Module 3 - Analytics Techniques & Tools

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21st Century Leadership:
Mastering Analytical Thinking,
Technical Communication and
Adaptive Leadership
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I. O v e r v i ew o f An a ly t i c a l T o o ls
a. Ty p e s o f D a t a Ana l y sis
b. To o l s a nd Te c h n iq u e s
c. I m po r t a n c e o f D a t a V i s u al i z a t i o n
d. Ap p l i c a t i o n s o f D a t a An al y t i c s

II. I n d us t r y - R e l e v a n t An a ly t i c a l T o o ls

III. S t a t i s t i c al M e th o d s f o r D a t a An al y s i s

IV. D a t a Vi s ua li s a t i o n

V. Fro m An a ly s i s to S o l u t i o n : U s e th e 7 Fra m es M e t h o d
D ev e l o p i n g P ers p ec t i v es
Definition of Data Analysis
Data analysis is a process of examining,
cleaning, transforming, and modelling
data to discover useful information, draw
conclusions, and support decision-

With the increasing amount of data being

generated every day, data analytics has
become essential for organizations to stay
Types of Data Analysis

1 2 3 4
Descriptive Diagnostic Predictive Prescriptive
Analytics Analytics Analytics Analytics

Describes what Seeks to Uses historical Recommends the

has happened in understand why data to make best course of
the past by certain events or predictions about action to achieve
summarizing and outcomes future events or desired results
presenting data occurred by outcomes based on data
in a digestible identifying analysis
format patterns and
anomalies in the
Tools and Techniques

1 2 3 4 5

R and Microsoft Tableau Power BI Apache

Python Excel Spark

6 7 8 9 10

KNIME Splunk RapidMiner QlikView Talend

Features of R
1 2 3 4
Community and
Statistical Computing Data Visualization Data Frames

R was originally R has powerful data R has a vibrant R has an inherent

designed for visualization community, and the data structure
statistical computing packages like Comprehensive R called data
and data analysis. It ggplot2, which Archive Network frames, which is
has extensive allows users to (CRAN) provides a useful for
libraries for statistical create complex and vast repository of organizing and
modeling, customized plots packages for various manipulating
hypothesis testing, statistical and data structured data.
and data analysis tasks

Statistical • R excels in statistical analysis and is

widely used in academia, research, and
Analysis data science.

• It is known for its powerful and

Visualization customizable data visualization

Data • R provides efficient tools for data

Manipulation manipulation and cleaning.

Learning Curve General-Purpose Limitation

While R is excellent for

R may have a steeper
statistical tasks, it might not
learning curve, especially for
be as versatile for general-
those without a strong
purpose programming as
statistical background.
Features of Python
1 2 3 4
Libraries and
General-Purpose Community Support Readability

Python is a versatile Python has Python has a large Python

language used in extensive libraries and active emphasizes code
various domains, and frameworks, community, readability and
including web such as NumPy, contributing to a has a clean and
development, Pandas, and scikit- vast ecosystem of easy-to-
artificial intelligence, learn, making it packages and understand syntax
data science, and suitable for a wide resources
more range of applications

• Python is a general-purpose language

Versatility suitable for a wide range of applications
beyond data science

• The large Python community provides

Community and ample support, and there is extensive
Documentation documentation available for various

• Python integrates well with other

Integration languages and systems, making it suitable
for end-to-end application development

Data Visualization Statistical Analysis

While Python has good data

While Python is capable of
visualization libraries like
statistical analysis, R is often
Matplotlib and Seaborn,
considered more specialized
some users prefer the syntax
and robust in this domain
and flexibility of R's ggplot2

Choosing between R and Python depends on your specific needs. If

your focus is primarily on statistical analysis and visualization, R might
be a better choice. For more general-purpose programming and
versatility, Python is often preferred. Many data scientists and
analysts even use a combination of both languages based on the
requirements of their tasks.

 Tableau is a powerful data visualization and business intelligence

(BI) software that allows users to connect, visualize, and share data
in a way that is understandable and actionable
Features of Tableau
1 2 3 4
Dashboards and
Data Connectivity Data Visualization Ease of Use

• Tableau supports • Tableau provides • Dashboards allow • Tableau is designed

a wide range of a drag-and-drop users to combine to be user-friendly,
data sources, interface for multiple allowing both
including creating visualizations into a technical and non-
databases, interactive and single interactive technical users to
spreadsheets, dynamic view create compelling
cloud-based visualizations • Stories enable the visualizations
data, and more • Users can create creation of • It requires minimal
• It can connect to various chart narratives by coding, and most
live data sources types, combining sheets tasks can be
or import data for dashboards, and and dashboards to achieved through a
offline analysis reports to guide users through graphical user
represent a data-driven story interface
Features of Tableau

5 6 7
Integration Collaboration Mobile Support

• Tableau integrates Tableau Server and Tableau supports

with various data Tableau Online mobile devices,
sources, facilitate allowing users to
databases, and collaboration by access and interact
third-party allowing users to with dashboards on
applications. share and tablets and
• It can embed collaborate on smartphones
dashboards and dashboards in a
visualizations into secure environment
websites and
• Tableau's intuitive drag-and-drop interface
Ease of Use makes it accessible to users with varying levels
of technical expertise.

Rapid • Users can quickly create powerful visualizations

without extensive programming or data
Visualization manipulation.

• Tableau visualizations are highly interactive,

Interactivity allowing users to explore and analyze data

Community and • Tableau has a large and active user community,

providing resources, forums, and support for
Resources users.

• Tableau is scalable and can handle large

Scalability datasets, making it suitable for both small
businesses and large enterprises.

Limited Data Dependency on Data

Cost Learning Curve
Transformation Structure

The effectiveness of
While Tableau is Tableau can depend
While Tableau is
Tableau can be excellent for on the structure and
designed to be user-
relatively expensive, visualization, its data cleanliness of the
friendly, mastering
especially for larger manipulation underlying data.
advanced features
organizations or capabilities are not Messy or poorly-
may still require
when using as extensive as structured data may
some learning for
advanced features. some dedicated data require
new users.
preparation tools. preprocessing
outside of Tableau.

Tableau is a popular choice for organizations seeking powerful and

interactive data visualization and business intelligence tools. Its
strengths lie in its ease of use, rapid visualization capabilities, and
strong community support. However, organizations should be mindful
of the costs and ensure that Tableau aligns with their specific
business needs and data requirements.
Power BI

 Business analytics service

 Product of Microsoft
 Visualize and share insights from their data
 Tools for data analysis, reporting, and visualization
 Help organisations make data-driven decisions.
Features of Power BI

1 2 3 4
Data Transformation
Data Connectivity Visualization Dashboards
& Modeling

Can connect to a Tools for Users can create Customizable

wide range of data transforming and interactive and dashboards that
sources, including shaping data, compelling provide a
Excel, databases, creating visualizations using consolidated view of
cloud-based and on- relationships a variety of charts, key metrics and
premises data between tables, and graphs, maps, and insight
sources, and various building data models other visualization
online services to facilitate analysis elements
Features of Power BI

5 6 7 8
Natural Language Collaboration and Integration with
Mobile Accessibility
Query Sharing Microsoft Products

will generate Users can share such as Excel, Power BI offers

visualizations and reports and SharePoint, and mobile apps for iOS
insights based on dashboards securely Azure services and Android devices,
those queries with others, both allowing users to
within and outside access their reports
the organization. and dashboards on
supports the go
features like
commenting and
• Intuitive and user-friendly interface
• Accessible to both technical and non-technical
Interface users.

• Supports a wide range of data sources,

Extensive Data
• Allowing users to connect to various types of data
Connectivity for analysis.

• Suitable for both small businesses and large

Scalability enterprises (scalability)

• Provides a cost-effective solution for business

Cost-Effective intelligence compared to many other tools in the

• Regularly releases updates and

Regular Updates • New features releases
• Access to the latest tools and capabilities.

Limited Dependency on
Data Security Desktop Version
Learning Curve Customization for Microsoft
Concerns Limitations
Visualizations Ecosystem

Mastering The free desktop

advanced features version has
Closely tied to the
may require some Some users may limitations (data
learning, for find the refresh rates and
complex data Sharing sensitive customization collaboration
full integration
modeling and information options limited features),
may require the
DAX (Data compared to other Paid Power BI Pro
use of other
Analysis specialized tools or Premium is
Microsoft products
Expressions) necessary for
formulas some users

• A versatile and powerful tool for business intelligence

• Offering a range of features that cater to different user needs
• With some limitations
• Strengths make it a popular choice
• Use by organizations looking to harness the power of their data
for decision-making..
Apache Spark

 An open-source distributed computing system.

 Provides a fast and general-purpose cluster computing framework
for big data processing.
 Developed to address the limitations of the MapReduce model and
aims to provide a more flexible and efficient data processing
Features of Apache Spark

1 2 3 4
Resilient Distributed
In-Memory Processing Ease of Use Versatility
Datasets (RDD)

Spark performs in- Spark provides high- Spark supports a RDD is Spark's
memory data level APIs for variety of data fundamental data
processing, storing programming in processing tasks, structure, offering
intermediate data in Java, Scala, Python, including batch fault-tolerant,
memory rather than and R. This makes it processing, real-time distributed data
writing it to disk. This accessible to a wide stream processing, processing across a
results in faster data range of users, machine learning, cluster
processing including data and graph
compared to scientists, engineers, processing.
traditional disk- and analysts.
based processing
Features of Apache Spark

5 6 7 8 9
Machine Learning Community
Spark SQL GraphX Spark Streaming
Library (MLlib) Support

Allows users to MLlib is a A graph Enables the Spark has a large

query structured scalable machine processing library processing of and active open-
data using SQL learning library that facilitates the real-time data source
syntax within included with analysis and streams, making community,
Spark, enabling Spark, providing manipulation of Spark suitable for contributing to
data analysts to algorithms for graph-structured applications that ongoing
leverage their classification, data require low- development,
SQL skills regression, latency support, and the
clustering, and processing creation of
collaborative additional libraries
•In-memory processing and advanced optimizations make
Speed Spark significantly faster than traditional MapReduce for
certain workloads

•Spark's high-level APIs and built-in libraries simplify the

Ease of Use development of complex data processing applications.

•Spark provides a unified platform for various data processing

Unified Platform tasks, reducing the need for separate systems for batch and
stream processing

•RDDs provide fault tolerance, ensuring that data is not lost

Fault Tolerance even in the event of node failures.

•The large and active Apache Spark community contributes to

Active Community ongoing improvements, documentation, and the creation of
additional libraries
Limited Support
Integration Complexity for
Resource Intensive Learning Curve for Interactive
Challenges Small Datasets

Spark's in- While Spark is Integrating Spark

memory designed to be with existing data
Spark's overhead While Spark SQL
processing can be accessible, users sources or tools
may make it less provides a SQL
resource- unfamiliar with may require
efficient for small interface,
intensive, distributed additional effort,
datasets or simple interactive queries
requiring a computing and some
data processing may not be as fast
significant amount concepts may connectors may
tasks compared to as some
of RAM. This can face a learning be less mature
more lightweight dedicated SQL
lead to higher curve, especially compared to other
solutions databases
infrastructure when working with data processing
costs advanced features systems

Apache Spark is a powerful and versatile framework for big data

processing, offering speed, flexibility, and a unified platform for
various tasks. However, users should be aware of its resource
requirements and potential challenges, especially when dealing with
smaller datasets or when integrating with certain systems

 KNIME (Konstanz Information Miner) is an open-source data

analytics, reporting, and integration platform.
 It allows users to visually create data flows, execute data
processing tasks, and implement machine learning models.
Features of KNIME

1 2 3 4
Graphical User Rich Set of Tools and
Node-Based Workflow Extensive Integration
Interface (GUI) Algorithms

KNIME provides a Workflows in KNIME KNIME supports a KNIME includes a

visual and user- are constructed wide range of data comprehensive set
friendly interface for using nodes, where connectors and of pre-built nodes for
designing and each node integrations, allowing data manipulation,
executing data represents a specific users to connect to transformation,
workflows. This data processing or various data analysis, and
visual approach analysis step. Users sources, databases, machine learning.
makes it accessible can connect nodes and file formats It also supports
to users with varying to create complex integration with
levels of technical data processing popular machine
expertise pipelines learning libraries
Features of KNIME

5 6 7 8
Workflow Sharing and Community
Data Visualization Scalability
Reusability Extensions

The platform KNIME allows users KNIME Server The KNIME Hub and
provides to share workflows enables the community
visualization tools for and components, deployment and extensions offer a
exploring and promoting execution of repository of
interpreting data. collaboration and workflows on a additional nodes and
Users can generate facilitating the reuse server, providing workflows
charts, graphs, and of analysis and scalability for contributed by the
other visual processing steps handling larger user community,
representations datasets or more extending the
within the KNIME intensive platform's
environment computations functionality

User-Friendly •The visual and intuitive interface makes KNIME accessible to

users with diverse backgrounds, including business analysts
Interface and data scientists

•Users can extend KNIME's functionality by creating custom

Extensibility nodes or by leveraging community-contributed extensions
available on the KNIME Hub.

Wide Range of •KNIME supports integration with various data sources,

databases, and file formats, making it versatile for diverse
Connectors data analytics tasks

Workflow •The platform facilitates collaboration through shared

workflows and components, enabling team members to work
Collaboration on and improve each other's analyses.

•KNIME has an active and growing user community, providing

Community Support forums, documentation, and support for users at different
skill levels

Learning Curve for Deployment Steep Server

Resource Intensive
Advanced Features Challenges Licensing Costs

Large and complex Deploying and

While KNIME is user-
workflows may managing workflows The licensing costs
friendly, mastering
consume significant on KNIME Server for KNIME Server,
advanced features
system resources, may involve especially for larger
and customization
and users should additional deployments, can be
options may require
consider the considerations, and significant, and
some learning,
scalability and organizations need to organizations should
especially for users
performance plan for server carefully assess their
new to data analytics
implications of their infrastructure and needs and budget
or machine learning
workflows maintenance

KNIME is a powerful and flexible platform for data analytics, offering a

visual and collaborative approach to designing and executing
workflows. Its open-source nature and active community contribute to
its strengths, while users should be aware of potential challenges
related to learning curves and resource utilization

 A platform designed for searching, monitoring, and analyzing

machine-generated data in real-time.
 It is widely used for log management, security information and
event management (SIEM), and other data analytics and
visualization tasks.
Features of Splunk

1 2 3 4
Data Collection and Search and Query Correlation and
Real-Time Monitoring
Indexing Language Alerting

Splunk can collect Splunk's powerful Splunk provides Splunk can correlate
and index machine- search and query real-time monitoring data from different
generated data from language allow capabilities, allowing sources, helping
various sources, users to efficiently users to detect and users identify
including logs, search and analyze respond to events as patterns and
metrics, and events. large volumes of they occur. anomalies. It also
data in real-time. supports alerting
based on predefined
Features of Splunk

5 6 7 8
Dashboards and Machine Learning and Security and
App Ecosystem
Visualizations AI Integration Compliance

Splunk enables the Splunk integrates Splunk has a rich Splunk provides
creation of custom with machine ecosystem of apps features to help
dashboards and learning and artificial and add-ons organizations
visualizations to intelligence tools for developed by both monitor and manage
present data insights predictive analytics, Splunk and third- security events,
in a clear and anomaly detection, party vendors, supporting
actionable manner and automated extending its compliance
insights functionality for requirements and
specific use cases incident response
•Splunk is designed to scale horizontally, allowing
Scalability organizations to handle increasing amounts of data by adding
more instances

•Splunk excels in real-time data analysis, providing quick

Real-Time Analysis insights into operational issues, security incidents, and other

Search and Query •The search and query language in Splunk is powerful and
flexible, enabling users to perform complex searches and
Capabilities analysis efficiently

•Users can customize and tailor Splunk to their specific needs,

Customization creating custom dashboards, reports, and alerts

Comprehensive App •The broad range of apps and add-ons available in the Splunk
ecosystem allows organizations to extend the platform's
Ecosystem capabilities for various use cases
Complexity for
Data Retention
Cost Learning Curve Resource Intensive Small

Splunk can be
While powerful, Splunk can be Storing large
Splunk's resource- volumes of data in For small
especially for
capabilities may intensive, and Splunk for environments or
have a learning organizations extended periods simple use cases,
deployments or
curve for new need to allocate can lead to the complexity of
when advanced
users, particularly sufficient increased storage Splunk may be
features and add-
those unfamiliar resources to costs. perceived as
ons are required.
with the search handle the volume Organizations overkill, and
query language of data being should plan for simpler solutions
should carefully
and data processed, data retention may be more
evaluate their
processing especially in large- policies suitable.
budget and
concepts. scale deployments accordingly.
licensing needs

Splunk is a powerful platform for managing and analyzing machine-

generated data, with strengths in real-time monitoring, search
capabilities, and customization. However, organizations should
carefully consider factors such as cost, learning curve, and resource
requirements when evaluating Splunk for their specific needs.

 A data science and machine learning platform that facilitates the

design and deployment of predictive analytics, machine learning
models, and other data-driven solutions.
Features of RapidMiner

1 2 3 4
Graphical Workflow Extensive Data Machine Learning
Data Preprocessing
Design Integration Algorithms

RapidMiner provides It supports the RapidMiner offers a The platform

a visual interface for integration of data range of tools for includes a variety of
designing data from various cleaning, pre-built machine
workflows, making it sources, databases, transforming, and learning algorithms
accessible to users and file formats, preparing data for for classification,
with varying allowing users to analysis, helping regression,
technical work with diverse users address data clustering, and more
backgrounds datasets quality issues
Features of RapidMiner

5 6 7 8
Automated Machine Model Validation and Integration with
Learning (AutoML) Evaluation External Tools

RapidMiner It provides tools for RapidMiner is It integrates with

automates the model validation, designed to scale external tools and
process of model cross-validation, and with the complexity languages such as
selection, performance of data science Python and R,
hyperparameter evaluation to assess projects, allowing enabling users to
tuning, and feature the accuracy and users to work on leverage additional
engineering, making robustness of small datasets or functionalities and
it easier for users to machine learning large-scale, libraries
build accurate models enterprise-level
models projects

User-Friendly •RapidMiner's graphical interface makes it easy for users with

Interface diverse skill sets to design and execute data workflows

•Users can quickly prototype and experiment with different

Rapid Prototyping data processing and modeling techniques, accelerating the
development cycle.

Comprehensive Set of •It offers a wide range of tools for data integration,
preprocessing, modeling, and evaluation, providing a
Tools comprehensive environment for data science tasks

•The AutoML features automate the process of model

AutoML Capabilities building, saving time and reducing the need for manual

Flexibility and •Users can extend RapidMiner's functionality by incorporating

external tools, scripts, and custom code, allowing for greater
Extensibility flexibility

Limited Advanced Learning Curve for

Resource Intensive Cost
Analytics Advanced Features

While RapidMiner is Resource usage may The cost of

Advanced features
powerful for general become a concern RapidMiner licenses
and customization
data science tasks, it for very large may be a
options may have a
may lack some datasets or complex consideration,
learning curve for
advanced analytics analyses, and users especially for larger
users new to data
capabilities found in should ensure enterprises or
science or machine
more specialized sufficient computing organizations with
tools resources budget constraints.

RapidMiner is a versatile and user-friendly platform for data science

and machine learning, offering a range of features to support different
stages of the data analysis process. While it may have some
limitations, its strengths lie in its accessibility, rapid prototyping
capabilities, and support for a broad range of data science tasks.

 A business intelligence (BI) platform that enables users to visualize

and analyze data to make informed business decisions. It is known
for its associative data model, interactive visualizations, and user-
friendly interface.
Features of QlikView

1 2 3 4
Associative Data In-Memory Data Interactive
Self-Service BI
Model Processing Dashboards

QlikView uses an QlikView utilizes in- Users can create QlikView supports
associative data memory data interactive and self-service business
model, allowing processing to quickly dynamic dashboards intelligence, allowing
users to easily analyze and with a wide variety of users to create their
explore and analyze visualize data visualizations, own reports,
data by making without the need for including charts, dashboards, and
dynamic constant queries to graphs, tables, and visualizations
associations the underlying data maps without heavy
between different source reliance on IT
data points
Features of QlikView

5 6 7 8
Data Integration and Collaboration Security and Access
Elastic Data Modeling
Connectivity Features Control

It can connect to QlikView's QlikView enables The platform

various data associative data collaboration through provides robust
sources, including model supports on- shared dashboards security features,
databases, the-fly data and the ability to including role-based
spreadsheets, and modeling, making it annotate and share access control,
web services, easy to add new insights within the ensuring that users
enabling users to data sources or platform have appropriate
integrate data from modify existing ones access to data
diverse platforms without extensive
upfront modeling

User-Friendly •QlikView has an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making

it accessible to business users with varying levels of technical
Interface expertise

Associative Data •The associative data model allows users to explore data
interactively, making unexpected discoveries and uncovering
Model hidden insights.

•Users can quickly develop and deploy dashboards and

Rapid Development reports, reducing the time to insights and facilitating agile

•QlikView is scalable, enabling organizations to deploy it for

Scalability small teams or enterprise-wide BI initiatives.

Versatile •The platform offers a range of visualization options,

supporting different types of charts and graphs to effectively
Visualizations communicate data insights

Limited Web-Based Learning Curve for Dependency on

Authoring Advanced Features QlikView Server

Web-based authoring While the basics are To fully leverage QlikView may have a
capabilities may be user-friendly, collaboration and higher upfront cost
more limited mastering advanced access control compared to some
compared to some features may require features, other BI tools.
other BI tools, which training, particularly organizations may Organizations should
may impact the for complex data need to invest in carefully evaluate
ability to create modeling and QlikView Server their budget and
content on the go scripting. infrastructure requirements.

QlikView is a powerful BI platform with features that support

interactive data exploration and visualization. Its user-friendly
interface and associative data model contribute to its strengths, while
organizations should consider factors such as cost and infrastructure
requirements when evaluating it for their BI needs.

 A popular open-source data integration and ETL (Extract,

Transform, Load) platform that facilitates the integration,
processing, and preparation of data across various systems.
Features of Talend

1 2 3 4
Data Integration Connectivity Big Data Integration Data Quality

Talend provides a Talend supports a Talend has robust The platform

comprehensive set wide range of support for big data includes tools for
of tools for designing connectors, allowing technologies such as data quality
and executing data users to integrate Hadoop, Spark, and management,
integration data from various NoSQL databases, allowing users to
workflows. It sources, including enabling users to clean, standardize,
supports the databases, cloud process and analyze and validate data. It
extraction, platforms, large volumes of also provides
transformation, and applications, and data. profiling features to
loading of data from more. understand data
diverse sources. structures
Features of Talend

5 6 7 8
Master Data Graphical Design Open Source
Cloud Integration
Management (MDM) Interface Foundation

Talend supports Talend supports Talend offers a user- Talend Open Studio
cloud-based data master data friendly, graphical is an open-source
integration, allowing management, interface for version that provides
users to work with helping designing data a cost-effective entry
data stored in cloud organizations integration jobs point for users. The
platforms such as maintain a single, using a drag-and- community actively
AWS, Azure, Google consistent version of drop approach. This contributes to
Cloud, and others master data across makes it accessible forums,
various systems to users with documentation, and
different technical additional
backgrounds components

Open Source •Talend Open Studio is freely available, providing a cost-

effective entry point for users to explore data integration
Foundation capabilities without licensing costs

Connectivity and •The platform supports a wide array of data connectors,

making it versatile for various data integration scenarios,
Integration including both traditional and modern data sources.

•Talend's support for big data technologies enables

Big Data Processing organizations to process and analyze large datasets
efficiently, making it suitable for big data integration projects

User-Friendly •Talend's graphical interface allows users to design data

integration workflows with ease, promoting user adoption
Interface and reducing the learning curve.

•Talend has an active and engaged community that

Community Support contributes to forums, documentation, and additional
components, providing support for users at different levels

Learning Curve for Enterprise Edition Resource Intensive for Limited Features in
Advanced Features Costs Large Workloads Open Source Version

While the platform is The enterprise Processing large

The open-source
user-friendly, version of Talend volumes of data may
version, while
mastering advanced comes with additional require sufficient
feature-rich, may lack
features and dealing features and support, computing resources,
certain advanced
with complex but organizations and users should
capabilities that are
integration scenarios should consider the plan for scalability
available in the
may require some associated licensing and performance
enterprise edition
learning costs considerations

Talend is a powerful and versatile data integration platform with

strengths in connectivity, big data processing, and user-friendly
design. Organizations should consider their specific requirements,
budget constraints, and the learning curve when evaluating Talend for
their data integration needs.
Data Analysis

Data analysis is a process of

Importance of Data Visualization examining, cleaning, transforming,
and modelling data to discover useful
Data visualization plays a crucial role in information, draw conclusions, and
data analysis. It involves presenting support decision-making.
data in visual formats such as charts,
graphs, and dashboards to make With the increasing amount of data
complex information more accessible being generated every day, data
and understandable. analytics has become essential for
organizations to stay competitive.
Industry-Relevant Analytical Tools

QlikView Splunk

2 4

1 3

SAS BA Board
Statistical Methods for Data Analysis

Descriptive Statistics

01 Inferential Statistics

06 02
Predictive Analysis

Parametric Tests
05 03
Exploratory Data 04
Analysis (EDA)

Non-Parametric Tests
Descriptive & Predictive Statistics
Descriptive Statistics:
Definition: Descriptive statistics involve the use of
numerical and graphical techniques to summarize and
describe the main features of a dataset.

Purpose: Descriptive statistics provide a concise summary

of the essential characteristics of a dataset, helping to
simplify large amounts of data into understandable
patterns. Common measures in descriptive statistics
include measures of central tendency (mean, median,
mode) and measures of variability (range, variance,
standard deviation).

Example: If you have a dataset of exam scores for a class,

descriptive statistics would help you summarize the
average score, the spread of scores, and the most common
Descriptive & Predictive Statistics
Descriptive Statistics: Predictive Statistics:
Definition: Descriptive statistics involve the use of Definition: Predictive statistics involve the use of
numerical and graphical techniques to summarize and statistical models and techniques to make predictions or
describe the main features of a dataset. forecasts about future events based on historical data.

Purpose: Descriptive statistics provide a concise Purpose: The goal of predictive statistics is to identify
summary of the essential characteristics of a dataset, patterns and relationships within a dataset that can be
helping to simplify large amounts of data into used to make informed predictions about future
understandable patterns. Common measures in observations. This is commonly used in fields such as
descriptive statistics include measures of central machine learning, where models are trained on
tendency (mean, median, mode) and measures of historical data to make predictions about new, unseen
variability (range, variance, standard deviation). data.

Example: If you have a dataset of exam scores for a Example: Using past sales data to build a predictive
class, descriptive statistics would help you summarize model that forecasts future sales, or using historical
the average score, the spread of scores, and the most weather data to predict future weather conditions.
common score.
Descriptive & Predictive Statistics

Predictive Statistics:
Definition: Predictive statistics involve the use of statistical models
PAST and techniques to make predictions or forecasts about future
events based on historical data.

Purpose: The goal of predictive statistics is to identify patterns and

relationships within a dataset that can be used to make informed
PRESENT predictions about future observations. This is commonly used in
fields such as machine learning, where models are trained on
historical data to make predictions about new, unseen data.

Example: Using past sales data to build a predictive model that

FUTURE forecasts future sales, or using historical weather data to predict
future weather conditions.
Data Visualization

1 2 3 4 5

Column Chart Bar Chart Line Chart Pie Chart Scatter Plot

6 7 8 9 10

Histogram Heat Map Treemap Gantt Chart
7 Frames Method Developing Perspectives

Fact Frame Time Frame Cost Frame Frame of


Emotion Relationship Risk Frame

Frame Frame

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