Apply Wizard
Apply Wizard
Apply Wizard
Sales Guide
Once you are logged in you will see the Home Page in Apply You can also see the real-time status of each application as
Wizard. defined below:
Sales Professionals that have oversight of other Sales Professional's accounts are listed as a "Primary Agent". The Sales
Professional who sold the account will appear in the "Agent" column. There are additional folders for those Sales Professionals
that oversee other Sales Professionals. These folders allow access to help manage those accounts.
Step 3: Step 4:
After finishing the Terminal Set up Questionnaire The merchant application link has a 30-day
you will be able to send the Merchant Application to expiration. This information should be
the merchant. The merchant will be able to continue communicated to potential merchants to ensure
filling out their information and sign the completed timely submission of their application.
application. If you opt to have the merchant fill out
the rest of the application, proceed. The email address that was entered on the
“Merchant Information” page for the merchant’s
If you would prefer to fill the rest of the application contact email address will be the email address the
out for your merchant, skip to the “Filling out the application will route to for signature.
Merchant Application” section below.
See page 14 for the instructions "Signing a
**The pricing and merchant information section Merchant Application” with Adobe E-sign.
must be filled out on the application prior to
sending the application to the merchant. The
merchant information and pricing information
will then be locked down. The merchant will not
have the ability to edit those fields.
Step 1: Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 7: Step 8:
If you do not receive an email within 10
Signature requested on
minutes, please check your spam or junk
"PAYARC Merchant Application – {Your DBA Name}.pdf"
mail folder.