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1. Define the Following

a) Cyber security
b) Cybercrime
c) Cyber terrorism
d) Cybernetics
e) Phishing
f) Cyberspace
g) Cyber squatting
h) Cyberpunk
i) Cyber warfare
2. Explain two types of attacks in cybercrime (Techno-Crime, Techno-Vandalism)
3. Explain about Cybercrime and Information security
4. Explain about Botnet in Detail
5. Who are Cybercriminals? List and Explain about the types of cyber criminals (Jan/Feb
6. Explain the classification of cybercrimes ( cybercrime against individual, property,
organization, society)n(Jan/Feb 2023) (In exam they will ask to explain about any
one type)
7. Explain about the Legal Perspective and Indian Perspective of Cybercrime.
8. Explain about The Global Perspective of Cybercrime
9. Explain about Cybercrime and the Extended Enterprise
10. List and Explain the Hacking and the Indian law under ITA 2000 cyber crimes (Jan/Feb
11. Write Note on (Jan/Feb 2023)
a) Cyber Defamation
b) Salami Attack
c) Hacking
d) Software Piracy
e) Mail Bombs
12. Discuss about Cyber Defamation in detail (MP Question)
13. Explain Password Sniffing and mail bomb techniques (MP Question)

1. Define the Following

a) Hacker
b) Brute Force Hacking
c) Cracker
d) Cracking
e) Cracker Tools
f) Phreaking
g) War Dialer
h) Patriot Hacking
i) Cyber Bullying
2. List and Explain about Different Kinds of Hackers.
3. Explain the categories of Cybercrime
4. How do criminals plan the attack
5. Differentiate between Passive and Active attack (Jan/Feb 2023)
6. What is Social Engineering? Explain the Basic Stages of an Attack (MP Question)
7. List and Explain about the classification of Social Engineering(Human Based and
Computer Based) (Jan/Feb 2023)
8. How do cybercafés lead to Cybercrime? Explain
9. What are the steps involved to ensure the security of the system
10. what is Attack Vector? How are Attack Vectors launched?
11. What is Zero Day Attack? Explain
12. What is Cyber Stalking? Name the two types of Stalkers and Explain how Stalking works
(Jan/Feb 2023)
13. What are Zombie Networks? Explain the Different attacks launched with attack vector
Explain (Jan/Feb 2023)
14. Explain how criminals Plan the attacks? List the Phases involved in planning Cyber
Crimes (MP Question)
15. List and Briefly explain any six tips for safety and security while using the computers in
Cybercafe (MP Question)
16. Define BOT and Botnet . With a Diagram , explain how Botnets create business (MP

1. Explain the Basic Stage of an attacker on how an attacker can Compromise a Network
(Jan/Feb 2023)
2. Define the Following
a) Scareware
b) Malvertising
c) Click Jacking
d) Ransomware
3. What are Proxy Servers and Anonymizers? Difference Between Proxy server and
4. What is Proxy Server? What is its Purpose? (MP Question)
5. What is Phishing? How Phishing Works?
6. What is Password Cracking? Explain in Detail about Password Cracking and its types?
7. Explain Strong, Weak and Random Passwords
8. What are Keyloggers? Explain the types of Keyloggers.
9. What are Spywares
10. Define Virus and Explain about the Typical Actions Performed by viruses?
11. Discuss various types of viruses categorized based on attacks on various elements of the
system (MP Question)
12. What is the difference between a virus and a worm ?
13. What are Trojan Horses? Mention the Threats caused by Trojan Horses.
14. What are Backdoors and what does it do?
15. What is Trojan Horses and Backdoor? How to protect from Trojan horses and Backdoor?
(Jan/Feb 2023)
16. What is Steganography? How does it work? What is Steganalysis?
17. What are DOS and DDOS Attacks? Explain
18. Explain the Classification of DOS Attacks
19. How to Protect from DOS/DDOS Attacks
20. Explain about the types and Levels of DOS Attacks.
21. Explain about Attacks on Wireless Networks
22. What are the traditional Techniques of Attacks on Wireless networks? Explain
23. Write about Theft of Internet Hours
24. Write about Wi-Fi Based frauds and misuses
25. How to Secure Wireless Networks
26. What are the difference between Proxy Server and anonymizer? (Jan/Feb 2023)
27. What are the Different ways of password cracking? (Jan/Feb 2023)

1. Explain about the four tactics employed by the phishers to entice neitizens?
2. What is Phishing? (Jan/Feb 2023)
3. What are Spam E-Mails and Hoax E=Mails? Explain
4. Explain the Methods of Phishing attacks used by Phishers to reveal personal information
on internet (Jan/Feb 2023)
5. Discuss the various techniques used by Phishers to launch Phishing Attacks (MP
6. What is spear phishing> Explain with Example (Jan/Feb 2023)
7. Explain Whaling
8. List and Explain Types of Phishing Scams (Jan/Feb 2023)
9. How to avoid Phishing Scams
10. What is Distributed Phishing Attack (DPA)
11. Explain about the Types of Phishing Toolkits
12. Explain Phishing Countermeasures
13. Explain SPS Algorithm to Thwart Phishing Attacks
14. what is Identity Theft? Give Example (Jan/Feb 2023)
15. Briefly Explain about the Types of Identity Theft (Jan/Feb 2023) (MP Question)
16. Explain the two different techniques of ID Theft (Jan/Feb 2023)
17. Explain the countermeasures of ID Theft
18. How to efface ID Theft?

1. Explain the Following

a) Confidentiality
b) Integrity
c) Availability (Refer 1st module for this answer)
2. Define Computer Forensics and Digital Forensics. List the roles of Digital Forensics
3. Explain the rules of evidence
4. Explain about the need for concept of computer forensics (MP Question)
5. Explain the guidelines to be followed during the Digital Evidence collection Phase
6. Explain about Forensic analysis of Email
7. Briefly Explain about RFC2822 (MP Question)
8. Elaborate on chain of custody and its importance
9. Draw a block diagram for the process to capture and handle forensics evidence
10. Explain the Activities involved in the Process of forensics
11. Briefly Explain Network Forensics (MP Question)
12. Discuss the following Phases of Forensic Life Cycle
a) Preparation and Identification
b) Collection and Recording
c) Storing and Transporting
d) Examining/Investigating
e) Analysis, Interpretation and Attribution
f) Reporting
g) Testifying
13. What are the precautions to be taken while collecting Digital Evidence
14. List various Computer Forensic services available, explain any two of them (MP

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