PICV response
PICV response
PICV response
B- Approved as noted,
Shankar Gade
Comments for MAS STR-INN-MAS-MEC-0038, Rev.1:
1. Le er from Frese Denmark sta ng the all PICVs for DN15-50 are Forged made in own
Denmark factory and DN50 –DN300 are Casted in the same factory to be provided as a
a) Third Party Cer ficate confirma on to be provided for the PICVs.
2. Reply to Comment No.2: The response is not acceptable. There are no Free movable
unions on the Female PICVs. The complete Valve Package need to dismantle from the
FCU Connec on as the Flexible is Male and PICV is Female and no union in between the
connec on.
3. Third party test report is carried out in-house facility and not the independent third-
party lab. Manufacturer to submit the independent third-party test results in the
independent third-party facility.
4. Third party BSRIA Page no: 30 of 253, only 100% flow at Pre-set 2 for DN20 is achieved
at 97.5kpa, but not the 16 Kpa. The a ached Excel Selec on shows 17 to 18 Kpa.
Contractor to confirm
5. Third party BSRIA Page no: 31 of 253, DN20 at Pre-set 2 for having an actual flow line is
drawn and valve is on Overflow at lower pressure up to 300kpa and under Flow above
300kpa. Contractor to confirm the reason of instability in flow. Contractor shall clarify
the working of PICV at par al load condi on.
6. Flow Devia on of 37% on DN50 PIBCVs as BSRIA 36,37 of 253, Contractor to confirm
the reason of instability in flow. Contractor shall clarify the working of PICV at par al
load condi on.
7. The proposed actuator is OEM. Contractor to propose the non-OEM actuators and
produced by same manufacturer.
8. Manufacturer shall suggest the modula on steps and the control of valve for Part load
condi on as the BSIRA report shows Instability for part load condi on at low preset.
9. Dia 20: Page no 122-253 BSRIA report shows non equal % performance for 9 Voltage
and above @ 21 Kpa to 600 Kpa. Contractor to confirm the control of valve at 0 to 10
10. Dia 50: Page no 141-253 BSRIA report shows non equal % performance. The Graph
shows No flow ll 1.5 Voltage @100 Kpa. The selec on of the PIC shall be verified and
shall adjust to avoid the non-confirma on to Equal percentage characteris c
11. Actuator should have local indicator for Alarms on debris stuck, Low or high voltage, no
control signal, low/high power voltage, % of opening are mandatory.
12. As per Specifica on, the flow shall not deviate beyond 5% regardless of any pressure
fluctua ons. However, BSRIA report states devia on more than 10% and even 37% flow
devia on. Contractor to revise the selec on accordingly
13. The PIBCV manufacturer shall provide a hydronic calcula on. Third party hydronic
calcula on shall not be acceptable.