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Apply Wizard

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Sales Guide

PAYARC - Payment Solutions 2023

Apply Wizard
Sales Guide This guide will give you step by step instructions to
navigate Apply Wizard. There will be instructions for
Entering a New Application, Filling out the Merchant
Application, E-signing the Merchant Application and
Creating a Pricing Template.

The below link will take you to Apply Wizard:


You should have received your log in credentials via email.

Once you are logged in you will see the Home Page in Apply You can also see the real-time status of each application as
Wizard. defined below:

Draft: Still being filled out, not sent to the merchant, or

Within the main homepage, you'll find a comprehensive list waiting for the merchant to complete.
of applications. On the far right, you'll have access to a set of
Waiting on Merchant Signature: Waiting on the
swift key options for efficient application management.
merchant to sign the application.
These options include archiving applications, generating
PDF copies, uploading supplementary documents to Application: Still in the applications process.
applications, making edits to applications, duplicating
applications, and viewing application details. These quick Underwriting: Still in the underwriting process.

actions empower you to streamline your application

Boarding: Still in the boarding process.
handling and boost productivity.

QA: Still in the QA process.

Post-Boarding: Still in the post-boarding process.

Sales Professionals that have oversight of other Sales Professional's accounts are listed as a "Primary Agent". The Sales
Professional who sold the account will appear in the "Agent" column. There are additional folders for those Sales Professionals
that oversee other Sales Professionals. These folders allow access to help manage those accounts.

Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 02

Entering a New Application

Select the “New Application” button to start a

new application.

Sales professionals have the flexibility to skip

specific sections when completing the
application. This will however mean the
merchant must complete the sections skipped
by the sales professional. The merchant does
not have the ability to skip any sections of the

Clicking this button will open

the "Merchant Information" section.

Complete the required merchant information.

Merchant DBA Name: Enter the Business Name.

Business/ Industry Type: Select the Industry type

for the business you are submitting.

Pricing Template: Select a template if one is

already created and saved. Otherwise, this
section is not required to be filled in. Prompts
will appear later in the application to enter the
pricing and fees manually.

Contact First & Last Name: Enter the First and

Last Name of the Merchant. This should be the
contact on the account that PAYARC will work
with. Not necessarily the owner; however it
could be.

Merchant Contact Email: Enter the merchant's

email address. This should be the email address
of who PAYARC will work with on the account.
This is also the email address that the
application will route to for signature.

Once all fields are complete select "Save and


Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 03

Select the merchant's pricing
model in “Pricing” section. The pricing
will auto-populate if templates are
pre-made. (See instructions on page 13) If
not, you will need to enter the pricing and
transaction information as applicable into
the proper fields.

**Consult your SCHEDULE A for pricing

floors and more information pricing
the account.

Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 04

Verify the final pricing on the “Pricing
Summary” section and select

Once you select “Continue” you will be

directed to the “Terminal Set Up
Questionnaire” section where you will
enter equipment information into the
Terminal Set up Questionnaire. There will
be 5 steps to this process. The Terminal
Set Up Questionnaire is not required at
this time but filling it out during this
application entry process will greatly
streamline the boarding process. After
completing each step select “Save &

Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 05

Step 1: Step 2:

Step 3: Step 4:

After finishing the Terminal Set up Questionnaire The merchant application link has a 30-day
you will be able to send the Merchant Application to expiration. This information should be
the merchant. The merchant will be able to continue communicated to potential merchants to ensure
filling out their information and sign the completed timely submission of their application.
application. If you opt to have the merchant fill out
the rest of the application, proceed. The email address that was entered on the
“Merchant Information” page for the merchant’s
If you would prefer to fill the rest of the application contact email address will be the email address the
out for your merchant, skip to the “Filling out the application will route to for signature.
Merchant Application” section below.
See page 14 for the instructions "Signing a
**The pricing and merchant information section Merchant Application” with Adobe E-sign.
must be filled out on the application prior to
sending the application to the merchant. The
merchant information and pricing information
will then be locked down. The merchant will not
have the ability to edit those fields.

Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 06

There are two ways to send the merchant
the application.

(1) You may generate a link to the

application to email the merchant.

(2) Select “Send to Merchant to

Complete” and an auto generated email
will be sent to the merchant.

Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 07

Filling out the Merchant Application

Skip this section if you opted to send the

merchant the application to finish.

If you prefer to fill out the entire

application for your merchant, select
“Continue” on the “Send Merchant
Application” section.

You will now be taken to the Transaction

Types section. You will need to fill in the
“Transaction Types” on behalf of the
merchant. Once complete select “Save &

**For a merchant to be considered a

Card Present merchant they must have
at least 70% of their transactions

Fill in the “Business Details” on behalf of

the merchant. Once complete select
“Save & Continue”.

If a merchant has a website and takes

e-commerce transactions, this field must
be completed to avoid unnecessary
account pends during the underwriting

Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 08

Once you select “Save & Continue” you
will be directed to the “Merchant Legal
Information” section.

Fill in the open fields and then select

“Save & Continue”. The merchant’s Legal
Information must be where the business
is legally registered, not the billing
address or physical location.

**At any point during the “Merchant

Application” you may stop and send
the application to the merchant by
selecting “Send to Merchant to

Once you select “Save & Continue” you

will be directed to the “Transaction
Information” section. Fill in the open fields
and then select “Save & Continue”.

When setting up the Desired Description

Field, it's essential to consider what you
want to appear on the customers'
statements. This aspect is crucial because
the accuracy and clarity of the information
provided can greatly impact the number of
chargebacks filed by customers who may
not recognize or remember the merchant

Amex ESA account number would be an

account number that the merchant has
direct with Amex for processing. This is
usually due to the processing volume being
over 1 million per year or having a direct
relationship with Amex. If the merchant
does not have an ESA account number,
PAYARC will apply for Amex for the
merchant through the Opt Blue process.

Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 09

After selecting “Save & Continue” you
will be directed to the “Signing Owners
Information” section. Select “Add
Principal Owner”.

Fill in the Principal Owner’s information

and then select “Add Owner”.

You will now see the “Owners

Information Summary” section. If the
information is correct select “Continue”.
If you need to edit the owner’s
information, select edit and make the
changes. Once changes are completed
select “Continue”.

The ownership information must

include 51% of the company’s
ownership. If any owners have more
than 25% ownership they must also be
entered in this section.

Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 10

Fill in the "Financial Information"
section and select "Continue." GIACT is
ran at this time to verify the bank account.
If the bank account is not correct it must
be updated.

*At any point of the “Merchant

Application” you may stop and send
the application to the merchant by
selecting the “Send to Merchant to
Complete” button.

If the merchant will accept payments for

If the merchant has 30% or more Card Not
products/services on their website they must
Present (CNP) you will be prompted to fill out a
enter the SSL provider in the Provider section.

When the “Questionnaire” section appears, fill

in all the fields and select “Continue” until all 8
screens of the Questionnaire are complete.

Step 1: Step 2:

Step 3:

Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 11

Step 5: Step 6:

Step 7: Step 8:

This question is referring to 3D Secure.

3D Secure is an additional layer of identity verification,

before authorization on e-commerce transactions.

After the Questionnaire is complete, you will

land on the “Document Upload” section of the

Upload all required documents by selecting the

“Upload” button. The documents required will
be based off the information that was collected
through the application entries.

Once all documents have been uploaded, select


Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 12

Please note that once an application is
signed by the merchant and submitted no
edits or document uploads can be
completed through Apply Wizard.
Additional documentation should be
submitted through the pended link that
underwriting sends via email.

After selecting “Continue” you will land

on the “Application Summary” section.
This is a rollup summary and breakdown
of each section of the application.

This section will outline the fields that

need completed before final

If edits need to be made select the “Edit”

icon on each item to make the
corrections. Once complete select “Send
to Merchant to Complete”. This will
generate an email to the merchant to sign
an adobe pdf copy of the application.

Once the application is complete it will be

sent to the merchant to start the
Merchant Engagement Process. The
merchant application link has a 30-day
expiration. This information should be
communicated to potential merchants to
ensure timely submission of their

Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 13

Signing a Merchant Application with DocuSign

An email will arrive to the merchant from

DocuSign, sent on behalf of PAYARC LLC, Sender:
with the following details: [email protected]

If you do not receive an email within 10
Signature requested on
minutes, please check your spam or junk
"PAYARC Merchant Application – {Your DBA Name}.pdf"
mail folder.

Open the email and locate the "Review

Document" button. Click on it to

After clicking the button, the DocuSign

link will open in the web browser. At the
top of the screen, select "Continue" to
initiate the signing process.

Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 14

Click "Start" located at the top left of the

Enter full Name and initials and then click,

"Adopt and Initial".

Navigate to the next field by clicking the

"Next" button.

Once you have signed and initials all required fields

select "finish" at the top right of the screen.

Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 15

Creating a Pricing Template

Select “Pricing Template” and then

“New Pricing Template”.

Consult the Schedule A for pricing

floors and more information.

Enter a “Template Name”. Select a

“Discount Rate Program” then “Save &

**If you are a Sales Professional that

oversees other Sales Professional's
accounts, you can share with them the
template by selecting “Share with all
sub agents”.

If cash discount or dual pricing is

applicable, Bundled Rate/Blended must
be selected.

Enter the rates in the “Edit Pricing

Template” and then select “Save &

Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 17

Fill in “Other fees” and select “Save &

Fill in “Monthly fees” and select “Save &


Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 18

Review the “Summary” of pricing fees. If
you need to make changes, select “Go
Back” and edit the fees. Otherwise it will
auto save your template.

You will now see the summary of your

“Pricing Templates”.

Apply Wizard - Sales Guide 2023 19

To learn more, please contact PAYARC support.

Support Phone - (877) 203-6624

Support Email - [email protected]

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