Tender Doc 1
Tender Doc 1
Tender Doc 1
Tender ID:2024_MES_672212_1
Total Pages
___________________________ AD(CONTRACTS)
DATE: __________________
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 2
E tender
Tele : 25671605 Headquarters
Fax : 25671605 Chief Engineer (AF) WAC Palam
Email : [email protected] Military Engineer Services
Palam, Delhi Cantt-10
Dear Sir(s)
1. Tender documents in respect of above work are uploaded on the site www.defproc.gov.in. The
tender is based on single stage two cover/two stage three cover e-tendering system. The contents of
Cover I & Cover II are specified in NOTICE OF TENDER.
2. Bids will be received online by ACCEPTING OFFICER upto the date and time mentioned in
the NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT). No tender/bid will be received in physical form and any
tender/bid received in such manner will be treated as non bonafide.
3. Bid will be opened on line on a due date fixed for opening as per critical dates given in the
portal. Cover 1 will be opened first. Tenderers may see the result of the opening of Cover 1 on the
tender portal. Date of opening of Cover 2 shall be decided after technical evaluation of Cover 1
keeping in view the various eligibility criteria given in the NIT and the same will be intimated to the
tenderers while uploading the technical evaluation on the tender portal.
4. Your attention is also drawn to instruction on filling and submission of tender attached
herewith. You may forward your points on tender documents through e-mail and/or depute your
technical representative for discussion on tender/drawings and to clarify doubts, if any, before the bid
submission starts. You are requested not to write piece meal points and forward your points duly
consolidated in one go. You may also attend the pre bid meeting on the date given in the tender.
5. Un-enlisted contractors are required to submit scanned copies(in pdf file) of documents
required as per eligibility criteria mentioned in instructions for filling the tender documents and
Appendix ‘A’ to NIT alongwith Earnest Money deposit and tender fee on e-procurement portal and
submit the physical documents in the office of HQ CE(AF) WAC Palam within time limit specified in
NIT. Inadequacy/deficiency of documents shall make the bid liable for rejection resulting in
disqualification for opening of finance bid.
6. Enlisted contractors of MES shall submit the scanned copies (pdf files) of enlistment letter,
tender fee and such other documents as mentioned in Appx A to NIT on e-procurement portal and
submit physical documents in the office of HQ CE (AF) WAC Palam before due date and time fixed
for this purpose.
7. The contractor must ensure that the tender/bid is uploaded on the tender portal using
authorised DSC in time as the Accepting Officer will take no cognizance of any quotations/offer
received in any other electronic or physical form like email/fax/by hand/through post from
8. Keeping in view delays due to system failure or other communication related failures, it is
suggested that tender/bid may be uploaded sufficiently in advance of the last due date and time fixed
on the portal.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 3
9. General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249) (1989 Print) and errata and amendments
thereto, Schedule of Minimum Fair Wages and MES SSR (Part-I and Part- II) are not enclosed with
these documents. These are available for perusal in the office of GE concerned and this office.
Tenderer is also requested to keep the copy of these documents with him as same are available in
the market.web portal www.mes.gov.in
_________________________ AD(CONTRACTS)
DATE: ________________
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 4
1.1 A contractor(s), who is/are not enlisted with the MES/ who is enlisted but has not executed the
bond to secure performance of agreement, while submitting/ uploading the tender/ bid shall be
required to submit Earnest Money Deposit along with the bid as detailed in Notice of tender.
(a) Deposit at Call Receipt from the Scheduled Bank in favour of GE (P) (AF) Palam.
(b) Receipted Treasury Challan, the amount being credited to the Revenue Deposit GE (P)
(AF) Palam.
It is advisable that Earnest Money is deposited in the form of deposit call receipt from an
approved Schedule Bank for easy refund. In case the tenderer/bidder wants to lodge ‘Earnest
Money Deposit’ in any other form allowed by MES, a confirmation about its acceptability will be
obtained from the Accepting Officer well in advance of the bid submission end date and time.
Earnest Money Deposit shall be submitted in the name of concerned GE (P) (AF) Palam
NOTES:- Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the form of cheque/Bank Guarantee etc will not be
accepted. Non-Submission of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) (scanned copy alongwith
Technical Bid & hard copy before the date & time fixed for opening of BOQ) will render
the bid disqualified for opening of Cover -II (finance bid).
2.1 The bids received only in the electronic form will be considered. All bids shall be submitted on
‘defproc.gov.in’ portal. Documents should be scanned and forwarded in ‘pdf’ format and ‘xls’ form as
indicated. Bids shall be uploaded on ‘defproc.gov.in’ portal on or before the bid closing date
mentioned in the tender. No tender/bid in any other electronic or physical form like date email/fax/by
hand/through post will be considered.
2.2 The bid shall be DIGITALLY signed using authorised DSC. All pages of tender documents,
drawings, corrections/alterations shall be signed /initialed by the lowest bidder after acceptance of
tender for making original and CTC of the contract.
2.3 Digital signatory of the bid/tender shall ensure that he is competent to bind the contractor
(through partnership deed, general power of attorney or Memorandum and Article of Association of
the Company) in all the matters pertaining to the contract with Union of India including arbitration
clause. A scanned copy of the documents in confirmation of such authority shall be attached with the
tender/bid in ‘pdf’ from in Cover 1. It shall be ensured that power of attorney shall be executed in
accordance with the constitution of the company as laid down in its Memorandum & Article of
2.4 Drawings, if issued in physical form, must be returned duly initiated by the tenderer/bidder in
separate envelope indicating his name and address.
2.5 The tender shall be signed, dated and witnessed at all places provided for in the documents
after acceptance. All corrections shall be initialled. The contractor shall initial every page of tender
and shall sign all drawings forming part of the tender. Any tender/bid, which proposes alterations to
any of the conditions whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 5
3.1 The tender shall quote his rates on the BOQ EXCEL FILE only as per guide line of e-procure
web portal. No alteration to the format will be accepted and such bid will be disqualified.
3.2 In case any tenderer wishes to revise/modify the rates quoted in the BOQ file, he can do so
only in the BOQ files before uploading the tender through https://defproc.gov.in site only before
closing date & time.
3.2 After the uploading of tender, Department may upload the errata/amendment through
corrigendum. The tenderer/bidder should submit their offer considering the errata/amendment carried
out through corrigendum issued from time to time.
3.4 While uploading the bid, the tenderer/bidders should specifically check whether any revised
BOQ has been uploaded by department through corrigendum prior to Bid submission start date.
Tenderers/bidders attention is specifically drawn to the fact that they should submit their offer on
revised BOQ only. In case any tenderer/bidder submits offer on pre-revised BOQ in lieu of Revised
BOQ, it will be considered as a willful negligence by the tenderer/bidder and quotation shall be
considered non-bonafide.
4. Tenderers/bidders who uploaded their priced tenders/bids and are desirous of being present
at the the time of opening of the tenders/bids, may do so at the appointed time.
5. Hard copies of all above documents shall be sent by the contractor to the tender issuing
authority well in advance to be received before the date & time fixed for the same.
6. The contractor shall employ Indian Nationals after verifying their antecedents and loyalty.
Attention is also drawn to relevant provisions in Special Condition referred here-in-after and also
Condition 24 & 25 of IAFW-2249 (General Conditions of Contract).
______________________________ AD(CONTRACTS)
DATE : ______________________
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 6
1. A tender is invited for the works as mentioned in Appendix-‘A’ to this NOTICE INVITING
2. The work is estimated to cost as indicated in aforesaid Appendix-‘A’. This estimate however,
is not a guarantee and is merely given as a rough guide. If the work costs more or less, the
tenderer will have no claim on this account. The tender shall be based on as mentioned in
aforesaid Appendix –‘A’.
3. The work is to be completed as per the period as indicated in aforesaid Appendix 'A' in
accordance with phasing, if any, indicated in the tender from the date of handing over the site,
which will be on or about two weeks after date of acceptance of tender.
4. Contractors whose names are on the MES approved list and within whose financial category
the estimated amount fall and unenlisted contractors may submit tender/bid subject to other
criteria mentioned in Appendix ‘A’. However in case of term contracts, enlisted contractors of
Class SS to E may submit tender. Not more than one tender shall be submitted/uploaded by
one contractor/firm. Under no circumstance will a father and his son(s) or other close relations
who have business dealing with one another be allowed to tender/bid for the same contract as
separate competitors. Two firms shall be deemed to have business dealing if any of the
partners/proprietor/director is common among both of them. A breach of this condition will
render the tenders/bids of both the parties liable for rejection.
5. The Chief Engineer (A/F) WAC Palam will be the Accepting Officer here-in-after referred to as
such for the purpose of this contract.
6. Not more than one tender/bid shall be submitted/uploaded by one bidder firm. Under no
circumstance will a father and his son(s) or other close relations who have business dealing
with one another be allowed to tender/bid for the same contract as separate competitors. A
breach of this condition will render the tenders/bids of both the parties liable for rejection.
7. The Technical Bid and Financial Bid (Cover -1 & Cover-2) shall be uploaded by the contractor
on or before the date & time mentioned in NIT. A Scanned copy of DD with enlistment details
and other documents as specified in Appendix A shall be uploaded as Cover-1 (Technical bid)
of the tender on e-tendering portal. DD is refundable in case the contractor is not considered
eligible in technical evaluation of Cover 1 resulting in non-opening of Cover 1. The applicant
contractor shall bear the cost of bank charges for procuring and encashing the DD including
revalidation of DDs and shall not have any claim from Government whatsoever on this
8. Tender form and conditions of contract and other necessary documents shall be available on
website https://defproc.gov.infor download and shall form part of contract agreement in case
tender/bid is accepted.
9. In case of MES enlisted contractor who has not executed the Standing Security Bond and un
enlisted contractor, the Cover-I shall be accompanied by Earnest Money for the amount
mentioned in notice of tender in the form of deposit at call receipt in favour of GE (P)(AF)
Palam by a Scheduled Bank or in received treasury Challan the amount being credited to the
revenue deposit of the GE(P)(AF) Palam. The GE(P) (AF) Palam will return the Earnest
Money, wherever applicable, to all unsuccessful tenderers/bidders by endorsing an authority
on the deposit at call receipt for it’s refund, on receipt of intimation from the Accepting Officer
to do that.
10. In case of successful contractor i.e the lowest contractor having submitted EMD, he shall have
the option of converting the EMD into part of the Performance Security to be deposited by him
within 28 days from the receipt of intimation of acceptance of tender from Accepting Officer.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 7
12. Any bid which proposes any alteration to any of the conditions laid down or which proposes
any other new condition whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.
13. The uploading of bid by the bidder implies that bidder has read this notice and the Conditions
of Contract and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of work to be done
and of the conditions and rates at which stores (as applicable) etc. will be issued to him and
local conditions and other factors having bearing on the execution of the work.
14. The bidders must be in possession of MES Schedule (SSR Part-I(2009) & Part-II(2020)
including amendments and errata thereto.
15. Accepting Officer does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender/bid or to give any
reason for not doing so.
16. The Accepting Officer reserves the right to accept a tender submitted by a Public
Undertaking/Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs), giving a price preference/purchase
preference over other tender(s)/bids which may be lower, as are admissible under the
Government Policy. No claim for any compensation or otherwise shall be admissible for such
tenderer/bidder whose tender/bid is rejected.
17. The Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) including Appendix ‘A’ and Annexures thereto, if any, shall
form part of the contract agreement.
18. Integrity PACT Agreement is also enclosed herewith as Appendix ‘B’ to this Notice Inviting
Tender (NIT).
8 Eligibility Criteria
(a) For MES enlisted contractors. Contractors shall be enlisted with MES in class ‘S’
: and above and category a(i) subject to the
remarks w.r.t performance in respect of Works in
hand reflected in Work Load Return (WLR) or any
other report circulated by competent engineer
(b) For contractor not enlisted with (a) Contractor not enlisted with MES should
MES. meet enlistment criteria of ‘S’ class & a(i) category
contractor with regard to satisfactorily completion
of requisite value works with Central/State
Government/Central/State PSUs/AWHO/AFNHB/
CGEWHO/DGMAP, annual turnover, bank
solvency, working capital and other requirement
given in Para 1.4 & 1.5 of Section 1 of MES
Manual of Contracts 2020 as available in all MES
formations as well as MES website
1. After opening of Cover-I, if the number of MES enlisted contractors of eligible class as well as
un-enlisted contractors, if any, fulfilling the other eligibility criteria given in NIT are less than
7(Seven), applications in respect of contractors one class or two classes (in case of remote
and difficult areas to be decided as per list circulated by CE command /ADG) below the
eligible class shall also be considered subject to fulfilment of other eligibility criteria given in
the NIT. Therefore MES contractors one class below (two classes below in case of remote
and difficult areas) may also bid for this tender. However contractors of one/two classes below
the eligible class shall not be considered in case their present residual work in hand is more
than twice their present tendering limit. Such bidders shall upload in their Cover-I bid details of
works in hand showing names of work, names of Accepting Officers, Contract amounts, dates
of commencement and completion (stipulated) and progress as on bid submission date.
These details shall be verified by the Tender Issuing Authority from concerned formations in
case bids of such contractors are considered for evaluation. As per HQ CEWC letter
No.37981-A/Misc/2924/E8 dated 17 Mar 2023, PALAM is not under Remote & difficult areas.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 10
3. Unenlisted contractor shall be considered provided he meets the criteria. Foreign firms shall
not be eligible for this tender. However Indian Firms having foreign national / Indian nationals
staying abroad/Indian national having taken foreign citizenship, as director(s) shall be
considered subject to security clearance from the concerned authorities.
4. Contractors enlisted with MES will upload following documents in Cover-I for checking
eligibility: -
a. Application for tender on Fi rm 's letterhead.
b. Enlistment letter issued by the Registering Authority duly renewed for the cycle
period in vogue.
c. Scanned copy of DD /Bankers Cheque toward cost of tender and Earnest Money
Deposit in case SSD bond is not signed at the time of registration.
d. Any other document required as described in this Appendix.
5. Contractors not enlisted with MES will be required to upload following documents in Cover l for
checking eligibility.
a. Application for tender on Firm's letter head.
b. Scanned copy of DD/ Bankers cheque toward cost of tender and Earnest Money
c. Copy of Police Verification Report/Police Clearance Certificate/Character
Certificate from the Police Authority of the area where the registered office of the firm
is located/ notarized copy of valid passport of Proprietor/each Partner/each Director.
d. All documents required for enlistment in MES for the class mentioned in Para 8(b)
above as per Para 1.5 of Section I of MES Manual on Contracts 2020.
e. Details of works being executed in MES, if any.
f. Any other document required as described in this Appendix.
7. Contractors should ensure that their original physical DDs and Earnest Money Deposit (as
applicable) reach the office of Accepting Officer within 07 days of bid submission end date
failing which following action shall be taken.
(a) In case of tenders from an enlisted contractor of MES, where scanned copies of requisite
DD/Bankers Cheque towards cost of tender have been uploaded in Cover I but physical
copies are not received within the stipulated period, their financial bids (Cover 2) will be
opened. However non-submission of physical copies of cost of tender shall he considered
as willful negligence of the tenderer with ulterior motives and such tenderer shall be
banned from bidding for a period of six months commencing from the date of opening of
Financial Bid (Cover 2).
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 11
(c) In case of tenders from enlisted and unenlisted contractors, where scanned copies of
Earnest Money Deposit (as applicable) have been uploaded in Cover I but the same are
not received in physical form within stipulated period, such tenders shall not qualify for
opening of financial bid (Cover 2).
8. Contractor will not be allowed to execute the work by subletting or through power of attorney
to a third party /another firm on his behalf. However a contractor can execute the work through
power of attorney to sons/daughters/spouse of Proprietor/Partner/Director and firm's own
employees, director, project manager provided they are not having a separate enlisted
firm in MES in their name as Proprietor/Partner/Director.
9. After opening of Cover I and during its technical evaluation, in case any deficiency is noticed
in the documents required to be uploaded by the tenderers as per NIT, a communication in the
form or e- mail/S MS /Speed Post etc shall be sent to the contractor to rectify the deficiency
within a period of seven days from date of communication failing which their financial bid
(Cover 2) shall not be opened and contractor shall not have any claim on the same.
10. Invitation for e-tender does not constitute any guarantee for validation of Technical bid and
subsequent opening of financial bid of any applicant /bidder merely by virtue of enclosing DD.
Accepting Officer reserves the right to reject the Technical bid and not to open the financial bid
of any applicant/ bidder. Technical bid validation shall be decided by the Accepting Officer
based on eligibility of the firm as per criteria given in this Appendix. Tenderer /bidder will be
informed regarding non-validation of his Technical bid assigning reasons therefore through
tender evaluation report which shall be uploaded on the website. Such tenderer, if desires,
may appeal to the next higher Engineer Authority (NHEA) viz Chief Engineer, Western
Command, Chandigarh on email id [email protected] with copy to the
Accepting Officer on email before the scheduled date of opening of Cover 2. NHEA shalI
decide the matter within a period of seven working days from the date of receipt of appeal.
The decision of the NHEA shall be final and binding. The tenderer/bidder shall not be entitled
for any compensation whatsoever for rejection of his bid.
11. In case an unenlisted contractor is already executing works in MES, he shall not be
considered eligible for the subject tender if the total value of such works is more than twice the
tendering limit of the MES Class of contractor for which it is eligible. For this purpose, details
of the works being executed by such a contractor shall be uploaded in the Cover -1 of the bid
and shall be checked/ verified by the Accepting Officer.
12. In case the BOQ is revised through the corrigendum and the bidder has failed to quote on
revised BOQ (i.e he has quoted on pre revised BOQ), such bid shall be treated as willful
negligence by the bidder and his quotation shall be considered non-bonafide. In such cases
the lowest tender shall be determined from amongst the valid/bonafide bids only. Accepting
Officer may decide whether to re-tender or consider the lowest bonafide tender for
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 12
Revoking the offer or revising the rates upward or offering voluntary reduction by the lowest
tenderer after opening of Cover 2 shall be considered as a wilful default. For this default a
penalty of an amount equal to the earnest money shall be levied. In case of an unenlisted
tenderer, amount equal to the earnest money shall be levied. In case of enlisted/unenlisted
tenderer, an amount equal to the earnest money shall be notified to the tenderer for
depositing through MRO and consideration of such tenderer in tender evaluation for future
works shall remain suspended till the aforementioned amount is deposited in the Government
Treasury. No other disciplinary/administrative action shall be taken against such tenderers. In
such a situation, the next lowest offer shall not be considered for acceptance. Instead,
retendering shalI be resorted to in a transparent and fair manner and the defaulting tenderer
and his related firm if any, shall not be eligible for this tender in second call or subsequent
14. Tender to related firms shall not he issued simultaneously. Firms shall be termed as related if
Proprietor/one or more Partners/Directors are common. Decision of Accepting Officer on
issue/deny the tender to any one of the related firms shall be final and binding.
15. INTEGRITY PACT: The Integrity Pact (IP) is an integral part of contract and both parties are
bound by its provisions. Integrity Pact are enclosed and scanned copy of same (all Pages) be
uploaded as part of NIT along with tender documents. Scanned copy of IP duly signed on
each page by the bidder(s) shall be uploaded as part of technical bid (Cover I) and original IP
duly signed on each page shall be forwarded by post. Bidders who do not upload scanned
copy of IP duly singed, shall be intimated of the same alongwith intimation of other such
deficient documents, through option of ‘Short Fall Documents’ (in e-tendering portal) before ‘T’
Bid evaluation. Any bidder who fails to forward the copy of IP duly singed even after
communication, shall be disqualified in the Technical Bid evaluation.
Chief Engineer (AF) WAC Palam
Military Engineer Services
Palam, Delhi Cantt-10
Tele : 25671605
Fax : 25671605
Email : [email protected]
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 13
(To be signed by the bidder and same signatory competent/authorized to sign the relevant
contract on behalf of MES)
1. Whereas the Bidder is a Proprietorship Concern / Partnership Firm / Limited Liability Firm /
Private Limited Company/Limited Company/Joint Venture constituted in accordance with the
relevant law in the matter and the Principal/Owner is Chief Engineer (AF) WAC Palam Delhi
Cantt-110010 performing its functions on behalf of the President of India.
2. Now, therefore, the Principal / Owner and the Bidder agree to enter into this pre-contract
agreement, referred to as INTEGRITY PACT (IP), to avoid all forms of corruption by following
a system that is fair, transparent and free from any influence/prejudiced dealings prior to,
during and subsequent to the conclusion of the contract to be entered into with a view to:-
2.1 Enabling the Principal/Owner to get the desired works/services at a competitive price in
conformity with the defined specifications of the Services by avoiding high cost and the
distortionary impact of corruption on public procurement.
2.2 Enabling Bidders to abstain from bribing or any corrupt practice in order to secure the
contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also refrain from bribing
and other corrupt practices and the Principal/Owner will commit to prevent corruption, in any
form, by their officials by following transparent procedures.
3.2 The Principal/Owner will, during the pre-contract stage, treat all Bidders alike and will provide
to all Bidders the same information and will not provide any such information to any particular
Bidder which could afford an advantage to that particular Bidder in comparison to other
3.3 All the officials of the Principal/Owner will report to the appropriate Government office any
attempted or completed breach(s) of the above commitments as well as any substantial
suspicion of such a breach.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 14
4. In case of any such preceding misconduct on the part of such official(s) is reported by the
Bidder to the Principal/Owner willful and verifiable facts and the same is prima facie found to
be correct by the Principal/Owner, necessary disciplinary proceedings, or any other action as
deemed fit, including criminal proceedings may be initiated by the Principal/Owner and such a
person shall be debarred from further dealing related to the tender/contract process. In such a
case while an Inquiry is being conducted by the Principal/Owner the tender process/
proceedings under the contract would not be stalled.
Commitments of Bidders
5. The Bidder commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices,
unfair means and illegal activities during any stage of his bid or during any pre-contract or
post contract stage in order to secure the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in
particular commits himself to the following:-
5.1 Bidder will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift, consideration, reward,
favour any material or non-material benefit or other advantage, commission, fee, brokerage
or inducement to any official of the Principal / Owner, connected directly or indirectly with the
bidding process, or to any person, organization or third party related to the contract in
exchange for any advantage in the bidding, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the
5.2 The Bidder further undertakes that he has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or
indirectly any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour any material or non-material benefits
or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of the
Principal / Owner or otherwise in procuring the Contract or forbearing to do or having done
any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the contract or any other Contract with the
Government for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to
the Contract or any other Contract with the Government.
5.3 The Bidder will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair the
transparency, fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting and
implementation of the contract.
5.4 The Bidder will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair means
and illegal activities.
5.5 The Bidder would not enter into conditional contract with any Agent(s), broker(s) or any other
intermediaries wherein payment is made or penalty is levied, directly or indirectly, on success
or failure of the award of the contract.
5.6 The Bidder commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through any other manner
without supporting it with full and verifiable facts. Complaint will be processed as per
Guidelines for Handling of Complaints in vogue. In case the complaint is found to be
vexatious, frivolous or malicious in nature, it would be construed as a violation of Integrity
6. Previous Transgression
6.1 The Bidder declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years
immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact with any other company in respect of any
corrupt practices envisaged hereunder or with any Public Sector Enterprise in India or any
Government Department in India.
6.2 If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, Bidder can be disqualified from tender
process or the contract and if already awarded, same can be terminated for such reason.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 15
8.2 The decision of the Principal / Owner to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this
Integrity Pact has been committed by the Bidder shall be final and binding on the Bidder.
However, the Bidder can approach the Independent External Monitor(s) (lEMs) appointed for
the purposes of this Pact.
9.3 In case of any complaint with regard to violation of Integrity Pact, either party can approach
lEMs with copy to the Nodal Officer and the other party. If any such complaint from bidder is
received by the Principal / Owner, the Principal / Owner shall refer the complaint to the
Independent External Monitors for their recommendations / inquiry report.
9.4 If the lEMs need to peruse the relevant records of the Principal/ Owner and/or of the Bidder /
Contractor in connection with the complaint sent to them, the Principal/ Owner and/ or the
Bidder/ Contractor shall make arrangement for such perusal of records by the lEMs as
demanded by them including unrestricted and unconditional access to the project
documentation and minutes of mooting. If records / documents of Sub-Contractor(s) are also
required to be perused by the lEMs, the Bidder shall make arrangement for such perusal of
records by the lEMs as demanded by them, lEMs are under obligation to treat the information
and documents of the Principal/Owner and Bidder/ contractor/sub-contractors with
9.5 The task of the lEMs, is to review independently and objectively, any complaint received with
regard to violation Integrity Pact and offer recommendations or carry out inquiry as deemed
fit. The lEMs are not subject to any instructions by the representatives of the parties and shall
perform their functions neutrally and independently. The report of inquiry, if any, made by the
lEMs shall be submitted to either of the following for a final and appropriate decision in the
matter keeping in view the provision of this Pact:-
(b) Partnership firm - The Integrity Pact must be signed by all partners or by one or more partner
holding power of attorney signed by all partners.
(c) Limited Liability firm - The Integrity Pact must be signed by all partners or by one or more
partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners.
(d) Private Limited/Limited Company - The Integrity Pact must be signed by a representative duly
authorized by Board resolution.
(e) Joint Venture - The Integrity Pact must be signed by all partners and members to Joint
Venture or by one or more partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners and
members to the Joint Venture.
14. Validity
14.1 The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date of its signing. It expires for the Contractor
after the final payment under the contract has been made or till the continuation of Defect
liability period, whichever is later and for all other bidders, till the Contract has been awarded.
14.2 Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this Pact
remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 18
Dear Sir,
It is hereby declared that MES is committed to follow the principle of transparency, equity and
competitiveness in public procurement.
The subject Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition that the Bidder
will sign the Integrity Pact, which is an integral part of tender/bid documents, failing which the
tender/bidder will stand disqualified from the tendering process and the bid of the bidder would be
summarily rejected.
This declaration shall form part and parcel of the Integrity Pact and signing of the same shall be
deemed as acceptance and signing of the Integrity Pact on behalf of MES.
Yours faithfully
Military Engineer Services
Palam, Delhi Cantt-10
Dear Sir,
I/We acknowledge that MES is committed to follow the principles thereof as enumerated in the
Integrity Pact enclosed with the tender/bid document.
I/We agree that the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition that
I/We will sign the Integrity Pact, which is an integral part of tender document, failing which I/We will
stand disqualified from the tendering process l/We acknowledge that THE MAKING OF THE BID
conditions of the NIT.
I/We confirm acceptance and compliance with the Integrity Pact in letter and spirit and further agree
that execution of the said Integrity Pact shall be separate and distinct from the main contract, which
will come into existence when tender/bid is finally accepted by MES. I/We acknowledge and accept
the validity of the Integrity Pact, which shall be in line with Para 15 of the enclosed Integrity Pact.
l/We acknowledge that in the event of my/our failure to sign and accept the Integrity Pact, while
submitting the tender/bid, MES shall have unqualified, absolute and unfettered right to disqualify the
tender/bidder and reject the tender/bid in accordance with terms and conditions of the tender/bid.
Yours faithfully,
CA NO CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25:
1. Mr./Messers__________________________________________________________________
of ______________________________________________ is/are hereby authorized to tender for the
above work. The tender is to be QUOTED ONLINE AT THE WEBSITE OF MES defproc.gov.in BY
____Oct 2024 UP TO 1800 HRS
2. All correspondence concerning this tender shall be addressed as indicated at the top of this sheet
quoting the reference as given above.
1. Scope of works covered under subject contract are divided into 16 (SIXTEEN) parts as
detailed below:-
2. Description of building works and services given in various parts of Schedule ‘A’ are brief.
These shall be deemed to be amplified and read in conjunction with special conditions, particular
specifications, specifications for materials and workmanship and special conditions in relevant trade
sections of MES Standard Schedule of Rates SSR Part-I -2009 (Specifications) and SSR Part-II -
2020 (Rates), contract drawings including notes thereon and GREEN building norms.
The entire work shall be completed within 18 (EIGHTEEN) months from the date of handing
over of site as mentioned in WO No 1 to be placed on contractor by GE.
4. Applicability of Drawings: -Under column 2 or 3 of the Schedule ‘A’ reference to main list of
drawings has been given. However, the other detailed drawings including notes there on referred to
under the “Reference to drawings”, amendment to drawings (if any) and the other drawings included
in the “list of drawings” shall be applicable. In case, drawings referred to in the contract drawings are
inadvertently not included in the list of drawings the same shall also form part of the contract. Also
details not given in drawings referred in the main drawings shall be followed from other drawings
given in the list of drawings. In case details of any work/item are not available in CA/ drawings, details
given for a similar work/item in similar locations shall be followed and deemed to be included in lump
sum amount quoted by the contractor. In case of any difference of opinion between the contractor
and the GE, decision of the Accepting Officer shall be final, binding and conclusive in this regard. No
claim, whatsoever, shall be admissible to the contractor on this account.
5. Unless otherwise specified, unit rate of each item of work is inclusive of “materials and labour”
or “Supply and fix”, connecting, jointing, testing and commissioning complete to the entire satisfaction
of GE. The words “ M & L” and “S & F” mentioned in the Schedule ‘A’ items shall be read as
“Material and Labour” and “Supply and fixing” respectively.
6. All provisions of MES schedule including special conditions in MES Standard Schedule of
Rates Part-II (2020) and preambles to items given under respective trade sections shall be
applicable. If any provision in the description of items of Schedule ‘A’ and /or in particular
specifications in at variance with the provisions in special conditions in MES Schedule Part-II and
preamble to MES Schedule items, the provisions in Schedule ‘A’ or particular specifications shall take
precedence there over.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 22
7. Work in respect of Schedule ’A’ Part-II to XIV which are pre-priced by MES, are carried over to
BOQ. The unit rates inserted in Schedule ‘A’ against these parts are based on unit rates given in MES
Schedule of Rates-2020 or analogous rates thereof or assessed rates. The tenderer shall work out
total lump sum Amount against each of these Parts of Schedule 'A’ (except Sch part-I,XV and XVI).
The tenderer shall work out total lump sum Amount against each of these parts of Schedule-’A’ based
on his own calculations and arrive at total lump sum Amount for each part of Schedule-’A' which will
be quoted in BOQ. The Contractor shall have no claim whatsoever on account of any errors in the
unit rates / prices inserted by MES.
8. Lump sum quoted by the tenderer for the items in BOQ, item Nos. 1.01 to 1.05 shall not
include the cost of all services covered in other items of BOQ, which are enumerated and also for any
other specific items of works which have been specifically excluded hereinafter from the scope of the
9. In case any item(s) of similar nature repeated in BOQ inadvertently, the contractor shall
quote same rate for such items. Any variation in quoted rate for similar items, the rate quoted on
lesser side shall be taken in to account and the total contract sum shall be amended accordingly. The
contractor shall not have any claim whatsoever on this account.
10. The lump sum quoted by the tenderer against each part of Sch ’A’, Part-I will be deemed to
allow for all minor extras and constructional details, which are not specifically shown on drawings and
specified in particular specifications but are essential for execution of work services in workman like
manner and sound construction. Some of the minor details/items which are deemed essential for
execution and entire completion of work are detailed below for guidance:-
(i) Reinforcement for any RCC member not indicated in the drawings but required due to
codel requirement.
(ii) Dwarf wall in situations like verandah, passage, ramp etc not indicated in drawings.
(iii) Lintels over doors, windows, openings and electric meter box not shown in drawings.
In all the above and other similar cases the details indicated elsewhere in the drawings which
are similar or near similar to the missed out items of work shall be followed. In the absence of any
other similar or near similar details, minimum essential requirement for completion of the work from
structural and utility point of view shall be deemed to be included in the lump sum quoted. In case of
difference of opinion as to whether or not certain items of work constitute minor extras and
constructional details, the decision of the Accepting Officer in this regard shall be final, conclusive and
11. Further in the event of typical drawings referred for certain requirements, some specific details
in that portion or part or whole location are itself given in main drawings, the details given in main
drawings for that relevant portion or part or whole shall be followed and for balance
portion/part/locations the details given in typical drawings referred in main drawings shall be followed.
These provisions shall deemed to be included in the contractor’s quoted lump sum for respective
items of Schedule `A’ Part-I.
12. The foundation details given in various drawings forming part of the tender documents shall be
followed and where foundation details are not indicated on the drawings, the same shall be followed
from the typical foundation details drawings.
13. Various structural requirements such as strengthening measure for seismic Zones, joints in
RCC and brick parapets, extra reinforcement at external angle etc, precautions to be taken etc &
typical foundations details have been given in drawings, through notes, plans, sections elevations and
details. These requirements as applicable may or may not have been specifically shown on main
drawings but are required to be provided and the cost thereof shall be deemed included in unit rates
of building works given in Schedule `A’ Part-I.
14. Hard rock, if obtained from excavation, shall become property of the contractor for which he
shall be charged at the rate of Rs 450.00 per cubic metre of stack measurement without deduction for
any void. The measurements shall be recorded properly in the measurement book and signed by
Engineer-in-charge and the contractor.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 23
15. VALUATION OF DEVIATION : Refer condition 62 (C) of IAFW-2249, the percentage over the
rate in MES Schedule (SSR-2020 Part II) for pricing deviation in respect of Schedule A Part-I vide
clause (c) of the said condition shall be at (-)10% (Minus ten percent) over MES Schedule (SSR-
2020 Part II). The items for which rates not available/derivable from SSR Part-II (2020) shall be
regularized as per condition 62 of IAFW-2249. In case Star/Special rate involved for any item(s), the
same shall be finalized based on actual cost to the contractor as per procedure involved for
finalization of star/special rate(s) in terms of condition 62(G) of IAFW-2249 subject to approval of
star/special rate(s) by competent authority mentioned in Para 439 RMES. The contractor shall have
no claim whatsoever on this account.
16. MS deformed bars wherever mentioned in Sch `A` shall be amended to read as TMT bars as
specified in particular specifications.
17. Tenderers are requested to visit the site of work to make themselves conversant with the
nature and type of work involved before quoting his tender.
18.2 The quoted lump sum rates for the work included in Schedule ‘A’ Part - I shall also be
deemed to include the cost of the following items of work in addition to all work shown on drawings
including notes thereon and as specified (except works covered under Schedule ‘A’ Part-II to Part-
XV) whether specifically specified and shown on drawings or not :-
(a) The cost of foundations complete in respect of items of Sch 'A' Part-I, including excavation
and earth work required for foundations/flooring from ground level i.e. ground level after
carrying out surface excavation, PCC lean concrete below plinth beams, RCC footings,
Columns including reinforcement and form work shall be deemed to be included in the
lump sum quoted under Schedule 'A' Part-I.
(b) Filling under floors inside the buildings as indicated in drawings and as specified in
particular specifications for Sch 'A' Part-I.
(c) Provision of niches and suitable opening in walls including all necessary civil work for
fixing KWH meter, MCBs and exhaust fan etc.
(d) RCC shelves with number of tiers to the extent shown on drawings.
(e) Seismic Strengthening Measures as applicable for Zone IV.
(f) Roof treatment, parapet wall, Grills/guard bars, fan boxes all as shown on drawings.
(g) RCC Jalli and RCC/PCC platform at the locations as shown in drawings.
(h) Hard standing, Plinth protection, RCC/PCC cill, ramps, platforms, verandahs, brick steps,
dwarf walls, toe walls etc, all as shown on drawings.
(i) Hard standing, Plinth protection, RCC/PCC cill, ramps, platforms, verandahs, brick steps,
dwarf walls, toe walls etc, all as shown on drawings.
(j) Khurra including rain water pipes as shown on drawings.
(k) Any other civil work to accommodate various fittings, fixtures all as shown on drawings.
(l) Pre-construction anti-termite treatment to buildings at Serial item Nos 1.01 to 1.04 under
Sch ‘A’ Part-I of BOQ.
(m) Water proofing treatment to buildings at Serial item Nos. 1.01 to 1.04 under Sch ‘A’ Part-I
of BOQ.
(n) All sanitary apparatus, appliances, accessories, toilet fittings, plumbing works and soil,
waste, vent pipes, drain pipes etc (as shown in drawings) up to and including first manhole
of each toilet located at up to 1.8 metre from the outer-face of wall complete. The pipe
from gully trap to first manhole shall be 100mm dia SGSW Grade ‘A’.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 24
(o) Spout with 50mm dia GI Pipe (light grade) 450mm long in each balcony.
(p) RCC chajja all as shown on drawings.
(q) Damp proof treatment as specified in particular specifications and vertical DPC for
arresting efflorescence as shown on Drawings No CEAF/STD-22/94 Sheet 1/1. The
bitumen coating of grade VG-30 shall be done @ 1.50 Kg/Sq M on horizontal surface and
@ 1.2 Kg/Sqm on vertical surfaces. The vertical treatment shall be carried out on sides of
plinth beam/ plinth band.
(r) Curtain (Drapery) rods for all doors and windows except in toilets.
(s) Kitchen cabinets as shown on drawings.
(t) Cupboard as shown on drawings.
(u) HDPE Storage tank with float valve, wash out & overflow pipe.
(v) Any other details as marked in drgs anywhere.
(b) The contractor shall submit PSMB (Periodical services measurement book) of all building duly
recorded all measurements in details for finishes provided thereon. The PSMB shall be binded and
also in digital form in CD. These shall be signed by Engr-in-charge and GE in token of their check.
18.4 Wherever any Indian Standard (IS) is mentioned it will be the latest edition as on the date of
issue of tender.
18.5 Unit rate of buildings (as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part –I) shall also include the cost of numbering
on glazed tiles 75 x 150 x 6 mm thick white plate.
18.6. Unit rate of buildings listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-I shall also include for provision of two white
marble slabs each of size 45cm x 30cms and 19 mm thick duly embedded in locations as directed
by the GE. The following information shall be engraved and painted with black paint for each
building as decided by GE:-
(i) CA No & Name of work (ii) Name of contractor
(iii) Name of GE and Engineer-in-Charge (iv) Date of commencement
(v) Date of completion. (vi) Date of expiry of defects liability
(vii) Date of expiry of guarantee period of
18.7 Lump sum cost of buildings in Schedule 'A' Part-I shall include the cost of any cutting,
leaving/forming holes, chases etc. in walls, floors and ceiling as required and making good the same
in cement sand mortar 1:3 and finished to match with adjoining surfaces after carrying out work of
internal electrification and plumbing. No adjustment shall, however, be made on this account for
pricing of any deviation in respect of Schedule 'A' Part-I and also for any variation in quantities
indicated as " PROVISIONAL” in the tender documents under Sch `A' Part-II to XVI.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 25
19.2 Excavation in trenches for pipes shall be paid for authorized quantities as described in MES
Schedule Part-II or actually excavated whichever is less.
19.3 B&R and E&M services marked on site plan are tentative and may be changed as per
requirement. The tenderer shall not be entitled for anything extra on account of such variation except
the provisions under condition 6 of IAFW-2249.
19.4 In case, if the capacity of electrical items like LT panels etc mentioned in the contract are not
available, next higher capacity of the electrical items to be supplied by the contractor without any
price adjustment.
20.2. The following abbreviation wherever occurs in tender documents shall have the meaning as
indicated against each:-
(a) RM, Rm - Running Metre
(b) CM, cm - Cement mortar/ Centimeter
(c) MM, mm - Milimetre
(d) CUM, cum, Cum - Cubic Metre
(e) SQM, sqm - Square Metre
(f) M/L, M&L - Material and Labour
(g) S/F, S&F - Supply and Fixing
(h) C/O, CO - Carried over
(j) B/F, BF - Brought forward
(k) Kg - Kilogram
(l) X Sqm/X Sqm - 10 Sqm
(m) X RM/X RM - Ten RM
(n) N.B - Nominal Bore
(o) Drg/Drgs/drg/drgs - Drawing/Drawings/drawing/drawings
(p) Cucm/CUCM - Cubic Centimeter
(r) PQC - Pavement quality concrete
(s) Pbw - Part by weight
22. No damage shall be done to MES/Air-force property during execution of the work i.e.
electric cables, road, water pipe line, telephone line, sewer line etc. Any damage done on the part
of contractor/his workmen shall be made good by the contractor without any extra cost to the
Govt. and no claim whatsoever shall be admissible on this account.
23. It is made clear that Contractor’s quoted rates are deemed to include for cost of material for
testing, all field apparatus required for sampling and testing as per MES Schedule/IS, IRC
codes/MORT&H (popularly known as ORANGE Book) specifications and manpower incidental to such
testing will be provided alongwith necessary transport arrangement to and from to the approved testing
agency or laboratory by the contractor during the construction phase of the work and defects liability
period. Field laboratory/NABL accredited lab with all the required apparatus as listed in Particular
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 26
Specifications specified here-in-after along with trained man power for conducting tests and requisite
furniture, computer with connected equipments and trained staff shall be established by the contractor at
site of work at his cost for carrying out field test at stipulated frequency. Any test which is required to be
carried out as per MES Schedule/IS code/MORT&H (popularly known as ORANGE Book) specifications,
but cannot be performed at field laboratory established by the contractor, all such tests shall be carried out
by the Contractor at NABL accredited laboratory approved by GE and cost of such tests shall be borne by
the contractor and their quoted rates shall be deemed to include for the same. All such tests shall be
carried out by qualified lab technicians employed by the Contractor in the presence of Engr-in-charge or
his representative.
24. The rate quoted shall be deemed to be included for testing of materials/ items from any IITs/
SEMT other than testing at site lab as specified in Particular Specifications through department. The
charges for testing including transporting the testing materials as directed to the testing institute shall
also be borne by the contractor without any extra cost.
25. No foreign exchange or import license facility will be arranged by the Department for any
material, plants, equipments and tools required for execution of subject work.
26. Unit rate quoted by the contractor against various items of schedule ‘A’ shall, interalia, be
deemed to include for any minor details of construction which are obviously and fairly intended and
which may not have been specifically included in the tender documents but which are essential for
the execution and completion of works in a workmanlike manner. In case of difference of opinion
between the contractor and the GE as to whether or not any item of work constitutes ‘minor details of
construction’, the decision of Accepting Officer shall be final, conclusive and binding.
27. Contractor shall authorize one of his director/employee as over all in-charge of work.
28. Hardstanding (Pucca Platform) shall be constructed for stacking of materials. The 75mm thick
PCC 1:3:6 to be laid over compacted hardcore 75mm thick over compacted earth. The size shall be
as per requirement good enough for stacking of material for 25% of total requirement as approved by
GE. Cost of the same shall be deemed to be included in quoted amount.
29. (a) Contractor shall submit details estimate alongwith yard stick for each building/structure and
RCC UG SUMP mentioned in Schedule ‘A’ Part–I in duplicate to GE within one month of acceptance
of tender, indicating percentage of payment to be made for each stage of the building along with
supporting details i.e. detailed estimate. Yard stick shall be approved by the CWE.
(b) There may be certain changes in yard stick percentages as submitted by the contractor while
approving the yard stick by CWE due to market rates of various materials and due to policy of
department of withholding sufficient amount for later stages of the building. Contractor shall not have
any claim on this account and percentage payment to be made for each stage as approved by the
CWE shall be final and binding on the contractor.
(c) Payment against lump sum building(s) shall be made as per approved yard stick percentage.
Payment against lump sum buildings to the contractor shall be allowed in 2nd RAR onwards, only after
yard stick for building(s) are finalized and approved by the CWE. Any delay in payment of 3rd RAR on
account of late submission of yard stick by the contractor to the GE shall be contractor’s responsibility
and no claim on this account shall be entertained.
(d) Lowest bidder/ contractor only shall submit the detail estimate of Sch ‘A’ Part-I in BOQ
on SSR 2020 within 15 days from the bid end opening date.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 27
30.2 The contractor shall also make suitable arrangement to ensure uninterrupted execution of
work in case of failure of any of above referred T & P. For mobilizing T & P no payment shall be
allowed to contractor. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for safety and security of T&P
brought out at site.
31.1. All the Quantities under this Schedule are PROVISIONAL. In the event of any Variation of the
Quantity of Items under this Schedule, the same shall be Priced at Rate inserted by the Department.
No claim in addition to above shall be admissible on this account.
31.2. The Unserviceable Materials retrieved from Dismantling/Demolition as included under this
Schedule shall not be permitted to be incorporated in the work under this Contract under any
circumstances. The Contractor shall be permitted to take away these Materials only after requisite
Credit for the Materials is recovered from the RARs/FINAL BILL and necessary Written Permission in
this regard is obtained from the Engineer-in-Charge.
31.3. Old materials other than that mentioned in the SCHEDULE OF CREDIT if any retrieved from
demolition, dismantling, taking down, taking up, taking out, etc., shall become Government Property
and shall be stacked at Site(s) of Work by the contractor for checking at his own expense and under
his own arrangement. Nothing extra shall be admissible to the Contractor on this account and quoted
UNIT RATE shall be deemed to be based on this aspect by inspecting Site of Work before submitting
his Tender.
31.4. In case the items of demolition, dismantling, taking down, taking up, taking out, etc., of any
Materials which are included in the SCHEDULE OF CREDIT are not catered in the SCHEDULE ’A’,
nothing Extra shall be paid to the Contractor for demolition, dismantling, taking down, taking up,
taking out, etc., of such Materials. The overall quoted UNIT RATE of the Contractor shall be deemed
to have included this element.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 28
The Contractor shall employ following Engineering establishment to supervise the works to be
executed under subject tender.
Srl Appointment Nos Qualification Minimum Experience
1. Project Head 01 B.E (Civil) or 5 years practicle experience in
equivalent the building construction field
2. Field Engineer(Civil 02 B.E (Civil) or 5 years practicle experience in
Works) equivalent the building construction field
3. Field 01 B.E (Electrical) or 5 years
Engineer(Electrical equivalent
4. Field 01 B.E (Mechanical) or 5 years
Engineer(Mechanical equivalent
5. Quantity Surveyor 01 Diploma (Civil) 5 years
a. Assistant Engineers retired from Government services that are holding Diploma will be treated at
par with Graduate Engineers.
b. Diploma holder with minimum 10 years relevant experience with a reputed construction company
can be treated at par with Graduate Engineer for the purpose of such deployment subject to the
condition that such diploma holder should not exceed 50% of requirement of degree engineers.
32.1 The Contractor shall submit the list of engineering establishment to be intended to employ in
the subject work together with their experience and degree/diploma certificates for approval of
Garrison Engineer before they are employment.
32.2 Recovery for Non Employment of Engineer shall be effected as specified here-in- below:
a) Graduate Engineer/Post Graduate : Rs. 3000/- per day if absent more than 05
engineer days in a month
b) Diploma Engineer : Rs. 1500/- per day if absent more than 05
days in a month
c) Surveyor : Rs. 1000/- per day if absent more than 05
days in a month
Not with standing above, Garrison Engineer is empowered to stop parti entire work in
case of absence of any site engineer employed by the contractor.
33.3 A Project Schedule will be jointly prepared by contractor and Garrison Engineer using MS
Project software within two weeks of acceptance of the contract and shall be kept on record of
Garrison Engineer for further reference.
33.4 The Project Time Schedule shall be updated daily with all necessary details and the “Work
Done Report” will be signed by the contractor and included as part of the “Works Diary” by the JE and
checked by the Engineer-in-Charge. A weekly review of the work progress shall be done between the
Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor to monitor the progress made during the week vis-a-vis total
progress. The weekly report shall also include forecast of resources to include plant, stores, labour,
etc for the next week. A detailed monthly report will be prepared and submitted to the GE by the
contractor and review work done jointly to examine increasing resources to ensure completion within
the laid down time period. The detailed monthly progress report shall be presented and discussed by
Project Manager of Contractor along with GE with Accepting Officer/Rep detailed by Accepting Officer
at Chief Engineer (AF) Palam office every month and if work is lagging behind then either
proprietor/Partner/Director of the firm or one senior management member shall be present in the
34.2 The issues put forth by the contractor during performance evaluation shall be deliberated at
ground and decisions so taken by the Accepting Officer shall be implemented by the contractor
without delay and also render confirmation report to all concerned.
34.3 The minutes of Performance Evaluation shall be recorded and signed by the Accepting
Officer, GE, rep of users (PMG) and the contractor and shall be kept on record.
34.4 The contractor shall give on site presentation in these evaluations to the Accepting Officer and
all officers concerned with the contract including representatives from CFA, PMG, Users and audit
authorities to note and clear all bottleneck /hindreses on site. All the points from both sides shall be
recorded in the minutes of meeting and signed by all concerned.
34.5. For dummy, construction & expansion joints the backup rod is to be inserted in joints to
prevent the entry of sand/dust in the joints after initial cutting of joints by diamond cutter upto 3mm.
(b) There may be certain changes in yard stick percentages as submitted by the contractor while
approving the yard stick by CWE due to market rates of various materials and due to policy of
department of withholding sufficient amount for later stages of the building. Contractor shall not have
any claim on this account and percentage payment to be made for each stage as approved by the
CWE shall be final and binding on the contractor.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 30
(c) Payment against lump sum building(s) shall be made as per approved yard stick percentage.
Payment against lump sum buildings to the contractor shall be allowed in 3rd RAR onwards, only on
the basis of yard stick for building(s) as approved by the CWE. Any delay in payment of 3rd RAR on
account of late submission of yard stick by the contractor to the GE shall be contractor’s responsibility
and no claim on this account shall be entertained.
33. DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD: The defects liability period for this work shall be 24
[Twenty-Four] months from the certified date of completion of the work. In this connection
please refer to condition 46 of IAFW 2249 (GCC) (as amended vide amendment no 48).
____________________________ AD(CONTRACTS)
DATE: _______________
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Srl Page No: 31
Srl Description of Item of Work. Ref to No. of Rate per Amount Period of Remarks
No list of units Unit (Rs)
on of
drgs Required (Rs) individual
item (s)
after date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
NOTE :- Excavation/Earth work required for Part-III to XIV & XVI shall be measured and paid for under
this Part of Schedule ‘A’ if specifically not mentioned in the item.
1 Surface excavation in hard/dense soil not 5450.00 93.20 507940.00
Refer Sch 'A' Notes, Special Conditions & Particular Specification for all
exceeding 30 cm deep and averaging 15 cm Sqm
deep and getting out complete all as
specified and as directed.
2 Surface excavation in soft/loose soil not 1623.00 53.10 86181.30
Srl Description of Item of Work. Ref to No. of Rate per Amount Period of Remarks
No list of units Unit (Rs) completion of
drgs Required (Rs) individual
item (s) after
date of
ent of work
as per WO
No 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 M&L for point wiring with single core FRLS PVC
insulated unsheathed 1100 volt grade cable with
multi stranded copper conductor of size 1.5 Sq mm
(Nominal area) drawn through and including non
metallic rigid PVC concealed conduit, medium grade,
ISI marked not less than 20mm dia, concealed in
wall, ceiling with GI saddles GI screws, rawl plugs
(concealed conduit wiring) with all fittings including
Tee, Junction boxes and provision of sunken box of
Refer Sch 'A' Notes, Special Conditions & Particular Specification for all items of this Schedule.
Sq mm (Nominal area) for one light point conrolled
by one way switch 3mm thick laminated sheet for
mounting switches/sockets including frame.
complete all as specified and directed.
Note: (a) Cost for cutting, chasing and making good
to existing surfaces are deemed to be included in the
Quoted Rate.
(b)Rate for Sunken box is deemed to be included in
the quoted rate.
(a) For one Light/Fan/Bell point controlled by one SP 1261 992.75 1251857.75
switch Per Point
(b) For one light point controlled by two Nos 2 way 32 1397.96 44734.72
single pole switchs. Per Point
(c) For one 5 pin socket out let, 6 Amps on the same 112 284.10 31819.20
board. Per Point
(d) For one 5 pin socket out let, 6 Amps on the 422 1070.40 451708.80
Independent board. Per Point
2 All as per Item No.1 here in before but for one 126.00 1131.39 142555.14
socket out let, 16 Amps on Independent board with Per Point
the cable 2.5 Sqmm size including earth continuity
wire of size 2.5sqmm, complete all as specifed and
3 S&F socket oulet 6 amps, 3 pin combined 230 Volts 534.00 142.60 76148.40
complete all as specified and directed. Each
4 S&F socket oulet 2 in 1, 3pin, 6 & 16 Amp,flush type 126.00 224.60 28299.60
230 Volts complete all as specified and directed. Each
5 S&F switch piano, flush type single pole, one way 6 1739.00 120.80 210071.20
amps 230 volts compelte all as specified and Each
6 S&F switch piano, flush type single pole, two way 6 64.00 297.50 19040.00
amps 230 volts compelte all as specified and Each
7 S&F switch paino, flush type single pole,one way 16 126.00 218.40 27518.40
amps 230 volts compelte all as specified and Each
8 S&F bell push, flush type, 5 Amp, 230 volt, complete 56 134.10 7509.60
all as specified and as directed. Each
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 S&F stepped type electronic regulator 212 365.90 77570.80
100Watt/120Watt flush type 230 volts complete all Each
as specified and as directed.
11 S&F call bell,ding dong type, AC 230V, single pole, 56.00 430.40 24102.40
complete all as specified and directed. Each
12 S&F Energy saving decorative box type batten light 707 1305.40 922917.80
fitting 230 volts surface mounted complete with high Each
efficiency PMMA diffuser soft glare free LED Tube
light 20watt, blue coloured end caps with all
accessories, prewired including providing flexible
copper wire three core cable PVC insulated
sheathed complete all as specified and directed.
13 Supply and fixing LED light fitting mirror type with 144 1354.81 195092.64
high out put diffuser 2 feet, 10 watt 220 V AC Each
decorative type with driver holder and LED lamp
including connecting up with three core flexible
copper conductor cable of suitable size complete all
as specified and directed.
NOTE FOR ITEM No 12&13 :-
(i) For all types of LED fittings and luminaire should
be same manufacturer.
(ii) LM -79 certificate for all light fittings shall be
submitted by the contractor before fixing at site or
taking payment against material.
(iii) System efficacy should be more than 100
lummens / watt
(iv) CRI should be more than 80
(v) THD should be less than 20%
(vi) PF should be more than 0.95
14 S&F ceiling fans complete with blades, down rods, 212.00 2649.47 561687.64
electronic regulator and accessories, 230 V, 1200 Each
mm sweep. Min air delivery 210 CFM with service
value 6.00 BEE. Five star rated with brushless direct
current motor (BLDC) complete all as specified and
15 S&F exhaust fan, steel body AC single Phase. 230V 68.00 3548.59 241304.12
of size 300m sweep with, blades, and frame and Each
louvers complete all as specified and directed.
16 S&F exhaust fan made of sturdy Engineering plastic 74.00 1606.52 118882.48
complete with louvers shutter, voltage 230V, 50 Hz, Each
RPM 1200, Copper winding of sweep 250m
complete all as specified and directed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
17 M&L for sub main wiring with two single core FRLS 550 350.32 192676.00
insulated, stranded, unsheathed copper conductor RM
cable of size 10 Sqmm and drawing through &
including Non Metalic PVC rigid conduit concealed in
wall including earth continuity conductor of size 10
Sqmm PVC insulated unsheathed multi stranded
copper conductor cable with suitable size of PVC
conduit as pr IS , Not less than 25 mm and
connected to earth dolly complete all as specified
and as directed.
18 M&L for sub main wiring with two run of single core 1050 259.20 272160.00
FRLS, PVC insulated, stranded, unsheathed copper RM
conductor cable of size 6 Sqmm 1100V drawing
through & including non metallic PVC rigid conduit
concealed in wall including one run of earth
continuity conductor of size 6 Sqmm PVC insulated
unsheathed multi stranded copper conductor cable
1100 V with suitable size of PVC Conduit as per IS
not less thean 25mm and connected to earth dolly to
be drawn in concealed PVC conduit including
connecting to main board complete all as specified
and as directed.
19 M&L for sub main wiring with two run of single core 1680 215.00 361200.00
FRLS, PVC insulated, stranded, unsheathed copper RM
conductor cable of size 4 Sqmm 1100V drawing
through & including non metallic PVC rigid conduit
concealed in wall including one run of earth
continuity conductor of size 4 Sqmm PVC insulated
unsheathed multi stranded copper conductor cable
1100 V with suitable size of PVC Conduit as per IS
not less thean 25mm and connected to earth dolly to
be drawn in concealed PVC conduit including
connecting to main board complete all as specified
and as directed.
20 M&L for sub main wiring with four run of single core 230 392.66 90311.80
FRLS, PVC insulated, stranded, unsheathed copper RM
conductor cable of size 6 Sqmm 1100V drawing
through & including non metallic PVC rigid conduit
concealed in wall including one run of earth
continuity conductor of size 6 Sqmm PVC insulated
unsheathed multi stranded copper conductor cable
1100 V with suitable size of PVC Conduit as per IS
not less thean 25mm and connected to earth dolly to
be drawn in concealed PVC conduit including
connecting to main board complete all as specified
and as directed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
21 S&F sheet metal enclosures for MCBs, single pole 18 1912.70 34428.60
and neutral, 08 ways 240 Volts , earthing bus bar, Each
double door type complete all as specified and
22 S&F sheet metel enclosures for MCBs, single pole 56 2264.90 126834.40
and neutral, 12 ways 240 Volts earthing bus bar , Each
double door typecomplete all as specified and
23 S&F amp rating 240V, 10 KA 'B' curve miniature 668 284.20 189845.60
circuit breaker (MCB) of single poles and current Each
carrying capacity 6 to 32 AMP, in the MCB DB
Complete with connection testing and
commissioning. complete all as specified and as
24 S&F amp rating 240V, 10KA 'C' curve miniature 74 1330.39 98448.86
circuit breaker (MCB) of SPN and 40 to 63 AMP Each
current carrying capacity in the MCB DB complete
with connection testing and commissioning.
complete all as specified and as directed.
25 S&F Sheet metal enclosure with a two pin and earth 112 1817.80 203593.60
plug and socket complete with one single pole MCB Each
20 Amp, 240 volt complete all as specified and
26 S&F sheet metal enclosure with a three pin and earth 16 3958.90 63342.40
plug and socket complete with triple pole MCB Each
32Amp, 415 volt (For EV charging point) complete all
as specified and directed.
27 S&F electric water heater, storage type steel body 56 10029.54 561654.24
with copper inner tank and heating element upto 2 Each
KW capacity 25 litre, BEE 5 Star rated complete with
all accessories such as safety valve, thermostate,
NRV, connection piece etc.complete all as specified
and directed.
28 S&F PVC connections 15mm size with PTMT nuts of 112 200.00 22400.00
length 600mm complete all as specified and Each
Total Carried Over to Collections of Schedule-'A' Part-III Rs. 1300547.70
(b) Total brought forward from srl page No. 33 Rs. 2220726.38
(c) Total brought forward from srl page No. 34 Rs. 916347.80
(d) Total brought forward from srl page No. 35 Rs. 1300547.70
Total Amount of Sch `A` Part-III Carried Over to BOQ Rs. 6728884.69
Srl Description of Item of Work Drg No. of Rate per Unit Amount Period of Remark
No No. or units (Rs) (Rs) completion s
ref to Required of
list of individual
drgs item (s)
after date
ment of
work as
per WO No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 M&L for 15mm bore steel water tubing medium 1219.4 143.00 174374.20
grade (ISI marked) galvanised, with all fitting RM
and fixed complete to walls and ceilings or laid in
3 S&F 15mm Bib taps,Fancy type, cast copper 224 607.57 136095.68
alloy chromium plated with crutch or butterfly Each
handle, screwed down, screwed for iron pipe or
for brass complete all as specified and as
4 S&F Pillar taps, cast copper alloy , fancy type 112 676.44 75761.28
with capstan heads, chromium plated, screwed Each
down high pressure, with or without lettered 'Hot'
or 'Cold' with long screwed shanks and fly-nuts,
screwed for polyethen pipe of size 15mm bore
and fixed complete all as specified and as
5 S&F 15mm bore stop valve/Angle valve cast 336 682.03 229162.08
copper alloy chromium plated, fancy type Each
screwed down high pressure with crutch or
butterfly handle screwed both ends for iron pipe
complete all as specified and as directed.
6 S&F 15mm bore Brass CP mixer for mixing hot 112 1743.41 195261.92
& cold water screwed down for iron pipe Each
complete all as specified and as directed.
7 S&F PVC connections 15mm size with PTMT 224 200.00 44800.00
nuts of length 600mm, complete all as specified Each
and as directed.
8 S&F 20mm bore Gun-metal, globe or gate 168 540.11 90738.48
valves, with iron wheel head, screwed both ends Each
for iron pipe and fixed complete all as specified
and as directed.
Total Amount of Sch `A` Part-IV Carried Over to BOQ Rs. 1315864.24
Srl Description of Item of Work Drg No. of Rate per Unit Amount Period of Remark
No No. or units (Rs) (Rs) completion of s
ref to Required individual item
list of (s) after date of
of work as per
WO No 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 M&L for plain cement concrete 1:3:6, type C-2, using 45.95 5924.20 272216.99
Refer Sch 'A' Notes, Special Conditions & Particular Speifications for all items of this
40 mm graded stone aggregate as in surface channel Cum
and drains complete all as specified and as directed .
2 M&L for brick work with old size brick having 104.79 5370.50 562774.70
compressive strength not less than 75kg/sqm sub Cum
class B bricks straight or curved on plan exc 6mtr
4 M&L for rendering 15 mm thick on fair faces of brick 372.40 304.24 113298.98
work or concrete surfaces in CM 1:4 finished even Sqm
and smooth without using extra cement complete all
as specified and directed.
5 M&L for Flush pointing to brick walls in cement mortar 28.38 1113.70 31606.81
1:4 complete all as specified and directed. 10 Sqm
6 Extra for forming fair finished drain or channel 30 cm 610.00 43.35 26443.50
inner girth in cement concrete, using ex-tra cement,
including forms, moulds, mitred/stopped ends
etc.complete all as specified and directed.
7 Add or deduct for each 25 mm girth or part thereof 0.00 10.05 0.00
over or under 30cm ditto complete all as specified
and directed.
8 M&L for Pre-cast reinforced cement concrete 1:2:4, 45.73 11053.80 505490.27
type B-1 using 20 mm graded stone aggregate as in Cum
drain cover with 60mm dia holes made in cover slabs
to drain run off set with plain faces set in cement
mortar 1:4 etc including formwork complete all as
specified and as directed .
9 M&L for mild steel TMT bars, 6 to 8mm dia, cut to 11667.9 84.55 986521.79
length , bent to required shape including cranking, Kg
bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking
ends and binding with and including mild steel wire
(annealed) not less than 0.9 mm dia or securing with
clips complete all as specified and as directed.
Total Amount of Sch `A` Part-V Carried Over to BOQ Rs. 2557983.57
Srl Description of Item of Work Drg No. of Rate per Unit Amount Period of Remarks
No No. or units (Rs) (Rs) completion of
ref to Required individual item
list of (s) after date
drgs of
nt of work as
per WO No 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
NOTE :- Excavation/Earth work required shall be measured and paid for under Schedule ‘A’ Part-II if specifically not
mentioned in the item.
1 M&L for plain cement concrete 1:4:8, type D-2( using 40 21.05 5483.10 115419.26
mm graded stone aggregate) as in foundation, filling and Cum
mass concrete complete all as specified and as directed .
2 M&L for Reinforced concrete pipes 200 mm bore , class 517.82 460.00 238197.20
NP3 laid and jointed with collars etc, complete all as RM
Refer Sch 'A' Notes, Special Conditions & Particular Speifications for all items of this Schedule.
specified and as directed.
3 M&L for brick work with sub class 'B' bricks(Old Size) 47.39 5370.50 254508.00
straight or curved on plan exc 6mtr mean radius built in Cum
cement mortar 1:4,complete all as specified and as directed
4 M&L for Pre-cast reinforced cement concrete 1:2:4, type B- 8.59 11053.80 94952.14
5 M&L for Plain cement concrete bed to drain pipes including 533.78 647.79 345777.35
packing under, and haunching against the sides of 200mm
bore pipes with cement concrete 1:3:6, type C2 (using
40mm graded stone aggregate) after they are laid and
tested complete all as specified and as directed.
6 M&L for rendering 15 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 on fair 333.37 263.12 87716.31
faces of brick work or concrete surfaces finished even and Sqm
fair mixed with integral water proofing compound (as per
manufacturers instructions) complete all as specified and
as directed. Note:- WPC shall
be measured and paid separately under respective
7 M&L for plain cement concrete 1:2:4, type B-1, using 20mm 3.16 9259.40 29259.70
graded stone aggregates as in coping, bed plates etc Cum
including weathering slightly rounded or chamfered angles
and throating including form work complete all as specified
and as directed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8 M&L for mild steel TMT bars, 10mm dia and over, cut to 650.29 82.60 53713.95
length , bent to required shape including cranking, bending Kg
spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding
with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than
0.9 mm dia or securing with clips complete all as specified
and as directed.
9 M&L for plain cement concrete 1:2:4, type B-1( using 20 6.87 6586.10 45246.51
mm graded stone aggregate) as in Surface Channel and Cum
drains,complete all as specified and as directed .
10 M&L for rendering 15 mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 on fair 68.4 270.50 18502.20
faces of brick work or concrete surfaces finished even and Sqm
fair, mixed with water proofing compound as per
manufacturer's instruction complete all as specified and as
12 M&L for Mild steel (MS Angle Iron) as in Joist, channel, 1236.33 82.87 102454.67
angle, or tee sections, fixed independently, without Kg
connecting plates, etc. (cut to ordinary lengths i.e.
within 20mm of the length indicated confirming to IS 2062)
FE-410-W(Grde-E-250) quality-A completed all as specified
and as directed. (For manhole cover)
13 M&L for preparation of new steel surface of any description 58.24 141.30 8229.31
over 10cm girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamel
paint over a coat of red oxide primer, complete all as
specified and directed.
13 Extra for forming fair finished drain or channel 30 cm inner 68.4 43.35 2965.14
girth in cement concrete, using ex-tra cement, including
forms, moulds, mitred/stopped ends etc.complete all as
specified and directed.
14 M&L for Cutting into existing manholes for connecting new 3 1120.00 3360.00
drains, making good to pipe and rendering, cutting out Each Pipe
existing benching for and forming branch channel (1/2
round or 3/4 section) in cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-l
smooth finished, and reforming benching as required for
150mm internal dia of pipe completed all as specified and
as directed.
(b) Total brought forward from srl page No. 39 Rs. 237593.21
Total Amount of Sch `A` Part-VI Carried Over to BOQ Rs. 1403423.17
Srl Description of Item of Work Drg No. of Rate per Unit Amount Period of
No No. units (Rs) (Rs) completion
or ref Required of individual
to list item (s)
of after date of
ment of
work as per
WO No 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
NOTE :- Excavation/Earth work required shall be measured and paid for under Schedule ‘A' Part-II if
specifically not mentioned in the item.
1 M&L for cement concrete 1:3:6 type C-2 41.28 5862.00 241983.36
(Using 40mm graded crushed stone Cum
aggregates) as in foundation, fillings & mass
Refer Sch 'A' Notes, Special Conditions & Particular Specification for all items of this Schedule.
concrete complete all as specified and as
2 M&L for Brick work with old size bricks 8.16 5370.50 43823.28
having crushing Strength not less than 75 Cum
Kg/Sqm, straight or curved on plan exc 6mtr
mean radius built in cement mortar
1:4,complete all as specified and as directed .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(a) Total brought forward from srl page No. 40 Rs. 476583.08
(b) Total brought forward from srl page No. 41 Rs. 2957886.25
Total Amount of Sch `A` Part-VII Carried Over to BOQ Rs. 3434469.33
Srl Description of Item of Work Drg No. of Rate per Unit Amount Period of Remarks
No No. or units (Rs) (Rs) completio
ref to Require n of
list of d individual
drgs item (s)
after date
ement of
work as
per WO
No 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
NOTE :- Excavation/Earth work required shall be measured and paid for under Schedule ‘A’ Part-II if
specifically not mentioned in the item.
1 M & L for Earthing complete with galvanized 14 7572.90 106020.60
steel earth plate electrodes 60x60x6 mm thick Each Set
buried directly in ground (earth pit not less
2.25 m deep below ground level) with top
edge of the plate not less then 1.5 mtr below
normal ground level connected to galvanized
iron earthing strip 32mm x6mm thick by
means of bolt nuts check nuts and washers of
galvnised iron or steel all as specified &shown
in electrical plate No.3 of MES SSR part-I
connected as specified and directed, and
testing on completion including provision of
protection pipe 40mm dia GI light grade pipe
and watering pipe 20 mm bore medium grade
including all excavation & earth work in any
strata incl PCC for pit in (1:3:6) type C-1 with
RCC cover in PCC(1:2:4) including chrcoal ,
salt, funnel, complete all as specified and
2 Supply, laying and testing cable XLPE 840 249.04 209193.60
insulated screened PVC bedded, galvanised
steel strip or wire armoured electric power RM
cables (heavy duty) with stranded aluminium
conductor 1100 volts, suitable for earthed
system grade of size 4 core 25 sq mm
complete all as specified and directed.
3 Supply and laying 80mm bore steel water 280 705.00 197400.00
tubing Light grade galvanised, with all fitting RM
and fixed complete to walls and ceilings or laid
in floors complete all as specified and as
4 Supply and laying 32mm bore steel water 310 330.00 102300.00
tubing Light grade galvanised, with all fitting RM
and fixed complete to walls and ceilings or laid
in floors complete all as specified and as
Total Amount of Sch `A` Part-VIII Carried Over to BOQ Rs. 106020.60
Srl Description of Item of Work Drg No. of Rate per Amount Period of Remark
No No. or units Unit (Rs) completio s
ref to Require (Rs) n of
list of d individual
drgs item (s)
after date
ement of
work as
per WO
No 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
NOTE :- Excavation/Earth work required shall be measured and paid for under Schedule ‘A’ Part-II if specifically
not mentioned in the item.
Total Amount of Sch `A` Part-IX Carried Over to BOQ Rs. 37864.50
Srl Description of Item of Work Drg No. of Rate per Amount Period of Remark
No No. or units Unit (Rs) completion s
ref to Required (Rs) after date of
list of commenceme
drgs nt of work as
per WO No 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
NOTE :- Excavation/Earth work required shall be measured and paid for under Schedule ‘A’ Part-II if
specifically not mentioned in the item.
1 Supply, laying and fixing galvanised iron 70.00 421.20 29484.00
pipe of size 50 mm bore medium grade. ISI
marked, including all necessary fittings and
duly laying through in trenches/on
wall/under hardstanding path / road etc
complete all as specified and as directed.
Note- (Excavation / earthwork for pipe line
system shall be measured and paid for
separately under respective items)
Refer Sch 'A' Notes, Special Conditions & Particular Speifications for all items of this
wall/under hardstanding path / road etc
complete all as specified and as directed.
Note- (Excavation / earthwork for pipe line
system shall be measured and paid for
separately under respective items)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5 Supply and fix Sluice Valve 150mm bore 3 14500.00 43500.00
PN 1.6 class with iron wheel head,brass
spindle, ISI marked, screwed both ends
for iron pipe and fixed complete all as
specified and directed.
(a) Total brought forward from srl page No. 44 Rs. 289744.00
(b) Total brought forward from srl page No. 45 Rs. 137493.30
Srl Description of Item of Work Drg No. of Rate per Unit Period of Remark Amount
No No. or units (Rs) completion s (Rs)
ref to Require of
list of d individual
drgs item (s)
after date
ment of
work as
per WO
No 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
NOTE :- Excavation/Earth work required shall be measured and paid for under Schedule ‘A’ Part-II if specifically
not mentioned in the item.
1 Supply,laying and testing cable XLPE insulated 560 1168.69 654466.40
screened PVC bedded, galvanised steel strip or RM
Refer Sch 'A' Notes, Special Conditions & Particular Speifications for
wire armoured electric power cables (heavy duty)
with stranded aluminium conductor 1100 volts
grade, suitable for eathed system of size 3.5 core
70 sq mm complete all as specified and directed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
6 M&L for Earthing complete with galvanised steel
24 7572.90 181749.60
plate electrode 600x600x6 mm burned directly
Each Set
and preferably vertically in ground (earth pit not
less than 2.25 metres deep below ground level)
with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 metres
below normal ground level, connected to
galvanised earth strip of 32x6 mm by means of
bolts,nuts,check nuts and washers of galvanised
iron or steel all as shown in electrical plate No.3
connected to earthing test point all as specified
including earth work and excavation in any type of
soil, PCC 1:3:6 type Cl chamber and RCC 1:2:4
type Bi cover 40mm thick, with 8mm dia steel
deformed (TMT bars) reinforcement at 150mm c/c
both ways, 50 mm dia GI light grade pipe for
earth lead protection, 20 mm dia GI light grade pipe
for watering, water funnel, testing point etc.,
complete all as specified and directed and testing
on completion.
(a) Total brought forward from srl page No. 46 Rs. 1057134.18
(b) Total brought forward from srl page No. 47 Rs. 245478.60
Total Amount of Sch `A` Part-XI Carried Over to BOQ Rs. 1302612.78
Srl Description of Item of Work Drg No. No. of Rate per Amount Period of Remarks
completion of
No or ref units Unit (Rs) individual item (s)
to list Required (Rs) after date of
of drgs commencement of
work as per WO
No 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Dismantling water tanks exc 250 Ltrs and not exc 32 752.24 24071.68
500 Ltrs capacity from site complete all as specified Each
and dirtected.
2 Taking up or down GI steel water tubing 20mm 170.40 36.62 6240.05
bore and connections including cleaning for re- RM
fixing or removal to store complete all as specified
and directed.
3 Taking up or down GI steel water tubing 15mm 210.40 30.25 6364.60
bore and and connections including cleaning for re- RM
fixing or removal to store complete all as specified
and directed.
4 Taking down chowkats or frames with shutter 152.00 282.90 43000.80
(without taking off shutter from the frame) n. exc. Each
1.5 sqm each, complete all as specified and as
5 Taking down chowkats or frames with shutter 196.00 357.30 70030.80
(without taking off shutter from the frame) exc. 1.5 Each
sqm but n.exc. 4 sqm each, complete all as
specified and as directed.
6 Demolition of cement concrete (unreinforced) in 165.80 1379.50 228721.10
ground floors and paving not exceeding 15cm Cum
thickness (below or above ground level) complete
all as specified and as directed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 Demolition of reinforced cement concrete from roof 662.50 2888.80 1913830.00
slab, floors (other than ground floors) beams, Cum
staircase, landing, chajjaj and similar suspended
woek not exceeding 15cm thick (Reinforcement
cut as required to facilitate demolition), complete all
as specified and as directed.
13 Taking down copper/aluminium point wiring (light, 644.00 152.00 97888.00
fan, socket or power) complete, including fixture Per point
and fittings such as switches, ceiling roses,
pendants, regulators, sockets, light fitting etc.
removing materials to store for keeping in safe
custody or for taking credit (credit for above items
should be made as per conditions separately) and
making good disturbed surfaces of walls, floors, etc
complete all as specified and directed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
15 Dismantling and taking down fluorescent tube light 252.00 235.60 59371.20
single/double of any wattage or size street light
fittings for repair or replacement of burnt/worn out Each
accessories or carrying to MES store (Accessories
or components to be provided free for replacement
by department
complete all as specified and directed.
(a) Total brought forward from srl page No. Rs. 2435179.45
(b) Total brought forward from srl page No. Rs. 5324086.67
(c) Total brought forward from srl page No. Rs. 80595.60
Total Amount of Sch `A` Part-XII Carried Over to BOQ Rs. 7839861.71
Srl Description of Item of Work Drg No. No. of Rate per Amount Period of Remarks
completion of
No or ref units Unit (Rs)
individual item
to list Required (Rs) (s) after date of
of drgs commencement
of work as per
WO No 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Supplying and Laying of 20mm bore HDPE(High 280 138.34 38735.20
Density polythylene pipes) of pressure rating
6kgf/cm2 laid in trenches, complete all as RM
specified and directed.
Total Amount of Sch `A` Part-XIII Carried Over to BOQ Rs. 41732.60
Srl Description of Item of Work Drg No. of Rate per Amount Period of Remarks
No No. or units Unit (Rs) completion of
ref to Required (Rs) individual
list of item (s) after
drgs date of
nt of work as
per WO No 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 M&L for Hardcore broken stone or boulders of 5.916 2070.80 12250.85
gauge n exc. 63 mm, deposited, spread and
levelled in layers n exc. 15 cm thick, watered
and rammed to a true surface , complete all as
specified and directed.
2 M&L for 100 mm thick PCC (1:2:4) type B-1 78.88 674.70 53220.34
(Using 20mm graded crushed stone Sqm
aggregates),finishing surface even and smooth
without using extra cement, complete all as
specified and directed.
3 M&L for Brickwork with fly ash bricks,Modular 13.248 5731.64 75932.77
bricks having crushing strength not less than Cum
75kg/sqm straight or curved on plan exc 6m
mean radius, built in in cement mortar 1:6,
complete all as specified and directed.
4 M&L for PCC (1:2:4) type B-2 (Using 40mm 1.09 6477.80 7060.80
graded crushed stone aggregates), for Cum
foundation filling and mass concrete complete
all as specified and directed.
8 M&L for preparation of new steel surface of any 37.45 141.30 5291.69
description over 10cm girth and applying two
coats of synthetic enamel paint confirming to
GRIHA Rating over a coat of red oxide primer,
complete all as specified and directed.
Total Amount of Sch `A` Part-XIV Carried Over to BOQ Rs. 298981.70
Srl Description of Item of Work No. of Unit Rate per Amount Rate per Amount
No units Unit (Rs) Unit (Rs)
Required (Rs) (Rs)
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Old Unserviceable water tanks of 32 Each 800.00 25600.00 Rs_______ Rs________
capacity exc. 250 Litrs and not exc. 500 _________ ________
2 Old Unserviceable GI tubing 20 mm 170.40 RM 40.00 6816.00 Rs_______ Rs________
bore retrieved. _________ ________
3 Old unserviceable GI tubing 15 mm 210.40 RM 35.00 7364.00 Rs_______ Rs________
bore. _________ ________
4 Old unserviceable flushing cistern. 32 EACH 35.00 1120.00 Rs_______ Rs________
8 Old Brick / brick bats. 794.22 CUM 600.00 476532.00 Rs_______ Rs________
_________ ________
9 Old unserviceable Mild steel / scrap 8794.00 KG 30.00 263820.00 Rs_______ Rs________
iron obtained from demolition / _________ ________
dismantling of RCC slab.
10 Old Unserviceable bib tap of any 144.00 Each 20.00 2880.00 Rs_______ Rs________
size and any description. _________ ________
11 Old Unserviceable stopcock / Angle 64.00 Each 30.00 1920.00 Rs_______ Rs________
valve of any size and any _________ ________
12 Old Unserviceable Point wiring. 644 Per Point 15.00 9660.00 Rs_______ Rs________
_________ ________
13 Old Unserviceable lswitches, ceiling 644 Each 2.00 1288.00 Rs_______ Rs________
roses, lamp holder, brackests of any _________ ________
type and size.
14 Old Unserviceable light fitting such as 252 Each 4.00 1008.00 Rs_______ Rs________
FTL,CFL, Bulk head of any type. _________ ________
15 Old Unserviceable MCB DB/Meter Box/ 37 Each 20.00 740.00 Rs_______ Rs________
Main switch any type. _________ ________
(a) Total brought forward from srl page No. 52 Rs. 917608.00
(b) Total brought forward from srl page No. 53 Rs. 1800.00
Total Amount of Sch `A` Part-XVI Carried Over to BOQ Rs. 919408.00
Notes :-
1 The quantities inserted under column 4 are provisional.
2 The material mentioned in credit schedule shall be measured as per SSR (Part-II) provision.
3 Material other than those listed in schedule of credit obtained from demolition/dismantling shall be the
Government’s property and shall be deposited in MES store yard all as directed by Engineer-in-Charge / GE.
4 The contractor shall be responsible to remove both serviceable and unserviceable materials from the site and
leave the site neat and tidy on or before the date of completion.
5 The recovery on account of materials listed in schedule of credit shall be made immediately from payment due to
contractor irrespective of fact that these have been removed from site or not. However materials listed in
schedule of credit shall be removed from site only after written permission of Engineer-in-Charge and after
recovery has been effected from Contractor’s payment.
6 Govt. does not guarantee the quality of the retrieved materials. The contractor is advised to verify at site for the
quality of items againgt which credit is to be recovered from his payments. The contractor shall not have any claim
whatsoever on this account at a later date.
7 The rates inserted in this credit schedule are firm and shall not be altered by the tenderers.
8 The contractor shall also demolish the footing of the buildings and make good the disturbed surface in all respect.
9 The Bidder will be required to prepare his own Schedule of credit wherein he will quote the credit rate for each item being offered
from his side. The item and quantity as fixed by the department in the Schedule of credit of tender documents shall not be altered by
the bidder in his schedule of credit.The rate of credit for individual item shall be taken as higher of the rates as given in departmental
Schedule of Credit and that as offered by the bidder. The total amount of schedule of credit shall be worked out accordingly and the
contract sum shall be arrived at by deducting the amount of Shedule of Credit so worked out from the contract sum in BOQ. Cover 2
of the bid shall consist of BOQ(excel form) and bidders Scedule of credit(in pdf form)
10 For this purpose , Schedule of credit pages shall be downloaded by the contractor and scanned copy dully filled their rates
/amounts shall be uploaded in cover 2. Incase tenderer does not offer their rate , the rates inserted by the MES shall be applicable.
(1989 PRINT)
---------------------------------------------------N I L--------------------------------------------------.
_____________________________ AD(CONTRACTS)
4. MES Standard Schedule of Rates 2009 (Part-I) Specifications and MES Standard Schedule of
Rates 2020(Part II) together with errata/amendments are as follows:-
5. General Conditions of Contract, IAFW-2249, 1989 print, together with Amendment Nos 1 to 49
and Errata Nos 1 to 20.
Should this tender be accepted I/WE AGREE: -
*(a) That the sum of Rs..................(Rupees ............... .........................only) forwarded as Earnest
Money shall be refunded by the Government on receipt of the appropriate amount of Performance
Security all as per Condition 19 of IAFW-2249.
(b) To execute all the works referred to in the said documents upon the terms and conditions
contained/referred to therein and as detailed in the BOQ/General Summary and to carry out such
deviations as may be ordered vide Condition 7 of IAFW-2249 upto a maximum of TEN percent and
further agree to refer all disputes as required by Condition 70 of IAFW 2249 to the Sole Arbitration
of a serving Officer having degree in Engineering or equivalent or having passed final/direct final
examination of Sub Division II of Institution of Surveyors (India) recognised by the Govt of India to
be appointed by the Engineer-in-Chief, Army HQ, New Delhi or in his absence the officer Officiating
as Engineer-in-Chief or Director General of Works, if specifically delegated in writing by Engineer-in-
Chief, Army Headquarters, New Delhi whose decision shall be final, conclusive and binding.
Name of signatory :
Date :
Postal address :
1. __________ alterations have been made in these documents and as evidence that these
alterations were made before the execution of the Contract Agreement these have been initialled by
the Contractor and Shri _______________________
2. The said Officer is hereby authorised to sign and initial on my behalf, the documents forming
part of this contract.
3. The above tender was accepted by me on behalf of the President of India for the lump sum of
___________________________________________________only) on ____________ day of
_________ 2024.
It is hereby further agreed and declared by me/us, that the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF
CONTRACTS (IAFW-2249: Print-1989) including Condition 70 & 72 thereof pertaining to settlement of
disputes by Arbitration containing 33 pages (serial page Nos. 70 to 102) with errata 1 to 20 and
amendment Nos. 1 to 49 form part of these tender documents.
Notes: [a] The documents mentioned above can also be seen in the office of the HQ CE (AF)
WAC Palam or in any other MES office during working hours.
[b] In case of difference in interpretation due to wordings of English and Hindi versions,
the English version will prevail as per Article 348 of Constitution of India.
DATE: _______________
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 103 to 110
A copy of the latest schedule of Minimum wages has been supplied to me/us and is in my/our
possession. I/we have read and understood the provisions contained in the aforesaid Schedule of
Minimum wages before submission of this tender and I/We agree that I/We shall abide by the terms
and conditions thereof, as modified, if any, elsewhere in these tender documents.
It is hereby further agreed and declared by me/us, that Schedule of Minimum Wages containing 08
pages form part of these tender documents.
Notes: [a] The documents mentioned above can also be seen in the office of the HQ CE (AF)
WAC Palam or in any other MES office during working hours.
[b] In case of difference in interpretation due to wordings of English and Hindi versions,
the English version will prevail as per Article 348 of Constitution of India.
DATE: _______________
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 111
1.1 The following Special Conditions shall be read in conjunction with the General Conditions of
Contracts IAFW-2249 and IAFW-2159 including upto date Errata/Amendments thereto. If any
provisions in these Special Conditions is at variance with that of the aforesaid documents, the former
shall be deemed to take precedence there ove
1.2. The Work under this contract shall be carried out in accordance with Schedule 'A', particular
specifications, drawings and other provisions given in General summary and general
specifications/provisions given in MES Schedule.
1.3 The term 'General Specifications' referred to hereinbefore as well as referred to in IAFW-2249
(General Conditions of Contracts) shall mean the specifications contained in the MES Schedule.
1.4 General rules, Specifications, Special conditions and all preambles in the MES Schedule shall be
deemed to apply to the works under this contract. In case of any discrepancy the provisions in these
documents shall take precedence over the aforesaid provisions in the MES Schedule.
2.1. The tenderers shall contact GE (P) (AF) PALAM, for the purpose of inspection of site(s), and
relevant documents other than those sent herewith, who will give reasonable facilities for this purpose.
The tenderer shall also make themselves familiar with working conditions, accessibility of site(s),
availability of materials and other cognate conditions which may affect the entire completion of work
under this contract.
2.2. The tenderers shall be deemed to have visited the site(s) and made themselves familiar with the
working conditions, whether they actually inspect the site(s) or not.
3.1. Contractor's attention is invited to condition 25 of IAFW- 2249. He shall employ only Indian
Nationals after verifying their antecedents and loyalty. The contractor shall on demand by the
Engineer-in-Charge, submit list of his agents, employees and work people concerned and shall satisfy
the Engineer-in-Charge as to the bonafides of such people.
3.2. The Engineer-in-Charge at his discretion has the right to forward the list of personnel’s to CO of
unit for issuing the passes as per rules and regulations of the area in force to control the admission of
the contractor, his agents, employees and work people to the site of the work or any part there of.
Passes should be returned at any time on demand by the Engineer-in-Charge and or the authorities
concerned and in any case on completion of work.
3.3. The contractor and his agents, employees and work people shall observe all the rules
promulgated by the authority controlling the area in which the work is to be carried out e.g. prohibition
of smoking and lighting, fire precautions, search of persons on entry and exit, keeping to specific
routes, observing specified timing etc. Nothing extra shall be admissible for any man-hours etc lost on
this account.
4.2 ENTRY/EXIT: The contractor, his agent(s), representatives, workmen etc and his materials,
carts, trucks or other means of transports etc, will be allowed to enter through and leave from such
gate or gates and at such times as the GE or authorities incharge of the restricted Area may at their
sole discretion permit to be used. The contractor's authorised representative is required to be present
at the place of entry and exit for the purpose to identifying his carts, truck etc to the personnel in
charge of the security of Restricted Areas.
4.3 IDENTITY CARDS OR PASSES: The contractors, his agents and representatives are required
individually to be in possession of an identity card or pass duly verified by the police department. The
identity card or pass will be examined by the security staff at the time of entry into or exit from the
restricted area and also at any time or number of times inside the Restricted Area.
4.3.1 IDENTITY OF WORKMEN: Every Workman shall be in possession of an identity card. The
identity card will be issued after thorough investigation of the antecedents of the labourers by the
contractors and attested by the Officer-in-Charge of the unit concerned in accordance with the
standing rules and regulations of the units.
4.3.2 Contractor shall be responsible for the conduct and action of his workmen, agents or
4.4 SEARCH: Thorough search of all persons and transport shall be carried out at each gate and for
as many times as a gate is used for entry or exit and may also be carried out at any time or any
number of times at the work site.
4.5.2. The exact working hours, days and non working days observed for the restricted area, where
works are to be carried out shall be deemed to have been ascertained by the contractor before
submitting his tender. The tenderer's attention is invited to the fact that the total numbers of working
hours for a unit are prescribed in regulations and they cannot be increased by the Garrison Engineer.
4.6. WORKING ON HOLIDAYS: The contractor shall not carry out any work on gazetted holidays
weekly holidays, and other non working days except when he is specially authorised in writing to do so
by the GE. The GE may at his sole discretion declare any day as holiday or non working day without
assigning any reason for such declaration.
4.7.2 Motor transport vehicles, if any, allowed by authorities to enter the area must be fitted with
serviceable fire extinguishers.
4.8 FEMALE SEARCHER: If the contractor desires to employ female labours on work to be carried out
inside the area and a female searcher is not borne on the authorised strength at the time of submission
of the tender, he shall be deemed to have allowed in his tender for pay and allowances etc, for a
female searcher (Class IV servant/GP `D` servant) calculated for the period female labour is employed
by him inside that area. If more than one contractor has/have to be employed in addition to the
authorised strength, the salary and allowances paid on an equitable basis between the contractors
employing female labour taking in to consideration the value and period of completion of their
contracts. The GE’s decision with regard to the amount recoverable on this account from any
contractor shall be final and binding.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 113
5.1 Refer condition 58 of IAFW-2249. The contractor shall not pay wages lower than minimum wages
for labour as fixed by the Govt. of India/State Govt whichever is higher.
5.2. The fair wages referred to in condition 58 of IAFW-2249 will be deemed to be the same as the
minimum wages payable as referred to above.
5.3 The contractor shall have no claim whatsoever, if any on account of local factor and/or
Regulations, he is required to pay the wages in excess of minimum wages as described above during
the execution of work.
6.1 Reference condition 14 of General Conditions of contracts (IAFW-2249). No quarries on Defence
land are available.
8.1 Refer condition 31 of General Conditions of Contracts IAFW-2249 and clause 1.13 of
Standard Schedule of Rates 2009 Part-I specifications.
8.2 Water will not be supplied by MES.
8.4 If water tested for potability founds to be not fit for use in the work and also not meet the
requirement of IS-456, the water will be treated in RO plant and tested before use in construction
work. Further water will be tested frequently and in nocase period of testing should be more than one
month. The contarctor will install RO plant at site of suitable capacity as directed by Engr-in-Charge
without any extra cost to department.
Electric Supply required for the work upto a maximum of 20 KW three phase 440 Volts shall be made
available by the MES at points either shown on site plan or from the point (s) as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge. KWH meters to register the electric energy supplied and main switch shall be provided and
installed by the contractor. Contractor shall provide all necessary cables, fittings etc, from the tapping
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 114
point in order to ensure a proper and suitable supply of electricity for execution of work. The contractor
will be charged for the electric energy consumed for execution of works at the following rate :-
(i) At 1365 paise per unit for both lighting and power.
10.1 MES do not guarantee continuity of supply and no compensation whatsoever shall be allowed
for supply becoming intermittent or for breakdown in the system.
10.2 GE or his representative shall be free to inspect all the power consuming devices or any
electrical lines provided by the contractor. Any devices or electric lines provided by the contractor,
which is not to the satisfaction of the GE shall be disconnected from the supply, if so directed by him.
11.2 During the currency of work, the contractor will adhere to the time schedule and this adherence
will be a part of the contractor’s performance under the contract. During the execution of the work the
contractor is expected to participate in the reviews and updating of the network under taken by the GE.
These reviews may be undertaken at the discretion of the GE either as a periodical appraisal measure
or when the quantum of work ordered on the contractor is substantially changed through deviation
orders or amendments. Any revision of the time schedule as a result of the review will be submitted by
the contractor to GE within a week for the approval after due scrutiny by the concerned authority.
11.3. The contractor shall adhere to the revised time schedule thereafter. In case of contractor
disagreeing with revised schedule the same will be referred to the Accepting Officer whose decision
shall be final, conclusive and binding. GE’s approval to the revised schedule resulting in a completion
date beyond the stipulated date of completion shall not automatically amount to a grant of extension of
time. Extension of time shall be considered and decided by the appropriate authority mentioned in
condition 11 of IAFW-2249 and separately regulated.
11.4 Contractor shall mobilize and employ sufficient resources to achieve the detailed schedule within
broad framework of the accepted method of working and safety. No additional payment will be made
to contractor for any multiple shift work or other intensive methods contemplated by him in his
schedule, even though the time schedule is approved by the GE.
12.2 Materials and articles listed at Appendix 'A' shall bear I.S.I certification marks and only these shall
be incorporated in the work irrespective of any other specifications specified else where.
12.3 The materials listed in Appendix `B' are generally superior to ISI certified products shall be of
approved make as indicated their in.
12.4 The materials referred to in Appendix `C' of local origin shall be procured from the sources as
indicated against each and shall conform to the quality and the grading specified in MES Schedule/IS.
12.5 Electrical equipments and accessories shall be from any one of the makes given in Appendix `D'.
12.6 In case any materials listed in these Appendices are not required in connection with this contract;
these shall be treated as deleted.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 115
12.7 The tenderer is advised to inspect samples of the materials whichever is displayed in the office of
GE(P)(AF) PALAM, before submitting tender. The tenderer shall be deemed to have inspected the
samples and satisfied himself as to the nature and quality of materials, he is required to incorporate in
the work irrespective of whether he has actually inspected them or not. The materials to be
incorporated in the work by the contractor shall be ISI marked or shall be superior in quality to
samples displayed and shall comply with the specifications given hereafter.
12.8. The contractor shall not procure materials unless the samples are first got approved by the GE in
13.1 The contractor shall maintain a hard bound register with serially numbered pages with all pages
initialed by Engineer in charge against numbering showing quantities of cement received, incorporated
in the work and balance at the end of each day. The form of record shall be as approved by Engineer-
in-Charge. The register shall be signed daily by representatives of MES and the contractor in token of
verification of its correctness and will be checked by Engineer-in-Charge, at least once a week.
13.2 The register shall be kept at site in safe custody of the contractor’s representative during the
progress of the work and shall be produced on demand for verification to the inspecting officer(s).
13.3. On completion of the work the contractor shall deposit the cement register with the Engineer-in-
Charge for record.
14.2 The contractor shall stand a guarantee to the Government for a period of ten years from the
certified date of completion of the work for the effectiveness of the anti-termite treatment carried out.
The contractor shall furnish a written guarantee for the effectiveness of the treatment for a period of
TEN years in favour of GE(P)(AF) PALAM.
14.3 Chemical used for anti-termite treatment shall be treated as proprietary item and the quantity
procured and brought at site shall be recorded in Measurement Book duly signed by Engineer-in-
Charge and the contractor.
14.4 Should the GE(P)(AF) PALAM at any time during construction or reconstruction or prior to the
expiry of the guarantee period find that the buildings have been infected with termites, the contractor
shall, on demand in writing from the GE specifying the building complained of, not withstanding that the
same may have been inadvertently passed, certified and paid for, undertake to carryout such treatment
as may be necessary forthwith to render the building(s) free from termite infection at his own expense,
till expiry of the guarantee period. In the event of his failure to do so within the specified period to be
specified by the GE in his demand aforesaid, the GE may undertake such treatment at the risk and
expense (in all respects) of the contractor. The liability of the contractor under this condition shall not
extend beyond the period of TEN years from the certified date of completion, unless the GE had
previously given notice to the contractor to rectify the defects.
14.5 The contractor shall provide marble slab of adequate dimensions but not less that 45 cm x 30 cm
x 19 mm thick on all the buildings as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and indicate thereon the
Contract No, Name of the Agency executing the termite treatment and the date of expiry of the
guarantee period all as mentioned in Schedule `A` Note here-in-before.
14.6 The amount of security deposit to be held back from the Contractor’s bill against the guarantee
period for anti termite treatment shall be calculated on the amount of anti termite treatment at contract
rates as per the scales given below. This shall be worked out by GE and intimated to the Contractor.
This amount shall be refunded to him after the expiry of the guarantee period. Alternatively, the
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 116
Contractor may give a separate interest bearing security deposit to GE valid for 10 Years for this
amount. The scales of calculating such security deposit shall be as per table given below:
(iii) Over Rs. 30 lakhs and Rs. upto 150 lakhs. 1.5 % of the amount
14.7 The amount of security deposit against the guarantee period for Anti-termite Treatment
calculated as per the scales laid down for calculating as above on the amount of anti-termite treatment
at contract rates for the buildings for which treatment is to be done, rounded off to next hundred
rupees, shall be retained by the Government, from the contractor’s dues. This amount shall be
released after successful expiry of the guarantee period. The contractor may however furnish a fixed
deposit receipt in lieu from a Schedule Bank pledged in favour of concerned GE.
(b) Chemical brought to site in sealed containers bearing ISI certification marks shall only be permitted
to be used.
(c) Chemical shall be stored carefully at sites, seals of the containers shall be broken only in the
presence of the Engineer-in-Charge. Empty containers should be got removed off the site promptly. If
on any particular day the contents of full containers could not be used in the work, the containers
should be got sealed at the end of the day in the presence of Engineer-in-Charge and opened when
required also in the presence of the Engineer-in-Charge.
(d) The Engineer-in-Charge should ensure that paid vouchers are produced by the contractor from the
agency executing the work for the full quantity of chemical required and brought to site and a record of
such vouchers should be kept by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(e) Tests may be carried out in a recognised laboratory or test house at the discretion of the GE, of the
chemical brought by the agency executing the work, to satisfy that inferior materials are not being
15. HANDING OVER SITE:-Site for execution of work will be available as soon as the work is
awarded. In case it is not possible to make the entire site available on the date of commencement of
work the contractor will have to arrange his working programme accordingly. No claim whatsoever, for
not giving entire site on award of work and for giving site gradually, will be tenable.
The tender shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 (NINETY) days from the date on which
the tenders are due to be submitted.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 117
(a) Factory made panelled/ (b) Factory made Steel (c) Iron Mongery & Fittings
flush shutters Windows & Ventilators
(d) Steel (for reinforcement & (e) Cement (f) Water Supply Pipes &
structural steel) Fittings, Taps & Valves
(g) Electric Cables, Conduits (h) Factory made Electric (j) Sanitary Appliances and
its accessories and fittings; Panels; Electric Poles, Power Sanitary Fittings
Electrical Switch gears, Electric Transformer, DG Set, HT/LT
light fittings of all types. Steel and PCC pole
(k) Floor/Wall Tiles
The Bank Guarantee Bond shall be executed for the contract period on a form as directed by the
Accepting Officer. The contractor shall further arrange to extend the period of Guarantee Bond if and
when necessary, as directed by the Accepting Officer or shall furnish fresh guarantee bond of similar
It will be noted that advance on account to the full value of material brought on the site is
permissible only in respect of fitting and fixtures and other manufactured items which do not loose their
identity. Materials like bricks, fine aggregate, pre-cast concrete and similar items shall not be taken in
the list.
Refer condition 25 of IAFW-2249. The contractor shall employ only Indian Nationals as his
representatives, servants and workmen and verify their antecedents and loyalty before employing them
for the works. He shall ensure that no person of doubtful antecedents and nationality is, in any way
associated with work.
21.1 The quantity of materials such as paints, water proofing compound, chemicals for antitermite
treatment and the like, as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (the quantity of which cannot be checked
after incorporation in the works), shall be recorded in measurement books and signed by the contractor
and the Engineer-in-Charge as a check to ensure that the required quantity has been brought to site
for incorporation in the work.
21.2 Materials brought to site shall be stored as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge recorded in
Measurement Book and shall be suitably marked for identification.
21.3 The contractor shall, on demand, produce to the GE original receipted vouchers in respect of the
supplies. Vouchers so produced and verified shall be stamped by Engineer-in-Charge indicating
contract number. The contractor shall ensure that the materials are brought to site in original sealed
containers/packing, bearing manufacturer’s marking except in the case of the requirement of
material(s) being less than smallest packing.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 118
21.4 Contractor shall produce original vouchers from the manufacturers and/or their authorised agents
for the full quantity of the following materials, as applicable as a prerequisite before submitting for
payment for any advances on account of the work done and/or materials collected in accordance with
condition 64 of General Conditions of Contracts IAFW-2249.
The contractor shall furnish to the Engineer-in-Charge every morning distribution return of his
plants/equipments on the site of work stating the following particulars: -
Particulars of plants/equipments, their make manufacture Model No. if any. Registration No. if any,
capacity, year of manufacture and year of purchase etc.
(iv) Purchase value on the date of purchase. For the purpose of the condition, plant/equipment,
shall be given vehicle No i.e. trucks and lorries but neither the workman's tools nor any
manually operated tools/equipment. The Engineer-in-Charge shall record the particulars
supplied by the contractor in the works diary and send the return to the GE for record in his
Note : However this will not absolve the contractor of his responsibility for safe custody of
plants, equipments etc even though the work is to be executed in restricted area.
provided always that the Contractor shall first have been paid the final bill and have rendered a No-
Demand Certificate (IAFW -451).
28.1 A log book for each road roller shall be maintained by the contractor for recording hours of
working by the road roller. Entries in the logbook shall be signed by the contractor or his authorised
representative and by the Engineer-in-Charge.
28.2 To ensure proper consolidation, roller must work for at least the number of days assessed on the
basis of output given herein after. If the roller has not worked for the number of days so assessed
recovery shall be effected from the contractor for the number of days falling short of the days assessed
on the basis of output stipulated. The recovery shall be effected @ Rs 800/- per working day 8 hours
for 8 to 12 tonne power roller.
28.3 The above provision shall not however absolve the contractor of his responsibility of properly
consolidating surfaces as required under the provisions of the contract.
iii Consolidation of stone soling 15 cm thick with 8 to 12 tonne roller 800 Sqm
viii Consolidation of 2 cm thick premixed carpet including seal coat. 744 Sqm
ix Consolidation of 2.5 cm thick premixed carpet including seal coat. 600 Sqm
x Consolidation of bituminous mixture 2 parts of broken stone metal and 372 Sqm
one part of sand and bitumen, consolidation thickness 4 cms.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 120
Road roller out put for items other than catered above shall be ascertained through a board of officers
by GE which will be the basis for ensuring the required consolidation.
31.2. Irrespective of whatever is indicated elsewhere in the tender documents the modalities of testing
arrangements shall be as mentioned here in after.
31.3. The contractor shall set-up his site laboratory fully equipped to the satisfaction of GE to carry out
the `A` type tests as given in Appendix `E` to particular specification. The laboratory shall be set up
in all respects before any activity requiring tests as indicated above is physically commenced.
Contractor shall employ a competent person technically qualified and approved by the GE to carry out
the testing activities. All the tests shall be carried out in the presence of Engr-in-Charge and records
shall be jointly signed by the contractor and Engineer-in-Charge.
31.4. Entire cost of laboratory and its functioning including cost of samples will be borne by the
contractor in all respects and no separate recovery for testing charges shall be effected for
tests/retests carried out at site laboratory. If in the opinion of GE (whose decision in this regard shall
be final) any of the tests as given in Appendix `E` to these specifications cannot be satisfactorily
carried out in the site laboratory at any stage due to any reason the same shall be get done in Govt.
approved lab/Engineering College/ NABL certified lab as approved by GE in respect of which all
expenditure there of shall be borne by the contractor.
31.5. Any tests marked as type `A` `B` or `C` in Appendix `E` if got done at SEMT wing, Pune, testing
charge as indicated against them will be recovered from the contractor. In addition to this the
contractor shall arrange for samples and its handling/transportation to the concerned labs at his own
31.6. The tests marked as type `B` and `C` will not be carried out in the site laboratory. These tests
shall be carried out only in SEMT wing/Govt. approved lab/National test House/Engineering College/
NABL certified lab as approved by the GE. In case type `B` and `C` testing is done in SEMT wing,
the testing charges recovered shall be as indicated in the Appendix `E` to these P.S. against each test.
However if testing is done in other places as mentioned above, the actual cost will be directly borne by
the contractor.
31.7. The list of tests given in Appendix `E` to these PS contain only a few common tests. However all
other tests required in the work but not covered in the appendix shall also be got done from Govt
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 121
approved lab/ Engineering College /National test house as approved by GE and entire cost of
samples, handling, transportation and actual testing charge will be borne by the contractor directly.
32.1 Scope of Conciliation:-
The scope of conciliation shall be applicable to the following types of disputes :-
(a) Disputes relating to levy of compensation for delay in completion- actual amount of
(b) Disputes relating to technical examination of the work.
(c) Disputes relating to interpretation of the provisions of the contract with reference to their
application to parties.
(d) Disputes relating to non return of Schedule `B’ stores over issued to the contractor
(e) Any other dispute having fair chances of being resolved by conciliation and considered fit to be
referred to conciliation by the parties.
For item (b), (c), (d) and (e) each as stated above, the financial limit shall be Rupees two lakhs or
one percent of the contract amount which ever is less.
32.2.1 The party initiating conciliation shall send to the other party a written invitation to conciliate,
briefly identifying the subject of the dispute.
32.2.2 Conciliation proceedings shall commence when the other party accepts in writing the invitation
to conciliate.
32.2.3 If the other party rejects the invitation, there will be no conciliation proceedings. If the party
initiating conciliation does not receive a reply within 30 days from the date on which he sends or
within such other periods of time as specified in the invitation, he may elect to treat this as a rejection of the
invitation to conciliate ad if he so elects, he shall inform in writing the other party accordingly.
32.4 Appointment of Conciliator. All disputes brought out in Para 32.1 (a) to (e) above shall be
referred to the sole Conciliator viz Serving Officer not below the rank of Superintending Engineer/
Director (Contracts) having degree in Engineering or equivalent or having passed final/direct final
examination of Sub division II or Institution of Surveyors (India) to be appointed by the Engineer-in-
Chief, Army Headquarters, New Delhi or in his absence the officer officiating as Engineer-in-Chief or
Director General of works specifically delegated by the Engineer-in-Chief in writing.
32.5 Status of effect of Settlement agreement. The settlement agreement signed by the parties as a
result of conciliation proceedings shall have the same status and effect as it is an arbitral award on
agreed terms.
33.1. The rates quoted by the Contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of all taxes (including
GST, Labour Welfare Cess/Tax etc.), duties, Royalties, Octroi & other levies payable under the
respective Statues. No reimbursement/refund for variation in rates of taxes, duties, Royalties, Octroi &
other levies, and/or imposition/abolition of any new/existing taxes, duties, Royalties, Octroi & other
levies shall be made except as provided in sub Para 33.2 here-in-below.
33.2.1. The taxes which are levied by Govt. at certain percentage rates of Contract Sum/Amount shall
be termed as “taxes directly related to Contract value” such as GST, Labour Welfare Cess/Tax and like
but excluding Income Tax. The tendered rates shall be deemed to be inclusive of all taxes directly
related to Contract value” with existing percentage rates prevailing on last due date for receipt of
tenders. Any increase in percentage rates of “taxes directly related to Contract value” with reference
prevailing rates on last due date for receipt of tender shall be reimbursed to the Contractor and any
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decrease in percentage rates of “taxes directly related to Contract value” with reference to prevailing
rates on last due date for receipt of tenders shall be refunded by the Contractor to the Govt. / deducted
by the Govt. from any payments due to the Contractor. Similarly imposition of any new “taxes directly
related to Contract value” after the last due date for receipt of tenders shall be reimbursed to the
Contractor and abolition of any “taxes directly related to Contract value” prevailing on last due date for
receipt of tenders shall be refunded by the Contractor to the Govt./deducted by the Govt. from the
payment due to the Contractor.
33.2.2 The contractor shall, within a reasonable time of his becoming aware of variation in percentage
rates and/or imposition of any further “taxes directly related to Contract value”, give written notice
thereof to the GE stating that the same is given pursuant to this Special Condition, together with all
information relating there to which he may be in a position to supply. The contractor shall submit the
other documentary proof/ information’s as the GE may require.
33.2.3. The Contractor shall, for the purpose of this condition keep such books of account and other
documents as are necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorized
representative of Govt, and shall further, at the request of the GE furnish, verified in such a manner as
the GE may require, any documents so kept and such other information as the GE may require.
The depth of boring of the borewell at the site as indicated by GE is anticipated to be approx.
150 meter below ground level. The depth may, however, be ordered in writing to be varied by the GE
based on site requirement upto a maximum of 50 meters (plus or minus). If the GE decides that
suitable water bearing strata is not available in the aforesaid bore or the boring cannot be continue
further on account of type of strata met with, he may order the contractor to bore at other site (s)
selected by GE, until suitable water bearing strata is met with, or boring cannot continue an account of
type of strata met with provided the total number of bore (including the first bore) does not exceed
‘Three’ bore. The decision of GE shall be final and binding as to whether or not the bore can be
continued further in the strata met with.
35.3 The Constitution of the DRB shall be a three member body as under:-
(i) Chairman: Joint DG (Contracts) of the concerned Command Chief Engineer. Where Jt DG (C)
is not posted in the Command; any other Chief Engineer/Brig level Officer posted in CE Command
shall be nominated by Command CE at his sole discretion.
(ii) Member 1 & 2: Col/Director rank officers of Command CE or of any other Zonal CE be
nominated by Command CE
35.4. The name of chairman and members shall be notified by the Accepting officer within one
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35.5. Once the DRB is constituted the members and Chairman shall disclose in writing their
neutrality and impartiality about any personal interest in the work.
35.6. The dispute shall be referred to the chairman of the DRB by the concerned party after giving
notice to the other party for invoking of this clause.
35.7. The DRB shall decide the dispute in accordance with the terms of the contract, principle of
natural justice, equity and fair play.
35.8. The DRB may fix oral hearing at a place, date and time as decided by the Chairman.
35.9. The requisite administrative support to the DRB shall be provided by the Accepting Officer.
35.10. All the contract documents pertaining to the case shall be provided by the Accepting Officer
for reference by the DRB.
35.11. DRB shall give its decision on the disputes within three months of notice from any party
invoking the DRB clause. This period can be extended by one month with the consent of the parties.
35.12. All the decisions given by the DRB shall he by majority and such decisions shall be
communicated in writing by Chairman to the parties.
35.13. If the decision of the DRB is not to the satisfaction of either party or if the DRB fails to give
decision within the laid down time either party shall indicate his reservations on the decision to
Accepting Officer within 30 days of such decision and to refer that dispute for arbitration within the
provisions of Condition 70 of IAI-W 2249 General Conditions of Contract.
35.14. It shall be mandatory for the party invoking arbitration on any particular dispute to have first
exhausted the remedy provided under the DRB clause for that particular dispute.
35.15. The mandate of the DRB shall terminate on completion of one year from the date of
completion/determination/cancellation/termination of the contract.
35.16. If any member or Chairman of the DRB is unable to function due to any reason whatsoever,
or he resigns his appointment. Chief Engineer Command as the case may be, shall till the vacancy
so caused within 15 days of happening of such vacancy.
35.17. Any dispute referred to the DRB and having been decided by the DRB and not objected to by
either party within 30 days shall attain finality and shall not be referable to Arbitration.
35.18. Accepting officer shall ensure implementation of the decisions of the DRB which attain finality,
i.e. except those which are objected by him or by contractor within 30 days as per Para. 34. 13
35.19. Findings and decision of DRB shall be admissible as evidence, to the extent permissible as
per law, in the subsequent Arbitration and/or litigation. DRB Chairman /members shall not, in any
case, be liable to be called as witness or to produce any evidence in any Arbitration or departmental
proceedings of any kind.
35.20 During execution of work the disputes may be referred to the DRB as per the requirement of
each party after having exhausted the decision making process provided in the contracts. In case of
completion of work or after determination/cancellation/termination of the contract all the disputes
including payment /nonpayment /delay in final bill shall be simultaneously referred to the DRB within
six months of completion /determination /cancellation /termination of the contract.
35.21. The department case before the DRB shall be presented by Accepting Officer himself and /or
Dir (Contracts) of CE Zone assisted by CWF and his DCWE (Contracts), GE and his AGE
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(Contracts) and any other officer and legal counsel nominated by Accepting Officer. The contractor
may present his case by himself and/or by his nominated reps & authorized legal /technical counsel.
36.2 Any demage to the existing communication, electric supply cable, OFC, signal, P&T cables
,piplines& sewage lines during execution of work shall be made good/opernational on the target basis
at his own cost for all the material, T&P & labour etc.
DATE: _______________
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1.1 The work under this contract shall be carried out in accordance with Schedule 'A', Special
Conditions & Particular specification, drawings forming part of this contract and General
Specifications and other provisions in the MES Schedule-2009 (Part- I) and MES Schedule 2020
(Part-II). However, in case contractor does not posses a copy of MES Schedule, the same may be
referred from local MES formations or HQ Chief Engineer (AF) WAC Palam, Delhi Cantt, during
working hours.
1.2 The term "General Specifications" referred to in Para 1.1 above as well as referred to in IAFW-
2249 (General Conditions of Contracts) shall mean specifications contained in the MES Standard
Schedule of Rates 2009 (Part-I) Specifications and SSR-2020 (Part-II)-Rates.
1.3 General rules, Specifications, Special conditions, Particular Specifications, Schedule-'A' and all
preambles in the MES Schedule shall be deemed to apply to work under this contract, unless
mentioned otherwise in these tender documents, In case of any discrepancy between General
specifications and these particular specifications, the provision in these particular specifications shall
take precedence over the aforesaid provisions in the MES Schedule.
1.4 The notes on the drawings (if any) to the effect that foundations are based on specified safe
bearing capacity of the soil are for guidance of MES executive staff only.
1.5 Wherever reference has been given to the catalogue numbers of firms, the materials, articles
and fittings etc, will be only of the make of the firm whose catalogue numbers have been indicated in
the tender documents unless otherwise indicated.
1.6 Particular specifications given here-in-after are brief and are given only to particularize, amend or
emphasize the specifications given in MES Schedule which are not repeated here-in-after.
1.7.1 The contractor is advised to inspect samples of material, which are displayed in the office of
GE concerned before submitting his tender. The contractor is deemed to have inspected samples and
satisfied himself to the nature and quality of materials which are required to be incorporated in the
work. Irrespective of the fact whether he inspects them or not, the materials to be incorporated in the
work by the contractor shall conform to or be superior in quality to such samples, and comply in all
respects with the specifications.
1.7.2. The contractor shall produce samples of all materials and shall obtain approval in writing from
the Garrison Engineer before he places bulk order for the materials for incorporation in the work. In
respect of materials for which samples are not kept or detailed specifications are not given
hereinafter, the materials shall comply with latest relevant Indian Standard specifications whether
listed in MES Schedule and under these specifications or not. Materials having ISI mark shall be
given preference over those not having ISI mark.
2.1 The scope of work under this contract includes for the full, final and entire completion of all the
items of work described in Schedule 'A' Part I to Part-XVI and all as specified in these particular
specifications, as shown in drawings including notes thereon and Green Building Norms to obtain 3
star GRIHA Rating.
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3.2. Surface Excavation: Before starting excavation work the contractor shall carryout surface
excavation not exceeding 30 cm deep and averaging 15cm deep over the entire area covered by all
the items of Sch `A` Part-I and dispose off the spoil to a distance exceeding 50 metres and not
exceeding 2.5 km out side the periphery of the area. The cost of the same shall be deemed to be
included in the contractor’s quoted lump sum/unit rates.
3.3.1. Excavation and earthwork involved under this contract shall be considered as excavation in
any type of soil (i.e. soft/loose, hard/dense) as defined in MES Schedule. In case the strata met
actually at site is found to be different from any type of soil (ie. soft/loose, hard/dense) necessary
price adjustment shall be made through deviation order. However, the rates in MES Schedule for
soft/loose soil will be applicable to any type of soil as aforesaid subject to contractor's relevant
3.3.2 If hard rock meets during excavation, it shall be properly stacked by the contractor at site of
work. The method of measurement has been laid down in clause 3.1 on page 35 of SSR -2009 (Part-
I). The hard rock obtained form excavation shall become the property of the contractor, for which he
will be charged at the rate of Rs 450.00 per cum of stack measurement. The measurement shall be
properly recorded in MB and signed by Engineer-in-Charge and contractor. Nothing extra shall be
paid for stacking and removal of such material from site work.
3.3.3. In case timbering to excavation is required and specifically ordered by the GE in writing, this
shall be paid as deviation.
3.3.4. Unit rate in all parts of Schedule ‘A’ shall be deemed to include for bailing out, pumping out or
dewatering and removing all water which may accumulate in the excavated portion as per Clause of
MES Schedule (Part-II)-2020. No additional payment on this account shall be admissible as referred
to in clause 3.11 on page 19 of MES Schedule (Part-II) - 2020. In the event of deviation, no
adjustment shall be made for cost of bailing, pumping and dewatering as specified here-in-before.
3.3.5. Depth of foundations, shown on drawings, shall be reckoned from the average finished ground
level after surface excavation of existing ground as mentioned in P.S clause 3.2 here-in-before.
3.4.1. The earth available from excavation in foundations under schedule ‘A’ part-I and also under various parts
of schedule ‘A’ to the extent approved by engineer in charge shall be catered and used for filling shall be used
for filling in trenches, under floors and in any other situation after removing big stones, grass roots and
vegetation and other organic matter. any additional earth required for the purpose of filling shall be arranged by
contractor at no extra cost to the department from out side the Defense land. earth brought for filling shall be
got approved from the engineer-in-charge. contractor’s quoted lump sum for schedule ‘A’-I shall be deemed to
include for this element and nothing extra shall be admissible to the contractor on this account.
3.4.2 In the event of earth, available from excavation under Schedule ‘A’ Part-II to XII, being used for filling, as
mentioned in clause 3.4.1 here in before, no payment for removal of earth shall be admissible to the contractor
under that respective part of Schedule ‘A’ although catered for and indicated in that part, to the extent for the
same is used for filling. However, for earth not being reused in filling under that particular part of Schedule ‘A’ or
in items covered under Schedule ‘A’ Part-I , removal to that extent of earth only which is not being used for
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filling shall be paid to the contractor, The quantity of earth available from schedule ‘A’ Part-II to XII may vary
from that mentioned in there parts. However , no adjustment in the unit rates of buildings covered in Schedule
‘A’ Part-I shall be made in case of any such variations in quantity of earth available from these parts of Schedule
‘A’ and the contractor shall be deemed to have catered for all these contingencies in this lump sum quoted
against Schedule ‘A’ Part-I.
3.4.3 Filling under floors/sides of trenches shall be in layers not exceeding 250mm and each layer
shall be watered, compacted and rammed as approved by Engineer-in-Charge. Thickness of filling as
specified elsewhere and shown on drawings is the consolidated thickness.
3.6.2. The beds of the trenches shall be watered and well rammed and any depressions thus formed
shall be filled with approved earth and to the required level and slope as directed by Engineer-in-
3.7.1. After construction and before handing over work, the area around as defined here-in-before
shall be finally dressed without any extra cost to the Govt. Spoil obtained from dressing shall be
disposed off to a distance as specified in clause 3.5.1 here- in- before.
3.8.1. The lump sum for works under schedule `A` Part-I shall be for the construction of buildings
with foundations and plinths all as per the contract drawings and as specified hereinbefore. Any
change in foundation/plinth necessitated due to including ground, which may have to be carried out
as per the decision of the GE, shall be adjusted through a proper deviation order.
3.9.1 Unless mentioned otherwise here-in-after and/or drawings, hard core shall be hard crushed
stone aggregates of gauge not exceeding 63 mm all as specified under Para 3.27 on serial Page 47
of MES Schedule- 2009 (Part-I). Consolidation shall be done by well ramming and watering as
required. The thickness of hard core shall be measured after consolidation. The thickness of hard
core shown on drawing etc. shall be consolidated thickness.
3.11.2. The scope of work pertaining to anti-termite treatment shall be restricted to the provision in
Para 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 of IS: 6313(Part-II) of 2001. The provision of chemical
in other paragraphs of the said IS will also apply to the extent they are applicable to the items of
works, specified in various paras of IS mentioned above. The rate of application for different location
shall be as given in respective paras of IS.
3.11.3. A record of chemical obtained in sealed containers shall be maintained in the measurement
book duly signed by Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor.
3.11.4. The work of anti-termite treatment shall be got executed by the contractor through an
approved agency (as approved by GE who should be a member of Indian Pest Control Association
holding valid license as per Clause 12 of Insecticides Act, 1968 and persons employed to do the anti-
termite treatment shall be qualified as per Rule 10 of the rules framed under Insecticides Rule 1971.
The cost of anti-termite treatment is also deemed to be included in the lump-sum price for
buildings/structures included in Sch `A' Part-I as specified in Sch `A` notes.
3.11.5. With reference to Para 6.2.6 and 6.3 of the IS the contractor shall note that earth filling to be
done by him shall be carried out in layers not exceeding 25 cm thick (unless otherwise mentioned
here-in-after) and each layer is watered and rammed as specified.
3.11.6. In order to facilitate to watch the satisfactory fulfillment of guarantee, the following information
shall be inscribed in each building on a plate as mentioned here-in-before at such place and in such a
manner as approved by the GE. Date of expiry of guarantee shall be computed from the date of
completion of the entire work as certified by the GE. The information to be inscribed shall be for Anti-
termite treatment carried out “during___(month & year). chemical used __________. Agency who
executed the work__________and guarantee will expire on_____________.
3.11.7. The cost of making the above provisions shall be deemed to be included in the unit rate of the
buildings/structures included in Sch `A` Part-I.
3.11.8 The defects liability period for the anti-termite treatment shall be 10 years and the contractor
shall give guarantee to keep the entire buildings/structures free from termite infestation for the period
of 10 years after the work has been handed over to GE on completion. The contractor may obtain
similar guarantee from the specialist firm engaged by him for the purpose. The amount of security
deposit to be withheld from the contractor for Anti-termite treatment shall be calculated as per the
scales laid down for calculating individual security deposit on the amount of Anti-termite treatment at
contract rates for the buildings for which treatment is to be done. The amount calculated as above
shall be recovered by the department from the contractor’s on account payments. The amount shall
be released after expiry of guarantee period of Ten years. The contractor may give a separate
interest-bearing fixed deposit receipt or a bank guarantee bond approved by the department valid for
10 years for this amount. This guarantee shall also be applicable to woodwork and joinery as
specified here-in-after.
3.11.9. Should the GE at any time, during the construction or prior to expiry of the said guarantee
period of 10 years, find that the building(s)/structures has/have been infested with termite, the
contractor, on demand in writing from the GE, specifying the buildings(s)/ structures complained of,
shall forthwith undertake to carryout such treatment as may be necessary to render the said buildings/
structures free from termite infestation at his own expense, till expiry of the guarantee period of 10
years. In the event of contractor's failure to comply with the GE’s directions (within the period to be
specified by the GE) the GE may under take such treatment at the risk and cost of the contractor.
The liability of the contractor under this condition shall not, however, extend beyond the period of 10
years from the certified date of completion, unless the notice was served on the contractor previously
to rectify the defects.
3.11.10. Chemical for anti-termite treatment shall be brought in sealed containers. The sealed
container of the chemical for use in anti-termite treatment shall bear ISI mark. Chemical brought
without ISI marked sealed container shall be rejected. Quantity of chemicals brought to site with
manufacturer’s name, brand, batch No. etc shall be recorded in MB. The empty container shall be
kept at site till completion of the work for inspection by GE/Engineer-in-Charge.
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3.11.11. For the purpose of advance on account, the main contractor shall produce proof of
payment/paid receipts and written guarantee from the nominated specialist firm/agency.
3.11.12. Tests may be carried out in a recognised laboratory or test house at the discretion of the GE,
of the chemical brought by the agency executing the work, to satisfy that inferior materials are not
being used. Costs of such tests shall be borne by the contractor.
4.1.1 Lime shall be eminently hydraulic lime (Class `A`) and shall conform to IS: 712 as specified in
Para 4.2 on serial pages 41 and 42 of MES schedule (Part I).
4.1 CEMENT Cement to be used in all type of works covered under the contract shall be Portland
Pozzolana Cement confirming to IS: 1489- Part-I: 2009 specification for Portland Pozzolana Cement
4.1.2 Procurement of cement: Cement shall be procured from the main producers/ manufacturers
of the cement as specified in appendix ‘D’ to these particular specifications. The Contractor is also
allowed to procure cement from cement manufacturer approved by E in C`s Branch after date
of receipt of tender without any financial adjustment. The Particulars of the manufacturer of cement along with the date of manufacture shall be
produced by the contractor for every lot of cement separately. The cement so brought shall be fresh
and in no case older than 60 days from the date of manufacturing. The documents in support of the
purchases of cement such as purchase voucher shall be verified by the site staff and GE. Before
placing the order for supply of cement by the contractor, he shall obtain written approval from the GE
regarding name of manufacturer, quantity of cement etc. Cement shall be procured for minimum
requirement of one month and not exceeding the requirement of the same for more than two months
at a time. The cement shall be consumed in the work within three months after receipt. Cement shall
conform to the requirements of Indian Standard Specification and each bag of cement shall bear
relevant ISI mark. The weight of each consignment shall be verified by the GE and recorded. The cement shall be procured by the contractor preferably in paper polythelene bags. The
Average weight of each bag cement shall not be less than 50 Kg. The average weight shall be tested
by taking the weight of 50 Kg bags selected at random by GE per lot. In case the weight is less than
50 Kg whole lot shall be rejected. In case weight is more than 50 Kg it shall be deemed to contain 50
Kg only and nothing extra shall be admissible to contractor on account of extra cement used in the
work. Purchase vouchers as mentioned here-in-before shall bear machine number from the
manufactures. Use of Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC). While using PPC, the following requirement shall
be met with:-
(a) PPC shall meet the strength criteria of 43 grade Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as
laid down in IS-8112-1989.
(b) Minimum period before striking the form work given in clause 11.3.1 of IS 456:2000
and MES Schedule Part-I (SSR Part-I) vide clause shall be 14 days.
(c) Extra curing shall be carried out as required.
(d) Mandatory certificate of testing and quality assurance will continue to be submitted as hither-to-
fore, with fly ash content as per clause shall be 14 days.
4.1.2C.1 The contractor shall submit the manufacturer’s test certificate in original alongwith the Test Sheet
giving the result of each physical test as applicable and the chemical composition of the cement or
authenticated copy thereof, duly signed by the manufacturer with each consignment clearly bringing out above
details. Engineer-in-Charge shall record these details in the cement acceptance register after due verification.
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GE shall also organise independent testing of random samples of cement drawn from various lots from the
National Test House, SEMT Wing (CME Pune) Regional Research Laboratories, Government Laboratories, as
per IS: 3535 (method of sampling Hydraulic Cement), IS: 4031 (method of physical test for Hydraulic Cement)
and IS: 4032 (method of Chemical analysis of Hydraulic Cement).
4.1.2C.2 The average net mass of cement packed in bags at the plant in a sample shall be equal to or more
than 50 Kgs. The number of bags in a sample shall be as given below: -
4.1.2C.4. The test certificates and test sheet shall be furnished with each batch of cement. The Engineer-in-
Charge shall record these details in cement supply and acceptance register to be maintained by him which will
be signed by JE (Civil), Engineer-in- Charge, Garrison Engineer and the Contractor as given in the format
herein after for verification.
4.1.2C.5. The contractor shall however, organize setting time and compressive strength test of cement through
designated laboratory on samples collected from the lot brought at site before incorporation in work. The
contractor will be allowed to use the cement only after satisfactory compressive strength of seven days. To
meet this requirement contractor is required to keep minimum 10 days stock before any new lot brought at site,
which can be used, in the work. The contractor shall be required to remove the cement not meeting the
requirement from site within 24 hours. Seven-day strength test will be relied upon to accept the lot cement to
commence the work. 28 days compressive strength test shall be the final criteria to accept/reject the lot.
4.1.2C.6. The GE shall carryout independent testing as per the tests mentioned in the ’CEMENT
SUPPLY/ACCEPTANCE FORM’ of random samples of cement drawn from various lots, if sample fails in 7 days
compressive strength. The testing shall be carried out through national test house, SEMT Wing, CME Pune/CTL
Chandigarh and lITs as per IS- 3535 (method of sampling hydraulic cement), 15-4031 (method of physical test
for hydraulic cement), IS-4032-1985 (mëthod of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement) referred to above. The
decision as to where testing of cement is to be done shall be taken by GE. In case the cement is not of requisite
standard despite manufacturer’s test certificate, the contractor shall remove the total consignment from the site
at his own cost after written rejection order of the consignment by the GE. The work carried out using this
cement lot will be dismantled without any extra cost to the Deptt. The cost of test shall be borne by the
contractor irrespective of the results of testing.
4.1.2C.7. Cost of transportation of samples to and from the approved laboratory/test house and all testing
charges including cost of sample shall be borne by the contractor.
4.1.2C.8. The Accepting Officer may order a board of officers for random check of cement and verification of
connected documents during the currency of the contract.
4.1.2C.9B. The GE will intimate to the CWE when the above quantity of the cement is received at site of work
for ordering the requisite Board of Officers. Due to administrative reasons if there is a delay in ordering BOO,
the same will not affect the progress of work at any stage.
Schedule of procurement of cement shall be finalised by Contractor with GE and shall be incorporated in CPM
chart so that procurement is in accordance with the progress contemplated in the CPM prepared. The complete
requirement of cement shall be worked out before making any RAR payment and procurement of cement by the
contractor shall be completed sufficiently in advance of the execution of work. Cement bags lying for more than
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2 months after completion of test may be retested at the discretion of the GE before use and shall be rejected if it
fails to conform to any of the requirements of IS-269.
4.1.3 COARSE AGGREGATE: - Unless otherwise specified, coarse aggregate for all cement concrete work
shall be broken or crushed stone conforming to samples obtained from sources as mentioned in Appendix 'C'. In
all other respects, specifications given in Para 4.4.7(1) of the MES Schedule Part-I shall be complied with Grading of coarse aggregate unless otherwise specified shall be as per table-1 on page 53 of MES SSR
4.2.1 Fine aggregate for all concrete work shall be sand conforming to samples complying with the
requirement as specified in Para for grading zone I on page 53 & 54 of MES Schedule Part I.
Sand conforming to grading Zone II can also be permitted provided mix design is done and the requisite
strength of the concrete is achieved.
4.3. All mixes of concrete and mortar mentioned in this tender document shall be by volume other
than Quality Controlled Concrete/Design Mix Concrete.
(a) PCC in foundation of all brick walls, sub-base of floors (if PCC (1:5:10), type E-2
not specifically mentioned in particular specifications). (by volume)
(b) Lean concrete under footing of RCC portal/RCC footing/ PCC (1:4:8), type D-2
beam/ RCC columns/ plinth beams/toe beams and lean (by volume).
concrete in all other situations.
(c) Plinth protection including toe and drain. PCC (1:3:6), type C-1
(by volume).
(d) PCC bed blocks, PCC bed plates, PCC blocks (other than PCC (1:3:6), type C-1
for hold fasts) and concrete filling around pipes. (by volume).
(e) PCC blocks for hold fasts, cills, kerbs, copings, benching PCC (1:2:4), type B-1
and all other PCC work not specifically mentioned (by volume)
elsewhere and in (a) to (d) above.
4.5.2. All reinforced cement concrete shall be consolidated by mechanical vibrators. It shall be
ensured that concrete is properly compacted well around reinforcement, any embedded fixtures &
sides of form work. Consolidation by tamping may be resorted to with the prior permission of GE in
writing in locations where it is not practicable in the opinion of GE to operate the vibrator or where
quantity of concrete is small. Care shall be taken to ensure that concrete is not over vibrated so as to
cause segregation.
4.7.1 Sampling and strength test of concrete shall be carried out as per clause 15 of IS-456: 2000.
Coarse, fine aggregate and concrete cubes shall be tested in any Govt. lab as approved by GE. The
testsamples shall be identified and signed jointly by Engr-in-Charge and contractor's representative.
However, minimum quantity of cement per cubic metre of concrete M-25 shall be as per IS: 456-2000.
4.8.2 As soon as possible, after receiving the order to commence the work, the contractor shall procure
sufficient quantities of the aggregate and cement and submit samples to the IIT/NIT/CTL/Govt. Approved
labs/Govt Engg. College as approved by GE to test their characteristics and carry out the mix design. The
representatives of the GE and the contractor may be associated with concrete mix design. In case of disputes,
the matter will be referred to the Accepting Officer, whose decision shall be final and binding.
4.8.3 The optimum mix to achieve the target mean strength shall be determined in the laboratory
conditions. The concrete shall conform to the following specifications in accordance with IS: 456-
2000: -
4.8A.1 In proportioning concrete, the quantity of both cement and aggregate shall be determined by
mass and all in accordance with clause 10.2 and sub clauses thereon of IS-456-2000 as applicable.
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4.8A.2 In case the quantity of design mix concrete in the entire work is less than 1000 Cum, mixing of
concrete shall be done in a mechanical mixer using weigh batching and as per clause 10.3 of IS:456-
2000. Weigh batching shall be done preferably with layer type weigh batcher. The concrete mixer
shall confirm to IS: 1791 and fitted with water measuring (metering) devices. In case the quantity of
design mix concrete in the entire work is more than 1000 cum, the contractor shall install fully
automatic computerized batching plant at site or alternatively RMC as per approved design mix from
approved RMC plant shall be used without any extra cost to the Deptt.
(b) As a result of the mix design, if the quantity of cement required in order obtaining the
desired properties of concrete is more than the minimum quantity of cement specified then the
cement content as per mix design shall be provided but no adjustment shall be made in the
prices of the relevant works.
4.8D SAMPLING: The sampling procedure and the frequency of sampling shall be as per clause
15.2 of IS: 456-2000
The workability of the concrete shall be checked frequently as per IS-1199 (Methods of
Sampling and Analysis of Concrete). Slump i.e. workability shall be controlled by properly accounting
for moisture of aggregates. Records of moisture content and slump shall be kept duly verified by AGE
and GE.
4. 8F.1 Special care shall be taken to get the most suitable grading of aggregates so as to produce
the densest possible concrete. Mix proportion shall be as indicated. Water cement ratio shall be
controlled consistent with the requirements of workability to produce impervious concrete.
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4. 8F.2 The concrete between the reinforcement and the formwork on the water face shall be well
compacted and the board joints tight, so as to produce a structure free from honey-combing or pores.
External vibrators viz. vibrators at the rate of one vibrator per 2.5 M2 of shutter area may be used to
produce a compact concrete with a dense skin which shall not however contain an excess of cement.
Wherever it is not possible to use shutter vibrator, pin vibrator shall be used after the approval of
4. 8F.3.1 All vertical, horizontal construction and expansion joints in water retaining structures shall be
located and executed as shown in the drawings and no deviation shall be permitted without the
specific permission of Engineer-in-Charge. Where day’s work joints are formed whether horizontally
or vertically, they shall be rebated as called out on drawings. Care shall be taken to remove from the
earlier lift over all loose pieces of gravel, stone chips, wooden chips, country nails or any other foreign
materials. All laitance shall also be thoroughly removed. If necessary, the face of the old concrete
shall be well hacked to expose the aggregate and after washing the surface, a thin coat of mortar or
grout (1 cement: 1 sand) shall be applied immediately before resuming concreting.
4. 8F.3.2 Water bar installation along the joints shall be done by embedding one half of the water bar
in each side of the joints by suitable jigs/supporting arrangements between the adjacent sections of
the concrete as per the manufacturer’s specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Water
bars shall be properly aligned and placed in position during embedding. To achieve the continuity of
the water bar all along the joint at crossing and at change of alignment, the water stops shall be
welded (in T, X or L shapes as the case may be) as per manufacturer’s specifications and directions
of Engineer-in-Charge. Suitable jigs manufactured out of reinforcing bars may be used for fixing the
water bars.
4. 8F.3.3 Fittings
Pipes and other fittings passing through the walls and bottom shall be well embedded in the concrete
and shall be provided with normal puddle flanges. Openings in the walls, and floor slabs if any shall
be provided as per the relevant drawings.
4. 8F.4 Curing
Concrete in water retaining portion shall be cured minimum for 21 days.
4.10.1 Throating/cornice shall be provided at the projection of PCC cills and projected portions of
RCC slab irrespective of what is shown on drawings. The throating/cornice shall be formed in
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concrete while casting. Throating in chajjas shall be obtained by providing wooden fillets of required
size and shape as approved by GE. The throating shall not be obtained in plaster.
(b) It shall consist of 75 mm thick PCC 1:3:6, type C-1 (using 20mm graded stone aggregate)
laid over 75 mm thick (consolidated) hard core as specified here-in-before finished even and
fair with wooden float without using extra cement. Plinth protection shall be laid to a slope of 1
in 12 in alternate bays system. Each bay shall not exceed 3meter in length.12mm wide 50mm
deep joint shall be formed between the bays which shall be filled with mastic filling to full depth
comprising mixture of one part heated hot blown bitumen of 85/25 penetration and two parts of
sand (by volume). The width of plinth protection, shall be all as indicated in the drawings and
toe of size 75 mm deep and 75mm wide in PCC (1:3:6), type C-1 using 20mm graded stone
4.12.2. Damp proof course shall be provided on all brick walls for their full length and width at the
ground floor. Damp proof course shall also be provided under openings/door opening at depressed
level including vertical faces of depressed portion of opening/door openings as per requirement of
Clause of IS:2212. However, damp proof course shall not be provided over dwarf walls/RCC
4.12.3. Damp proof course shall also be provided in location wherever plinth beam/band occurs below
plinth level.
4.13 SPLASH STONES Splash stone shall be provided in situations as shown on drawing. The
Splash stone shall be provided below rain water pipe as directed by Engr-in-charge irrespective of
whatever shown on drawings. Unless otherwise shown on drawing, splash stone shall be of size of
60cm x 40cm x 20mm thick unpolished machine cut Kota stone slab laid over a screed bed of
cement- sand mortar 1: 3, 15 mm thick.
4.14 WINDOW CILLS: 40 mm thick PCC (Nominal mix) with 20 mm stone aggregate shall be
provided to cills of all windows. Top of the window cills shall be finished with 16-18 mm thick polished
Udaipur Green stone irrespective of what is shown on drawings.
(b) The stone slabs shall be provided all as specified in MES Schedule Part-I 2009.
(c) PCC coping of 1:2:4 type B0 wherever shown on drawings shall be 50 mm thick with
projection of 25mm (Roof Parapets Only)
4.17.1 Form work shall comply with the requirements specified in Para 11 on pages 25 and 26 of IS:
456- 2000. However, the form works striking period given in Para 11.3.1 on Page 25 of IS shall be
amended as under.
4.17.2 Formwork shall be of adequate strength. Formwork to be used for surfaces specified in these
specifications to be plastered shall be such that after application of the specified thickness of plaster a
fair finished surface is achieved as specified. The contractor shall use properly designed steel form
work (both vertical props and for sides) duly taking all precautions and considering the nature and
scope of works involved in the subject work and he will have to properly roughen the concrete surface
for receiving plaster finish. Wall thickness shall not be made use of as form work; wall shall be built
after the columns are cast. In the event of deviation, rate for wooden formwork clean sawn (rough
finished) as per MES schedule will only be applicable.
4.17.3. The contractor shall excavate for the RCC footing and RCC walls to their required and the
space required to carryout the external wall plaster all as mentioned herein before size after
accounting for form work to sides. If the depth of excavation is more than required, the same shall be
made good as mentioned in clause 3.13.4 on page 39 and sub Clause 3.15.5 on Serial page No.39 of
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MES Schedule Part-I. Formwork shall be provided to vertical sides of column pedestals and RCC
walls as necessary and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. The space between the sloped portion of
RCC column footings and brick work (above) shall be filled with PCC (1:5:10) type E-2 to maintain
continuity and level of brick work and lump-sum quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to include
for the same.
5.1.1. (a) Fly Ash Cement Bricks: -
(i) Refer relevance clauses of the MES Schedule Part-I 2009. Flyash cement bricks of best quality
confirming to IS:16720 shall be used in the work. These shall confirm to samples kept in GE’s office.
(ii) Sand for mortar shall be obtained from the sources as given in Appenix ‘C’ to these particular
Specification and shall confirm to the requirement as given in Para 5.4 on page No. 88 MES SSR Part-I
5.1.2 Fly Ash Cement Bricks
(i) Pulverized Fuel Ash-cement bricks (Fly Ash Bricks) shall conform to IS 16720. Visually the brick
shall be sound, compact, and uniform in shape free from visible cracks, warpage, flaws, and organic
matter. The bricks shall be solid and with or without frog on one of its flat side. Fly ash bricks of class
100B for load bearing and 75 B for non load bearing wall (i.e compressive strength 100 Kg/cm* for load
Bearing wall and 75 Kg/ cm2 for non load bearing wall). Water absorption shall not exceed 20% by
mass. These shall confirm to or superior than samples kept in GE's office.
(ii) . Fly ash shall conform to grade 1 or grade 2 of IS 3812: Specification for fly ash for use as
Pozzolana and admixture. The composition of the fly ash bricks shall be as below:
FLY ASH 50-60%
SAND 30-40%
CEMENT 8-12%
(iii) The chemical composition test report of fly ash bricks shall be submitted before incorporation fly
ash bricks in the work. The GE shall also carry out chemical composition test form approved lab
independently. The cost of transportation and test shall be borne by the contractor.
(iv) The fly ash bricks shall be manufactured through fully automatic machine/plant.
5.1.3 The contractor must submitt a Fly Ash brick test report from a certified lab showing flyash
contained in the bricks.
5.2.1. All brick work shall be built in cement and sand mortar and mix of mortar, for work covered in
Schedule `A’ Part-I, shall be as shown on drawings. In case mix of mortar has not been mentioned
anywhere on the drawings, the same shall be as under:-
(a) In Half brick thick walls, brick on edge walls, : Cement and Sand mortar (1:4)
Isolated brick pillars and brick steps.
(b) Brick work in all load/ non load bearing walls : Cement and Sand mortar (1:6)
and in all other situations
5.2.2. All brick work in half brick walls shall be built with necessary foundation as indicated in drg No
CEAF/STD/341/93, sheet 1/2 in ground floor and from RCC slabs in subsequent floors and shall be
reinforced with 2 Nos 8mm dia deformed bars at every fourth course starting from 20cm above
DPC/floor slab. Brick work in panels shall be jointed with RCC columns by means of wall ties of MS
flat 25mm x 3mm at every fourth course. The bonding length of reinforcement/ MS flat shall be as
under: -
(a) Junction of 11.5 cm thick wall - 10 cm
(b) Junction of 11.5 cm/23 cm thick walls and RCC columns etc. - 20 cm
5.2.3 Brick work required to be carried out under different parts of Schedule `A’ other than Schedule
`A’ Part-I shall be built in cement mortar as mentioned in the description of the respective Schedule
`A’ item.
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5.3.2 Centre line dimensions of rooms, verandah etc, as shown in drawing shall be maintained.
Internal and over all dimensions, if at variance from whatever is shown in drawings, shall be deemed
to have been amended accordingly. The dimensions for various heights shall be maintained as shown
on the drawings.
5.3.3. Mortar of bed joints shall be such that four courses of brick work and three joints taken
consecutively, shall measure 3 to 4 cms in addition to the combined height of the bricks themselves.
Accordingly, the provision under Clause 5.26 on page 95 of MES Schedule (Part-I) shall not be made
applicable to this contract and no price adjustment shall be done on this account. However, in the
case of half brick walls where reinforcement has been specified hereinbefore, such four courses will
be selected between two horizontal joints having the reinforcement.
6.1.1 The timber to be used in various situations’ (except flush shutter, veneered particle boards/block
board, timber for form work), unless otherwise specified elsewhere in particular specifications, shall
be as under: -
(i) Wooden plug, cleats/hinge blocks, chock First class hard wood (Shisham).
(ii) All wood works other than flush shutters, block Second Class hard wood Hollock,
board, veneered particle board, plywood. Champ, Sal
(iii) Any other wood work not mentioned above/ Second Class hard wood Hollock,
elsewhere. Champ, Sal.
6.1.2. Maximum permissible moisture content in timber used for various purposes is 14%. The
contractor shall get the timber (except that required for temporary use such as form work etc) kiln
seasoned to ensure that permissible moisture content is not exceeded.
6.1.3. No price adjustment will be made either to the unit rate for the buildings in Schedule 'A' or while
pricing any deviations on account of kiln seasoning as specified hereinbefore as this element is
deemed to be included in the rates.
6.1.4 Timber to be used in various situation as mentioned here-in-before shall be free from defects
as mentioned in clause 7.4 and 7.5 on page No 134 of MES Schedule 2009 (Part-I).
6.3.1 Tolerance up to 1.5mm for each wrought face for carpenter’s work shall be allowed except for
fillets, beads and wooden shutter which should be of specified thickness/size. The tolerance for flush
shutters shall be within the limits specified in IS: 2202 (Part-I).
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Plywood shall bear ISI certification mark with IS-303 and shall be BWP grade. Marine plywood
shall bear ISI certification mark with IS: 710 of 1976 and as specified. The bonding shall be with
phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin and hot pressed at high pressure and temperature. The ply wood
shall be procured from any of the manufacturers mentioned in Appendix ‘D’ here-in-after.
6.5.1 These shall comply with the requirements of IS: 12823 and shall be exterior grade quality, pre-
laminated on one or both faces with decorative choice lamination as approved. In case one side of
the board is having decorative lamination, the other side shall have a balancing white lamination. The
thickness of the board shall be as indicated on the drawings. These shall be procured from any of the
manufacturers mentioned in Appendix ‘D’ here-in-after
6.5.2 Pre-laminated particle board shall be fixed in situation as required in similar manner as
described for particle board, ply wood etc under clause 12.24 of the MES Schedule Part-I.
7.1 Frame for Flush and Gauged/Skeleton shall be Factory made single extruded WPC (Wood Polymer
Composite) solid door Frames/ Chowkhat of size 50 x 100 and 65X125 mm comprising of PVC polymer of
K value 58-60 (Suspension Grade), calcium carbonate and natural fibers (wood powder/ rice husk/ wheat
husk) and non toxic additives (maximum toxicity index of 12 for 100 gms) fabricated with miter joints after
applying PVC solvent cement and screwed with full body threaded star headed SS screws having
minimum frame density of 750 kg/ cum, screw withdrawal strength of 2200 N (Face) & 1100 N (Edge),
minimum compressive strength of 58 N/mm2, modules of elasticity 900 N/mm2 and resistance to spread
of flame of Class A category with property of being termite/borer proof, water/ moisture proof and fire
retardant and fixed in position with MS hold fast/ lugs/SS dash fasteners of required dia and length
complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (M.S. hold fast/ lugs or SS dash fasteners shall be paid
for separately). Note: For WPC solid door/window frames, minus 5mm tolerance in dimension i.e. depth
and width of profile shall be acceptable. Variation in profile dimensions on plus side shall be acceptable
but no extra payment on this account shall be made.
7.1.1. Irrespective of whatever shown on drawing frame for door shall be solid wood polymer
composite (WPC).
7.1.2. Product selected for the project shall be registered with GRIHA Council or the contractor shall
submit a certificate stating that the product has more than 5-10% of the recycled content in it.
7.2.1 Flush shutters for door shall be factory pressed readymade and ready to use both side laminated having
composite thickness of 30mm inclusive of BWP grade flush door as confirming to IS:2202(Part-I) norms and
1.0mm thick HPL confirming to IS:2046 in approved shade, the flush door will be constructed using 65mm wide
frame filled with 30-50mm wide natural wood solid core filler supported by 2.5mm thick core veneer with PF
resin of IS:848 grade and with final finish of factory pressed 1.00mm thick HPL on both side.
7.2.2 All flush shutters shall be factory made and shall be procured from any of the firms mentioned in Appendix
‘D’ here-in-after.
7.2.3 Reference may be made to clause 8.20 on sr page No 161 & 162 of the MES Schedule Part-I regarding
other requirements and fixing of shutters.
7.5.4 .Each door leaf will consists of following builder’s hardware:
(i) Stainless steel butt hinges 100 mm – 4 nos
(ii) ‘Stainless steel handles 200 mm long fancy type – 2 nos
(i) Stainless steel tower bolt 200 mm long – 2 Nos
(ii) Stainless steel Mortice lock 6 lever – 1 No
(iii) Hydraulic door closer ISI mark heavy duty – 1 No
(iv) Stainless steel Door stopper - 1 No
7.3.1 Steel Gauged door shutter shall be made of Rolled formed GI sections as shown in drawing No.
CEAF/STD/207/2016 dt 27.10.2016.
7.4 PVC DOOR FRAME: Frame for PVC door, size 50 mm x 95 mm shall be provided, made out of
extruded 5mm Rigid PVC prelam foam sheet metre cut at two corners and joined with 2 Nos of
150mm long brackets of 15x15mm MS Square tube. The two vertical door profiles are to be
reinforced with 19x19mm MS Square tube of 19 gauges. EPDM rubber gasket weather seal to be
provided throughout the frame. The door frame shall be fixed to wall using 75mm long MS screws
through the frame by using PVC fasteners. A minimum of 4 Nos of screws to be provided for each
vertical member and minimum 2 Nos for horizontal member. PVC sheet and edges will be painted to
match the prelam sheet
7.5 PVC DOOR SHUTTER: Factory made pre-laminated PVC door shutter (conforming to IS-4020)
30mm thick, consisting of frame made out of MS tubes of 19-gauge thickness and size of stiles, top
rail, bottom rail and lock rail all as per shown on drawings MS frame shall have a coat of steel primers
of approved make and manufacture. MS frame covered with 5mm thick heat moulded pre-laminated
PVC ‘C’ channel of size 30mm thickness, 70mm width out of which 50mm shall be flat and 20mm
shall be tapered in 45 angle on either side forming stiles and 5mm thick, 95mm wide pre-laminated
PVC sheet out of which 75mm shall be flat and 20mm shall be tapered in 45 on the inner side to
form top and bottom rail and 155mm pre-laminated PVC sheet out of which 75mm shall be flat and
20mm shall be tapered on both sides to form lock rail. Top, bottom and lock rail shall be provided
either side of panel. 10mm (5mmx2) thick 20mm wide cross PVC sheet shall be provided as gap
insert for top rail and bottom rail. Panelling of 5mm thick prelam PVC sheet to be fitted with the MS
frame welded/sealed to the stiles and rails with 5mm + 2mm thick x15mm wide PVC sheet beading
on inner side and joined together with solvent cement adhesive etc. An additional 5mm thick PVC
strip of 20mm width is to be stuck on the interior side of ‘C’ channel using PVC solvent adhesive
complete all as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge, manufacturers specification and drawings. PVC
doors shall be of make given in appendix ‘D’ to these particular specifications as approved by GE.
7.6 Product selected for the project shall be registered with GRIHA Council or the contractor shall submit
a certificate stating that the product has more than 5-10% of the recycled content in it.
8.2. Butt hinges shall be stainless steel ISI marked, bright finish, medium weight except for PVC
doors which shall be of aluminium.
8.3. Piano type hinges shall be continuous and shall be of pressed steel, bright finish, medium weight
quality. These shall be provided in all cupboard shutters, loft doors irrespective of what is shown in
8.4. Screws for all fittings shall match with respective fittings both in material and finish.
8.5. Iron mongery/fittings shall be provided as per size and number given in ‘Schedule of Iron
Mongery/Fittings’ in respective drawings.
8.6. Single/double action helical door spring shall be of mild steel black Japan finish.
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8.7. HYDRAULIC DOOR CLOSER: It shall be of brass heavy duty complying with the
requirements of IS: 3564-1975 with ISI mark. The hydraulic door closer shall be suitable for both clock
wise & anti-clockwise doors, without any change in parts of the closer. These shall be procured from
any of the makes specified in Appendix ‘D’ here-in-after.
8.8 FLOOR SPRINGS: These shall comply with the requirements of IS:6315 and shall be double
action floor spring hydraulically regulated made up of minimum 1.25mm thick aluminium sheet
foundation box, main body with stainless steel cover, governing pivot of brass, other parts made of
mild steel heavy duty
8.10. Wherever tower bolts have been mentioned in drawings, these shall be barrel bolt. Dia of bolt
shall be 10mm.
8.11 FLOOR DOOR STOPPERS: Refer clause 9.15 of MES Sch Part-I. The same shall be
aluminium alloy body and tongue with hard drawn steel spring. The overall length of cover plate shall
be 140mm
8.12 Handles: 150 mm long aluminium handle plate type to door shutters shall be pressed oval
type and aluminium handles to door shutters shall be of aluminium alloy fabricated type and shall be
ISI marked.
8.13 Hasp and Staples: Hasp and staples shall be of safety type of aluminium body.
8.14 Ball Catch Springs: Ball catch springs shall be of brass and polished bright all as specified in
clause 9.14 of SSR Part-I.
8.15 Door Springs Rat Tail Type: All wire gauge shutters shall be provided with door spring rat tail
type made of mild steel all as specified in clause 9.7.8 SSR Part-I.
8.16 Towel Rail: Unless otherwise shown on drawings towel rail shall be of stainless steel tubular
of ‘D’ shape with flanged ends for fixing. It shall be of 19mm dia and 60cm length in case where the
length is not mentioned.
8.17 Towel Ring: This shall be standard stainless steel towel ring.
8.18 Tie Hanger: Tie hanger 'D' shape 300mm long of aluminium-anodised tubuler of dia 15mm
shall be provided as shown on drawings.
8.19 Magic Eye: Magic eye shall be provided to the entrance doors as shown on the drawing at
appropriate height. Magic eye shall be of aluminium as directed by the GE and shall be fixed with
cadmium plated screws.
8.20 Aluminium Sheet Lining: Where wooden doors are specifically indicated to be provided in
Bath, WC and Toilet, aluminium sheet of 22 gauges shall be provided to full width upto top of bottom
rail on both sides of these wooden doors. This shall be single sheet without joint, fixed with cadmium
plated steel screws at 20cm centre to centre.
8.21.1 Wire cloth shall be of stainless steel conforming to IS having 0.36 mm nominal dia of wire and
1.40 mm average width of aperture.
9.1.1 All steel required for incorporation in the work under this contract shall be procured by the
contractor from the sources mentioned here-in-after and shall comply with the requirements of the
following specifications:
(ii) However, 6mm bars (MS and CTD bars) wherever shown on drawings, the same shall be
amended to 8mm TMT bars without changing the spacing/numbers. The grade shall be as explained
in (a) above without any extra cost to the Govt.
(iii) TMT steel bars of grade Fe 500D shall only be used in works to be executed in seismic Zone 4 &
5 irrespective of whatever is shown in drawings. However, Earth Quake Resistant (EQR) steel of
grade manufactured by SAIL with the following tensile properties shall also be allowed to be used in
Seismic Zone 4 & 5:
(iv) The minimum elongation for steel of grade Fe-500D shall be 16 % as per IS: 1786-2008. For
seismic zone II & III, the minimum elongation shall be 12 %. However, in seismic zone II & III steel of
grade Fe 500 manufactured by SAIL with minimum elongation 18 % shall also be allowed to be used.
(iv) MS round bars (6 mm dia) other than RCC work shall be of mild steel grade-I quality conforming
to IS: 432 (Pt-I)-1982. Chemical composition shall be in accordance with steel designation Fe 410-S
of IS: 226-1975.
(ii) Ordinary quality steel Fe 330 or Fe 370 conforming to IS: 1977-latest shall be used for steel doors,
steel windows, grills, steel gates, railing, fencing posts etc.
galvanized steel sheet (plain or corrugated) shall be conforming to IS: 277 with minimum average
mass of zinc coating (total both sides) as 275gms /square metre.
(d) FABRIC REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE: Hard drawn steel wire fabric for concrete
reinforcement shall be conforming to IS: 1566-1982. Steel wire fabric for general use such as window
grills, fencing work, etc. shall conform to IS: 4948-2002 Specification for Welded Steel Wire Fabric for
General Use.
9.1.2 In the drawings showing reinforcement details, the symbols # and O stands for deformed
/twisted steel bars and mild plain round bars respectively. All reinforcement work including that of
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overlaps shall be provided as per standard Engineering practice and as directed by GE unless
otherwise indicated in relevant drawings. No hook shall be provided in respect of the deformed steel
9.1.3 Where there is a discrepancy between number of reinforcement bars as marked on the
drawings and number of bars as worked out from the center to center spacing shown on drawings,
the later shall prevail.
9.1.4 For pricing deviations involving TMT bars the rates given in SSR (Subject to contractor’s
percentage) shall be applied irrespective of the grade of TMT bars.
9.1.5 For pricing deviations involving steel for general purpose Gde-410WA, the rate shall be
applicable as per Gde-410W given in SSR Part-II adjusted by applicable percentage for respective
parts of Schedule-A.
9.1.6. PROCUREMENT REINFORCEMENT STEEL: TMT bars of all sizes shall be procured directly from the main
manufacturers as mentioned in Appendix ’D’. The Contractor is also allowed to procure TMT bars
from TMT bar manufacturer approved by E in C`s Branch after date of receipt of tender without
any financial adjustment. STRUCTURAL STEEL: Structural steel of all sizes shall be procured directly from the main
producer SAIL/RINL/TISCO/Jindal.
In case of non-availability of structural steel section of any size with main producers as mentioned
above (Non-availability certificate signed by authorised rep of each main producer) the same can be
procured from approved secondary producers (as mentioned in Appx-`D’) who manufacture structural
steel out of ISI marked billets and are having BIS certification or ISI marked on their products with
price adjustment. The minus price adjustment shall be done @ 5% of accepted rates i.e. SSR rate. In
case any section is not being manufactured/rolled by the main producer, there shall not be any price
adjustment on account of procurement of this section from approved secondary producer. GALAVINISED STEEL SHEET & FABRIC REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE: These
shall be procured directly from main manufacturer. Structural Steel, Galvanised Steel Sheets & Fabric Reinforcement for concrete may be
procured from authorized dealers of main producers in case total requirement of structural
steel/Galvanised Steel Sheets/Fabric reinforcement for concrete is less than 05 metric tonnes. Structural steel sections ordinary quality required for railings, gates, fencing, window guard
bars/grills, door chowkhats, hold fasts etc. which do not constitute structural members, may be
procured from main producers/secondary producers/BIS marked manufacturers or their authorized
dealers at the option of the contractor without any price adjustment. All finished steel shall be well and clearly rolled to the dimensions, sections and weights
specified. The finished material shall be reasonable, free from cracks, surface flaws, laminations,
rough, jagged and imperfect edges and other harmful defects and shall be finished in a workman- like
manner. Tolerance on size and weight of reinforcement bars shall not be more than specified in clause
10.17.4 & 10.17.5 of MES SSR Part-I.
9.1.8 Testing Testing of Steel
The manufacturer is to carryout inspections and testing of steel in accordance with the
relevant BIS codes for testing. The contractor shall submit the manufacturer’s Test Certificate in
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original alongwith the Test sheet giving the result of each mechanical test as applicable and the
chemical composition of the steel or authenticated copy thereof duly signed by the manufacturer with
each consignment. The Engineer-in-Charge shall record these details in the Steel Acceptance
Register, after due verification and send a certified true copy of test sheet to GE for his record. The
GE/CWE shall also organise independent testing of random samples of steel drawn from various lots
from a National Test House, SEMT, CME, Regional Research Labs, Government approved labs,
Zonal labs etc as per the following frequency. Samples from each lot should be tested for quality
elongation. The elongation shall not be less than 18%. In order to undertake testing, the requisite
facilities and cost of materials consumed in tests shall be borne by the contractor. However, testing
charges shall be borne in accordance with condition 10A of IAFW-2249, ie. Testing charges shall be
borne by the Deptt if the test results are found in order, otherwise these shall be borne by the
contractor. The contractor at his cost shall arrange facilities for such tests. Tests are mandatory and
hence all these tests shall invariably be carried out before incorporating the TMT bars in the work. No
TMT bars shall be incorporated in the work without the above tests under any circumstance.
Contractors to note that recovery in lieu of above tests shall not be acceptable.
2. Bar size 10mm to 16mm inclusive 1 sample (3 specimens) for each test for every 35
tonnes or part thereof
3. Bar size over 16mm 1 sample (3 specimens) for each test for every 45
tonnes or part thereof
For various tests, acceptance criteria, tolerance etc, refer to details given here-in-before and
relevant BIS Codes.
(ii) Testing by the GE as per above frequency is mandatory before payment is released to the
contractor or steel is incorporated in the work. However, tests will not be insisted upon for the steel
required for guard bars, holdfasts, grills and such other allied items. Any item of steel, not meeting the
requirements, shall be rejected and the particular consignment removed from the site by the
contractor at his own cost. The contractor will have no claim on this account.
(iii) The GE may also increase frequency and number of samples /tests for his satisfaction. The
cost of these additional tests shall be governed as per condition 10 (A) of IAFW-2249. However, cost
of samples, transportation and other overheads shall be borne by the contractor irrespective of test
results. Cost of testing, transportation and materials used in testing etc shall be borne by the
contractor and no extra claim whatsoever will be admissible. Number of tests will be as mentioned in
Para here-in-before. Independent testing of structural steel by the GE shall be optional at the discretion of the GE
in case of procurement from main producer but on procurement from secondary producer it is
mandatory. Testing charges shall be borne by the contractor in accordance with Condition-10A of
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Steel Acceptance Register and measurement Book for steel (for record purposes and not to
be abstracted) shall be maintained by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall submit original
paid vouchers from the manufacturer for the total quantity of steel supplied under each consignment
to be incorporated in the work. All consignments received at the work site shall be inspected by the
GE alongwith the relevant documents before acceptance. The original vouchers and the Test
Certificates shall be defaced by the Engineer-in-Charge and kept on record in the office of GE duly
authenticated and with cross reference to the control Number recorded in the Steel Acceptance
Register. The steel acceptance Register will be signed by JE (civil), Engineer-in-Charge, GE and
contractor. The Accepting Officer may order a Board of Officers for random check of steel and
verification of connected documents. The entire quantity of all steel items shall also be suitably
recorded in the measurement book for record purposes as "not to be abstracted” before incorporation
in the work and shall be signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor. Any bar of any diameter for reinforcement may be procured in round bundles or coils and the
cost of straightening the same shall be borne by the contractor. When bars are procured in bundles,
the length of each bundle shall be worked out on the basis of unit weight predetermined by the GE by
getting suitable length (not less than 3 metres) out of each consignment(s) received, getting it
straightened, length measured and weighed in presence of contractor’s accredited representative.
The said length(s) and the weight(s) shall be calculated. The length of bars worked out on the basis
of unit weight determined as above shall form the basis for the purpose of calculating quantity of steel
used/to be used in work and making payment of materials lying at site. However, if the unit weight
works out more than the unit weight given in SSR, then unit weight given in SSR shall be followed for
computing weight of steel for the purpose of making payment of steel lying at site.
9.1.11 Size, type & grade of steel reinforcement shall be all as mentioned here-in-before. However,
if grade & type of structural steel are not shown on drawing(s), the same shall be of grade Fe 410-BR
for structural purpose. Various types of steel shall be as given here under: -
Reinforcement Steel
(a) Grade of TMT bars shall be as specified in PS Clause No. 9.1.1A here-in before with yield stress
(0.2% proof stress) of 500 N/sq. mm and shall confirm to all requirements of IS-1786-2008 (Latest).
(b) MS round bars (6 mm dia) shall be of mild steel grade-I quality conforming to IS: 432 (Pt-I)-1982.
Chemical composition shall be in accordance with steel designation Fe 410-S of IS: 226-1975.
(b) Ordinary quality steel conforming to IS: 15911 shall be used for steel doors, steel windows (SW
series), grills, steel gates, railing, fencing posts etc.
(iii) Galvanised Steel Sheets (Plain And Corrugated) : These shall be class-IV conforming to IS:277
with zinc coating nominal 275 gm/square metre.
9.1.12 STORAGE Steel of different sizes shall be stacked separately. For each classification of steel, separate
areas shall be earmarked. Steel shall be marked with distinct painting marks for easy identification. All steel shall be so stored that it is always at least 15 cm above the ground level and in
a manner so as to prevent distortion and corrosion. Any section that has deteriorated and corroded
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or if considered defective by Engineer-in-Charge shall not be used in the work and shall be removed
by the contractor without any extra cost. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to make sure that
all possible arrangements are made for the safe custody of the steel. In case of any loss of steel,
contractor only will be responsible and the loss will be made good without any delay or claim
The complete requirement of steel of various sizes will be worked out before making any RAR
payment and procurement of steel by the contractor will be completed sufficiently in advance of the
date of completion. No extension of time will be considered for non -availability of any section of
9.2.1 Refer clause 10.15 of SSR Part-I 2009.
9.2.2. Welding of iron and steel work shall be done in approved manner with electric arc welding/gas
9.2.3. Electric welding shall be metal arc welding using consumable electrodes. All fillet welds
shown on drawings shall be normal fillet welds. Welding shall be done as specified in IS-816 and IS-
9.2.4 Welding electrodes shall be of quality suitable for welding of structural steel and shall comply
with the requirements of IS-814 for covered electrodes for metal arc welding of mild steel.
9.2.5. Contractor’s particular attention is invited to IS-818 code of practice for safety and health
requirements in welding and cutting operations and provisions mentioned vide clause No 10.15.19 of
SSR Part-I (2009).
9.2.6 All welds shall be cleaned of slag and other deposits after completion.
9.2.7 Unless otherwise specified/shown on drawings, all welds shall be 6mm fillet welds. All butt
welds shall be full penetration welds.
9.2.8 All steel/MS work in railing etc, shall have joints welded all-round. Spot welding shall not be
9.3.1 Reinforcement shall be bent to shape and provided as indicated on the drgs.
9.3.2 All laps and crossings shall be tied with mild steel wire (annealed) of size not less than 0.9mm
9.3.2. Stirrups fabricated out of tor steel bars shall also be provided with 90-degree bend.
9.3.3. Unless otherwise shown on drawings, spacing of chairs shall be 75cm centre to centre below
the cranked-up bars to keep the bars in position.
9.3.4. Unless otherwise shown on drawing, bends to a radius of 4 times of dia of bars shall be
provided in respect of Tor steel bars. In case of deviations involving reinforcement bars, the
length of each bar for the purpose of calculation laps shall be taken as 10metre for omit
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Holdfasts for doors/windows & ventilators and cupboards shall be provided all as shown in the
drawings. Irrespective of what is shown in the drawings, hold fasts shall be embedded in PCC1:2:4
(type B-1) blocks built in brickwork. The size of the blocks for walls one brick thick and over shall be
23cmx23cmx15cm and 23x11.5cmx 15cm for half brick walls. However, GE may allow to use
adequate number of approved DASH THROUGH FASTENERS in case of doors, CSWs to be fixed
with RCC columns where not shown on drawings without any price adjustment. However, hold
fasts/lugs if not indicated in drawings, standard hold fasts/lugs to all doors/windows/vents/ cup boards
shall be provided all as per standard practice as approved by the GE.
inserted in required profile. Frame will be fixed to the wall with 8mmX10mm long fasteners. Fly mesh
shutter with stainless steel mesh shall be provided(Two track for glazing and one track for fly mesh
shutter on all sliding windows) hardware(touch lock of zinc alloy powder coated), stainless steel wire
cloth of 0.36mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40mm and required accessories
to be fixed on fly proof shutter.
The manufacturer shall provide warranty of 10 years in respect of uPVC profiles and 2 years warranty
on hardwares.
Guarantee Bond: Ten (10) years and Two (2) years guarantee bond on non judicial stamp papers in
prescribed proforma shall be submitted by the contractor which shall also be signed by both the
specialized agency and the contractor to meet their liabilities under the guarantee bond. However, the
sole responsibility about efficiency of UPVC Window work shall rest with the building contractor.
If any defect is noticed during the guarantee period, it shall be rectified by the contractor within seven
days of receipt of intimation of defects in the work.
9.6C -BLANK-
9.8.1 Wherever fan hooks/fan points have been shown, cast iron or mild steel boxes with hooks as
per details shown on drawings shall be provided. Exposed surfaces shall be given two coats of white
synthetic paint over a coat of red-oxide primer. The cost of the cast iron or mild steel boxes with
hooks shall be deemed to be included in the lump-sum cost of building in Sch 'A' Part-I.
9.9.1 MS grills type ‘D’ shall be provided to all steel windows & ventilators. Aluminium grill of design
type DG- 902 shall be provided to all aluminium windows and vents. Irrespective of whether it is
shown on drawings or not. MS grills/guard bars shall be painted with 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint
over a coat of red-oxide primer after necessary preparation to surfaces complete all as specified.
9.9.2 Fixing of MS grills/guard bars shall be carried out all as indicated on the drawing and as
specified in MES Schedule Part-I. Aluminium grills shall be fixed all as per manufacturer’s
9.10 STAINLESS STEEL RAILING : Stainless steel railing shall be provided in stair cases and other
location as indicated on drawing. The stainless steel railing shall be of Grade SS304 unless otherwise
as indicated in drawings and shall be provided as per the design given in drawings at various
locations given in drawings. The pipes shall be seamless with elegant glossy finish without any marks
on surface. The railings shall be fixed with stainless steel accessories only providing adequate
strength as per the purpose for which the railing is being provided. The wall thickness of any
component of the railing shall not be less than 1.65mm.
9.11.1 Steel rolling shutter push-pull or manual type, without ball bearing shall be provided all as
specified in clause 10.23 of the MES Schedule Part-I. The rolling shutter shall be provided with top
cover, anchoring rod, hasp and staple with safety lever lock mild steel with four levers. The thickness
of laths shall be 1.25 mm. The shutter shall be obtained from any of the manufacturing firms as
mentioned in Appendix ‘D’ here-in-after.
9.11.2 The rolling shutter complete in all respect shall be fixed in position as per manufacturer’s
instructions or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Exposed surfaces of steel shall be finished with
two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red-oxide primer after necessary preparation to
surfaces complete all as specified in MES Schedule Part-I.
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10. Blank
11.1.1 RCC roof slabs shall be casted with 1:40 slope, unless a different slope is shown on the
drawings. Floor height as shown on drawings shall be considered as minimum height. The extra
height due to slope in RCC slab shall be considered and added to the minimum height of floor shown
on drawings.
11.1.3. Five layered prefabricated a tactic poly propylene polymer (APP) modified 3mm thick
membrane (weighing not less than 3 KG/Sqm) reinforced with 160 GSM polyester non woven fabric.
Concrete of roof surface shall be scratched with scratching tool before finishing roof surface. When
the concrete surface is still green, 10mm thick 1:4 cement plasters shall be laid. The roof surface
shall be thoroughly wire brushed, washed, dired up and cleaned of all foreign matter dust prior to the
application of primer. On the dried surface one coat of approved bituminous primer having density in
the range of 0.87 to 0.89 Kg/Ltr at 25 degree centigrade and viscosity 70 to 160 CPS, manufactured
by same manufacturer @ 0.40 ltr/sqm shall be applied. App membrane shall be laid on hot blown
bitumen grade 85/25 @ 1.2 Kg per sqm and joint shall be sealed by torch application method after
allowing 24 hours for primer to dry.Apply two coats of aluminium paint over APP membrane.Laying of
APP membrane shall be commenced at the lowest level and worked upto the crest. App membrane
will normally be laid in length at right to the direct of slope. The overlaps shall be of minimum 150 mm
on longitudinal direction and 150 mm on the transverse direction. All overlaps shall be bonded with
bitumen primer and leveled by heating the overlaps with brutane torch. This treatment shall be done
by the approved authorized applicator. Independent testing of membrane for the approved technical
parameters specified hereinafter shall be carried out from the approved: -
11.1.4 PCC pedding in 1:2:4 type Bo 20mm thick at down point and 100mm thick a tridge level will be
laid on flat roof. The padding concrete over explosive store roof shall be mixed with water proofing
compound @ 3% by wt. of cement and polyester triangular fibrers secondary reinforcement @ 0.25%
by wt. of cement shall be also be added.
11.1.5 50mm bore medium grade GI pipe spout shall be provided on both down ends of explosive
store and projected 150mm beyond earthen traverse. On inner side 300mm length shall be
perforated and covered with 300x300x400mm graded stone aggregate filter. Spouts shall be placed
1500mm c/c.
11.1.6 Covered fillet in PCC 1:2:4 type Bo of radius 75mm to be provided at junction of roof &
11.2.2. ACCESSIBLE ROOFS/TERRACE All as mentioned above except that APP membrane shall
not be painted but shall be covered with to 18-20 mm thick factory made Heat resistant Terrace Tiles
of size 300x300mm, SRI value >0.50 laid over 20mm thick cement mortar bedding 1:4 and joints
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grouted flush in 1:3 cement mortar mixed with 5% of crude oil weight of cement as per para 11.26 of
SSR Part - I of 2009. Workman ship of brick tiling shall be as per para 11.26 of SSR part I of 2009.
11.2.3. PCC padding in 1:2:4 type B0 of minimum thickness 25mm AV laid to achieve a slope of
1:40 in case of flat roof. The uniform thickness of 50mm will be provided in case roof is laid on slope.
11.2.4 20 to 22 mm thick factory made PCC tiles of size 300x300mm in CM 1:6 & joints grounded in
CM 1:3 to be laid in cm 1:6 & jointed in CM 1:3 using crude oil @ 5% of weight of cement over PCC
11.2.5. Covered fillet in PCC 1:2:4 type Bo of radius 75mm to be provided at junction of roof &
11.2.6 GUARANTEE The contractor shall stand a guarantee to the government for a period of ten years form the
certified date of completion of the work for the effectiveness of the water proofing carried out. The
contractor shall furnish a written guarantee for the effectiveness of the treatment for a period of Ten
years in favour of GE.
(iii) Over Rs. 30 lakhs and Rs. upto 150 lakhs. 1.5 % of the amount
11.2.7 Condition 46 of the General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW 2249) shall be deemed to be
amended to the extent mentioned.” The above information shall be written with white paint with 5cm size letters and numbers.
The entire quantity of materials such as water proofing membrane, bitumen primer, bitumen and
bituminous aluminium paint, etc. required for the whole work shall be brought at site in sealed position
and shall be entered in the MB as ‘NOT TO BE ABSTRACTED’ showing the date, total quantity
brought. Each seal shall be opened in front of Engineer-in-charge only. Paid vouchers from
authorized dealer shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge immediately after every consignment
and copy of such paid voucher shall be forwarded to the Garrison Engineer by the Engineer-in-charge
duly endorsed.
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11.4 RAIN WATER PIPES: These shall be provided wherever shown on the drawing of UPVC
heavy duty 110 mm/150mm external dia class 1 confirm to IS: 4985 fixed to wall with standard PVC
clamp, with standard flat iron brackets at each joints and joint shall be done as per manufacturer
12.1.1. Floors of various types shall be provided all as specified here-in-after and in locations shown
in drawings (Schedule of finishes). Refer clause 13.25, 13.27, 13.28, 13.32, 13.40 and 13.47 of MES
Schedule Part-I for workmanship on laying different types of floors.
12.1.3. Floors finish shall be carried over through all openings and dwarf walls.
12.1.4. Surface of PCC floors unless otherwise specified shall be finished even and smooth using
extra cement with steel trowel. Top surface of ramp shall be finished chequered i.e. making expanded
metal impression on the floor surface while the concrete is green by pressing expanded metal of the
mesh size as directed to a depth of 3mm and removing the same carefully.
12.1.5 The dividing line between the floors of different types wherever they so meet between
adjoining room shall be determined on the basis of finish visible when the doors are closed and the
applicable finish shall accordingly be provided. Exposed edges of floors shall be finished to match
with top surface finish.
12.1.6. Cement concrete in sub-base or sub-base floor and wearing coat shall be laid separately and
not monolithically.
12.1.8. Filling under ground floor shall be with approved earth (approved by Engineer-in-Charge)
before laying floor finish over it.
(a) PCC floor topping shall be laid in bays/panels not exceeding 1.2m X 1.2m or part
thereof using PVC dividing strips 3mm thick and width equal to the thickness of PCC floor
topping less 2 mm.
(b) Bays shall be so formed that not more than 3 strips meet at one point i.e. only 'T'
junction is formed.
(c) Use of all temporary fillets/side forms shall be dispensed with where Glass dividing
strips occur. No price adjustment will be made on account of non-use of the temporary
fillets/side forms etc.
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(ii) FLOOR OF CAR/SCOOTER GARAGE AND DUCT : 100mm thick PCC 1:2:4 type B1
mix using 20mm graded stone aggregate over 100mm thick PCC 1:5:10, type E-2 sub-base
using 40mm graded stone aggregate over well rammed approved earth laid in bays/panel of
area not exceeding 3sqmtr each. Joint shall be filled with mastic bitumen. Top surface of ramp
shall be finished chequered i.e. making expanded metal impression on the floor surface while
the concrete is green by pressing expanded metal of the mesh size as directed to a depth of 3
mm and removing the same carefully after surface finished even and smooth with steel trowel
using extra cement.
The workmanship in laying, bedding, jointing and pointing of tiles shall be provided all as
per the manufacturer’s instructions or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(ii) First floor and above:- The Non skid ceramic coloured tiles shall be 7-8 mm thick & of
size as given in the Schedule of finishes drawings. In case size of tiles not indicated in
schedule of finishes the size of tiles shall be 400mmx400mmx7 to 8mm of colour (light colour)
and shade/design as approved by GE, superior quality, grade B-IIa (water absorption between
3 to 6%) laid over 15mm thick screed bed in cement mortar (1:4) using 3 Kg/m 2 cement slurry
over 20 mm thick PCC 1:2:4, (12.5 mm graded stone aggregate) over floor slab.
(iii) Unless colour is indicated in the drawings, colour of tiles shall be light colour as approved
by GE. Ceramic tiles shall comply with the requirements of IS: 13712.
(iv) The tiles shall be obtained from any of the makes as given in Appendix ‘D’ here-in- after
and Tiles selected must be registered with GRIHA council or the manufacturer should be
able to submit a certificate stating that the tiles has more than 5 -10% of recycle content in it.
The contractor shall submit the certificate accordingly.
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(v) Wherever glazed tile is mentioned to be provided in flooring the same shall be amended to
read as non-skid (matt finish) ceramic tile.
(vi) Tiles shall be set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed with grout of maching
shade of tiles.
(ii) Dressing
Every tile shall be cut to the required size and shape and fine chisel dressed on the sides to the full
depth. The edges shall be table rubbed with coarse sand or machine rubbed before placing. All
angles and edges of the tile shall be true, square and free from chippings and the surface shall be
smooth and plane.
The thickness of the tile after it is dressed shall be 22 mm as specified in the description of the item.
Tolerance of ± 2 mm shall be allowed for the thickness. In respect of length and breadth (Size of tiles
shall be as per the dwg if size not specified in dwg size of tiles shall be 450 x 550 (other than border
stone shall be 300mm x 600mm)
Note: In case of steps (treads & risers), kota stone shall be in a single piece to full length & width of
riser & tread. All open edges of kota stone like treads of staircases or brick steps shall be made fully
rounded and surface shall be mirror finished all as specified in PS clause 12.2(D)(iv) here-in-after.
Base concrete or the RCC floor on which the tiles are to be laid shall be cleaned, wetted and
bmopped. The bedding for the tiles shall be with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand). The
average thickness of the bedding mortar under the tile shall be 15 mm and the thickness at any place
under the tile shall be not less than 12 mm. The Kota tiles shall be laid in the following manner:
Mortar of the specified mix shall be spread under the area of each tile, roughly to the average
thickness specified. The tile shall be washed clean before laying. It shall be laid on top of bedding,
pressed, tapped with wooden mallet and brought to level with the adjoining tiles. It shall be lifted and
laid aside.
The top surface of the mortar shall then be corrected by adding fresh mortar at hollows. The mortar is
allowed to harden a bit and cement slurry of honey like consistency shall be spread over the same at
the rate of 4.4 kg of cement per sqm. The edges of the tile already laid shall be buttered with grey or
white cement with or without admixture of pigment to match the shade of the kota tiles as specified.
The tile to be laid shall then be lowered gently back in position and tapped with a wooden mallet till it
is properly bedded in level with and close to the adjoining tiles with as fine a joint as possible.
Subsequent tiles shall be laid in the same manner. After each tile has been laid, surplus cement on
the surface of the tiles shall be cleaned off. The flooring shall be cured for a minimum period of seven
days. The surface of the flooring as laid shall be true to levels and slopes as instructed by Engineer-
Due care shall be taken to match the grains of tiles which shall be selected judiciously having uniform
pattern of Veins/streaks or as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge. The tiles shall be matched as
shown in drawings or as instructed by the Engineer-In-Charge. Tiles which are fixed in the floor
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adjoining the wall shall enter not less than 12 mm under the plaster skirting or dado. The junction
between wall plaster and floor shall be finished neatly and without waviness.
The day after the tiles are laid all joints shall be cleaned of the grey cement grout with a wire brush or
trowel to a depth of 5 mm and all dust and loose mortar removed and cleaned. The floor shall then be
kept wet for a minimum period of 7 days. The surface shall thereafter be ground evenly with a
machine fitted with with fine grade grit block (No. 120). Water shall be used profusely during grinding.
After grinding the surface shall be thoroughly washed to remove all grinding mud, cleaned and
mopped. The surface shall be again cured. The final grinding with machine fitted with the finest grade
grit blocks (No.320) shall be carried out the day after the first grinding described in the preceding para
or before handing over the floor, as ordered by the Engineer-In-Charge.
For small areas or where circumstances so require, hand polishing may be permitted in lieu of
machine polishing after laying. For hand polishing the following carborundum stones, shall be used:
First polishing - medium grade stone (No. 80)
Final grinding - fine grade (No. 120)
In all other respects, the process shall be similar as for machine polishing. After the final polish, oxalic
acid shall be dusted over the surface at the rate of 33 gm per square metre sprinkled with water and
rubbed hard with a 'namdah' block (pad of woollen rags). The following day the floor shall be wiped
with a moist rag and dried with a soft cloth and finished clean. If any tile is disturbed or damaged, it
shall be refitted or replaced, properly jointed and polished.
The finished floor shall not sound hollow when tapped with a wooden mallet. No loose stone shall be
accepted. Joints shall not be too wide or too narrow and shall be in straight line. Joints shall be
parallel to the rectangular wall.
ON GROUND FLOOR:- Screeding shall be laid down over 100mm thick PCC (1:4:8) Type D-2 over a
Layer of 150 micron polystyrene film over 50mm course sand over rammed approved earth
(G) BRICK STEPS :- 18 to 20mm thick machine cut & machine polished Kota stone slab as
shown on schedule of finishes laid over 15mm thick screed in cement mortar 1:4 over over
under layers as (a) PCC 1:2:4 over PCC sub base 1:5:10 over rammed earth at Grounf Floor,
(b) PCC 1:2:4 over RCC slab. Kota stone in stair case shall be provided in full length over 15
mm thick screed bed in CN 1:4. step shall be cement slurry @ 3Kg/Sqm over 40mm PCC
1:2:4, type B-1 using 20mm graded aggregate. Slab shall be single piece for the entire width
of the step. Edges of tread shall be projected out & rounded or chamfered. If flooring on steps
is not shown on schedule of finishes then it shall be of Kota stone slab.
(i) Interlocking PCC tiles flooring wherever shown in Schedule of finishes drawings shall be
provided with 80mm thick, M-40 Grade precast cement concrete interlocking paver blocks
over 30 mm sand filling 100mm thick PCC (1:4:8) Type D-2 over 75 mm thick hardcore over
rammed earth.
(iii) The precast cement concrete interlocking blocks shall be glazed top with colour and shall
be confirming to IS: 15658.
12.4.1 General
Skirting/dado shall be provided as per location and height shown on drawings and all as per
specifications given below:-
(a) CEMENT PLASTER SKIRTING :- Where PCC floor is indicated to be provided cement
plaster skirting shall be provided in that location. The skirting shall comprise of rendering coat
10mm thick cement and sand mortar (1:6) and 5mm thick finishing coat/setting coat in cement
and sand mortar (1:3) trowelled to an even and smooth surface using extra cement.
(b) KOTA STONE SLAB/TILE SKIRTING :- Kota stone tile skirting shall be 18 mm thick of
size and shade of kota stone floor. Tiles shall be fixed in neat cement paste over and
including 10 mm thick rendering in cement mortar 1:3 and jointing in cement paste of the
same shade as the colour of matrix of the stone. Grinding and polished shall be done as
specified for floor but by hand.
(c) GLAZED CERAMIC TILE SKIRTING/DADO: - Where Glazed ceramic skirting shall be
provided in location as shown on drawings. 450mm x 300mm size (unless other size
indicated in drawings) and 6 to 7 mm thick, coloured, glazed ceramic tiles, superior quality,
grade B II a (water absorption 3 to 6 %), shall be set and jointed in cement slurry and pointed
in white cement mixed with pigment, laid over 10 mm screed in cement mortar (1:3). The tiles
shall be obtained from any of the manufacturers as mentioned in Appendix ‘D’ here-in-after.
12.5.3 DADO
(i) 450mm x 300mm size (unless other size indicated in drawings) and 8 to 9 mm thick,
coloured, glazed ceramic tiles, superior quality, grade B II a (water absorption 3 to 6 %),
shall be set and jointed in cement slurry and pointed in white cement mixed with pigment,
laid over 10 mm screed in cement mortar (1:3). The tiles shall be obtained from any of the
manufacturers as mentioned in Appendix ‘D’ here-in-after.
(ii) Height of dado shall be as shown on drawing. Glazed ceramic tiles shall be free from
welts, chips, craze, specks, crawling or other imperfections. The tiles shall be of uniform
size. The rear face of the tiles shall be grooved and/or recessed to provide an adequate
key for the screed. The tiles shall be firmly set in the mortar bedding. The joints shall
be tight, regular and uniform. After fixing, the tiles shall be thoroughly washed and
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cleaned to the satisfaction of the GE. Where ever it is mentioned as "Glazed tiles” on the
drawings it shall be considered as glazed ceramic tiles.
(iii) Border tiles (top and bottom row) where indicated in drawings shall be provided of size
and colour all as indicated on the drawings and as approved by GE. Unless specific
colour is mentioned on drgs, colour of tiles shall be as approved by GE. Decorative
border shall be provided all as approved by GE.
(iv) Manufacturer of Glazed ceramic tiles/ Dado selected for this project shall be registered
with GRIHA council or the manufacturer should be able to submit a certificate stating that
the tiles has more than 5-10% of the recycled content in it. Contractor shall submit
certificate in this regard.
13.1.1. External finish shall be taken 15 mm (in two Layers 10mm+5mm in CM (1:4) with water
prooofing compound on external layer except where plinth protection/ramp/hard standing and the like
is provided in which case it shall be taken up to the bottom of the plinth protection/ ramp/ hard
13.1.2. Plaster/pointing, skirting/dado shall be returned to in jambs reveals and soffits of lintels/
windows cills etc.
13.1.3. All plastered/rendered surfaces shall be trowelled to an even and smooth surface with steel
trowels (without using extra cement}.
13.1.4. Unless otherwise is specifically specified, sand for plastering shall be 50% fine sand and 50%
coarse sand conforming to the samples approved by the GE except for sand faced plaster for which
100% coarse sand shall be used.
13.1.5 All corners, angles, junction and edges shall be truly vertical or horizontal as the case may be
and shall be carefully finished. Corners around jambs of opening and junction of walls shall be
finished straight and square, 10mm wide groove at the junction of wall and RCC columns or entire
thickness at junction of wall and RCC slabs to entire thickness at junction of walls and RCC columns
or any other dissimilar materials e.g. wooden/steel chowkats etc shall be provided all as per details
shown in drawings.
13.2.1. Cement plaster on internal surfaces above skirting/dado shall be done in cement and sand
mortar (1:6) in one coat and shall be 15mm thick or thickness as given in the Schedule of finishes
drawings at the proudest part unless specified otherwise elsewhere in particular specifications/shown
on drawings. Soffit of roof slabs except in which false ceiling are to provided as shown on schedule of
finishes shall be finished with 5 mm thick ceiling plaster in cement mortar 1:3. Mortar for dubbing out
and rendering shall be of same type and mix. Dubbing out may be executed as a separate coat or
with the rendering coat. External surfaces where shown to be plastered shall be provided with
cement plaster 15mm thick at proudest part, in cement and sand mortar (1:4) in two coat (10 mm +
5mm) as specified in SSR Part-I, using water proofing compound as per manufacturer's instructions
except where pointing is shown to be provided on external faces.
13.2.2. All exposed surfaces of beams columns, lintels, cills, seismic bands and the like coming in
conjunction with plastered surfaces shall be plastered in the same mortar as for adjoining wall and to
the thickness required to bring them in the same plane as that of adjoining plaster. Surface of RCC
slab soffit concealed by false ceiling shall not be plastered.
13.2.3 The internal brick wall surfaces of cup-boards and other built in fixture shall be plastered with
cement mortar (1:3) mixed with water proofing compound as per manufacturer's instructions. These
internal surfaces shall be provided with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of primer.
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RCC shelves of cup-board shall be finished even and smooth using extra cement while casting. No
finish shall be provided over these shelves.
13.2.4 Lump-sum quoted shall be deemed to include for any dubbing required and nothing extra
shall be payable on this account.
13.2.5 Sand used for plastering purpose shall be 50% coarse and 50% fine sand.
Note: (a)Surface of RCC slab soffits and plastered surfaces of walls concealed by false ceiling below
and portion of walls above false ceiling shall not be finished with any type of finish.
(b) Paints/distemper used shall be low VOC content which is lead free. The VOC limits for the paints
shall be as blow:-
(i) Non- Flat for exterior walls -150g/L
(ii) Flat(Mat) for interior walls-50g/L
(iii) Anti Corrosive/Anti rust-250g/L
14.1.1 White wash/colour wash shall be provided where shown on drawings. All lime wash shall be
done in 3 coats. The colour wash shall consist of 2 coats of colour wash over one coat of white (lime)
wash. Where the finish on surfaces is not indicated in Sch of finishes, it shall be cement based paint
as specified in Clause 14.4 hereinafter. However, soffits of sleeping out balconies, chajjas, lintels and
roof projections shall be treated with 3 coats of white (lime) wash. Lime/colour wash shall be carried
out all as specified in Para 15.2 and 15.12 of MES Schedule-2009 (Part-I). Pigment for colour wash
shall be as shown in Schedule of finishes or as approved by GE where not indicated. In final coat of
white wash/colour wash fevicol DDL shall be mixed as per manufacturer’s instructions. No ultramarine
blue shall be mixed in any coat. However, sodium chloride as specified in Clause 15.12.3 of MES
Schedule (Part-I) shall be mixed in first and second coats.
14.3.1 Oil bound distemper where mentioned on drawings shall comply with the requirements of IS :
428-1969 and shall be applied in two coats of approved tint/shade over a coat of alkali resistant
primer over surface of 2mm thick (average thickness) cement based wall care putty on all prepared
surfaces as specified in clause 15.14 of MES Schedule-2009 (Part-I) except toilets,staircase, machine
room,Lift and Garrages.
14.3.2 The distemper shall be obtained from any of the manufacturers as specified in Appendix ‘D’
here-in-after and shall be applied mechanically.
14.4.2 The cement based paint shall be obtained from any of the manufacturers as specified in
Appendix ‘D’ here-in-after.
14.7.1 Wall care putty is water-resistant white cement-based putty for concrete/mortar for walls and ceilings.
Wall Care putty should be able to be applied even on moist surfaces (internal/external). Wall Care should have
more adhesive strength, durability and increases the life of paints. It should render a smooth and durable
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surface for all kinds of paints irrespective of whatever shown on drgs, internal surfaces of plaster shall be
treated with a coat of wall care putty of white colour.
(a) Remove all the loosely adhering material from the wall surface with the help of empty stone, putty
blade or wire brush, moisten the wall with sufficient quantity of clean water.
(c) With 35-40% clean water slowly to make a paste. Continue the mixing of material for 10 to15
minutes till a uniform paste is formed. APPLICATION ON SURFACE:- POP finish Wall care putty smooth and silky finish shall be applied on
RCC slabs/beams, internal walls, ceiling all as indicated on drgs/ schedule of finishes. Apply first coat of wall
care uniformly on already moistened surface with the help of putty blade or steel trowel. Allow the surface to
dry for at least three hours and then apply a second coat of putty. Leave the surface to dry completely. Always
prepare the required quantity of wall care putty and use it within three hours of mixing with water. The total
thickness of both the coats should be limited to a maximum of 2mm. After complete drying of the surface, if
needed, the surface should be rubbed with fine, ale proof emery paper. The surface is now ready for painting.
Though it contains only non-toxic materials still care should be taken to avoid dust inhalation while
mixing and handling. In case of contact with eyes or mouth, wash with plenty of water. Keep in a dry place and
out of the reach of children.
Ser No Property
14.8.1 Weather proof paint/coat on external plastered surfaces, where indicated in Schedule of
finishes/drawing shall be applied in two coats over a coat of primer after preparation of surfaces. The weather
proof coat and primer shall be applied as per manufacturer’s instructions. The brand of weather proof coat shall
be of following manufacturers: -
14.9 The paint used shall be low VOC contained and lead free. Paint/distemper used shall be low
VOC content which is lead free. The VOC limits for the paints shall be as below:-
(i) Non- Flat for exterior walls -150g/L
(ii) Flat(Mat) for interior walls-50g/L
(iii) Anti Corrosive/Anti rust-250g/L
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15.1.2 Unless specified otherwise hereinafter all glazing except for toilets shall be of 4 mm thick
glass panes upto 0.5 square metre each pane and 5.5 mm thick for panes exceeding 0.5 square
metre each pane. However, in aluminium doors, windows and vents the thickness of glass pane shall
be 5.0mm and in aluminium partitions the thickness of glass pane shall be 5.5 mm, irrespective of the
size of pane.
15.1.3 Glass mentioned here-in-before shall be fixed to doors, windows, CSWs/Vents as shown in
drawings. The provisions of glazing with beads shall be as specified in section 16 of MES Schedule
2009 (Part-I).
15.1.4 Tinted glass shall be 3mm thick and shall be provided in window, vents coming in toilets/
lavatories, WC and in other locations indicated in drawings.
15.1.5 The glass shall be fixed to wooden shutter with wooden beads shown on drawings and as
specified in Clause 16.9.2 of MES Schedule (Part I).
15.1.6 The contractor shall produce voucher/certificates from suppliers/ manufactures to the GE
as proof that the putty conforms to IS: 419.
15.1.7 The glass shall be fixed to windows & ventilators with glazing clips as specified in Clause
16.10.1 of MES Schedule (Part I) unless otherwise specified.
15.1.8 In fixed glazing, partitions and aluminium doors and windows, the glass shall be secured all as
per details shown on drawings. In case no details are shown, the same shall be fixed as per
manufacturer’s instructions.
15.1.9 The Glass should have following range to used in the site:-
(a) VLT(Visible Light Transmission)-51 to 67%
(b) SHGC(Solar Heat Gain Coefficient)-0.54 to 0.65
(c) U-Value- 5 to 5.6 W/m^2 K
16.1.1 The word 'paint'' and/or ‘painting’ wherever specified/indicated/ shown on drawings shall be
deemed to be synthetic enamel paint.
16.1.2 The colour of the paint shall be as described in Schedule of finishes or as approved by GE.
Finishing coats shall be of glossy finish.
16.1.3 The contractor shall use the fresh and first quality paint. The contractor's quoted lump sum
shall also be deemed to include for the preparation of surfaces and application of primer. The
contractor shall obtain the permission of GE in writing well in advance for the makes/brands of paint
that he will use in the work. He shall also submit sample thereof. The synthetic enamel paint shall
be from any of the brands/makes as specified in Appendix ‘D.
16.1.4 The contractor shall, if so required by the GE, produce certificate from the manufacturers or
their representative to establish that the brands of paints used by him are of the approved make.
Paints shall be brought at the site in manufacturer's drum with seal intact.
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16.1.5 Paints used in priming coat, under coat and finishing coat shall be of the same manufacturer.
The paints shall be applied first using vertical strokes until the surfaces are covered and then brushed
cross- wise for complete coverage with light strokes so as to smooth out laps and brush marks and
finally laid off with vertical strokes. This constitutes single coating of paint.
16.1.7. Unless specified to be treated otherwise in this particular specification hereinafter all wooden
and wood based surfaces shall be given one priming coat of pink primer, one under coat and one
finishing coat of synthetic enamel paint. The priming coat of paint shall be applied before fixing.
16.1.8 Unless specified to be treated otherwise in this particular specification hereinafter, all surfaces
of iron and steel (Except Roll formed steel windows & ventilators) shall be given one priming coat of
red oxide, one under coat and one finishing coat of synthetic enamel paint. Iron and steel work in
reinforcement, galvanised iron (except external roofing & cladding surface of technical shed) or tinned
ironwork shall however not be painted.
16.1.9 All exposed cast iron soil/waste/vent, anti-syphonage pipes & rain water pipes and fittings
thereto shall be treated with two coats of black bituminous paint after preparation of surfaces, as
specified in MES Schedule (Part I) and as directed by the GE.
16.1.10 The surfaces exposed to view and for which type of finish is not specifically catered for
either on drawings or in these particular specifications, such surfaces shall be treated with two coats
of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of primer as specified hereinbefore.
16.1.11 If the under coat of the paint is not executed within six months after applying the priming
coat of paint, the priming coat shall be redone by the contractor at no extra cost to the Govt.
16.1.12 Paints to be used should have less VOC content and lead free. The VOC limits for the
paints shall be as below:-
(a) Paints
(b) Non- Flat -150g/ltr
(c) Flat(Mat)-50g/L
(d) Anti Corrosive/Anti rust-250g/L
The contractor shall submit the certificate in this regard.
16.2.1 Surface of timber in contact with or embedded in concrete/brick work etc shall be treated with
two coats of tar.
16.2.2 Back of steel chowkhats/frames and portion of iron and steel members in contact with or
embedded in concrete/brick work shall be treated with two coats of red/black paint conforming to IS
16.3 FRENCH POLISHING: - French polish to wood work where ever shown on drawing shall be
provided as per clause 17.7.4 of MES SSR part-I (2009).
16.4 ALUMINIUM PAINT: - Where drawings show aluminium paint on surfaces of steel and iron
work, the surfaces shall be prepared and given two coats of aluminium paint over a coat of primer
(red oxide).
17.1.1 All fixtures and fittings shown on the drawings shall be provided all as per the details given in
the drawings or in detail plan, section etc unless otherwise indicated in the particular
Specifications/elsewhere. The cost of these shall, unless specifically stated to be excluded from the
scope of this tender, shall be deemed to be included in the unit rate of the respective building(s) of
Schedule 'A' Part-I. Fittings and fixtures shall be fixed all as per fixing arrangements shown on the
drawings and/or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
17.4 STAINLESS STEEL SINK WITH DRAINAGE BOARD Stainless steel sink shall be
manufactured from Salem Stainless Steel Sheets grade A-1 SS 305 of size 1200 x 600 mm.
Thickness of sheet shall be 1 mm the surface of sink shall be plastic coated to make it safe and
scratch free installation.
17.5.1 Glass railing shall be provided all as specified and shown on drawings.
17.6.1 Decorative rod type D with base bracket and rings as per details shown on drawing No
CEAF/STD/143/02 Sh 1/1 shall be provided to door and window (Make :- Vista /Mark/Deck)
17.7.1 Curtain rods shall be provided over doors/windows at locations indicated on drawings. Curtain
rod shall be of 19mm dia. aluminium conduit pipe with end brackets/supports as shown on drawings.
17.8 PLASTER GROOVE: No groove in plaster shall be provided at junctions of roof slab and wall,
RCC columns & brick walls, brick wall & beam, roof slab/floor slab and walls having full bearing
without roof projections. Chicken wire mesh of width 150 mm shall be nailed on junction of wall on
both internal & external surface before plaster work to avoid crack on plaster at junctions
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17.11 15 mm jet connection alongwith PVC pipe is to be provided to each EWC/Anglo Indian WC
and the cost is deemed to be included in the lump sum quoted for the respective buildings.
(i) RCC Jalli where indicated in drawings shall be made with precast RCC (1 cement: 2 coarse
sand: 1 stone aggregate of 6 mm nominal size). Thickness and design of RCC Jalli type ‘A’ unit shall
be as indicated on drawings. The sample of RCC jalli shall be got approved from GE before
incorporation in work. The RCC jalli shall be reinforced with 2 mm dia mild steel wire around the
hollow space of jalli as shown on drawings. Precast RCC jalli unit blocks shall be jointed/set in
cement and sand mortar (1:3) in the situation shown in the drawings. Exposed faces of jalli shall be
brought to a fair and even surface.
(ii) Precast RCC pier to hold RCC jalli shall be all as per drawings.
(a) Pegs hook shall be chromium plated, mild steel fixed on 20 mm thick teak-wood batten of size as
shown on drawings. Teak wood battens shall be fixed to walls with wooden gutties /rawl plugs and screws
as per fixing arrangement shown on drawings.
RCC Projected shelf for coolers with chajja over it shall be provided where shown in drawings.
17.16. TOWEL RAIL: - It shall be mild steel chromium plated of 19mm external dia and thickness 1.00mm
with standard brackets fixed to walls with chromium plated screws on wooden gutties/plugs.
17.17.1 Pelmet boxes shall be provided over doors/windows at locations as shown on drgs. Pelmet boxes
shall be provided to the details as indicated in drg No CEAF/STD/14/94 Sheet No 1/1, and as specified
below: -
17.17.2. Top and side of pelmet box shall be 18 mm thick pre-laminated particle board irrespective of what
is shown on drawings. Curtain rod in pelmet box shall be 19 mm dia (Wherever occurs in specifications
shall be read as 19mm dia in lieu of 18mm dia) aluminium conduit supported as shown on drgs. Pelmet
box with the lintel shall be fixed with FI and all other details shall be followed from the details shown in
17.22 STEEL LOCKERS: - The amount quoted for Sch ‘A’ Part-I shall be deemed to include for
provisions of lockers all as shown on drgs. The lockers shall be of CRCA sheet of thickness 22 gauge for
body and 20 gauge for shutter. All the internal and external surfaces shall be treated with two coats of
synthetic enamel paint of approved shade over a coat of primer.
17.25.2 Preparation of Surface: The bed on which rubble soling is to be laid shall be cleared of all loose
materials, leveled, watered and compacted and got approved by the Engineer-in-charge before laying
rubble soling. Cable or pipe trenches if shown in the drawing and as required by the Engineer-in-charge
shall be got done before the soling is started.
17.25.3 Workmanship: Over the prepared surface, the stone shall be set as closely as possible and well
packed and firmly set. The stones shall be laid so as to have their bases of the largest area resting on the
sub-grade. Soling shall be laid in layer of 200mm or 150mm depth with a tolerance of 25mm thick. After
packing the stones properly in position, the interstices between them shall be carefully filled with quarry
spoils or stone chips of larger size possible to obtain a bard, compact surface. Spreading of loose spoils or
stone chips is prohibited. The entire surface shall be examined for any protrusions and the same shall be
knocked off by a hammer and all interstices shall be filled with approved murrum. Excess murrum if any
over the surfaces shall be removed. Unless other wise specified, the murrum shall be supplied by the
contractor at his own cost from the selected area. The surfaces shall then be watered and consolidated
with mechanical or sufficiently heavy wooden tampers and log-rammers as approved by the Engineer-in-
Charge. After compaction to give the required slope or level and dense sub-base and the surface shall
present clean look. Adequate care shall be taken by the contractor while laying and compacting the rubble
soling to see that concrete surfaces in contact with soling are not damaged.
18.1.1 The unit rate of buildings included in Schedule ‘A’ Part-I include for the entire and complete
sanitary installation, internal plumbing and drainage which comprises interalia the provision of sanitary and
toilet appliances, gully traps, floor traps, and fixing accessories, soil/waste/vent and anti-syphonage pipe
and specials duck foot bend etc. All the specials viz. single and double branch, bends, duct’s foot bend
etc shall be provided with access door fitted with 3 mm rubber washer screwed with cadmium plated steel
18.1.2 The contractor shall employ qualified and licensed plumber for supervision of installation and
testing of the sanitary fittings and plumbing. The plumbing connections shall be provided as indicated on
drawings to confirm to sound engineering practice. The layout of soil, waste, vent and anti-syphonage
pipes shall be marked on the walls in coloured chalk and approved by the GE before execution of work.
The unit rate of building given in Schedule 'A' also includes interalia provision of the following: -
(a) All sanitary fittings shall be white colour, vitreous china, first quality ISI marked procured from any of
the manufacturing firms mentioned in Appendix ‘D’ here-in-after.
(b) All soil pipes within the building and upto and including first manhole including duck’s foot bend, all as
specified in Schedule `A` notes here-in-before.
(c) All waste pipes upto and including provision of gully traps embedded in concrete below ground level.
100mm dia SGSW pipe from Gully trap to first manhole.
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Water closet vitreous chinaware squatting pan (‘Orissa’ pattern) of size 580mm x 440 mm with
integral foot rests with ‘P’ or ‘S’ trap (Cat part No 20004 of ‘Hindware’ or other equivalent of other makes
specified here-in-before) shall be provided in WC as shown in drawings. The water closet shall be set in
lime concrete consisting of one part (by volume) of lime surkhi mortar (1 sand:1 surkhi) mixed with 2.5
parts (by volume) of broken brick aggregate of 40mm size at least 15 cm all round and finished just below
rim or pan to specified thickness of floor finished just below rim or pan to receive specified thickness of
floor finish. The IWC shall be provided with PVC flushing cistern low level of 10 litre discharge capacity as
specified here-in-after and the cost of the same shall be deemed to be included in the lump sum quoted for
the buildings.
(a) 6/3 litres discharge capacity low level PVC flushing cistern dual flush type of make
Commander/Water Bird/Hindware/Prayag with valveless syphonic fittings, brass ball valve horizontal
plunger type and polythene float ball all confirming to IS-1703 including flush pipe.
(b) A pair of standard bracket/clamps as supplied by manufacturers.
(c) 15 mm dia GI light grade over flow pipe 75 cms length with polyethene anti-mosquito cover.
(d) PVC readymade connecting pieces suitable for 15 mm bore GI pipe, 450 mm long, low density,
confirming to IS-4985 including brass unions & nuts at both ends.
18.5.1 Wooden surface of cup-boards and kitchen cabinets shall be as shown on drawings. Wooden
surface other than pre laminated shall be painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paints over one
coat of primer. Irrespective of what is shown on drawing internal plastered surface shall also be
provided with two coats of synthetic enamel paints over a coat of primer.
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18.5.2 Prelaminated Particle board:- Prelaminated Particle board wherever shown on drawing shall
be of exterior grade, prelaminated one side with decorative choice lamination and other side
balancing white lamination.
18.5.3 Veneered particle board:- Veneered particle board where sown in drawing shall be of
commercial type and as per clause 12.14 of MES SSR Part-I.
18.6.1 Mirrors shall be provided over each WHB and of size as mentioned in drawings. It shall be
polished sheet glass of thickness 4 mm. The size of mirror shall be as indicated on the drawing.
However, where size of the mirror is not indicated it shall be provided of 60 cm x 45 cm size. The
mirror shall be mounted on 6mm thick commercial plywood (BWP type) and shall be hung by key
slots on steel screws fixed to wooden plugs/gutties embedded in walls, or rawl plugs in case of
prefabricated RCC wall components. The mirror shall be procured from any of the makes mentioned
in Appendix ‘D’.
18.6.2 Frameless mirror over a range of WHB where indicated on drawing shall 750 mm high and of
length equal to width of wall unless otherwise indicated. The mirror shall of polished sheet glass of
thickness 5 mm. The mirror shall be mounted on 6 mm thick commercial plywood (BWP type) , water
proof and shall be flushed with the surface.
18.7.1 Toilet paper holder shall be provided with European type WC of the same make as that of
WC. It shall be vitreous china and conforming to cat part No 40051 of Hindware or equivalent of
18.7.2 The toilet paper holder shall be of chromium plated brass or vitreous China as indicated and of
size and design as approved by the GE. It shall be fixed with chromium plated brass screws and
19.1.1 General location of soil waste vent and anti-syphonage pipes are indicated in the drawings.
Detailed layout shall be marked on the walls in colour chalk and approved by the GE, before
execution of work.
(a) All soil, waste, vents pipe and anti-syphonage pipe shall be centrifugally cast
(IS-3989) with or without ears. However, 50 dia cast iron pipes shall be of sand cast iron.
(IS – 1729). Pipe shall be with spigot & socket ends.
(b) Pipes shall bear ISI certification mark. Fittings & accessories shall also conform to
relevant IS. Joints shall be done with lead caulked joints (except joints in vent pipe which
should be jointed with cement joints). The pipes and fittings shall either without ears or with
ears. All other specifications regarding materials and workmanship shall be as per Clause
18.23 of MES Sch 2009 (Part I). All the pipes shall be at least 25mm away from external face
of wall.
19.1.2 The vent pipes 50mm dia of cast iron shall be taken from soil pipes and waste pipes to a
height of 120 cm (height measured from top roof slab to the bottom of the cowl). CI cowl shall be
provided on vent pipes and shall be fixed with cement joints.
19.1.3 Soil pipes shall be taken 15cm below ground level and embedded with duck’s foot bend.
19.1.4 Soil/drain pipes from duck’s foot bend shall be of cast iron upto first manhole and waste pipe
from gully traps shall be salt glazed stoneware pipes grade 'A', 100mm dia. conforming to relevant IS
and upto first manhole.
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19.1.5 The waste pipe shall be taken upto 15cm below plinth protection level and provided with duck’s
foot bend in gully trap.
19.1.6 All exposed cast iron bends branches and other junctions shall be provided with oval pattern
access doors with bolts as per relevant IS & 3mm thick rubber insert packing to make it air & water
19.1.7. Irrespective of what is shown on drawings, sizes of cast iron pipes shall be as follows: -
(a) Soil pipes - 100 mm dia (Bore)
(b) Waste pipes - 75 mm dia (Bore).
(c) Anti-syphonage pipe and vent pipes. - 50 mm dia (Bore).
19.2. Weight of jointing materials for cast iron pipes shall be as under: -
Srl No Dia (bore of pipe/fittings ) Spun Yarn/jute per joint Pig lead per joint
(i) 100mm 0.04 kg 1.3 kg
(ii) 75mm 0.03 kg 1.0 kg
In case quantity of lead and spun yarn/jute mentioned above is insufficient or it cannot be
accommodated in joints, the variation of quantity of lead specified above and actually provided
in joint shall be regularised through deviation order.
Manholes shall be provided as shown on drawings. and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. The first
Man Hole(s)/ gully traps of each building as shown on drawings are deemed to be covered in the unit
rate of buildings quoted in Schedule 'A'. Brief specifications of first manhole are as under: -
(a) Excavation in soft/loose soil, return/filling in and disposal of surplus spoil upto a distance
of 50 metres.
(c) Brick work with sub-class 'B' bricks in cement and sand mortar 1:4.
(d) 10mm thick plaster internally and externally upto 15cm below GL in cement and sand
mortar 1:4 mixed with water proofing compound in proportion as recommended by
(e) PCC benching and channels shall be 1:2:4 type B-1 concrete. Surfaces shall be finished
even and smooth using extra cement.
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(f) MS 16mm dia steps bent to shape on the locations shown on drawings to be fixed in PCC
1:3:6 type C-1 blocks. Exposed faces of rungs to be painted with two coats of bituminous
(Note: - Depth of manhole shall be taken as 50 cm below GL for pricing purpose. In case of any
variation in depth, the same shall be regularised through deviation order).
19.4.1 150 mm dia salt glazed stone ware pipe grade ‘A’ conforming to IS: 651 and as specified in
Para 18.28.2 of MES Schedule Part-I shall be laid from gully trap to first manhole. The pipes shall be
laid as specified in Para 18.69 and 18.70 on page 18-27 of MES Schedule Part-I.
Concrete bedding and haunching to SGSW pipes shall be in PCC 1:3:6, type C-2 all as shown on
drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. It shall be provided all as specified in clause 18.68
of MES Schedule Part-I.
19.5 Type of plumbing system shall be double stack system (irrespective of TD shows single stack
system) with vent pipes at the top of soil pipes and waste pipes. No separate anti-syphonage pipes
are required to be provided.
All soil/waste/vent/drain/anti-syphonage pipe including fittings shall be tested as specified in
clause 18.79 of MES Schedule Part-I on completion of work to the entire satisfaction of the GE.
Joints found leaking/sweating or otherwise defective shall be remade to the satisfaction of GE.
Testing apparatus, material, labour etc, shall be provided by the contractor without any extra cost to
the Government.
(b) Crumple joint shall be provided to the full width of brick wall. Top surface of the joint
shall be primed and sealed with sealing compound grade `A` as per IS: 1834.
(c) Pre-moulded bituminous joint filler shall be 25 mm thick conforming to IS: 1836 –1961.
(d) Internal and external exposed surface of crumple joint shall be covered with 20 gauge
PGI sheet 20 cm wide and shall be fixed with rawl plugs and screws of suitable size as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
20.1.2 The contract covers complete internal electrification upto and including main switches, MCBs
and distribution boards all as specified and shown on drawings.
20.1.3 The general layout and wiring points and fittings are as shown on drawings. The exact
position of fittings etc may be altered by the Engineer-in-Charge to suit local requirements cutting
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chases/grooves wherever required and making good is included in the contractor's quoted rates and
amount in Schedule 'A'.
20.1.4 "Loop in" system of wiring shall invariably be followed through out the installation. Where it
is absolutely necessary junction boxes of approved make may be used as permitted by the Engineer-
in-Charge. Soldered or taped joints are not permitted for jointing under any circumstances. Porcelain
connector connected with metal parts of brass shall be used.
20.1.5 The rates of point wiring shall include all the necessary provisions made in Clause 1 on
page 370 of MES Schedule (Part-II) as applicable to surface wiring and concealed wiring through
PVC conduit.
20.1.6 All electrical fittings and cable etc shall be ISI marked and of approved make all as mentioned
in Appendix ‘D’. However, the cable/fittings etc which are not being manufactured marked with IS
marks or not mentioned in Appendix ‘D’, GE shall approve reputed make fittings, conforming to
relevant IS without any price adjustment.
20.2.2 Not more than 8 (Eight) light points and not more than two power points shall be connected
on one circuit.
20.3.1 CABLES: The cable shall be PVC of approved make/grade; ISI marked all as mentioned in
Appendix ‘D’. All materials for fittings/accessories of cable etc. to be incorporated in this work shall
strictly comply with latest appropriate Indian Standards or if Indian Standards have not been issued
then with current British Standards.
20.3.2 SAMPLES OF MATERIALS :- The contractor shall produce sample within one month from
the date of commencement of work for all such articles of fittings/fixtures, that he proposes to use
and get them approved in writing by the GE. The samples shall be displayed in the site office as
directed by the GE. The articles so approved shall be labeled as such and signed by both the
contractor and the GE. These approved samples shall be kept in the custody of the GE till the
payment of final bill. The samples shall be fitted on the board as approved by the GE.
20.3.3 SWITCHES/SOCKETS :- Fittings for concealed wiring such as socket, outlets, flush type
switches and the like shall be of high grade bakelite and of ISI marked. All other fittings shall be of
approved make and as approved by the GE. Sheet steel enclosures for mounting isolators, MCBs and MCCB’s shall be fabricated out of
sheet steel as per manufacturer’s design and specifications and shall be having powder coated finish.
Label channels shall be provided labeling out going circuit. Two knock out of suitable dia shall be
provided at top for incoming cables but at bottom corresponding to number of ways, bus- bars shall
be rated accordingly. Distribution boards (DBs) shall be recessed in walls to become flush with wall.
Proper marking shall be provided in the DB to indicate type of circuit in power light. Neoprene gasket
shall be used in DBS.
20.3.5 Miniature Circuit Breakers: MCBs shall have silver tungsten contact clamp connections
suitable for flush and surface mounting and shall be capable of being fixed directly on bus bars. The
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breaking mechanism shall embody both thermal over load and magnetic short circuit tripping devices
having rupturing capacity 10 KA minimum.
It shall conform to IS-9921 and shall be as per Clause 19.15 of MES Schedule (Part-I) on page 19-9
and as approved by the GE.
20.3.8 RIGID- NON METALLIC PVC CONDUITS: Conduit shall comply with IS: 9537(Part-II) – 1983
and accessories/fittings shall be as per IS-3419 and ISI marked. The contractor shall produce the
certificate that the conduit being used is of ISI specification. Workmanship of wiring shall be all as per
applicable clauses of SSR-2009 and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. These shall be of make as
mentioned in Appendix ‘D’. Diagonal running shall not be permitted except where conduits are
concealed in RCC floor or roof slabs. The fittings shall also be of non-metallic Rigid PVC. The
maximum capacity of conduit for simultaneously drawing of wire shall be as per table 'H' on Page 364
of IS-752. Light fittings such as wall fittings, ceiling fittings and bulk head fittings and the like shall be of
high grade and marked with ISI.
20.3.10. All the wiring connections required to be made with MCCB’s, MCB’s and isolators shall be
carried out by providing necessary thimbles/lugs duly crimped.
The boxes for fixing various fittings such as switches, sockets, fan regulators etc. shall be of cast
iron or sheet metal of required size and flush mounting type (refer Clause 6.52.4 of IS-782). Average
thickness of cast iron boxes shall not be less than 2.5mm. The cast iron box shall be embedded in
the walls and need not be fixed to wooden plugs with counter sunk MS screws. The contractor may
at his discretion provide galvanised MS screws. MS boxes shall not be less than 1.6 mm if supplied in
lieu of cast iron box.
20.6.1 Refer Clause 19.137 to 19.145 of MES Sch (Part- I) and Electrical Plate No. 3 of MES
Schedule (Part-I).
20.6.2 The contractor shall execute installation of earth plate in the presence of Engineer-in-
Charge. Charcoal dust and salt and return filling shall be done in layers not exceeding 20cm depth,
properly watered and rammed. Surplus spoil shall be carted away to a distance not exceeding 50
metre and the site left clean and tidy.
20.6.3 Before doing the earthing soil testing carried out for earth resistance & earth value should be
less than 01 ohm.
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In surface type wiring and concealed conduit wiring the terminal points for power/light socket
outlet switches etc shall terminate in recessed cast iron/mild steel boxes fitted flush with wall surface.
The cover of boxes for surface/conduit type wiring shall be of plastic laminated sheet 3 mm thick.
Rates for points wiring shall be deemed to include for the above provisions. All such terminal boxes
shall be properly earthed and connected to earth dolly.
21.1 Internal water supply includes, all water tubing, and fittings(except those specified in particular
specifications hereinbefore such as flush pipe, waste pipes and over flow pipes & cutting chases &
making good which are included in the unit rates for relevant buildings in Schedule 'A'.)
21.2 General layout of water supply and fittings is as shown on the drawings. This is tentative and
may be modified by the Engineer-in-Charge if necessary, for which no price adjustment shall be
made. The contractor shall indicate the layout on walls lightly in chalk as per drg for approval of the
Engineer-in-Charge and the actual laying shall be carried out only after approval in writing to the
layout is obtained.
21.3 All internal water supply tubing shall be fixed to walls/ceilings or laid in floors all as catered in
Schedule ‘A’.
21.4.1 All steel water tubing shall be galvanised (screwed and socketed) and of medium grade of
make as mentioned in Appendix ‘D’.
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21.4.2 All water supply fittings such as unions, sockets, tee, elbows, bends etc shall be galvanised
iron, medium grade, ISI marked.
21.4.3. Stop cocks, bib cocks, shower roses, wall mixers, basin mixtures shall be cast copper alloy
with polished bright finish ISI marked. However, pillar cocks for WHBs shall be of fancy type cast
copper alloy chromium plated and of make as specified in Appendix ‘D’ here-in-after.
21.4.4 All bib cocks shall be 15mm dia, stop cock of the same dia as that of tubing & shower roses
of dia as specified in Sch `A`, swivel type, heavy duty.
21.5.1 The contractor shall use proper bends/elbows/tees at turnings/corners. Bending of pipe is not
permitted except when the pipe has to follow the contour of brick work or where fittings cannot be
inserted. In such cases the bend shall be gradual and formed with the written permission of GE.
21.5.3 Unions shall be provided at appropriate places as directed by the Engineer- in-Charge so that
in repairs etc. long lengths pipes are not to be taken down.
21.5.4 Contractor shall provide screwed plugs to all open ends of pipes on completion of work without
any extra cost to the Deptt.
21.5.5 The run of pipes shall be straight. All the pipes inside the buildings shall be embedded in
floors/fixed to walls. Pipes fixed to walls shall be secured with approved hooks at about 1.50 metre
intervals. However, in the case of pipe embedded in the floor etc. the pipe hooks need not be
21.5.6 As far as possible, pipes shall be fixed in shafts (where applicable) in such a way so that they
do not give an ugly appearance.
21.5.7 Proper unions sockets shall be provided in rising/delivery main to and from service tank before
or after the stop valve without any extra cost to the department.
21.5.8 All concealed water tubing shall be coated with bituminous paint before filling the chases and
the rates quoted shall be deemed to have been included for this provision.
(a) All works shall strictly comply with the provisions in the Indian Electricity Act and rules framed
there under (amended up to date) as applicable to this work. The work shall also comply with the
provisions contained in the latest edition of the relevant ISS/BSS issued upto the date of receipt of the
(b) All works shall be carried out to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge and in such a
fashion and manner as may be directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(c) All works shall conform to the best method of modern Engineering practice and shall be executed
by the fully/qualified Electrician/ Lineman/Wireman etc. The evidence of their qualifications shall be
produced by the Contractor on demand by GE.
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Scope of work under this contract caters for External Electrification works as per details described in
Schedule ‘A’ and in the particular specifications and shown on drawings.
22.3. LAYOUT
(b) The layout of overhead lines/underground cables and position of equipments is tentative. The
electric lines and cables shall be laid by route as actually directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The
contractor shall measure on the ground the actual length alongwith the said route to work out the
exact requirements of electric lines and cables before placing orders for procurement offered by him
can be suitably placed in the space marked for the purpose.
(a) All materials incorporated in the work shall bear ISI certification mark with relevant BIS. Samples
of materials for which no IS specification is issued and which are to be supplied by the contractor
shall be approved by GE before incorporation in the work.
(b) Materials offered for incorporation shall be new and no reconditioned/used equipment materials
and will be accepted in the work.
(c) Manufacturers Test certificate alongwith purchase voucher and for all equipment/ cables shall be
submitted by the contractor. Type test report shall also be submitted by the contractor of items asked
for by the GE.
All equipments, applied accessories and materials to be incorporated in this work shall be of the
make(s) specifically mentioned in Appendix ‘D’ or where the make(s) are not specifically mentioned
then the same shall confirm to latest IS having BIS certification and of make as approved by GE.
(b) The trenches for cable shall be excavated to levels gradients as directed by Engineer-in-
(c) All excavation earth shall be deposited at least one meter clear of the edge of the trenches.
When roads have to be crossed, trench upto half the width of the road shall be dug a time and proper
notices, signboards and lights shall be displayed and watchman posted to prevent accidents.
(d) Refilling of earth in trenches shall be done in 25cm thick layers with excavated soil approved by
Engineer-in-Charge in manner as to ensure the greatest compactness and solidity. Each layer shall
be well watered and rammed. Surplus spoil removed as provided in Schedule `A'.
(e) Soft/loose soil, hard/dense soil and mud shall be classified as "any type of soil".
22.7.1 Cross- linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulated, PVC sheathed HT Cable 11000 Volts grade steel
strip or wire armoured with stranded aluminium conductor shall conform to IS-7098 (Part-II). The
cable shall be manufactured by using either Sio-plass Technology or Dry Curing with Nitrogen Gas
technology. Laying of the cables shall be carried out as described in clause 19.74 to 19.76,19.88 to
19.92 of the MES Schedule Part-I. Testing of the under-ground cable during and after laying shall be
done as per relevant IS Code and as mentioned in MES Schedule Part-I.
22.7.2 Acceptance Test of HT XLPE Cable: Before accepting the lot of cable for incorporation in the
work, it shall be tested in accordance with Clause 18.2.1 of IS –7098 (Part-II) to ensure quality of the
cable supplied.
(a) Cable Termination & Cable Joint Boxes: Cable boxes for straight through and termination joints
shall be in form of ‘Kits’ with jointing instructions and literature/test certificate. The kit shall also carry
the name of manufacturer, date of manufacture and expiry date on the kit also the type of cable for
which suitable.
(b) Cable Termination Accessories: All the cable termination accessories such as cable sockets,
compression joint sleeves, conducting jellys, cable glands, reducing bushes and check nuts etc shall
be best quality available or as directed
(a) The cables shall be laid and jointed strictly as specified in the MES Schedule-2009 (Part-I) and in
accordance with instructions furnished by the cable manufacturers and the latest IS specification and
as specified hereinafter.
(b) The sand for the purposes of cushioning and cover should be fine sand.
(c) The bricks for covering the cables shall be as described in Schedule `A'.
(d) After the layer of brick cover is laid the remaining trench will be filled with excavated earth all as
specified in item of Schedule 'A'.
(e) The cables shall be snaked at all joints and junction boxes. Snaking shall be as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge. Extra length on account of snaking will also be measured under respective items
of Schedule 'A'. The quantity payable under Schedule 'A' items shall be the length of cable laid
including the length in snaking and no price adjustment shall be made for variation in quantities of
connected (allied) items like sand cushion, sand cover and brick layer protection cover.
(f) Where the cables run vertically, they shall be firmly fixed with flat iron clamps as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge at one-meter centre to centre along the supports.
(a) Each item of equipment such as LT switch board and other electrical equipment shall
be connected to two sets of earth connection.
(b) The contractor shall obtain approval of Engineer-in- Charge to the earthing before
commencement and it shall be executed in the presence of his representative. Excavation
shall be passed by Engineer-in-Charge before filling the charcoal dust filling and back filling
of earth shall be done in 25cm layers well watered and rammed.
(c) The earthing shall generally conform to IS-3043.
(d) The earth resistance of the whole system shall not in any case exceed 2 Ohms and for
chemical earthing it shall be restricted to below 1 ohm.
(e) The earthing shall be carried out to the specification given in Schedule 'A'.
(a) Earth wire shall be 4mm galvanised iron and shall be strung on poles with clamps or eye body
hooks. GI earth wire shall be paid by weight either calculated from table or actual. Should these
differ, the lesser only shall be paid. No extra allowance for sag and jointing shall be made while
computing the weight of GI wire.
(b) Earthing to metal supported with and accessories shall be done by 2.5mm dia wire, connected
to main continuous earth wire running on poles. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
22.12. PIPES
(a) GI pipe for cable protection and earth wire shall be light grade and shall bear ISI certification
mark with IS-1239.
(b) Ends of pipes shall be properly sealed with wooden bush and bitumen compound after drawing
the cable through pipes.
(c) Where cables are to be fixed alongwith poles these shall be drawn through pipes. The pipes
shall be fixed to poles by providing proper clamps and same shall be paid under appropriate item of
Sch 'A'.
22.13 PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE POLES : These shall be provided of the size and class as
indicated in Schedule ‘A’ and all as specified in clause 19.5 of the MES Schedule Part-I.
Foundations and erection of poles shall be carried out all as described in clause 19.52 of the MES
Schedule Part-I.
22.14.2 The pole shall be provided of the size and class as indicated in Sch ‘A’ and all as specified in
clause 19.3 of the MES Schedule Part-I. Foundation and erection of pole shall be carried out all as
described in clause 19.52 of the MES Schedule Part-I.
22.15.1 Stay wire shall be provided all as specified in Schedule `A'. Stay wire shall be grade 4 quality
with minimum tensile strength of 700/N/Sqmm and conforming to IS-2141-1979 specifications for
galvanised stay strand
22.16.1 Danger notice plate shall be provided as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Danger notice
plate shall be of size 200mm x 150mm and shall comply with IS: 2551-1982 all as specified in Para
19.18 of MES Schedule Part-I.
22.17.1 Refer clauses 19.9 and 19.53 of MES Schedule Part-I. MS cross arms, bracing and MS
brackets shall be of steel section shown on drawings. Where size of any section of steel is not
indicated, this shall be as directed the Engineer-in- Charge. These shall be painted with one coat of
aluminium paint over a coat of red oxide primer after fixing in position
27.18.1 ACSR conductor shall be provided of the size indicated in Sch ‘A’ or as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge. It shall be provided all as specified in clause 19.56 of the MES Schedule Part-I.
27.19.1 Anti- climbing device shall be fabricated out of mild steel all as described in Schedule `A'
and as specified in Para 19.72.1 on page 19-18 of SSR 1991 Part-I. Painting to steel surfaces shall
be done with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of primer. Anti-climbing device shall be
of approved quality and shall be fixed on poles as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
22.20. TESTING
(a) The contractor shall produce manufacturer's original test certificate for the following: -
(b) The contractor shall carry out the following tests at site. The results shall be recorded
and signed both by the GE and contractor with dates.
(c) Any equipment, materials etc found unsatisfactory/not complying with the specification
shall be rectified /replaced by the contractor at his own cost.
(d) Not with standing the tests carried out at the time of the commissioning of
equipment/installation, the contractor shall be responsible for rectifying the defects, replacing
equipment, during the maintenance period as laid down in condition 46 of IAFW-2249
(General Conditions of contracts).
22.21.1 The LT panels shall be provided all as described in Schedule `A', suitable for use on 440
Volts, 3 Phase, 4 wire, 50 cycles, AC supply system complete with bus-bars and accessories like
MCBs/ MCCBs, Volt meter, Ammeter etc. The LT panel shall comply with the requirements of IS:
5238. The panel shall be CPRI approved and shall be procured from an approved manufacturer as
specified in Appendix ‘D’. It shall be installed and tested as per clause 19.98 of SSR Part-I.
22.21.2 Layout diagram of panel shall be produced by contractor for approval of GE before placing
order to manufacturer and panel shall be brought at site as per approved drawing.
22.22.2 DRAWINGS:
The following drawings/Docs shall be furnished (3 copies) at the time of approval:
(c) Schematic wiring diagram of VCBs including Protection and Metering Circuit.
(c) Schematic wiring diagram of VCBs including Protection and Metering Circuit.
The approved drgs set shall be re-submitted alongwith operation manual at the time of
installation of VCB set at site. The switchgear shall be tested at Factory in accordance with the standards specified and
shall be conducted in the presence of Department’s representative. These tests shall include the
following: Tests at site in the presence of Electrical Inspector shall be carried out: -
(a) Routine Test certificates for CBs, CTs, PTs and meters & relays shall be done and test report
(b) Secondary injection tests should be conducted on all over current /earth fault relays.
(c) Current setting and operating time setting for various Relays.
(d) IR Vales and successful operation of all VCBs
(e) Other Tests if any as applicable to relevant IS clauses.
22.23.1 Transformer copper wound three phase of the KVA rating specified in Schedule ‘A’ shall be
provided all as per description of the item and shall comply with the requirement of IS-1180 (Part-I)
(amended upto date). It shall be provided with all standard fitting as indicated in clause of the
MES Schedule Part-I.
22.23.2 The oil of the transformer shall completely with the requirement of IS-335. 1983
22.23.3. Installation and testing of transformer: - Refer clause 19.97 of SSR Part-I 2009 of pre-
commissioning inspection and testing of transformer shall be carried out in the presence
representative of Accepting Officer at OEMs premises. Inspection by Electrical Inspector shall be
done before completion of work.
22.24 SYNTHETIC INSULATING MAT: - Refer clause 19.23A of SSR Part-I 2009
22.25.1 Lightning arrestor shall be provided as specified in SSR-2009 Part I (specifications) and as
per IE, Rules-1992. The earth lead for any lightning arrestor shall not pass through any iron steel pipe
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but shall be taken as directly as possible from lightening arrestor to a separate earth electrode.
Lightning arrestor shall be manufactured by any one of the manufacturers given in Appendix ‘F’.
Lightning arrestor shall be procured by the contractor either directly from the manufacturers or from
authorised distributor/authorised dealer, as directed by GE.
22.26.1 High mast lighting system shall be designed, supplied, installed, tested and commissioned to
give average illumination level of 25 lux for non essential supply and 7 lux for essential supply. The
quantity of High masts and luminaries etc shall be as per requirement and technical data for High
mast and components.
22.26.2 The permissible head load shall have direct relation to the projected area of the luminaries
mounted on the top. The tower shall be designed to carry head load of 1.2 sq mtr of projected area in
the condition of maximum wind exposure existing at the station as listed in IS: 875 Part 3 1987.
22.26.3 The easy portability of the complete equipment shall be ensured by mounting these
extendible tower sections on a trolley fitted with pneumatic tyres with leaf springs, which also
eliminates the shocks Lantern Carriage shall be suitable to mount 4 Nos. Luminaries symmetrically or
in one side depending on the lighting requirement. The lantern carriage shall have arrangement to
rotate 360 degree manually.
22.26.4 The mobile lighting mast system shall be rugged in design telescopic tubular structure
consisting of two/three sections. These sections shall be extendible to any height upto 9 meters. The
telescopic and tilting action of the tower shall be controlled by winch separately for tilting, raising and
lowering of tower sections. The motorized winches will be operated by remote control provided with
distribution board. The winch used in the system shall be fully self-sustaining without the use of brake
or ratchet and pawl to ensure elimination of chances of accidents during the tilting, raising and
lowering of the telescopic towers.
22.26.5 Two separate sets of Galvanised steel wire ropes for tilting and telescopic operation shall be
provided. These wire ropes shall be 10mm dia minimum and of 7 x 37 or 7 x 19 construction and shall
be extremely flexible for bending over small pulley radius. The pulleys shall be constructed from
carbon steel with bronze bush.
22.26.6 The individual tower sections shall be designed with the help of extensive structural
calculations for optimum sizes of the tower frame, mobile chassis and outriggers. These shall
withstand extreme wind gust speed prevailing in the area of installation for duration as specified in IS :
875 to support the head load area specified.
22.26.7 No hydraulic shall be provided in the equipment to make it more simple and robust and all
operations of raising and lowering, folding and tilting of tower sections shall be affected with the help
of motor operated winch and rope system to ensure minimum maintenance and leakage of oil etc
under the deteriorating site conditions.
22.26.8 Provision and supply of spirit levels shall be included to ensure vertical and horizontal leveling
of the chassis outriggers and structure with respect to each other to avoid unrelated development of
fatigue stresses due to eccentric centre or gravity.
22.26.9 A universal mounting arrangement shall be provided for mounting of diesel generating set
and control panel to make the equipment’s self sufficient in its energy requirement.
22.27. TESTING AND TEST CERTIFICATES: - It should be ensured that equipments at sub
paras (a) to (f) below are Type tested as per relevant IS/ IEC standards and approved by
CPRI or similar approved Govt organisation. Contractor shall submit copies of type test
certificates and equipment drawings with connection circuit diagrams indicating all sizes,
types, models etc complete from the mannufacturer for approval of the accepting Officer for
the following items before confirming firm order of plant or equipment to the mannufacturer.
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The Engine shall be compact vertical multi cylinder, diesel engine driven four stroke air cooled
type, coupled directly to the alternator through flexible coupling. The Engine shall be of
adequate capacity so as to deliver the rated output of the generator under the existing site
conditions. It shall conform to IS-1601 or equivalent BS as amended to date.
The alternator shall be designed for an output as described in schedule `A' at 0.8 power
factor,continuous duty rate, 415V, wound for 3 phase 4 wire 50 Hz AC suitable for unbalanced
loads with damper winding in pole phases. It shall be directly coupled to the engine through a
set of flexible coupling. The alternator shall be screen protected, drip proof and fitted with a
terminal box suitable for cable connection. The terminal box shall be capable of receiving
PVC armoured cable of suitable size. The alternator shall be self excited, self regulated. The
alternator shall be with necessary controls, relays complete with wiring to control panel, shall
be fully tropicalzed and conforming to IS-4722/BSS 649/BSS 2613 or equivalent BS.
The harmonic distortion shall not be more than 3%. The tolerance for voltage regulation and
frequencies shall be +5% and +3% respectively.
The AMF panel shall be fabricated from not less than 1.6 mm thick MS sheet steel for
operation on 415 Volts, 3 phase, 4 wire 50Hz AC designed for indoor floor mounted
installation, cubical type stove enameled pre-wired with copper control cable complete with
accessories as mentioned in schedule `A` and including other controls if any recommended by
The engine and the alternator shall be mantled and properly aligned on a common base frame
fabricated from steel channel with pads. The base frame shall be adequately braced for providing
rigidity,torsional and lateral stability. Foundation bolts, coupling guards and mounting
The contractor when demanded by Team Leader shall produce gate pass issued by
g) For 75 KVA DG set Exhaust piping shall be fabricated as per IS from MS pipe of size suitable
to limit back pressure to with in permissible limit. Tenderer shall submit design calculation in
support of back pressure being with in limits along with tender. The surface temp of exhaust
piping shall not exceed 50°C. Entire exhaust piping shall be insulated with minimum 50mm
thick layer of mineral wool (64 Kg/m³ density) held with chicken wire mesh covered with
0.80mm thick Al cladding as required. Flanged joints in exhaust piping shall be covered with
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removable insulation at suitable interval for permitting access to joint. Exhaust stack height
including pipe termination & infrastructure shall be provided as per latest CPCB norms & as
per recommendations of manufacturer. The rates quoted by tenderer is deemed to include
these aspects.
(i) 3 runs of 400 sqmm, 3.5 core cable XLPE shall be provided for outlet of DG Set. Starter voltage
shall be 24V D.C & 02 No 160 AH Batteries maintenance free shall be provided.
(iii) Contractor to check the existing water quality of raw water if parameters are not with in range
then cost of suitable capacity water softening/ demineralizing plant is deemed to be included in
quoted rates.
22.30 RECORD OF TESTINGS: - All plants and equipments received should be tested for their
insulation values and GE should ensure that the values are within the specified limits before and
after installation of equipments at site. Three copies of test results with dates of testing duly signed
by GE and contractor and all manufacturers’ test certificates should be kept in records.
The work shall be executed by fully qualified plumber/fitter. Evidence of their qualifications
shall be produced by the contractor on demand by the GE/Engineer-in-Charge.
(b) The excavation for pipe line in trenches shall be restricted to the authorised width as
defined in clause 3.23 on page No 21 of SSR Part-II and shall be measured accordingly.
Nothing will, however, be paid extra to the contractor in addition to the authorised width for
working space if required for laying water mains and pipes.
(c) Care shall be taken to keep the trenches free from water during the work. All water
which may accumulate from rain or other cause shall be bailed or pumped out or otherwise
removed. The tendered rate shall be deemed to include for pumping and or bailing out of
water as necessary. No claim what so ever shall be entertained on this account at a later
(d) Bottom surfaces of the trenches for pipes shall be formed to level all as directed by the
(e) All excavated earth shall be deposited at least one meter away from the edge of
(f) Excavated earth from trenches (as approved) shall be used for refilling and surplus earth
shall be removed to a distance as specified in Schedule `A', deposited spread and leveled to
the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
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(g) No joints shall be covered up with earth till the pipe line has been tested under pressure
but certain length of pipes may be covered up if specifically permitted in writing by the
Engineer-in-Charge for the purpose of ensuring safety of traffic, persons etc.
(h) The rates quoted by the contractor for excavation in trenches for pipes shall not include
use and waste of timbering. Use and waste of timbering considered necessary and ordered by
GE in writing shall be paid for extra as a deviation.
23.4. LAYING & JOINTING OF GI PIPE: Laying and jointing of GI pipes shall be carried out as
specified in SSR-2009 (Part-I).
23.5.1 Centrifugally cast (spun) pressure pipes with spigot and socket ends shall conform to IS:
1536-1976. Pipes shall be of class as indicated in Schedule ‘A’. The pipes shall be procured from any
of the manufacturers as mentioned in Appendix ‘D’ here-in after.
23.6.1 Rubber gasket shall conform to IS-5382 and shall be provided all as specified in clause 18 11
of the MES schedule Part-I.
23.6.2 Joints of spigot and socket pipes where specified or indicated in Schedule ‘A’ to be made with
rubber gasket these shall be provided all as described in clause 18.48 of the MES Schedule Part-I.
23.7.1 Valve pit shall be of size as mentioned in items of Schedule `A' /shown on drawing and to the
following specifications: -
(a) Excavation and Earth In any type of soil including filling in and well ramming in layers not
Work exceeding 25cm including watering and removing surplus soil to a
distance not exceeding 250 metre, all as directed by Engineer-in-
(b) PCC in foundation PCC (1:3:6) type C-2(using 40mm graded crushed stone aggregate).
(c) Masonry Work Brick masonry in cement mortar (1:4) using sub class ‘B’ bricks.
(d) PCC benching/bedding PCC (1:2:4) type B-1(nominal mix) using 20mm graded aggregate.
(e) RCC Work RCC M-25(Design mix) as specified here-in-before mixed with liquid
water proofing compound as per manufacturer instruction.
(f) Steel and Iron work All as shown on drawing. However, the thickness of MS sheet
irrespective of what is shown on drawing shall be 3.15mm.
(g) Flooring PCC 1:2:4, type B-1, using 20mm graded stone aggregate using liquid
water proofing compound as per manufacturer instruction.
(h) Finishing (i) 15mm thick rendering in CM (1:4) finished even and fair without
using extra cement (internally).
(ii) External face of brickwork shall be finished flush in the same mortar
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(j) Painting MS cover angle iron frame and other steel work shall be given two
coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer.
(k) White Washing Three coats of white wash shall be carried out internally to plastered
23.8.1 Cast iron fittings shall bear ISI certification mark with IS-1538 (Part-I to XXIII) -1976 all as
specified in clause 18.2 of SSR Part-I.
23.9.1 Laying, jointing of GI pipe shall be carried out as specified in MES SSR-2009 Part-I.
23.10.1 Sluice valve cast iron shall conform to IS-14846-2000. The valve shall be of class PN-1.0/PN
1.6 as indicated in description of item under Schedule ‘A’ and shall bear ISI certification mark. Fixing
of the valve shall be carried out all as described in clause 18.57 of the MES Schedule Part-I.
23.11.1 Cast iron non-return valve shall be swing check type, with or without by-pass arrangement
and shall comply with the requirements of IS: 5312(Part-1 & 2). The valve shall be class PN 1.0/1.6
and size as indicated in description of item under Schedule ‘A’.
23.12.1 The Gun Metal Gate Valve shall be carefully examined and cleared of all foreign matter
before being fixed. The Gun Metal Gate Valve shall be fitted in the pipe lines in a workman like
manner. The joints between Gun Metal Gate Valve and pipe shall be made leak-proof when tested to
a pressure of 17.5 Kg/sq cm.
23.13.1 UPVC pipes shall conform to IS 4985-2000. Specification for Unplasticised PVC pipes for
potable water supply. The pipes shall be reasonably round. Internal and external surfaces of the pipes
shall be smooth and clean, reasonably free from grooving and other defects. The ends shall be
cleanly cut square with the axis of the pipes, UPVC pipes shall be of pressure ratings (working
pressure) as 2.5, 4.5 and 10 Kg/sq cm as indicated.
23.14.1 Jointing of all types of cast iron pipes and fittings unless otherwise specified shall be
measured and paid for separately under respective items of Schedule `A'. Rates quoted for run lead
joints in Schedule `A' shall also include the cost of jointing material such as lead and spun yarn. Run
lead joints shall be executed as specified as per Para 18.48.2 to of SSR Part-I.
23.15.2. DI Pipe shall be conforming to IS 8329-2000. In case nothing is mentioned in Sch ‘A’ class &
type of DI pipe shall be provide K-7 and Spigot and socket type I pipe for water supply. The DI pipe
shall be used for drinking water supply purpose only and accordingly excise duty(ED) shall be
applicable as per GOI notification. When pipe is crossing a road, a minimum cover of 1.0 Metre is
23.15.3. Fittings and Appliances shall be inspected, before delivery at the Site to see whether they
bear where appropriate, the certification mark of the Indian Standards Institution or the mark of the
testing station of the Authority. All fittings shall be inspected and tested by the manufacturers at their
factory and shall comply with the requirements of this code. These shall be tested hydraulically under
a pressure equal to twice the maximum permissible working pressure or under such greater pressure
as may be specified. The pipes and fittings shall be inspected on site before laying and shall be
sounded to disclose cracks. Any defective item shall be cearly marked as rejected and forthwith
removed from the site.
23.15.4. After laying and jointing, the main shall be slowly and carefully charged with water, so that all
air is expelled from the main by providing a 25mm inlet with a stopcock allowed to stand full of water
for few days if time permits, and then tested under pressure. The test pressure shall be the working
pressure of Pump or the OH Tank as the case may be.
23.16.1 The work shall be carried out all as described in schedule ‘A’ Part-I and as specified and
directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
24 ROADS AND CULVERTS WORKS: The work shall be provided as given in Sch ‘A’.
24.1. EARTH WORK : Levels of existing ground at suitable intervals not exceeding 3 metres shall be
taken jointly by MES representative and contractor representative and recorded in level book.
Quantity of earthwork shall be worked out from the levels taken at site and proposed formation/invert
(a) The formation surfaces coming in cutting shall be rolled to the required gradient and
camber with power roller for road work and including sprinkling the surfaces with water as
(b) Where rolling with power roller/animal/hand roller is not feasible prior permission of the GE
shall be obtained in writing for hand ramming. The laying of base course will commence only
after the rammed earth formation is approved by the GE.
24.3 DRAINAGE OF EARTH FORMATION : At all times the formation surfaces shall be kept well
drained by the contractor. The contractor shall provide such temporary open drain as may be
necessary to prevent accumulation of water from rain or other sources.
24.4 HORIZONTAL CURVES AND SUPERELEVATION: Horizontal curves and super elevation for
roads shall be as ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge.
24.5 SOLING: Soling shall be laid all as specified in Schedule `A’ and as described in MES
Schedule `A` Part-I. Surface shall be formed to required gradient and camber.
(b) 15 cm (Consolidated thickness) WBM (Water bound macadam) shall consist of 2 layer of
7.5 cm (Consolidated thickness) of metal, spreading, rolling and applying screening and
watering as specified in clause 20.A.21 of MES Schedule (Part-I).
(c) The grading of aggregate for WBM shall be as stipulated in clause 20-A.3.1 of
MES Schedule (Part-I).
(d) Stone screening to be used in the work shall be of grading classification `A’ as specified in
clause 20-A-3-2 of MES Schedule (Part-I). Screening to fill the voids shall be of the same
material as the coarse aggregate.
24.7A. BITUMEN: - Bitumen for road work shall be of Viscosity Grade (VG-10/VG-30) conforming to IS-73-
2006. Bitumen shall be procured by the contractor from their own sources and arrangement at his own
cost directly from the refinery of Hindustan Petroleum or Indian Oil Corporation or Bharat Petroleum or
from their authorized outlets with sealed intact.
Original purchase voucher of the manufacturer alongwith test certificate shall be produced by the
contractor to the Engineer-in-Charger before commencement of work at site. The GE may also get carried
out independent test of bitumen and the cost of testing shall be born by the contractor
24.7.2 Application for Tack Coat: - Ref Para 20. B.4.2 of MES SSR –I 2009.
24.7.3 JOB MIX FORMULA:- Ref Para 20 B.4.3 of MES SSR Part-I 2009. Job Mix formula(Design Mix)
shall be got carried out from the Govt. Engineering College or Laboratory or any other Laboratory
approved by MES, by the contractor under is own arrangements without any extra cost to the Govt. Design
Mix shall be approved by the GE. However, incase bitumen content as per design mix is more than
quantity given in Sch ‘A’ then design mix shall be forwarded to Accepting Officer for approval. Job Mix
formula (Design Mix) criteria shall be as given in para 20.B.2.11 of SSR Pt-I 2009. Cement shall be used
as a filler content in design mix
24.7.4 Preparation of Mix: - Ref Para 20 B.4.4 of MES SSR Part-I 2009.
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24.7.5 Transporting of Mix: - Ref Para 20 B.4.5 of MES SSR Part-I 2009.
24.7.6 Spreading of Mix :- Ref Para 20 B.4.6 of MES SSR Part-I 2009.
24.7.7 Rolling and Compaction: - Ref Para 20 B.4.7 of MES SSR Part-I 2009.
24.7.8 Quality Control: - Ref Para 20 B.4.9 of MES SSR Part-I 2009.
24.7.9 Control on Laid Thickness :- Ref Para 20 B.4.9 of MES SSR Part-I 2009.
24.8 BRICK EDGING: Ref para 5.54 of MES SSR Part-I 2009
29.9 PATH WORKS :- This shall be provided all as described in Schedule ‘A’ and as per SSR. Any
item for which specification is not given in Sch ‘A’, the same shall be followed from specifications
given for the lump sum part in the beginning of the particular specifications, or if not there then from
24.4. PATH/HARD STANDING WORKS: - This shall be provided all as described in Schedule ‘A’
and as per SSR. Any item for which specification is not given in Sch ‘A’, the same shall be followed
from specifications given for the lump sum part in the beginning of the particular specifications, or if
not there then from SSR.
25.1 The works pertaining to compound wall/gate shall be carried out as described in relevant
items of Schedule 'A', as specified here-in-before for the relevant trades of works, as per details
shown on drawings and as directed.
25.2 Steel Gate: These shall be provided all as shown on drawing and as specified below: -
a) Excavation & earth work in soft/loose soil.
b) PCC (1:5:10) type E-2 in lean concrete below foundation.
c) Brick work in CM (1:4) with sub class ‘B’ bricks as specified here-in-before.
d) PCC in 1:2:4 type B-1 using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate.
e) RCC M-25 (Design mix) using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate.
f) Brick/ RCC columns shall be provided with black Granite stone cladding (20mm thick)
over bedding layer of 10mm thick plaster in CM (1:4) extended down to 05cm below ground
level and polishing (wax).
g) Steel work as shown on drawings.
h) All steel surfaces treated with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of
Note: - Light fittings shall be measured and paid separately.
(e) Central core wire. It shall be made from high tensile spring steel core wire confirming to
IS- 4454. Hot dipped Galvanised confirming to IS 2629 with diameter 2.59 mm (I 0.05mm)
UTS - 145 – 160 Kg/Sqm
Zinc coating – 250 – 300 gm/Sqm
(f) Strip. It shall be Electro galvanized steel strip 0.5mm (± 0.02mm) thick width 19mm (before
wrapping on central core wire), confirming to IS 1573, zinc coating 120 gm/Sqm and
bituminize dipped, width of barbs 11.5mm, pitch of barbs – 25.4 mm (± 0.2mm)
(g) Clips. It shall be AISI 304 and 1.5mm thick C&U clip `C’clip special type for fixing coil and
RBT wire. `U’ clip special type for joining on coil to another coil and RBT wire joining.
(k) BARBED WIRE: Refer clause 10.32 and 10.32.1 of SSR part -I 2009.
26.1 The works pertaining to area drainage shall be carried out as described in relevant items of
Schedule 'A', as specified here-in-before for the relevant trades of works, as per details shown on
drawings and as directed.
27.2 The entire work of sewage disposal shall be carried out by a licensed plumber. Contractor shall
produce the license of the plumber when required by the GE.
27.3. The detailed specifications for earth work, filling, mix of concrete, consolidation, form work of
concrete, brick work and plastering shall be followed from relevant specifications of MES Schedule
Part-I and as specified hereinbefore
27.4. Salt glazed stoneware pipes shall be of grade `A' complying with IS : 651 and bedded in PCC
(1:3:6), type C-2 using 40mm graded stone aggregate laid to falls including packing under and
hunching against the sides of pipes with concrete after the pipe are laid and tested all as specified in
clause 18.68 of MES Schedule Part-I. Jointing shall be done in cement mortar (1:1) and as specified
in clause 18.70 of MES Schedule Part-I.
27.6 No work shall be covered over or surrounded with concrete until it has been inspected and
approved by the EIC after testing as specified.
27.7.1 Manholes and pipes shall be tested for water test all as specified in para 18.79 of MES
Schedule Part-I. Defects found if any shall be rectified at the expense of the contractor, to the entire
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satisfaction of GE. Testing apparatus, materials and labour etc. shall be provided by the Contractor
without any extra cost to the Government. Complete record of all tests duly signed by the Engineer-
in-Charge and the contractor shall be maintained.
27 to 35 BLANK
36. LIFT
36.1.1 This specification covers the technical requirements of design, manufacture, testing at work,
delivery in well packed condition to site, installation, testing and commissioning of lifts of type and
capacity as per Sch 'A', at locations as directed by EIC.
(a) (G+03) 6 Nos. 8 passenger (544 Kg) capacity lifts with rated speed 1.5 meter
per second to serve ground and 07 upper floors (i:e total 08 storeys)
(b) (G+03) 1 No. 13 passenger (844 Kg) capacity lifts with rated speed 1.5 meter
per second to serve ground and 07 upper floors (i:e total 08 storeys)
36.2.1 The work shall be carried out in accordance with local/state/municipal rules for electric lifts and
the codes of practice of installation, operation and maintenance of electric lifts as per IS : 1860-1980,
outline dimension of electric lifts IS-3534. "Specification of electric passenger" and goods lifts 'IS-
4666', Indian electricity Act 1910 and Indian Electricity Rules, as amended form time to time. In case
of any discrepancy of specifications between the state acts, the superior specification shall be
36.4.1 The drawings showing lift well and other details are enclosed with the tender. The tenderer is
advised to go through these and satisfy himself as to the adequate of the provisions with respect to IS
specification/local/state rules/his requirements. However, if any changes to the structures are
considered necessary by him., he shall specify them in his tender so that the owner can undertake
necessary corrective work. Any change in structures, if not notified in his tender by the contractor, but
considered necessary for proper installation and working of lift, shall be executed by Contractor extra
cost. Drawings showing general arrangements of lifts offered by the tenderer will be approved by the
36.4.2 The tenderer shall submit full dimensioned working drawings of equipments offered together
with detailed technical specification thereof and illustrative & descriptive literature to enable full
technical appreciation of the offer. The tender shall also submit drawings showing foundation details
of equipments layout of plant/ equipments/ accessories and electrical wiring diagrams.
36.4.3 The tenderer is advised to check the relevant dimension of the lift wells at site for the purpose
of tallying with those indicated on drawings. Any minor variation required in the overall dimension to
suit the actual dimension at site shall be done by the lift contractor without any price adjustment.
36.5.1 The tenderer shall submit the tender to suit overall specifications given in the tender and shall
guarantee that materials and workmanship of the lift and connected equipments offered and installed
by him under the contract are new/first class in every respect and he will make good any defects,
damage which are not attributed to normal wear and tear or misuse and will be responsible for
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repairing /replacing any parts which are rendered defective within one year after the date of
completion. He will produce test and inspection certificates for machine, motors, governors,
controllers, motor generating sets, ropes buffers in triplicate, which are incorporated in the lifts, of
having passed necessary tests required under IS-1860. He will also produce high voltage test
certificates of dielectric of electric apparatus as required vide clause 24.2 of IS : 4666.
36.6.1 All exposed metal work (except aluminium or aluminium alloy) carried out under particular
specifications shall be properly painted with two coats of approved enameled paint over a coat of
primer and wooden portions shall be given necessary preservation in hidden surfaces and two coat of
varnish in exposed surfaces to produce a smooth glossy surface.
36.7.1 Maintenance services for the equipments furnished under particular specification and
described in schedule 'A' shall be provided by the contractor without any extra cost for a period of 12
months after the certified dates of completion. The maintenance service shall mean regular
examination of lifts installed as needed or as directed by the owner and shall include necessary
adjustment, greasing oiling, repair and replacement of major or minor parts rendered defective due to
any reason with new genuine standard parts so as to keep the equipments in proper operation.
36.8.1 All equipments/instruments for testing of the lifts shall be arranged by the contractor. This will
remain his property after the tests are over.
36.9.1 The tenderer shall interalia include in his unit rates of items of schedule 'A' of tender, the cost
of the following works:-
(a) Foundation of plant/machinery and equipments including steel channels, RCC platform
in the pits for buffers.
(b) Cutting holes in walls, floors etc and making good to match the existing surface of
walls, floors etc.
(c) Supplying and fixing necessary grouting bolts, nuts washers etc of adequate size
required for fixing guides, brackets etc in the wall of lifts wells/pits/Compact rooms etc.
(d) Supply and fixing necessary ladder or steel rungs of adequate size and strength for
access inside the lift pits and making good the surfaces of walls, floors etc of lift pits to match
the existing surface.
36.9.2 All items of steel shall be procured by the contractor form market under his own arrangements
the steel items procured by him shall be of tested quality and conforming to respective standard
specification, code of practice as per IS : 226.
(i) Manufacturers instruction Book for care, maintenance & operation of the equipments.
(ii) Complete literature giving technical information of all components/parts of the equipment
offered (as desired by the Accepting officer).
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(iii) Maintenance check chart, lubrication chart, schematic wiring diagram from MES control switch
and relays/ switches in hoist way/landing door etc.
36.11.1 The contractor shall make his own arrangements of scaffolding required for the erection of
the lifts which shall be removed by the contractor after completion of work.
36.12.1 The following items of work required in connection with the installation of lifts shall be
provided by the contractor.
(a) Lift wells properly framed and enclosed including pits of proper depth with drains and
water proofing as required. The lift wells and pit walls shall be treated and painted to and
circulation of dust.
(b) Properly lighted, well ventilated with thermostatically controlled exhaust fan and fire
machine rooms including floors, access door and ceiling treated and painted to minimize
accumulation The tenderer shall provide cut outs, cable channels and pockets for grouting
bolts required in slabs.
(c) One MCB as required of suitable capacity at ground floor will be provided by the contractor
for further wiring to the machinery, controls panels including main switch on controller.
(d) Cill support projections on all floor landings architraves at all landing and facias.
(e) Illumination of lift shaft and pit shall be done by providing 15 W CFL corresponding to each
floor level.
36.13.1 All material plants, equipments, apparatus and lift cars to be incorporated in all lift system
shall conform to the highest standard and latest practice in design and manufacturer and shall be of
robust construction liberally rated and capable of operating efficiently and economically under the
stipulated service conditions.
36.13.2 Cost of elements of installation, plant equipments apparatus and accessories, fittings and
fixture, electric works of every mature from the outgoing terminal of distribution boards in particular
specification but are required and notified by the Engineer-in-Charge for efficient operations and
performance of the installation shall be deemed to be covered in the tendered rates. The contractor
shall furnish the design data for each type of lifts in the ANNEXURE 'A' attached.
36.15.1 The tenderer shall include in his quotation the cost of all civil and miscellaneous works
(a) All works related to the erection, testing and commissioning of the installations
including one year's maintenance period.
(b) Scaffolding as required during installation.
(c) Any building work in the hoist way including making good to original finish, providing
and fixing brackets, supports, beams etc and final grouting at various items.
(d) Conduit through work from compact machine rooms to various floors for control
system and indicator wiring system etc.
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(e) Any temporary electric wiring and power connection, if required during installations
shall be the Contractor's responsibility, who will ensure that it conforms the
requirements of the IE Act rules and fulfils safety requirements.
(f) Necessary wiring for the alarm bell.
(g) All tools and tackles, equipments/appliance required for erection.
36.16.1 The lift machine shall be installed over lift car as per manufacturer’s details specifications. If
any minor changes are considered necessary for the installation of equipments in the compact
machine room and lift wells, the same shall be clearly brought out at the time of submission of the
tenders. The compact machine room is not to be air conditioned.
36.17.1 The system provided shall have vibration free and noiseless elevator movement. The reduce
vibration, pads of proper density shall be provided to efficiently insulate. The machine form supporting
beams and floor slabs.
36.18.1 The elevator machine shall be squirrel cage type induction motor having high starting torque
protected by means of thermister embedded in the stator winding complete with electronically
controlled continuous speed monitoring and precision control for acceleration, deceleration and
stopping all as integrated matching system to give excellent riding comfort. The motor shall be
provided with class 'F' insulation with temperature rise limited to that of class 'B'. The machine shall
include electromagnetic brake, steel work bronze gear, steel sheave shaft and sheave all compactly
moulded in base of bed Plate.
36.18.2 The driving sheave shall be grooved to ensure sufficient traction and minimize rope wear.
Adequate means of lubrication shall be provided for all bearings and work gear. The machine shall be
equipped with an arrangement for equipped with an arrangement for manual winding of the machine
for testing purpose or of operation when the power supply fails. The elevator induction motor shall, be powered by a bank of thyristor working on three
phase AC power supply. The thyristor bank shall be providedc11uch that it shall have separate
thyristor units for driving the machine motor and braking of the machine motor. Digital speed back
from velocity transducer shall be provided for improved leveling accuracy. A velocity transducer shall be provided to sense the elevator speed data and convert it into
digital pulse. This velocity transducer (pulse generator shall have closed lock system with a
microprocessor to run machine motor and regulate it closest to the ideal speed ' curve. Lift car shall be provided with a rn°1.gnetic sensor to generate and feed the control unit the
correct floor location data. The data so provided shall be taken as reference position to establish the
precise position of lift car for leveling to ensure safety and correct floor location data. The data so
provided shall be taken as reference position to establish the precise position of lift car for leveling to
ensure safety and correct opening and closing of the lift car doors. The motor control unit shall having provision to control the 3 phase AC voltage of thyristor
bank to precisely regulate motor speed. The motor control unit shall ensure that the torque generated
by the motor conform to the requirements of ideal speed curve. The motor control unit shall have a
real time frame reference and shall control the firing angle of the thyristor to provide, precision and
riding comfort.
36.18.7 MICROPROCESSOR A micro computer system shall be provided with EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read
only Memory) chips and RAM (Random Access Memory), chips. The micro computer shall have
provision to reprogram it through EPROM chips to meet future traffic demands.
36.18.8 The micro computer shall have input from shaft switches, Car calls, hall calls, machine
motors, velocity transducer and position transducer. It shall have provision to process these
simultaneous inputs at a very rapid rate and give command to motor control unit to start, accelerate,
full speed run, decelerate and stop the elevator.
36.18.9 The micro computer shall compute in real time the speed of elevator, its position, distance
traveled and will compare these input with the pre-programmed data available with EPROM chips and
correct the deviation, if any, immediately and to give a smooth riding in.
36.18.10 The micro computer shall also receive inputs and shall continuously monitor the elevator car
sub system such as doors, brakes and machine motor accessories at every instant to ensure almost
safety and efficient handling of passengers.
36.19 BRAKES
36.19.1 The electromagnetic brakes mounted on the motor and gear shall work on rectified DC
supply. The brakes shall be fitted with self aligning shoes and operated on power release principle to
ensure safety, if the power supply fails. The tenderer shall specify the make of rectifier and the
arrangement of DC supply. The brakes shall design to provide smooth stops under variable loads.
36.22.1 Suitable spring buffers shall be provided for car and counter weights as required under IS
1860-1980 (Revised) Para 6.3. The mode of mounting of buffers i:e RCC in the Block/any other steel
work shall be include in the unit rate of item in Schedule 'A'.
36.24.1 The contractor shall provide and install expanded metal counter weight guard of required
length at the bottom of the hoist way.
36.25 ROPES
36.25.1 The of hoist ropes shall be give traction steel of suitable size, construction and number to
ensure the proper operation of elevator and shall give satisfactory wearing qualities. The governor
ropes shall be of steel. All ropes shall consist of at least six ropes strand wound about a hempcore.
The factor of safety shall be as given in IS-4666. No car of counter weight ropes shall be repaired of
lengthened by splicing. Fixing arrangement shall conform to relevant IS.
36.26.2 All the elevators shell be provided with microself leveling feature that shall automatically bring
the car to the floor landings. This microself leveling device shall, within its zone, be entirely corrected
for over travel or under travel and rope stretch.
(c) Inter phone shall have master unit in machine room, one master unit in control room
and one slave unit in elevator car. The inter phone system shall have a rechargeable
battery backup system in case of Mains Power failure.
(f) Firemen switch: A toggle switch covered by a glass cover shall be provided on und
floor for each elevator. It shall facilities the lift to stop at the ground floor with the door
open permit the firemen to have exclusive use of the elevator without any interference
from the landing calls.
(h) A ‘non –stop’ button for the purpose of by passing landing calls for emergency use
but the landing calls shall however, remain registered till they are answered.
(j) Over Load Warning :- Over load warning feature with audio visual indication (visual
indication shall shown “OVER LOADED”) with stainless steel face plate shall be
installed in the elevator car so that when there is overloaded in the car the sign shall lit
up a flashing light indicating. “OVER LOAD” and Buzzer shall operate during this
period and the elevator doors shall remain open until the overload is removed.
(k) Provision of cross flow rectangular (low noise / mild air flow) fan of approved make.
(l) A multi beam full length infra red door sensor (minimum – 32) should be provided.
(m) Extra cover in traveling cable for customer smoke detectors should be provided.
36.28.4 Each lift car shall be provided with one specification plate showing rated load.
36.29.1 The governor shall be placed where they cannot be struck by the lift car or counter weight in
the event of over run. Governor for car safety gears shall be adjusted to actuate the safety gear at the
following rated speed as mentioned in para 15.2 (a) and (b) of IS:4666.
(a) For rated speed up to 1.5 meter per second maximum governor tripping speed shall be
either 140 percent of rated speed or 0.88 meter per second whichever is higher. For rated
speed above 1.5 meter per second maximum governor tripping speed shall be 115 percent of
the rated speed plus 0.25 meter per second.
(b) Minimum governor tripping speed shall be 115 percent of the speed.
36.30.1 Every lift suspended by wire ropes shall be provided with one more safety device, attached to
the lift car frame placed beneath the car. The safety device shall be capable of stopping and
sustaining the lift car with full rated load in the car at tripping speed. Safety gear shall operate to stop
and sustain the lift car in the event of lift exceeding a predetermined maximum speed in the
descending direction when a speed governor is fitted. Every safety gear shall operate positively and
mechanically independent of any springs used in its construction. Design will conform to IS-4666,
para 14.
36.31 GUIDES
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36.31.1 Car and counter weight guides shall be of rigid steel in all the cases. ‘T’ sections shall be
used continuous thorough out the entire length and shall be provided with steel bracket or equivalent
fixing of such design and spacing that the guide shall not deflect more than 5 mm under normal
operation. Guides shall be arranged to withstand the action of the safety gear when stopping a
counter weight or fully loaded car. Guides shall be of such length that it shall not be possible for any
of the car or counter weight choice of run off the guides. Mechanised ‘T’ section shall be provided for
guide as per para 5.2 of IS-4666.
33.32.1 Guides shall be spring-loaded and shall be of phosphorous bronze of cast iron of adequate
length and shaped to light in the guide.
36.33.1 Entrance to the lift car shall be one side only as shown in the drawings:-
(a) Car Door : The car entrance shall be protected by Central Opening Stainless
Steel Sliding Door.
(b) Hoist Way : At each landing centre opening stainless steel sliding door.
36.34.1 The minimum clear door opening of lift car doors shall be as under:-
36.35.1 Each landing door shall be equipped with a positive electro mechanical inter lock auxiliary
door closing device so that the lift car can only be operated after the inter locks are established. The
inter locks shall also prevent the opening of the doors except at the landing where the car has
36.36.1 A protective device/safety shoe shall extend to the full height of the door and project beyond
front edge of the car doors so that any person or object coming in contact with door while entering the
doors, shall return to their original positions. Where the doors of the centre opening type are used,
there will be two safety shoes one on each side. Reversal of the doors shall also be accomplished by
pressing the (OPEN DOOR) buttons in the car operating panel.
36.36.2 An air cord or other suitable arrangements shall be used to transmit motion from one door
panel to the other.
36.36.3 Sheave type hanger tied with suitable sound reducing materials and tracks shall be provided
for car doors and landing doors. Sheaves and rollers shall be of steel and adjustment ball bearing
rollers shall take the up thrust of the doors. Tracks shall be of cold drawn steel of heavy section with
surface shaped in conformity to thread of hangers/sheaves and rollers.
36.37.1 Indication lamps showing registration of calls made are to be provided at the landings. In
addition to indication lamps, illuminated directions showings the directional movement of the cars and
the positions shall be fitted at the landings. All face plates for operating and signal fixtures shall be
provided in attractive stainless steel plate.
36.38.1 The power Controller Unit of latest improved design comprising main circuit breaker shall be
with adjustable overload release, phases and phases failure and reverse phase relays etc as per
design and operational of lifts.
36.38.2 The controller shall be located in the control room and shall be suitable for the control system
and facilities required in car and landings as detailed in particular specifications. All control wiring
shall be suitably secured and conform to standard wiring practice. Ferrule of insulation materials shall
be stamped on all terminations with identification letters or numerals corresponding to wiring diagram
to be supplied by the contractor.
36.38.3 Inspector change over switch and a set of test buttons shall be provided at a suitable place.
Operation of the inspector’s change over switch shall make both the car and landing buttons in –
operative and permit lift to be worked form the inspector switch in either direction for the purpose of
36.38.4 All central circuits shall be fused with HRC fuses or otherwise protected against faults or
overloads independently of the main circuits.
36.38.5 The interruption of the electric circuit shall top and /or shall pavement of movement of car.
36.38.6 The controller unit and operating device shall be provided according to best elevator practice
and employing with the applicable Indian standards as adopted by BIS.
The operation of the elevators shall be simply selective collective automatic push buttons as
per IS code. In the car, each landings level will be serviced by up and down buttons at the landings
wherein the calls are registered by momentary actuation of the landing buttons made in order in which
the landings are reached in each direction of travel after the buttons have been actuated.
36.39.2 With the type of operation “UP” landing calls are answered when the car is traveling in the
“UP” direction and all “DOWN” landing calls are answered when the car is traveling in “DOWN”
directions except in the case of the upper most and lower most calls which are answered as soon
they are reached irrespective of direction of travel.
36.39.3 After the car stops at a landing in response to a call or landing call, the car will remain in
operative form the landing buttons for a predetermined interval to allow car passenger to leave or
landing passenger to enter and register his calls.
36.40.1 The car operating panel shall be flush mounted in the car enclosure and shall contain the
(a) A bank of buttons to correspond to the various landing levels served.
(b) An emergency stop push buttons for stopping the car independently of the regular
operating device.
(c) An alarm push buttons connection to an alarm bell located at the main floor landing
outside of and adjustment of the hoist way.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 198
36.41.1 With Attendant, operation shall be furnished in connection with Selective/collective automatic
Operation Specified.
36.41.2 The attendant shall press buttons in the car operating panel corresponding to the floors
desired. The hall buttons shall stop the car as previously described.
36.41.3 For the use of the attendant, the following additional equipments shall be added to the car
operating panel:-
(a) Key operated switch for cutting in and out additional equipments for with attendant
(b) A buzzer for notifying the attendant when an up trip should be made in answer to hall
(c) A non-stop “NS” button for the purpose of by passing landing calls, but these landing
calls shall remain registered however until they are answered.
(d) Up and down light jewels for indicating the direction the car is set to travel.
36.42.1 Detection of stuck shall button: If the car arrives at a floor and the hall button is jammed of
kept pressed continuously for more than a pre-determined time, then the car shall proceed to attend
the pending calls.
36.42.2 Home landing car after answering the last pending call.
36.42.3 Fast speed/declaration protection: If the elevator runs for than 10 seconds in the fast speed
without encountering slow vane, the elevator shall go into emergency stop. The elevator shall restart
36.42.4 Auto Light and Fan ‘ON-OFF’: If the car is not used for a predetermined time, the light and fan
inside the car shall be automatically switched off. They shall be ‘ON’ automatically when some one
calls car from landing.
36.42.5 Load Non-Stop: Upon detection of 80% and upto 100% of duty load the car shall ignore the
registered hall calls and attend only to the car calls until the load inside the car reduce to less 80% of
the duty load.
36.42.6Top of car in controller inspection operation: An inspection “U” & “D” buttons shall be provided
on top of car and in controller. The elevator is put in inspection mode by operating a toggle switch.
Upon continuously pressing the “U” or “D” button the elevator shall run inspection speed lower than
normal speed i:e 1.5 MPS.
36.42.7 Emergency Stop Button: Actuation of “STOP” button (red colour) in car shall stop the car
immediately (by application of brakes in machine) as long as the button is pressed. Upon releasing
the button the car shall proceed to answer the pending calls.
36.43.1 All cables and other wiring in connection with lift installation shall be of copper of suitable
grade for the voltage at which these are intended to be worked and of ISI approved and if metallic
covering is used, it shall be efficiently earthed. The machine motor and, control panel will be
connected to independent earthing as per rules. Suitable caution notice shall be fixed on machine
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 199
rooms, entrance. Circuit which supply current to electric motor shall be separate from trailing cable
used for control and safety device.
36.44.1All the lifts shall be tested on completion of work. The lifts shall be put into normal service and
taken over. The tests at site will be in accordance with IS: 4666. Necessary weights and instruments
for test shall be arranged by the lift contractor. During tests, electric power required for carrying out
testing will be supplied free of cost. The followings tests shall also be carried out in addition to the
tests described in IS:-
(a) Test to determine that safety gear will stop the lifts car with rated load. Owner speed
test will be made with ropes attached and all electric apparatus operative except the over
speed switch on the Governor. Tests shall be carried out with rated load and the safety gear
shall be examined for signs of permanent distance, if any, safety gears designed to stop the in
car or counter weights the distance related car or counterweights speed shall stop lift car with
rates load or the counter weight from governor tripping speed within the range of stopping
distance given in Table 3 of IS-4666.
(b) The installation will be taken over only, if the above mentioned acceptance tests are
found to be satisfactory and certificate to this effect is issued by the Accepting Officer or his
(c) Commissioning of the lift shall be got approved by the Electrical inspector.
(d) It shall be the responsibility of the contractor of get all works in this scope approved
form local state authority & competent departmental Engineer authority before completion of
37.3.1 The execution of works shall be done to satisfy the provisions given in the drawing, designs
and specification with respect to Green Building provisions and the same will be monitored at
specified stages of execution of work.These will be intimated to the PMG/project officer dealing with
the respective project as well checked during performance evaluation and monitoring of works. Where
external rating agency is involved , the periodic/stage wise monitoring including site inspection will be
carried out by the external agency. All site data and documents required for the above shall be
provided by the GE/PM. In case of deviation necessitated due to justified reasons, alternate design
material/specifications will be approved by the Accepting Officer without affecting the targeted points.
For compliance of contracts/ construction to GRIHA 3 Star rating, the works will also be checked
during technical Audit of works by ADG TE organisation.
37.3.2 The GE upon issue of completion certificate of the contract will submit the check list of criteria
targeted and implemented on groung including deviations , if any, indicating the points achieved upon
completion. All relevant documents including the report will be submitted to the Accepting Officer for
scrutiny and vetting. This report will be submitted to the HQ CE Command for their record.
37.3.3 Where external rating agencies are involved, the final report along with documents will be
prepared by the consultant, vetted by the Accepting Officer and submitted to GRIHA for
certification/star rating. Provisional star rating will be given upon completion of the project and final
star rating will be given one year after commissioning of the facilities. The star rating /certificate so
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 200
37.3.4 The instruction and guidelines contained in the above are neither exhaustive nor complete and
shall be read in conjuction with relevant scales, specifications, GRIHA manuals and other relevant
37.4.1 Criterion- Reduce UHIE and maintain native vegetation cover on site
The Contractor shall take all measure to maintain the existing tree cover at site during construction.
Pre-construction pictures shall be submitted by the contractor demonstrating the existing vegetation
cover at site before the construction starts.
Site pictures shall be submitted by the contractor demonstrating the measures taken for the protection
of existing vegetation.
All the Trees planted shall be native and as listed in Sch 'A' Part-XIII.
37.4.2 Criterion - Passive architectural design and systems and Good fenestration design for reducing
direct heat gain and glare while maximising daylight penetration,:-
In compliance of this criterion, the Glass shall have - VLT (%)- 51 - 67, SHGC - 0.54 - 0.65 and
U- Value (W/m2 K) - 5 - 5.6.
Roof with Brick bat coba TILES/PAINT having SRI> 0.5 shall be used.
Contractor shall submitt details/manufacturer specifications of the glass selected for use.
Irrespective of what is mentioned here in before Contractor shall use 100% LED light and shall
Submit internal artificial lighting drawings for the building, alongwith manufacturer details/specification
of the lamps selected and purchase orders/BOQ for the purchased fixtures and lamps.
Contractor shall submitt Photographs of the building materials as installed on site and shall Submit
drawings highlighting the use of materials in the building envelope that help improve the energy
efficiency of the building and Submit purchase orders/BOQ for the materials used in the building
Irrespective of what is shown here in before, Contractor shall provide Water Closet of 6 / 3 LPF,
Kitchen Faucets of 6 LPM, Lavatory Faucets: 6 LPM, Showers: 8 LPM and shall submitt Photographs
of the systems installed on site and purchase order/BOQ highlighting the purchase of low-flow fixtures
and high-efficiency irrigation system.
37.4.7 Criterion - Generate resource from waste-Contractor shall produce Photographs of the
vermicompost installed on site.
100% PPC shall be used in the whole project and contractor shall submit photographs in the online
photo-library, demonstrating the installation of the afore-mentioned materials and shall submit
purchase order/BOQ highlighting the procurement of the PPC, manufacturers specification and
drawings highlighting areas in the building where low-energy slab construction and walling blocks
have been used.
37.4.9 Criterion-Use of low-energy materials in interiors:- For the compliance of this criterion Flooring
shall be Non-polished stones (marble, granite, etc.), kota stone, vitrified tiles, ceramic tiles, etc., with
the recycled content and shall site pictures of the installation of low energy materials.
Paints & coatings shall low-VOC content, lead free / GRIHA Certified products should be preferred.
Contractor shall Submit manufacturer documents/cut sheets highlighting the low-energy materials used
and low-VOC and lead-free paints used in interiors.
Internal Partitions & Paneling: AAC blocks, fly ash bricks, etc and Door Window & frame work: shall
be uPVC and composite wood (Particle board, MDF, HDF, agro-fiber based products).
Contractor shall submit purchase order/BOQ of the materials and paints purchased.
38. All the products selected for the project must be registered with GRIHA council or the
Contractor shall submit a certificate stating that the product has more than 5-10% recycle
content in it.
DATE: ______________________
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 202
3. Builder’s Hardware: -
(a) Steel butt hinges (IS-1341-1981) (Fourth revision with amendment No.1 to 3).
(d) Non ferrous tower bolts (IS-204-1978 part-II) (fourth revision with amendment No.1).
(g) Hydraulically regulated door closers (IS-3564-1986), (Third revision with amendment
(h) Continuous (Piano) Hinges (IS-3818-1986), (Second revision with amendment No.1)
(j) Non ferrous metal sliding door bolts (IS-2681-1979) (Second revision with amendment
No. 1 and 2).
(k) Tee and strap hinges (IS-206-1981), (Third revision with amendment No.1).
(l) Mild steel sliding door bolts for use with padlocks (IS-281-1973) (second revision).
5. Roof covering: Bitumen felts for water proofing and damp proofing (IS-1322-1982) (Third
Plywood for general purposes (IS:373-1975) (second revision with amendment No. 1 to 3).
Block boards (IS:1659-1986)
Veneered particle board (IS:3097-1985)
Marine plywood (IS:710-1976)
Fiber hardboard (IS:1658-1977)
Pre-laminated particle board (IS:12823)
7. Flooring: -
(b) Salt glazed stoneware pipes and fittings (IS-651-1980), (Fourth revision).
(c) Flushing cisterns for water closets (Valve less syphonic type) other than plastic (IS-
774-1984) (Fourth revision).
(d) Cast copper alloy, screw down, bib taps and stop valves for water services (IS-781-
1984), (Third revision).
(e) Mild steel tubes, tubular and other wrought steel fittings (IS-1239 part-II-1979), (Fourth
revision) and mild steel tubular and other wrought steel fittings (IS-1239-Part-II-1982)
(Third revision).
(f) Sand cast iron spigot and socket soil, waste and ventilating pipes, fittings and
accessories (IS-1729-1979), (First revision).
(g) Ball valves (Horizontal plunger type) including floats for water supply purpose (IS-
1703-1977) (Second revision).
(h) Cast iron manhole covers and frames (IS-1726-Part-I to VII-1974) (Second revision).
(m) Plastic WC seats and covers (IS-2548 (Part-I & II)-1983) (Fourth revision).
(n) Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage (IS-1537-1976). (First
(o) Pillar taps for water supply purposes (IS-1795-1982), (Second revision).
(p) Centrifugally cast (spun) iron spigot and socket soil, waste and ventilating pipes, fitting
and accessories) IS-3989-1984), (Second revision).
(q) Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage (IS-1536-
(r) Rubber sealing rings for gas mains, water mains and sewers (IS-5382-1985), (Second
(s) Cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage (IS-1538-1976) part I to
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 204
(t) Low density polyethylene pipes for potable water supply (IS-3076-1985) (Second
(u) Sand cast iron spigot pipes (IS-1729 of 1979) (First revision).
(v) Ductile iron pipe fittings (IS-9523)
(b) Three pin plugs and socket outlets (Third revision) (IS-1293-1988).
(d) Rigid steel conduit (IS-9537-Part-II-1988) with amendment No.1 superseding (IS-1653-
(f) Polyethylene insulated cables for working voltages upto and including 1100 volts (IS-
1596-1977), (Second revision).
(j) Steel tubular poles (IS-2713 -Part-I to III – 1980), (Second Revision)
Note: - (a) The items which are not included here in before shall be referred from
SSR & website of the BSI.
(b) The IS codes listed above and to be referred from SSR & website of BSI
shall be considered with latest amendments/revision up to the date of
receipt of tender.
______________________________ AD(CONTRACTS)
DATE : ______________________
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 207
2. Sand for all RCC and PCC work. Ghagger Sand near Chandigarh,Yamuna sand
near Karnal,Dadupur,Kotputli,Pali,Banas
3. Sand for plastering, pointing and brick Ghagger Sand near Chandigarh,Yamuna sand
work near Karnal,Dadupur,Kotputli,Pali,Banas
(a) Sources of materials shall be as given Serial 1 to 7 above or in the vicinity thereof. The
tenderer shall enquire the actual location of source before submitting his tender and no additional
payment shall be made on account of any misunderstanding or its distance from site of works.
(b) Materials of sources listed above, shall only be used. In the event of non-availability, use of
alternatives shall be decided by the Accepting Officer without any price adjustment/extra cost to
______________________________ AD(CONTRACTS)
DATE : _______________________
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 208
Appx ’D’
2500 KVA, 33KV
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 209
Appx ’D’
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 212
Appx ’D’
(xvi) Ambuja Cement Ltd (Brand: AMBUJA) (xvii) M/s Shree Guru Kripa Cement
(Pvt) Ltd (Brand : SARTAJ for OPC 43 & PPC) (xviii) Parasakti cements Ltd (Brand:
PRASAKTI for OPC 43 & PPC) (xix) M/s Chettinad Cement Corporation Ltd (Brand:
CHETTINAD CEMENT for OPC 43 & PPC) (xx) M/s JSW Cement Ltd (Brand : JSW
PSC (Portland Slag Cement), JSW OPC 43 & JSW OPC 53) (xxi) M/s Sagar Cement
Ltd (Brand: SAGAR for OPC 43, OPC 53, PPC & PSC) (xxii) M/s Sanghi Industries Ltd
(Brand SANGHI for OPC 53 & PPC) (xxiii) M/s My Home Industries Ltd (Brand: MAHA
for PSC, OPC 43 & PPC) (xxiv) M/s Wonder Cement Ltd (Brand: WONDER
CEMENT for OPC 43, OPC 53 & PPC)
2 STEEL (i) RashtriyaIspat Nigam Limited (RINL) Brand: RINL (Steel Grades/Sizes: All)
(ii) Tata Iron & Steel Company (TISCO or Tata Steel) Brand: TATA (Steel
Grades/Sizes: All)
(iii) Steel Authority of India limited (SAIL) Brand: SAIL (Steel Grades/Sizes: All)
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 215
Appx ’D’
(iv) Jai Balaji Industries Ltd Brand(WB): Balaji Shakti (Steel Grades/Sizes: TMT Bars of
Gde Fe 500D) (Size 8-32mm)
(v) Shyam Steel Industries Ltd(WB),Brand: SHYAM (Steel Grades/Sizes: TMT Bars of
Gde Fe 500D & CRS)
(vi) Steel Exchange India Ltd. Brand: SIMHADRI TMT (Steel Grades/Sizes: TMT Bars
of Gde Fe 500, Fe 500D & HSCRM)
(vii) Electrotherm (India) Ltd, Brand- ET (Steel Grades/Sizes: TMT Bars of Gde Fe 500,
Fe 500D,CRS (size 8 to 36mm))
(viii) Tulsyan NEC Limited, Brand- TULSYAN TMT, (Steel Grades/Sizes: TMT Bars of
Gde Fe 500, Fe 500D, Fe 550 (size 8 to 32mm))
(ix) Shri bajrang Power &Ispat Ltd. Brand; GOEL TMT (Steel Grades/Sizes: TMT Bars
of Gde Fe 500 & Fe 500D (size 8 to 32mm))
(x) Real Ispat & Power Ltd Chattisgarh, Brand: GK TMT (Steel Grades/Sizes: TMT
Bars of Gde Fe 500 & Fe 500D (size 8 to 36mm))
(xi) Super Smelters Ltd Kolkata Brand: SUPER SHAKTI (Steel Grades/Sizes: TMT
Bars of Gde Fe 550, Fe 500D
(xii) Gallantt Ismat Ltd Gujarat, Brand: GALLANTT TMX (Steel Grades/Sizes: TMT
Bars of Gde Fe 500, Fe 500D & CRS (size 8 to 32mm))
(xiii) RashmiMetaliks Ltd Brand: RASHMI TMT (Steel Grades/Sizes: TMT Bars of Gde
Fe 500 (Size 8 to 32mm), Fe 500D & Fe 550D (size 8 to 25mm))
(xiv) Shyam Metalics & Energy Ltd, Brand; SEL (Steel Grades/Sizes: TMT Bars of Gde
Fe 500D (size 8 to 32mm))
(xv) Incredible Industries Limited(Formerly M/S Adhunik Industries Limited), Brand-
ADHUNIK FE 500 SD (Steel Grades/Sizes: TMT Bars of Gde - Fe 550D(8 -32 mm)
(xvi) Kamachi Industries Ltd. Brand: KAMACHI (Steel Grades/Sizes: TMT Bars of Gde
Fe 500, Fe 500D, Fe 550D & HCRM (size 8 to 40mm))
(xvIi) M/S MSP Steel & Power Limited, Chattisgarh, Brand- ‘MSP TMT 500D, (Steel
Grades/Sizes: TMT Bars of Gde Fe 500D (size 8 to 32mm))
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 217
Appx ’D’
50 SEWAGE TREATMENT M/s Nitasha Constructions, M/s Sophisticated Industrial Materials Analytic (SIMA) Labs
PLANTS Pvt Ltd, M/s HydrotechParyavaran (India) Pvt Ltd, M/s Ion Exchange (India) Ltd, M/s
Sombansi Enviro Engg Pvt. Ltd. (SEEPL), M/s Optimus
Enviropro Pvt. Ltd.
(i) Makes specified in Group 1 of this Appendix shall only be used / incorporated in this work.
_____________________________ AD(CONTRACTS)
DATE: _______________
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 220
Appendix “E”
4. Cement IS:4031:63
Compressive Once for each consignment or as and
affirmed B 550.00
Strength when Required
(i) Random
shall be
carried out
to cover
Slump Test Or mixing
The Minimum frequency of sampling
Compacting units.
IS – 1119 of concrete of each grade shall be as A 300.00 (ii) Refer
Factor Test Or
under: IS:456-2000
Vee–Bee Time
Clause 14
frequency of
Structural sampling.
5. (M – 15
Grade & Quantity of
above) Concrete in the No. of samples
work (Cu.m)
1 – 5 1
Compressive 6 – 15 2
IS – 516 16 – 30 3 A 900.00
31 – 50 4
4+1 for each
Additional 50
51 and above
Cu.m or part
Water IS – 1237
6 Tiles out of 18 B 330.00 Samples:
Cement Absorption (Appx ‘D’)
18 Tiles
Flooring Wet from each
6. Tiles / IS – 1237 source of
Transverse 6 Tiles out of 18 B 660.00
Terrazzo (Appx ‘E’) supply
Strength selected at
Tiles Random.
Resistance To IS – 1237 1000.0
6 Tiles out of 18 C
Wear (Appx ‘F’) 0
Gravity and IS: 1708 Minimum 3 samples from a lot of 4 B 120.00
7. Timber Weight Cum or 250 pieces of seasoned
Moisture timber
IS: 1708 A 120.00
Test For IS: 456 & Also refer
B 500.00
Acidity IS: 3015 clause 4.3
Water For of IS: 456
Test For IS: 456 & and its
Constructi Once at the stage of approval of B 500.00
8. Alkalinity IS: 3015 subsequent
on source of water sub clauses
Purpose Test For Solid IS: 456 & regarding
C 500.00 suitability of
Content IS: 3015 water.
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 222
tests, their
method and
frequency to
Welding of Visual IS:822– be decided
Work on
9. Steel Inspection 1970 100% by visual inspection 360.00 consideratio
Work Test. Clause 7.1 n of their
by the
IS: 1734 – Six test pieces cut from each of the Sampling
Ply Wood Moisture shall be as
11. 1983 (Part boards selected as per table – I shall C 240.00 per IS: 7835
[IS–303] Content
– I) be subjected to tests. Table – 2
Compressive IS:2156
8 Blocks out of 14 A 900.00
Strength (Appx ‘B’)
Sample: 14
PCC blocks from
Water IS:2156 consignmen
3 Blocks out of 14 B 330.00 t of every
Blocks for Absorption (Appx ‘E’) 5000 blocks
Walling or part
Density 3 Blocks out of 14 B 330.00
(Appx ‘A’)
Comprehensiv Sample: 18
IS – 2185 12 Blocks out of 18 A 900.00 blocks from
e Strength
t of every
PCC Solid 1000 blocks
or part
Block for Water thereof.
IS – 2185 3 Blocks out of 18 B 330.00
Walling Absorption These
blocks to be
checked for
Density IS – 2185 3 Blocks out of 18 B 330.00 and weight
Absorption – 6 Tiles out of 18 B 180.00 Samples:
Ceramic Test 18 tiles from
Tiles / each source
14 of supply
Moisture IS 654 selected at
Tiles A 120.00 random
Content (Appx ‘C’)
Water IS 3495
Absorption (Part –II) B 216
Burnt clay Test
tiles (hand
Made) as
per IS Samples:
2690 (Part 12 tiles from
–II) each source
15. 6 Tiles out of 12 of supply
Length IS 3495
Compressive selected at
150-250 (Part –I) A 180 random
mm Width strength test
100– 125
35-50 mm
32 tiles from
Manglore each
pattern IS 654 consignmen
16. Absorption 6 Tiles out of 32 B 180 t of 3000
roofing (Appx A)
Test tiles. These
tiles tiles shall be
checked for
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 224
Moisture IS 654
B 120
Content (Appx C)
DATE :_________________
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 225
Appendix “F”
Soundness by Le’Chatlier
Final setting time [Minutes]
Magnesium [%]
Expansion [%]
Chlorides [%]
Alkalis [%]
As per
random test
Appendix “G”
Resistant element
Phosphorous %
Manganese %
Re-bend Test
Sulphur %
Bend Test
Carbon %
Silicon %
As per IS – 1786
As per
Test Certificate
As per
Independent Test
DATE :_______
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 227
LIST OF DRAWINGS: The drawings mentioned in the list of drawings are attached in pdf format along with tender
documents. Any drawings mentioned elsewhere in tender documents and are not found enclosed in pdf format
along with tender documents the same are forming part of the tender documents. STD drawings mentioned in the
list of drawings also not uploaded being typical drawings. The tenderer may verify these drawings in the Office of
Chief Engineer (AF) WAC, Palam, concerned CWE/GE office(s) on any working day during working hours on prior
appointment. Tenderer shall be deemed to see these drawings before quoting the tender. No claim whatsoever will
be entertained in this regard. The tenderer shall download all the attached drawings and forward a copy of the same
by post to this office duly signed.
9. CEAF/PAL/WD-474-03/24 SECTION U-U 9/12 08.07.24
7. CEAF/PAL/WD/ST-474-03/24 1st,2nd& 3rd FLOOR BEAM & SLAB DETAL 07/09 29.06.24
5. CEAF/STD-25/94 MCB BOX 1/1
11. CEAF/STD-307/90 MAN HOLES 1/13 TO
16. CEAF/STD-301/90 SOAKAGE WELL ¼ TO 4/4
21. CEAF/STD-125/02 RCC JALI 1/1
22. CEAF/STD-46/94 BRICK JALI 1/1 TO 3/3
25. CEAF/STD-229/22 MS RUNGS 1/1
26. CEAF/STD-421/98 GARBAGE BIN 1/1
CA NO: CE WAC/PAL/T-02/2024-25 Serial Page No 230
______________________________ AD(CONTRACTS)