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3 mW, 100 kSPS,

16-Bit ADC in 6-Lead SOT-23

Fast throughput rate: 100 kSPS VDD
Specified for VDD of 2.5 V to 5.5 V
Low power
3 mW typ at 100 kSPS with 2.5 V supply VIN T/H APPROXIMATION
3.9 mW typ at 100 kSPS with 3 V supply
16.7 mW typ at 100 kSPS with 5 V supply
Wide input bandwidth AD7680 CONTROL
86 dB SNR at 10 kHz input frequency CS

Flexible power/serial clock speed management
No pipeline delays GND

High speed serial interface

Figure 1.
SPI®/QSPI™/μWire/DSP compatible
Standby mode: 0.5 μA max
6-Lead SOT-23 and 8-Lead MSOP packages Table 1. MSOP/SOT-23 16-Bit PulSAR ADC
Battery-powered systems: True Differential AD7684 AD7687 AD7688
Personal digital assistants Pseudo Differential AD7683 AD7685 AD7686
Medical instruments Unipolar AD7680
Mobile communications
Instrumentation and control systems
Remote data acquisition systems
High speed modems
Optical sensors
The AD7680 is a 16-bit, fast, low power, successive 1. First 16-bit ADC in a SOT-23 package.
approximation ADC. The part operates from a single 2.5 V to
2. High throughput with low power consumption.
5.5 V power supply and features throughput rates up to 100 kSPS.
The part contains a low noise, wide bandwidth track-and-hold 3. Flexible power/serial clock speed management. The
amplifier that can handle input frequencies in excess of 7 MHz. conversion rate is determined by the serial clock, allowing
the conversion time to be reduced through the serial clock
The conversion process and data acquisition are controlled speed increase. This allows the average power consumption
using CS and the serial clock, allowing the devices to interface to be reduced when a power-down mode is used while not
with microprocessors or DSPs. The input signal is sampled on converting. The part also features a shutdown mode to
the falling edge of CS and the conversion is also initiated at this maximize power efficiency at lower throughput rates.
point. There are no pipeline delays associated with the part. Power consumption is 0.5 μA max when in shutdown.

The AD7680 uses advanced design techniques to achieve very 4. Reference derived from the power supply.
low power dissipation at fast throughput rates. The reference for
5. No pipeline delays.
the part is taken internally from VDD, which allows the widest
dynamic input range to the ADC. Thus, the analog input range This part features a standard successive approximation ADC
for this part is 0 V to VDD. The conversion rate is determined by with accurate control of the sampling instant via a CS input and
the SCLK frequency. once-off conversion control.

Rev. A
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