Changing Your Internal Dialogue
Changing Your Internal Dialogue
Changing Your Internal Dialogue
Your sub-personalities believe what they believe because of the input given to your mind as you were growing up. Your subconscious mind (where sub-personalities evolve) is just like a computer hard drive that has been programmed to do certain things in certain ways and it cant act any different to the way your mind has been programmed unless you get amongst it with the tools I am giving to you. In most cases your sub-personalities conditioning come from your parents, your social tribe and society at large.
The problem of course is that your sub-personalities beliefs often dont serve or support you in achieving the results you really want in life.
It makes sense then, if you want a better life, to take responsibility for reconditioning your own mind and recreating new sub-personalities so you have beliefs and orientations that support you, your family and your goals.
Remember though no instant cures - your subconscious mind (where subpersonalities evolve) is like a child and it takes time for it to change, and to start with, it takes a lot of effort and constant attention to nurture new sub-personalities and beliefs. The results far out way the effort it takes.
To change, you must take control of your sub-personalities inner dialogue in a committed and disciplined way over a long period of time. To be honest it needs to be a habit for the rest of your life as life will challenge you from time-to-time, dragging out negative sub-personalities tendencies, thoughts and negative life attitudes. So in essence this practice must become a way of life not just a practice you do for two weeks.
Years ago I was told that you could work with your thoughts as they arise. The
truth is most people cant work with their thoughts because of the following:
They are so overly identified with their sub-personalities thoughts that they believe everything their mind tells them (no detached observer.)
They have lost contact with their thoughts. (They are so unobservant and unaware that they cannot OBSERVE their sub-personalities thoughts from the witnessing position.)
They cant stay present within themselves as the observer in the moment. Their sub-personalities are thinking about the past and future.
They cant be present in their body and witness their thoughts and feelings.
Fear of finding out how they really think and feel (everyone goes through this this is the reason denial is so prevalent.)
This is why I put so much effort into helping you understand the need to stay present and observe yourself (and why you need to do the observation practices.) Being centred and witnessing is the start of change and gives you the opportunity to work on yourself.
Without the observer you have no way of seeing how you operate or changing it on a moment-to-moment basis. You are just a robot without the observer. I dont care where you are; you must pull energy from your sub-personalities thoughts, your drama, from your outer experience and connect deeply in your body with your feelings. If you cant connect with your feelings you simply cant change them! Simple as that!
The next time you are challenged by negative sub-personalities while you are taking actions towards your goals..
Connect with your sub-personalities emotions, deepen your observer into them, feel them and find out what beliefs belong to those sub-personalities. The trick is to deepen your observer into each sub-personality and its emotions, not away from them. This really increases your awareness.
Remember, when most people are emotionally challenged they move out of the observer and go unconscious you need to do the opposite - deepen your observing awareness to find out what your sub-personalities are saying to you.
Once you become comfortable observing your sub-personalities emotional negativity, you can access the sub-personalities beliefs that are trying to sabotage you. Your sub-personalities may be saying no one loves me, I am a loser, etc notice these beliefs. If you find it hard to hear what your sub-personalities are saying or what their beliefs are use the 22 x 11 exercise I gave you earlier in this workbook.
So to recap - The first step is to increase awareness and deepen your observer into the negativity of the sub-personalities that are arising in any challenging situation. Notice the thoughts associated with that sub-personalitys emotional pain.
Now you have access and are working within the sub-personalitys thoughts and beliefs. As sub-personalities thoughts arise you can challenge their points of view and work to change them at their core.
Step Two
As you connect with the voices of your sub-personalities by using the observer you will hear their beliefs and views (your internal dialogue.) At this stage the second step involves words; changing your inner vocabulary, gently reprogramming your subconscious mind and creating new sub-personalities with the beliefs, attitudes and orientations you really desire. To do this you must learn to work with your words.
when they are appropriate. In many cases they just cause conflict with subpersonalities that have strong beliefs that are in opposition to your affirmation.
Using an affirmation that states I am wealthy when the sub-personalitys experience is one of being poor (that is all its known,) the affirmation will create conflict and your mind wont accept it (in fact you will notice your sub-personalities disagreeing strongly with your affirmation.)
If you are a very good observer you will notice that your body acts as a biofeedback machine and you will feel yourself flinch or get angry when you use affirmations that your sub-personalities reject.
In our 22 x 11 exercise (given to you in earlier chapters) we are using affirmations that will directly conflict with the information in the subconscious mind and our sabotaging sub-personalities, but the contrary response from those subpersonalities is addressed and released on paper. This process clears and releases the contrary response, allowing the subconscious the space to be reprogrammed with the affirmation.
So here you are observing your sub-personalities inner dialogue, noticing their negativity and unsupportive beliefs. Now we are going to work on reprogramming with positive thoughts and beliefs (which also aids the development of new subpersonalities.)
Your subconscious mind and new sub-personalities must be led to new beliefs gently, with patience.
This means being patient and consistent in your application of these inner dialogue tools.
The way we work with the subconscious is by being in touch with its mood. When one of my boys is tired, he gets irrational and grumpy, so I cant discipline him in the same way I can when he has had lots of sleep. I work with him in a way that suits
Its the same with the subconscious and your sub-personalities... you must learn to sensitively guide them in a way so that they can accept what you are teaching them.
So you must find ways to get the subconscious mind to open up to those belief structures to sow the seed I talked about earlier.
When you use I am willing or I am open to or I am willing to be open to or I am becoming or I am willing to let go of in front of your affirmations the subpersonalities are not so affronted with the difference in their perceived reality and the statement it allows an opening where the subconscious can accept the new seed of thought or belief that you will need to nurture every day.
I am willing to be wealthy. I am willing to like myself regardless of what others think. I am willing to love others regardless of how they treat me. I am becoming wealthier. I am becoming more loving and open. I let go of poverty and of thoughts of poverty. I am open to seeing/experiencing that people like me.
Take a statement that absolutely reflects what you would love to have, be or experience in your life, but conflicts with your sub-personalities views and beliefs. In this case it could be that you experience struggle and poverty and you want abundance and freedom.
So create a strong statement like I am rich and have lots of free time. Now as you say this make sure you are observing your bio-feedback mechanism and observe your sub-personalities bodily reaction to this statement typically they will react
and you will observe a strong sense of disagreement coming from within yourself. In this way you are using your mind as a bio-feedback machine. Now try a statement like I am willing to be rich and free or I am willing to being open to being rich and free or I am becoming rich and free. Use your observer and watch the body as a bio-feedback mechanism find the statement the subconscious accepts the most and use that. In this way you are leading the subconscious to accept new beliefs and becoming more open to even stronger statements.
These types of statements lead the subconscious in a new directiongently. The subconscious becomes open to accepting where you are guiding it and it helps the development of new sub-personalities.
Once you work with these types of statements you will know when it is OK to use affirmations that the subconscious will accept. So one day you can say I am wealthy and sub-personalities will not react but begin to embrace the idea.
Another reason people have problems with affirmations is that they are not in touch with their sub-personalities emotions (stuck in their head) and because of this, they arent actually working in the subconscious mind or with their subpersonalities; they are working with the intellect. You must be in touch with your feelings and thoughts of your sub-personalities before you can use affirmations and statements to change the programming of the subconscious or create new subpersonalities.
Be patient with yourself when using this process. It took years to develop this conditioning and these sub-personalities and it will take constant effort to change it. In the meantime just keep taking actions towards your goals regardless of your subpersonalities emotional manipulations.
As you go about your day, constantly observe your sub-personalities emotional states and thought structures as you see chronic subpersonalities and emotions arising (sub-personalities that dont support you or your goals) use the tools above to counter the internal dialogue.
Faith Assertiveness A Warrior Trust Gentleness Love Strength Entrepreneur Aggression Kindness Relaxation
There is no end to the qualities of the sub-personalities you may need to embody a person who is a bit weak and a victim may need to embody assertiveness. An overly assertive person may need to embody relaxation, etc.
Take what ever word that symbolizes a sub personality you need and silently say it to yourself in a repeated fashion as you go about your day.
When you do this (or any of the reprogramming techniques) you are telling the mind what you want it to embody. You must always remind the mind where you want it to go and what traits you want it to develop.