Instant download Source Separation in Physical-Chemical Sensing Christian Jutten pdf all chapter
Instant download Source Separation in Physical-Chemical Sensing Christian Jutten pdf all chapter
Instant download Source Separation in Physical-Chemical Sensing Christian Jutten pdf all chapter
Edited by
Christian Jutten
Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble-INP, CNRS, GIPSA-lab
Saïd Moussaoui
Nantes Université, Ecole Centrale Nantes, CNRS, LS2N
Nantes, France
This edition first published 2024.
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2 Optimization 43
Emilie Chouzenoux and Jean-Christophe Pesquet
2.1 Introduction to Optimization Problems 43
2.1.1 Problem Formulation 43
2.1.2 Theoretical Background 44 Convex Functions 44 Differentiability and Subdifferentiability 46
2.1.3 Examples in the Context of Source Separation 46 Non-negative Matrix Factorization 46 Independent Component Analysis 47 Tensor Decomposition 48
2.1.4 Chapter Outline 49
2.2 Majorization–Minimization Approaches 50
2.2.1 Majorization–Minimization Principle 50
2.2.2 Majorization Techniques 51
2.2.3 Quadratic MM Methods 57 Quadratic MM Algorithm 57 Half-Quadratic MM Algorithms 60 Subspace Acceleration Strategy 61
2.2.4 Variable Metric Forward–Backward Algorithm 63
2.2.5 Block-Coordinate MM Algorithms 66 General Principle 66 Block-Coordinate Quadratic MM Algorithm 68 Block-Coordinate VMFB Algorithm 70
2.3 Primal-Dual Methods 72
2.3.1 Lagrange Duality 72
Contents vii
Index 325
10 years since 2008. He was the recipient of a 2012 ERC Advanced Grant for
the project Challenges in Extraction and Separation of Sources (CHESS).
Leonardo Tomazeli Duarte received the BS and
MSc degrees in electrical engineering from the
University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil,
in 2004 and 2006, respectively, and the PhD
degree from the Grenoble Institute of Tech-
nology (Grenoble INP, Université Grenoble
Alpes), France, in 2009. Since 2011, he has
been with the School of Applied Sciences
(FCA) at UNICAMP, Limeira, Brazil, where
he is currently an associate professor. He is
a Senior Member of the IEEE. In 2016, he
was a Visiting Professor at the École de Génie
Industriel (GI-Grenoble INP, France). Since 2015, he has been recipient of
the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq,
Brazil) productivity research grant. Since 2023, he is one of the principal
investigators within the Brazilian Institute of Data Science (BI0S), one of
the Brazilian Applied Research Centers on Artificial Intelligence. In 2017,
he was the recipient of UNICAMP “Zeferino Vaz” Academic Recognition
Award (for research and teaching performance at UNICAMP). In 2022, he
was elected Affiliated Member (up to 40 years old) of the Brazilian Academy
of Sciences (ABC). His research interests center around the broad area of
data science and lie primarily in the fields of signal processing, decision aid-
ing and machine learning, and also in the interplays between these fields.
Saïd Moussaoui received the MEng degree in
electrical engineering from Ecole Nationale
Polytechnique, Algiers, Algeria, in 2001; the
MSc degree in Control, Signals and Commu-
nication from the University Henri Poincaré,
Nancy, France, in 2004; and the PhD degree
in Signal and Image Processing from Univer-
sité Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France, in 2005.
Since 2006, he has been with the Department
of Automatics and Robotics at Ecole Centrale
Nantes where he is currently a full Professor.
He is a member of the group of Signals, Images
and Sounds (SIMS) of the Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes (LS2N,
CNRS UMR 6004). His research interests are related to the field of signal
and image processing, including methodological aspects of statistical infer-
ence, numerical optimization, and the application in various real-life con-
texts such as chemical data analysis, remote sensing, and biological imaging.
List of Contributors
In Memoriam: José M. Bioucas-Dias (1960–2020),
a Humble Giant
Figure 1 Word cloud based on the titles of all publications of José Bioucas-Dias,
extracted from IEEE Xplore.
(a) (b)
Figure 2 (a) José Bioucas-Dias receiving the David Landgrebe Award. (b) José
Bioucas-Dias, general chair of the 3rd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and
Signal Processing, held in 2011 in Lisbon, Portugal.
Language: Latin
Latinè scripsit F. J. Goffaux, humaniorum litterarum olim professor
Quinta editio
Caput primum.
Vix hæc dixerat, cùm in auras tolli visa est navis, terribili cum
fragore, et mox tota undis obruta est. Cùm nox supervenisset, nihil
ampliùs cerni poterat. Primâ autem luce apparent duæ scaphæ, cum
fluctibus colluctantes, quæ remis pertinaciùs everberabant mare, ut
ad navem accederent. Extemplò præfectus vexillum nauticum
explicuit, significans se ad opem illis ferendam paratum esse. Navis
ipsa omnibus velis ad eos tendit, atque intra dimidium horæ ad
miseros pervenit.
Sexaginta erant, viri, mulieres et pueri, qui omnes nave excepti
sunt. Erat res omninò miserabilis, cùm infelices illi faucibus mortis se
ereptos viderent. Alii enim flere præ gaudio, alii clamare, quasi
periculum nunc primùm immineret ; illi exsultare saltu lymphatico, hi
verò pallidi manus torquere. Nonnulli stare muti et stupentibus
similes. Nemo quòque inter nau [15]tas tam ferreus, quin his
conspectis commotus ipse lacrymaretur.
Cùm illi cibo aliquo refecti fuissent, tum unus qui dignitate
cæteris præstare videbatur, præfectum adiit, crumenamque aureis
nummis plenam porrigens, « Ego inquit, miseram illam navem
instruxi ; hoc solum eripui, oroque ut pignus grati pro salute animi
accipias. »
Tum verò fuit res spectaculo digna, certamen ambos inter viros,
uter hinc gratior, inde honestior foret.