Revista de la Facultad
de Medicina Humana
Revista de la Facultad
Instructions for the authors
Updated on March 23 rd , 2022.
These norms go into effect on the 3 rd number of volume 22 in the year 2022.
Journal of Human
Sending or Submitting Articles
Journal of Human Medicine - Ricardo Palma University
Instructions for the authors
Journal of Human
The corresponding author of the article has the right to
Journal of Human Medicine - Ricardo Palma University
Instructions for the authors
consult us at any time about the status of the review of With few exceptions, the editorials’ themes will be chosen
by the Editorial Committee on a current topic or issue that
their article. The review processing time must be taken into
refers to an article that may or may not be published in the
consideration. This information will be shared with the same journal. It should have a maximum of 1500 words, a
author upon receipt of their article. The authors must have minimum of 3 references and a maximum of 15 references.
It is preferred that only one or two authors be included.
a response to the observations given by the reviewer and
editors as soon as possible. If they require more time, they Original Article
must communicate it beforehand. If there is no response Only a byproduct of research and must be written with a
maximum of 3,500 words (not considering the abstract,
within ve weeks of sending the communication with the
references, tables, and charts). As a unit, the total number
observations, the article will be rejected. If you have any of words, including the summary, references, tables, and
questions, you can contact us by email at: charts, must not exceed 5,000 words. It should be
structured according to the following scheme:
[email protected]
Abstract: In Spanish and English, with a maximum of 250
words in each language. It must be structured and concise,
and it must include the following sections: introduction,
Speci c norms for each section objectives, methods, results, and conclusion.
The maximum number of words (without counting
Keywords: Between three and ve. The "descriptors in
abstracts, references, tables, and charts), for each chart,
health sciences" (DeCS) of BIREME
bibliographic reference and/or charts can be seen below: ( ) should be used for
keywords in Spanish and Medical Subject Headings
Table 1. Maximum length of words, tables and charts and (MeSH) of NLM ( http: // ) for English
number of references according to each section. keywords. The abstract must be a correct English
Maximum Maximum Maximum translation of the summary in Spanish.
Section words in the words in the number of tables References
Abstract Content and charts
Journal of Human Journal of Human Medicine - Ricardo Palma University
Instructions for the authors
Journal of Human Journal of Human Medicine - Ricardo Palma University
Case Report Authors: First and last names of all authors should be
The cases presented must be of diseases or situations of provided. The authors’ names should go in the order in
interest in health. These must be written in up to 2,000 which they wish to appear in the article. It must be
words (not counting abstracts, references, tables, and considered that the format that the authors choose for
charts). The abstract in Spanish and English may be their signature will be, in case of publication of the article,
unstructured and should have a limit of 150 words with the same one that will be indexed in the different
three to ve keywords. It contains an introduction, a bibliographic databases in which the journal is included.
section called "Case Report" and a discussion that The maximum number of authors will depend on the
highlights the contribution or teaching of the article. Up to section of the magazine. The names of the authors must
four tables and/or charts can be included altogether and each have one or two institutional affiliations (with
between 10 to 15 references. numbers in superscript) and, separately, their profession
and academic degree (with letters in superscript), not
Photo Gallery including job description. First names should be provided
Photos of interest on a particular health topic can be sent, rst and then last names.
accompanied by a brief comment on topic and an
explanation of the origin of the presented image (no more Institutional affiliation of each author. Each author
than 800 words). In addition, the photos must be should include a maximum of two affiliations relevant to
accompanied by an explanatory caption. The Editorial the proposed article. The city and country must also be
Committee reserves the right to limit the number of included. They should be placed in superscript fashion
illustrations. If a photograph of an individual or patient is after the name of the respective author. In case there is
included, measures must be taken to prevent the person more than one author with the same institutional
from being identi ed. Only photographs in which a person affiliation, it must be indicated with the same number in
is recognized will be accepted if the signed permission of superscript (see model).
the person is included (they must have informed consent
and/or assent). Up to four tables and/or charts may be Profession and academic degree: Each author should
included altogether and between 5 to 10 references. indicate their profession and the highest academic degree
completed. Do not include work occupations.
Letters to the editor
Corresponding authors: The postal address (either
This section is open to all readers of Ricardo Palma
private or institutional), telephone and email of the
University Journal of Human Medicine, to whom
corresponding author must be indicated.
questions, comments and contributions to the articles that
have been published in the latest issues may be sent. It
Keywords in Spanish and English (minimum and
should be considered that there is a possibility that the
maximum as indicated in the speci c regulations section).
authors may respond. Communication on preliminary
investigations or interventions in research articles that
Financing: When applicable, it should be indicated in the
have not been published or submitted for publication in
same fashion as the affidavit.
another journal may be accepted; as well as some
comments on problems of public health, ethics, medical
Authorship contributions: It should be indicated in the
education, or others that are within the scope of the
same fashion as in the affidavit of authorship according to
journal. The maximum acceptable length is 1,000 words
the CRediT taxonomy.
(not counting references, tables or charts) or 2,000 if it is a
letter to the editor that presents unpublished results
(scienti c letter), with 5 to 10 references (including the Declaration of con ict of interest: It should be indicated
reference of the article that motivated this letter) and two in the same way as in the affidavit and in accordance with
tables and/or charts. the speci c formats sent.
Journal of Human Journal of Human Medicine - Ricardo Palma University
Instructions for the authors
Use commas to separate decimals when writing in If abbreviations or symbols are used and they are not self-
Spanish. If written in English, use periods. explanatory, they must be made understandable using
footnotes. If there is data included that does not come
Measurement units: The measurements of the from the study, it should be clearly indicated with a
magnitudes used must be those of the International footnote identifying the source. Tables should not be in
System of Units (SI); for example: g/dL, mg/L, mg/Kg, etc. image format, but as editable tables.
Blood pressure, by exception, will be expressed in
millimeters of mercury (mmHg). When more than one table is presented, it is advised to use
a similar format to make it easier for the reader to
To express numbers of ten or less, it is suggested to use understand. It should be con rmed that all the tables are
letters (one, ve, nine). If they are 11 or greater, it is referenced to in the text, and that the data presented
suggested to use digits (34 or 534 or 100,000) agrees with that which it is cited for. The way to mention a
table within the text of the manuscript can be done at the
Use spaces to separate numbers with more than three end of its description by naming the table in parentheses,
digits. For example, the number thousand should be for example, “(Table 1)”. It may also be mentioned at the
represented as 1 000 and not as 1,000 o 1’000. The same beginning of the paragraph or sentence, for example, “In
goes if they have more digits, for example: 1 345 899 Table 1 we can observe…”.
Journal of Human Journal of Human Medicine - Ricardo Palma University
Instructions for the authors
The gures will be presented separately from the text in The way to mention a chart within the text of the
the article, each one in a separate le. The numbering of manuscript can be done at the end of its description by
tables and gures must be done separately and in Arabic naming the chart in parentheses, for example, “(Chart 1)”. It
numerals. Photographs, data graphs and diagrams will be may also be mentioned at the beginning of the paragraph
considered charts. or sentence, for example, “In Chart 1 you can see…”. If
abbreviations or symbols are used and they are not self-
The photographs will be carefully selected, omitting those
explanatory, they must be explicitly clari ed through
that do not contribute to a better understanding of the
footnotes on the gure. If there is data being shared that
text. It is important that the copy sent has the best possible
does not originate from the study, the source of the gure
quality (at least 300 dpi), to ensure the standard of the
should be clearly indicated with a footnote.
reproduction. If photographs or patient data are
reproduced, these should not be identifying to the patient.
In all cases, the authors must have obtained the patient's Acknowledgment
written informed consent and/or assent authorizing its Only the persons or entities that have contributed to
publication, reproduction, and dissemination on paper making the work possible will be mentioned here. A) the
and on the Internet in Ricardo Palma University Journal of contributions that should be acknowledged, but do not
Human Medicine Likewise. justify inclusion as an author, and B) acknowledgment for
technical support. B should be recognized in a different
The authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate paragraph. All the people speci cally mentioned in
permissions to reproduce the material (text, tables, or “Acknowledgments” must know and approve their
charts) previously published in Ricardo Palma University inclusion in said section.
Journal of Human Medicine. These permissions must be
requested from both the author and the editorial agency
that has published said material. Each one will go in a
separate le, preferably in .tiff or .png formats; or whatever The reference style to be used is based on the second
allows the highest possible quality. edition of “Citing Medicine. The NLM Guide for Authors,
E d i t o r s a n d P u b l i s h e r s ”, a v a i l a b l e a t :
Data graphics should only be used when the information .
cannot be clearly presented in any other way. Data already Elaborated by the International Committee of Medical
presented in tables or text should not be repeated in Journal Editors ( ICMJE ) and with the bibliographic
graphs. In the elaboration of the graphs, special care must reference format prepared by the United States National
be taken not to distort what is intended to be shown, since Library of Medicine ( NLM ).
the visual presentation can lead the reader to an erroneous
interpretation. Measurement scales must be clear and The authors are responsible for the references to be
consistent. They should preferable be attached in a format
detailed according to the texts consulted and developed
that allows others to edit as much as possible, such as the
in their research, only references to the authors cited in the
le in the same statistical program that generated it (.xlsx
presented article should be recorded.
for Excel or .gph for Stata, for example).
Likewise, the organizational charts should be presented, References must be recent (it is recommended that at least
preferably, in the program in which they were prepared; for 70% of references correspond to the last ve years, which
example, MS Word or MS PowerPoint. They must be will be evaluated by the editorial committee depending on
attached independently in a format that allows editing and the topic) and relevant and carefully written according to
ability to improve its quality. Vancouver style citation. They are numbered the same as in
the text using Arabic numerals and maintaining the
The title of the gure must be indicated at the bottom of sequence used. They must be numbered as they appear
the gure (Vancouver style). It must be brief and describe
consecutively in the text and added to the “References” list
its content. It should be veri ed that all the gures are
at the end of the document. These directions should follow
mentioned in the text, and that the data presented agrees
the Vancouver style.
with that which is cited.
Revista de la Facultad Revista de la Facultad Humana de la Universidad Ricardo Palma
Instrucciones para los autores
Revista de la Facultad
Book, monograph, or another online document
Revista de la Facultad Humana de la Universidad Ricardo Palma
Instrucciones para los autores