Structure of Atom
Structure of Atom
Structure of Atom
νˉ = 1 = ν
λ c
(v) Amplitude:
It is the height of the crest or depth of the trough of a wave. The amplitude of a wave
determines the intensity of radiation.
Planck’s quantum theory of radiation (or) particle nature of radiation:
o Radiation energy is emitted or absorbed discontinuously in the form of small packets
called quanta. Each packet or quantum is associated with a definite amount of
energy. In case of light the quantum is called photon.
o The amount of energy associated with a quantum of radiation is proportional to the
frequency of radiation.
Where h is Planck’s constant and is equal to 6.626 × 10—34 J s.
o A body can emit or absorb energy only in integral multiples of quantum.
E = nhν where n = 1, 2, 3, 4
n is number of photons or quanta.
Photoelectric effect:
(i) The phenomenon of ejection of electrons from the surface of a metal when a light of
suitable frequency strikes it is known as photoelectric effect. The electrons ejected are
called photoelectrons.
(ii) The electrons are ejected as soon as the light strikes the surface.
(iii) The number of electrons emitted is proportional to the intensity or brightness of the
(iv) Threshold frequency νo or critical frequency is the minimum frequency required to
emit the electrons from a metal surface.
(v) Threshold energy hνo or Work function of the metal (Wo) is the minimum energy
required to emit the electrons from a metal surface.
(vi) If hν > hνo, the difference in energy is transferred to the photoelectron as its kinetic
energy which is given by Einstein’s photoelectric equation.
K.E. = hν - hνo = h(ν-νo)
K.E. = ½ mv2 = hν - hνo = h(ν-νo)
(vii) Threshold frequency is characteristic of a metal and it is related to the ionization
enthalpy of the metal.
(viii) Metals like potassium, rubidium and caesium show photoelectric effect with visible
rays due to their low ionization enthalpy. Hence they are used in photoelectric cells.
Emission Spectrum
The emission spectrum is the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation emitted by an atom
or molecule that undergoes transition from a high energy state to a lower energy state.
Absorption spectrum:
The absorption spectrum consist of dark lines in an otherwise continuous spectrum
which corresponds to the radiations absorbed by an atom or molecule. It is produced by
passing white light through a sample and the transmitted light is analyzed with a
Electromagnetic spectrum:
It is the arrangement of different types of electromagnetic radiations in order of their
increasing wavelengths or decreasing frequencies.
Electromagnetic spectrum consists of
Gamma () rays < X-rays < Ultraviolet rays < Visible rays < Infrared < Microwaves
< Radio waves. ( Giant X is Usually Visible In Music Room)
Gamma rays have wavelength ranging from 10—16 to 10—11 m, X – rays from 10—10 to
10—8 m, UV rays from 10—8 to 10—7 m, visible rays from 3.8 x 10—7 to 7.5 x 10—7 m,
Infrared rays from 10—7 to 10—3 m, Microwaves from 10—3 to 10—1 m and Radio waves
from10—1 to 107 m
Line spectrum of hydrogen:
When an electric discharge is passed through gaseous hydrogen, the H2 molecules
dissociate to form hydrogen atoms. These hydrogen atoms absorb energy and excited.
These excited hydrogen atoms emit electromagnetic radiation of discrete frequencies. The
hydrogen spectrum consists of several series of lines: (i) Lyman series, (ii) Balmer series,
(iii) Paschen series, (iv) Brackett series and (v) Pfund series.
Lyman series are the series of lines produced in hydrogen spectrum when the excited
electrons in hydrogen atoms come down to the ground or first energy level. These lines
appear in ultraviolet region of the spectrum.
The first line in Lyman series corresponds to the transition from n=2 to n=1 and it is
the transition that corresponds to lowest frequency or highest wavelength.
Balmer series are the series of lines produced in hydrogen spectrum when the excited
electrons in hydrogen atoms come down to the second energy level. These lines appear in
visible region of the spectrum.
The first line in Balmer series corresponds to the transition from n=3 to n=2 and
produces red line. The second line in Balmer series corresponds to the transition from n=4
to n=2 and produces green line. The third line in Balmer series corresponds to the
transition from n=5 to n=2 and produces blue line. The fourth line in Balmer series
corresponds to the transition from n=6 to n=2 and produces violet line.
Paschen series are the series of lines produced in hydrogen spectrum when the
excited electrons in hydrogen atoms come down to the third energy level. These lines
appear in infrared region of the spectrum.
Spectral lines for hydrogen atom: ( Little Big Planet is Beautiful Planet)
Series Ground level (n1) Excited level (n2) Spectral region
Lyman 1 2, 3, 4 … Ultraviolet
Balmer 2 3, 4, 5 … Visible
Paschen 3 4, 5, 6 … Infrared
Brackett 4 5, 6, 7 … Infrared
Pfund 5 6, 7, 8 … Infrared
Humphry 6 7, 8, 9 … Far Infrared
Rydberg equation:
The wave number of radiation emitted or absorbed when electron undergoes
transition is given by Rydberg equation.
ν─ = 1 = 1.097 x 105 1 1 cm1 where n1 < n2
λ n12 n22
The constant 109,677 cm1 (or) 1.097 x 105 cm1 is called Rydberg’s constant.
Bohr’s theory of atom:
o An atom consists of small, heavy positively charged nucleus in the centre and the
electrons revolve around it in circular orbits.
o The electrons revolve around the nucleus only in selected circular paths of fixed
radius and energy. These paths are called orbit, stationary states or allowed energy
states, These orbits are associated with definite energies and are called energy shells
or energy levels. These orbits are arranged concentrically around the nucleus. These
are numbered as 1, 2, 3….etc. or designated as K, L, M … etc.
o Only those orbits are permitted in which the angular momentum of the electron is in
integral multiples of h/2π.
mvr = n h where n = 1,2,3 ..etc.
where, m is mass, v is velocity of electron and r is the radius of the orbit.
o The energy of an electron in a an orbit (En) is given as
En = ─ 2.18 x 10-18 J/atom
o The energy of electron is quantized. As long as the electron remains in a particular
orbit, it does not lose or gain energy. Hence these orbits are also called stationary
o Radius of nth orbit (rn) is given as
rn = 52.9 x n2 pm
o When energy is supplied to the electron, it jumps to some higher energy level by
absorbing a definite amount of energy (equal to the difference in energy between the
energy levels). When the electron comes back to the lower energy level it radiates
same amount of energy in the form of a photon of radiation (hν)
Where ν is the frequency of the radiation emitted when electron jumps from energy
level E2 to E1.
o Bohr’s theory is applicable for hydrogen like ions e.g. He+, Li2+ etc.
En = -2.18 x 10-18 x Z2 J/atom Z is atomic number.
rn = 52.9 x n2 pm Z is atomic number.
Q. Bohr’s orbits are called stationary states. Why?
Because the orbits are associated with fixed energy.
Q. What do you mean by quantization of energy?
The energy of electron in an atom is restricted to definite or discrete values and not any
continuous value. This is called quantization of energy.
Q. Angular momentum of electrons in an atom is quantized. Explain
Angular momentum of electrons can have values only in integral multiples of h/2π.
Q. What does the negative electronic energy (En) for hydrogen atom mean?
The negative sign means that the energy of the electron in the atom is lower than the
energy of a free electron at rest. A free electron at rest is an electron that is far away from
the nucleus and has zero energy. As the electron gets closer to the nucleus its energy
decreases and hence En becomes more and more negative.
Q. Although hydrogen atom has one electron hydrogen spectrum produces large number
of lines. Why?
A sample of hydrogen contains large number of atoms hence large numbers of
different type of downward transitions take place. Therefore large numbers of lines are
obtained in emission spectrum of hydrogen.
What are the successes of Bohr’s model of atom?
(i) Bohr’s theory could explain the stability of atom.
(ii) Bohr’s theory helped in calculating the energy of electron in hydrogen and hydrogen
like ions.
(iii) Bohr’s model could explain the atomic spectrum of hydrogen.
Limitations of Bohr’s theory:
(i) It could not explain hyperfine splitting (or) splitting of spectral lines when hydrogen
spectrum was observed in a sophisticated spectrograph.
(ii) It could not explain Zeeman effect i.e. the splitting of spectral lines in the presence of
magnetic field is called Zeeman effect.
(iii) It could not explain Stark effect i.e. the splitting of spectral lines in the presence of
electric field is called Stark effect.
Sub-shells s p d f g
No. of electrons 2 6 10 14 18
o Ψ is known as orbital wave function. It refers to the amplitude of the electron wave.
o Ψ2 is known as probability density. It gives the maximum probability of finding the
electron around the nucleus in an atom. Ψ2 for orbital is 90 to 95%
Q. What are nodal surfaces? (or) Nodes?
The region in an atom at which the probability of finding the electron is zero are called
nodal surfaces or nodes. Ψ2 is zero for node.
The number of radial nodes is given by the formula (n-l-1)
The number of angular nodes is given by l
Total number of nodes can be calculated by the formula (n-1)
Q. What are degenerate orbitals?
Orbitals of a given sub shell having the same energy are called degenerate orbitals. For
example the orbitals px, py and pz are all degenerate orbitals of p-subshell.
Q. What is effective nuclear charge?
It is the net positive charge experienced by outer electrons. 2s electrons experience
greater effective nuclear charge than 3s electrons.
Q. What are isoelectronic ions? Give example.
Ions containing same number of electrons but different atomic number are called
isoelectronic ions. E.g. N3-, O2-, F-, Na+, Mg2+ and Al3+ are isoelectronic ions.
Shapes of orbitals:
Boundary surface diagram:
Shape of 1s-orbital y
y y y
z z z
x x x
x z z
y z
x x
3dx2-y2 3dz2
Electronic configuration:
The distribution of electrons into orbitals of an atom is called its electronic
There are two ways to represent the electronic configuration.
(i) Using s, p, d, f notation
(ii) Orbital diagram (or) box diagram
Arrangement of electrons in various orbitals is determined by three rules (i) Aufbau
principle, (ii) Pauli’s exclusion principle and (iii) Hund’s rule.
(i) Aufbau principle:
In the ground state of an atom, electrons enter the various orbitals in their increasing
order of energies starting with the orbital of lowest energy.
Relative energies of orbitals can be predicted by another rule (n+l) rule or Bohr-Bury’s
(n+l) rule or Bohr-Bury’s rule:
(i) A sub-shell with lower value of (n+l) has lower energy.
For example 4s orbital has lower energy than 3d orbital. Because (n+l) value for 4s
orbital is 4 where as for 3d orbital (n+l) value is 5.
(ii) If two sub-shells have the same (n+l) value then the sub-shell with lower n has lower
For example 3p orbital has lower energy than 4s orbital although both have the same
(n+l) value.
(c) Energy of the orbitals in the same subshell decrease with increase in the atomic
For example, energy of 2s orbital of hydrogen atom is greater than that of 2s orbital
of lithium.
Increasing order of energies of orbitals:
2s 2p
3s 3p 3d
4s 4p 4d 4f
5s 5p 5d 5f
6s 6p 6d 6f
7s 7p 7d 7f
8s 8p 8d 8d
energy 217.9 x 10-21 J jumps to an energy level with energy 544.8 x 10-20J.
23. How much energy is required to ionize a H atom if the electron occupies n = 5
24. What is the maximum number of emission lines when the excited electron of a H
atom in n = 6 drops to the ground state?
25. (i) The energy associated with the first orbit in the hydrogen atom is –2.18 × 10–18
J atom–1. What is the energy associated with the fifth orbit?
(ii) Calculate the radius of Bohr’s fifth orbit for hydrogen atom.
26. If the energy difference between two electronic states is 348.2 KJ/mole, find the
frequency of radiation emitted when an electron jumps from the higher to the lower
27. Calculate the wave number for the longest wavelength transition in the Balmer
series of atomic hydrogen.
28. What transition in the hydrogen spectrum would have the same wavelength as the
Balmer transition n = 4 to n = 2 of He+ spectrum?
29. The electron energy in hydrogen atom is given by En = (–2.18 x10–18) /n2 J.
Calculate the energy required to remove an electron completely from the n = 2 orbit.
What is the longest wavelength of light in cm that can be used to cause this
30. Calculate the wavelength of a body of mass 0.1mg moving with a velocity of 10 m/s.
31. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of a bullet of mass 2.2 x 10-3 Kg fired with a
velocity of 300 m/s.
32. The mass of an electron is 9.1 x 10–31 kg. If its K.E. is 5.0 x 10–25 J, calculate its de
Broglie wavelength.
33. Calculate the mass of a photon with wavelength 3.6 A0.
34. Calculate the wavelength of an electron moving with a velocity of 10% that of light.
35. Calculate the De Broglie wavelength of a bullet of mass 20 g and velocity 200 m/s.
36. Two particles A and B are in motion. If the momentum of A is half of that of B and
if the wavelength of A is 4.5 x 102 nm, what is the wavelength of B?
37. Calculate the speed of an electron if its de Broglie wavelength is twice its
displacement in one second.
38. When would the wavelength associated with an electron be equal to the wavelength
associated with a proton?
39. A golf ball has a mass of 40g, and a speed of 45 m/s. If the speed can be measured
within accuracy of 2%, calculate the uncertainty in the position.
40. An electron is located in an atom within a distance of 0.1 Å. What is the uncertainty
involved in the measurement of its velocity?
41. The uncertainty in the position of a moving bullet of mass 10 g is 10-5m. Calculate
the uncertainty in its velocity.
42. An electron has a velocity of 300 m/s which is accurate to 0.01%. What is the
uncertainty in measuring its position?
43. Calculate the uncertainty in the velocity of a cricket ball if the mass is 150g.
Uncertainty in the position is 1 angstrom.
44. If the position of the electron is measured within an accuracy of + 0.002 nm,
calculate the uncertainty in the momentum of the electron.
45. Show that Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is significant only for motion of
microscopic objects and is negligible for that of macroscopic objects.
46. Using Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle show that an electron cannot exist inside the
nucleus. Radius of nucleus is 10-15 m.
47. Write the electronic configuration of the following elements:
(i) N (7), (ii) S (16), (iii) Ar (18), (iv) Ca (20), (v) Zn(30), (vi) Br (35), (vii) Kr (36)
(viii) Xe (54), (ix) Ba (56), (x) Pb (82) (xi) Rn (86) and (xii) U (92)
48. Write the electronic configuration of the following ions:
(i) F- (9), (ii) S2- (16), (iii) Ca2+ (20), (iv) Cr3+ (24), (v) Fe2+ (26) and (vi) Zn2+ (30)
49. Indicate the number of unpaired electrons in:
(i) P (15), (ii) Si (14), (iii) Cr (24), (iv) Fe (26) and (v) Kr (36).
50. Using s, p, d notations, describe the orbital with the following quantum numbers.
(i) n=1, l=0; (ii) n = 3; l=1 (iii) n = 4; l =2; (iv) n=4; l=3 (v) n=2, l=0 (vi) n=6, l = 4
(vii) n= 2, l=3
51. What is the lowest value of n that allows (i) f- orbital to exist (ii) g- orbital to exist?
52. List the quantum number values for the valence electrons in
(i) Mg (ii) Al
53. Write the quantum number values for the unpaired electrons in nitrogen atom.
54. Write all possible quantum number values for the unpaired electrons in nitrogen
55. Write the quantum number values for the unpaired electrons of nickel
56. List quantum numbers for the unpaired electrons in
(i) C (6), (ii) Mn2+ (Z = 25) (iii) Fe2+ (26)
57. Write the quantum number values for the 19th electron in potassium
58. An electron is in one of the 3d orbitals. Give the possible values of n, l and ml for
this electron.
59. How many electrons are possible in
(i) 4p (ii) 6s (iii) 5pz (iv) 3d (v) 3dxy (vi) M shell (vii) Subshell with l = 3
60. How many electrons in an atom may have the following quantum numbers?
(i) n = 4 (ii) n=4, l=3 (iii) n=4, l=3, s= -½ (iv) n=3, l=1, ml=0 (v) n=5
(vi) n=3, l=2 (vii) n=5, s=+ ½ (viii) n=2, l=0, ml=0, s= ½ (ix) n=4, ml= 0
61. How many electrons are there in an atom of zinc with magnetic quantum number
zero? ( Zn 30)
62. Which one of the following ions is more stable and why?
(i) Fe2+ or Fe3+ (ii) Mn2+ or Mn3+ (iii) Cu+ or Cu2+ (iv) Zn2+ or Zn3+
63. Which one of the following ions contains more number of unpaired electrons?
(i) Fe2+ or Fe3+ (ii) Cr2+ or Cr3+
64. What is the total number of (i) sub shells and (ii) orbitals associated with the
principal quantum number n=3?
65. (i) How many sub-shells are associated with n = 4? (ii) How many electrons will be
present in the sub-shells having ms value of -1/2 for n = 4?
66. What are the atomic numbers of elements whose outermost electrons are represented
by (i) 3s1 (ii) 2p3 (iii) 3p5
67. Which atoms are indicated by the following configurations?
(i) [He] 2s1 (ii) [Ne]3s2 3p3 (iii) [Ar] 4s2 3d1
68. Among the following pairs of orbitals which orbital will experience the larger
effective nuclear charge? (i) 2s and 3s, (ii) 4d and 4f, (iii) 3d and 3p.
69. Calculate the number of angular nodes, radial nodes and total number of nodes in the
following orbitals.
(i) 2s (ii) 3p (iii) 5p (iv) 7s (v) 3d (vi) 5f (vii) 7d
70. A certain particle carries 2.5 x 10-16 C of static electric charge. Calculate the number
of electrons present in it.
71. An atom has 6 electrons in 2p orbital, 6 electrons in 3p orbital and 5 electrons in 4p
orbital. Which of these electrons experience the lowest effective nuclear charge?
72. The quantum numbers of six electrons are given below. Arrange them in order of
increasing energies. If any of these combinations have the same energy list them:
1. n = 4, l = 2, ml = –2 , ms = –1/2
2. n = 3, l = 2, ml = 1 , ms = +1/2
3. n = 4, l = 1, ml = 0 , ms = +1/2
4. n = 3, l = 2, ml = –2 , ms = –1/2
5. n = 3, l = 1, ml = –1 , ms = +1/2
6. n = 4, l = 1, ml = 0 , ms = +1/2
73. Explain, giving reasons, which of the following sets of quantum numbers are not
(a) n = 0, l = 0, ml = 0, ms = + ½
(b) n = 1, l = 0, ml = 0, ms = – ½
(c) n = 1, l = 1, ml = 0, ms = + ½
(d) n = 2, l = 1, ml = 0, ms = – ½
(e) n = 3, l = 3, ml = –3, ms = + ½
(f) n = 3, l = 1, ml = 0, ms = + ½
74. If the diameter of carbon atom is 0.15 nm, calculate the number of carbon atoms
which can be placed side by side in a straight line across the scale of length 20 cm.