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February 2017


© 2017 Shell Group of companies

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written permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International BV.

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DEP (Design and Engineering Practice) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication, of Shell Global Solutions
International B.V. (Shell GSI) and, in some cases, of other Shell Companies.
These views are based on the experience acquired during involvement with the design, construction, operation and
maintenance of processing units and facilities. Where deemed appropriate DEPs are based on, or reference international,
regional, national and industry standards.
The objective is to set the standard for good design and engineering practice to be applied by Shell companies in oil and
gas production, oil refining, gas handling, gasification, chemical processing, or any other such facility, and thereby to help
achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization.
The information set forth in these publications is provided to Shell companies for their consideration and decision to
implement. This is of particular importance where DEPs may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at each
locality. The system of DEPs is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual Operating Units to adapt the
information set forth in DEPs to their own environment and requirements.
When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use DEPs, they shall be solely responsible for such use, including the
quality of their work and the attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those
requirements not specifically covered, the Principal will typically expect them to follow those design and engineering
practices that will achieve at least the same level of integrity as reflected in the DEPs. If in doubt, the Contractor or
Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without detracting from his own responsibility, consult the Principal.
The right to obtain and to use DEPs is restricted, and is typically granted by Shell GSI (and in some cases by other Shell
Companies) under a Service Agreement or a License Agreement. This right is granted primarily to Shell companies and
other companies receiving technical advice and services from Shell GSI or another Shell Company. Consequently, three
categories of users of DEPs can be distinguished:
1) Operating Units having a Service Agreement with Shell GSI or another Shell Company. The use of DEPs by these
Operating Units is subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the relevant Service Agreement.
2) Other parties who are authorised to use DEPs subject to appropriate contractual arrangements (whether as part of
a Service Agreement or otherwise).
3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) or 2)
which requires that tenders for projects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said
users comply with the relevant standards.
Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users, Shell GSI disclaims
any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or person
whomsoever as a result of or in connection with the use, application or implementation of any DEP, combination of DEPs
or any part thereof, even if it is wholly or partly caused by negligence on the part of Shell GSI or other Shell Company. The
benefit of this disclaimer shall inure in all respects to Shell GSI and/or any Shell Company, or companies affiliated to these
companies, that may issue DEPs or advise or require the use of DEPs.
Without prejudice to any specific terms in respect of confidentiality under relevant contractual arrangements, DEPs shall
not, without the prior written consent of Shell GSI, be disclosed by users to any company or person whomsoever and the
DEPs shall be used exclusively for the purpose for which they have been provided to the user. They shall be returned
after use, including any copies which shall only be made by users with the express prior written consent of Shell GSI. The
copyright of DEPs vests in Shell Group of companies. Users shall arrange for DEPs to be held in safe custody and Shell
GSI may at any time require information satisfactory to them in order to ascertain how users implement this requirement.
All administrative queries should be directed to the DEP Administrator in Shell GSI.

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1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 4
1.1 SCOPE ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................. 5
1.4 CROSS-REFERENCES ............................................................................................. 6
1.5 SUMMARY OF MAIN CHANGES............................................................................... 7
1.6 COMMENTS ON THIS DEP ....................................................................................... 7
1.7 DUAL UNITS............................................................................................................... 7
1.8 NON NORMATIVE TEXT (COMMENTARY) .............................................................. 7
2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 8
2.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 IDENTIFICATION ....................................................................................................... 9
2.3 DRAFTING TECHNIQUES AND DRAWING SIZES .................................................. 9
2.4 MULTI-SHEET DRAWINGS ..................................................................................... 10
2.6 MANUFACTURER'S DRAWINGS ............................................................................ 11
2.7 EQUIPMENT PACKAGE DRAWINGS ..................................................................... 11
DRAWINGS .............................................................................................................. 11
3.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................. 11
3.2 GENERAL INSTRUMENTATION - GROUP 30 ....................................................... 11
3.3 ANALYSERS AND FIELD INSTRUMENTS - GROUP 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 & 36 ....... 19
3.4 INSTRUMENT INSTALLATION - GROUP 37 .......................................................... 20
4. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 28

APPENDIX B EXAMPLE PROCESS C&E MATRIX ............................................................. 33

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This DEP specifies requirements and give recommendations for instrumentation
documentation and drawings, including the organization, naming, formatting, electronic
delivery and requirements for as-built accuracy.
This DEP addresses instrumentation under the following categories:
• general instrumentation (group 30);
• analyzers and field instruments (group 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 & 36), and
• instrument installation.
Within the above categories, various documentation and drawing types are covered,
• instrumentation requisitions;
• instrument engineering data sheets;
• composite instrument manuals;
• instrumentation schematic diagrams;
• instrument loop diagrams;
• logic diagrams;
• narratives;
• alarm system documentation;
• cause and effect drawings;
• system cabinets/auxiliary cabinets;
• instrument/electrical interface cabinets;
• distributed control system (DCS) configuration;
• instrumented protective function (IPF) configuration.
This is a revision of the DEP of the same number dated September 2011; see (1.5)
regarding the changes.


Unless otherwise authorised by Shell GSI, the distribution of this DEP is confined to Shell
companies and, where necessary, to Contractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers nominated
by them. Any authorised access to DEPs does not for that reason constitute an
authorisation to any documents, data or information to which the DEPs may refer.
This DEP is intended for use in facilities related to oil and gas production, gas handling, oil
refining, chemical processing, gasification, distribution and supply/marketing. This DEP
may also be applied in other similar facilities.
When DEPs are applied, a Management of Change (MOC) process shall be implemented;
this is of particular importance when existing facilities are to be modified.
If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements could be more
stringent than in this DEP, the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the
requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be
acceptable with regards to the safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects. In all
cases, the Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of
this DEP which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local

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regulations. The Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned, the objective
being to obtain agreement to follow this DEP as closely as possible.

1.3.1 General definitions
The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project or operation of a
facility. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor.
The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies equipment and
services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor.
The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for it. The Principal
may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the
The word shall indicates a requirement.
The word should indicates a recommendation.
The word may indicates a permitted option.
1.3.2 Specific definitions

Term Definition

Distributed A configurable microprocessor based control system. Also referred to

Control as BPCS (Basic Process Control System)

Instrumented The (electrical and/or electronic and or programmable electronic) logic

Protective solver component of the Instrumented Protective Function complete
System with input and output equipment. Synonymous with SSDS and SIS.

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1.3.3 Abbreviations

Term Definition

AC Alternating Current

CCTV Closed Circuit Television

DC Direct Current

DCS Distributed Control System. Also referred to as BPCS (Basic Process

Control System)

DVD Digital video disc

ESD Emergency Shutdown

FAT Factory Acceptance Test

IPF Instrumented Protective Function, now known as SIF (Safety

Instrumented Function)

IPS Instrumented Protective System, now known as SIS (Safety

Instrumented System)

LNG Liquid natural gas

MDF Main Distribution Frame

MTR Mill Test Reports

PEFS Process Engineering Flow Scheme

PMI Positive Material Identification

SAT Site Acceptance Test

SPI SmartPlant Instrumentation

SPIR Spare Parts Interchangeability Report

SRS Safety Requirements Specification

USA United States of America

WOUSA World outside USA

Where cross-references to other parts of this DEP are made, the referenced section or
clause number is shown in brackets ( ). Other documents referenced by this DEP are listed
in (4).

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This DEP is a full revision of the DEP of the same number dated September 2011. The
following are the main, non-editorial changes.

Section/Clause Change
All Restructured and clarified requirements, enforced shall/should.


Comments on this DEP may be submitted to the Administrator using one of the following

Shell DEPs Online Enter the Shell DEPs Online system at

(Users with access to
Select a DEP and then go to the details screen for
Shell DEPs Online)
that DEP.
Click on the “Give feedback” link, fill in the online
form and submit.

DEP Feedback System Enter comments directly in the DEP Feedback

System which is accessible from the Technical
(Users with access to
Standards Portal http://sww.shell.com/standards.
Shell Wide Web)
Select “Submit DEP Feedback”, fill in the online form
and submit.

DEP Standard Form Use DEP Standard Form to record

feedback and email the form to the Administrator at
(other users)
[email protected].

Feedback that has been registered in the DEP Feedback System by using one of the above
options will be reviewed by the DEP Custodian for potential improvements to the DEP.


This DEP contains both the International System (SI) units, as well as the corresponding
US Customary (USC) units, which are given following the SI units in brackets. When
agreed by the Principal, the indicated USC values/units may be used.


Text shown in italic style in this DEP indicates text that is non-normative and is provided as
explanation or background information only.
Non-normative text is normally indented slightly to the right of the relevant DEP clause.

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2.1.1 General
1. A set of instrumentation documents and drawings shall be prepared for each project
and include items as specified in this DEP.
2. The instrumentation documents and drawings shall follow the following:
• To be issued such that sufficient time is allowed for instrumentation design
and engineering, purchasing and installation, including time required for
review and approval process by the Principal.
• The content of each document or drawing to be such that it will allow
associated activities, such as purchasing, installation of all instrumentation at
the construction site, and will serve as reference for future maintenance,
changes and/or extension to the instrumentation.
• The content of the documents and drawings, the number of copies required
the need for additional documents, and the procedures for commenting and/or
approval to be in accordance with requirements of the Principal.
3. Commercially available instrumentation electronic design and drawing (software) tools
shall be used for documents and drawings produced by the project, however, for
exchangeability reasons, the specific software package, version and format is subject
to approval by the Principal.
4. Self-documenting facilities in the DCS and IPS should be used to their fullest
5. All parts and sections of any form, sheet or other document which requires filling in
shall be completed and where a particular part of any document is not applicable it is
to be indicated.
2.1.2 Software formats
1. The following software for instrumentation documentation shall be used for greenfield
a. SmartPlant Instrumentation (SPI - version as defined by the Principal) for
instrument index, instrument data sheets, instrument loop drawings;
b. SmartPlant P&ID (version as defined by the Principal) for CAD drawings
(examples system architecture drawings, panel drawings, cable routing
c. Microsoft Visio (version as defined by the Principal) for system block diagrams
and other simple drawings;
d. Microsoft Word for all project documents (example- narrative descriptions,
specification for control systems));
e. Microsoft Excel for calculations, Cause and Effect diagrams, and list based
documents (example- equipment lists, load lists).
2. For additional acceptable formats refer to DEP
3. The use of SPI (hosting of the database and third party access, audit tools and audit
frequency, minimum fields during various stages of the project) shall be as specified
by the Principal.
4. If an operating site has an instance of SPI, then that instance shall be used for all data
5. The merging of SPI databases should be avoided.

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1. All the documents and drawings shall be as per the following:
• All documents and drawings to be provided with a registration number from the
series of numbers allocated to the project, together with a code number for
classification and identification.
• The code number to consist of a prefix, project number, group number and a
• Documents and drawings prepared for a specific indent to bear the relevant
complete indent number.
• All documents and drawings to bear proper references to related documents,
construction drawings, and indent numbers for the materials required.
• All instrument related layout drawings of control rooms, auxiliary rooms and
analyser houses, to indicate the building and room number as appropriate.
• Where multi-sheet drawings (2.4) consist of a large number of sheets, revisions to
be inicated for each sheet.
• For each revision, the cover sheet and the revision index sheet to be re-issued
together with the revised sheets.
• All the revised sheets to bear the same revision letter irrespective of the last
revision letter on the individual sheets.
• All revised sheets to bear the same revision indicator as the cover sheet.
• For multi-sheet drawings where signatures are applied for approval or checking,
these to be indicated on the cover sheet only.
• Where a full title block is applied this to be used on the cover sheet only.
• Continuation sheets to be sufficiently titled to link them clearly to the cover sheet
and include project title, drawing title, project, drawing number and sheet number.


1. Refer DEP for drafting techniques, drawing sizes, preparation and,
where applicable, microfilming of technical drawings.
2. The appropriate paper sizes noted in the table 1 below shall be used.
3. The drawings size shall be determined taking into consideration the ultimate use for
the document, e.g. for on-site day-to-day maintenance.
The actual size is dependent on the subject matter (e.g. A3 for cause and effects).
4. The basic format of each type of document produced by the project shall be subject to
approval by the Principal prior to large scale application.
5. The drawings produced by the packaged vendors shall be consistent with the project
drawing and documents; see (2.7).
6. Copies of drawings issued for comments or information shall have a maximum size of
The following provides examples of document sizes for various types of documents,
as well as corresponding North American sizes:

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Table 1 Document sizes

Document Size (WOUSA) Size (USA & Canada)

Plans and Procedures A4 8 1/2" x 11"
Specifications A4 8 1/2" x 11"
Data and Calculations A4 8 1/2" x 11"
Lists A4 or A3 8 1/2" x 11" or 11" x 17"
Drawings A3 or A1 11" x 17" or 22" x 34"


1. Where there is requirement for documentation to be multiple sheets it shall be agreed
with the Principal.
2. Where multi-sheet documentation is used, it shall consist of the the following:
a. a cover sheet;
b. index to sheets, giving the applicable revision indicator of the sheets contained in
the set;
c. the sequence of the data sheets and their numbering to be as indicated in the
index sheet;
d. listing of symbols and abbreviations used;
e. detail sheets (as indicated on the index sheet) giving the required information;
f. listing of the tag numbers with reference to the relevant sheets;
g. for multi-sheet drawings, only A3 and A4 sizes to be used;
h. all sheets of a multi-sheet drawing to have the same size.
3. Mixing of A3 and A4 sizes in one multi-sheet drawing set shall not be permitted.
4. Where the subject cannot be arranged entirely on one sheet, such as in case with
logic diagrams, relay diagrams or instrument loop diagrams, the subject shall be
continued on the following sheet(s) with proper cross-references at the demarcation


1. Any references to Shell standard drawings, if required, shall be made in the technical
2. Under no circumstances shall a standard drawing be issued in a modified format.
3. Any customised version of an published Standard Drawing shall be issued as a
separately named and numbered engineering drawing.
4. Specification for instrumentation items shall utilize the standard requisition sheets.

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1. Enginerring drawings received from Manufacturers/Suppliers shall be fully integrated
into the overall project documentation package and incorporated into a dedicated
Instrument summary.
2. Manufacturer’s drawings should be produced in a software format; see (2.1), in
addition to any hard copies requested.
3. Manufacturer's installation drawings shall only be used to assist in the production of a
comprehensive installation drawing package (e.g Hook-up drawings, wiring drawings)
and will not form a part of the installation package.


1. Drawings of an equipment package to be identified in accordance with (2.2).
2. The drawings of equipment packages shall be incorporated into project drawings and
maintained in accordance with (Appendix A).
3. The drawings of an equipment package shall be arranged in separate sets for each
equipment package unit.
4. For details on equipment package drawings, refer to DEP


The following sub-sections describe the prepration of instrument documents & drawings.


3.2.1 Summaries Summary of instrumentation requisitions
1. A summary of instrument requisitions shall be as follows:
• Provide consisting of an index and a list(s) of requisitions for each group of
• Each revision issued to contain a complete set of sheets including any non-
revised sheet(s).
• The revision indicator used for the index sheet to be used on the attached
summary sheets and in the Issue column of each revised item, irrespective of
any previous revision indicators. Instrument engineering data sheets
1. The operating data for the processing unit and/or major equipment package unit shall
be entered on the instrument engineering data sheets.
2. For each processing unit and/or major equipment package unit in the project, the
design and engineering information for the instrumentation shall be listed.
3. All instrument engineering data sheets shall be prepared in a software format; see
4. In case of non-standard instruments for which a standard datasheet does not exist, a
generic data sheet format according to ISA TR 20 shall be used.
5. If custom specification or a deviation from the standard data sheet is required, the
format shall be subject to approval by the Principal.
6. The tag numbers on the printed sheets shall be in numerical sequence.

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7. If data has been revised, the revision shall be clearly indicated either on the cover
sheet or on the specific datasheet.
8. Data for each process unit and for each major equipment package shall be made up
into separate sets each data set to be supplied with a dedicated printed cover sheet.
9. The set(s) of printed sheets of equipment package(s) shall be combined with and
immediately follow the set of printed sheets for its associated process unit.
10. Each set of instrument engineering data sheets shall have a unique document/drawing
number according to the project numbering philosophy as defined by the Principal.
11. When more than one processing unit and/or major package unit are involved in the
project, a group of consecutive document/drawing numbers shall be used for the
various sets of data sheets and if a database is not used, sufficient spare sheets to be

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Page 13 Composite instrument manuals

1. Composite instrument manuals shall be compiled for all instrumentation.
2. The Composite instrument manuals shall incorporate all manufacturer's documents for
the instrumentation designed/ordered against a particular indent.
3. Composite instrument manuals shall be based on the following structure:
a. Introduction
This chapter is to introduce the subject and list a table of contents for each chapter.
b. Drawings and similar documents
Subdivided as follows:
i. Specifications
ii. Requisitions
iii. Manufacturer's drawings such as:
1). general arrangement
2). construction
3). design calculations
4). wiring diagrams
5). logic diagrams
6). welding and repair procedures.
c. Test and inspection documents
Subdivided as follows:
i. Inspection and test procedure (ITP)
ii. Inspection report
iii. Hydrostatic test certificates
iv. Special procedures such as:
1). X-ray and other weld tests
2). heat treatment.
v. Special reports such as:
1). seat leakage test
2). capacity test
3). low temperature test
4). Vacuum test.

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d. Material certificates
i. Material Identification certificates including Mill Test Reports (MTR) and
Postive Material Identification (PMI) reports.
ii. Compliance with DEP and DEP as
iii. Certificate of origin
iv. Statement of compliance
v. Electrical safety Type of Protection certificate or declaration
vi. Calibration reports
vii. Performance test reports.
e. Acceptance report/release note:
i. Non-conformance report
f. Spare parts documents containing:
i. Manufacturer's recommended spare parts list
ii. SPIR forms
g. Operating and similar documents containing:
i. Installation instructions/procedures
ii. Operating instructions
iii. Maintenance/calibration instructions
iv. Trouble-shooting procedures
v. Special tool requirements
vi. Wiring and circuit diagrams for printed circuit boards
vii. Configuration procedures and software required
4. The composite instrument manual, and in particular section, Chapter (5), shall
contain only those documents which refer to the equipment ordered and used in the
5. General manufacturer's product information shall not form part of composite
instrument manual.
6. The information shall be provided in electronic form (CD-ROM or DVD) in addition to
paper copy.
7. The number of paper copies and electronic copies shall be agreed by the Principal.
8. For electronic copies, native file formats shall be provided.
Any deviation from supply of native file formats is subject to approval by the Principal.

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3.2.2 Diagrams Instrumentation schematic diagrams (block diagrams)
1. Instrumentation schematic diagrams shall clearly state all the design principles to be
followed and, if applicable, the division of scope.
2. The diagrams shall show overall signal routing between field devices and all systems
and cabinets, including the type of signal cabling, junction boxes, terminals, main
distribution frame (MDF) and system cabling, and to include electrical motor
schematics and wiring diagrams when operated or interlocked with the DCS or IPS.
3. For system cabinets, the type of power supply and the arrangement of system cabinet
alarms shall be indicated, including the power sources and circuits.
4. The drawings shall be in the form of block diagrams and, if applicable, detail all the
battery limits delineating the scope of supply.
5. The diagrams shall be arranged as a multi-sheet drawing (2.4), in one complete set for
the particular project.
6. Schematic configuration sheets shall be prepared for configurable systems.
7. For Fieldbus installations (including Foundation Fieldbus, Profibus etc), details from
the Fieldbus interface card down to the field device shall be shown, including type of
signal cabling, power supply and field junction Box. Instrument loop diagrams
1. Loop diagrams shall be arranged as a multi-sheet drawing (2.4), in separate sets for
each processing unit and for each major equipment package unit.
2. For Foundation Fieldbus segment and loop drawings refer DEP
3. For complicated control systems such as surge control, separate diagrams shall be
made showing all active instrument components and the control strategy. Logic diagrams
1. Logic diagrams shall be arranged as a multi-sheet drawing (2.4), in separate sets for
each processing unit and for each major equipment package unit.
Each logic system as indicated on the process engineering (or utility) engineering
flow schemes (PEFS) may have its own sheet or consist of several sheets.
2. Mixing of logic diagrams within one sheet shall not be permitted.
3. Each set of logic diagrams, and relay diagrams (if applicable) shall have a drawing
4. Where more than one processing unit and/or major equipment package unit is
involved in the project, a group of consecutive drawing numbers shall be used for the
various sets of logic (relay) diagrams.
Functional logic diagrams may be multi-sheet drawings, with signals generated on
one page and used on one or more other pages.
5. The connectivity of the sheets shall apply for the following rules at the page terminator:
a. for the receiving sheet, the terminator will indicate where the signal originates
b. for the sending sheet, the terminator will indicate the sheet(s) where the signals
c. Unique identification of the terminators.
6. IPS vendor generated logic drawings may be used instead of manually generated
logic diagrams.

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Page 16 Narratives
1. Narratives shall be prepared for all safeguarding and complex control loops since
PEFS cannot fully reflect the operational and control philosophy.
2. Narratives shall provide the essential process control information for all possible
modes of operation.
3. The type of narratives to be provided shall be agreed with the Principal and examples
a. Commissioning
b. Start-up
c. Steady state
d. Crippled operation (e.g., measurement failure)
e. Special operation (e.g., reactor regeneration)
f. Trip condition (e.g., setpoint after trip) Safety Requirement Specification
Refer to DEP for documentation requirements. Alarm System Documentation & Range, Alarm, timer and trip settings list
1. A full set of alarm system documentation shall be kept as built. Refer to
DEP for alarm system documentation.
2. Range, alarm, timer and trip setting details shall be printed from the instrument
database arranged as a multi-sheet document listing.
3. All instruments having monitoring, alarm or trip function shall be listed.
4. The printed document drawings shall be prepared so that items forming part of a
system are grouped together on one or more sheets.
5. An alarm/trip/timer setting list shall be made giving all alarms and settings as
percentages of transmitter range and in engineering units, together with transmitter
range, location of the annunciation point, cabinet, identification and relevant PEFS or
logic drawing.
6. The format and layout showing the intended presentation shall be subject to approval
by the Principal.
7. Each set of listed alarm and trip settings shall have a drawing number. Cause & Effects
An example Cause & Effect drawings is shown in (Appendix 2).
1. Cause & Effects shall be arranged as a multi-sheet drawing (2.4) in separate sets for
each processing units and for each major equipment package unit.

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Page 17 Arrangement of system cabinets/auxiliary cabinets (General Arrangement/Internal

1. Drawings for each system cabinet or auxiliary cabinet shall show:
a. The arrangement of all equipment in the cabinet with their tag numbers.
b. Internal power distribution.
c. The arrangement of terminals and sockets for the outside cabling with their
d. Assignment of each terminal and socket pin for the outside cabling.
e. Facilities for earthing, outside cable supporting, ventilation and hoisting.
f. Cabinet, equipment and socket/terminal row nameplate details.
g. Cabinet installation details.
h. Dimensions of the cabinets shall be provided.
i. Control/Aux room general equipment layout with dimensions to be provided.
j. Annunciation panel window layout, where applicable. Instrument/electrical interface cabinet
1. This drawing shall show the construction and the layout of the interface cabinet,
complete with any interface relays and cable termination details for the signals forming
part of instrument engineering, and those forming part of electrical engineering.

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Page 18 Distributed control system (DCS) configuration

DCS drawings and documents
The Principal and the Engineering Contractor will make use of the below
documentation and data as a basis for their engineering, operation and
maintenance. The drawings/documents are grouped according to the type of
information they convey.
1. Interface information
a. Drawings and documents within this group shall comprise all data which
couldinterface with other facilities of the Principal and are required by the
contractor for design, including but not limited to General arrangement
i. System Architecture drawings.
ii. Single line diagrams.
iii. Circuit diagrams.
iv. DCS console lay-out.
v. System cable schedule.
vi. Description.
vii. Interface block diagrams.
viii. System grounding drawing(s).
ix. Single line power distribution.
x. Fiber Optic back bone.
xi. Signal interconnection.
xii. Device address/IP address/ node number documents.
xiii. System user manual.
xiv. Heat dissipation calculation.
2. Design information
a. Drawings and documents within this group shall provide detail design
information to allow for verification of overall compliance with Principal
specifications, including but not limited to:
i. System description, including standard/optional function blocks,
applications, programs.
ii. System communication links characteristics including communication
speed, protocols, access/control principles, error detection/recovery,
network logging, failure identification/repair, back-up principles.
iii. Configuration documents including routers and managed network

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3. Test documentation
a. The documents shall demonstrate to the Principal that manufacturing and
testing methods are acceptable, including but not limited to:
i. Inspection and testing plan including inspection tests by Supplier and/or
ii. Production/test procedures and Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) reports
iii. Integrated Systems Test (including all related DCS sub-systems)
iv. Site acceptance test (SAT) including Foundation FieldbusTM physical
layer tests, Fieldbus segment and instrument commissioning
procedures, and Fieldbus database synchronization plan.
4. Records and certificates
a. The documents demonstrate to the Principal that material and equipment
comply with specifications, they shall include but not limited to the below:
i. Functional test report.
ii. Performance test report.
iii. Equipment hazardous area certificate.
iv. Inspection/calibration test report.
v. Other reports, records and certificates.
5. Instruction for installation, Operation and Maintenance (user Manual)
a. Installation, operation and maintenance documents shall give necessary
information for safe, correct and efficient installation, operation and
maintenance of the equipment and systems, such as:
i. Instruction for installation.
ii. Instruction for commissioning.
iii. Instruction for operation.
iv. Operator interface manual.
v. Instruction for maintenance.
vi. User/operating manuals.
vii. Power-on check list, Instructions & procedure.
viii. User name and passwords to be recorded in appropriate
documentation (can be electronic). Instrumented Protective systems (IPS) configuration
Refer to DEP

3.3 ANALYSERS AND FIELD INSTRUMENTS - GROUP 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 & 36
Documents and drawings in these groups are concerned with the selection; specification
and ordering of on-line process stream analysers and field instruments. Typical drawing
can be found in Appendix A.
1. All relevant documents for sizing, selection and specification, hook-ups shall be
arranged in multi sheet drawings (2.4) in sets for each processing unit.

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3.4.1 Summaries Summary of instrumentation cables
1. The summary shall consist of an index sheet and separate summary sheets for
pneumatic signal cables, electric signal and power supply cables (which form part of
instrument engineering), thermocouple signal cables, system cables.
2. The summary shall contain a listing of all instrumentation cables including Fibre Optic
(FO) cables, FO patch cords and Field bus trunk/drop cables.
3. The relevant sheets shall be completed at a later date, with the manufacturer's cable
reel identification code. Summary of instrument installation materials
1. The summary shall consist of a table of contents and an index sheet together with
sheets listing standard materials as referenced in Shell Standard Drawings, sheets for
specifying other materials and sheets for summarising material quantities.
2. Where numbers have not been allocated for specific items, the material specification
shall be extended to include these items using numbers from 1001 onwards.
3.4.2 Control Building Control room Layout
1. The control room drawing shall show in detail, true to scale (preferably electronic and
three-dimensional), the general arrangement and location of DCS consoles, computer
consoles, supervisory consoles/panels, printers, including console/panel numbering as
2. The control room drawings shall show openings for bottom entry into instrument
consoles and indicate the grid of the cavity floor and openings in the wall or floor
between control room and auxiliary room, (if applicable). Computer/Engineering room drawings
1. When a project includes (a) digital computer(s) for
supervisory/maintenance/management information functions, the
computer/engineering room shall be clearly covered in documents and drawings as
a. Layout of the computer/engineering room;
i. Drawings to show the arrangement of all equipment, cabinets and desks.
b. Air conditioning of computer/engineering rooms;
i. Drawing to show the layout of air distribution ducting and direction of airflow.
c. A layout of the cavity floor in the computer/engineering room;
i. Drawing to show the construction of the cavity floor, with an indication of the
openings therein.

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Page 21 Auxiliary room(s) Layout
1. The drawing of the auxiliary room(s) shall show in detail, true to scale, the
arrangement and identification of all equipment such as system cabinets, auxiliary,
distribution and riser cabinets.
2. The drawing of the auxiliary room(s) shall show the location and size of the air-
conditioning equipment and ducting arrangement.
3. The auxiliary room drawing shall indicate the grid of the cavity floor and the openings
required. Layout of supports, instrument signal cables and air-conditioning ducting in the auxiliary
1. Layout of supports, instrument signal cables and air-conditioning ducting in the
auxiliary room drawing shall show the following:
a. the arrangement of all cable supports under the ceiling and cavity floor of the
auxiliary room;
b. the arrangement of the air-conditioning ducting in the auxiliary room;
c. the plant instrument signal cable entries into the auxiliary room in the correct
position together with the relevant cable numbers;
d. the position of the plant instrument signal cable termination facilities, with their
identification, and the routing of the plant instrument signal cables to these
e. the openings in the walls, and floors.
2. For detailed identification of the termination facilities, see (3.4.10). Arrangement for main distribution frame (MDF) cabinets
1. Drawings for electrical instrument signal cables shall show:
a. The arrangement of the terminal rows for outdoor cables, complete with
row/terminal identification.
b. The arrangement of the system cable termination boards for indoor cables,
complete with row/terminal and socket identification.
c. The facilities for interconnecting the cable screens.
d. The facilities for earthing the armouring/lead sheathing of outdoor cables, if
e. The facilities for supporting the indoor and outdoor cables.
f. The facilities for routing/supporting the cross wiring.
g. Elco plug/socket interconnections, including location, pin connections, signal
type, polarising details, source and destination details.
2. Drawings required for thermocouple signal cables are similar to the above, but shall
also include the arrangement of cold junction compensation boxes and their
identification. Arrangement of earthing system(s)
1. The drawing shall show:
a. The arrangement of earth bars for instrument system earth and safety earth of
instrument equipment, complete with earth bar/terminal identification, and other
special instrument earthing arrangements.
b. The facilities for supporting the indoor earthing cables.

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Page 22 Signal cabling diagram

1. The drawing shall show in diagrammatic form all signal cabling in the auxiliary room
and its connection to equipment in the (Field) auxiliary room, to the consoles in the
control room and to the plant.
2. The drawing shall indicate the exact signal cabling routing, including cable crossing
3. The drawing shall follow the actual layout of equipment in the auxiliary room, but need
not necessarily be true to scale.
4. The cable terminations shall be coded such that a clear distinction is made between
cables terminating on rail-mounted terminals, plugs, and sockets.
5. The drawing shall include the identification of the equipment, the cables, and the
system cable sockets mounted in the equipment. Layout of earthing in the (Field) auxiliary room
1. Separate drawings shall be prepared for DCS earth, instrument earth, instrument
intrinsically safe earth, any required system earths and electrical safety earth of
instrument equipment. These drawings shall show in diagrammatic form all earth
cabling from the earthing cabinet in the auxiliary room and its connections to
equipment in the auxiliary room and consoles in the control room.
2. The drawings shall include the identification of equipment and earth cables.
3. The drawing shall follow the actual layout of equipment in the auxiliary room, but need
not necessarily be true to scale. The main instrument console Fire and gas detection display panel
1. Drawing(s) shall show the layout (full scale) of the fire and gas detection display panel,
giving main dimensions.
2. Refer to DEP for requirements of fire and gas detection.
3.4.5 Local panels Layout
1. Drawings shall show the layout (to scale) of each local panel, with the instruments in
outline and giving the tag number for each instrument. Construction
1. Construction drawings shall give all information required for manufacturing the local
2. Fully dimensioned cut-outs for all instruments shall be included, either on the same
drawing or presented separately.

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3.4.6 Plant instrumentation Location
1. The location and elevations of instruments and instrument equipment shall be shown,
superimposed on sections of a simplified plot plan as follows:
a. all plant mounted instruments, including local indicators and temperature
b. all local panels;
c. all field-mounted junction boxes for instrument signal cabling;
d. all trunking/cable-tray systems for instrument cabling and its riser points from
underground) trenches;
e. all instrument air supply piping from its demarcation points with mechanical
engineering to the relevant (group of) consumers;
f. isolating valves, branch-off points and pipe sizes to be clearly indicated.
If instrument air supply from the main air supply header to the individual instrument
is field routed, the field routed portion is not documented in a drawing.
2. Separate drawings shall be provided for the location of instruments relating to:
a. Audible plant alarm systems.
b. Plant telecommunication facilities.
c. Flammable gas, toxic gas, fire and smoke detection, and deluge systems, other
fixed fire extinguishing systems.
d. Depressurising systems.
e. Plant security/access.
f. Marine instrumentation systems.
g. CCTV systems.
h. Analysers, analyser houses, sample take-off points.
3. Each drawing shall contain a list of all instruments and junction boxes and show, in
sequence of tag number, the (plant) co-ordinates for location of the equipment and its
elevation above plant grade level.
4. Where instrumentation in structures is involved layout drawings shall be prepared for
the different levels, e.g. for each platform or deck, and/or drawings showing such
structures in side-view (elevation) containing all the above information.
5. Where the cable trunking will be of fire resistant construction, it shall be shown on
detailed construction drawings. Trenches or trays for instrument cables
1. Drawings shall show the location of trenches for instrument cables complete with
indication of size and branch-off points.
2. Details of trench construction, methods of back-filling and trench closure shall be
indicated in the drawings.
3. Where above ground cable trays are used, the routing of cable trays, details of trays
sizes & tray supports shall be indicated.

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Page 24 Layout of instrument cables in the plant

1. Drawings shall show the aboveground and underground routing of all instrumentation
cables from their termination point in the plant to their termination point in the (Field),
auxiliary building, complete with the laying pattern for cable segregation.
If the cable for the field junction box to the individual instrument is field routed, the
field routed portion is not documented in a drawing.
2. Where fire proof cables are used or the tray is fire proofed, it should be shown on the
3. Cables for similar applications, such as for plant telecommunication, fire, gas and
smoke detection, plant information and deluge systems shall be indicated on the
4. Where it is permitted to have instrument electricity supply cables close to instrument
signal cables, the supply cables shall be shown on the drawing.
5. Where it is not permitted to have instrument electricity supply cables close to
instrument signal cables, such cables shall be shown on the drawings for the trenches
of high-voltage electrical cables for power and lighting, with a cross-reference on the
instrument cable drawings.
6. All riser points for instrument electricity cables shall be indicated on the drawings
'Layout of instrument cables in the plant', complete with the aboveground cable routing
to the individual consumers.
3.4.7 Instrument electricity supply Single-line diagram for instrument electricity supply
1. The instrument electricity supply shall be shown diagrammatically, from the electrical
distribution switchboards to the consumers.
2. The instrument electricity supply drawing/documents shall include:
a. Arrangements for AC and DC supply (vital and non-vital).
b. Special provisions for DCS (and other systems) electricity supply.
c. All instrument switchboards, switches, fuses including ratings and characteristics.
d. Demarcation points at the interface between electrical engineering and
instrument engineering. Layout of instrument electricity supply cables in the control building, (Field) Auxiliary rooms
1. Drawing(s) shall show the layout of the instrument electricity supply cables, complete
with the cable numbers, from the distribution board(s) forming part of electrical
engineering, under the cavity floor and up into the system and auxiliary cabinets, and
up through riser (cabinets) into the instrument systems. Layout of instrument electricity supply in analyser house(s)
1. The drawing shall show in detail, the instrument electricity supply connections for the
individual consumers, complete with de-energising facilities for each consumer, socket
outlets for electrical tools and test equipment, and the cable routing from point of entry
to the consumers.
3.4.8 Instrument air lines
1. Instrument air lines shall be prepared as a multi-sheet drawing (2.4), showing in detail,
the arrangement of the individual air supply for each pneumatically operated
instrument, using the appropriate sheets.
2. Dedicated instrument air line details shall be provided for instruments related to fire
detection facilities and deluge systems.

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3.4.9 Instrument signal lines

1. Instrument signal lines, prepared as a multi-sheet drawing (2.4), shall indicate:
a. Cross sections of trenches showing the location and laying pattern of each group
of cables.
b. Procedures for laying cables in trenches, and methods of backfill.
c. Procedures for laying cables in trunking, and methods for fixing the cables.
d. Details/procedures for termination of cables in cable joints, if applicable.
e. Details/procedures for laying cables entering the auxiliary room with respect to
their termination point (MDF).
f. Details for covering/sealing/fire proofing of cable entries into the auxiliary and
control room.
g. Details/procedures for stripping length and finishing touch of cables in particular
with respect to cable glands and MDFs.
h. Methods for identification of wires, pairs or quads in multi-element cables.
i. Procedures for termination of cables in thermocouple heads, transmitters,
converters, solenoid valves, manual switches, plant telecommunication
equipment, CCTV systems, junction boxes, distribution cabinets, Foundation
FieldbusTM devices.
j. Construction details of signal cabling crossings (bridges).
2. The drawing shall give dedicated earthing principles and details for instrument
equipment such as:
a. Instrument earthing, for signal cable screen continuity and earthing point (MDF),
system cables, reference system earth bar (DCS).
b. Instrument earth star point.
c. Safety earthing for signal cable armouring/lead sheathing, system cabinets,
frames, instrument desks/consoles, recessed floor(s), instrument cable trunking,
junction boxes, local panels, power distribution boards.
d. Safety earth distribution.
e. Earthing of galvanic isolators, safety barriers.
f. Instrument earth and safety earth resistance values.
3. A full cable pulling schedule shall be provided clearly referencing the specific cable
entry into any building.

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3.4.10 Instrument cable terminations

1. Instrument cable terminations in the form of a multi-sheet drawing shall be prepared.
2. The format and layout of the multi-sheet drawings shall be subject to approval by the
Principal, prior to full scale application.
3. The multi-sheet drawing shall indicate the requirements of the following sub-sections:
a. For each junction box;
i. Junction box number.
ii. The actual numbering of the terminals.
iii. The (multi-element) signal cable(s) connected to these terminals with full
identification by cable number(s), pair/quad number, colour or number
coding of wires.
iv. The connections to plant instruments specified by the tag number.
1). If more than one signal is related to a tag number, the following code
shall be added;
A). TX in the case of a measured value signal.
B). CV in the case of a controller output signal.
2). For Foundation Fieldbus junction boxes, in addition to the above,
details of terminators (s), and the segment number shall be indicated.
b. For each electric signal cable distribution cabinet;
i. The terminal rows for plant cables complete with row and terminal
identification and cable numbers.
ii. Terminal rows and system cable sockets for indoor cables complete with
row/terminal and socket/pin identification.
iii. The cross wiring between the terminal rows.
iv. The direct wiring between the terminal rows for indoor cables and the
system cable sockets.
3.4.11 Instrument impulse lines
1. Instrument impulse line details shall be prepared as a multi-sheet drawing (2.4) based
on the Standard Drawings 37.001 and 002 series, in sets for each processing unit,
using the appropriate sheets.
2. Each set of instrument impulse lines shall have a drawing number.
3. Where more than one processing unit is involved in the project, a group of consecutive
drawing numbers shall be used for the various sets of instrument impulse lines.

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3.4.12 On-line process stream analysers

1. Documents and drawings giving details of analyser and sampling systems shall be
prepared as follows, arranged in sets for each on-line analyser.
2. For details refer to DEP and DEP
a. Sample take-off system should include the below documentation:
i. The sample take-off/return assembly, preconditioning and transport system.
ii. Sample transport system line size calculations.
iii. Sample lag time calculations.
iv. Selection and sizing of sample pump calculations.
v. Calculations of the ratio of the sample line flow and the normal process line
vi. Layout drawing(s) of analyser sample transport system in isometric form
showing the routing of the sample transport lines from the sample take-
off/return points in the plant, to the sample conditioning system at the
analyser house.
b. Sample conditioning system should include the below documentation:
i. The sample conditioning system.
ii. Calculations of the conditions at the inlet and outlet of the sample
conditioning system.
iii. Calculations of the percentage of flow which is vented (flared) or drained.
c. Layout of the analyser house(s):
i. A drawing, true to scale and on the same scale as the drawing The 'Layout
of instrument electricity supply in the analyser house', (, shall show in
detail the arrangement of all equipment in and around the analyser house.
ii. A cross sectional drawing shall be provided to allow review of
iii. Equipment such as sample lines and conditioning systems, drain/vent
systems, air conditioning, heating/ventilation systems, analysers and related
equipment, junction boxes, initiating elements of safeguarding systems, sink,
workbench, shall where applicable be identified by line and/or tag numbers.
iv. Refer to DEP for details.

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In this DEP reference is made to the following publications:
NOTES: 1. Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication shall be used,
together with any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto.
The DEPs and most referenced external standards are available to Shell staff on the SWW (Shell
Wide Web) at http://sww05.europe.shell.com/standards/.


Preparation and microfilming of technical drawings DEP

Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas DEP
production (amendments and supplements to ISO 15156:2009)
Wet H2S requirements for downstream pressure vessels and piping DEP
Fire, gas and smoke detection systems DEP
Intelligent field devices - Design and configuration DEP
Instrumented protective functions (IPF) DEP
Alarm management DEP
Instrumentation for equipment packages DEP
On-line process stream analysis:
On-line process analysers DEP
Analyser housing DEP
Installation of on-line instruments DEP


Data sheet for analyser systems DEP


Instrument Impulse lines – Metric version S 37.001

Instrument Impulse lines – Imperial version S 37.002


Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control ISA TR20.00.01

The International Society of Automation
67 Alexander Drive
PO Box 12277
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
E-Mail: [email protected]

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A.1 Category A
Category A documents and drawings remain as built during the lifetime of the plant, for
plant change, maintenance and safety audit purposes.
After commissioning, particularly in the case of plant changes, however small, plant
management is responsible for the updating of the Category A documents and drawings
1. Updating of the Category A documents and drawings shall be clearly defined within
the plant organisation.

A.2 Category B
1. Category B as-built documents and drawings, after construction shall include all
changes/additions which have been made during the construction/commissioning and
start-up phase of the project.

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Table A.1 As-built categories

Group No. Document/drawing title As-built Cross-

category reference
30 General instrumentation: (3)
Summary of instrumentation requisitions B (
Instrument engineering data sheets A (
Composite instrument manuals: (
Chapter 1 A

Chapter 2 Section A B

Chapter 2 Section B A

Chapter 3 Section A and C B

Chapter 4 A

Chapter 5 A

Instrumentation schematic diagrams A (

Instrument loop diagrams A (
Logic Diagrams A (
Safeguarding and control narratives A (
Safety Requirement Specificaton (SRS) A (
Alarm Documentation & Range,Alarm, timer A (
and trip settings
Cause & Effect drawings A (
Arrangements of system cabinets/ auxiliary B (
Instrument/ electrical interface cabinet A (
Distributed control system (DCS) A (
Instrumented Protective systems (IPS) A (
31 Analysers and sundry instruments: (3.3)
On-line process stream analysers and A
sample systems
32 Flow instruments: (3.3)
Flow meter calculations A
Restriction orifice calculations A
Construction drawings for special flow meters B
Construction drawings for restriction orifices B
Flow computer calculations A
Flow meter hook-up B
Meter run isometric sketches B

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Group No. Document/drawing title As-built Cross-

category reference
33 Level instruments: (3.3)
Calculations for differential pressure B
Calculations for radioactive sources B
Construction drawings for special level B
Hook-up detaild for DP type level
34 Pressure instruments: (3.3)
Selection of diaphragm seals B
Selection of over range protection B
35 Temperature instruments: (3.3)
Construction drawings for special B
temperature measurement devices
Construction drawings for multiple B
temperature measuring elements
Thermowell construction details
Thermowell wake frequency calculations
36 Final control elements: (3.3)
Control valve sizing calculations B
Control valve noise calculations B
Control valve stroking time
ESD/On-Off valve/actuator torque
Dimensional and general arrangement B
drawings for On-Off and control valves
37 Instrument installation: (3.4)
Summary of instrumentation cables B (
Summary of instrument installation materials B (
Control room Layout A (
Computer/Engineering room drawings B (
Layout of auxiliary room A (
Layout of cable supports and instrument B (
signal cables in the auxiliary room
Arrangement of main distribution frame B (
(MDF) cabinets
Arrangement of earthing systems B (
Signal cabling diagram A (
Layout of earthing in the (Field) auxiliary A (

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Group No. Document/drawing title As-built Cross-

category reference
Fire and gas detection display panel A (
Layout of local instrument panels A (
Construction of local instrument panels B (
Location of plant instruments B (
Trenches for instrument cables B (
Layout instrument cables in the plant A (
Single-line diagrams for instrument electricity A (
Layout of instrument electricity supply cables B (
in the control building
Layout of instrument electricity in analyser B (
Instrument air line details B (3.4.8)
Instrument signal lines B (3.4.9)
Instrument cable terminations;
For each junction box A (
For pneumatic cable distribution facilities A (
Instrument impulse lines B (3.4.11)
List of Critical instruments and systems: A
Depressuring system valve calculations A
All documents and drawings such as layouts, B
MDF arrangement, installation details, fire
proofing, details of very early smoke
detection systems if installed, which are not
already covered by as-built Category A

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