Vocabulary Lesson Plan
Vocabulary Lesson Plan
Vocabulary Lesson Plan
Description of Classroom: Grade Level: Third Grade Type of Class: Language arts class Demographics: 25 Age Range: 7-8 years old Genders: Male & Female Background: My students will be introduced to homophones. We will begin this lesson by reading a book about homophones called Dear, Deer by Gena Barretta. Content Objective(s): Students will be able to: Define the meaning of homophone Identify homophones Create sentences using a pair of homophones Complete a homophone practice sheet Produce an illustrated book of homophones Language Objective(s): Students will listen to the teacher read Dear, Deer Successfully and properly use homophones in writing Write two sentences using different sets of homophones Talk with classmates about different homophones Read a classmates book Nevada Standards: 1.3.4 - Comprehend, build, and extend vocabulary using homophones synonyms antonyms context clues
Build vocabulary using pictures symbols 7.3.1 Listen for a variety of purposes including gaining information being entertained understanding directions 7.3.3 Expand vocabulary through listening Key Vocabulary: Homophones Their/There/Theyre Best Practices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)
Preparation X Adaptation of content _Links to background _Links to past learning _Strategies incorporated Integration of Processes X Listening X Speaking X Reading X Writing Scaffolding X Modeling X Guided practice X Independent practice _Verbal scaffolds _Procedural scaffolds Application X Hands-on X Authentic (Meaningful) X Linked to objectives X Promotes engagement Grouping Options X Whole Class _ Small groups X Partners X Independent Assessment X Individual _Group X Written _Oral
Teaching Strategies: Modeling Visuals Cooperative Learning Questioning Warm Up Activity: Students will listen to the teacher read Dear, Deer by Gena Barretta. Before reading the book, the teacher will being with the title Dear, Deer. The teacher will explain that dear and dear are both homophones. The whole class will then brain storm different examples of homophones prior to reading. Before we start reading I will do a quick book walk. During this book walk I will ask the students to point out different homophones that they see on the pages.
Lesson Sequence: 1. After reading, the teacher will do a mini lesson on what a homophone is. The teacher will explain that correct spelling in writing is very important if your writings have misspelled words or wrong word usage, your reader may not understand what you are trying to say. Give an example: Their/There/Theyre. The teacher will then write on the board that homophones are words that are very often misused and misspelled. Homophones are words that have the same sound but different spelling and meaning. As a class we will go back through the book and write some of the examples that were used in the book on the board. Then the students will get with a shoulder partner and come up with their own homophones. Students will then be asked to share their examples with the class. 2. The students will be given a short practice sheet with definitions and homophone words. They will be asked to connect the correct definitions to the word. 3. After having practiced homophones individually, with partners, and with the whole class. Students will then be asked to come up with four different sentences of their own just like the book. One of their sentences has to include the focus words: Their, There, or Therere. These sentences will be written down in their book (that was pre-made by teacher). 4. Once the sentences are written down in their book the student will then draw a picture portraying the meaning of the word they are using. 5. After the students have done their books they will switch with their partners to make sure that they have used the homophone in the correct way. 6. The teacher will then conclude the lesson by summarizing what the students have learned today. Also by asking for volunteers to share their work with the class. Accommodations: In case there are some low students or even English language learners in my class I will provide certain accommodations. I will post a visible list of homophones on the board for them to reference to. (Ones that we came up with as a class) I will ask the students if they understand what they are to be doing for the assignment. If any students have a hard time understanding I will give them more examples to help assist them. I
Supplementary Materials: Dear, Deer by Gena Barretta Pre-made books Coloring pencils Crayons Pencils Dry erase board/Marker Review/Assessment: Teacher will make sure that all students work together with their partners coming up with homophone ideas. The teacher will also grade the homophone worksheet as well as the books created. These will be graded on their understanding of their focus homophones as well as their illustrations. At closing the teacher will ask students if they can name a homophone pair. Reflection: I think that this lesson plan would be engaging for all students. The lesson plan is hands on with creativity. I think the students will take in the vocabulary words well because not only are they hearing them in sentences but they are also drawing pictures to go along with their sentences. I especially liked the book that I found on homophones. I thought that the book was funny and appealing.