 0.940 97.01
Integrated 0.985 0.015 0.985 0.985 0.971 98.53
Static 0.867 0.024 0.870 0.866 -- 86.72
Dataset-2 RF Dynamic 0.886 0.018 0.888 0.885 -- 88.60
Integrated 0.901 0.016 0.902 0.901 -- 90.10
* MCC -- not applicable for multiclass dataset i.e. Dataset-2.

Fig. 16 demonstrates the comparison of seven classifiers on the 100

basis of accuracy with respect to various approaches considered in our
experiments for Dataset-2. It shows that for all the classifiers except Static
95 Dynamic
NB and PART, the integrated approach performs better as compared Integrated
to the cases when the static and dynamic features are considered
alone. We are not able to achieve a good accuracy for the malware

classification dataset (Dataset-2). It might be due to the imbalanced

number of apps in different families. 85
Table X shows the comparison of static, dynamic and integrated
approach for the best classifier i.e. RF for both the datasets i.e. Dataset-1 80
and Dataset-2. The results indicate that the integrated approach
is found to be more appropriate for detection and classification of
malware for both the datasets. The accuracy achieved by RF in case of
Dataset-1 and Dataset-2 is 98.53% and 90.10% respectively. The overall
performance shows that the integrated approach is more suitable in 70
detection and classification of Android malware. Classifers

Fig. 16. Comparison of different classifiers based on accuracy using static,

dynamic and integrated features for Dataset-2.

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Regular Issue

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