Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services
Features of AWS
AWS provides various powerful features for building scalable, cost-
effective, enterprise applications. Some important features of AWS
What is AWS?
The full form of AWS is Amazon Web Services. It is a platform that offers
flexible, reliable, scalable, easy-to-use and, cost-effective cloud
computing solutions.
AWS is a comprehensive, easy to use computing platform offered
Amazon. The platform is developed with a combination of infrastructure
as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and packaged software
as a service (SaaS) offerings.
The following are the features of AWS:
o Flexibility
o Cost-effective
o Scalable and elastic
o Secure
o Experienced
1) Flexibility
o The difference between AWS and traditional IT models
is flexibility.
o The traditional models used to deliver IT solutions that require
large investments in a new architecture, programming
languages, and operating system. Although these investments
are valuable, it takes time to adopt new technologies and can
also slow down your business.
o The flexibility of AWS allows us to choose which programming
models, languages, and operating systems are better suited for
their project, so we do not have to learn new skills to adopt new
o Flexibility means that migrating legacy applications to the cloud
is easy, and cost-effective. Instead of re-writing the applications
to adopt new technologies, you just need to move the
applications to the cloud and tap into advanced computing
o Building applications in aws are like building applications using
existing hardware resources.
o The larger organizations run in a hybrid mode, i.e., some pieces
of the application run in their data center, and other portions of
the application run in the cloud.
o The flexibility of aws is a great asset for organizations to deliver
the product with updated technology in time, and overall
enhancing the productivity.
2) Cost-effective
o Cost is one of the most important factors that need to be
considered in delivering IT solutions.
o For example, developing and deploying an application can incur a
low cost, but after successful deployment, there is a need for
hardware and bandwidth. Owing our own infrastructure can incur
considerable costs, such as power, cooling, real estate, and staff.
o The cloud provides on-demand IT infrastructure that lets you
consume the resources what you actually need. In aws, you are
not limited to a set amount of resources such as storage,
bandwidth or computing resources as it is very difficult to predict
the requirements of every resource. Therefore, we can say that
the cloud provides flexibility by maintaining the right balance of
o AWS provides no upfront investment, long-term commitment, or
minimum spend.
o You can scale up or scale down as the demand for resources
increases or decreases respectively.
o An aws allows you to access the resources more instantly. It has
the ability to respond the changes more quickly, and no matter
whether the changes are large or small, means that we can take
new opportunities to meet the business challenges that could
increase the revenue, and reduce the cost.
3) Scalable and elastic
o In a traditional IT organization, scalability and elasticity were
calculated with investment and infrastructure while in a cloud,
scalability and elasticity provide savings and improved ROI
(Return On Investment).
o Scalability in aws has the ability to scale the computing resources
up or down when demand increases or decreases respectively.
o Elasticity in aws is defined as the distribution of incoming
application traffic across multiple targets such as Amazon EC2
instances, containers, IP addresses, and Lambda functions.
o Elasticity load balancing and scalability automatically scale your
AWS computing resources to meet unexpected demand and scale
down automatically when demand decreases.
o The aws cloud is also useful for implementing short-term jobs,
mission-critical jobs, and the jobs repeated at the regular
4) Secure
o AWS provides a scalable cloud-computing platform that provides
customers with end-to-end security and end-to-end privacy.
o AWS incorporates the security into its services, and documents to
describe how to use the security features.
o AWS maintains confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your
data which is the utmost importance of the aws.
Physical security: Amazon has many years of experience in
designing, constructing, and operating large-scale data centers. An
aws infrastructure is incorporated in AWS controlled data centers
throughout the world. The data centers are physically secured to
prevent unauthorized access.
Secure services: Each service provided by the AWS cloud is secure.
Data privacy: A personal and business data can be encrypted to
maintain data privacy.
5) Experienced
o The AWS cloud provides levels of scale, security, reliability, and
o AWS has built an infrastructure based on lessons learned from
over sixteen years of experience managing the multi-billion dollar business.
o Amazon continues to benefit its customers by enhancing their
infrastructure capabilities.
o Nowadays, Amazon has become a global web platform that
serves millions of customers, and AWS has been evolved since
2006, serving hundreds of thousands of customers worldwide.
History of AWS
2002- AWS services launched
2006- Launched its cloud products
2012- Holds first customer event
2015- Reveals revenues achieved of $4.6 billion
2016- Surpassed $10 billon revenue target
2016- Release snowball and snowmobile
2019- Offers nearly 100 cloud services
2021- AWS comprises over 200 products and services
Advantages of AWS
Following are the pros of using AWS services:
AWS allows organizations to use the already familiar programming
models, operating systems, databases, and architectures.
It is a cost-effective service that allows you to pay only for what you
use, without any up-front or long-term commitments.
You will not require to spend money on running and maintaining
data centers.
Offers fast deployments
You can easily add or remove capacity.
You are allowed cloud access quickly with limitless capacity.
Total Cost of Ownership is very low compared to any
private/dedicated servers.
Offers Centralized Billing and management
Offers Hybrid Capabilities
Allows you to deploy your application in multiple regions around
the world with just a few clicks
Disadvantages of AWS
If you need more immediate or intensive assistance, you’ll have to
opt for paid support packages.
Amazon Web Services may have some common cloud computing
issues when you move to a cloud. For example, downtime, limited
control, and backup protection.
AWS sets default limits on resources which differ from region to
region. These resources consist of images, volumes, and
Hardware-level changes happen to your application which may not
offer the best performance and usage of your applications.