We hope that the explanations given throughout this book will
make your experience with us more meaningful. If you have any
questions, don’t be afraid to ask.
The special language we use in our devotional service is called
Pali. It is the ancient language that the Buddha’s teachings are
written in. By continuing to use this language along with a
translation we are able to keep a direct connection with the
Buddha while at the same time understanding the meaning. It
also ensures that as modern languages change we can always
go back to the original.
The best way to learn Pali pronunciation is by listening and
chanting along. In brief, it’s helpful to know that in “th” the
“h” is always silent, and that “c” and “ch” are both pro-
nounced with a hard “ch.”
One word we say throughout the service is “Sādhu!” It means
“excellent.”You will also hear “Namo Buddhaya,” which
means “Homage to the Buddha.”
In the time of the Buddha as well as today, people bow, as we
do, to show our respect and humility. We bow to show respect to
the Buddha and his monastic followers. Even children are en-
couraged to bow to their own parents to show respect. As with
all of the practices we do here, you are welcome to participate
or observe in a way that feels comfortable to you.
Be sure to browse our lending library to find more books to
learn the teachings of the Buddha.
If you have any questions, please speak to one of the monks or
lay people. Everyone wants to help you feel at home here.
Friday Evening Puja
Salutation to the Buddha
This is the same way that people expressed praise and honour
to the Buddha even when he was alive.
Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa
Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the supremely Enlightened One!
Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the supremely Enlightened One!
Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the supremely Enlightened One!
I go for refuge ♦ to the supreme Buddha.
I go for refuge ♦ to the supreme Dhamma.
I go for refuge ♦ to the supreme Sangha.
For the second time ♦ I go for refuge ♦ to the supreme Buddha.
For the second time ♦ I go for refuge ♦ to the supreme Dhamma.
For the second time ♦ I go for refuge ♦to the supreme Sangha.
For the third time ♦ I go for refuge ♦ to the supreme Buddha.
For the third time ♦ I go for refuge ♦ to the supreme Dhamma.
For the third time ♦ I go for refuge ♦ to the supreme Sangha.
Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!
Buddhānussati: Contemplation on the Qualities of the Buddha
The Buddha had nine special qualities. Buddhas are the only
ones who have all nine. We often recite them when we place
items on the shrine.
1. Iti pi so bhagavā, araham,
2. sammāsambuddho,
3. vijjācaranasampanno,
4. sugato,
5. lokavidū,
6. anuttaro purisadammasārathi,
7. satthā devamanussānam,
8. buddho,
9. bhagavā ti.
5. opanayiko,
6. paccattam vedittabbo viññūhīti.
5. Those four pairs of persons ♦ the eight kinds of individuals: ♦that is the Order
of Disciples ♦ of the Blessed One. They are worthy of offerings,
6. they are worthy of hospitality,
7. they are worthy of gifts,
8. they are worthy of reverential salutations,
9. an incomparable field of merit for the world.
1. Homage to Vipassi the Buddha ♦ possessed of the eye of wisdom and
splendor. Homage to Sikhi the Buddha ♦ compassionate towards all beings.
2. Homage to Vessabhu the Buddha ♦ free from all defilements ♦ and possessed
of great energy. Homage to Kakusanda the Buddha ♦ the conqueror of the army
of Mara.
3. Homage to Konagamana the Buddha ♦ who has shed all defilements ♦ and
has lived the holy life. Homage to Kassapa the Buddha ♦ who is fully freed from
all defilements.
4. Homage to Angirasa ♦ the Buddha Gotama ♦ son of the Sakyas ♦ full of
radiance ♦ who proclaimed the Dhamma ♦ that dispels all suffering.
5. Those in the world ♦ who have extinguished the flames of passion ♦ and have
realized through insight ♦ things as they really are ♦ they never slander anyone
♦ they are mighty men ♦ who are free from fear.
6. Gotama the Buddha ♦ dear to gods and humans ♦ endowed with knowledge
and virtue ♦ mighty and fearless ♦ we pay homage to our Great teacher ♦
Supreme Buddha.
I show my humble reverence ♦ to all the stupas ♦
in all of the places ♦ that they stand ♦
the bodily relics ♦ the Great Bodhi Tree ♦
and all the Buddha images forever.
I show my reverence ♦ to this Bodhi-tree ♦
seated under which ♦ the Teacher attained full Enlightenment ♦
by overcoming all defilements.
I too honor ♦ this great Bodhi-tree ♦
which was honoured ♦ by the Leader of the World ♦
My homage to thee ♦ O King of Bodhi-trees
Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!
My great teacher ♦ Supreme Buddha ♦ eradicated passion ♦ hatred and
delusion. My great teacher ♦ Supreme Buddha ♦
Eradicated the desire of ♦ seeing forms.
Eradicated the desire of ♦ hearing sounds.
Eradicated the desire of ♦ smelling odors.
Eradicated the desire of ♦ tasting flavors.
Eradicated the desire of ♦ touching tangibles.
Eradicated the desire of ♦ thinking thoughts.
Supreme Buddha ♦ controlled sense faculties ♦ guarded sense faculties ♦
restrained sense faculties.
Supreme Buddha ♦ is free from defilements.
My great teacher ♦ Supreme Buddha ♦ purified his body ♦ speech and mind. In
this way ♦ my great teacher ♦ Supreme Buddha ♦ is an Arahant.
Supreme Buddha ♦ understood suffering ♦ as a Noble Truth.
... eradicated the origin of suffering ♦ as a Noble truth.
... attained the cessation of suffering ♦ as a Noble Truth.
... followed the Path ♦ leading to the cessation of suffering ♦ as a Noble Truth.
In this way ♦ Supreme Buddha ♦ realized the Four Noble Truths ♦ without
anyone’shelp ♦ escaped from suffering ♦ and achieved true happiness.
I offer with great respect ♦ these beautiful flowers ♦ sweet fragrance ♦ sweet
drinks ♦ and bright light ♦ to my great teacher ♦ Supreme Buddha.
Invitation to the Deities
As we know, the Buddha taught not only humans the path to
freedom from suffering but also gods and divine beings. As fel-
low disciples, we invite them to come and listen to the Buddha’s
teachings being recited.
Samantā cakkavālesu–Atrāgacchantu devatā
Saddhammaṁ munirājassa–Sunantu saggamokkhadaṁ
Parittas savanakālo ayaṁ bhadantā
Parittas savanakālo ayaṁ bhadantā
Paritta dhammassavanaakālo ayam bhadantā
In the universe in their entirety, let the deities come here;
The good doctrine of the King of Sages which gives heaven and
This is the time to listen to the protective discourses.
This is the time to listen to the protective discourses.
This is the time to listen to the protective Dhamma discourses.
Kammā Vācanā: Asking for Forgiveness
The Buddha taught that we benefit from recognizing our faults
and abandoning them. Although the Triple Gem cannot actually
forgive us, developing a wish to overcome our shortcomings
can lead to our happiness and well-being.
Kāyena vācā cittena, pamādena mayā kataṁ
Accayaṁ khama me bhante, Bhūripañña tathāgata
Kāyena vācā cittena, pamādena mayā kataṁ
Accayaṁ khama me dhamma, Sanditthika akālika.
Kāyena vācā cittena, pamādena mayā kataṁ
Accayaṁ khama me saṅgha, puññakkettaṁ anuttara.
If, due to negligence, I have done some wrong, by body, speech, or mind,
Forgive me of that offense, O Bhante, perfect One of vast wisdom.
If, due to negligence, I have done some wrong, by body, speech, or mind,
Forgive me of that offense, O Dhamma, visible and unaffected by time.
If, due to negligence, I have done some wrong, by body, speech, or mind,
Forgive me of that offense, O Sangha, supreme field of merit.
Asking for Forgiveness and Sharing Merit with Bhantes
Loving Kindness Meditation
(1) May I be free from anger. (4) May all beings in this province
May I be free from ill will. ... be free from anger
May I be free from jealousy. ... be free from ill will.
May I be free from mental ... be free from jealousy.
suffering. ... be free from mental suffering.
May I be free from physical ... be free from physical suffering.
suffering. May they live in peace.
May I live in peace. May I live May they live happily.
(5) May all beings in this country
May I be free from anger. ... be free from anger.
May I be free from ill will. ... be free from ill will.
May I be free from jealousy. ... be free from jealousy.
May I be free from mental ... be free from mental suffering.
suffering. .. be free from physical suffering.
May I be free from physical May they live in peace.
suffering. May they live happily.
May I live in peace. May I live
happily. (6) May all beings in this world
... be free from anger.
(2) May all beings in this monastery ... be free from ill will.
... be free from anger. ... be free from jealousy.
... be free from ill will. ... be free from mental suffering.
... be free from jealousy. ... be free from physical suffering.
... be free from mental suffering. May they live in peace.
... be free from physical suffering. May they live happily.
May they live in peace.
May they live happily. (7) May all beings
... be free from anger.
(3) May all beings in this city ... be free from ill will.
... be free from anger. ... be free from jealousy.
... be free from ill will. ... be free from mental suffering.
... be free from jealousy. ... be free from physical suffering.
... be free from mental suffering. May they live in peace.
... be free from physical suffering. May they live happily....
May they live in peace. live happily... live happily...
May they live happily.