BF - Field Guide 1
BF - Field Guide 1
BF - Field Guide 1
Contributors: Ray “maddog” Allen, Ola Berg, James D. Jarvis, Chris Gonnerman, R. Kevin Smoot,
Omer Golan-Joel, Steveman, MtBlack, Maliki, Bill Beatty, Sidney Parham, J.D.Neal,
Ray Schmidt, Dan Buterbaugh, Dave Gerard, Brandon "jackel" Baker, Ross Williams,
Rachel Ghoul, and Jered Taikith
Artwork: Steveman, Jay042, Cory "Shonuff" Gelnett, Andrew Hartmann, SmokestackJones,
Steven Trenkamp, Natalie Schoonover, Martín Serena, Alexander Cook, John Fredericks,
Luigi Castellani, Erik Wilson, and Stephen Bennett
Proofing: Beren Belagund and J. D. Neal
Need a few new monsters? You've come to the right place! In addition, a distance may appear in parentheses after a
What you are reading is the first monster supplement for movement figure; this is the creature's turning distance (see
the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game. If you aren't Part 5: The Encounter in the Core Rules). If a turning
familiar with the Basic Fantasy RPG, please visit our distance is not listed, assume 5'.
website at and download a copy of the
Attacks: The number (and sometimes type or types) of
attacks the monster can perform. For example, Grimlocks
Monsters in this work are presented in the same format as may attack once with a weapon, so they are marked 1
in the core rules. Below is the explanatory text from that battleaxe. Chasenets are marked 1 spines/1 bite as they
work: can attack with both spines and also bite in one round.
Terms Used In This Work Damage: The damage caused by successful attacks by the
monster. Generally this will be defined in terms of one or
Name: The first thing given for each monster is its name more die rolls.
(the most common name, if the monster is known by
more than one). If an asterisk appears after the monster's No. Appearing: This is given in terms of one or more die
name, it indicates that the monster can only be hit by rolls. Monsters that only appear underground and have no
special weapons (such as silver or magical weapons, or lairs will have a single die roll; those that have lairs and/or
creatures affected only by fire, etc.) which makes the those that can be found in the wilderness will be noted
monster harder to defeat. appropriately. For example, a monster noted as “1d6,
Wild 2d6, Lair 3d6” is encountered in groups of 1d6
Armor Class: This line gives the creature’s AC for normal individuals in a dungeon setting, 2d6 individuals in the
combat. If the monster customarily wears armor, the first wilderness, or 3d6 individuals in a lair.
listed AC value is with that armor, and the second, in
parentheses, is unarmored. Some monsters are only able Note that number appearing applies to combatants. Non-
to be hit (damaged) by silver or magical weapons; these combatant monsters (juveniles, and sometimes females)
are indicated either in words or with a dagger †; some do not count in this number. The text of the monster
monsters may only be hit with magical weapons, indicated description should explain this in detail where it matters,
by a double dagger ‡. but the Game Master is always the final arbiter.
Hit Dice: This line gives the creature’s number of hit dice, Save As: The character class and level the monster uses
and lists any bonus hit points. Monsters always roll eight for saving throws. Most monsters save as Fighters of a
sided dice (d8) for hit points, unless otherwise noted. So a level equal to their hit dice.
creature with 3+2 hit dice rolls 3d8 and adds 2 points to Morale: The number that must be rolled equal to or less
the total. than on 2d6 for the monster to pass a Morale Check.
One or more asterisks (*) may appear after the hit dice Monsters having a Morale of 12 never fail morale checks,
figure; where present, they indicate a Special Ability Bonus and fight until destroyed or have no enemies left.
to experience points (XP) awarded for the monster. See Treasure Type: This line reflects how much wealth the
Character Advancement in the Adventure section of creature owns. See the Treasure section of the Core Rules
the Core Rules for more details. for more details. In most cases, a creature keeps valuables
If the monster's Attack Bonus is different than its number in its home or lair and has no treasure with it when it
of Hit Dice, for convenience the Attack Bonus will be listed travels. Intelligent creatures that own useful, portable
in parentheses after the Hit Dice figure. treasure (such as magic items) tend to carry and use these,
leaving bulky items at home.
Movement: This line gives the monster's movement rate,
or rates for those monsters able to move in more than one XP: The number of experience points awarded for
fashion. For example, Goblins have a normal walking defeating this monster. In some cases, the figure will vary;
movement of 20', and this is all that is listed for them. for instance, Dragons of different age categories will have
Mermaids can only move about in the water, and so their different XP values. Review the Experience Points awards
movement is given as Swim 40'. Pegasi can both walk table in the Adventure section of the Core Rules to
and fly, so their movement is listed as 80' Fly 160'. calculate the correct figure in these cases.
Aboleth (and Skum) a Remove Curse spell. The control is also broken if the
aboleth dies or is separated from its slave by more than a
Aboleth Skum mile.
Armor Class: 16 13
Hit Dice: 8** 2*
The slime an aboleth secretes allows a creature (generally
its slaves) to breathe underwater for the next 3 hours, but
No. of Attacks: 4 tentacles 1 bite / 2 claws, or by
at the same time air is no longer breathable. An affected
creature suffocates in 2d6 minutes if removed from water.
Damage: 1d6 tentacles 2d6 bite, 1d4 claws Continuous and repeated exposure to the slime slowly
Movement: 10' Swim 60' 20' Swim 40' transforms the creature into a Skum (see below). The
No. Appearing: 1, Lair 1d3+1 1d4+1, Wild 1d4+1, transformation takes about a month and once complete
Lair 1d10+5 the creature is forever a slave of the aboleth.
Save As: Magic-User: 8 Fighter: 2
Morale: 9 8 or 12 Skum are hapless humanoid creatures transformed by
aboleths to serve them. A skum resembles a horrific
Treasure Type: H B
combination of fish and humanoid. They have slimy, scaly
XP: 1015 100 skin and a finned tail used for swimming. Skum attack with
The Aboleth are an ancient race of fish-like amphibians teeth and razor-sharp claws, or with any weapon given to
usually found lurking in subterranean waters. They them by their masters. Skum can see in the dark in the
resemble huge, slimy fish with three big eyes and four same way that a human can see in broad daylight, and
long, sticky tentacles reaching from around its mouth. An they can also breathe underwater with no difficulty.
oily, foul-smelling slime is secreted from its mouth, In the presence of their aboleth master, skum become
polluting the surrounding water where the creature lurks. totally fearless, their Morale raising to 12. If the aboleth
A blow from an aboleth’s tentacle deals 1d6 points of dies, the skum enter a frenzied rage, attacking anything in
damage and a creature hit by a tentacle must save vs. their vicinity.
paralysis or begin to transform over the next 1d4+1
combat rounds. The skin gradually becomes a clear, slimy
membrane. An afflicted creature must remain moistened
with fresh water or take 1d12 points of damage every 10
minutes. A Remove Disease spell cast before the
transformation is complete will restore an afflicted creature
to normal. Afterward, however, only a Heal spell can
reverse the affliction.
An aboleth can cast Ventriloquism, Phantasmal Force
and Hallucinatory Terrain at will, as long as these
illusions appear within a range of 60 feet of the creature.
Up to three times per
day, an aboleth can
attempt to enslave any
one living creature
within 30 feet, which
must save vs. Spells or
be utterly dominated by
the aboleth's mental
prowess. An enslaved
creature obeys the
aboleth’s telepathic
commands. Such a
creature can attempt a
new save vs. Spells
every 24 hours to break
free, or can be freed by
Allip Ankheg
Armor Class: 15 Armor Class: 18
Hit Dice: 6** Hit Dice: 5*
No. of Attacks: 1 touch + special No. of Attacks: 1 bite + special
Damage: energy drain (1 level) Damage: 2d6 bite + special
Movement: Fly 30' Movement: 30' Burrow 20'
No. Appearing: 1d4, Lair 1d6 No. Appearing: 2d8, Wild 2d8, Lair 1
Save As: Fighter: 6 Save As: Fighter: 5
Morale: 12 Morale: 7
Treasure Type: None
Treasure Type: None
XP: 405
XP: 610
An Ankheg is a burrowing insect-like monster with six legs
An Allip is the spectral remains of someone driven to
and a nasty disposition. It is about 10 feet long and weighs
suicide by a madness that afflicted it in life. Allips are not
about 800 pounds. An ankheg usually lies 5 to 10 feet
entirely mindless, but are quite insane.
below the surface until its antennae detect the approach of
The insane babbling of an allip causes all creatures within prey; it then burrows up to attack. Clusters of ankhegs
60 feet of hearing it to save vs. paralysis or stop and stare may share the same territory but do not cooperate.
blankly, unable to move, attack, or defend. Anyone who
If an ankheg hits with its bite attack, it will grab its prey and
saves successfully cannot be affected by the allip's babble
retreat down its tunnel, dragging the victim with it. The
for 24 hours. An allip's touch does no direct physical
individual automatically takes bite damage each round and
damage but instead drains one level. The allip regenerates
may only attempt to break the hold as if doing an 'open
1d6 hit points for each level drained.
doors' attempt (1 on d6, adding Strength bonus to range).
As with all undead, they can be Turned by a Cleric (as a
An ankheg can spit a 30 foot line of acid but it does not
mummy), and are immune to sleep, charm or hold spells.
use this ability unless it is desperate. It most often spits acid
If any sort of mind reading effect is used against them, the
when reduced to fewer than half its hit points or when it
person is affected by an energy drain, just as if touched.
has not successfully grabbed an opponent. The attack
An allip always fights until destroyed.
depletes the ankheg’s acid supply for 6 hours.
The Giant Ant Lion is a humungous predatory beetle Anubians are a noble race of desert dwellers that have
about the size of a herd animal. They build a network of heads resembling a jackal's. Anubians are very distrustful
underground tunnels with multiple trapdoors of about nine of outsiders, but they are not inherently hostile. They will,
feet in diameter above the tunnels. The trap doors are however, defend the scarce resources found within their
difficult to locate (normal trap detection rules), as they are desert oasis refuges or lush river valleys. Anubians speak
camouflaged to look like the surrounding materials. When their own language and write with a complex system of
a victim reaches the center, everything suddenly swirls hieroglyphs.
downward like a drain, dragging the victim below. The
depth of the drop can vary but is often ten to twenty feet The statistics given are for standard warriors; one can also
and normal falling damage is inflicted. encounter additional civilian types who have 1-1 HD, AC
13, and Morale of 7. In addition, for every eight typical
warriors, there is a leader type having 3+3 HD (145 XP)
who grants a +1 morale bonus to those he commands.
Anubians are fervently religious, and in addition to the
leader types above, one will also find a priest with 3rd level
Ape, Bonobo
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 1-1
No. of Attacks: 2 claws
Damage: 1d3 claw
Movement: 50'
No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 2d10
Save As: Fighter: 1
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: None
XP: 25
Ape, Girallon
Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 7
No. of Attacks: 4 claws / 1 bite
Damage: 1d6 claw, 1d8 bite
Movement: 40'
No. Appearing: 1, Wild 1d2, Lair 2d4
Save As: Fighter: 7
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: None
XP: 670
Ape, Gigantopithecus
Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 7
No. of Attacks: 2 claws / 1 bite
Damage: 1d8 claw, 1d8 bite
Movement: 40'
No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 2d4, Lair 2d4
Save As: Fighter: 7
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: None
XP: 670
Badger, Giant
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 10 (+9)
No. of Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 4d4 bite
Movement: 50'
No. Appearing: 1d4
Save As: Fighter: 10
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: None
XP: 1,300
Armor Class: 19
Hit Dice: 7**
No. of Attacks: 1 touch Armor Class: 16
Damage: Special Hit Dice: 6+3*
Movement: 60' No. of Attacks: 2 claws (humanoid) or 1 bite (dog)
No. Appearing: 1 Damage: 1d6 claw (humanoid) or 2d4 bite (dog)
Save As: Fighter: 7 Movement: 40' (humanoid) or 60' (dog)
Morale: 8 No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 1d8
Treasure Type: E Save As: Fighter: 6
XP: 800 Morale: 10
Treasure Type: D
Banshees are to the fey what ghosts, wraiths, and spectres
are to humans. They usually resemble colorless, ash-white XP: 555
elves in ragged clothing and chains. They understand Barghests are evil shape-changing fiends that hunger for
whatever languages they spoke in life, but rarely speak, the souls of mortals. A barghest may appear as a huge
instead sobbing uncontrollably. Once per day, the demonic black dog, or in a humanoid form nearly seven
banshee's endless weeping reaches a hideous crescendo, feet tall which resembles a wingless gargoyle.
and anyone within a 50-foot radius who hears it must save
vs. death ray or die in 2d6 rounds. The touch of a Barghests never use weapons, even in their humanoid
banshee does no damage, but it drains 1d4 levels. form, preferring to feel the blood of their enemies run
Because they are incorporeal, banshees can only be hit by down their claws. They are tenacious; if a barghest fails its
magic weapons. morale check and flees, it will return in 1d6 turns to attack
A banshee is undead, and thus immune to sleep, charm,
and hold spells, and it can be Turned by a Cleric (as a Anyone who meets the gaze of a barghest will feel the heat
vampire). Banshees can walk on water, but they cannot of the monster's stare, and may be paralyzed in terror for
cross running water; they lose the ability to drain energy or 1d6+1 turns (or until the barghest is slain); a save vs.
to wail for 2d12 days if they do. Paralysis is allowed to resist. A character is deemed to
have met the gaze of the barghest if he or she faces it in
combat, or if the character is surprised by the monster.
Fighting a barghest with gaze averted results in a penalty of
-4 on all attack rolls. If a character makes the saving
throw, he or she need not roll again for the remainder of
the encounter.
(AC 15). The behir may swallow multiple creatures and gore attack (+2 to hit with double damage, following all
each must cut their own way out. A behir can breathe normal charging rules) and then switch to weaponry for
forth a bolt of lightning once every 10 rounds dealing 7d6 the remainder of the fight. They must choose whether to
points of damage to all in its path (20 ft. long x 5 ft. wide). attack with weapons or to gore; they cannot do both in a
Those struck may save vs. dragon breath for half damage. round. Bisren get an additional +1 bonus on feats of
Strength such as opening doors due to their great mass.
Blade Spirit*
Armor Class: 15 (11)
Hit Dice: 1+2 Common Greater
No. of Attacks: 1 gore, charge or by weapon Armor Class: 17 ‡ 19 ‡
Damage: 1d6 gore, charge or by weapon Hit Dice: 9 (+8) 12 (+10)
Movement: 40' (subject to encumbrance) No. of Attacks: 3/2 2
No. Appearing: 1d8, Wild 5d8, Lair 5d8 Damage: By weapon +4 By weapon +6
Save As: Fighter: 1 Movement: 30' 30'
Morale: 9 No. Appearing: 1 1
Treasure Type: D Save As: Fighter: 9 Fighter: 12
XP: 25 Morale: 9 10
Treasure Type: Special Special
The Bisren are descendants of the great minotaurs. They XP: 1075 1875
appear as bovine-headed humanoids about 7 to 8 feet tall.
While normal minotaurs have both distinct humanoid and Blade Spirits are restless souls of warriors fallen on the
bull features, Bisren are uniformly hybridized with battlefield. The body of a blade spirit appears as a rotting
complete coat coverage, hooves, and tails. They are or desiccated form or sometimes seems to be assembled
normally peaceful nomads. Bisren speak their own from various corpses, always carrying a distinctive melee
language and most can speak Common as well. weapon. The weapon itself is possessed with the undead
spirit which animates the form in order to continue its
Bisren can gore for 1d6 points of damage with their horns battles.
or use weapons. Bisren often charge into battle with a
Bog Crone
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 5+2**
No. of Attacks: 2 claws
Damage: 1d4+2 claw
Movement: 30' Swim 40' Boggart
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 14
Save As: Fighter: 5
Hit Dice: 6*
Morale: 10
No. of Attacks: 2 claws
Treasure Type: C; E, N in lair
Damage: 1d6 claw
XP: 450
Movement: 40'
Bog Crones are loathsome and repugnant fey who dwell No. Appearing: 1
in marshlands, swamps, and other watery environs. They Save As: Magic-User: 1
stand near 7 feet tall hunched over. They have sickly blue- Morale: 7
white skin, long wet black hair, and jaundiced eyes. As a Treasure Type: D
race they are cunning and cruel, preferring trickery over
XP: 555
direct combat. Bog crones are master potion makers, and
their huts and caves are usually festooned with potions of What a Boggart's true form is none can say, but given the
all varieties. As their name suggests bog crones prefer to marks they leave on the bodies of their victims one can be
live in swampy, overgrown environs. They are aquatic and reasonably sure that it is clawed. Boggarts do not appear
can breathe underwater. They speak common and elvish. to truly understand language, but they are capable of
Bog crones use the terrain of their marshy homes to their imitating a wide range of sounds, including speech. They
advantage. They are capable of moving in near-complete feed on fear, especially from a creature about to be slain.
silence while in swampy terrain, surprising opponents on A boggart prefers not to attack with its claws until it
1-4 on 1d6. A favored tactic of bog crones is to surprise a absolutely has to; instead it will use its inherent magical
single opponent and drag them away into a deep pool of abilities. Boggarts have a passive form of telepathy that
water where they then drown the individual. Bog crones allows them to know the greatest fear of any creature they
exude an aura of unwholesomeness. Near their lair see and project an illusory image of it. Creatures of 1 HD
animals grow sick and die, plants wither, and water turns or less that view such an image must save vs. Death Ray
foul. This aura of evil even effects magic; any healing spell or die of fright. Should this fail, the boggart will resort to
cast upon a target that is standing within 30 feet of the its claws. While they relish the sound of screaming,
crone only heals half the normal amount. boggarts find laughter unbearable and must check morale
if they hear the sounds of genuine mirth.
In all other respects the illusion of a boggart functions like Bone Horror*
the spell Phantasmal Force. Although they are
intelligent, boggarts are not affected by charm or sleep Common Greater
spells, or illusions of any kind. Armor Class: 14 ‡ 19 ‡
Hit Dice: 4* 12* (+10)
Boglin No. of Attacks: 2 claws or 1 sting 2 claws or 1 sting
Armor Class: 11 Damage: 1d6+3 claw or 1d10+4 claw or
Hit Dice: 1* to 5* 1d4+poison 1d6+poison
No. of Attacks: 1 weapon or by spell Movement: 20' Fly 30' 30' Fly 40'
Damage: 1d6 or weapon No. Appearing: Varies Varies
Movement: 30' Save As: Cleric: 4 Cleric: 12
No. Appearing: 1d4 (usually with troop of goblins) Morale: 12 12
Save As: Magic-User: 2 to 10 (see below) Treasure Type: None None
Morale: 8 XP: 280 1975
Treasure Type: R Bone Horrors are large, vaguely humanoid creatures
XP: 1 HD 37; 2 HD 100; 3 HD 175 constructed from bones and parts from a handful of
4 HD 280; 5 HD 405 different creatures, animated to serve its master. It has a
massive zombie-like head flanked by twin skulls, large
Occasionally a goblin is born different, developing a bluish desiccated bat wings, and a gigantic scorpion-like tail. The
tint to its skin during its childhood. These Boglins have a bone horror attacks with its two sharp claws or its skeletal
greater aptitude for magic than the standard goblin. The stinger (save vs. poison or die).
GM can roll spells randomly or determine appropriate
choices from the Magic-User spell list. In any given goblin Magical weapons, fire, or spells are required to damage a
lair, there is a 10% chance for 1d4 boglins to be present. bone horror. One can be Turned by a Cleric as a wight.
Larger goblin societies, such as a goblin city or major As with other undead creatures, they are immune to
fortress, will almost always have at least 1d4 boglins, if not sleep, charm or hold spells.
more. They are almost never encountered alone.
A Greater Bone Horror is simply a much larger and
A boglin has magical ability equivalent to double its HD. stronger version of the bone horror. The save against the
Boglins save vs. magic or wands with a +4 bonus. greater bone horror's poison sting is made at a -4 penalty.
Greater bone horrors are Turned as vampires.
Bronze Birds resemble cranes or similar water fowl. They Brownies are small fey beings closely related to pixies and
dwell in regions of extreme heat such as volcanic lake sprites, being elf-like creatures about 2 feet tall. A brownie
shores. Each feather shines like polished metal. Their is able to shape-change at will into the forms of a small
feathers, beaks, and other exposed areas contain deer, a hawk, or an otter. Brownies are industrious and
significant amounts of magical metals. The metal does not predisposed to tinkering with and fixing things. In all forms
hinder them, and the birds can move, fly, and otherwise the brownie has Darkvision with a range of 60 feet. A
behave normally. brownie can speak common as well as the languages of
pixies and sprites.
Bronze birds have a high AC due to their metal feathering.
In combat, the bronze bird attacks with its beak for 1d4 In its natural humanoid form, a brownie attacks with its
points of damage and flailing its razor sharp wings at its miniature weapon, sometimes with paralytic poison
opponent for 1d6 points of damage collectively. applied (save vs. Poison or be held for 2d4 rounds as the
Alternatively, each bronze bird can throw a dagger-like Hold Person spell). In its other forms, see the relevant
feather up to 30 feet from its wings dealing 1d4 points of monster entry in the Core Rules; none of these other
damage; in flight the range is 90 feet if thrown down from forms will have the poison attack. In addition to its weapon
above. It can only throw 2 such feather-daggers (one from attack, a brownie has several magical qualities available in
each wing); they regrow in 1d8 days. Bronze birds are any of its forms. It can Detect Magic at will, become
immune to normal fire. They save against very hot or Invisible at will, and once per day can cast Confusion as
magical fire at +1 and takes 1 less hit point of damage per a 7th level caster. Brownies can attack while completely
die. invisible without disrupting the effect (generally each
opponent must take a -4 penalty on attacks against the
Once removed from the bird the feathers become brownie).
completely non-magical, but may fetch a few coins due to
their intricate metalwork. Silver or magical weapons are required to strike a brownie.
So long as it has at least 1 HP remaining, it regenerates
1 HP each round;
however, if reduced
below 1 hp a brownie
will die like any other
creature. Brownies
save against magic
(including wands) with
a +4 bonus, and have
a +1 bonus with
respect to paralysis or
petrify saves.
Armor Class: 22
Hit Dice: 9** (+8)
No. of Attacks: 1 bite/2 claws or 4 claws
Damage: 3d8 bite, 2d6 claw
Movement: 40' Burrow 10'
No. Appearing: 1d2
Save As: Fighter: 9
Morale: 11
Treasure Type: None
XP: 1,225
Cadaver Canein
Armor Class: 17 Armor Class: 14 (11)
Hit Dice: 6 Hit Dice: 1
No. of Attacks: 1 punch or by spell No. of Attacks: 1 bite or 1 weapon
Damage: 1d6 punch Damage: 1d8 bite or by weapon
Movement: 40' Movement: 40'
No. Appearing: 1d4 No. Appearing: 2d4, Wild 3d6, Lair 10d6
Save As: Fighter: 6 Save As: Fighter: 1 (+2 on Death Ray,
Morale: 8 Poison, Paralysis or Petrification).
Treasure Type: None Morale: 8
XP: 500 Treasure Type: D
XP: 25
The conditions that create Cadavers are uncertain, but it's
rumored they arise in areas of dungeons or ruins that have Caneins are a race of dog-like humanoids known for their
been rich in undead for long periods of time. Cadavers are extreme sense of loyalty whether to liege, friend, or family.
corporeal undead creatures bearing a physical Although only marginally smaller than the average human,
resemblance to ghouls. They are not exceptionally smart there is a great deal of physical variance among the
but shouldn't be underestimated. Cadavers are believed to individual caneins; some short and stocky, others lean,
subsist by eating the flesh of other undead creatures. and variations in the coloration of their coats. However, all
caneins share a similar facial structure similar to the various
Cadavers attack with powerful blows from their fists. As bulldog or boxer type dog breeds, having jowls and squat
with all undead, they can be Turned by a Cleric (as a features. The honorable caneins follow knight-like codes
mummy), and are immune to sleep, charm or hold spells. and attitudes, often serving a patron. Most caneins speak
They have all the powers and spells of a 5 th-level cleric; Common or the predominate human language of the
this includes the power to Turn (or Command) undead. region; they have no true language of their own.
The spells the cadaver uses will typically include: 1st level:
Command, Cure Light Wounds*, Curse, and/or Caneins have a keen sense of smell, able to identify
Darkness. 2Nd level: Silence 15ft Radius. 3Rd level: individuals by scent alone. This also allows the canein to
Animate Dead and/or Dispel Magic. The cadaver's sense the presence of concealed or invisible creatures, and
healing magic can also affect undead creatures. penalties associated with combating such foes are halved.
Caneins can also track with this ability; tracking a foe who
takes no countermeasures to avoid being so tracked has
an 80% chance of success, minus 15% for each hour the
canein is behind the target. The GM must rule on the
effects of any countermeasures taken.
Solars are zealous champions of justice. They may appear In appearance a Chasenet looks like a brightly-colored
in a variety of forms, but in general are very tall and ball of fluff in a wide range of extravagant colors. A pile of
beautiful humanoid figures with at least one set of golden Chasenets sleeping under a tree, as is their wont, can look
wings like those of a giant eagle. Solars know the like a bed of flowers in the distance.
languages of all but the most utterly mindless of creatures.
Much like the fox the chasenet is the darling of the hunting
A Solar will usually fight in an honorable manner, but is courtier set. Chasenets are extremely fast and agile which
not above pressing an obvious advantage. Solars cast accounts for its rather high AC. Chasenets are generally
spells as a 9th level cleric, and can detect the surface inoffensive creatures preferring to run than to fight, only
thoughts of any creature within 100 feet. Additionally, they attacking if cornered.
are capable of turning undead and unholy creatures as a
If cornered the Chasenet will turn and launch itself at its
cleric of 9th level.
attacker with long porcupine-like spines erupting from its
Solars take only half damage from non-magical weapons, fur. If the Chasenet hits it will continue to attack ferociously
and they are immune to sleep, hold, and charm spells, as by biting it's adversary until removed by force.
well as illusions.
Armor Class: 14, 17 Rear (13, 17 Rear)
Hit Dice: 1
No. of Attacks: 1 bite or weapon
Damage: 1d6 bite or by weapon+special
Movement: 30' Swim 30'
No. Appearing: 1d8, Wild 5d8, Lair 5d8
Save As: Fighter: 1 (+2 Poison saves)
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: D
XP: 25
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 3+3
No. of Attacks: 1 choke
Damage: 1d3 choke + special
Movement: 20'
No. Appearing: 1
Save As: Fighter: 3
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: U
XP: 145
Cockroach, Giant Ghoul ghoul. In addition to paralysis, the giant ghoul cockroach's
bite may carry disease, much like a giant rat's bite. Any
Armor Class: 16 successful bite has a 5% chance of causing a disease.
Hit Dice: 2**
A character who suffers one or more ghoul cockroach
No. of Attacks: 1 bite
bites where the die roll indicates disease will sicken in 3d6
Damage: 1d6 bite +paralysis +disease hours. The infected character will lose one point of
Movement: 50' Constitution per hour; after losing each point, the
No. Appearing: 2d6 character is allowed a save vs. death ray (adjusted by the
Save As: Fighter: 2 current Constitution bonus or penalty) to break the fever
Morale: 12 and end the disease. Any character reduced to zero
Treasure Type: None Constitution is dead (see Constitution Point Losses in the
XP: 125 Encounter section of the BFRPG Core Rules for details
on regaining lost Constitution).
Animated through the use of foul magics, Giant Ghoul
As with all undead, they can be Turned by a Cleric (as a
Cockroaches are ravenous monsters, seeking to devour
all flesh. Those bitten by these monstrosities must save vs. ghoul), and are immune to sleep, charm, or hold spells.
As they are mindless, no form of mind reading is of any
Paralysis or be paralyzed for 2d8 turns; elves are immune
to this effect, just as with the paralysis of the ordinary use against them. They never fail morale, and always fight
until destroyed.
Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 9+** (+8)
No. of Attacks: 1 bite / 1 constrict or spells/powers
Damage: 1d3 bite+poison, 2d4 constriction
Movement: 20' Fly 60'
No. Appearing: 1d2 Wild, Lair 1d6
Save As: Fighter: 9+
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: B, I
XP: 1,225
and insubstantial (ethereal). In this form, they move at half Strikes from normal weapons will only make the crypt
speed in any direction, and they can move through solid dweller pause slightly, making it lose initiative on the
objects freely. A couatl can Teleport twice per day. following round. Like all undead, they may be Turned by
Clerics (as a wight) and are immune to sleep, charm and
Couatl can Polymorph themselves freely, and they will hold spells. No form of mind reading or mental contact is
not hesitate to change into another, more effective form in of any use against them. Crypt dwellers always fight until
combat. destroyed.
Crypt Dweller* Cu-Sidhe
Armor Class: 13 ‡ Common Special
Hit Dice: 2* Armor Class: 16 16 †
No. of Attacks: 2 claws or 1 weapon
Hit Dice: 1 1** (+2d8 hp
Damage: 1d4 claw or by weapon type enlarged)
Movement: 60' No. of Attacks: 1 bite 1 bite
No. Appearing: 1-2 Damage: 1d4 bite 1d4 bite (2d4
Save As: Fighter: 2 enlarged)
Morale: 12 Movement: 50' 50'
Treasure Type: None No. Appearing: 1d4 1d4
XP: 100 Save As: Fighter: 1 Magic-User: 1
(Elf bonuses) (Elf Bonuses)
Crypt Dwellers are undead creatures improperly buried Morale: 8 9
or placed into graves that have been desecrated or defiled.
Treasure Type: None None
They resemble zombies, and are often mistaken for them.
A crypt dweller attacks with clawed hands or sometimes XP: 25 100
with a weapon that was entombed with the creature. Its Cu-Sidhe are an elven breed of canine. Their fur matches
main defense is that it can only be damaged by magical forest tones and patterns of tree bark, giving them
weapons or spells. excellent camouflage. They have Darkvision with a 60
foot range and acute canine senses. Cu-Sidhe will bite if
cornered or when a group of them can surround a target
for a coordinated attack.
Most cu-sidhe are much like other wolf or dog breeds,
loyal and obedient pets and working dogs. One in six
pups born is a special exception. They are intelligent and
can learn magical skills. These special cu-sidhe can Detect
Magic and Detect
Invisibility at will. A
magic-wielding cu-sidhe
can cast a form of Growth
of Animals on itself twice
per day, lasting 1 hour or
until it decides to return to
normal size. This also
grants a temporary 2d8
bonus hit points while
enlarged. Enlarged cu-
sidhe are large enough that
a small to medium-sized
character (elf size or
smaller) can ride them.
Common cu-sidhe (if
indeed they can be called
common) can be hit by
normal weapons, but silver
or magical weapons are
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 1+2*
No. of Attacks: 1 constriction
Damage: 1d4 constriction
Movement: 20' Fly 60'
No. Appearing: 2d6
Save As: Fighter: 1
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: None
XP: 37
Death Dragon
Armor Class: 22
Hit Dice: 11** (+9)
No. of Attacks: 2 claws + paralysis/1 bite or breath/1
Damage: 1d8 claws, 4d8 bite or breath, 1d8 tail
Movement: 30' Fly 80'
No. Appearing: 1
Save As: Fighter: 11
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: H
XP: 1,765
Armor Class: 24
successful hit, the victim takes 1d6 points of damage from
Hit Dice: 18** (+12) the slime unless is it washed off with at least a quart of
No. of Attacks: 2 flippers fluid. For metal or stone creatures, this damage is half of
Damage: 1d6 flipper + special the noted corrosive damage listed (2d8 or 4d10
Movement: 30' Burrow 10' respectively). Anyone attacking a delver with natural
No. Appearing: 1 weapons will take damage from the corrosive slime each
Save As: Fighter: 18 time an attack succeeds unless they succeed on a save vs.
Morale: 11 paralysis..
Treasure Type: None Each time a delver strikes, the individual's shield, armor,
XP: 4,320 and clothing (in that order) may be destroyed. The victim
must make a save vs. Paralysis for each item; any
A delver resembles a cross between an enormous successful saving throw means subsequent items are
centipede and a slug. It is roughly 15 feet long and 12 feet unaffected. For example, a fighter is struck by a delver; he
tall. It has a huge mouth and slits for eyes. It has spongy fails his first saving throw, and his shield is destroyed. He
flipper-like arms, each of which ends in six black digging succeeds at his second save, so his armor and clothing are
nails. Its ability to sense vibrations gives the equivalent of safe... for this round, at least. Magic shields or armor will
Darkvision with a 60 foot range. lose one “plus” each time they are damaged, instead of
A delver produces a mucus-like slime that is highly being destroyed outright.
corrosive. Merely touching it causes 2d6 points of damage
to organic creatures. The slime deals 4d8 points of damage
to metallic creatures or objects, while against stony
creatures (including earth elementals) the slime causes
8d10 points of damage. It prefers to fight from its tunnel,
which it uses to protect its flanks while lashing out with its
two flippers causing 1d6 points of damage each (plus the
corrosive damage noted above). On the round following a
Desert Worm
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 4*
No. of Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 1d10 bite + special
Movement: 40’ Burrow 30’
No. Appearing: 1
Save As: Fighter: 3
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: None
XP: 280
Dragonne Drat*
Armor Class: 18 Armor Class: 11
Hit Dice: 9* (+8) Hit Dice: 1d4*
No. of Attacks: 1 bite and 2 claws No. of Attacks: Special
Damage: 2d6 bite, 2d4 claws Damage: Special
Movement: 40' Fly 30' Movement: 30'
No. Appearing: 1d6 Wild 1d6 Lair 1d10 No. Appearing: 1
Save As: Fighter: 9 Save As: Fighter: 1
Morale: 10 Morale: 7
Treasure Type: None Treasure Type: None
XP: 1,150 XP: 13
A Dragonne appears as a strange combination of a lion The Drat, so-called because of the frequent expletives
and dragon, possessing huge claws, fangs, and eyes. Their emitted in its vicinity, is so rare as to elicit skepticism with
scales and stiff hair are the color of brass. Dragonnes are regards to its very existence. It appears to be a common
about 12 feet long and weigh about 700 pounds. They are rat, and can be encountered anywhere that a rat might be
very intelligent and communicate in one or more found. The drat would be little more than an annoyance if
languages of the region. A dragonne’s wings are useful it were not for its special ability.
only for short flights, carrying the creature for 10 to 20
minutes at a time at relatively slow speeds. A drat has an aura of bad luck which covers a radius of 30
feet around it. Non-drats within the radius suffer a
A dragonne attacks by biting and clawing. In addition, cumulative penalty of -1 per round on attack and saving
every 1d4 rounds a dragonne can produce a tremendous throw rolls, while giving opponents (who are outside the
roar. To anyone within 120 feet the roar causes temporary radius or are immune, i.e. drats) a cumulative +1 bonus
weakness, resulting in a -2 penalty to attack rolls, damage, on attack rolls against affected creatures. The maximum
and any strength checks for 2d6 rounds unless they save penalty (or bonus) which may accrue is -6 (or +6).
vs. paralysis. Those within 30 feet also are deafened for
the same period with no save. A deafened creature can There is no way to detect this effect, other than to attempt
react only to what it can see or feel, is surprised on 1-3 on and fail at attacks or saving throws, and the drat does not
1d6, and suffers a -1 penalty to its initiative rolls. However, even need to be visible. For instance, a drat could be
a deafened creature is immune to further roars until its peacefully sleeping on the other side of a wall from the
deafness alleviates (after the 2d6 rounds). adventurers and its sphere of influence will still affect them.
The only surefire way to detect the presence of a drat is by
noticing the ever increasing string of unlikely events
beginning to happen. For instance, a very dexterous thief
will after only a few minutes exposure begin to bumble
about so clumsily that he or she will soon trip over their
own feet. It is essential that the GM be completely and
scrupulously fair in the use of this monster.
Armor Class: 19 ‡
Hit Dice: 2**
No. of Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite +poison
Damage: 1d2 claw, 1d3 bite
Movement: 40' Fly 60' Flying Man-of-War
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 11
Save As: Magic-User: 2
Hit Dice: 2
Morale: 7
No. of Attacks: Special
Treasure Type: None
Damage: Special
XP: 125
Movement: Fly 40'
Flederkatze (“flitter-cats”) are magical creatures that No. Appearing: 3d4
appear to be a mix of feline and bat-like features. They Save As: Fighter: 2
have dark fur with leathery wings sprouting from their Morale: 7
back. Their heads are cat-like but with bat-like ears. Treasure Type: None
Flederkatze can fold their wings close to their bodies and
XP: 75
appear as normal cats unless one makes a very close
inspection. They have exceptional hearing including an Flying Man-Of-Wars are horse-sized flying jellyfish with a
echolocation form of sight that is treated as 120 foot distinctive crest like a sail. Their bodies are filled with hot
Darkvision (normal invisibility is easily detected, but air, allowing them to float about 20 feet off the ground,
magical silence effectively negates). Their actual eyesight is with their tentacles hanging below. Any creature touched
quite poor (roughly 30 feet), and they suffer discomfort in by their tentacles takes only 1 damage, but must save or
bright sunlight (-1 attack penalty in bright or magical light). be afflicted by its paralyzing venom. The flying man-of-war
will then pull itself down to its prey (if it weighs more than
Flederkatze attack with claws and bite like other felines.
100lbs) or lift its prey up to its body and begin digesting it
Their bite contains a toxin that causes 1 additional point of
for 1d6 points of damage per round.
damage each round for 10 rounds as the poison travels
through the body. Each round the affected can roll a save If a flying man-of-war takes at least 6 points of damage
vs. poison to halt any further damage, although from a single attack, its envelope is punctured and it swiftly
subsequent bites will produce the wounding effect anew falls to the ground, immobile; its tentacles will collapse in a
(resetting the 10-round duration). Only one such point of 10' radius around it and remain poisonous.
poison damage is applied each round, even if multiple
bites are scored without successfully saving. In addition to
physical attacks, a Flederkatze can Detect Magic at will,
become Invisible at will, and once per day can Bestow
Curse (reverse of Remove Curse) as a 7th level caster
(usually utilizing “-4 to attack rolls and saves” version).
Silver or magical weapons are required to strike a
flederkatze. So long as it has at least 1 HP remaining, the
creature regenerates 1 HP each round; if reduced to less
than 1 HP a flederkatze dies. They save against magic
(including wands) with a +4 bonus.
Frost Worm A frost worm can breathe a 30 foot cone of frost, once per
hour, for 15d6 cold damage. Those struck may save vs.
Armor Class: 18 dragon breath for half damage. Opponents held
Hit Dice: 16** (+12) motionless by the frost worm’s trill get no saving throw.
No. of Attacks: 1 bite + cold
When killed, a frost worm turns to ice and shatters in an
Damage: 2d8 bite + 1d8 cold explosion, dealing 20d6 points of damage to everything
Movement: 30' within 100 feet. A victim may save vs dragon breath for
No. Appearing: 1 half damage.
Save As: Fighter: 16
Morale: 10 Gerbalaine
Treasure Type: None Armor Class: 15
XP: 3520 Hit Dice: 1
Frost Worms grow about 40 feet long, have two huge No. of Attacks: 1
mandibles, and a strange orifice on its head that it uses to Damage: 1d4 or weapon
create a trilling sound during combat. It can burrow Movement: 40'
through ice and frozen earth but not stone. When moving No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 2d4, Lair 4d8
through such hard materials it leaves behind a usable Save As: Fighter: 1 (Halfling bonuses)
tunnel about 5 feet in diameter. Morale: 6
Frost worms lurk under the snow, waiting for prey to come Treasure Type: 1d4 random small gems
near. They begin an attack with the trill which forces its XP: 25
prey to stand motionless, and then set upon helpless prey
with their bite. This trilling affects all creatures other than Gerbalaines are a very small race of fey beings. They
frost worms within a 100 foot radius. Creatures must save have a mouse-like appearance and because of their size
vs. paralysis or be stunned for as long as the worm trills are often mistaken for common field mice unless
and for 1d4 rounds thereafter. However, if the victim is examined closely. Gerbalaine are tinkerers, using small
attacked or violently shaken, another saving throw is bits of materials gathered to fashion their homes; they
allowed. Once a creature has resisted or broken the effect, often build within walls, under floors, or otherwise right
it cannot be affected again by that same frost worm’s trill under the noses of big folk.
for 24 hours.
The body of a frost worm generates intense cold, causing
opponents to take an extra 1d8 points of cold damage
every time the creature succeeds on a bite attack. Any
creature attacking a frost worm unarmed or with non-
magical weapons suffers this same cold damage each time
one of its attacks hits.
rays, each at a different target. If the die roll is greater than Grick
the number of possible targets the extras are lost. The
GAM may roll to determine which rays fires or choose Armor Class: 16
those with the most destructive effect(s). Hit Dice: 2
No. of Attacks: 4 tentacles / 1 bite
Great Orb of Eyes Rays
Damage: 1d4 tentacles, 1d3 bite
1. Death – target must save vs. death ray or die. Movement: 30'
2. Draining – target takes 3d6 points of damage. They No. Appearing: 1, Wild 1d4
may save vs. spells for half damage. The great orb of eyes Save As: Fighter: 2
heals half that much hit points. Morale: 12
3. Fear – target is affected by Cause Fear (reversed
Treasure Type: V
Remove Fear) spell, as cast by a 12th-level cleric.
4. Charm – target is affected by Charm Monster spell, as XP: 75
cast by a 12th-level magic-user. An adult Grick is a snake-like creature about 8 feet long
5. Hold – target is affected by Hold Monster spell, as cast
from the tip of its tentacles to the end of its body and
by a 12th-level magic-user. weighs some 200 pounds. Its body coloration is uniformly
6. Blinding – target is affected by Cause Blindness
dark with a pale underbelly. Its tentacles are segmented
(reversed Remove Blindness) spell, as cast by a 12th- like an earthworm and attach just below the head.
level cleric.
Gricks attack when hungry or threatened. They hunt by
Great orbs of eyes rarely ever use their death ray unless holing up near high-traffic areas, using their natural
their very life depends on it, instead preferring to drain
coloration to blend into convenient shadows. When prey
foes for sustenance. A great orb of eyes can also cast ventures near, they lash out with their tentacles. Its jaws
Telekinesis three times per day (as a 12 th-level caster).
are relatively small and weak compared to its body mass,
Charmed individuals become slaves providing any so rather than consume its kill immediately, a grick
necessary manual labor, and a great orb of eyes can
normally drags its victim back to its lair to be eaten at its
communicate telepathically with any such charmed being. leisure.
When their usefulness fades, these slaves are drained for
sustenance. Multiple gricks do not fight in concert. Each attacks the
prey closest to it, and breaks off the fight as soon as it can
drag dead or unconscious prey away.
Guard Fern
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 6*
No. of Attacks: 3 thorn, acid, leaves
Damage: 1d4 thorn, 3d8 acid, 1d8 leaves
Movement: 0' (immobile)
No. Appearing: Wild 1d6
Save As: Fighter: 6
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: None
XP: 555
(taking 1d6 days each). Finally, they can lash with long, for 1d4+1 rounds. Anyone facing a gump in combat is
sharp leaves at anything within five feet, dealing 1d8 deemed to have met its gaze, as is anyone who is
points of damage if they hit. surprised by the monster. Those who attempt to fight a
gump while averting their eyes suffer a -4 penalty on
Chopping the outside of a guard fern will disable it, but it attack rolls. It is safe to view a gump's reflection in a
will grow back in 1d6+4 weeks. Burning it or digging up mirror or other reflective surface; anyone using a mirror to
the roots will kill it for good. fight a gump suffers a penalty of -2 to attack. Characters
Gump fighting a gump must make the saving throw each round, if
not taking measures to avoid the monster's gaze.
Armor Class: 14
Gumps communicate with an odd jibbering and slobbery
Hit Dice: 4* voice that is difficult to understand. They can also speak
No. of Attacks: 2 fists or 1 weapon Common and the languages of goblinoid creatures.
Damage: 1d8+3 fists or by weapon +3
Movement: 30' Headless Horseman
No. Appearing: 1 Armor Class: According to armor worn
Save As: Fighter: 4 Hit Dice: 7+**
Morale: 10 No. of Attacks: 1 weapon (also see Mount)
Treasure Type: C Damage: 1d8 or by weapon (also see Mount)
XP: 280 Movement: 30' (also see Mount)
Gumps are large and blubbery humanoids that stand just No. Appearing: 1 (plus Mount)
over a head taller than man, with a broad, jagged toothed Save As: Fighter: 7+
grin and small deep-set eyes. Meeting the gaze of a gump Morale: special
is dangerous. Treasure Type: None
XP: 800+ (plus XP of Mount)
Anyone who meets the gaze of a gump must save vs
Paralysis at +2 or suffer the effects of a Hold Person spell A Headless Horseman is a powerful undead warrior.
They appear in knightly garb, similar to that they wore in
life. Of course, as their name indicates they are headless,
but in lieu of their head may wear a jack-o-lantern, helmet
or other decoration. Upon sighting a horseman, characters
of less than fifth level must save versus spells or be stricken
with fear, running away until out of sight.
Each horseman is a fighter with a level equivalent to their
HD, and they attack appropriately. A Horseman can be
Turned by Clerics (as a vampire, but roll at -4). As with all
undead, they are immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells,
as well as cold, acid, poison, and electricity.
A horseman is always accompanied by his mount, usually
an undead (skeleton or zombie) warhorse or similar
creature. Occasionally, a more powerful mount might
accompany a higher level horseman, perhaps even an
undead dragon. These undead mounts are fearless and
can only be turned if the horseman himself is turned.
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 2/2*
No. of Attacks: 2 hooves
Damage: 1d4 hoof
Movement: Swim 80'
No. Appearing: Wild 10d10/Wild 1
Save As: Fighter: 2
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: None
XP: 75/100
Homunculus Homunculi will try to climb onto their victims and bite with
their venomous fangs. On a failed save vs. poison the
Armor Class: 14 opponent will fall asleep for 6d6 minute. If the master is
Hit Dice: 2 slain the homunculus also dies, its body swiftly melting
No. of Attacks: 1 bite + poison away into a pool of ichor.
Damage: 1d4-1 bite + poison
Illusion Trapper
Movement: 20'
No. Appearing: 1 Armor Class: 18
Save As: Fighter: 2 Hit Dice: 9** (+8)
Morale: 12 No. of Attacks: 1 bite
Treasure Type: None Damage: 5d4 bite
XP: 75 Movement: 30'
No. Appearing: 1
A Homunculus is a miniature servant created by a wizard.
Save As: Fighter: 9
These creatures are weak combatants but make effective
spies, messengers, and scouts. A homunculus’s creator Morale: 9
determines its precise features. A homunculus cannot Treasure Type: None (see below)
speak, but the process of creating one links it telepathically XP: 1,225
with its creator.
The Illusion Trapper is a very proficient hunter. It digs a
It knows what its master knows and can convey to him 40 foot diameter funnel-shaped pit and casts
everything it sees and hears (up to a distance of 1,500 Hallucinatory Terrain to match the surrounding terrain.
feet). A homunculus never travels beyond this range Creatures that come near the pit must save vs paralysis
willingly, though it can be removed forcibly. If this occurs, each round they remain in the area or slip on the loose soil
the creature does everything in its power to regain contact and fall to the bottom. The trapper attacks from its
with its master. An attack that destroys a homunculus deals covering with its large mandibles and on a successful hit
2d10 points of damage to its master. attaches to the target. It will not open its mandibles until it
or its prey is dead. Any creature bitten by the trapper must
save vs poison or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds. Paralyzed
creatures automatically take 5d4 points of damage each
round that it remains in the trapper's grip.
While it does not keep any treasure itself, there is a chance
of items left behind from previous victims.
Infernal beings are monstrosities with otherworldly or
extra-dimensional origins. These beings are universally vile
and at odds with the powers of goodness. There are
several distinct races or groups of infernal beings, generally
grouped by their origin. They might be called demons,
devils, or other related terms.
An imp is immune to poison, cold, fire, and electrical Infernal, Succubus* (demon)
attacks. Silver or magical weapons, or spells, are required
to strike an imp. So long as it has at least 1 HP remaining, Armor Class: 20 ‡
it regenerates 1 HP each round; if reduced below 1 HP an Hit Dice: 7**
imp will die like any other creature. Imps have a bonus of No. of Attacks: 2 claws + special or by weapon
+4 on all saving throws against magic (including wands). Damage: 1d4 claw or by weapon
Infernal, Lemure Movement: 30' Fly 50'
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 12 Save As: Cleric: 6
Hit Dice: 3 Morale: 7
No. of Attacks: 1 claw Treasure Type: I, L
Damage: 1d4 claw XP: 800
Movement: 40'
No. Appearing: 5d6 A Succubus is a female demonic entity. In her natural
form, one appears as a beautiful winged humanoid
Save As: Fighter: 3
temptress. Succubi can speak any language and have
Morale: 6 (11) Darkvision with a range of 120 feet.
Treasure Type: None
XP: 145 A succubus prefers to avoid combat whenever she can,
using her spell-like powers instead. When forced to, she
Lemures are said to be the souls of the damned, can attack with her claws or with a normal weapon.
converted into wretched forms to serve more powerful Succubi can use the following spells at will (as a 12 th level
infernals. Their bodies resemble the ones they had in life, caster): Charm Person, Suggestion, Darkness 15'
covered in bubbling pitch and utterly devoid of speech or radius, Dimension Door, ESP and Clairaudience (as
intelligence. All other infernals can telepathically control the potion).
lemures without effort; while they are thus controlled,
lemures use the morale value in parentheses. Lemures A succubus can change shape at will, and will use this
regenerate 1 HP of normal damage per round, even if ability to assume a guise pleasing to her chosen target; this
reduced to 0 HP; damage from magic weapons, fire, deception can be maintained indefinitely.
spells, or holy water cannot be regenerated in this way. If the succubus can get a charmed individual alone, she
will drain the victim through her kisses. A charmed victim
will submit to this willingly. Each round of kissing applies
one negative level to the recipient, and all lost HP are
transferred to the succubus (even if this temporarily raises
her above her normal maximum; excess points are
temporary and last but a single day). An unwilling target
of such affections (i.e. one not charmed) must be
restrained, obviously, but if she can do so she will;
draining the life of a victim in this way is still her preferred
method of killing.
As infernals, succubi are immune to lightning and poison,
and take only half damage from acid, cold or fire-based
attacks. Magical weapons are required to hit a succubus in
spined devil is poisonous, but not fatal; anyone bitten must Iron Snapper
pass a saving throw vs. poison or fall unconscious for 1d6
minutes. Once every 1d6 rounds a spined devil can fire Armor Class: 17
short barbed spines from its arms and legs over an area Hit Dice: 6*
with a 5 foot radius. Any creature within the area takes No. of Attacks: 1 bite
4d6 points of damage, with a saving throws vs. dragon Damage: 2d8 bite
breath for half damage. Movement: 40'
Infernal, Vega* No. Appearing: 1d2, Wild 1d2, Lair 1d2
Save As: Fighter: 6
Armor Class: 17 Morale: 9
Hit Dice: 9** (+8) Treasure Type: None
No. of Attacks: 1 weapon or whip XP: 555
Damage: Weapon + 2, 2d6 Whip or Special
Movement: 60' Fly 150' Iron Snappers are large, highly territorial serpents with
No. Appearing: 1 grey scales and beak, orange underbellies, and thick
armored plates on its back. Their bite is strong enough to
Save As: Fighter: 9
tear through steel plates; as it must be, for iron is their
Morale: 10 primary food. Any time an iron snapper successfully bites
Treasure Type: A an opponent with a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, it
XP: 1,225 destroys any armor the opponent is wearing or breaks one
object held by the opponent, preferring items made of iron
Vegas are extremely powerful infernals that resemble or steel if possible.
winged humanoid figures made of fire and darkness. They
are among the most dishonorable and cruel of all
creatures. Vegas are extremely skilled with their whips and
on a successful hit can choose to pull a creature close
enough to itself that the heat radiating from its body deals
3d6 points of damage. Vegas are only affected by magic
weapons and spells of 3rd level or greater, and take only
half damage from fire, lightning, and cold. Vegas can cast
cause fear, darkness, detect magic, detect invisibility,
dispel magic, and telekinesis at will.
Infernal, Vrock*
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 8*
No. of Attacks: 2 claws, 2 talons, 1 bite
Damage: 1d4 claw, 1d8 talon, 1d6 bite
Movement: 40' Fly 120'
No. Appearing: 1d4
Save As: Fighter: 8
Morale: 11
Treasure Type: B
XP: 945
Jack O'Lantern Jack O’Lanterns are constructs similar to golems, and thus
immune to poison, charm, fire, and sleep effects. They
Armor Class: 17 take double damage from ice or cold. Water or wind
Hit Dice: 3* based attacks may snuff the monster's candle, if it fails a
No. of Attacks: 1 breath saving throw vs. Death Ray. If a jack o'lantern's candle is
Damage: 2d6 fire snuffed, it becomes instantly dormant; re-lighting the
Movement: 20' Fly candle will restore it to life.
No. Appearing: 1d6 Komodo Dragon
Save As: Magic-User: 3
Morale: 9 Armor Class: 14
Treasure Type: U Hit Dice: 2*
XP: 175 No. of Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 1d6 bite + disease
Jack O’Lanterns are weird sentient pumpkins or other Movement: 30'
such squash or gourd-type fruits with a lit candle inside No. Appearing: Wild 1d6
them. That they were created by some mad wizard is
Save As: Fighter: 2
obvious. Individual jack o'lanterns have distinctive
personalities that are generally mirrored by the expressions Morale: 7
of their carved faces. They are always encountered within Treasure Type: None
a mile or two of the pumpkin patch where they originally XP: 100
grew, and they are able to fly. When a jack o'lantern is at
rest or otherwise inert one cannot tell it apart from normal Komodo Dragons are huge lizards about twice the weight
vegetation of its type; each can close its carved eyes, of an adult human. They are aggressive carnivores that
mouth, and any other apertures and appear entirely hunt by ambush and have a toxic bite that can kill within
ordinary. hours. These giant lizards have a keen sense of smell and
readily track dead or dying prey. A komodo dragon attacks
A jack o’lantern can project fire from its openings; this with its bite for 1d6 points of damage. Its mouth is filled
breath weapon is in the form of a cone five feet wide at with virulent microbes and toxins that can quickly
the base with a range of five feet in front of the creature. overwhelm a victim. These poisons cause 1d8 points of
Anyone caught in the blaze suffers 2d6 points of fire damage per hour plus the loss of 2 points of Constitution
damage; a save vs. Dragon Breath allows the victim to unless a save vs. Poison is made; this save is made each
suffer only half damage. hour until successful, or the victim is dead.
Lich* with spells from a distance. A lich that hits a living target
with its touch deals 1d8 points of damage and drains the
Armor Class: 19+† victim 1d4 points of Constitution while healing itself an
Hit Dice: 10+** (+9) equal amount of damage.
No. of Attacks: 1 (as touch, weapon, or spell)
The Constitution damage is permanent, a result of physical
Damage: 1d8 touch+drain, by weapon and psychic drain. Due to longevity and/or vitality traits,
or by spell elves can ignore the first 10 points of Constitution drain;
Movement: 30' dwarves the first 4 points, and halflings the first 2 points.
No. Appearing: 1 Lost Constitution can be regained at a rate of 1 point per
Save As: Magic-User or Cleric: by hit dice casting of a Restoration spell; nothing else (except a
Morale: 8 Wish) can restore Constitution lost to a lich. If a character's
Treasure Type: G Constitution falls to 0, he dies immediately, but will rise the
XP: 1,480 following round as a lesser wight. Use statistics for the
Wight (in the BFRPG Core Rules), but instead of energy
A Lich is a former magic-user or cleric (of at least 10th level drain, the lesser wight deals 1d4 points of damage plus 1
with all spells and powers intact) who used dark magic to point of Constitution damage. Those whom were drained
prolong their life into a state of undeath. Newer liches and subsequently defeated are permanently dead and
appear rather ghoulish or zombie-like. After some time cannot be Raised (but may still be Reincarnated).
they appear skeletal. In spite of their great powers, a lich
will act accordingly to preserve itself by any means it has at Liches can only be hit by magical weapons or spells. Like
normal skeletons, they take only half damage from edged
its disposal. It knows the value and function of all magical
items in its lair, and will use them to their best effect. weapons, and only a single point from arrows, bolts or
sling stones (plus any magical bonus). As with all undead,
Simply encountering a lich for the first time is so terrifying they can be Turned by a Cleric (as vampire, but with a -6
that the subject must save vs. Spells or flee for 2d6 penalty on the check), and are immune to sleep, charm or
rounds. A lich's gaze is also terrifying; effective up to 30 hold spells. Despite having magic-user or clerical levels, the
feet, the affected target must save vs. spells or be lich uses d8 for rolling HP like other monsters.
paralyzed in fright for 2d4 rounds. A lich prefers to attack
A lich's life-force is kept safe within an object called a
phylactery, often hidden and protected. This allows the
lich to persist even when its physical form is destroyed; in
that event, the monster's physical form will slowly
regenerate at a rate of 1 HP per hour. In order to
completely destroy a lich, its phylactery must be located
and destroyed; however, only very powerful magic or
catastrophic natural damage (a disintegrate spell, a wish,
or throwing it into an active volcano) can actually damage
the object.
Linnorm Locathah
Armor Class: 17 Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 7** Hit Dice: 2
No. of Attacks: 1 bite, 2 claws or breath No. of Attacks: 1 spear or 1 light crossbow
Damage: 2d8 bite + poison, 1d10 claw or Damage: 1d6 spear, 1d6 light crossbow
breath Movement: 10' swim 60'
Movement: 40' No. Appearing: 1d4, Wild 1d20, Lair 3d10+70
No. Appearing: 1d2 Save As: Fighter: as per hit dice
Save As: Fighter: 8 Morale: 7
Morale: 9 Treasure Type: D
Treasure Type: E XP: 75
XP: 800
Although humanoid in shape, Locathahs are more fish
Linnorms, like wyverns, are distantly related to dragons. than man. The average locathah stands 5 feet tall and
They resemble large horned snakes with a pair of clawed weighs 175 pounds. Females and males look very much
forelimbs. A linnorm can breathe a cloud of fetid gas much alike, although the former can be recognized by the two
like a dragon's breath. Linnorms are immune to all ochre stripes marking their egg sacs. Locathahs speak their
poisons. own language.
Any attack from locathahs usually begins with loosing
volleys of bolts from their unique crossbows; these special
crossbows have a range of 60 feet underwater (normal
ranges on the surface). If they manage to set up an
ambush or other trap, they continue to employ crossbows
for as long as possible, otherwise they yield spears.
Although primarily used for fishing, these spears make
formidable weapons. Locathahs lack teeth, claws, and
other natural weapons, so they are not especially
dangerous if unarmed; they will generally flee at that point.
Lycanthrope, Werecockroach*
Armor Class: 15 †
Hit Dice: 3**
No. of Attacks: 1 bite or 1 weapon
Damage: 1d6 bite or by weapon
Movement: 50' Human Form 40' Fly 10'
No. Appearing: 2d4, Wild 2d10, Lair 2d10
Save As: Fighter: 3*
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: C
XP: 205
Mosquito, Giant
Armor Class: 11
Hit Dice: 1d4*
No. of Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 1d3 bite + 1d3/round blood drain
Movement: 50'
No. Appearing: Wild 2d6x10
Save As: Fighter: 1
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: None
XP: 13
Nazgorian, Eelbat
The term Nazgorian refers to monstrous otherworldly
Armor Class: 14
beings believed to be from a realm or dimension called
Nazgor. Little is known about this realm or its inhabitants, Hit Dice: 1*
but all that have been encountered so far share a few No. of Attacks: 1 bite
common traits. Damage: 1d6 bite + 1d6/round blood drain
Movement: 5' Fly 70'
In general, beings from Nazgor have a grayish cast to their
No. Appearing: 2d6
skin, which is usually wet and slimy. They suffer damage
when exposed to sunlight and/or dry air. Sunlight alone Save As: Fighter: 1
causes 1d4 points of damage per hour, as does dry air; Morale: 10
exposure to both causes 1d8 points of damage per hour Treasure Type: None
unless the being can periodically wet its skin and move XP: 37
into areas of shadow or darkness.
Eelbats look like eyeless eels with bat-like wings and gray
Nazgorian, Digester slimy skin. Despite the lack of visual organs, they can
sense their surroundings like a bat and they effectively
Armor Class: 17 have Darkvision out to 60 feet. They attack by biting and
Hit Dice: 12* (+10) after a successful bite, they will hang on and drain an
No. of Attacks: 1 claw + special additional 1d6 points of damage every round. The
Damage: 1d8 claw + special creature can only be removed by killing it; any attack on
Movement: 60' the creature while attached receives an attack bonus of +2,
No. Appearing: 1, Wild 1d3, Lair 1d3+3 but any attack that misses will hit its victim instead.
Save As: Fighter: 12 Eelbats, like other outsiders from Nazgor, suffer damage
Morale: 7 when exposed to sunlight or dry air. Sunlight alone causes
Treasure Type: None 1d4 points of damage per hour, as does dry air; exposure
XP: 1,975 to both causes 1d8 points of damage per hour.
Nazgorian, Hydramander alone causes 1d4 points of damage per hour, as does dry
air; exposure to both causes 1d8 points of damage per
Armor Class: 18 to 21 hour.
Hit Dice: 8 to 12 (+10)
Necrotic Ooze
No. of Attacks: 5 to 8 bites
Damage: 2d6 bite Armor Class: 13
Movement: 20' (10') Hit Dice: 3
No. Appearing: 1, Lair 1 No. of Attacks: 1 slam
Save As: Fighter: 8 to 12 Damage: 1d6 slam
Morale: 11 Movement: 10'
Treasure Type: None No. Appearing: 1d4, Wild 1d4, Lair 1d4
XP: 8 HD 825; 9 HD 1075; 10 HD 1,300 Save As: Fighter: 3
11 HD 1,575; 12 HD 1,875 Morale: 11
A Hydramander is a multi-headed creature from the Treasure Type: None
dimension of Nazgor. The body of a hydramander is XP: 145
similar to the body of a Hydra; however, the hydramander
has no eyes. It depends on sound to locate prey (treat as Necrotic Oozes are undead slime creatures that resemble
Darkvision out to 60 feet). Thus, a silent opponent is as nothing more than a sickly mass of sticky, oozing yellow-
good as invisible to the monster. white puss with pustules of running clear liquid on their
exterior. They attack with a tentacle-like pseudopod.
The individual heads of a hydramander may be attacked;
12 points of damage must be dealt to disable each head. As with all undead, they can be Turned by a Cleric (as a
wight), and are immune to sleep, charm or hold spells. As
Hydramanders, like other outsiders from Nazgor, suffer they are mindless, mind reading is useless. They are
damage when exposed to sunlight or dry air. Sunlight likewise immune to disease and poison.
alone causes 1d4 points of damage per hour, as does dry
air; exposure to both causes 1d8 points of damage per The GM should keep track of who is struck by one; after a
hour. fight is over, each stricken victim must save versus poison.
If failed the victim will suffer a rotting disease that deals
Nazgorian, Spiderwolf 1d4 points of damage per day unless cured by Cure
Disease or better (normal healing has no effect). If slain by
Armor Class: 14 the rotting disease, the victim will turn into a necrotic ooze.
Hit Dice: 4**
No. of Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 1d10 bite + poison
Movement: 60'
No. Appearing: 2d4 Wild, Lair 2d4
Save As: Fighter: 5
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: None
XP: 320
Spiderwolves are a species of huge wolf-like monsters
having eight legs, six eyes, and no tail. They are hairless
with gray slimy skin. A typical spiderwolf stands 5 feet high
at the shoulder and weighs almost 200 pounds. In the
wild, these creatures travel and hunt in packs.
A spiderwolf's bite is poisonous; any living creature bitten
by a spiderwolf must save vs. Poison or become paralyzed
for 1d6 turns. A spiderwolf will ignore that paralyzed
creature and attack any other opponent, turning its
attention back to the paralyzed victim only after all other
opposition is quelled.
Spiderwolves, like other outsiders from Nazgor, suffer
damage when exposed to sunlight or dry air. Sunlight
Octopus Fungi appear similar to other giant fungi such as The Odeum is a foul undead spirit that possesses the
shriekers. If anyone tries to pass through them, they will living and drives them into madness. They are formed
"unfurl" into a single long tentacle and try to wrap around from the souls of the murderously insane and will force
the victim and drag them back to their biting core. A others to perform similarly heinous acts. Unlike other
normal attack roll is made; a hit deals 1d6 points of spectral undead an odeum is not tied to a specific location
damage from the clawed grasping sucker and a victim and can move about at-will, though it is drawn to places of
must save versus dragon breath or be drug back to the great suffering and torment. An odeum speaks the
core the next round. If pulled into the body, two attacks languages it knew in life.
will be made (the tentacle and the mouth) with a +4 bonus
each. An odeum damages a creature's mind with its touch. In
addition to normal damage, a creature so touched by an
odeum takes 1d4 points of Wisdom damage. A creature
reduced to less than 3 Wisdom by such means is driven
insane and acts as if under the effects of a Confusion spell
unless their Wisdom is restored to at least 3 points.
The odeum can attempt to possess a creature at-will. This
ability is similar to Magic Jar as cast by a 10th level Magic-
User, except that it does not require a receptacle. If the
attack succeeds, the odeum disappears into the target's
body. The target can resist the attack with a successful
save vs Spells modified by the target's Wisdom bonus. A
creature that successfully saves is immune to that odeum's
possession attack for the next 24 hours. While possessing
a host the odeum takes complete control of the target's
actions, though the host remains aware of what is
happening around it. Attacking a host creature will
damage the body (not the odeum); a host that dies will
cause the odeum to return to its nebulous form.
Outside a host an odeum can only be struck by magical
weapons and spells. Like all undead they are immune to
sleep, charm, and hold spells. They can be Turned by a
Cleric (as a wraith). However, while inside a host the
odeum is rendered immune to a cleric's turning ability; the
attempt does allow the host to make a save vs spells to
expel the odeum. Such a save can only be made once per
An odeum will possess a host for as a long as possible until
they are driven mad. The odeum then abandons the host
to seek out a new victim.
Ogre Mage
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 5+2**
No. of Attacks: 1 weapon (+3 to hit) or spells
Damage: 2d6+3 (large weapon), by weapon +3,
or spell
Movement: 40' Fly 40'
No. Appearing: 1, Lair 1d6
Save As: Magic-User: 6
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: E
XP: 450
Otyugh stand on 4 large legs and have a body 8 feet in Giant Owls are nocturnal birds of prey, feared for their
ability to hunt and attack in near silence. They are
diameter, weighing about 500 pounds. Behind their large
mouths are 3 tentacles. When so inclined, an otyugh can intelligent and naturally suspicious. A typical giant owl
stands about 9 feet tall, has a wingspan of up to 20 feet,
communicate verbally using the predominate language of
the area, usually common. and resembles its smaller cousins in nearly every way.
A giant owl attacks by gliding silently just a few feet above
An otyugh attacks living creatures if it feels threatened or if
it is hungry; otherwise it is content to remain hidden. its prey and plunging to strike when directly overhead. A
giant owl can see five times as far as a human can in dim
Otyugh slash and squeeze opponents with their tentacles,
which they also use to drag prey into their mouths. They light.
deal automatic tentacle damage with a successful attack on
every round that its prey is held. The bite of an otyugh is
diseased and the recipient of the attack must save vs.
poison or contract filth fever (incubation period 1d3 days;
1d3 reduction of Dexterity and 1d3 reduction of reduction
of Constitution).
Fire-breathing Owlbears are the larger, more bestial The beautiful Phaerim are related to fey such as booka or
cousins of the Owlbear, sharing most of the same physical pixies. Phaerim appear to be smaller elf-like folk, except
features. In addition to the large wings allowing flight, their that they have a pair of wings similar to dragonflies or
coat tends to be closer to rust in color and its beak a bright butterflies. Most phaerim encountered are female. Phaerim
orange. A full-grown fire-breathing owlbear stands nearly stand no taller than the average halfling (3 feet) but have a
10 feet tall and weighs over 2000 pounds. more slight build, seldom being heavier than 40 pounds.
Fire-breathing owlbears usually rely on their powerful
claws and ferocious beak in combat. Like normal bears,
they must hit with both claws to deal hug damage. What
makes them most fearsome is its breath attack. Each
round, roll to determine which is attack form used (1d6, 1-
2 indicates breath of fire). If the beast breathes fire, its
victim may save vs. dragon breath for half damage. It may
use this attack a total of 4 times per combat. After an hour
of rest, the breath weapon is usable once again.
Phaerim speak their own language, elvish, and one or Phase Spider
more fey languages common to dryads or pixies.
Adventuring phaerim usually know common as well. Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 9+1 (+8)
They are normally quite reclusive. Similar to halflings,
No. of Attacks: 1 bite + poison
phaerim can hide very effectively; so long as they remain
Damage: 1d6 bite + poison
still there is only a 10% chance they will be detected
outdoors in forested environments. Even indoors they are Movement: 40'
able to hide with a 30% chance of detection. No. Appearing: 1d4
Save As: Fighter: 9
Phaerim normally walk but can fly if unencumbered. Morale: 7
Phaerim can fly up to 10 rounds, but must remain
Treasure Type: None
grounded an equivalent amount of time after any flight. A
lightly-encumbered phaerim can fly up to 5 rounds but XP: 1,075
must rest for 20 rounds. Phaerim take half damage from Phase Spiders are aggressive predators that can shift
falls due to their reduced weight and wings. quickly from an intangible state to attack opponents.
When intangible the phase spider is invisible, insubstantial,
Phantom Fungus
and capable of moving in any direction (even up or
Armor Class: 14 down), albeit at half-normal speed. As an intangible
Hit Dice: 2 creature, it can move through solid objects, including living
creatures. It can see and hear on the material plane. Sight
No. of Attacks: 1 bite
and hearing on the material plane are limited to 60 feet. A
Damage: 1d6 bite typical phase spider’s body is 8 feet long and weighs about
Movement: 20' 700 pounds.
No. Appearing: 1
Once a spider locates prey, it shifts to a tangible state to
Save As: Fighter: 2
attack, attempting to catch its victim off-guard (+2 to hit).
Morale: 12
The phase spider retreats back to intangible state at the
Treasure Type: None beginning of the next round.
XP: 75
Plague Hound
While its normal form is completely invisible (even while
attacking), when the Phantom Fungus is killed or Armor Class: 14
somehow made visible it looks like a brown or greenish- Hit Dice: 4*
brown mass with a cluster of nodules at its highest point. No. of Attacks: 1 bite + special
The nodule cluster atop the main mass serves as its Damage: 2d4 bite + paralysis
sensory organs. The creature feeds and attacks with a Movement: 50'
gaping maw lined with rows of teeth. Four stumpy legs
No. Appearing: 1d8, Wild 2d8, Lair 3d8
support the creature and allow it to move about its
Save As: Fighter: 4
subterranean environment.
Morale: 9
Anyone attacking a phantom fungus does so at -4 unless Treasure Type: None
the attacker can detect invisible creatures. XP: 280
Plague Hounds are undead canines infected with an
infliction similar to ghouls or ghasts. They appear as
ravenous beasts with patches of fur or skin sloughing off.
Those bitten by a plague hound must save versus
paralyzation or be paralyzed for 2d8 turns; elves are
immune to this effect. The plague hound's bite also carries
the ghoul fever affliction, but is even more virulent. Each
bite has a 10% cumulative chance of infecting the victim
with ghoul fever. (Roll once per bitten character, after the
encounter is over, at 10% per each bite; for example, a
character bitten three times has a 30% likelihood of begin
infected). If so afflicted, the victim must save versus Death
Ray (at a penalty of -4) or die within a day, only to rise at
the next sunset as a ghoul. Any dog or wolf will return as a
plague hound. Plague hounds can be Turned by a Cleric Praying Mantis, Giant
(as a wight) and they share the common undead traits of
immunity to sleep, charm, and hold spells. Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 5
Poludnitsa No. of Attacks: 1 bite
Armor Class: 15 Damage: 1d12 bite
Hit Dice: 3* Movement: 40' Fly 120'
No. of Attacks: 1 scythe No. Appearing: Wild 1d4, Lair 1d6
Damage: 1d8 scythe Save As: Fighter: 5
Movement: 40' Morale: 8
No. Appearing: 1, Lair 1d6 Treasure Type: None
Save As: Fighter: 3 XP: 360
Morale: 8 Giant Praying Mantises are greatly camouflaged, moving
Treasure Type: D slowly and waiting motionless for hours. They ambush and
XP: 175 feed on anything smaller than themselves. They possess a
chameleon-like ability to change their exoskeleton color to
A Poludnitsa, sometimes called "Lady Midday", is a cruel blend in with the surroundings. Typically, a hunting
fey who appears as a young, beautiful woman dressed in praying mantis will surprise on 1-5 of 1d6; locating one
white and holding a scythe. She enjoys engaging in that is hiding (from a distance) is equivalent to finding a
conversation, asking complicated and difficult riddles. If secret door. They can fly for brief periods, covering 120
one answers correctly, she might tell them a great secret feet in a hop, but will only do so to flee or cross rough
(spoken in riddles, of course). If a wrong answer is given, terrain.
however, she will cause the one answering to suffer a heat
stroke; the victim must save vs. Spells or take a -4 penalty Prince Frog
to all attack rolls and ability checks for the next 2d6 hours.
Armor Class: 13
Most are mischievous rather than outright evil, but if Hit Dice: 2*
threatened a poludnitsa will attempt to behead her foes
No. of Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite + special
with her scythe.
Damage: 1d4 claw, 1d6 bite + paralysis
Movement: 20' Leap 20'
No. Appearing: 1d4
Save As: Fighter: 2
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: None
XP: 100
Rabbit Prince
Armor Class: 18
Hit Dice: 10* (+9)
No. of Attacks: 1 weapon (sword)
Damage: 2d6 sword
Movement: 50' Leap 20'
No. Appearing: 1
Save As: Fighter: 10
Poison or become comatose for 2d4 turns. During this
Morale: 10
period the victim will have strange and horrifying dreams.
A comatose victim cannot be awakened by normal means Treasure Type: None
until the duration has expired. XP: 1,390
This poisonous effect should normally be checked for The Rabbit Prince appears as a four foot tall, bipedal
anytime a prince frog successfully attacks a character; in rabbit dressed in ruined finery, wearing an old crown and
addition, the secretions remain fully potent for 1d4 turns wielding a broken sword. A rabbit prince will roam the
after being separated from the creature. This means that wilderness, occasionally attacking farming villages. They
weapons used to successfully attack a prince frog may have a deep hatred for predators and will defend fellow
cause the same effect if touched, though a bonus of +2 is (ordinary) rabbits from any attackers they see.
allowed on the saving throw.
The prince rabbit attacks with supernatural strength,
Pseudodragon moving rapidly and erratically so that anyone trying to
attack with ranged weapons suffers a -2 penalty to the
Armor Class: 18 attack roll. In addition to normal movement, a rabbit
Hit Dice: 2* prince can leap up to 20 feet and still make an attack in
No. of Attacks: 1 bite or 1 sting + poison the same round.
Damage: 1 HP bite, 1d3 stinger + poison (sleep)
Movement: 10' Fly 60'
No. Appearing: 1 Wild 1d2 Lair 1d4
Save As: Magic-User: 2
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: None
XP: 100
Ram, Wild
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 2
No. of Attacks: 1 horns
Damage: 1d6 horns
Movement: 40' Climb 20'
No. Appearing: Wild 2d4
Save As: Fighter: 2
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: None
XP: 75
Ram, War
Armor Class: 13 Rat Dog
Hit Dice: 3
No. of Attacks: 2 horns or hooves Armor Class: 15
Damage: 1d6 horns, 1d4 hooves Hit Dice: 3
Movement: 40' Climb 20' No. of Attacks: 1 bite
No. Appearing: Domestic only Damage: 1d6 bite
Save As: Fighter: 3 Movement: 40'
Morale: 9 No. Appearing: 1d10, Wild 2d20
Treasure Type: none Save As: Fighter: 3
XP: 145 Morale: 9
Treasure Type: None
Dwarves are known for their War Rams which are XP: 145
specifically bred for strength and aggression. They attack
with either their great horns (needing a short run or Rat Dogs are the size of a large dog with a rat-like face
charge) or with their hooves. Like the mundane breeds of and long hairless tail. They run and otherwise move like
ram, war rams can negotiate rocky terrain with ease. The canines, and their front paws have opposable thumbs and
climbing speed listed above assumes their native terrain of are thus able to grasp objects. Despite the name, it is not
rocky slopes; war rams cannot climb walls, trees, or other clear if these creatures are rats, dogs, or some sort of
objects in the traditional sense. magical hybrid.
still and hiding in holes and under ledges to surprise An enraged remorhaz generates heat so intense that
victims. anything touching its body takes 8d6 fire damage.
Creatures striking a remorhaz with natural attacks or
A red slime can extend a pseudopod up to 2 feet per HD. unarmed attacks are subject to this damage, but creatures
If its attack is successful, the target is ensnared, and the striking with melee weapons do not. This heat can melt or
slime will feed off the victim, doing damage automatically char weapons; any non-magical weapon is destroyed.
each round. Hit points drained from the victim are added Magical weapons are allowed a save vs. dragon breath to
to the red slime's current hit points; every 6 points thus avoid destruction. Any treasure recovered will likely be
added increases the monster's Hit Dice by one, to a heat resistant.
maximum of 6 Hit Dice. Excess hit points drained after
the monster reaches its maximum of 48 are lost. Note that Roper*
the damage roll increases as the monster grows in size.
Armor Class: 20
An ensnared victim may attempt to escape by making an Hit Dice: 10* (+9) to 12* (+10)
open doors check to break free. Red slimes can only feed
No. of Attacks: 1 bite + special
on living creatures, but can still make normal attacks
Damage: 2d6 bite
against other monsters. A successful attack against a red
slime may cause it to release a victim; the GM should roll Movement: 10'
1d20, and if the die roll is equal to or less than the damage No. Appearing: 1
done to the red slime, the ensnared victim will be freed. Save As: Fighter: 10 to 12
Morale: 12
As if all that weren't bad enough, a red slime will
Treasure Type: I
regenerate 1 HP per round, even if apparently slain.
Damage from fire or acid will not be regenerated, and so XP: 10 HD 1,390; 11 HD 1,670
this is the only way to permanently slay a red slime. 12 HD 1,975
Rot Vultures are undead carnivorous birds that have the The Rousirl is a massive rodent-like creature. Its stout
same general appearance of a large, healthy vulture at a body stands nearly shoulder height to most men. Like
distance, but up close they have major defects such as rodents, it has large front teeth and powerful jaws that it
missing eyes, torn beaks, and protruding broken bones. uses for biting through wood and defense.
They stink of horrible decay. They are ravenous and
driven to attack. As with all undead, they can be Turned
by a Cleric (as a zombie), and are immune to sleep, charm
or hold spells.
Rot vultures attack with a combined pecking, clawing and
wing-flogging attack that is rolled with one attack roll.
Some rot vultures have certain special abilities (1-2 on 1d6
indicates such). The GM can roll randomly or choose the
effect, and may add more types of horrors.
1. It emits a horrid stench in a gaseous blast of gooey
rotten matter when slain, causing anyone within ten feet to
save versus poison or drop anything in their hands, fall to
their knees and wretch helplessly for 1d4 rounds.
2. It has bitten and the victim must save versus poison or
be inflicted by Rot Grubs.
3. Any victim must save versus poison or suffer the effects Sahuagin
of disease similar to a Giant Rat bite.
4. It shrieks in the face of its victim (one only) so loudly Armor Class: 16
and horrifically they must save versus spells or suffer the Hit Dice: 2+2*
effects of Cause Fear (reversed Remove Fear) for 1d6 No. of Attacks: 1 trident/1 bite or 2 talons/1 bite or
rounds, as well as deafened for 1d6 hours. heavy crossbow or net
5. A victim must save versus paralysis or be paralyzed for Damage: 1d8 trident, 1d4 bite, 1d4 talon,
2d6 rounds just like a Ghoul's touch (elves are likewise 1d4 bite, or other weapon
immune). Movement: 30'
6. A victim who must save versus spells or be inflicted by
No. Appearing: 1d8, Lair 1d6 x10, Wild 1d10+10
a horrid decaying odor for 1d6 days and attract scavengers
(at least one additional roll for wandering monsters during Save As: Fighter: 2
each interval). The stench also means a character's Morale: 7
Charisma is reduced by 8 points (minimum score of 3). Treasure Type: Individuals N; Lair E, I, O
Their chances of stealth are greatly reduced, and XP: 100
effectively impossible when facing creatures with a keen
sense of smell. Sahuagin are a predatory fish-man race that feature green
coloration, darker along the back and lighter on the belly.
An adult male sahuagin stands roughly 6 feet tall and
weighs about 200 pounds. A sahuagin can sense
movement underwater within a 30-foot radius. They speak
their own language, as well as common and usually one
other language. A sahuagin can survive out of the water
A Satyr's body has the upper half of a man and the lower
half of a goat with red or chestnut brown hair, with hooves
and horns that are jet black. They speak sylvan, and most
also speak common. Satyrs are related to their lesser kin
(fauns and ibex) but are much rarer and more reclusive.
The keen senses of a satyr make it almost impossible to
surprise one in the wild. Conversely, with their own
natural grace and agility, satyrs can sneak up on travelers
who are not carefully watching the surrounding wilderness.
Once engaged in battle, an unarmed satyr attacks with a
powerful head butt. A satyr expecting trouble is likely to be
armed with a bow and a dagger.
Satyrs can play a variety of magical tunes on their pan
pipes. Usually, only one satyr in a group carries this
instrument. When it plays, all creatures within a 60 foot Sea Cat
(except satyrs) must save vs. spells or be affected by
Charm Person, Sleep, or Fear. The satyr chooses the Armor Class: 18
tune and its effect. In the hands of other beings, these Hit Dice: 11 (+9)
pipes have no special powers. A creature that successfully No. of Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite
saves against any of the pipe’s effects cannot be affected Damage: 1d6 claw, 1d8 bite
by the same instrument for 24 hours. Movement: 10' Swim 40'
No. Appearing: 1, Wild 1d10
Save As: Fighter: 11
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: None
XP: 1,575
Seat Cats are sea green colored with a feline head and
fish body. A typical sea cat is 12 feet long and weighs 800
pounds. Sea cats attack on sight, either for food or to
defend their territory, and use both claws and teeth. They eyes upon one must succeed on a save vs spells or
display tremendous courage, always fighting to the death, instantly be weakened, reducing Strength by 2d6 points
even against creatures many times their size. Pairs and for 1d6 turns. This damage cannot reduce a victim’s
prides of sea cats attack in concert, trying to wear the Strength score below 0, but anyone reduced to 0 falls to
opponent down until one beast can dispatch it. A sea cat the ground helpless. Creatures that are affected by this
that hits with both claw attacks latches onto the opponent’s power or that successfully save against it cannot be
body and tears into its flesh. This automatically deals an affected again for 24 hours.
extra 2d6 points of damage.
A sea hag will attack with two daggers in melee combat.
They gain +4 to damage due to their supernatural
Three times per day, a sea hag can focus its evil gaze upon
any single creature within 10 feet. The target must succeed
on a save vs poison or be paralyzed for three days (75%)
or die (25%). Remove Curse or Dispel Evil can restore
sanity sooner. Creatures with immunity to fear effects are
not affected.
Seahorse, Giant
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 1
No. of Attacks: 1 ram
Damage: 1d4 ram
Movement: Swim 80'
No. Appearing: Wild 10d10
Save As: Fighter: 1
Morale: 6
Treasure Type: None
XP: 25
Shocker Lizard sleep, charm or hold magic. As they are mindless, no form
of mind reading is of any use against them. Leaded
Armor Class: 16 skeletons never fail morale, and thus always fight until
Hit Dice: 2* destroyed.
No. of Attacks: 1 bite
Skeleton, Clockwork
Damage: 1d4 bite
Movement: 40' Swim 20' Armor Class: 13
No. Appearing: 1d6, Lair 2d6 Hit Dice: 2+2
Save As: Fighter: 2 No. of Attacks: 1
Morale: 7 Damage: 1d6 or by weapon
Treasure Type: None Movement: 40'
XP: 100 No. Appearing: 2d6
Save As: Fighter: 2
A Shocker Lizard has a pale gray or blue underside and a
darker hue on its back. They are about 1 foot tall at the Morale: 12
shoulder and weigh 25 pounds. These lizards are typically Treasure Type: None
found in warm marshes. XP: 75
Once per round, a shocker lizard can deliver an electrical The Clockwork Skeleton is a bronze skeleton powered
shock to a single opponent within 5 feet. This attack will by a strange arrangements of pulleys, coils, wires, and
stun on a failed save vs. death ray. Whenever two or more gears. They have rudimentary brain matrices limited to
shocker lizards are within 20 feet of each other, they can knowing a patrol area, responding to alarms, recognizing
work together to create a lethal shock. This effect has a friend and foe, and standing guard. They will not
radius of 20 feet, centered on any one contributing lizard. automatically attack unless what they are guarding is
The shock deals 2d8 electrical damage for each lizard disturbed. Unlike normal animated skeletons, a clockwork
contributing to it (maximum 12d8); a successful save vs. skeleton is vulnerable to edged weapons due to the nature
death ray reduces the damage by half. of the wires and pulleys that make up their mechanics.
A shocker lizard relies on its electrical abilities in combat Just like normal skeletons, bronze skeletons are immune to
and can automatically detect any electrical discharges sleep, charm or hold spells. As they are mindless in the
within 100 feet. They tend to bite only after attempting to traditional sense, no form of mind reading is of any use
shock an opponent. A solitary lizard flees once it delivers against them. They never fail morale and always fight until
its shocks, but if other shocker lizards are nearby, they will destroyed. However, because clockwork skeletons are not
home in on their comrade’s discharges. true undead they cannot be turned by a cleric.
Crimson Bones are a special type of undead created Haunted Bones are the undead skeletal remains of fallen
through a combination of alchemy and necromancy. warriors possessed by malicious spirits. Unlike ordinary
Crimson bones appear as normal skeletons in all regards mindless skeletons, haunted bones are controlled by a
except they are blood-red in color. They obey the will of malevolent intelligence residing within them. They appear
their creator or greater undead beings. Each time a as skeletons clad in the armor and rotten clothes from their
crimson bones is reduced to 0 HP it is destroyed as former lives, moving with an unearthly speed and
normal, however 1d4 rounds later they rise again with half precision and fighting with deadly skill.
its HP allotment. They continue to rise each time after
destruction unless targeted by a Bless spell, doused with Like ordinary skeletons, they take only half damage from
holy water, or otherwise subjected to holy powers as edged weapons, and only a single point from arrows, bolts
determined by the GM. Crimson bones will otherwise or sling stones (plus any magical bonus). As with all
regenerate 1 HP per day. undead, they can be Turned by a Cleric (as a ghoul), and
are immune to sleep, charm or hold spells.
Like ordinary skeletons, they take only half damage from
edged weapons, and only a single point from arrows, bolts Skeleton, Pitch
or sling stones (plus any magical bonus). As with all
Armor Class: 15
undead, they can be Turned by a Cleric (as a zombie),
however even if destroyed they will rise again after a short Hit Dice: 6*
period as described above. They are immune to sleep, No. of Attacks: 1
charm or hold spells. Being mindless, no form of mind Damage: 1d6 +special
reading is of any use against them. Crimson bones never Movement: 40'
fail morale and always fight until destroyed. No. Appearing: 1d4
Save As: Fighter: 6
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: B
XP: 555
are completely immune to fire-based attacks. As with all Snail, Giant Cone
undead, they can be Turned by a Cleric (as a wraith), and
are immune to sleep, charm or hold spells. Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 3*
Skragg No. of Attacks: 1 dart
Armor Class: 14 Damage: 1d6 dart + paralysis
Hit Dice: 4* Movement: 10'
No. of Attacks: 2 claws / 1 bite No. Appearing: 1d3, 1d3 Wild Lair 1d3
Damage: 1d4 claw, 1d8 bite Save As: Fighter: 3
Movement: 40' Swim 30' Morale: 8
No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 1d6, Lair 2d6 Treasure Type: None
Save As: Fighter: 4 XP: 175
Morale: 10 (8) Giant Cone Snails are extremely well-camouflaged and
Treasure Type: B, D in lair highly toxic. They have a natural long and narrow
XP: 280 hypodermic tube (a modified tooth) to inject poison and
can launch it up to 20 feet. Stricken victims must save
Skraggs are smaller semi-aquatic relatives of the common versus poison or be paralyzed for 2d6 hours. They
troll, but appear slightly stockier. They are sometimes swallow prey whole once succumbed. Each snail has but
called swamp trolls. They more likely to communicate with a single tooth to launch, and if this attack is not successful,
potential victims rather than just attack, demanding some the creature will retreat inside its shell. This gives it a
sort of tribute; they will normally leave would-be victims bonus of +6 to its AC. The snail will then simply wait for
alone if their demands are met. any enemy combatants to give up and leave. Giant cone
Skraggs attack with claws and by biting. Like regular trolls, snails generally will not attack groups of creatures which
they have the ability to regenerate; however, a skragg must outnumber them, but may lay in wait for a single
have at least 50% of its body immersed in water for their opponent to become isolated and thus vulnerable.
regeneration to take effect. Unlike typical trolls, skraggs
regenerate from acid damage, but they fear fire like other
trolls; the lower morale rating (in parenthesis) is used when
the skragg faces attackers armed with fire.
Giant Two-Headed Snakes are rarely surprised, as at Sphinxes are massive winged lions with human-like faces.
least one head is usually alert. Each head can attack an A typical sphinx is nearly 10 feet long and weighs over 800
individual target, though the targets have to be close to pounds. Sphinxes have Darkvision out to 60 feet. A
each other. Their poison is quite potent and saves are sphinx can speak all languages of men and dragons, as
made with a -2 penalty. well as their own racial tongue. They prefer witty discourse
over open combat, but will defend themselves and their
Snake, Vort homes if threatened.
Armor Class: 15 Because their flight is rather clumsy, sphinxes prefer to
Hit Dice: 1+2 fight on the ground, tearing with their razor-sharp claws. A
No of Attacks: 1 sphinx's roar causes all creatures within 100 feet to be
Damage: 1d3 + poison affected with fear for 2d6 rounds (as Fear spell) unless
Movement: 50' they save vs. spells. After a roar, a sphinx must wait 1d4
rounds before doing so again. Sphinxes continuously
No. Appearing: 1d4
Detect Invisible and Detect Magic. A sphinx casts spells
Save As: Fighter: 1 as either a magic-user (40%), cleric (40%), or sometimes
Morale: 7 as both (20%) equivalent to their half their hit dice (6 th
Treasure Type: none level).
XP: 25
A Giant Bola Spider forms a long thread of silk, attaches Giant Diving Bell Spiders carry a supply of air with them
a web to the end, and then throws it at its target. If they around the hairs of their body and craft an underwater lair
succeed they drag the victim in, entangling them further to filled with air. They are otherwise similar to giant spiders.
feed upon. Entangled individuals may break free on a roll
of 1 on 1d6 (modified by Strength bonus); otherwise they Spider, Giant Ice
are stuck (like the Web spell). Those entangled will be
Armor Class: 16
drawn to the spider in 1 round unless they are very heavy.
Hit Dice: 6*
Spider, Giant Trapdoor No. of Attacks: 1 bite + poison
Damage: 1d10 bite
Armor Class: 15
Movement: 50'
Hit Dice: 4*
No. Appearing: 1d6
No. of Attacks: 1 bite
Save As: Fighter: 6
Damage: 1d8 bite + poison or wrestling
Morale: 12
Movement: 50'
Treasure Type: None
No. Appearing: Wild 1d4
XP: 555
Save As: Fighter: 4
Morale: 8 A Giant Ice Spider is a crystal-clear spider adapted to icy
Treasure Type: None environments. They are immune to cold-based attacks but
XP: 280 take an additional point of damage (per die) from fire or
heat effects. Rather than spin silk webs they spin ice into
Giant Trapdoor Spiders dig deep tunnels and cover the web-like structures.
entrance with a trapdoor-like patch of silk covered in dirt,
leaves and other camouflage. They often lay out Besides a poisonous bite, they can spit saliva up to 30 feet
camouflaged sensory threads of silk. They spring out to that freezes fast and ensnares man-sized or smaller
attack passing creatures by detecting vibrations, trying to creatures. The Ice Spider must hit with an attack, and the
drag them inside the lair (see the Wrestling rules in the affected creature can break free with a 1 on 1d6 (modified
Encounters section of the BFRPG Core Rules). The trap by Strength bonus).
doors can be detected as secret doors, but the spider will
usually attack long before the search can be completed.
When lying in wait in their tunnels, they gain surprise on 1-
4 on 1d6.
Shrieking Tarantulas are rare, aberrant forms of the The Stalag looks very much like a stalactite, hanging from
regular Giant Tarantula. They are about the size of a the ceiling of a natural cave. It senses the sounds and
horse and have red leg-joints. Shrieking tarantulas are warmth of living creatures nearby, and attacks by dropping
somewhat intelligent but are driven by their hunting onto the victim. Due to their camouflage and their silent
instincts. attack they surprise on 1-5 on 1d6.
Their bite is deadly; those bitten must save vs. poison or
be forced to dance wildly. The dance lasts 2d10 rounds,
during which time the victim has a -4 penalty on attack
and further saving throws. Thieves or characters with
similar thief-like abilities may not utilize such skills while
dancing. Onlookers must save vs. spells or begin dancing
themselves; such “secondary” victims suffer the same
penalties as above, but they will only dance for 2d4
rounds. During each round that those bitten are dancing,
they must save vs. poison again or take 1d4 points of
damage. The secondary victims do not suffer this effect.
Neutralize Poison will cure the original victim, and Dispel
Magic will stop the dance for all victims in the area of
effect, whether original or secondary.
In addition to its normal attack, the shrieking tarantula may
flick a cloud of urticating hairs from its abdomen at an
enemy. This fills an area of a 20 foot radius but quickly
disperses by the next round. Creatures caught within the
area of effect suffer a painful, itching rash, and for the next
turn must save vs. poison each round. A failed save
indicates that the victim spends that entire round
scratching and screaming. These hairs may be used only
once, after which they regrow in about a week.
Finally, the shrieking tarantula can shriek, causing those
within 10 feet to save vs. poison or be stunned for 1
round. When hunting, the spider often stuns its prey,
followed by encapsulating it in silken thread, binding and
rendering the prey helpless and to be fed upon later.
Steel Spider Tappers jealously guard their claim, otherwise they have a
single-minded focus on their mining. A tapper attacks with
Armor Class: 18 † its mining picks or similar implements. Silver or magical
Hit Dice: 5** weapons are needed to strike a tapper. A Dwarf killed by a
No. of Attacks: 2 forelegs tapper will rise as one unless Bless is cast upon its body.
Damage: 1d6 forelegs
Movement: 40'
No. Appearing: 1 Armor Class: 16
Save As: Fighter: 5 Hit Dice: 9* (+8)
Morale: 12 No. of Attacks: 1 bite/2 tendrils
Treasure Type: None Damage: 2d8 bite, 1d6 tendril
XP: 450 Movement: 20'
No. Appearing: 1
Steel Spiders are constructs used by inventive magic-
Save As: Fighter: 9
users to guard their possessions. They are made of steel,
with jeweled eyes (worth 100 gp each if removed). Their Morale: 12
main body is one foot in diameter, with each leg two feet Treasure Type: None
long. They are often painted black to blend in with their XP: 1,150
surroundings. They have Darkvision out to 120 feet.
A Tendriculos is a plant-like creature that can rear up to a
Steel spiders are often placed in ambush, and can only be height of 15 feet and weighs about 3,500 pounds.
detected on a 1 on 1d6 if they are hidden (even with Prowling deep in forests or waiting in vegetated areas, a
Darkvision). They can leap 30 feet, and automatically gain tendriculos attacks savagely, showing no fear. It attempts
surprise when making a leap attack if they have not to swallow as much flesh as it can.
already been detected. They attack with sword-like
forelegs. A tendriculos can swallow whole any creature smaller than
itself if it hits with a natural 20 on its bite attack. Once
As constructs they are immune to fear, charm, and similar inside the plant’s mass, the opponent must succeed on a
spells. They take an additional 1d6 points of damage per save vs. paralysis or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds by the
hit from any attack that rusts metal. They only take half tendriculos’s digestive juices, taking 2d6 acid damage per
damage from non-magical weapons. They can climb walls, round. A new save is required each round inside the plant.
even hanging upside down. They are resistant to magic, A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a light
and gain a +4 bonus to saves vs. wands or spells. slashing or piercing weapon to deal 25 points of damage
to the tendriculos’s interior (AC 14). Once the creature
Tapper* exits, the hole closes behind them and any other
swallowed opponents must cut their own way out.
Armor Class: 15 †
Hit Dice: 3 If a tendriculos loses part of its body mass it can be
No. of Attacks: 1 (usually weapon) regrown in 1d6 minutes. Holding the severed portion
Damage: 1d6 mining pick, 1d4 unarmed against the mass enables it to reattach instantly.
Movement: 30'
No. Appearing: 1d6
Save As: Fighter: 3
Morale: 14
Treasure Type: Special
XP: 145
The thulid's mental blast is a “cone” of mental force with a Vampire Spawn*
60 foot range and a diameter of 50 feet at the far end. The
mental blast can be used at most one time per day per Armor Class: 15 ‡
HD. A thulid can choose to either stun or kill those within Hit Dice: 4*
the affected area. If the thulid chooses to stun, those in the No of Attacks: 1 punch, 1 bite
area of effect must save vs. spells or be rendered 1d6+3 punch, 1d3 bite + special
unconscious (as if by Sleep) for 2d6 rounds. A killing blast
Movement: 30'
allows a save vs. death ray, with failure resulting in
immediate death. Mindless creatures and the undead are No. Appearing: 1d4, Wild 1d4, Lair 2d4
unaffected. Add +2 to the saving throw if the victim is Save As: Fighter: 4
more than 20 feet from the thulid, or +5 if more than 40 Morale: 9
feet away. When such saves are successful the attacking Treasure Type: B
thulid is stunned for 3 turns.
XP: 280
Thulid, Great Brain Vampire Spawn are undead creatures that are created
Armor Class: 11 when Vampires slay mortals. Like their creators, spawn
remain bound to their coffins and to the soil of their
Hit Dice: 9** (+8)
graves. They appear much as they did in life, although
No of Attacks: Special much more hardened.
Damage: Special
Movement: 1' Vampire spawn use their inhuman strength when engaging
mortals, hammering their foes with powerful blows. If they
No. Appearing: 1
make a critical attack on their foe they will bite (automatic
Save As: Magic-User: 9 hit) and drain the blood of their victim. The bite deals 1d3
Morale: 7 points of damage and if the victim doesn't save vs death
Treasure Type: H ray they gain a negative level (see Energy Drain in the
XP: 1225 Encounter section of the BFRPG Core Rules). The
vampire spawn heals 1d8 HP for each level drained. Once
Great Brains look like monstrous, immobile brains ringed it bites the vampire spawn will hold fast and drain the
by many dexterous but weak tentacles, which it uses both victim each round automatically. Only a morale failure or
as manipulators and to drag itself around. The exact the death of the vampire spawn will break this hold.
relationship of the great brain to Thulids is unknown.
Great brains do not speak, but if they have need for it can Like vampires, vampire spawn are unharmed by non-
telepathically communicate with any creature of greater magical weapons and are immune to sleep, charm and
than animal intelligence. hold spells. Vampire spawn can be Turned by a Cleric (as
a vampire). However unlike their creator they can be slain
Although slow and physically weak, great brains possess when their HP is reduced to 0.
great magical power, and it shares the thulid's ability to use
a mental blast with the same effects. Vermen
Up to three times per day, a great brain can attempt to Armor Class: 16 (13)
enslave any one living creature within 30 feet, which must Hit Dice: 1+1
save vs. spells or be utterly dominated by the brain. An No of Attacks: 1 bite or 1 weapon
enslaved creature obeys the brain’s telepathic commands. 1d3 bite or by weapon
Such a creature can attempt a new save vs. spells every 24
Movement: 30'
hours to break free, or can be freed by a Remove Curse
spell. The control is also broken if the brain dies or is No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 2d10, Lair 2d6X10
separated from the slave by more than a mile. A great Save As: Fighter: 1
brain can also Teleport once per day with no risk of Morale: 5 (see below)
failure. They can psychically sense living creatures in a 100 Treasure Type: P each, E in lair
foot radius, and can use the following spells at will: Charm
XP: 25
Monster, Hold Monster, Confusion, and Telekinesis.
Vermen are medium-sized furred humanoids with rodent-
like heads and tails. They have long torsos and limbs.
They tend to slouch forward when walking upright,
Zombie, Flesh Eater failed, the humanoid dies in 3 days. An afflicted humanoid
who dies of zombie leprosy rises as a leper zombie at the
Armor Class: 14 next midnight.
Hit Dice: 2
Equipment, arms and armor of one slain by a leper
No. of Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite zombie (or used to destroy a leper zombie) carries a 5%
Damage: 1d3 claw, 1d6 bite chance of transmitting the disease each day. The infection
Movement: 40' can be removed from gear by washing in holy water,
No. Appearing: 2d8 heating with fire or casting Bless on each item.
Save As: Fighter: 2
Zombraire (and Skeletaire)
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: None Zombraire Skeletaire
XP: 75 Armor Class: 12 (see below) 13 (see below)
Hit Dice: 2* (variable) 1* (variable)
Flesh Eater Zombies are undead creatures similar to
No. of Attacks: 1 dagger or 1 spell 1 dagger or 1 spell
Zombies but even more dangerous. Like all undead they
are immune to spells that affect the mind (including sleep, Damage: 1d4 or per spell 1d4 or per spell
charm, and hold). Flesh eaters may be Turned by Clerics Movement: 20' 40'
(as a zombie). They feast on the flesh of living creatures, No. Appearing: 1 1
preferring to target intelligent humanoids. Save As: Magic-User: by HD Magic-User: by HD
Morale: 9 to 12 (see below) 12
In combat they are surprisingly quick and attack with a
Treasure Type: None None
flurry of claws and bites. While their claws are capable
weapons it is the creature's bite that is most deadly. Those XP: 100 (variable) 37
who are bitten and survive have a 5% chance per point of
Zombraires are free-willed undead magic-users. Like the
damage of contracting a fatal disease, causing death in 2d4
zombies they resemble, they move silently, are very strong
turns. Those who die from this disease rise in 2d4 rounds
and must be literally hacked to pieces to be destroyed.
as flesh eaters. Cure Disease will prevent death, or if cast
However, they do not suffer the initiative penalty common
on the corpse after death will prevent the corpse from
to ordinary zombies. They take only half damage from
blunt weapons and only a single point from arrows, bolts
Zombie, Leper or sling stones (plus any magical bonus). They may be
Turned by a Cleric (as a wight) and are immune to sleep,
Armor Class: 13 charm and hold spells.
Hit Dice: 1*
A zombraire slowly rots away, and as a zombraire rots it
No. of Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite loses its sanity; this is represented by the variable morale
Damage: 1d3 claw, 1d3 bite + disease listed. An insane zombraire fights to the death in hopes of
Movement: 30' being slain and thus ending its tortured existence.
No. Appearing: 1d12
The given statistics are for a zombraire formed from a 2nd
Save As: Fighter: 1
level magic-user; the HD and saving throws of a zombraire
Morale: 9 are based on the level it had in life. A zombraire can cast
Treasure Type: None spells as it did when living, but cannot learn new spells.
XP: 37
A Skeletaire is the final form of a zombraire which has
Leper Zombies shuffle toward their prey with grim rotted away completely. It takes only half damage from
purpose and hatred. More agile than other types of edged weapons, and only a single point from arrows, bolts
zombies, they are far more deadly as they carry a horrible or sling stones (plus any magical bonus). One can be
disease that resembles leprosy. Turned by a Cleric (as a zombie), and is immune to sleep,
charm or hold spells. A skeletaire never fails morale, and
They do not seek to consume living folk but to slay them. thus always fights until destroyed.
They may be Turned by a Cleric (as a ghoul) and are
immune to sleep, charm and hold spells. The statistics above are for a skeletaire formed from a 2nd
level Magic-User. A skeletaire will have HD equal to the
Humanoids bitten by leper zombies may be infected with character's level minus 1, and will save as a magic-user of
zombie leprosy. Each time a humanoid is bitten or a level equal to its HD. The skeletaire cannot speak, but
clawed, there is a 10% (cumulative per bite and blow) still retains the ability to prepare and cast spells as it did in
chance of the infection being passed. The afflicted life (but like a zombraire, it can never learn new spells).
humanoid is allowed to save vs. Death Ray; if the save is
Annubian Vermen